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Digital geoinformation for the surface and subsurface is virtually never integrated in civil engineering projects. Reasons are that the surface information is gathered by different person’s and that the subsurface information is in... more
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      Geology3D GISRock MechanicsGeotechnical Engineering
Nowadays, daily life intensively depends on public services. Increasing population and urbanization take humans away from environment which may lead to chaos in usage of city lands. Consequently, human is in trouble using public services... more
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      3D GISHistorical GISPublic Participation GISArchaeological GIS
Gridding methods produce a regularly spaced, rectangular array of Z values from irregularly spaced XYZ data. Gridding generates a Z value at each grid node by interpolating or extrapolating the data values. Different gridding methods... more
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      Spatial Analysis3D GISGeostatisticsInterpolation (Geostatistics)
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsRobotics (Computer Science)
This keynote paper describes the application of Information Technology to various aspects of Engineering Geology, from data requirements, data handling and processing to numerical and GIS modelling and visualization. It is illustrated... more
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      3D GISRock MechanicsSoil Mechanics3D visualisation
For many years, the objective of spatial databases created using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology was to provide information about large spaces and areas outside of buildings. Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology... more
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      Spatial Modeling3D GISBIM (Architecture)Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)
The aim of the present work is to introduce an innovative framework for employing 3D-GIS as an exploratory platform to perform visual analysis. Such a methodology is aimed at detecting patterns of visibility to simulate the past human... more
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      3D GISPompeii (Archaeology)Archaeological GIS
Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a cloud centered platform for temporal and spatial geoprocessing and analysis on global challenges that require more computation power and involve large geospatial datasets. In GEE, the user analyses are... more
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      Hydrogeology3D GISHydrologyHydraulics
Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effects of low air quality and air pollution. There is an evident correlation between the topographic and climatic properties of a location and... more
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    • 3D GIS
Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) is a new approach for modelling historic buildings which develops full Building Information Models (BIMs) from remotely sensed data. HBIM consists of a novel library of reusable parametric... more
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      Photogrammetry3D GISBIM (Architecture)3D Laser scanning (Architecture)
3-dimensional visualizations are becoming a very useful tool in various archaeological contexts, from representations of individual artifacts to complex sites and architectural reconstructions. Useful as these applications are, what is... more
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      3D GISIron Age Germany (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)Mortuary archaeology
In high relief areas, there is seen many different types of variables such as altitude, aspect and slope which strongly influence both human and physical environments. To present the relationship between these two, a 3D data... more
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      3D GISLULC DynamicsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The water needs for Zaria and its environments for human and agricultural consumption is on the rise due to increase in population and human activities. Identification of potential sites for Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) is an important... more
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    • 3D GIS
The International Journal of Digital Innovation in the Built Environment (IJDIBE) provides new techniques and technologies for the optimization of performance, sustainability, and durability of new and existing buildings and... more
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      3D GISProject ManagementConstruction ManagementBIM (Architecture)
In the last few years SfM has taken on a more important part in the research and documentation of archaeological sites. The benefits of 3D documentation are manifold: areas and contexts can be recorded quickly, true to scale and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology3D GISDigital Archaeology
Dealing with coloured point cloud acquired from terrestrial laser scanner, this paper identifies remaining challenges for a new data structure: the smart point cloud. This concept arises with the statement that massive and discretized... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceKnowledge Management3D GISClassification (Machine Learning)
Technological revolutions have changed the field of architecture exponentially. The advent of new technologies and digital tools will continue to advance the work of architects globally, aiding in architectural design, planning,... more
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      Computer ArchitectureArchitecture3D GISHeritage Studies
Digital mapping is an important for showing any location of the world. For this purpose, ArcGIS 10.3 is important software. Any kind of maps like 2D & 3D may be drawn simply by using this software. To draw a map with ArcGIS 10.3, it is... more
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      Remote Sensing3D GISArchaeological GISRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
Nowadays, daily life intensively depends on public services. Increasing population and urbanization take humans away from environment which may lead to chaos in usage of city lands. Consequently, human is in trouble using public services... more
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      3D GISHistorical GISArchaeological GISMobile GIS
Learn how to use ArcGIS Desktop to create, edit, manage, display, analyze, and share geographic data Use common geo-processing tools to select and extract features A guide with example-based recipes to help you get a better... more
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      Urban GeographyGeometry And Topology3D GISMetadata
The concept of a visualscape was introduced less than a decade ago as a generic term with the aim of unifying and extending within a GIS the ideas and scope of current analyses of ‘human’ visual space, independently of their scale or... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital Humanities3D GIS
In recent years various methods of visibility analysis have been applied to investigate human engagement, experience and socialisation within historic and prehistoric ’natural’ and built environments. On many occasions these approaches... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital Humanities3D GIS
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      Archaeology3D GIS3D ReconstructionGreek Archaeology
Die Technik des „maschinellen Sehens“ (computer vision) hält immer stärkeren Einzug in den archäologischen Alltag und eignet sich mittlerweile bestens zur systematischen Anwendung auf archäologischen Ausgrabungen. Im vorliegenden Artikel... more
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      Archaeology3D GISAerial ArchaeologyDigital Archaeology
The introduction of European livestock into the New World resulted in extensive land use changes. Studying the spatiality of these changes as they actually transpired in a three-dimensional landscape can enhance our knowledge of the... more
