Papers by Anna Sidorovich
This document contains the draft Chapter 2.1 of the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and E... more This document contains the draft Chapter 2.1 of the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Governments and all observers at IPBES-7had access to these draft chapters eight weeks prior to IPBES-7. Governments accepted the Chapters at IPBES-7 based on the understanding that revisions made to the SPM during the Plenary, as a result of the dialogue between Governments and scientists, would be reflected in the final Chapters.
ABSTRACT: The influence of felling on the distribution of rodents and their predators in a transi... more ABSTRACT: The influence of felling on the distribution of rodents and their predators in a transitional coniferous-deciduous forest in north-ern Belarus was investigated in relation to stand age, forest type, and soil richness. The study was conducted in two areas differing by top-grounds (clay and sand soils) and, in turn, having differ-ent habitat carrying capacities. Three forest parts were investigated: 1) 10%, 2) 20–30%, and 3) 40– 60 % covered by recent clearcuts. Three age classes of the clearcuts, namely 1) less than 2 years old, 2) 2–5 years old and 3) 6–12 years old, were consid-ered. In total, we obtained data on small rodent numbers in 84 clearcuts, and the data on preda-tors – in 67 clearcuts and the woodland parts
The influence of felling on the distribution of rodents and their predators in a transitional con... more The influence of felling on the distribution of rodents and their predators in a transitional coniferous-deciduous forest in northern Belarus was investigated in relation to stand age, forest type, and soil richness. The study was conducted in two areas differing by top-grounds (clay and sand soils) and, in turn, having different habitat carrying capacities. Three forest parts were investigated: 1) 10%, 2) 20–30%, and 3) 40– 60% covered by recent clearcuts. Three age classes of the clearcuts, namely 1) less than 2 years old, 2) 2–5 years old and 3) 6–12 years old, were considered. In total, we obtained data on small rodent numbers in 84 clearcuts, and the data on predators – in 67 clearcuts and the woodland parts differed by logging rate. Eventually, we became convinced that felling generally led to an increase in the abundance and species richness of rodents and their predators and that was attributable in the clearcuts aged up to 12 years. First, logging led to higher densities of...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2017
Early-career experts can play a fundamental role in achieving planetary sustainability by bridgin... more Early-career experts can play a fundamental role in achieving planetary sustainability by bridging generational divides and developing novel solutions to complex problems. We argue that intergenerational partnerships and interdisciplinary collaboration among early-career experts will enable emerging sustainability leaders to contribute fully to a sustainable future. We review 16 international, interdisciplinary, and sustainability-focused early-career capacity building programs. We conclude that such programs are vital to developing sustainability leaders of the future and that decision-making for sustainability is likely to be best served by strong institutional cultures that promote intergenerational learning and involvement.
Slovak Raptor Journal, 2016
We examined common buzzard (Buteo buteo) feeding patterns in landscapes with different habitat st... more We examined common buzzard (Buteo buteo) feeding patterns in landscapes with different habitat structure in Belarus. A total of 561 pellets and prey remains were sampled in 1998-2012 from which 1065 prey and other food items were identified. Effects of habitat structure on buzzard diet composition were investigated using correlation analysis. The most abundant group in buzzards’ diets were small rodents (49-80% of the biomass consumed), followed by other mammals and birds. Reptiles, anurans, fish and invertebrates constituted the rest. Proportions of all food items varied greatly between landscapes. The mean-weighted body mass of vertebrate prey hunted by common buzzards in different landscapes ranged from 107 to 244 g, constituting on average 180 g. Among small rodents, voles of the genus Microtus were hunted selectively. The food niche breadth was directly proportional to the amount of forest habitat. With increasing amount of forest habitat, the proportion of Microtus voles in bu...
A b s t r a c t . The structure of the vertebrate predator community in north-eastern Belarus has... more A b s t r a c t . The structure of the vertebrate predator community in north-eastern Belarus has been examined before and after naturalization of the American mink and raccoon dog. Species composition of the community, population density and biomass, portion of each species in the pooled community density and biomass, species body mass and size structure of the community were investigated. The community consisted of 36 native predator species, and 11 other predator species were sporadically registered in the area in both periods before the American mink and raccoon dog expansion and after the introduced species have reached a high population density. Separating predator species into four size groups, we found that in terms of total density the largest portion of the community belonged to small predators, while large predators formed the smallest portion. In terms of total biomass, the larger medium-sized predator group predominated over other size groups. Despite decline in the pop...
