Renewable Energy
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Keywords: Renewable energy-driven hydrogen production methods offer a promising solution for mitigating energy crises.
Methanol steam reforming (MSR) The present study introduces a new solar-driven hydrogen production system that within methanol steam
Reaction kinetics reforming (MSR) process. The numerical analysis is carried out using a cylindrical Fresnel linear concentrator
Linear fresnel concentrator
coupled with a solar thermal reactor (STR). A comprehensive kinetic model of the MSR reaction was constructed
Solar thermal reactor (STR)
and combined with analytical methods based on Monte Carlo ray tracing methods and finite volume methods to
analyze the multi-physical properties involved in the reaction process. The results indicate that a novel solar-
driven MSR-STR system can generate a sufficient driving force after adjusting the concentrator structure and
relative position to match the energy demand of the MSR reaction. The accuracy of the model is compared with
the experimental values, and the average error is 7.8 %. Tracking error of the component should be maintained
below 1.5◦ to ensure the optical efficiency. The annual hydrogen production was analyzed and the levelized cost
of hydrogen is $1.77/kg. Finally, a comparison is presented between the proposed MSR-STR system and para
bolic trough concentrator based MSR hydrogen production system to evaluate the feasibility of the former in
terms of the economics of implementation.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wangjj@ncepu.edu.cn (J. Wang).
Received 13 July 2023; Received in revised form 7 December 2023; Accepted 3 January 2024
Available online 4 January 2024
0960-1481/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
reaction while avoiding high-temperature catalyst deactivation. Cheng thermochemical catalysis with light-assisted thermal catalysis reactions
et al. designed an adequate parabolic trough solar receiver (PTSR) and increased the overall solar hydrogen production efficiency to 24.1 %
reactor and explored its potential for commercial scale-up through after Fresnel lens concentration [36]. Leutz et al. introduced an optimal
geometric parameter optimization [29]. Yu et al. filled the PTSR with convex non-imaging Fresnel lens was designed based on the edge ray
nanocatalysts to provide reaction heat through a significant photo principle [37]. Feng et al. reported the optical efficiency of the linear
thermal conversion effect [30]. Zhu et al. experimentally evaluated the cylindrical Fresnel lens (LCFL)at different incidence angles based on
comprehensive performance of the PV-PTSR reactor by spectral distri experiments and optical simulations [38]. Ma et al. compared the
bution method [31]. Reflective concentrators such as parabolic trough average collection efficiency and stable operation time of a cylindrical
concentrators (PTC), solar dish concentrator, compound parabolic Fresnel lens-based system coupled to a vapor generator with a parabolic
concentrators (CPC), and linear Fresnel reflectors (LFR) are technically trough type concentrator [39]. In another paper, the geometrical pa
mature and conducive to scale-up. MSR systems based on slot concen rameters of the cylindrical Fresnel lens were optimized through theo
trators face problems such as local overheating caused by uneven input retical analysis, experimental tests, and indirect estimation [40].
solar flux [32]. Maintaining a high methanol conversion efficiency re However, the work combining the cylindrical Fresnel lens with the
quires longer concentrator and reactor diameter lengths due to the solar-thermal-chemical process has not been reported, even though it
limitation of their concentration ratios. In short, more module installa shows remarkable potential.
tion area is required [33]. In addition, solar power states located in East The literature reviewed above has presented various system con
Asia and some Central Asian regions, although rich in solar resources, struction methods and optimization ideas for solar-driven thermo
also face the dilemma of wind and sand contamination on the surface of chemical reactions to hydrogen production. In this paper, a novel MSR-
solar concentrators [34], and large area installation of PTCs will un STR system is proposed to study the comprehensive reaction charac
doubtedly increase labor and economic costs. teristics and system performance, and the main work is organized as (1)
Another idea is to couple solar-driven thermochemical hydrogen A comprehensive three-dimensional model is established that in
production components with other novel concentrating collector sys corporates the geometrical, optical, thermal, and chemical characteris
tems. Several innovative concentrator designs based on Fresnel lenses or tics. (2) The performance analysis of this MSR-STR system includes an
reflectors have been proposed to miniaturize the modules and maintain optical model based on the Monte Carlo ray tracing (MCRT) method, a
efficiency while facilitating installation and post-maintenance [35]. validated chemical reaction kinetic model based on the computational
Compared to Fresnel reflectors, Fresnel lenses can obtain high geometric fluid dynamics (CFD) model, as well as the economic analysis and
concentration ratios and thus high-temperature heat. Zhang et al. evaluation indicators. (3) Numerical analysis of the solar-driven MSR-
designed a cylindrical photothermal reactor that combined STR system was carried out to obtain better optical efficiency and
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
investigate the H2 production performance. convection and the MSR series reaction, (3) the heat from the outer wall
