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The key takeaways are that the document provides guidance on NVQ qualifications in Health and Social Care offered by Edexcel and examples of forms and templates to collect evidence towards achieving the qualifications.

The purpose of the document is to provide information and guidance to candidates undertaking NVQ qualifications in Health and Social Care at Level 3 through Edexcel, including details of the qualifications available, collecting evidence and examples of forms to record evidence and monitor progress.

The document states that the NVQs in Health and Social Care are presently available at Edexcel Levels 2, 3 and 4.


Edexcel Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care

November 2005

Candidate guidance and logbook

Edexcel Level 3 NVQ in

Health and Social Care

Edexcel Limited is one of the leading examining and awarding bodies in the UK and throughout the world. It incorporates all the qualifications previously awarded under the Edexcel and BTEC brands. We provide a wide range of qualifications including general (academic), vocational, occupational and specific programmes for employers. Through a network of UK and overseas offices, our centres receive the support they need to help them deliver their education and training programmes to learners. For further information please call Customer Services on 0870 240 9800, or visit our website at

Authorised by Jim Dobson Prepared by Phil Myers Publications code N015903 NVQ standards Crown Copyright, Skills for Care and Development and Skills for Health. Introduction, guidance and this edition: Edexcel Limited 2005


Section 1: The Edexcel Level 3 NVQs in Health and Social Care

Introduction National Occupational Standards and NVQs Which Edexcel NVQs within Health and Social Care are available? Who are these Edexcel NVQs for?

1 1 2 2

Section 2: Worked examples of forms

Collecting your evidence Worked examples Example 1: Index of evidence Example 2: Assessment plan Example 3: Unit progress record Example 4: Element achievement record Example 5: Knowledge evidence record Example 6: Personal statement Example 7: Observation record Example 8: Witness testimony Example 9: Record of questions and candidates answers Example 10: Expert witness evidence record

11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33

Section 3: Candidate logbook

Core units Children and Young People optional units Adults optional units Generic optional units Additional units

41 105 391 499 1249

Section 1: The Edexcel Level 3 NVQs in Health and Social Care

This document contains information specific to the Edexcel Level 3 NVQs within Health and Social Care. It should be read in conjunction with Edexcel NVQ Centre Guidance and the Edexcel NVQ Candidate Guidance.

National Occupational Standards and NVQs

The standards, assessment strategy and award structures for Health and Social Care are jointly owned by Topss England, the Care Council for Wales, the Northern Ireland Social Care Council, the Scottish Social Services Council, and Skills for Health, who worked in partnership to review the National Occupational Standards and Awards in Care. The NVQs have been developed from the National Occupational Standards. The Edexcel Levels 2, 3 and 4 NVQs in Health and Social Care recognise the skills, knowledge and understanding of candidates and allows them to gain a qualification in the workplace that relates to their job area and promotes good working practice. Contact details of the sector skills bodies: Topss England Albion Court 5 Albion Place Leeds LS1 6JL Telephone: 0113 2451716 Fax: 0113 2436417 Email: Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) 7th Floor Millennium House 1925 Great Victoria Street Belfast BT2 7AQ Telephone: Fax: Textphone: Email: 02890 417600 02890 417601 02890 239340 Skills for Health Goldsmiths House Broad Plain Bristol BS2 0JP Telephone: 0117 9221155 Email:

Care Council for Wales 6th Floor, South Gate House Wood Street Cardiff CF10 1EW Telephone: 029 2022 6257 Fax: 029 2038 4764 Email:

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Which Edexcel NVQs within Health and Social Care are available?
The NVQs in Health and Social Care are presently available as follows: Edexcel Level 2 NVQ in Health and Social Care Edexcel Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Adults) Edexcel Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) Edexcel Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Adults) Edexcel Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) It is important that the most appropriate level and route is selected for each candidate. The Edexcel Level 2, 3 and 4 NVQs in Health and Social Care are designed to be assessed in the workplace. However, very occasionally simulation of real working practice may be permitted. Where any simulation is to be allowed, it will be identified in the individual units within the standards. Some combinations of units are forbidden. This is because they cover similar work competencies. These forbidden combinations are stated in the unit structures and within the standards. Where more than one assessor is involved, assessment needs to be co-ordinated. One of the assessors (the MAIN assessor) should draw together all assessment decisions made by specialist assessors, and the contributions from expert witnesses, across the whole qualification. Assessors are expected to take the lead role in the assessment of observed candidate performance in relation to at least the core units of the award. Where only two of the core units are undertaken, assessors are expected to observe candidate performance in relation to at least two further units.

Who are these Edexcel NVQs for?

The Edexcel Level 2 NVQ in Health and Social Care This NVQ will be the required qualification for 50 per cent of the workforce in care homes for older people by 2005 as recommended in the National Minimum Standards from the Care Standards Act 2000. It is considered to be the minimum qualification required by a care worker by the sector skills bodies. It should be noted that the sector skills bodies in social care have stipulated that those candidates taking NVQ Level 2 for social care roles should select ALL four core units. The Edexcel Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) The Edexcel Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Adults) These NVQs will enable candidates to develop more specialist competencies for use in the health and social care sector. There are two endorsed titles one for those whose work role is predominantly with adults and another for those whose work role is predominantly with children and young people. The units recognise the growing breadth of skills of those in the health and social care workforce. The Edexcel Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Children and Young People) The Edexcel Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care (Adults) The NVQs at Level 4 also have two endorsed titles, as described for Level 3. It is a requirement of the Care Standards Act 2000 that each registered care service has a registered manager who is responsible for the service. The registered managers require a Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care as part of their qualification profile to show evidence of Level 4 health and social care competencies.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care

Candidates must complete EIGHT units in total. Children and young people endorsement Select THREE units from core units A and Unit HSC34. Select FOUR units from children and young people optional units and/or generic optional units. Adults endorsement Select THREE units from core units A and Unit HSC35. Select FOUR units from adults optional units and/or generic optional units.

