(b) Write the criterion for stability of nonlinear system using describing 04
(c) What is nonlinear system? Classify various types of non linearities. 07
Q.2 (a) Draw the block diagram of discrete time system in close loop. Also 03
state the sampling theorem.
(b) Obtain the z-transform of Unit -Step and unit ramp function. 04
(c) Investigate the stability of the discrete time closed loop system for 07
sampling period T= 3 sec using Jury’s stability criterion.
F ( z ) = Z 3 − 1.8Z 2 + 1.05 Z − 0.2 = 0
(c) Given a z.o.h. in cascade with sampler with T=0.5Sec, 07
(s + 2)
G( s ) =
(s + 1)
Find the sampled-data transfer function, G(z).
(b) For given following Nonlinear system, Derive the stability using 04
Liapunov method.
̇ =x2
x2̇= -2x1-x23
(c) Consider the sampled data system of figure shown. Determine its 07
characteristic equation in z-domain and ascertain its stability via
bilinear transformation.
Q.3 (a) Define singular point. What are stable and unstable node 03
(b) What is Phase Plane trajectroies. Explain limit cycles. 04
(c) Find the limit of gain K for following system given with saturation 07
Q.4 (a) What are isoclines? Write steps of drawing phase trajectories using 03
isocline method in brief.
(b) Make comparison between Describing Function Method and Phase 04
plane method for Non-linear System based on its associated Features,
Advantages & Limitations.
(c) Derive the describing function for relay with deadzone non linearity. 07
Q.4 (a) Define Positive definite ,Positive semidefinite and Negative definite 03
(b) With sketch explain terms stability, asymptotic stability and stability 04
in large.
(c) Derive the describing function for hysteresis non linearity. 07
0 1 0
x(k + 1) = [ ]x(k)+[ ]u
−0.16 −1 1
Such that the systems will have closed loop poles are z=0.5±j0.5
(b) Check the controllability and stability of the linear discrete time 04
system 𝑥(𝑘 + 1) = 𝐺𝑥(𝑘) + 𝐻𝑢(𝑘), where, 𝐺=
0 1 0
( ) , 𝐻 = ( ).
−0.16 −1 1