Mai Zheng, The Ohio State University; Joseph Tucek, HP Labs; Dachuan Huang and Feng Qin, The Ohio State University; Mark Lillibridge, Elizabeth S. Yang, and Bill W Zhao, HP Labs; Shashank Singh, The Ohio State University Programmers use databases when they want a high level of reliability. Specifically, they want the sophisticated ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) protection
Mai Zheng, The Ohio State University; Joseph Tucek, HP Labs; Feng Qin, The Ohio State University; Mark Lillibridge, HP Labs Modern storage technology (SSDs, No-SQL databases, commoditized RAID hardware, etc.) bring new reliability challenges to the already complicated storage stack. Among other things, the behavior of these new components during power faults—which happen relatively frequently in d
Eunji Lee and Hyokyung Bahn, Ewha University; Sam H. Noh, Hongik University Awarded Best Paper! Journaling techniques are widely used in modern file systems as they provide high reliability and fast recovery from system failures. However, it reduces the performance benefit of buffer caching as journaling accounts for a bulk of the storage writes in real system environments. In this paper, we prese
DFS: A File System for Virtualized Flash Storage William K. Josephson wkj@CS.Princeton.EDU Lars A. Bongo larsab@Princeton.EDU David Flynn dflynn@FusionIO.COM Kai Li li@CS.Princeton.EDU Abstract This paper presents the design, implementation and evalua- tion of Direct File System (DFS) for virtualized flash storage. Instead of using traditional layers of abstraction, our layers of abstraction are d
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