Recent papers in Intentionality
Both Millikan's brand of naturalistic analytic philosophy and Husserlian phenomenology have held on to teleological notions, despite their being out of favor in mainstream Western philosophy for most of the twentieth century. Both... more
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon III. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. (300 p. ; ISBN... more
Biosemantics is an inclusive naturalistic philosophical account of the intentional content of both mental and linguistic representations. As it is well known, Millikan explains the normative dimension of intentional content in terms of... more
Cohousing is an increasingly popular form of tenure which combines elements of private and collective ownership and affords its occupants a combination of the advantages of individual proprietorship with some of the benefits of living in... more
In the thesis at hand, a comparison is made of the two theories of mind found in Thomas Metzinger's Being No One and Antti Revonsuo's Inner Presence. The comparison focuses on the theoretical foundations of the theories and examines in... more
Cet ouvrage invite à une lecture critique de la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze en reconstituant le système perspectiviste qui le sous-tend. La thèse qui est défendue est qu'on ne peut comprendre le « perspectivisme » deleuzien qu'au regard... more
Abstract. The paper introduces the problem of process intentionality as a basic condition for fulfilling the contents of the idea of processorientation in process models. Consequently it discusses the role of the business process modeling... more
A business professor gives a candid account of his long and often difficult process of personal change and development in South Africa – and how he beat the system.
The article discusses a challenge to the traditional intentional-causalist conceptions of action and intentionality as well as to our everyday and legal conceptions of responsibility, namely the psychological discovery that the greatest... more
Play as an intrinsic practice and a fundamental potential of intentionality. The point of play is to have fun.
Uniwersytet Z ielo n o g ó rski ora z U niversität S alzburg METAFIZYCZNY REALIZM 1. O rzekanie identyczności cech. 2. Teoria predykacji. 3. O gólna teoria intencjonalności. 4. Cechy nieegzem plifikow ane. 5. Identyczność znaczenia.... more
I argue that Kripke’s “puzzle about belief” (1979) can be solved entirely with uncontroversial, essentially “lay” assessments of what the believers in the cases generating the puzzle believe and think about. Kripke argues that the... more
Eintrag "Emotionen" für das Metzler Handbuch Handlungstheorie; erläutert philosophische Emotionstheorien mit Blick auf den Zusammenhang von Emotion und Handlung. Zentrale Referenzen sind Heidegger, Bennett Helm, Sabine Döring, Peter... more
Visual and multimodal discourse becomes an ever-more popular object of research. This is a welcome development, since the proliferation of communication that is not (exclusively) verbal makes the need for an academic discipline focusing... more
This article discusses the theory of perception of Peter Auriol (c. 1280–1322). Arguing for the active nature of the senses in perception, Auriol applies the Scotistic doctrine of objective being to the theory of perception. Nevertheless,... more
Recent experimental research in the field of neurophysiology has led to the discovery of two classes of visuomotor neurons: canonical neurons and mirror neurons. In light of these studies, we propose here an overview of two classical... more
Edizione italiana di Über Annahmen (1910), Zweite, umgearbeitete Auflage, J.A. Barth, Leipzig; rist. in GA IV, 1977, pp. 1-389. La seconda edizione di Sulle assunzioni (1910), di cui si presenta ora la prima traduzione in italiano,... more
This essay was submitted in the 2017 FQXi Essay Contest "Wandering Towards a Goal - How Do Mindless Mathematical Laws Give Rise to Aims and Intentions." The essay critiques the speculations on the infinite multiverse and explores the... more
Fallacies Art historians vary in their approach to artistic intention: some try to discover the purpose of an artwork in external evidences related to the life of the artist (like private letters, diary entries or even death... more
Attribution theory aims to elucidate how ordinary people make sense of human behavior. It has followed two lines of research. One examines attribution as explanation: how people explain why a person performed a certain behavior. This... more
Functionalism remains the most promising strategy for 'naturalizing' the mind. We argue that when functions are defined in terms of conditionals, whether indicative, probabilistic or counterfactual, the resulting version of functionalism... more
The book introduces Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s philosophy of action into the mainstream of contemporary action-theoretical debates. Piotr Makowski shows that Kotarbiński–Alfred Tarski’s teacher and one of the most important philosophers of the... more
It is commonly assumed that for Thomas Aquinas, intentionality (the characteristic of mental states such that they are “about” an object) has to do merely with mental representation (the characteristic of a mental state such that it is... more
This is my review of Marcia Cavell's BECOMING A SUBJECT, Reflections in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, Oxford University Press, 2006. This review was published in metapsychology onlinereviews (Vol. 10, Issue 44) on 31st October 2006,
Chapter List of volume under contract for Peter Lang Publishing Series: Medieval Interventions: New Light on Traditional Thinking. Manuscript due Fall 2018; Publication, Spring 2019.
Wie ist es zu erklären, dass wir uns vermittels geistiger Akte auf Gegenstände beziehen können? Und wodurch sind uns geistige Akte bewusst? René Descartes und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz geben faszinierende Antworten auf diese beiden... more
It is often claimed that Brentano’s rediscovery of intentionality has been strongly influenced by Aristotle. Brentano himself stressed repeatedly his affinity to Aristotle and this self-interpretation was by no means restricted to the... more
The relationship between self-consciousness, Aristotelian ontology, and Cartesian duality is far closer than it has been thought to be. There is no valid inference either from considerations of Aristotle’s hylomorphism or from the... more
In this essay, I argue that a proper understanding of the Cartesian proof of the external world sheds light on some vexatious questions concerning his theory of sense perception. Three main points emerge from the discussion: a picture of... more
Something has meaning when it has the property of "information about" some part of the world with respect to an end or ends of some intentional system or agent. Intentional systems are end-directed systems, but not all end-directed... more
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more
In the 5 th century, Thucydides uses it once; Isocrates and Plato each more than twenty times. The verb and the noun prohairesis appear more than seventy times in the political speeches of Aristotle's contemporary, Demosthenes. So it... more
Chapter in J. Bermúdez, N. Eilan and A. J. Marcel (eds.), The Body and The Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
This paper deals with Ruth G. Millikan's naturalistic theory of meaning, explaining such concepts as intentionality and language by biological means and in the end trying to reduce the intentional description of the world to a biological... more
Index poge ix 1 34 52 85 102 128 154 169 189 214 261 287 289
Rok 1874, w którym ukazała się Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt Brentana stanowi początek najnowszej historii pojęcia intencjonalności. Kładąc podwaliny pod swoją psychologię formułuje tam Brentano swe słynne kryterium odróżnienia... more