of the glass is transferred to the inner wall of the glass hood by radiative
2. System and methodology description heat transfer. The heat is then transferred to the metal tube walls by
surface-to-surface (S2S) radiative heat transfer within the near-vacuum
2.1. Physical model of MSR-STR system environment.
However, the overall MSR reactions are complicated to fully consider
Fig. 1 illustrates the schematic diagram of the MSR-STR reaction all aspects of the methanol-steam reforming process. Therefore, some
system. The optical components consist of a concentrator, parabolic assumptions have been made in this study. The S2S model is chosen as
reflector, solar thermal reactor, and supporting structure, utilize a the main thermal transfer path, and the annulus space is considered as a
single-axis solar tracking system driven by a stepper motor to track the perfect vacuum to ignore the effect of convective heat transfer. The gas
sun. The MSR-STR system concentrates solar rays using an LCFL, as mixture, including reactants and products, is assumed to be an ideal gas.
depicted in Fig. 1(a). The incident solar rays are subsequently irradiated The catalyst particles are assumed to be homogeneous and uniformly
onto the STR surface and absorbed by selective absorbing coatings. The filled throughout the reactor. Optical simulations are conducted using
CPC is used to collect solar rays and homogenize the solar flux distri the MCRT method with 105 randomly emitted rays. The effect of solar
bution on the reactor surface. The STR is designed with a tubular length azimuth on the convergence process is also neglected in the subsequent
(L) and an outer glass tube diameter (dgo), and the thickness of the glass optical simulation.
tube and the diameters of the outer and inner steel tube (dso and dsi), as
presented in Fig. 1(b). 2.3. Mechanism of MCRT method
The annular solar thermal reactor, as depicted in Fig. 2, is the
essential component of the endothermic MSR reactions. The 3-D STR The MCRT method is used to analyze the designed path of the solar
model mainly consists of three computational parts: (1) the stainless rays and the effective optical efficiency of the MSR-STR system. The
tube and the glass cover of the reactor, (2) the porous bed domain of the concentrated solar flux is calculated by the MCRT optical model based
Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst and muti-component gas mixture, and (3) the on the Law of Large Numbers [41]. The ray tracing is based on the
vacuum annular space between the receiver tube and the glass tube. Tracepro software, and the material, light source, and operation prop
Three main reactions were adopted as the main scope of MSR reaction erties has carefully reviewed. The PMMA is obtained as the material of
kinetics that is generally accepted for methanol decomposition. The the linear cylindrical Fresnel concentrator (relative refraction index =
reactions inside the STR involve a series of solar-thermal-catalytic sur 1.5), and the spectrum transmittance of PMMA is given in Table 1. The
face reactions, and the design of the concentrator configuration, optical fluid reactants entered the reactor is heated by the irradiance temper
calculations, photothermal conversion, thermal mass transfer, and ac ature. Thus, the concentrated solar radiance is not only considered as the
curate simulation of the reaction kinetics are all considered in this study. boundary condition in the radial direction of the reactor, but also as a
heat source in the porous catalyst filled bed to promote the reaction
2.2. Thermal and mass transfer process of MSR-STR system forward.
The solar thermal reactor mainly exchanges heat and mass with the 2.4. Numerical methods
surrounding environment through various processes: (1) a portion of the
light beam that passes through the cylindrical Fresnel concentrator is 2.4.1. Governing equations
directly irradiated onto the upper surface of the reactor, while the rest of The realizable k-ε two-equation turbulence model has been accepted
the light is reflected by the secondary concentrator mirror and then for most common engineering solves [42]. The continuity equation,
irradiated onto the side and lower surfaces of the reactor. The absorbed momentum conservation equation and energy conservation equation of
coating on the reactor wall converts the light into heat energy, which the realizable k-ε turbulence model are listed below. The porous catalyst
heats the reactor, (2) the heat energy from the reactor wall is transferred filled bed inside the STR consists of the solid phase (i.e., the Cu/Z
to the interior of the reactor and the porous Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst bed nO/Al2O3 catalyst particles) and the gas phase mixed with MSR re
by heat conduction, followed by heat transfer between the porous cat actants and/or products (i.e., CO, CO2, H2, CH3OH).
