Probability Theory: Uncertainty Measure: Lecture Module 23

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Probability Theory:

Uncertainty Measure

Lecture Module 23
● Most intelligent systems have some degree of
uncertainty associated with them.
● Uncertainty may occur in KBS because of the
problems with the data.
− Data might be missing or unavailable.
− Data might be present but unreliable or ambiguous due to
measurement errors, multiple conflicting measurements etc.
− The representation of the data may be imprecise or
− Data may just be expert's best guess.
− Data may be based on defaults and the defaults may have
● Given numerous sources of errors, the most KBS
requires the incorporation of some form of uncertainty
● For any form of uncertainty scheme, we must be
concerned with three issues.
− How to represent uncertain data?
− How to combine two or more pieces of uncertain data?
− How to draw inference using uncertain data?
● Probability is the oldest theory with strong
mathematical basis.
● Other methods for handling uncertainty are Bayesian
belief network, Certainty factor theory etc.
Probability Theory
● Probability is a way of turning opinion or expectation into
● It lies between 0 to 1 that reflects the likelihood of an
● The chance that a particular event will occur = the
number of ways the event can occur divided by the total
number of all possible events.
Example: The probability of throwing two successive
heads with a fair coin is 0.25
− Total of four possible outcomes are :
− Since there is only one way of getting HH,
probability = ¼ = 0.25
Event: Every non-empty subset A (of sample space S) is
called an event.
− null set Φ is an impossible event.
− S is a sure event
● P(A) is notation for the probability of an event A.
● P(Φ) = 0 and P(S) = 1
● The probabilities of all events S = {A1, A2, …, An}
must sum up to certainty i.e. P(A1) + … + P(An) = 1
● Since the events are the set, it is clear that all set
operations can be performed on the events.
● If A and B are events, then
− A ∩ B ; A∪ B and A' are also events.
− A - B is an event "A but not B
− Events A and B are mutually exclusive, if A ∩ B=Φ
Axioms of Probability
● Let S be a sample space, A and B are events.
− P(A) ≥ 0
− P(S) = 1
− P(A’ ) = 1 - P(A)
− P(A ∪ B ) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A ∩ B)
− If events A and B are mutually exclusive, then
P(A ∪ B ) = P(A) + P(B),
● In general, for mutually exclusive events A1,…,An in S
P(A1 ∪ A2 ∪… ∪ An ) = P(A1) + P(A2) + …+ P(An)
Joint Probability
● Joint Probability of the occurrence of two independent events is
written as P(A and B) and is defined by
P(A and B) = P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B)
Example: We toss two fair coins separately.
Let P(A) = 0.5 , Probability of getting Head of first coin
P(B) = 0.5, Probability of getting Head of second coin
● Probability (Joint probability) of getting Heads on both the coins is
= P(A and B)
= P(A) * P(B) = 0.5 X 0.5 = 0.25
● The probability of getting Heads on one or on both of the coins i.e.
the union of the probabilities P(A) and P(B) is expressed as
P(A or B) = P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A) * P(B)
= 0.5 + 0.5 - 0.25
= 0.75
Conditional Probability
● It relates the probability of one event to the occurrence
of another i.e. probability of the occurrence of an
event H given that an event E is known to have
● Probability of an event H (Hypothesis), given the
occurrence of an event E (evidence) is denoted by
P(H | E) and is defined as follows:

Number of events favorable to H

which are also favorable to E
P(H | E) =
No. of events favorable to E

P(H and E)
● What is the probability of a person to be male if
person chosen at random is 80 years old?
● The following probabilities are given
− Any person chosen at random being male is about 0.50
− probability of a given person be 80 years old chosen at
random is equal to 0.005
− probability that a given person chosen at random is both
male and 80 years old may be =0.002
● The probability that an 80 years old person chosen at
random is male is calculated as follows:
P(X is male | Age of X is 80)
= [P(X is male and the age of X is 80)] / [P(Age of X is 80)]
= 0.002 / 0.005 = 0.4
Conditional Probability with Multiple

● If there are n evidences and one hypothesis, then

conditional probability is defined as follows:

P(H and E1 … and En)

P(H | E1 and … and En) =
P(E1 and … and En)
Bayes’ Theorem
• Bayes theorem provides a mathematical model for this
type of reasoning where prior beliefs are combined
with evidence to get estimates of uncertainty.
• This approach relies on the concept that one should
incorporate the prior probability of an event into the
interpretation of a situation.
• It relates the conditional probabilities of events.
• It allows us to express the probability P(H | E) in terms
of the probabilities of P(E | H), P(H) and P(E).
P(E|H) * P(H)
P(H|E) =
Proof of Bayes’ Theorem
● Bayes’ theorem is derived from conditional probability.
Proof: Using conditional probability
P(H|E) = P(H and E) / P(E)
⇒ P(H|E) * P(E) = P(H and E) (1)
Also P(E|H) = P(E and H) / P(H)
⇒ P(E|H) * P(H) = P(E and H) (2)