Zoology and Ecology, 2015
ABSTRACT We studied feeding patterns of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) cubs and the distribution of t... more ABSTRACT We studied feeding patterns of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) cubs and the distribution of their breeding earths in the Naliboki Forest (Central Western Belarus) and rural surroundings. Red fox earths (n = 110) were checked annually in 2004–2010, 902 scats and prey remains (from 22 litters) were collected. The data were analysed with respect to litter location and interannual dynamics of microtine voles. In all landscapes, red fox cubs fed on the vole genus Microtus, ungulate carrion, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus Shreb.), various medium-sized mammals and birds. In semi-natural and rural open landscapes, cubs primarily ate Microtus voles with high selectivity for this type of prey. In large forest fragments, their diet mainly consisted of wild ungulate carrion. Vixens preferred to rear cubs in open habitats where Microtus voles were more abundant, or in their vicinity. We considered the abundance of these rodent species to be the most important factor affecting denning site selection by vixens and cub feeding, ungulate carrion being the main alternative food available in poorer habitats. Our investigation contributes to a better understanding of the key factors driving red fox populations.Naliboki miške (Baltarusijos vakarinė dalis) ir jo apylinkėse ištirta rudosios lapės (Vulpes vulpes L.) jauniklių mityba ir lapių veisimosi vietų pasiskirstymas. Lapių urvai (n = 110) 2004–2010 m. buvo apžiūrimi kasmet. Surinkti 902 ekskrementų ir grobio likučių mėginiai prie 22 urvų su vadomis. Duomenys analizuojami atsižvelgiant į jauniklių vedimo vietas ir pilkųjų pelėnų gausos svyravimus. Nustatyta, kad rudosios lapės jaunikliai mito pilkaisiais pelėnais (Microtus g.), kanopinių maita, rudaisiais pelėnais (Myodes glareolus), įvairiais vidutinio dydžio žinduoliais ir paukščiais. Pusiau natūraliose ir atvirose kaimų apylinkių buveinėse lapiukai pasirinktinai maitinosi pilkaisiais pelėnais. Dideliuose miško fragmentuose lapiukų mityboje dominavo laukinių kanopinių maita. Lapės dažniausiai atvesdavo ir augino jauniklius atvirose buveinėse arba netoli jų, kur buvo daugiau Microtus g. pelėnų. Manome, kad šių graužikų gausumas buvo svarbiausias lapių veisimosi vietų pasirinkimą bei jauniklių mitybą lemiantis veiksnys. Skurdesnėse buveinėse pagrindinis alternatyvus lapių jauniklių maistas buvo kanopinių maita. Šis tyrimas padeda geriau suprasti pagrindinius rudosios lapės populiacijas valdančius veiksnius.
Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 2006
The dietary structure and distribution patterns of red foxes Vulpes vulpes in situations of diffe... more The dietary structure and distribution patterns of red foxes Vulpes vulpes in situations of different food supply in the coniferous-deciduous (mostly small-leaved) woodlands of northern Belarus were investigated. A total of 1526 scats of red foxes was analysed, and snowtracking of the species was performed each winter. Abundance of the main prey (small rodents, perching birds and hares) and wild ungulates supplying carrion for red foxes in the cold season were monitored. The results suggest that in northern Belarus red foxes had a diversified diet, consisting basically of different combinations of bank voles, Microtus voles, and wild ungulate carrion. The importance of carrion much increased in winter, while the proportions of birds and fruits grew during the warm season. In the ecologically rich woodland harbouring on clay soil, red foxes relied more on small rodents, while carrion and fruits appeared to be more important food item of the predator in the barren forested terrain dwelling on poor sandy deposits. During Microtus population outbreaks, red foxes more frequently fed on this prey. One-sixth lower density of red foxes was attributable to the forested terrain on sandy deposits compared to the woodland on clay soil, and a pronounced landscaperelated difference in the habitat selection by the predator was found.
In transitional mixed forests in northern and central Belarus the influence of intensified fellin... more In transitional mixed forests in northern and central Belarus the influence of intensified felling on the diets of red foxes Vulpes vulpes L. and pine martens Martes martes L. was investigated in two model forested terrains with sandy and clay top-grounds. A total of 1904 scats of red foxes and 1624 scats of pine martens were analysed over two periods differed by logging rate. When logging rate was conservative, red fox and pine marten diets were found to be similar, but under heavy logging feeding of the predator species shifted. In both model woodlands we found the same pronounced dietary trend of higher consumption of rodents, first of all, Microtus voles. The dietary changes were well related to the registered increase in Microtus vole numbers and total number of rodents in felling areas. The increased preying on rodents caused lower consumption of other food items, particularly medium-sized mammals (year-round) or/and birds or/and fruits (in the warm season) or/and mammalian ca...
Environmental Science & Policy, 2020
Despite increasing scientific understanding of the global environmental crisis, we struggle to ad... more Despite increasing scientific understanding of the global environmental crisis, we struggle to adopt the policies science suggests would be effective. One of the reasons for that is the lack of inclusive engagement and dialogue among a wide range of different actors. Furthermore, there is a lack of consideration of differences between languages, worldviews and cultures. In this paper, we propose that engagement across the science-policy interface can be strengthened by being mindful of the breadth and depth of the diverse human-nature relations found around the globe. By examining diverse conceptualizations of "nature" in more than 60 languages, we identify three clusters: inclusive conceptualizations where humans are viewed as an integral component of nature; non-inclusive conceptualizations where humans are separate from nature; and deifying conceptualiza-tions where nature is understood and experienced within a spiritual dimension. Considering and respecting this rich repertoire of ways of describing, thinking about and relating to nature can help us communicate in ways that resonate across cultures and worldviews. This repertoire also provides a resource we can draw on when defining policies and sustainability scenarios for the future, offering opportunities for finding solutions to global environmental challenges.
Papers by Anna Sidorovich