Additional units may be selected for professional development but do not count towards this NVQ. It is important that centres provide clear guidance for the choice of optional units of their candidates. The units taken must be appropriate for their work function and setting. Core units A select THREE units Unit number HSC31 HSC32 HSC33 Title Promote effective communication for and about individuals Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment Reflect on and develop your practice Forbidden combinations

Core units B select ONE unit Unit number Title Forbidden combinations

Children and young people HSC34 Adults HSC35 Promote choice, wellbeing and the protection of all individuals HSC34 Promote the wellbeing and protection of children and young people HSC35

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Children and young people optional units Unit number Title Forbidden combinations

Select FOUR units from chosen endorsed title and/or generic optional group HSC36 HSC37 HSC38 HSC39 HSC310 HSC311 HSC312 HSC313 HSC314 HSC315 HSC316 HSC317 HSC318 HSC319 HSC320 HSC321 HSC322 HSC323 HSC324 HSC325 HSC326 HSC327 Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans Care for and protect babies Support children and young people to manage their lives Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs Care for a newly born baby when the mother is unable to do so Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Support the needs of children and young people with additional N/A requirements Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people Provide a home for children and young people Support families in their own home Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies) Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people Contribute to child care practice in group living Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people Model behaviour and relationships with children and young people which recognises the impact of crime on victims and communities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Adult optional units Unit number Title Forbidden combinations

Select FOUR units from chosen endorsed title and/or generic optional group HSC328 HSC329 HSC330 HSC331 HSC332 HSC333 HSC334 HSC335 HSC336 HSC337 Contribute to care planning and review Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals Support individuals to access and use services and facilities Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care Provide a home and family environment for individuals Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Continued overleaf

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Generic option units Unit number HSC338 HSC339 HSC340 HSC341 HSC342 HSC343 HSC344 HSC345 HSC346 HSC347 HSC348 HSC349 HSC350 HSC351 HSC352 HSC353 HSC354 HSC355 HSC356 HSC357 HSC358 HSC360 HSC361 HSC362 HSC363 HSC364 HSC365 Title Carry out screening and referral assessment Carry out assessment to identify and prioritise needs Carry out comprehensive substance misuse assessment Help individuals address their substance use through an action plan Assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to substance users Support individuals to live at home Support individuals to retain, regain and develop the skills to manage their lives and environment Support individuals to manage their financial affairs Support individuals to manage direct payments Help individuals to access employment Help individuals to access learning, training and development opportunities Enable individuals to access housing and accommodation Recognise, respect and support the spiritual wellbeing of individuals Plan, agree and implement development activities to meet individual needs Support individuals to continue therapies Interact with individuals using telecommunications Counsel individuals about their substance use using recognised theoretical models Counsel groups of individuals about their substance use using recognised theoretical models Support individuals to deal with relationship problems Carry out extended feeding techniques to ensure individuals nutritional and fluid intake Identify the individual at risk of skin breakdown and undertake the appropriate risk assessment Move and position individuals Prepare for and undertake physiological measurements Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists Test for substance use Identify the physical health needs of individuals with mental health needs Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects Forbidden combinations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HSC346 HSC345 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Generic option units Unit number HSC366 HSC367 HSC368 HSC369 HSC370 HSC371 HSC372 HSC373 HSC375 HSC376 HSC377 HSC378 HSC379 HSC380 HSC381 HSC382 HSC383 HSC384 HSC385 HSC386 HSC387 HSC388 HSC389 HSC390 HSC391 Title Support individuals to represent their own needs and wishes at decision making forums Help individuals identify and access independent representation and advocacy Present individuals needs and preferences Support individuals with specific communication needs Support individuals to communicate using technology Support individuals to communicate using interpreting and translation services Plan and implement programmes to enable individuals to find their way around familiar environments Plan and implement programmes to enable individuals to find their way around unfamiliar environments Administer medication to individuals Obtain venous blood samples Encourage and support individuals undergoing dialysis therapy at home Insert and secure urethral catheters and monitor and respond to the effects of urethral catheterisation Support individuals who are substance users Supply and exchange injecting equipment for individuals Support individuals through detoxification programmes Support individuals to prepare for, adapt to and manage change Prepare and support individuals to move and settle into new living environments Support individuals through bereavement Support individuals through the process of dying Assist in the transfer of individuals between agencies and services Work in collaboration with carers in the caring role Relate to families, parents and carers Work with carers, families and key people to maintain contact with individuals Support families in maintaining relationships in their wider social structures and environments Provide services to those affected by someone elses substance use Forbidden combinations HSC367 and HSC368 HSC366 and HSC368 HSC366 and HSC367 HSC370 and HSC371 HSC369 and HSC371 HSC369 and HSC370 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HSC383 HSC382 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Generic option units Unit number HSC392 HSC393 HSC394 HSC395 HSC396 HSC397 HSC398 HSC399 HSC3100 HSC3101 HSC3102 HSC3103 HSC3104 HSC3105 HSC3106 HSC3107 HSC3108 HSC3109 HSC3110 Title Work with families, carers and individuals during times of crisis Prepare, implement and evaluate agreed therapeutic group activities Contribute to the development and running of support groups Contribute to assessing and act upon risk of danger, harm and abuse Enable people with mental health needs to develop coping strategies Reinforce positive behavioural goals during relationships with individuals Contribute to assessing the needs of individuals for therapeutic programmes to enable them to manage their behaviour Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies Participate in inter-disciplinary team working to support individuals Help develop community networks and partnerships Work with community networks and partnerships Contribute to raising awareness of health issues Support the development of networks to meet assessed needs and planned outcomes Contribute to the recruitment and placement of volunteers Plan, organise and monitor the work of volunteers Lead and motivate volunteers Facilitate learning through presentations and activities Facilitate group learning Support colleagues to relate to individuals Forbidden combinations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Additional units Unit number HSC374 HSC3111 HSC3112 HSC3113 HSC3114 HSC3115 HSC3116 HSC3117 HSC3118 HSC3119 HSC3120 HSC3121 Title Provide first aid to an individual needing emergency assistance Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals Support individuals to identify and promote their own health and social well-being Support and enable individuals undergoing renal dialysis to contribute to their own health and well-being Promote the needs, rights, interests and responsibilities of individuals within the community Receive, analyse, process, use and store information Contribute to promoting a culture that values and respects the diversity of individuals Conduct an assessment of risks in the workplace Respond to work-related violent incidents Promote the values and principles underpinning best practice Support competence achieved in the workplace Contribute to promoting the effectiveness of teams Forbidden combinations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Section 2: Worked examples of forms

Collecting your evidence
Your evidence is normally kept in a file, normally called a portfolio, which may be stored electronically. We produce a document called Generic candidate guidance, which provides all the forms you need to record your progress and to help index your evidence. This section explains how and when you, assessors and internal verifiers use the recording forms in the logbook and provides worked examples.

Example 1: Index of evidence

The index of evidence should be placed at the front of your portfolio. As you produce pieces of evidence, you should give each piece a unique number. You should then complete the index of evidence so the evidence can be located easily. Every piece of evidence should be numbered and referenced on the index, including evidence that is not located in the portfolio, such as confidential material which has been left in situ in the workplace. The final column of the sheet should be completed by the internal verifier if your evidence is sampled.

Example 2: Assessment plan

Before you begin to collect any evidence it will be helpful for you to compile, with your assessors help, an assessment plan. The plan should identify normal work routines, defining the tasks to be carried out, how long the tasks will take and the evidence that will be generated. The tasks should be normal working activities and part of your day-to-day job role, or activities needing to be performed, which means opportunities to carry out the tasks need to be generated. Producing an assessment plan will help to identify suitable opportunities for integrating assessment of different units.

Example 3: Unit progress record

This form enables you and your assessor to see at a glance what stage you are at in this qualification. Each time you achieve a unit of your NVQ, you should put your signature and the date next to the relevant unit title ensuring that your evidence can be easily located. Before signing next to a unit title, you will need to make sure that the assessor has completed the recording documents correctly.

Example 4: Element achievement record

This lists the performance criteria and scope in an element you need to prove competence for. Each time you meet the requirements of an outcome, you should write the date in the relevant box.

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On completion of each element, your assessor will give you feedback about your performance, informing you if you have been successful in achieving the required level of competence for individual outcomes. There is space on the back of the form for your assessor to make comments and/or notes from the feedback session. Make sure that you are clear about the assessment decision and fully understand what has been said. You and your assessor should both then sign and date the form before filing it into the relevant section of your portfolio.

Example 5: Knowledge evidence record

This lists all the knowledge and understanding requirements you need to demonstrate for a unit. While working through individual elements, you should tick the appropriate boxes on the form to show which type(s) of evidence you have collected to prove that you have the required level of knowledge and understanding. Once you are satisfied that you have achieved the knowledge and understanding requirements for the whole unit, your assessor should, as with the element achievement record, note his/her comments from the feedback session on the form. You and your assessor should then sign and date the form before filing it in the portfolio. Remember that on completion of the unit your assessor should complete your unit progress record.

Example 6: Personal statement

You should use a personal statement to record your experience of something, such as how you handled a specific situation. You should describe what you did, how you did it and why you did it. You can refer to other people who were present. This might provide you with a witness testimony (see example 8), which should be noted in the Links to other evidence column on the statement form. You might also use the personal statement to put a piece of evidence in context for your assessor so that he/she can help you decide if it is relevant to your NVQ. For example, you may refer to paperwork that is used in the organisation to pass information to a colleague. It may not be clear to your assessor why you are communicating in this way and a brief explanation from you of its relevance may be required.

Example 7: Observation record

Your assessor should record his/her observations of you as you work, and: describe the skills you use describe the activities you perform specify the units or parts of the units that are covered by the observation provide details of the knowledge and understanding apparent from your performance and the ensuing questions list the other units/elements to which the evidence may contribute (integration of assessment).

Your assessor should keep a note of his/her comments and feedback to you. Once completed, the record of the observation should be referenced as evidence and included in your portfolio.


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Example 8: Witness testimony

There may be occasions when your assessor is not able to observe you carrying out certain aspects of your job. In such instances, it may be appropriate for another person to comment on your performance by completing a statement called a witness testimony. Witness testimony should only be used to support other forms of evidence such as a product. It should: be provided by a person who is not related to you and is in a position to make a valid comment about your performance, eg a supervisor, line manager, a client or customer contain comments that specifically relate your performance to the NVQ standards be authenticated by the inclusion of the witnesss signature, role, address, telephone number and the date.

Example 9: Record of questions and candidates answers

This form is used to record any questions your assessor asks you to establish you have the underpinning knowledge and evidence required by a unit. Your answers, or a prcis and/or bullet points regarding the issues discussed should also be noted. Both you and your assessor should sign and date the form.

Example 10: Expert witness evidence

The use of expert witnesses is encouraged as a contribution to the assessment of evidence of your competence, where there are no occupationally competent assessors for occupationally specific units. Expert witnesses must have: a working knowledge of NOS for the units on which their expertise is based current expertise and occupational competence, ie within the last two years, either as practitioner or manager, for the units on which their expertise is based. This experience must be credible and clearly demonstrable through continuing learning and development. The training centre must retain records of the CV and continuing professional activities of expert witnesses. Expert witnesses must either hold any qualification in assessment of workplace performance, such as L20 from the Learning and Development suite, Support Competence Achieved in the Workplace, or a professional work role which involves evaluating the everyday practice of staff. In due course the implementation of regulatory requirements may mean that expert witness will need to hold appropriate health/health and social care qualifications.

Worked examples
To give you a clearer picture of how to compile your portfolio, you will find worked examples in below. You should ask your assessor for further advice and support if you are still unsure about how to use the forms and who should complete them.

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Example 1: Index of evidence

NVQ title and level: Edexcel Level 2 NVQ in Health and Social Care

Evidence number

Description of evidence

Included in portfolio (Yes/No)

If No, state location

Units/elements evidence links to (give specific

numbers, eg Unit HSC21 Element 2.1)

Internal verifier signature and date of sampling

Personal statement


HSC21d HSC25a, b, c HSC218 b, c

Direct observation and questioning


HSC25a HSC21a, b, c, d HSC218 b, c

3 4 5 6 7

Witness statement from line manager Questioning Expert witness statement

Yes Yes Yes

HSC25 b, c HSC25 a, b, c HSC218a

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Example 2: Assessment plan

Units/elements to be covered: Units HSC 21-23 Candidate: Ann Example Normal working activities performed
Typical evidence Work area Expected completion date Links to other units/elements

Assessor: Ann Assessor

Unit/element: HSC25a Carry out specific plan of care activities Observation, reflective account or discussion questioning Resident living areas HSC21, HSC218

Unit/element: HSC25b Provide feedback on specific plan of care activities Observation, reflective account or discussion, questioning Resident living areas and office HSC21 HSC218

Unit/element: HSC25c Contribute to revisions of specific plan of care activities Observation, reflective account or discussion questioning Resident living areas and office HSC21 HSC218

Activities to be performed Unit/element: HSC25a Carry out specific plan of care activities Collecting information about a persons plan of care and following this plan Unit/element: HSC25b Provide feedback on specific plan of care activities Providing information about a persons plan of care to others Unit/element: HSC25c Contribute to revisions of specific plan of care activities Contribute to ongoing and planned review of care plans Additional comments Our first observation for these activities will take place through assessment of assisting an individual with washing and dressing on Tuesday morning. This will also provide evidence for several other units including HSC21 (Communication and Record Keeping) and HSC218 (Personal Care). Assessors signature: Candidates signature: Date: Date:

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Example 3: Unit progress record

Qualification and level: Health and Social Care Level 2 Candidate: Candidates who are working the health sector must select TWO core units, TWO optional units and TWO units from either core or optional units. Candidates who are working in the social care sector, MUST take the FOUR core units in order to satisfy registration/regulatory requirements, and two optional units.

