Neljä kauppakorkeakoulun tutkijaa istuu sohvaryhmällä.

Collaboration with Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics

Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics has active international cooperation in education and research.

JSBE’s research groups are active in international scientific cooperation in the three focus areas of our research. JSBE has wide international networks in both research and education, and international mobility of our students, faculty, and staff is actively promoted. In student exchange, JSBE cooperates with top Nordic business schools through the Nordplus Norek network and has several triple-accredited (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS accreditations) partners through the Erasmus program.

For faculty and doctoral students, we provide opportunities to visit universities and research units abroad, and we invite scholars to JSBE through our visiting scholar programme. JSBE’s international Master’s degree programmes are the most popular ones at our university, attracting students from Finland and abroad. Almost half of the students accepted to JSBE Doctoral School in recent years have been non-Finnish.

The cooperation networks of JSBE reach all continents, and in return we bring the latest knowledge in business and economics to our university, students, as well as the local community. JSBE faculty members are involved widely in different boards, committees, and steering groups across the private and public sectors.

Neljä kauppakorkeakoulun tutkijaa istuu sohvaryhmällä.
JSBE has wide international networks in both research and education.

Subject association and other associations

Pörssi ry, Students of Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics

Pörssi ry is a subject association for students in JSBE. Everybody studying in JSBE can become a member of Pörssi and, therefore, we have members from many different majors such as leadership, corporate communication, accounting, marketing, economics, and international master’s programmes. At the moment there’s over 2000 members in Pörssi.

Read more about Pörssi ry

Jyväskylän kylteriveljet - Sports club for students

The purpose of the association is to promote ball games, to improve the physical fitness and health of its members and to awaken in them the sports spirit and interest in ball games among the students of the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics.

Read more about Jyväskylän kylteriveljet (in Finnish only)

JSBE's alumni activity

The purpose of alumni activities is to maintain voluntary contact between alumni and the University. Before anything else, it is about networking and communication.
All who have graduated from the JSBE since 1967 or have worked here are our alumni.

Our alumni community is extensive, because economic sciences have been taught and researched at JYU for more than 55 years. More than 3,000 masters and 200 doctors of economic sciences have graduated from JSBE. When also including all who have worked here as a teacher, the result is an immense amount of expertise, experience and vision but above all, golden years and great memories from education in economic sciences in Jyväskylä.

Join as University of Jyväskylä alumni

Get acquainted with the alumni of the subject association Pörssi ry (Pörssin Alumnit ry). The association works as a link between everyone who has studied business and economics at JYU, creating and maintaining traditions between the alumni.

Join the official JSBE alumni association (in Finnish only)

Our alumni have many interesting stories to tell. Read more.

Share your expertise to our students?

Alumni of JSBE in working life: are you interested in sharing your expertise in economic sciences, for example, by giving a lecture? Information about working life is important for our students. Would you like to tell them about your own experiences?

If you are interested, please contact

Kolme opiskelijaa pöydän ääressä

Looking for an expert?

JSBE offers the expertise of its researchers to serve the needs of the business world. JSBE is an active partner that cooperates with organisations in various ways, for instance, in research and development projects. JSBE also enhances innovation activities and regional development.

Contact us: Head of Faculty Administration Kirsi Murtosaari.

JSBE enhances innovation activities and regional development.

Recruit students!


Trainees bring valuable work contribution to the employer, but also the latest know-how, new ideas and knowledge about the contents and quality of modern education and research. Employing a trainee enables the employer to implement new ideas and venture into new territories with little risk. It is also an easy way to recruit future experts.

A trainee can help you with, for instance

  • compiling studies, reports and surveys
  • assessing, development and designing tasks
  • managing contacts and other related tasks

If you have a suitable traineeship position available, please contact

Theses and projects

Working together on a thesis enables the client to utilize competent and high-quality research in the development of their activity. Our students offer you the latest research data and the ability to apply them in any given task.

Student projects, often projects for a course, are a common form of collaboration with organizations. For example, marketing research, market surveys, development of internationalization strategies, service conceptualization and productization reports, sales development projects, social media marketing projects, as well as brainstorming and developing business ideas and models have been executed in collaboration with organizations.

Do you have an idea for thesis collaboration? Tell us about your ideas or ask more:

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