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Plano LR, Garza AC, Shibata T, Elmir SM, Kish J, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Miller G, Withum K, Fleming LE, Solo-Gabriele HM. 2011. Shedding of staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus from adult and pediatric bathers in marine waters. BMC Microbiol 11(1):5.
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Shah AH, Abdelzaher AM, Phillips M, Hernandez R, Solo-Gabriele HM, Kish J, Scorzetti G, Fell JW, Diaz MR, Scott TM, Lukasik J, Harwood VJ, Mcquaig S, Sinigalliano CD, Gidley ML, Wanless D, Ager A, Lui J, Stewart JR, Plano LR, Fleming LE. 2011. Indicator microbes correlate with pathogenic bacteria, yeasts and helminthes in sand at a subtropical recreational beach site. J Appl Microbiol 110(6):1571-1583.
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Abdelzaher AM, Wright ME, Ortega C, Solo-Gabriele HM, Miller G, Elmir S, Newman X, Shih P, Bonilla JA, Bonilla TD, Palmer CJ, Scott T, Lukasik J, Harwood VJ, Mcquaig S, Sinigalliano C, Gidley M, Plano LR, Zhu X, Wang JD, Fleming LE. 2010. Presence of pathogens and indicator microbes at a non-point source subtropical recreational marine beach. Appl Environ Microbiol 76(3):724-732.
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