Unit checklist: circle the reference number of each unit as you complete it. Core Optional
HSC21 HSC214 HSC22 HSC218
Circle the reference numbers as you complete each unit. You can then easily see what stage you have reached in your NVQ.



Core units Unit number HSC21 Title Communicate with, and complete records for individuals Assessors signature Date


Support the health and safety of yourself and individuals


Develop your knowledge and practice


Ensure your own actions support the care, protection and well-being of individuals

This section of the form is for your assessor to sign each time you successfully achieve a unit.

Continued overleaf

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Optional units Unit number HSC214 Title Help individuals to eat and drink Assessors signature Date


Support individuals with their personal care needs


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Example 4: Element achievement record Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC21a

Communicate with, and complete records for individuals

Work with individuals and others to identify the best forms of communication
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 2 3 4 you seek information and advice about the individuals specific communication and language needs and preferences you confirm with individuals their preferred methods of communication and language and any changes in their needs you review your communication skills to see if they are suitable to meet the needs and preferences of individuals where necessary, you seek extra support to ensure that: you are able to communicate with, and understand the individuals views and wishes the individual is able to communicate with and understand you etc

Candidate: Assessor:

Date: Date:

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Example 5: Knowledge evidence record Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC21

Communicate with, and complete records for individuals

You must show that you know and understand the knowledge and understanding for this unit. Your performance evidence may help to show this, but it is likely that you will need additional evidence (eg your answers to questioning). Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:



legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination and rights when communicating with and completing records and reports about individuals how to provide active support to enable individuals to communicate their needs, views and preferences


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
Candidates signature: Assessors signature: Internal verifiers signature: Date: Date: Date:

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Example 6: Personal statement

Date Evidence index number Details of statement Links to other evidence (enter numbers) Units, elements, PCs, and scope covered HSC 25a 1ab, 3, 4, 5 HSC25b 1, 2, 3b, 4a

23/03/ 05

This morning I helped one of my residents have a wash and get dressed in their bedroom. From handover and reading the care plan I was aware that this person only needed help with washing their back and lower half and placing equipment and clothes within reach as they are unable to walk independently. I also checked this with the resident to see if they have any preferences on the assistance that they needed. First I set out the items they needed and made sure they were safely within reach. This included allowing them to make their own choice of toiletries and clothes. I asked them to call for assistance when they were ready for this help. This would allow them privacy and not to feel rushed. When I left I made sure I shut the door to maintain their dignity and washed my hands. When they called I went immediately to assist them complete their washing and dressing. Where possible I allowed them to do as much as possible for themselves and explained what I was doing. While I was assisting with washing their lower half I noted that the back of their heels appeared to show red marking. I asked them if this was painful at all and explained that I would report this so that the senior care would carry out a pressure area care assessment. As a result of this a pressure relieving mattress was placed on their bed to reduce the risk of pressure sores. Later in the morning I made a written record in the communication book that stated that the individual had a full wash this morning and that I had reported that their heels were marking.

HSC21d 2d, 4b, 5

HSC218b 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 HSC218c 1, 2, 3abcd, 4a, 7 HSC218 Knowledge 5, 6, 8cdef, 13

Candidates signature:


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Example 7: Observation record

Unit/element(s): HSC25 Candidate: Ann Example Evidence index number: 2 Date of observation: 30/03/05

Skills/activities observed: Providing residents with assistance with washing and dressing during morning shift. This included collecting information from other staff, the residents and the written care plan. I also observed Anns communication skills. Detailed record of this observation and questions asked during the observation are attached on a separate sheet.

PCs and range covered: HSC25 a 1ab, 3, 4

Knowledge and understanding apparent from this observation: Through observation and confirmation through questioning, Ann demonstrated knowledge of accessing and using specific plans of care and health and safety relating to assisting with washing and dressing. HSC25 KS1, 6, 11c, 13 Other units/elements to which this evidence may contribute: HSC21a 1, 2 HSC21b 2ab, 3, 4, 5, 6 HSC21c 1, 2, 3, 5b, 6ab, 8 HSC21d 1, 2abcd, 3, 6 HSC218 b1-8 HSC218c 1, 2, 3abcd, 4ab, 6, 7 Assessor comments and feedback to candidate: Ann demonstrated a high level of competence across most of the target units. We discussed the need to ensure that a waste laundry trolley is at hand to reduce the risks of cross infection.

I can confirm the candidates performance was satisfactory. Assessors signature: Candidates signature: Date: Date:

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Example 8: Witness testimony

NVQ title and level: Health and Social Care Level 2 Candidate name: Ann Example Evidence index no: 3 Where applicable, evidence no to which this testimony relates: Element(s): HSC25 b, c Date of evidence: 30/04/05 Witness name: Ann Manager Relationship to candidate: Line Manager Details of testimony: I can confirm that Ann routinely reports ongoing changes in the residents condition and makes suggestions for updating care plans as per our home policies. A recent example was where she informed us that a resident no longer needed help with mouth care as improvements in the persons condition meant that they were now independent in this area.

I can confirm the candidates evidence is authentic and accurate. Witness signature: Ann Name: Ann Manager Date: 30/04/05


Please tick ( ) the appropriate box. D32/D33 Award or A1 Award Familiar with the NVQ standards to which the candidate is working

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Example 9: Record of questions and candidates answers

Unit: HSC21 Evidence index number: 4 Circumstances of assessment: Question and answer session was conducted in the meeting room with the candidates co-ordinating assessor and an expert witness. Element(s): a

List of questions and candidates responses: Q: What codes of practice and guidance should you consider when communicating with and completing records for clients?


Q: What should you do if you notice that a client isnt able to communicate?


Assessors signature: Ann Assessor Candidates signature: Ann Example

Date: 30/05/05 Date: 30/05/05

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Example 10: Expert witness evidence record

NVQ title and level: Health and Social Care Level 2 Candidate name: Ann Example Evidence index no: 5 Where applicable, evidence no to which this testimony relates: Element(s): HSC 375 Date of evidence: 21/05/05 Expert witness name: Ann X Witness Relationship to candidate: Supervisor Details of testimony: I have observed Ann giving out the morning round of medication, and confirm that she followed all the H&S requirements and policies and procedures involved in this activity. This included checking the prescribed medicine with the Medicine Administration Record, and confirming the identity of the resident prior to giving them the medicine. All medicines were double-checked and placed in plastic containers before being given to the residents with an explanation of what they were and what they should do (many of these residents suffer from dementia, and can be very forgetful). Ann was very patient and waited until she was sure that the medication had been taken, and made sure that the trolley was locked when she was not in attendance. I have discussed with Ann the possible side effects of the drugs we are using, and she knows what to look for, and what to report back to the Manager. I am happy that she is competent to undertake the drugs round in the future. THIS OBSERVATION IS EVIDENCE CONTRIBUTING TO UNIT HSC 375 I can confirm the candidates evidence is authentic and accurate. Expert witness signature: Expert witness status: Name: Date:

Ann X Witness
visiting pharmacist Ann X Witness 23/05/05

Please tick ( ) the appropriate box. Qualified as an assessor for workplace performance Relevant professional work role that involves evaluating everyday staff practice Current expertise Familiar with the NVQ standards to which the candidate is working

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Section 3: Candidate logbook

Page number Core units
Unit HSC31 Unit HSC32 Unit HSC33 Unit HSC34 Unit HSC35 Promote effective communication for and about individuals Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment Reflect on and develop your practice Promote the well-being and protection of children and young people Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals

43 55 67 75 91

Children and Young People optional units

Unit HSC36 Unit HSC37 Unit HSC38 Unit HSC39 Unit HSC310 Unit HSC311 Unit HSC312 Unit HSC313 Unit HSC314 Unit HSC315 Unit HSC316 Unit HSC317 Unit HSC318 Unit HSC319 Unit HSC320 Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans Care for and protect babies Support children and young people to manage their lives Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs Care for a newly born baby when the mother unable to do so Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs Support the needs of children and young people with additional requirements Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people Provide a home for children and young people Support families in their own home Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies)

107 121 137 149 163 177 191 203 217 227 241 257 269 283 295

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Unit HSC321 Unit HSC322 Unit HSC323 Unit HSC324 Unit HSC325 Unit HSC326 Unit HSC327

Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people Contribute to child care practice in group living Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people Model behaviour and relationships with children and young people which recognises the impact of crime on victims and communities

307 319 329 343 355 369 383

Adults optional units

Unit HSC328 Unit HSC329 Unit HSC330 Unit HSC331 Unit HSC332 Unit HSC333 Unit HSC334 Unit HSC335 Unit HSC336 Unit HSC337 Contribute to care planning and review Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals Support individuals to access and use services and facilities Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care Provide a home and family environment for individuals Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour

393 405 417 427 439 449 459 469 481 489

Generic optional units

Unit HSC338 Unit HSC339 Unit HSC340 Unit HSC341 Unit HSC342 Unit HSC343 Carry out screening and referral assessment Carry out assessment to identify and prioritise needs Carry out comprehensive substance misuse assessment Help individuals address their substance use through an action plan Assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to substance users Support individuals to live at home

501 509 519 529 537 545


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Unit HSC344 Unit HSC345 Unit HSC346 Unit HSC347 Unit HSC348 Unit HSC349 Unit HSC350 Unit HSC351 Unit HSC352 Unit HSC353 Unit HSC354 Unit HSC355 Unit HSC356 Unit HSC357 Unit HSC358 Unit HSC360 Unit HSC361 Unit HSC362 Unit HSC363 Unit HSC364 Unit HSC365 Unit HSC366 Unit HSC367 Unit HSC368 Unit HSC369 Unit HSC370

Support individuals to retain, regain and develop the skills to manage their lives and environment Support individuals to manage their financial affairs Support individuals to manage direct payments Help individuals to access employment Help individuals to access learning, training and development opportunities Enable individuals to access housing and accommodation Recognise, respect and support the spiritual well-being of individuals Plan, agree and implement development activities to meet individual needs Support individuals to continue therapies Interact with individuals using telecommunications Counsel individuals about their substance use using recognised theoretical models Counsel groups of individuals about their substance use using recognised theoretical models Support individuals to deal with relationship problems Carry out extended feeding techniques to ensure individuals nutritional and fluid intake Identify the individual at risk of skin breakdown and undertake the appropriate risk assessment Move and position individuals Prepare for and undertake physiological measurements Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists Test for substance use Identify the physical health needs of individuals with mental health needs Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects Support individuals to represent their own needs and wishes at decision making forums Help individuals identify and access independent representation and advocacy Present individuals needs and preferences Support individuals with specific communication needs Support individuals to communicate using technology

557 569 579 591 603 615 627 639 651 663 673 683 693 705 715 725 735 747 755 763 773 783 795 809 819 831

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Unit HSC371 Unit HSC372 Unit HSC373 Unit HSC375 Unit HSC376 Unit HSC377 Unit HSC378 Unit HSC379 Unit HSC380 Unit HSC381 Unit HSC382 Unit HSC383

Support individuals to communicate using interpreting and translation services Plan and implement programmes to enable individuals to find their way around familiar environments Plan and implement programmes to enable individuals to find their way around unfamiliar environments Administer medication to individuals Obtain venous blood samples Encourage and support individuals undergoing dialysis therapy at home Insert and secure urethral catheters and monitor and respond to the effects of urethral catheterisation Support individuals who are substance users Supply and exchange injecting equipment for individuals Support individuals through detoxification programmes Support individuals to prepare for, adapt to and manage change Prepare and support individuals to move and settle into new living environments

843 855 867 879 891 901 911 919 931 939 947 959 971 981 991 999 1011 1023 1035 1041 1049 1061 1073 1085 1099 1111 1121

Unit HSC384 Support individuals through bereavement Unit HSC385 Unit HSC386 Unit HSC387 Unit HSC388 Unit HSC389 Unit HSC390 Unit HSC391 Unit HSC392 Unit HSC393 Unit HSC394 Unit HSC395 Unit HSC396 Unit HSC397 Unit HSC398 Support individuals through the process of dying Assist in the transfer of individuals between agencies and services Work in collaboration with carers in the caring role Relate to families, parents and carers Work with carers, families and key people to maintain contact with individuals Support families in maintaining relationships in their wider social structures and environments Provide services to those affected by someone elses substance use Work with families, carers and individuals during times of crisis Prepare, implement and evaluate agreed therapeutic group activities Contribute to the development and running of support groups Contribute to assessing and act upon risk of danger, harm and abuse Enable people with mental health needs to develop coping strategies Reinforce positive behavioural goals during relationships with individuals Contribute to assessing the needs of individuals for therapeutic programmes to enable them to manage their behaviour


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit HSC399

Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies

1133 1141 1153 1165 1175 1185 1195 1201 1209 1217 1227 1237

Unit HSC3100 Participate in inter-disciplinary team working to support individuals Unit HSC3101 Help develop community networks and partnerships Unit HSC3102 Work with community networks and partnerships Unit HSC3103 Contribute to raising awareness of health issues Unit HSC3104 Support the development of networks to meet assessed needs and planned outcomes Unit HSC3105 Contribute to the recruitment and placement of volunteers Unit HSC3106 Plan, organise and monitor the work of volunteers Unit HSC3107 Lead and motivate volunteers Unit HSC3108 Facilitate learning through presentations and activities Unit HSC3109 Facilitate group learning Unit HSC3110 Support colleagues to relate to individuals

Additional units
Unit HSC374 Provide first aid to an individual needing emergency assistance Unit HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals Unit HSC3112 Support individuals to identify and promote their own health and social well-being Unit HSC3113 Support and enable individuals undergoing renal dialysis to contribute to their own health and well-being Unit HSC3114 Promote the needs, rights, interests and responsibilities of individuals within the community Unit HSC3115 Receive, analyse, process, use and store information Unit HSC3116 Contribute to promoting a culture that values and respects the diversity of individuals Unit HSC3117 Conduct an assessment of risks in the workplace Unit HSC3118 Respond to work related violent incidents Unit HSC3119 Promote the values and principles underpinning best practice Unit HSC3120 Support competence achieved in the workplace Unit HSC3121 Contribute to promoting the effectiveness of teams

1251 1261 1273 1285 1297 1309 1319 1331 1339 1347 1355 1361

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Core units

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC31 Promote effective communication for and about individuals

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to identify ways of communicating on difficult, complex and sensitive issues, support others to communicate and update and maintain records and reports. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communication and language needs and preferences: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Difficult, complex and sensitive communications are likely to be: distressing; traumatic; frightening; threatening; pose a risk to and/or have serious implications for the individuals and/or key people; communications that might be difficult to understand and assimilate; communications on sensitive issues would include issues of a personal nature. Extra support can include the use of: key people; interpreters; translators; signers; specialist equipment to aid the individuals communication abilities. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Values underpinning the whole of the unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. If you are working with children and young people they can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. If you are working with adults they can be found in HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in either unit HSC34 or HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence. Arranging the environment, furniture etc to enable effective communication. Are the individuals needs and preferences in terms of their preferred language and ways of communicating with you, and you communicating and responding to them. The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocates or interpreters. Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social well-being. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being. Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role. Reactions include non-verbal and verbal cues that indicate that the individual is distressed, does not understand etc. The rights that individuals have to: Specific aids be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language.

Arrange Communication and language needs and preferences Individuals

Key people

Others Reactions Rights

Specific aids that will enable individuals with speaking, sight or hearing difficulties, additional needs or learning difficulties, to receive and respond to information.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit.

Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation: your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide a significant amount of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective accounts: these are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to communicate with individuals and to support them in their communications. You will also need to explain your knowledge and understanding of the ways which human developmental stages influence communication. Work products for this unit, products may include records and reports related to communicating with individuals and other key people. Questioning may provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policy and procedures. Witness testimony can be used to confirm your ability in specialist areas of communication. Where specific skills are required, for example, specific communication aids or signing, witness testimony could be provided by other professionals, individuals receiving care, work colleagues and/or line manager.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC31

Promote effective communication for and about individuals

You must show that you know and understand the knowledge and understanding for this unit. Your performance evidence may help to show this, but it is likely that you will need additional evidence (eg your answers to questioning). Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role.



legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination and rights: relating to individuals and key peoples language and communication preferences on equal treatment for language and communication when completing records and reports

how to provide active support to enable individuals and key people to communicate their needs, views and preferences using their preferred method and media of communication and language methods and ways of communicating that: support equality and diversity are effective when dealing with, and challenging discrimination when communicating with individuals and key people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

TYPE OF EVIDENCE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THIS UNIT Legislation and organisational policy and procedures EI O P WT S APL Q&A DATE

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when communicating on difficult, complex and sensitive issues and recording and reporting current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: accessing records and information about an individuals communication and language needs and preferences recording, reporting, confidentiality and sharing information, including data protection communicating with individuals

Theories and practice

where to go and the best ways to find out about and get advice about individuals communication and language needs, wishes and preferences how and where to access information and support that can inform your knowledge and practice about communication and language skills theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about: human growth and development and its effect on communication and language skills and abilities in relation to specific conditions in your area of practice that can affect communication and language of individuals and key people how communication and language differences and difficulties can affect the identity, self-esteem and self-image of the individuals with whom you work power and how it can be used and abused when communicating on difficult, sensitive and complex issues

factors that can affect the communication skills, abilities and development of the individuals with whom you are working and any resultant behaviour that might occur

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10 methods to support individuals to communicate 11 specific aids to communication that may be used in your area of work 12 how to arrange the environment and position yourself to maximise communication and interaction 13 conflicts and dilemmas created by difficulties in communication and language in your area of work 14 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet when communicating with individuals and key people 15 the skills, styles and methods of communicating difficult, complex and sensitive messages and how to deal with the outcomes 16 the environments that are most appropriate for communicating difficult, complex and sensitive messages 17 where, why and how to access permissions to access records and reports 18 the difference between fact, opinion and judgement and why it is important when recording and reporting information about individuals 19 how to, and why you need to complete records accurately, completely and in ways that can be understood by those who need to access and use the records and reports

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ...........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ........................................... DATE: .................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: ....................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC31a

Promote effective communication for and about individuals

Identify ways to communicate effectively


You need to show that 1 you obtain, record and pass on information about the individuals communication and language needs and preferences you work with individuals to understand their preferred methods of communication and language and ensure that any specific aids they require are available you identify different styles and methods of communicating to meet the needs and preferences of individuals and key people you seek information and advice from key people where: you have difficulty communicating with individuals using their preferred communication methods and language the issues to be communicated are outside your expertise

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

you seek information on: the issues to be communicated with the individuals and key people how to deal with any potential reactions to the communication

you change your approach and seek additional help: to meet the individuals changing needs where the communication methods are inappropriate or ineffective

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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC31b

Promote effective communication for and about individuals

Communicate effectively on difficult, complex and sensitive issues


You need to show that 1 you select, use and arrange the environment to facilitate effective communication and aid understanding you check that individuals have the appropriate support to communicate their views, wishes and preferences you use appropriate styles and methods of communicating to meet the needs and preferences of individuals and key people you communicate in ways which: 5 6 7 8 9 are sensitive to the individuals needs, concerns and reactions are appropriate to the content and purpose of the communication

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

2 3

you give individuals sufficient time to understand the content of the communication you observe and respond appropriately to the individuals reactions during communications you work with individuals to help clarify any misunderstandings you support individuals to deal with the content and their reactions to the communication you take appropriate action when individuals reactions to the information may result in risk or harm to the individual, others and yourself

10 you record and report the processes and outcomes from the communication according to confidentiality agreement and legal and organisational requirements

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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC31c