alytic particles and the multi-component gas mixture by thermal k equation:
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
[( ) ] ( )
∇(ρuε) = ∇ μ+
∇ε + c1 ρSε − c2 ρ
√̅̅̅̅̅ (2) λeff = εp λf + 1 − εp λ (13)
σε k + νε
( ∫T )
∑ ho,i
Continuity equation: St = − +
cp,i dT Ri,r
MW,i Tref,i
∇ ⋅ (ρ→ (3)
u )=0
Momentum conservation equation (for chemical species): where ho,i is the enthalpy of species i, Ri,r is the volumetric mass rate of
[ ] creation of species i, which can be automatically calculated by the
( ) 2
u = ∇ ⋅ − p I + μ ∇→
u ⋅ ∇)→ u + (∇→
u )T − μ(∇ ⋅ →
u ) I + ρgi + Fi ANSYS FLUENT software [42]. Here, we defined i = 1, 2, 3 for the MSR’s
3 sub-reactions.
(4) The component transport equations should also be solved for this
endothermic MSR reactions in STR. The local mass fraction of the
where the source term Fi is valid only for the homogeneous porous reactant/product species is calculated in the FLUENT software with a
catalyst. Fi can be expressed as follows: convection-diffusion equation, which can be shown as Eq. (15) [42]:
( )
μ 1
Fi = − ui + c2F ρ ± |u|ui (5) ∂
(ρui mn ) = −
+ Sn,R (15)
c1F 2 ∂xi ∂xi
where the c1F and c2F locate in the viscous loss term and inertial loss term where the Jn is the mass diffusion flux of species n, Sn,R is the source term
are the permeability and the inertial resistance factor [42]. These of the net rate of production species n. The Jn in a turbulence flow can be
experimental based terms are given as follows: expressed as Eq. (16):
D2p ε3p ( )
(6) μ ∂mn
c1F = ( )2 Jn = − ρDn,m + t (16)
150 1 − εp Sct ∂xi
( )
3.5 1 − εp where Dn,m is the mass diffusion coefficient of species n, Sct is the
c2F = (7) effective turbulent Schmidt number, commonly set as 0.7 [42]. In
Dp ε3p
addition, the pore diameter varies with the radial position in the actual
where εp is the catalyst bed porosity. Dp is the average diameter of the non-uniform distribution conditions [45]. The Maxwell-Stefan model is
Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst particles [43]: used to derive relations for the diffusion fluxes. It should be noted that
the porous catalyst has simplified as a pseudo homogeneous medium.
εp = 0.375 +
/ (8) More accurate diffusion modeling for the MSR response will be inves
Di Dp tigated in future work.
Considering the porous characteristics of the Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst The Sn,R can be calculated as follows:
bed and the chemical species of the mixture gas, the energy conservation ∑
of the porous phase and fluid phase can be expressed as: Sn,R = Mw,n Rn,r (17)
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
where Mw,n represents the molecular weight of species n, and the Rn,r is listed in Table 2. It should be pointed out that the thermophysical pa
the molar rate of each species in the specified reaction r, which are rameters, includes heat capacity and thermal conductivity of pure gas
demonstrated in Section 2.4.2. are varies with the working temperature. A common treatment is to
