Mutahir Rasheed, also known as Jin Wala Baba, runs illegal businesses out of his shrine called Astana. The police raid Astana and arrest Rasheed and his right-hand man after questioning from Detective Sherlock reveals Rasheed's drug trafficking and other illegal activities. However, Rasheed uses his connections to get bailed out of jail after only 3 days.
Mutahir Rasheed, also known as Jin Wala Baba, runs illegal businesses out of his shrine called Astana. The police raid Astana and arrest Rasheed and his right-hand man after questioning from Detective Sherlock reveals Rasheed's drug trafficking and other illegal activities. However, Rasheed uses his connections to get bailed out of jail after only 3 days.
Mutahir Rasheed, also known as Jin Wala Baba, runs illegal businesses out of his shrine called Astana. The police raid Astana and arrest Rasheed and his right-hand man after questioning from Detective Sherlock reveals Rasheed's drug trafficking and other illegal activities. However, Rasheed uses his connections to get bailed out of jail after only 3 days.
Mutahir Rasheed, also known as Jin Wala Baba, runs illegal businesses out of his shrine called Astana. The police raid Astana and arrest Rasheed and his right-hand man after questioning from Detective Sherlock reveals Rasheed's drug trafficking and other illegal activities. However, Rasheed uses his connections to get bailed out of jail after only 3 days.