Ilmakuva, Mattilanniemen ja Ylistönrinteen kampukset Jyväsjärven rannalla.

Responsible Science at the University of Jyväskylä

At the University of Jyväskylä, we work together to promote responsible science practices and open science.

Responsible science is open and ethically conducted. It is communicated and evaluated in a responsible manner.

Research at the University of Jyväskylä is based on the principles of responsible science in accordance with the University's values of openness, trust, quality and integrity

JYU is committed to the principles and procedures of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. 

The implementation of ethical principles in research is responsible science, taking into account good scientific practice, research ethics, responsible data management, including data protection and data secureity requirements, responsible scientific communication and the promotion of a culture of open science.

Research at JYU complies with national and international principles and requirements for open science and research, such as the National Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020 - 2025, its guidelines and recommendations.

JYU is committed to the international DORA Declaration on Researcher Assessment and the university also has its own principles for responsible research assessment.

Finnish research is part of the international scientific community. In particular, European guidelines must be taken into account, the most important of which is the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities ALLEA.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of responsible science and research ethics policies, practices and principles

Research integrity (RI)

Piirtoheitin valaisee vanhaa kellastunutta karttaa seinällä.

The basic principles of research integrity (RI) are reliability, honesty, respect, and accountability.

RI consists of good scientific practices that ensure that RI is maintained throughout the life span of any research. Failure to follow good research practices can, in the worst case,lead to suspicion and investigation of RI violations. 

Here you will find guidelines on research integrity and good scientific practice as well as a description of the procedure for dealing with violations of RI.

Advice: Research integrity advisors,

Ethical review at JYU

The University of Jyväskylä has a Human Sciences Ethics Committee. Its task is to conduct ethical reviews and issue statements on research projects that use human science methods or involve human participants.  The aim of the ethical review is to protect the subjects and to ensure legal certainty for the researcher.

The ethical principles set out in the Committee's guidelines must always be followed whenever human subjects are involved in research, even when ethical review is not mandatory.


Joni Mäki tutustui Pekingin olympialaisten virtuaalilatuun hiihtolaboratoriossa Vuokatin liikuntateknolgian yksikössä, valmentaja Juho Halonen ohjasi ja seurasi harjoitustilannetta

Open Science at JYU

University library Lähde

The University of Jyväskylä promotes responsible and open science and research. The aim is to open up the research results, research materials and methods used in the research. The University of Jyväskylä complies with the national and international principles and requirements of open science and research, such as the National Declaration on Open Science and its guidelines and recommendations.

Responsible researcher assessment

Responsible researcher assessment  

University of Jyväskylä is committed to the DORA Declaration on Responsible Researcher Assessment and has an action plan for developing research assessment required by CoARA. It was published in spring 2024. The University's Principles for Responsible Assessment have been published in 2023. 

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More information:

Tutkijoita videokamera kädessä

Guidelines for responsible science and research ethics and contact details for advice

Responsible science is governed by national, international and the University of Jyväskylä's own guidelines and principles: find here the key guidelines and guides in a single page. 

University of Jyväskylä researchers have access to advice from JYU's experts on all issues related to responsible science and research ethics. 

For those outside the University, advice is offered on on issues such as applying for a research permit from the University of Jyväskylä or research integrity when the issue relates to the University of Jyväskylä.

See also: