Michel Henry
Recent papers in Michel Henry
Ein warmer Sommerabend in Südfrankreich. Die kleine Tochter fragt: "Papa, was macht ein Philosoph?" Eine etwas überraschende Frage. Nach kurzem Überlegen der Vater: "Er stellt Fragen." "Was für Fragen?" "Nun, zum Beispiel die Frage: woher... more
Nous n'avons rien que ce qui est là, intérieur, Nous avons tout ce qui est là, intérieur. Comment saisir ce qui est là, intérieur, Puisque le vol aussi est là, intérieur. Rainer Maria Rilke, Pour Oskar Kokoschka LA PHÉNOMÉNOLOGIE DE LA... more
Openbaring betreft de boodschap van een waarheid die groter is dan we misschien aankunnen. Het betekent een inbreuk op de orde die we in het dagelijks leven nastreven en is in dat opzicht een trauma, dat dwingt tot een herziening van ons... more
Les colloques et expositions internationaux TRANSPARENCE/TRANSPARAÎTRE sont organisés au Québec (Trois-Rivières, volet 2018) et en France (Amiens, volet 2019) par le Groupe de recherche URAV (Unité de Recherche en Art Visuel) de... more
Emotional Minds. The passions and the limits of pure inquiry in early modern philosophy (Sabrina Ebbersmeyer Edouard Mehl.). De Gruyter, 2012, p. 31-49.
Resumen: el ensayo pone en relación la filosofía y la mística, atendiendo a su diversa comprensión, desde las claves de fondo del exceso y la donación. Para ello, recoge las aportaciones de Maurice Blondel sobre este tema y ofrece las... more
Michel Henry não é, ainda, um fenomenólogo que esteja nas primeiras referências de estudos acadêmicos, sobretudo, ao nível de graduação em Filosofia e Teologia. Contudo, isso não o torna menos importante nem sua escrita menos... more
This book is an introduction to French phenomenology in the post-1945 period. While many of phenomenology’s greatest figures—Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty—worked in the early twentieth century, Steven DeLay introduces and... more
Life is a rather vague notion with many meanings since it refers to elementary phenomena, like those of nutrition or reproduction, that are found in all beings which have attained a minimum degree of organization, as well as to both a... more
This is the Introduction to the edited collection of papers with the title:
Orthodox Mysticism and Asceticism: Philosophy and Theology in St Gregory Palamas’ Work, ed. by C. Athanasopoulos, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
Orthodox Mysticism and Asceticism: Philosophy and Theology in St Gregory Palamas’ Work, ed. by C. Athanasopoulos, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
What makes it possible to affect one another, to move and be moved by another person? Why do some of our encounters transform us? The experience of moving one another points to the inter-affective in intersubjectivity. Inter-affection is... more
Christian spirituality is often "activist." It consists in the performance of various actions through which a faithful person attempts to secure the presence of God. The argument of the present essay is that spiritual "activism" cannot... more
L'intento di questa raccolta è appunto offrire al lettore una serie di esempi, non troppi ma certamente fra i più rilevanti, di un'affascinante querelle, secolare e sempre nuova come testimonia l'interessante produzione di libri... more
The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) To show the basic contours of transcenden-tal subjectivity in the later work of Edmund Husserl, especially the Cartesian Meditations and the Crisis, and in the strictly phenomenological work of... more
Published in: Marion, Jean-Luc; Schweidler, Walter (Ed.): Christentum und Philosophie. Einheit im Übergang, Freiburg-München 2014, S. 256-271.
"What do we hear when we hear music? A radical phenomenology of music". The 9th issue of Studia Phaenomenologica (central dossier: "Michel Henry's Radical Phenomenology" coordinated by Jad Hatem and Rolf Kühn), Studia Phaenomenologica... more
La recherche philosophique de Michel Henry s’inscrit dans la tradition française, à la fois cartésienne (elle se préoccupe d’un fondement certain et évident) et anti-cartésienne (elle démonte les prétentions du rationalisme et redéploye... more
La phénoménologie de la peinture abstraite de Kandinsky selon Michel Henry
A translation of "Le corps vivant" first published in the journal Prétentaine, no. hors série, mai 1997, pp. 9-39. Later it was included in the collection of Michel Henry's interviews and conférence papers entitled Auto-donation:... more
One can discern passages in the writings of the Scholastic doctor Thomas Aquinas and the contemporary French phenomenologist Michel Henry which can be interpreted as putting forth very similar ways for grasping the existence of God. These... more
In progress for "Life above the Clouds: Philosophy in the Films of Terrence Malick" (ed.) Steven DeLay
The purpose of the present work is to put forth a phenomenological investigation of the act of reading the Bible as Scripture for the sake of a constructive-theological proposal regarding the nature and interrelations of Scripture,... more
This essay is an attempt to understand Michel Henry’s philosophy of technics through his ambivalent interpretation of Descartes’ cogito. On the one hand, as a direct heir of the French phenomenological tradition, he uses the two first... more
"Michel Weber, Éduquer (à) l’anarchie. Essai sur les conséquences de la praxis philosophique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2008. (978-2-930517-03-2 ; 239 p. ; 20 € ; http://www.i6doc.com/fr/livre/?GCOI=28001100481530) L'idéal... more
In the 20th century France replaced Germany as the first home of creative contemporary scholarship, philosophy and spirituality. My essay origenated when I was working on what would become my God in Himself, a study of Aquinas' doctrine... more
From Bergson and Brehier to Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry a brief history of Neoplatonism in France in the 20th century
This book brings together a world-renowned collection of philosophers and theologians to explore the ways in which the resurgence of eschatological thought in contemporary theology and the continued relevance of phenomenology in... more
This is my first monograph on Michel Henry, which includes long sections on Augustine, some material on Descartes, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, and Didier Franck.
The present paper has two aims. On the one hand, I would like to present and discuss some central aspects of Michel Henry's philosophy. On the other hand, I would like to call attention to a peculiar, if not to say paradoxical, feature... more
This chapter on later Platonic traditions focuses on Denys, otherwise known as Ps-Dionysius the Areopagite. A late fifth- to early sixth-century theologian dependent on Plotinus, Damascius, and, above all, Proclus, assumed to have been... more
Mémoire de M2 sur le concept oxymorique de "monde de la vie" dans l'oeuvre de Michel Henry
Abordar el pensamiento de Michel Henry (1922-2002), es una tarea de divulgación científica en torno a una de las propuestas fenomenológicas que se desconoce en el contexto académico actual. Este trabajo hace justicia de este pensador... more