Agroclimatic Bulletin of Peru (Boletín Agroclimático del Peru)
National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (SENAMHI)
Current Monthly Agroclimatic Bulletin
SENAMHI (the Spanish acronym of Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología) produces a monthly agrometeorological bulletin that provides information on rainfall, temperature, agrometeorological indices, crop phenology, crop status, and agrometeorological tendencies. The Agrometeorological web page of SENAMHI also provides links to a decadal bulletin, monitoring information on phenology, diseases and pests, and agrometeorological forecasting for the Valley of Mantaro every 10 days. Previous PDF bulletins also include information on ocean-atmosphere conditions, hydrology, and environmental (pollution) conditions.
Drought Bulletin: SENAMHI provides decision makers, planners, farmers, media and the general population with a useful and timely monthly summary of dry and wet conditions in the country. This compendium, prepared by the Climate Prediction Subdirectorate, contains monthly bulletins that emphasize the monitoring of Meteorological Drought, that is, the analysis of rainfall deficiencies, which is analyzed with the SPI drought index, rainfall anomaly (%) and frequency of consecutive dry days (CDD).