IAI: Treatment of Uncertainty
IAI: Treatment of Uncertainty
IAI: Treatment of Uncertainty
2. Probability Theory
3. Probabilistic Reasoning
4. Bayesian Networks
5. Dempster-Shafer Theory
6. Fuzzy Logic
Sensors have only finite resolving power and less than 100% reliability. Human
reports may be ambiguous or inaccurate. Evidence from different sources may be
missing or in conflict. Even if exact data were available, it may be too costly in
time or resources to get it.
Whatever the source of uncertainty, we need our AI systems to be able to deal with it.
Types of Uncertainty
We can identify three major types of uncertainty that our systems may need to process:
1. Randomness
Some events simply are random (rolling dice, sensor faults, etc.) and we need to
work with probabilities. For example, nine times out of ten a faulty smoke
detector will be caused by low battery power.
2. Vagueness
3. Inadequacy
Probability Theory
Most aspects of uncertainty can be represented as probabilities. We can adopt a simple
frequentist approach to probability and say that if event A occurs NA times out of a total
of N occasions, then the probability of event A is
p( A) =
Sometimes we really do estimate the probabilities empirically, e.g. rolling a pair of dice
ten billion times to find p(12).
Sometimes we can enumerate all the possibilities and determine the probabilities that
way, e.g. list all combinations of two dice and find p(12) = 1/36.
Sometimes, we cannot take either approach and are forced to just make a good guess
based on what information we might have, e.g. the probability of any particular
temperature in Birmingham on 29th November 2006 must be estimated from known
temperature distributions from other years and other places.
Prior or Unconditional Probabilities
When we have no other information, it is appropriate to use the prior or unconditional
probability p(A) of event A happening. As soon as further information is known, we
must use conditional probabilities.
Each random variable X will have a domain of possible values DX = {x1, x2, …, xn} that
it can take. We shall deal with discrete sets of values, though often continuous random
variables need to be considered, in which case we need to talk about probability
distributions rather than probabilities.
Three important results follow easily from the frequentist approach to probabilities:
0 ≤ p( xi ) ≤ 1 , ∑ p( xi ) = 1 , p( ¬xi ) = 1 − p( xi )
i =1
We can easily deal with probabilities over many independent domains, e.g. if we have
independent variables X and Y, we have p(x1, y2) ≡ p(x1 ∧ y2) = p(x1).p(y2).
Conditional or Posterior Probabilities
Once we have some information concerning our domain, the prior probabilities are no
longer applicable. Instead we use conditional or posterior probabilities
Combining this with a prior probability by the product rule gives the joint probability
p( A ∧ B) = p( A | B). p( B)
p( A ∧ B)
p( A | B) =
p( B)
Bayes’ Rule
Since A ∧ B = B ∧ A , the product rule can be written in two forms
p( A ∧ B) = p( A | B). p( B) = p( B | A). p( A)
from which we can obtain Bayes’ Rule (also known as Bayes’ Law or Bayes’ Theorem)
p( B | A). p( A)
p( A | B) =
p( B)
This simple equation underlies all modern AI systems for probabilistic inference. This
is because we often have the conditional probabilities in one direction but not the other.
Let M = Meningitis and S = Stiff Neck. Estimating p(M|S) might be hard, but we might
know that p(S|M) = 1/2, p(M) = 1/50000, p(S) = 1/20, so we can easily use Bayes’ rule
to give p(M|S) = 1/5000. A doctor might know this, but it will change in an epidemic
and the doctor is unlikely to know the probability in the new situation. The Bayes’ rule
user simply needs to update the probability p(M) which will be easily measurable.
Relative Likelihood
Often when we are only interested in the relative likelihood of two events, some of the
probabilities cancel out leaving an easier computation.
Suppose W = Whiplash and we are interested in determining the relative likelihood that
a patient with a stiff neck has whiplash rather than meningitis. From Bayes’ Rule:
p( S | M ). p( M ) p( S | W ). p(W )
p( M | S ) = p(W | S ) =
p( S ) p( S )
p( M | S ) p( S | M ). p( M )
p(W | S ) p( S | W ). p(W )
Given p(S|M), p(M), p(S|W), p(W) we don’t need to know p(S) in order to determine the
relative likelihood of M or W given S.