express the physical parameters of the substance in the form of poly
2.4.2. Comprehensive kinetic model of MSR reaction nomial functions, expressed as Eq. (24) and Eq. (25) [47].
The methanol-steam reforming using Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst typi cp,i = Ai,0 + Ai,1 Tf + Ai,2 Tf2 + Ai,3 Tf3 + Ai,4 Tf4 (24)
cally consists of three sub-reactions, methanol steam reforming reaction
(MSRR), methanol decomposition reaction (MDR), followed by the λi = Bi,0 + Bi,1 Tf + Bi,2 Tf2 + Bi,3 Tf3 (25)
reverse water-gas shift reaction (rWGSR). The overall reactions are
expressed as Eqs. (18)–(20): The Ai,0− 4 and Bi,0− 3 are the heat capacity coefficient and the thermal
Methanol steam reforming reaction (MSRR): conductivity coefficient of species i, where i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 is the species
of CH3OH, H2O, H2, CO, and CO2, respectively. The details of the heat
CH3 OH + H2 O⇌CO2 + 3H2 ΔHo298 = +49.4 kJmol− 1
capacity coefficient and the thermal conductivity coefficient are listed in
Methanol decomposition reaction (MDR): Table 3.
The mixing law is adopted in to calculate the heat capacity of mixture
CH3 OH⇄CO + 2H2 ΔHo298 = +90.64 kJmol− 1
gas, and the mass weighted law is used to calculate the thermal con
Reverse water-gas shift reaction (rWGSR): ductivity of mixture gas, respectively:
(20) ∑ ∑
1 n n
CO + H2 O(g)⇄CO2 + H2 ΔHo298 = − 41.1 kJmol−
cp,m = yi cp,i ; λm = yi λi (26)
Peppley et al. [46] have proposed a Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) i i=1
(21) surface of the reactor are calculated with the molecular weights of steam
( ) to methanol and their corresponding molar ratio.
pCH3 OH p2H pCO
kD KCH3 O(2) 1− 2
2.4.4. Solution conditions
1/2 KD pCH3 OH
rMDR = ( 2
) (22)
1/2 1/2
) The governing equations along with the boundary were solved
1 + KCH3 O(2) 1/2 + KOH(2) pH2O
1/2 1 + KH(2α) pH2 simultaneously based on the FLUENT 2020R2 [42]. The solver settings
pH pH
in the FLUENT is shown in Table 5. The solver governing equations of
2 2
pCO pH2 O
pH2 pCO2
) the three-dimensional STR model were discretized by the finite volume
kW KOH(1) 1/2
1− KW pCO pH2 O
CST1 CST1 method. The convection terms of governing equations are discretized by
rrWGSR = ( 2
(23) the second-order upwind scheme. The PRESTO! (PREssure STaggering
Option) scheme is used for pressure gradient terms solving. Due to the
pCH3 OH 2
1 + KCH3 O(1) 1/2 + KHCOO(1) pCO2 pH2 + KOH(1) pH2O)
precision and solution time consideration, the iterative solution is suf
pH pH
2 2
Table 2
Parameters for reaction kinetic model of methanol steam reforming [46,48]. Table 3
The coefficient of heat capacity and thermal conductivity for gas species.
Parameters Value Parameters Value
Coefficients CH3 OH H2O H2 CO CO2
kR/m2 s− 1 7.4 × 1014e102,800/ KH (1) e− 100.8/R+50,000/
mol− 1 (RT) (RT)
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
Table 4
ηo = (Qrec /Qtot ) × 100%
Boundary conditions of the FVM method based MSR comprehensive model. (29)
ηt = (Quse /Qrec ) × 100% = Quse /(Quse + Qloss ) × 100%
Boundaries Type Expressions
Methanol conversion rate (ηc), the H2 yield (YH2 ) and the CO selec
Inlet Constant mass flow and qx = qm,in, qy = qz = 0; T = Tin
temperature tivity (SCO) are used to assess the overall MSR performance. Here, the
Outlet Constant outlet pressure p = pout = 1.01 bar methanol conversion rate is defined as the ratio between converted
Reactor wall (end Coupled no-slip for The no-slip shear condition, zero methanol and the inlet methanol flow rate (nCH3OH, in) [51]:
surface) velocity and adiabatic for heat flux
heat transfer nCH3 OH,in − nCH3 OH,out
ηc = (30)
Glass cover (radial Coupled no-slip for The no-slip shear condition, nCH3 OH,in
surface) velocity and solar flux for concentrated solar flux
heat transfer distribution by MCRT model YH2 is defined as the ratio of the H2 production rate to the inlet methanol
End surface of Coupled no-slip for The no-slip shear condition, zero
flow rate:
glass cover and velocity and adiabatic for heat flux
reactor heat transfer nH2
YH2 = (31)
