by Nicky Blade
To change colors:
Begin: (With your 6 mm J hook) Chain 46+1 (47 total) with the brim color
Row 1: (Switch to your 5 mm H hook and work in the back dash of the chain) 16 hdc,
19 hdc, 7 sc, ch 1, turn (ignore the last 4 ch stitches from your beginning chain)
Row 2: 7 sc blo, 19 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 3: 16 hdc blo, 22 hdc blo, 4 sc blo, (pick up the turning chain from row 1 by
inserting your hook through it before inserting it through the dash of the next
ch stitch from the beginning chain), 3 sc in the beginning chain, ch 1, turn
(ignore the last ch stitch from your beginning chain)
Row 4: 7 sc blo, 22 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 5: 16 hdc blo, 19 hdc blo, 7 sc blo, ch 1, turn (ignore the 3 remaining stitches from
the previous row and the last ch stitch from the beginning chain)
Row 6: 7 sc blo, 19 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 7: 16 hdc blo, 22 hdc blo, 4 sc blo, (pick up the turning chain from row 5 by
inserting your hook through it before inserting it through the blo of the next
stich) 3 sc blo, (pick up the turning chain from row 3 by inserting your hook
through it before inserting it through the last ch stitch of the beginning chain) 1
sc, ch 1, turn
Row 8: 8 sc blo, 22 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 9: 16 hdc blo, 19 hdc blo, 7 sc blo, ch 1, turn (ignore the last 4 stitches from the
previous row)
Row 10: 7 sc blo, 19 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 11: 16 hdc blo, 22 hdc blo, 4 sc blo, (pick up the turning chain from row 9 by
inserting your hook through it before inserting it through the blo of the next
stitch), 3 sc blo, ch 1, turn (ignore the last stitch from row 8)
Row 12: 7 sc blo, 22 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 13: 16 hdc blo, 19 hdc blo, 7 sc blo, ch 1, turn (ignore the 3 remaining stitches from
the previous row and the last stitch from row 8)
Row 14: 7 sc blo, 19 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
Row 15: 16 hdc blo, 22 hdc blo, 4 sc blo, (pick up the turning chain from row 13 by
inserting your hook through it before inserting it through the blo of the next
stich) 3 sc blo, (pick up the turning chain from row 11 by inserting your hook
through it before inserting it through the last stitch of row 8) 1 sc blo, ch 1, turn
Row 16: 8 sc blo, 22 hdc blo, 15 hdc blo, 1 hdc through both loops, ch 2, turn
To sew up the hat, lay the hat on your work surface with the brim towards you. With the
beginning chain on your right and the last row on your left, fold them together so the edges
meet. Using the brim color tail, whip stitch through both loops of the beginning chain and
the blo of your last row. Pull your whip stitches tight every 4 or 5 stitches. After you have
the brim sewn together, switch to the hat color tail and continue sewing up the hat the same
way… both stitches of the beginning chain and blo of the last crocheted row.
To close the hole in the crown: Notice that your hat has 6 sections made up of 8 rows in
each section. Sew from the hole outwards through the last turning chain of each section,
then cinch the hole closed. Next, sew around the hole through the last sc stitch of each
section and pull it tight. Weave in all of your ends and enjoy your new hat!