Promote effective communication for and about individuals

Support individuals to communicate


You need to show that 1 you support individuals to: 2 3 express how they want to communicate with others communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

you ensure that any specific aids are set up to enable individuals to communicate you support others who are communicating with individuals to: understand them communicate using, or through others that are able to use, the individuals preferred methods of communication and language

you encourage individuals to: engage with others and to respond appropriately express their feelings and emotions in acceptable ways overcome barriers to communication find alternative methods of communication


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC31d

Promote effective communication for and about individuals

Update and maintain records and reports


You need to show that 1 2 3 4 you identify legal and organisational requirements and procedures for recording and reporting on individuals you identify, record and pass on information about the individuals communication and language needs you seek permission from the appropriate people to access records you access and update records and reports on your work with the individuals accurately, comprehensively and according to legal, organisational procedures and requirements you record and report: any signs and symptoms that indicate a change in the condition and care needs of the individual and in their support requirements any decisions you have made and actions you have taken about the individuals support needs and condition any conflicts that have arisen and actions taken to resolve these

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

6 7 8

you record and report any difficulties you have in accessing and updating records and reports you involve and support individuals to contribute and understand records and reports concerning them you ensure the security and access to records and reports are according to confidentiality agreements and legal and organisational procedures


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC32 Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment
What is the unit about? For this unit you are required to keep yourself, individuals and others for whom you are responsible, safe and secure within your working environment and minimise risks arising from emergencies. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Accidents could be due to: falls; hazards in the environment; illness; disability; weaknesses; sensory and cognitive impairment; frailty. Incidents could include: intruders; chemical spillages; lost keys, purses etc, missing individuals; individuals locked out; contamination risk; aggressive and dangerous encounters; bomb scares. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Risks could include: the possibility of danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; the possibility of injury and harm to people. The working environment could be: within an organisations premises; in premises of another organisation; in someones home; out in the community. Working practices include: activities; procedures; use of materials or equipment; working techniques. Your knowledge and understanding for this unit will relate to legal requirements and codes of practice applicable to the scope of your work and others with whom you work; the nature of the work you are undertaking; your role and level of responsibility within your organisation (eg whether you have responsibility to support the work of others); the individuals, key people and others with whom you are required to work and the degree of autonomy you have for the management of your own work activities.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. If you are working with children and young people they can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. If you are working with adults they can be found in HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in either unit HSC34 or HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge. Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Accident Emergencies Hazards Incidents Individuals Unforeseen major and minor incidents where an individual is injured. Immediate and threatening danger to individuals and others. Something with the potential to cause harm. Occurrences that require immediate attention to avoid possible danger and harm to people, goods and/or the environment. The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter. Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social well-being. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being. Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role. Those people who have a right to be on the property; it excludes people who may have a court order against them and those who have no need to be on the premises.

Key people

Others Right to enter


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that individuals have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language.

Risk assessments Risks The working environment

A document that identifies actual and potential risks and specifies actions related to specific activities and functions. The likelihood of the hazards potential being realised. This will include all environments in which you work.

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation may be appropriate for part of element 3 of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the workplace as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service Standards for your area of work or client group.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation: your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide a significant amount of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective accounts of your real work practice, which explain your actions in the promotion and maintenance of working safely, and your knowledge of the relevant policies and legislation. Work products will show your involvement in the preparation of formal and informal risk assessments. Identification of reports/records, etc, which you have prepared and the assessor has access to, but must not be held in the portfolio for reasons of confidentiality, eg accident reporting. Certificates, eg First Aid, COSHH, may provide knowledge evidence to support competence, provided some actual assessment has taken place and can be demonstrated. Questioning may provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policy and procedure. A record must be held in the portfolio. Witness testimony can be confirmation of an activity you have been involved with and how you dealt with it, eg a first aid emergency, security emergency. This could come from your line manager, another assessor, a member of the care team or an individual receiving care. APL: you may already have completed a formally assessed qualification, some of which relates to Health and Safety, which may provide your assessor with evidence of your competence/knowledge in some aspects of this unit. Simulation is acceptable to demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC32

Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role.



legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination and rights when working with individuals, key people and others when monitoring and promoting health and safety how to provide active support and promote individuals rights, choices and well-being whilst promoting healthy and safe working practices and minimising risks from incidents and emergencies

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others in relation to health, safety and dealing with incidents and emergencies current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information risk assessment and management the protection of yourself, individuals, key people and others from danger, harm and abuse

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



monitoring and maintaining health, safety and security in the working environment dealing with incidents and emergencies

the purpose of, and arrangements for supervision when involved in incidents and emergencies

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice on health, safety and dealing with incidents and emergencies the effects of stress and distress on yourself, individuals, key people and others conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with individuals and key people methods of supporting individuals to: express their needs and preferences understand and take responsibility for promoting their own health and care assess and manage risks to their health and wellbeing

7 8 9

10 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 11 methods of: monitoring activities and the environment to minimise risk and keep the environment free from hazards storing different equipment and materials safely and securely minimising the risk of contamination and infection

12 how to deal and work with hazardous and nonhazardous materials, equipment and waste, in order to minimise the risks of contamination and danger to yourself, individuals, key people and others with whom you work and are responsible for 13 procedures, techniques and the differing types of equipment to enable you to lift, move and handle people, materials and items safely 14 how to assess risks to yourself, individuals, key people and others


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


15 the type of security and health incidents and emergencies that might happen in your area of work and working environment 16 the appropriate action to take for different security and health incidents and emergencies 17 your own capabilities to deal with an accident and emergency, and when and how to summon additional help 18 how to promote health and safety to others, including the modelling of good practice

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ...........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ........................................... DATE: .................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: ....................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment
Monitor and maintain the safety and security of the working environment
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC32a


You need to show that 1 2 you follow organisational safety and security procedures you check peoples right to enter, be in and around the premises and the environment in which you are working you take appropriate actions to deal with people who do not have a right to enter, be in and around the premises and the environment in which you are working before starting and during work activities, you identify and minimise health, safety and security risks, seeking additional support where necessary you monitor work areas and working practices to ensure that they: 6 are safe and free from hazards conform to legal and organisational requirements for health and safety

you take account of individuals needs, wishes, preferences and choices, whilst ensuring your own and the safety of individuals, key people and others when carrying out your work activities you take appropriate action, following legal and organisational requirements, to: ensure that equipment and materials are used and stored correctly and safely deal with the spillage of hazardous and non hazardous materials dispose of waste immediately and safely

8 9

you follow, and support others to understand and follow correct safety procedures you report health and safety issues to the appropriate people and complete health, safety and security records, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment
Promote health and safety in the working environment
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC32b


You need to show that 1 you identify and work with others to identify, minimise and manage potential risks and hazards in the working environment and when undertaking work activities you operate within the limits of your own role and responsibilities, in relation to health and safety you use, and support others to use: 4 safe procedures and techniques for moving and handling approved methods and procedures when carrying out potentially hazardous work activities appropriate risk assessments