nCH3 OH,in
component gas mixture in the porous medium and the catalyst surface 3.1. Model validation
become the dominant modes of heat exchange, so that heat radiation
between catalyst particles is neglected. To simplify the analysis, several The feasibility and accuracy of the proposed kinetic reaction model
assumptions are made in the numerical simulation: (1) The gas mixture and numerical method were confirmed by comparing the simulation
is assumed to be in an ideal gas state and flow in the STR is considered to results and the experimental results. Peppley et al. [52] has conducted a
be in a steady state; (2) The catalyst is assumed to be isotropic and set of experiments of MSR reactions in a cylinder reactor packed of
porous; (3) Radiation heat transfer in the catalyst is neglected; (4) The Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst particles. The reactor’s nominal inner diameter
gas and solid phases within the catalyst are assumed to be in local (I.D.) is 2.21 cm, and Ref has given other typical baseline reaction
thermal equilibrium and the temperature differences are ignored. conditions [52]. To be close to the experimental conditions of the real
reaction, the uniform wall temperature (513 K and 533 K) setting similar
to the experiment is adopted in the reactor circumference. It should be
2.5. Parameter valuation noted that the central temperature in the experiment is obtained by the
thermocouple placed in the center of the reactor, rather than the tem
Some significant parameters have been proposed to comprehensively perature of the reactor wall. Fig. 3 illustrates the comparing results of
evaluate the performance of MSR hydrogen production system. The the values of methanol conversion rates ηc. Here, the weight flow ratio
optical and thermal characteristics, fluid dynamics, and component re (WFR) denotes the ratio between the mass weight of the catalyst parti
action performance of the MSR-STR are compared and analyzed. cles and the methanol molar flow rate at the inlet. The curves of
The Reynolds number, average Nusselt number and average friction
factor are the important evaluate factor for heat transfer and fluid dy
namics, which are given as [50]:
ρuDsi hDsi ΔpDsi
Re = , Nu = ,fm = (27)
μ λ (1/2)ρu2
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
numerical methanol conversion rates show a good agreement with the Table 7
experimental data for both reaction conditions at 513 K and 533 K. The Grid independence checking for a basic computational case with evaluation
maximum deviation between the numerical and experimental data is parameters.
10.7 %, which occurs when WFR is 3.2 and the reaction temperature is Cell number Tf,max /K Nu YH2 SCO fm ηc
513 K. The average deviation is 7.8 %. Considering the differences be
3845522 513 8.71 0.013 0.0012 17.276 0.019
tween numerical prediction and experimental operation, this deviation 4034069 513 8.72 0.013 0.0013 17.475 0.022
is acceptable to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of this kinetic 4556124 513 8.72 0.015 0.0013 17.477 0.022
reaction model. 5395986 513 8.73 0.014 0.0013 17.475 0.021
The validated kinetic model was embedded in STR to analyze the 6023453 513 8.72 0.015 0.0013 17.483 0.022
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
Fig. 5. The longitudinal incidence angle corresponds to the change of light path and focal length. (a) Light path and focusing points. (b) Focus characteristics changes
with longitudinal incidence angle.
absorber due to the dual effect of the secondary reflector and the opti receiving width and spills out from the edge of the secondary concen
mized receiving distance. However, when the θ exceeds 20◦ , the focus trator. When the γ increases to 1.5◦ , there is a significant decrease in the
length shifts significantly upward, causing the focus width to increase optical efficiency of the system.
sharply, while the light divergence becomes serious. Considering the
installation and operational characteristics of the equipment, it is pref 3.3. Operating parameter characteristics analyze