Probabilistic Reasoning
We can now see how in principle to perform probabilistic reasoning. Our system will
be given a set of initial facts, possibly facts in terms of probabilities, and its inference
engine will use the various rules of probability theory we have just looked at to compute
the probabilities of the various solutions.
Note that in practice this approach will generally be intractable, because for cases
where we have N variables we will need of the order of 2N joint/conditional probabilities
to compute the answers. For many problems of interest we couldn’t even write down
such a list, even if we could compute or determine all the values.
The way we get round this practical problem in AI systems (and in humans) is by
making use of conditional independencies among the variables. If p(A|{xi},{yi}) =
p(A|{xi}), then A is conditionally independent of {yi} and, as far as A is concerned, if we
know {xi} we can ignore {yi}. Such simplifications, which occur naturally in many
practical applications, render the idea of probabilistic inference feasible.
Bayesian Networks
With Bayesian Networks we preserve the probability theory formalism, but rely on the
modularity of the world to reduce the complexity.
The idea is that most events are conditionally independent of most other events, and so
their interactions need not be considered. This allows us to use a much more local
representation in which we only describe clusters of events that do interact.
Each node has either a prior probability, or a conditional probability table that quantifies
the effects of its parents (i.e. the nodes that influence it). We need a mechanism for
computing the influence of any node on any other. We also need to ensure that the
probabilities are transmitted correctly.
Bayesian Network Example
Consider the simple example of grass that may be wet because of rain or sprinkler:
Attribute Probability
Rainy Season p(Wet|Sprinkler,Rain) 0.95
p(Wet|Sprinkler,¬Rain) 0.9
p(Wet|¬Sprinkler,Rain) 0.8
p(Wet|¬Sprinkler,¬Rain) 0.1
Sprinkler Rain
p(Sprinkler|RainySeason) 0.0
p(Sprinkler|¬RainySeason) 1.0
p(Rain|RainySeason) 0.9
p(Rain|¬RainySeason) 0.1
Wet Grass
p(RainySeason) 0.5
In general, exact inference in Bayesian networks is known to be NP hard, but at least the
approach generates consistently sensible results.
Dempster-Shafer Theory
An alternative to Bayesian Networks is Dempster-Shafer Theory which is designed to
deal directly with the distinction between uncertainty and ignorance. Rather than
computing probabilities of propositions, it computes probabilities that evidence supports
the propositions. This measure of belief is called a belief function, written Bel(X).
Suppose a shady lecturer offers to bet you £20 that his coin will come up heads next flip.
Clearly you should not trust his coin to be fair. Dempster-Shafer theory tells you that
since there is no evidence either way, you should have Bel(Heads) = 0 and Bel(¬Heads)
= 0. But if an expert says she is 90% certain that the coin is fair, your beliefs are different
with Bel(Heads) = 0.9 × 0.5 = 0.45 and also Bel(¬Heads) = 0.9 × 0.5 = 0.45. There is
now only a 0.1 “gap” still not accounted for by the evidence. The expert evidence has
reduced the probability interval for Heads from [0, 1] to [0.45, 0.55].
Dempster’s rule shows you how to combine such evidence, and Shafer’s work extends
this into a complete computational model.
Dempster-Shafer Theory : The Notation
To define the belief Bel(X) precisely we need to start with a full list of mutually exclusive
hypotheses. This hypothesis space is called the frame of discernment, denoted by Θ. In
a simple medical diagnosis systems we might have Θ = {allergy, cold, flu, pneumonia}.
The goal is to attach some measure of belief to each element of Θ.
Note that the evidence will often support more than one hypothesis. Also, because the
hypotheses are mutually exclusive, evidence in favour of one hypothesis may affect our
belief an another. In a purely Bayesian system, we handle this by listing all the
combinations of conditional probabilities. Dempster-Shafer theory attempts to avoid the
need for that by manipulating the sets of hypotheses directly.
If Θ has n elements, it will have 2 sub-sets and the basic probability assignment m(X)
measures the amount of belief currently assigned to each sub-set X. We assign these so
that the sum of m(X) over all sub-sets X ⊆ Θ is 1. Although this means dealing with 2
values, many will be zero as the corresponding sets have no relevance to the problem.