From Eqs (1) and (2), we get

P(H|E) * P(E) = P(E|H) * P(H)
Hence, we obtain
P(E|H) * P(H)
P(H|E) =
Extension of Bayes’ Theorem
● Consider one hypothesis H and two evidences E1 and
● The probability of H if both E1 and E2 are true is
calculated by using the following formula:

P(E1| H) * P(E2| H) * P(H)

P(H|E1 and E2) =
P(E1 and E2)
● Consider one hypothesis H and Multiple evidences
E1,…., En.
● The probability of H if E1,…, En are true is calculated
by using the following formula:

P(E1| H) * … * P(En | H) * P(H)

P(H|E1 and … and En) =
P(E1 and … and En)
● Find whether Bob has a cold (hypotheses) given that
he sneezes (the evidence) i.e., calculate P(H | E).
● Suppose that we know / given the following.
P(H) = P (Bob has a cold) = 0.2
P(E | H)= P(Bob was observed sneezing
| Bob has a cold) = 0.75
P(E | ~H)= P(Bob was observed sneezing
| Bob does not have a cold) = 0.2
P(H | E) = P(Bob has a cold | Bob was observed sneezing)
= [ P(E | H) * P(H) ] / P(E)
● We can compute P(E) as follows:
P(E) = P( E and H) + P( E and ~H)
= P(E | H) * P(H) + P(E | ~H) * P(~H)
= (0.75)(0.2) + (0.2) (0.8) = 0.31
− Hence P(H | E) = [(0.75 * 0.2)] / 0.31 = 0.48387
− We can conclude that “Bob’s probability of having a cold given
that he sneezes” is about 0.5
● Further it can also determine what is his probability of
having a cold if he was not sneezing?
P(H | ~E) = [P(~E | H) * P(H)] / P(~E)
= [(1 – 0.75) * 0.2] / (1 – 0.31)
= 0.05 / 0.69 = 0.072
− Hence “Bob’s probability of having a cold if he was not
sneezing” is 0.072
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Bayesian Approach
● They have sound theoretical foundation in probability
theory and thus are currently the most mature of all
certainty reasoning methods.
● Also they have well-defined semantics for decision
● They require a significant amount of probability data
to construct a KB.
− For example, a diagnostic system having 50 detectable
conclusions (R) and 300 relevant and observable
characteristics (S) requires a minimum of 15,050 (R*S + R)
probability values assuming that all of the conclusions are
mutually exclusive.

● If conditional probabilities are based on

− statistical data, the sample sizes must be sufficient so that
the probabilities obtained are accurate.
− human experts, then question of values being consistent &
comprehensive arise.
● The reduction of the associations between the
hypothesis and evidence to numbers also eliminates
the knowledge embedded within.
− The ability to explain its reasoning and to browse through the
hierarchy of evidences to hypothesis to a user are lost.
Probabilities in Facts and Rules of
Production System
● Some Expert Systems use Bayesian theory to derive
further concepts.
− We know that KB = facts + Rules
● We normally assume that the facts are always
completely true but facts might also be probably true.
● Probability can be put as the last argument of a
predicate representing fact.
● a fact "battery in a randomly picked car is 4% of the
time dead" in Prolog is expressed as
battery_dead (0.04).
− This fact indicates that ‘battery is dead’ is sure with
probability 0.04.
Probability in Rules
● If_then rule in rule-based Systems can incorporate
probability as follows:
− if X is true then Y can be concluded with probability P
● Consider the following probable rules and their
corresponding Prolog representation.
− "if 30% of the time when car does not start, it is true that the
battery is dead "
battery_dead (0.3) :- ignition_not_start(1.0).
Here 30% is rule probability. If right hand side of the rule is
certain, then we can even write above rule as:
battery_dead(0.3) :- ignition_not_start.
− "the battery is dead with same probability that the voltmeter is
outside the normal range"
battery_dead(P) :-voltmeter_measurment_abnormal(P).
Cumulative Probabilities
● Combining probabilities from the facts and successful
rules to get a cumulative probability of the battery
being dead is an important issue.
− We should gather all relevant rules and facts about the battery
is dead.
● The probability of a rule to succeed depends on
probabilities of sub goals on the right side of a rule.
− The cumulative probability of conclusion can be calculated by
using and-combination.
● In this case, probabilities of sub goals in the right side
of rule are multiplied, assuming all the events are
independent of each other using the formula
Prob(A and B and C and .....) = Prob(A) * Prob(B) * Prob(C) * ...
● The rules with same conclusion can be uncertain for
different reasons.
● If there are more than one rules with the same
predicate name having different probabilities, then in
cumulative likelihood of the above predicate can be
computed by using or-combination.
● To get overall probability of predicate, the following
formula is used to get 'or' probability if events are
mutually independent.
Prob(A or B or C or ...)
= 1 - [(1 - Prob(A)) (1 - Prob(B)) (1 - Prob(C))....]
1. "half of the time when a computer does not work, then
the battery is dead"
battery_dead(P):-computer_dead(P1), P is P1*0.5.
− Here 0.5 is a rule probability.
2. "95% of the time when a computer has
electricalproblem and battery is old, then the battery is
battery_dead(P) :- electrical_prob(P1),
battery_old(P2), P is P1 * P2 * 0.95.
− Here 0.95 is a rule probability.
● The rule probability can be thought of hidden and is
combined along with associated probabilities in the
Prolog Programs for Cumulative
And-combination: collect all the probabilities in a list
and compute the product of these to get
and-comb effect.
and_comb([P], P).
and_comb([H | T], P) :- and_comb(T, P1), P is P1 * H.
• Assumption is that the sub goals in the rule are independent of
each other.
Or-combination: Compute probabilities of all the rules
with the same predicate name as head in a list and
compute or_comb probability.
or_comb([P], P).
or_comb([H|T],P):-or_comb(T,P1),P is 1-((1-H) * (1-P1)).
Production System for Diagnosis of
malfunctioning Equipment using Probability