erable to install the MSR-STR system at low latitudes to avoid excessive
solar axial incidence inclination. 3.3.1. Reactor wall temperature
Fig. 7 displays the comprehensive performance of the MSR-STR
3.2.3. Tracking precision requirement system under various computational conditions as listed in Table 4.
Axial tracking accuracy plays a crucial role in the optical efficiency The wall temperature of the STR varies automatically with the direct
and energy flux distribution uniformity of the MSR-STR system. Fig. 6 normal irradiance (DNI) per hour at Hohhot, China (41 ◦ N, 110 ◦ E) from
shows the system optical efficiency when the imaging distance is 1920 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The maximum temperature (Tf, max) in the filled
mm, and the longitudinal offset is 0◦ . The imaging focus gradually shifts bed was monitored to prevent catalyst thermal sintering. The thermal
away from the STR cross-section’s center, and the system’s optical ef variation in the reaction zone is caused mainly by the inlet flow rate
ficiency decreases as the tracking error angle (γ) increases from 0◦ to (WFR), the wall heat flux density of the STR, the radiation heat dissi
2.5◦ . With an increasing γ, more rays initially reach the inner surface of pation from the STR to the atmosphere, and the reaction heat absorption
the secondary concentrator, leading to direct reflection and subsequent inside the STR. When the irradiation intensity exceeds the pre-set value,
concentration on the STR, causing a decline in the light intensity. Case 3 requires more attention to Tf, max than Case 0. From Fig. 7(a) it
Additionally, as γ increases, more light deviates from the designed can be seen that as the WFR value decreases, the inlet mass flow rate
increases and the maximum temperature Tf, max inside the STR filled bed
decreases while the DNI reaches to794 W/m2. Variations of Nu with
WFR shows that Nu decreases with the increasing of WFR, and fm value
shows the opposite trend with Nu. The smaller Nu presents the gentler
the flow in the STR. Although it slows down the intensity of convective
heat transfer to some extent, it also means that the reactants stay in the
STR for a longer time. The maximum mass flow rate allowed in the
reactor at this point is 16.42 g/s. The corresponding methanol conver
sion and H2 yield within the STR are shown in Fig. 7 (b). It is apparent
that the methanol conversion on this typical day at the time of maximum
solar irradiation cannot reach 100 % due to the constraint of the
maximum temperature.
Fig. 8 illustrates the response characteristics of the MSR-STR system
on a typical day on an hourly basis. The optical efficiency of the system
exhibits a pattern of low values on the two ends and high values in the
middle. The optical efficiency is calculated based on the solar altitude
angle, while the thermal efficiency considers the radiation heat loss of
the STR and atmospheric ambient. It is worth noting that the current
calculation conditions do not consider the influence of the azimuth angle
on the system efficiency. Although the WFR is increased around 12:00 a.
m. to prevent catalyst particle sintering, the axial incidence angle of the
sun remains the primary factor limiting the reaction rate.
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
Fig. 7. Comprehensive characteristics of the MSR-STR system with varying WFR. (a) WFR with Nu, fm and permissible temperature. (b) WFR with YH2 , SCO and
methanol conversion rate.
Fig. 8. Performance of MSR-STR system with varying irradiance. (a) Variations of irradiance, irradiated energy, and efficiency (b) Variations of ηc, H2 molar flow
rate and WFR.
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
Table 9
Estimated levelized cost of hydrogen of the system.
Parameter Value
where CTC is the total investment cost, CO&M and CMethanol are the
Fig. 9. H2 yield change with mixture gas temperature and CH3OH inlet annual O&M cost and methanol cost, respectively. Eannual is the annual
flow rate. H2 production (kg). The capital recovery factor fCR can be calculated by
the following equation:
[ ]
(1 + i)n − 1
fCR = (34)
i⋅(1 + i)n
where i is the annual fixed interest rate and n is the payback period.
The cost of the cylindrical Fresnel concentrator is approximately
$7680 [39]. According to a report by NREL, the unit footprint cost of a
vacuum heat collector used as a STR is roughly $22/m2 [56]. Thus, the
initial investment cost of the MSR-STR system is estimated to be $8532.
The annual fixed interest rate is assumed as 5 % and an O&M rate is
taken as 2 % [26]. Maintenance costs are the sum of routine mainte
nance costs and repair and replacement costs. The annual O&M cost also
includes the annual catalyst replacement cost, which is $38.7/kg for
CuO/ZuO/Al2O3. According to the above costs analysis, the O&M cost is
$1440 per year. The annual DNI of Hohhot city with 3560 effective
hours is depicted hourly in Fig. 11. The annual DNI data was measured
and collected with a weather station located on Hohhot, China. As a
result, it costs $33,448 per year to utilize roughly 90.4 tons of methanol.