Dempster-Shafer Theory : Combining Evidence
In practice, we will have a belief function mi(X) corresponding to each piece i of evidence
and we need to combine then. The basic Dempster rule is
m( Z ) =
∑ m ( X )m2 (Y )
X ∩Y = Z 1
1 − ∑ X ∩Y =∅ m1 ( X )m2 (Y )
With no evidence we start with m1(Θ) = 1 and m1(X≠Θ) = 0. Now suppose, in the above
example, we then get evidence of Fever and of Runny nose, and individually they imply
Then these two pieces of evidence can be combined using Dempster’s rule to give
As more evidence accumulates we hope to get a single hypothesis with high belief.
Fuzzy Set Theory
Another useful alternative to probability theory for uncertain reasoning in AI systems is
fuzzy logic. It is based on the idea that many concepts are not sharply defined (e.g. ‘fast’,
‘tall’, ‘hot’) and consequently we cannot use standard set theory and if-then rules when
reasoning with them. Fuzzy logic is built upon the underlying idea of fuzzy set theory.
Classical set theory is based on two-valued logic, in which relations such as X ∈ S are
either true or false. Such classical sets are sometimes called crisp sets. We can define a
crisp set of fast cars as those cars which have a top speed greater than 150mph :
But the concept of fast car is not really precise like that. It is more reasonable to define it
as a fuzzy set with elements that are members to a certain degree. A fuzzy set is thus
defined as a function from the appropriate domain to the interval [0, 1] such that f(X) = 1
denotes X is definitely a member, f(X) = 0 denotes X is definitely not a member, and other
values denote intermediate degrees of membership.
Fuzzy Logic
Just as classical set theory is governed by two-valued logic, fuzzy set theory can be related
to a many valued logic in which propositions such as FastCars(X) have values in the
interval [0, 1], and we define appropriate extensions to the standard rules of logic.
f(¬X) = 1 – f(X)
The rules for evaluating the fuzzy degree of truth of other operators are less obvious:
Note that these definitions together imply that f(A ∨ ¬ A) ≠ f(True) which is somewhat
counter-intuitive and consequently can easily lead to problems...
Examples of Fuzzy Operations
Some simple examples should clarify the thinking behind the fuzzy operator definitions:
A f(X)
1 1
A B A ¬A
0 X 0 X
f(X) f(X)
1 1
X 0 X
Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
We can apply the fuzzy predicates and fuzzy logic to rule based systems (e.g. production
systems or expert systems) in a fairly straightforward manner.
We use the fuzzy logic operators to compute the degree of truth of the conditions and take
that to be the degree of truth of the action. If the rule itself is only true to a certain degree,
then we simply have to apply that factor as well.
Building fuzzy expert systems follows the same procedures as any other expert system,
except that we have to get the expert to define all the fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules, and make
sure they are all internally consistent. The various counter-intuitive features, such as
f(A ∨ ¬ A) ≠ f(True), can render the use of fuzzy logic in more complex expert systems
rather difficult. Usually a lot of fine tuning is required!
Fuzzy logic based expert systems have been very successful in commercial applications,
but these have tended to be rather small, with limited levels of inference, and the various
parameters often need to be tuned using machine learning techniques.
Comparing Methods of Inexact Reasoning
We can now compare the main alternative approaches for treating uncertainty:
Dempster-Shafer Theory : This allows one to state that certain prior and conditional
probabilities cannot be assessed, and provides the notion of a compatibility relation
between beliefs. It appears to be a consistent generalization of probability theory.
For more detailed comparisons see Jackson Sections 21.3 and 21.4, and for alternative
approaches such as MYCIN style Certainty Factors see Jackson Sections 3.3.
Overview and Reading
1. We began by looking at the sources and types of uncertainty that most AI
systems must be able to deal with.
2. We then went through the ideas of standard probability theory, including
Bayes’ Rule, and how this leads to Bayesian Belief Networks.
3. We then considered Dempster-Shafer Theory and Fuzzy Logic, which are
often more tractable approaches.
4. We ended with a brief comparison of the various uncertainty treatments.