„ Let us develop production system for diagnosis of

malfunctioning of television using probabilities.
„ We have to identify situations when television is not
working properly.
„ We broadly imagine one of two things may be
improperly adjusted.
• the controls (knobs and switches)
• the receiver (antenna or cable)

Knobs adjustment
„ Knobs might be adjusted wrong on television
because of the following reasons (by no mean
„ If television is old and require frequent adjustment.
„ Unusual usage (i.e., any thing strange has happened lately
that required adjustment of the knobs).
„ If children use your set and they play with the knobs.
Diagnosis of Malfunctioning Equipment using
● Let us develop rule based system for diagnosis of
malfunctioning of landline telephone using
● Identify situations when telephone is not working
● Broadly imagine one of the following things may be
the reasons
− Faulty Instrument
− Problem with exchange
− Broken cable
● Must note that these rules are to be carefully
designed in consultation with domain expert.
Few Rules from expert for Instrument
● Rule1: If instrument is old and has been repaired in
the past many times then it is 40% sure that fault lies
with the instrument.
telephone_not_working(0.4) :- ask(tele_history).

● Rule2: If instrument is fallen on the ground and broke

then it is 80% sure that fault lies with the instrument.
telephone_not_working(0.8) :- ask(tele_broken).
Rules – Cont…
● Rule3: If children are present and use your set and
play with the key pad with some probability, then it is
80% sure that the instrument is faulty because of
unusual usage.
telephone_not_working(P) :- ask(children_present, P1),
ask(children_keypad, P2),
and_comb([P1, P2, 0.8], P).
● This rule says that when both the conditions hold
(children are present and children play with key pads)
with some probabilities, then it means, "it is 80% sure
that the instrument is faulty ".
● Finally get the cumulative probability for telephone not
working because of the instrument fault.
● We need to combine probabilities of all the rules using
● The corresponding rule is:
instrument_faulty(P) :- findall(X, telephone_not_working(X), L),
or_comb(L, P).
● The final rule for diagnosis for instrument faulty is
assumed to be 70% sure might be written as follows:
diagnosis('Instrument is faulty', P) :- instrument_faulty(P1),
and_comb([P1, 0.7], P).
Rules – Cont…
● Let us consider other kinds of telephone diagnosis such as
exchange, cable connection etc.

exchange_probability(0.99) :- ask(exchange_problem).
exchange_probability (0.5) :- ask(connecting_switch_problem).
findall(X, exchange_probabilty(X), L),
or_combination(L, P).

cable_broken_probabilty (0.98):-
ask(cable_old), ask(if_storm_recently).
cable_broken_probability (0.3):-
findall(X, cable_broken_probability(X), L),
or_combination(L, P).
Rules for Diagnosis
● Rule1: Cable faulty is 80% sure :
diagnosis( 'Cable_problem', P):-
and_comb([P1, 0.8], P).

● Rule2: Exchange problem is 90% sure:

diagnosis( 'Exchange_problem', P):-
and_comb([P1, 0.9], P).
● To run such a system, invoke a Goal as:
?- diagnosis(D, P).

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