In addition, the small structure allows it to be installed on a building’s
roof or an open space for direct use, without considering the trans
portation cost of methanol and hydrogen. Furthermore, the carbon
reduction gain from using solar energy and the gas separation and car
Fig. 10. Outlet mole fraction of CH3OH and H2 under various steam methanol bon capture costs of the STR export syngas is not considered.
ratio. MSR = 55 kg s/mol, Tw = 513 K. Assuming a payback period of 10 years, the LCOH of the system is
estimated to be $1.77/kg after considering the cost of all reactants and
materials required for the system, which is competitive with industrial
Table 8 MSR reactions under similar annual solar irradiation conditions.
Reaction rate and reaction heat in STR [55]. Furthermore, since the methanol is not fully reacted in the STR all the
Generation rates Expression time, the methanol exported from the outlet mixture gas can also be
CH3OH consumption rate rCH3 OH = − rR − rD reused as feedstock, which will further reduce the cost of material usage.
H2O consumption rate rH2 O = − rR − rWGS
CO2 production rate rCO2 = rR + rWGS 3.5. Discussion, foresight and outlook
CO production rate rCO = rD − rWGS
H2 production rate rH2 = 3rR + 2rD + rWGS
Energy source of MSR reactions qc = − rR ΔHR − rD ΔHD + rWGS ΔHWGS Overall, this study proposes a novel green route for solar-driven
thermochemical hydrogen production and emphasizes the feasibility
The ΔHR , ΔHD and ΔHWGS are the heats of reaction for the reforming, decom
of further research and development in this field. However, more studies
position and WGS reactions, respectively.
could be carried out to combine the real operation conditions, includes
real gas model, time-dependent transient flow dynamics, particle-filled
catalyst bed instead of porous medium, etc. Further verification and
N. Zhao et al. Renewable Energy 222 (2024) 119952
additional experimental studies are essential to thoroughly verify the found yet. The comparison of the two in terms of geometrical configu
feasibility of the design. Although this is a relatively uncertain method ration and potential advantages of each is presented here. Fig. 12 shows
compared to traditional pure thermochemical hydrogen production, the the MSR reaction systems corresponding to different concentrators.
potential benefits are objective. By exploring the concentrator optimi Compared with PTSR systems, cylindrical concentrators can have better
zation, reactor design, operating conditions optimization, dynamic/ resistance to dust, wind, and rain because all components are assembled
transient characteristics research and cost analysis, we can further in a single cylinder [60]. Secondly, the STR has the advantage of good
improve and optimize the use of solar energy for thermochemical cat structural stability and easy operation because it is mounted near the
alytic processes more efficiently. ground. However, the PTSR system can be retrofitted on current CSP
The first problem to be solved is the influence of irradiation intensity projects, reducing some cost advantages when scaled up. Considering
on the stability of hydrogen production system. For concentrating solar the current cost of industrial blue H2 production ($1.2 to $2.8/kg) and
power system (CSP), the surface heat flux (profiled as surface temper the increase in the carbon tax, it is expected to accelerate the substitu
ature) of the receiver generates obvious temperature gradient and tion of green H2 for other energy types. Green H2 production via STC
thermal stress with the change of irradiation [57,58]. The receiver reactions still has excellent potential for development until the cost is
working under non-uniform irradiation for a long time will produce comparable to or lower than that of blue one.
fatigue damage, structural deformation and even expiration [59]. The
measures to solve this problem are as described in the introduction. In 4. Conclusions
this paper, the STR surface temperature gradient is homogenized by
optimizing the structure of the concentrator and adjusting the relative The novel concentrated solar thermal collector system for MSR was
position. However, the structure of STR material and the temperature presented numerically to produce clean hydrogen. The photo-thermal-
characteristics under more irradiation conditions need further study, fluid-chemical conversion and coupling processes are considered to
especially the experimental verification. analyze the multi-physical field characteristics of this 3-dimensional
For the in-depth analysis of the cost, the ideal way is to compare it MSR-STR system and to optimize its methanol conversion and
with the cost of the PTSR system that has been implemented to confirm hydrogen production performance. Based on the time varying STR
the implementable economy of the system. Some results have been re concentration and heat collection efficiency, system geometry, STR inlet
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