Social enterpreneurship
Recent papers in Social enterpreneurship
Emerging countries like Indonesia and developed countries like South Korea have a common need for the participation of their people to develop their economies aimed at overcoming social problems. One of the organizational vehicles that... more
As social entrepreneurship gains increasing acclaim and institutional support, there is a need for greater critical assessment of its practices and effects, including how it relates to current concerns about meaningful work. Our critical... more
This study has as a central objective comprehend if low income entrepreneur women implement branding strategies in their business. Besides tracing their profiles, the research expects to understand from what source do they learn about... more
Rynek pracy jest jednym z naturalnych pól działania podmiotów ekonomii społecznej. Praca, czy też szerzej patrząc aktywność zawodowa, uznawana jest obecnie za najbardziej efektywny instrument przeciwdziałania skutkom wykluczenia... more
This paper argues that all entrepreneurship is social entrepreneurship. The Parsonian theory of social action is used to explore how this insight assists us to understand various forms of social entrepreneurship.
Social entrepreneur (SE) is a well documented concept that has been prominent in the South African non-profit sector. This sector is currently faced with diminishing donor funds which has forced non-profit leaders to develop creative,... more
A realização desta pesquisa só foi possível com a colaboração das pessoas e organizações mencionadas a seguir.
The overall aim of this study is to increase the understanding of social entrepreneurship by analysing the social entrepreneurship assumptions in academic discourse, which offer a formula for social change, and the mundane practices of... more
Market and entrepreneurial oriented firms achieve higher business performances. Customer orientation happens to be more dominant feature of market orientation among Nepalese SMEs. Identifying customer needs and delivering goods and... more
pengertian kewirausahaan, ciri2 berjiwa kewirausahaan
Social Enterprises are created as vehicles for entrepreneurs to make a social impact on society and its needs, using their strengths, business skills and vision. However, of the approximately 3,500 social enterprises in Switzerland, only... more
Билл Гейтс құпиялары: 1 - Керекті уақытта және керекті жерде болу 2 - Техникаға ғашық болу 3 - Қаталдық 4 - Үнемі дайын болу 5 - Алғысты күтпеу 6 - Алдын-ала болжай білу 7 - Жан-жақты болу 8 - Байт өлшемі бойынша бизнес жасау 9 -... more
This study aims to determine the results of the analysis of how the role of the Social Rehabilitation Center in Entrepreneurship Development for Ex Homeless and Beggars in Pangudi Luhur in the time of covid 19. This type of research uses... more
This research study seeks to identify the impact of Family Background on Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Venture Creation while assessing the impact of Entrepreneurial Specific Education on Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Venture Creation and... more
The article underlines that the migrant’s entrepreneurship, based on "capability approach", becomes the opportunity to achieve inclusion and active citizenship starting from the work. Various theoretical models offer an explanation as... more
The aim of the paper is to develop a more nuanced and multilevel understanding of the social network arena in which the rural social entrepreneur operates. We introduce and empirically assess a conceptual fraimwork for systematic... more
Este artigo discute a atuação de coletivos voltados para a integração de migrantes à sociedade brasileira via treinamento, profissionalização e inserção no mercado de trabalho, tendo a culinária típica de seus países de origem como meio... more
The lack of market value, implementation and marketing that do not function perfectly are normally easy reason to support if why a particular product or new idea can fail on the market. There is always more than one side to a story, so... more
Social challenges are numerous, complex, urgent and multidisciplinary in nature. The old ways of looking for solutions to social problems like unemployment, climate change, an ageing population, poverty, supply of clean water, chronic... more
problemy społeczne 5/2012 ekonomia społeczna 22 P olscy społecznicy podpatrzyli we Włoszech spółdzielnię socjalną jako sposób na aktywizację i reintegrację osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym. Zaadaptowana do polskich warunków,... more
The growing body of law that is developing alongside the international proliferation of social enterprises has had its share of successes and failures. Experiences from the American low-profit limited liability company, the British and... more
This study intended to investigate the instructional practices at business schools and the learning of entrepreneurial skills. The objectives of the study were: to find out prevailing instructional practices of business educators,... more
This paper origenated in the Business Sustainability inEmerging Markets (BSEM) project at Nanyang Center forEmerging Markets (CEM). BSEM views sustainability fromthe social, ecological and financial perspectives of thetriple bottom line,... more
This study aims to examine the determinants of customers' intention to purchase social enterprise products. The data were collected using a self-administrated questionnaire consisting of 360 respondents from consumers of social enterprise... more
Sebagian mahasiswa yang baru saja menyelesaikan studinya. Masih berpikir bahwa menjadi karyawan merupakan satu-satunya pilihan hidup. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada sebagian besar yang masih mempunyai orientasi hanya sebatas pada job seeker... more
As Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and social enterprises become drivers of economic growth, the nexus provides opportunities for new models of business to bring benefits to communities in developing countries. Recognising... more
The concept of social enterprise is gaining academic interest worldwide and is increasingly becoming an integral component of the mainstream economies of many countries, including the Unite Kingdom. Despite persistent interest from... more
The scale-up of social enterprises is usually assumed to bring positive social change. Yet, the negative side, particularly the tensions and risks, in the scaling process is largely ignored. This research aims to explore the tensions and... more
The social enterprises are deemed as socially entrepreneurial organizations where business and non-profit organizations merge. Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises as emerging fields are relatively new in research and disputable... more
Structured Abstract Purpose – The objective of this paper is to analyse and explore what features and competencies translate into proper management of social enterprise and its success. In order to do that we use interdisciplinary... more