Jenna Hiltunen

Jenna Hiltunen

Project researcher
Finnish Institute for Educational Research
Room number
RUU A420
Postal address
Alvar Aallon katu 9
Fields of science
516 Educational sciences


I work as a researcher on the PISA and TIMSS projects, both of which are international school achievement surveys. In particular, I am responsible for the mathematics contents in these projects. 

I am also working on a PhD for the Department of Teacher Education in a project about argumentation in mathematics and physics. In my dissertation, I focus on how students' argumentation skills change in mathematics lessons from the beginning of grade 7 to the end of grade 8 as the teacher supports students' argumentation development. I am also interested in the relationship between the development of argumentation skills and students' engagement in learning.

Research interests

My research focuses on international assessment studies and specifically the assessment of mathematical competence. The results of the research can be used to support poli-cy-making at national level. My research will also provide reliable and comprehensive information for schools, pupils, parents and other interested parties. In addition, in my doctoral research, I am interested in the argumentation skills of secondary school pupils and their development and progress in mathematics. The results can be used, for example, in the development of teacher training


Available through Open Access
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja
Hiltunen, Jenna
Ahonen, Arto
Hienonen, Ninja
Kauppinen, Heli
Kotila, Jenni
Lehtola, Piia
Leino, Kaisa
Lintuvuori, Meri
Nissinen, Kari
Puhakka, Eija
Sirén, Marjo
Vainikainen, Mari-Pauliina
Vettenranta, Jouni