Program Description
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and a major burden on our health care system. The term “heart disease” refers to several types of problems such as coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure. Related cardiovascular problems include stroke and hypertension.
Many factors increase your chance of heart disease, such as smoking, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Exposure to toxicants and other chemicals may also play a role. For example, NIEHS-funded studies demonstrated a strong relationship between the risk of early death from heart disease and levels of airborne particles, sulfur dioxide, and other fossil fuel emissions.
What Is NIEHS Doing?
Environmental health scientists work to identify who is most likely to experience cardiovascular problems because of exposure to air pollution and other contaminants such as pesticides, lead, dioxins, and arsenic. Researchers also want to understand how a person’s genetics might affect susceptibility to pollutants and the mechanisms leading to cardiovascular effects.
NIEHS grant recipients study whether air pollution can trigger stroke, and the vascular and inflammatory mechanisms for air pollution’s cardiovascular effects. They also study the potential influence that extreme weather events, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and lack of green space, such as trees and parks, might have on cardiovascular health. The interplay of genetic and environmental factors in the progression of cardiovascular disease is another important area of investigation.
For additional information on what NIEHS grant recipients are doing, visit our Who We Fund tool.
Program Leads
Bonnie R. Joubert, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator -
Tel 984-287-3276
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop K3-12Durham, NC 27709
Kimberly McAllister, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator -
Tel 984-287-3287
Fax 919-316-4606
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop K3-12Durham, NC 27709
Thaddeus T. Schug, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator -
Tel 984-287-3319
[email protected] -
530 Davis Dr530 Davis Drive (Keystone Bldg)Durham, NC 27713