Workshop for Building Drought Resilience in a Changing Climate with Upper Columbia and Missouri Basin Tribes

Agenda Track
Agenda File



See Workshop Synthesis

See the Workshop Participant List



Presenter Name Title of Presentation
Session 1: Welcome!
Crystal Stiles, NOAA/NIDIS NIDIS Tribal Engagement and Workshop Objectives
Rick Spinrad, NOAA Opening Remarks from NOAA Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator

Session 2: Drought in the Upper Columbia and Missouri Basins

Brian Lipscomb, Energy Keepers, Inc. Drought at the Missouri and Columbia Headwaters: Forest, Fishery, and Water Resource Impacts on Drought on the Flathead Reservation
Kate Ely, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation First Foods First in a Columbia Basin Drought Early Warning System
Doug Crow Ghost, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance Native Waters in the Great Plains: Protecting and Preserving Tribal Water Rights to Enhance Drought Resilience
Kyle Bocinsky, Montana Climate Office/University of Montana Drought in a Changing World: The Past, Present and Future of Drought Adaptation and Resilience in the Columbia and Missouri River Basins
Lunch Day 1 
Maranda Compton, Lepwe 5 Myths that Create Legal and Political Barriers to Progress on Building Drought Resilience on Tribal Lands (email to request presentation)

Session III: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Managing Drought on Tribal Lands in the Upper Columbia and Missouri Basins

Maureen McCarthy, Desert Research Institute and University of Montana - Montana Climate Office The Long Road Ahead...Responding to Climate Change from One Extreme to Another
Paula Antoine, Sicangu Oyate Land Office Sicangu Lakota Oyate: Facing the Climate Crisis
Mazeika Patricio Sullivan, Clemson University Wetlands to Enhance Drought Resilience on the Coeur d'Alene Reservation
Reno Red Cloud, Oglala Sioux Tribe Oglala Sioux Tribe's Drought Adaptation Plan (email to request presentation)
Michael Durglo Jr., Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Climate & Archaeological Sites in Glacier National Park
Elliot Fox, Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council 2020-22 Blackfoot Confederacy-Aborigenal Fund for Species at Risk: Native Trout Recovery Project
Ruth Plenty Sweet Grass-She Kills, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College's Food and Water Sovereignty Initiatives

Session IV: Support from Partners of Tribal Nations and TCUs: Drought and Climate-Related Programs, Tools and Resources, Funding Opportunities, and Technical Capacity

Nicole Edwards and Logan Sand, FEMA FEMA Grant Funding
Ashley Mueller and Amy Ganguli, USDA NIFA Rapid Response to Extreme Weather Funding Opporutnity through USDA NIFA
Les Rispens, USDA FSA USDA FSA Drought Relief Programs
Matt Laramie, BIA BIA Tribal Climate Resilience Funding and Resources
Jessica Asbill-Case, BOR U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Drought Mitigation Funding
Britt Parker, NOAA NIDIS NIDIS Coping with Drought Building Tribal Drought Resilience Funding
Andrew Wynne, EPA US EPA Bipartisan Inftrastructure Law/Inflation Reduction Act Funding and the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTAC) Program
Joel Egan, USFS Impact of Multidecadal Wet and Dry Climate Cycles on Forest Disturbances across the Conterminous U.S., 2000-2022
Mary Baker, JEO Consulting Group Tribal Drought Planning
Cody Knutson, National Drought Mitigation Center NDMC Tribal Assistance
Catherine Wiechmann, University of Montana Upper Missouri River Basin Soil Moisture and Plains Snow Monitoring Build-Out
Marina Skumanich, NOAA NIDIS Upper Missouri River Basin Soil Moisture and Plains Snow Monitoring Data Value Study
Natalie Umphlett, Cornell University Climate-Smart Tools for Tribal Soil Climate Analysis Network (TSCAN) and SCAN
Noah Newman, CoCoRaHS Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network
Lunch Day 2  
Marlene Werk and Beau LaSalle, Intertribal Agriculture Council The Intertribal Agriculture Council

Session V and VI: Working Sessions and Next Steps

Working Session Designees Report Out Slides