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      Historical GeographySpatial Analysis3D GISHistorical GIS
A course compendium where the focus is on specified archaeological issues based on source data as it is normally presented in reports and databases. The examples are based on northern Swedish material, primarily results from surveys of a... more
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      Spatial Analysis3D GISGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
3 boyutlu şehir modelleri günümüzde şehirlerin etkili yönetimi için artık bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir ve afet yönetimi, navigasyon, güneş potansiyeli ve planlama simülasyonları gibi farklı amaçlarla kullanılabilmektedir. Bu modeller... more
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    • 3D GIS
3D documentation of underwater archaeological sites is an indispensable and regular part of the methodological procedure and anyone, who is considered a serious researcher, does not even think to try to reassure the scientific community... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyComputer Science
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      GeologyRemote Sensing3D GISWater
SuperMap GIS is developed by SuperMap Software Co., Ltd and it is a complete integration of a series of GIS platform software, including Desktop GIS, Service GIS, Component GIS and Mobile GIS platforms and spatial data production,... more
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      3D GISArchaeological GISWeb GISRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
By c. 3000 BCE, in the late Neolithic, there had been a significant change in the way people materialized their cosmology across Scotland with the introduction of free-standing stones that continued to be erected almost until the end of... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyObservational Astronomy
Advances in digital recording technology make it possible to document three-dimensional data during excavation. Yet this opens up the question: what do we do with this data? Is there an added value to recording 3D data that exceeds... more
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      Archaeology3D GISDigital ArchaeologyArchaeological Stratigraphy
This report presents the investigations, developments and the result of the project 3D spatial data infrastructure, funded by Next Generation Infrastructures, Maasvlakte 2
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      3D GISBIM (Architecture)3d Modeling
This paper aims at establishing changes in land use and land cover in Igbokoda municipality using Geographic Information System and remote sensing techniques. Three satellite images for three different epochs 1986, 1999 and 2013 were used... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringCivil Engineering
Detecting changes in Mangrove Forests along the Bintang Bolong Estuary, Gambia using Google Earth Engine, Sentinel-2 Imagery and random forest classification Lisah Ligono, Chukwuma Okolie Remote sensing approach for aerosol optical... more
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      GeodesyRemote Sensing3D GISHistorical GIS
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      3D GISHistorical GISArchaeological GISEnvironmental GIS
Floods are one of the most common and widely distributed natural risks to life and property. Due to such hazards associated with flooding as disruption of services, health impacts, famine and disease, flood protection must be taken into... more
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      Remote Sensing3D GISHistorical GISArchaeological GIS
Τον Οκτώβριο του 2010, 65 εγγεγραμμένοι σύνεδροι παρουσίασαν 50 πρωτότυπες εργασίες στη διάρκεια του 2 ου Συμποσίου ARCH_RNT -Αρχαιολογική Έρευνα και Νέες Τεχνολογίες που διοργανώθηκε και φιλοξενήθηκε από το Εργαστήριο Αρχαιομετρίας του... more
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      3D GISCultural Heritage Recording, Documentation and Information SystemsArchaeological Excavation
In various disciplines, particularly those that utilise techniques developed in the geosciences, the display, analysis and interpretation of three-dimensional (3D) data is very important. This is also the case in archaeology. Irrespective... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputer Vision3D GISAerial Archaeology
The rapid technological evolution, which is characterizing all the disciplines involved within the wide concept of smart cities, becomes a key factor to trigger true user-driven innovation. In this context 3D city models will play an... more
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      3D GISGeovisualisationSmart CityGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
This paper studies how a 3D urban model such as Rome Reborn can be used as a resource for generating new insights and discoveries. Two case studies, both involving the Roman Forum section of the late-antique Rome Reborn model, are... more
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      3D GISEnvironmental Psychology3D Modelling (Architecture)Ammianus Marcellinus
Forest health assessment using hyper spectral image and multi-criteria analysis: A case study: Ramsar Forest, North of Iran Khalil Valizadeh Kamran*, Behnam Khaorrami Geological mapping and mineral exploration based on the application of... more
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      Remote SensingPhotogrammetry3D GISHistorical GIS
Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMBAH BUJANG, SEBUAH KERAJAAN LAMA YANG BERPUSAT: DARI PERSPEKTIF SISTEM MAKLUMAT GEOGRAFI (GIS).IN: Seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical Geography
Several digital technologies are now available to record and document archaeological excavations. A large number of studies have been published concerning the use of laser scanning, image based 3D modelling and GIS. By integrating... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPhotogrammetry3D GIS
Dalla prefazione al volume degli Atti: "La VII edizione del Workshop ArcheoFOSS si è svolta nella prestigiosa sede del Museo Nazionale Romano di Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. La Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma,... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic Archaeology3D GISOpen Access
ABSTRACT Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State has witnessed remarkable land use growth and development, therefore resulted to motor traffic congestion, inadequate parking space, improper refuse dispose, inadequate drainage... more
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      3D GISRemote sensing and GISGeographical Information Systems in the context of Earth SciencesGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The objective of this study was to develop, test and evaluate a specifically defined interdisciplinary approach—the human-centred approach—as applied to a case study, Iron Age Öland. Four themes were selected to highlight different... more
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      PaleoanthropologyStable isotope ecology3D GISStable Isotope Analysis
A recent trend concerning archaeological research has focused on producing a real-time methodology for 3D digital models as archaeological documentation within the excavation setting. While such methodologies have now firmly been... more
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      3D GISArchaeological Method & TheoryArchaeological documentationArchaeological Fieldwork
Valuation of real estate/ properties is in many countries/ cities the basis for fair taxation. The property value depends on many aspects, including the physical real world aspects (geometries, material of object as build) and... more
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      3D GISCadastre3D GIS, 3D Visualization, 3D modeling3D cadastre
ASK FOR WHOLE ARTICLE BY MAIL.!! In recent decades we have witnessed almost revolutionary changes in the documentation of underwater heritage. The research in this area was given a strong impetus by development of a special discipline... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyComputer Science
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