C 1 Reasoning
C 1 Reasoning
C 1 Reasoning
Rule-based systems :
A Semantic Model for Handling Uncertainty.
Another Name for expert systems.
Organize the knowledge in terms of “if-then”
rules, each associated with a numeric certainty
Suffer from most of the problems with classical
logic under uncertainty.
Reasoning Under Uncertainty
Events that do not affect each other in any way are called independent
events. For two independent events A and B,
P(A B) = P(A) P(B)
Independent events: The events E1, E2, ..., En in a sample space S, are
independent if
P(Ei1 ... Eik) = P(Ei1) ...P(Eik)
for each subset {1, ...,k) N, 1 k n, n 1, n belongs to N.
If events A and B are mutually exclusive, then
An example
As an example of probabilities, Table below shows hypothetical
probabilities of a disk crash using a Brand X drive within one
Brand X Brand X’ Total of Rows
Crash C 0.6 0.1 0.7
No crash C’ 0.2 0.1 0.3
Total of columns 0.8 0.2 1.0
Hypothetical probabilities of a disk crash
X X’ Total of rows
C P(C X) P(C X’) P(C)
C’ P(C’ X) P(C’ X’) P(C’)
Total P(X) P(X’) 1
of columns
Probability vs
Conditional Probability
Probabilities (5) and (6) may appear to have similar meanings when
you read their descriptions. However (5) is simply the intersection
of two events, while (6) is a conditional probability.
The meaning of (5) is the following:
IF a disk drive is picked randomly, then 0.6 of the time it will be Brand x
and have crashed.
In other words, we are just picking samples from the population of disk
drives. Some of those drives are Brand X and have crashed (0.6), some
are not Brand X and have crashed (0.1), some are Brand X and have not
crashed (0.2), and some are not Brand X and have not crashed (0.1).
In contrast, the meaning of the conditional probability (6) is very
IF a Brand X disk drive is picked, then 0.75 of the time it will have