2 3

you identify and report, encourage and support others to identify and report any issues in the working environment, that may put yourself and others at risk you act as a role model in promoting health, safety and security you take appropriate action where there is the likelihood of an accident or injury you ensure that the appropriate people know where you are at all times you support others to complete health and safety records correctly

5 6 7 8


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment
Minimise risks arising from emergencies
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC32c

You need to show that 1 you take appropriate and immediate action to deal with health and environmental emergencies and incidents, summoning assistance immediately when this is necessary you identify and make informed decisions about actions to take when risk factors and hazards may cause an incident or emergency you provide ongoing support and assistance within your own competence until someone who is qualified to deal with the emergency is available you make the area around the person with the emergency as private and safe as possible you follow, and help others to follow, the correct safety procedures in incidents and emergencies you offer appropriate support to others involved in the incident and emergency you record and report on incidents and emergencies accurately, completely, within confidentiality agreements, and according to organisational and legal requirements

4 5 6 7


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC33 Reflect on and develop your practice

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to reflect on, evaluate and take action to enhance your own knowledge and practice. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Constructive feedback could be communicated: verbally; in written form; electronically; in other forms of communication. With individuals and key people communications should use the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Development opportunities include: training; educational programmes; coaching; personal and professional support. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Supervision and support could be: formal; informal; provided from within your organisation; provided from outside your organisation. Your knowledge and understanding for this unit will relate to legal requirements and codes of practice applicable to the scope of your work and others with whom you work; the nature of the work you are undertaking; your role and level of responsibility within your organisation (eg whether you have responsibility to support the work of others); the individuals, key people in their lives and others with whom you are required to work and the degree of autonomy you have for the management of your own work activities. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. If you are working with children and young people they can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. If you are working with adults they can be found in HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in either unit HSC34 or HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Constructive feedback Development opportunities Individuals Comments about your strengths or areas that need developing, they are useful for improving your practice. Opportunities that enable you to develop and practise more effectively. The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers individuals and their advocates or interpreters. Those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being. Other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role. Knowledge and practice of any type that will enable you to develop within your job role both as a person and as a practitioner. Practice covers every aspect of the work you do including your skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. It also involves experiences and personal beliefs that might affect your practice. This is the process of thinking about every aspect of your practice including identifying where and how it could be improved. The rights that individuals and key people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language.

Key people

Others Personal and professional development Practice

Reflect Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit. Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation: your assessor must observe you in real work activities. These should take place over time and show how your practice has developed. Reflective accounts: you may look at your recordings of your real work practice that have been prepared for the other units in this award and identify which parts you could also use here. You may also write a reflective account which looks back over time and identifies the areas in which you believe your practice has improved and developed, eg attending in-service courses and how you then put this new knowledge/skill into practice. Work products: for this unit, products may include records of supervision sessions, annual appraisal and/or educational/training assignments. Questioning: your assessor may use questioning to supplement and clarify your knowledge of legislation, organisational policy and procedures, values and relevant current issues in Health and Social Care. Personal development plan: during the evidence gathering for your portfolio, and to complete this unit, you will need to prepare a personal development plan, in conjunction with your line manager, in which you identify your future learning needs and aspirations. This will be reviewed and modified throughout your award and as part of your continuous professional development. Reflective discussion will help you to identify your learning and your professional development. This could be with your line manager, a mentor or a college tutor, and can be recorded by the assessor or the candidate. Witness testimony can be used to confirm your learning/development in specialist areas. Where specific skills are acquired, for example, specialist techniques, witness testimony could be provided by other professionals, individuals receiving care, work colleagues and/or line manager.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC33

Reflect on and develop your practice

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:






legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination and rights when working with individuals and others to improve your knowledge and practice dilemmas and conflicts that you may face in your practice

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own role and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others about personal and professional development current local, UK and European legislation, and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for accessing training and undertaking personal and professional development activities the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision and appraisal

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support on knowledge and best practice relevant to your area of work, the individuals and key people with whom you work and the skills and knowledge you need to practice effectively


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


7 8

principles underpinning personal and professional development and reflective practice how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and others to enable you to develop and enhance your knowledge and practice development opportunities that can enhance your practice

10 lessons learned from inquiries into serious failure of health and social care practice, and from successful interventions 11 approaches to learning that will allow you to transfer your knowledge and skills to new and unfamiliar contexts

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ...........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ........................................... DATE: .................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: ....................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC33a

Reflect on and develop your practice

Reflect on your own practice
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

You need to show that 1 you analyse and reflect on what is required for competent, effective and safe practice, and provide active support for individuals and key people you continually monitor, evaluate and reflect on: 3 your knowledge and skills your attitudes and behaviour any experiences and personal beliefs that might affect your work how well you practice and what could be improved the processes and outcomes from your work

you seek constructive feedback to enable you to develop your practice, from: individuals key people others with whom you work or have contact within your work your supervisors

you identify any actions you need to take to develop and enhance your practice


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC33b

Reflect on and develop your practice

Take action to enhance your practice
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

You need to show that 1 2 3 4 you identify the supervision and support systems available to you within and outside your organisation you seek and use appropriate supervision and support to reflect on and identify ways to enhance your practice you prioritise aspects of your practice that need to be enhanced you take action, with supervision and support, to access development opportunities that will enhance your knowledge and practice you review: 6 how well the development opportunities meet your practice needs in what ways your practice has been improved by the development opportunities

you use supervision and support to continually assess the implications from any development opportunity on your continuing personal and professional development needs you keep up-to-date records of your personal and professional development, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC34 Promote the well-being and protection of children and young people
What is the unit about? For this unit you will be expected to promote the life chances and well-being of children and young people. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations could include: asking inappropriate and/or leading questions; not following organisational and legal procedures; putting undue pressure on individuals. Preferred communication methods and language could include: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Information could include: any plans; care needs assessments; records and reports. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations: changing information; removing information; adding to information. Your knowledge and understanding for this unit will relate to: legal requirements and codes of practice applicable to the scope of your work and others with whom you work; the nature of the work you are undertaking; your role and level of responsibility within your organisation (eg whether you have responsibility to support the work of others); needs of children and young people, parents, families, carers and others with whom you are required to work and the degree of autonomy you have for the management of your own work activities. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They are embedded in this unit and should be applied in your practice and through your knowledge demonstrated in any other standard you are working towards.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter The possibility of harm and abuse happening Treating everyone equally Manipulative behaviour that is abusive and focuses on the vulnerabilities of children and young people Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Allows everyone to be included in anything being undertaken and does not discriminate in any way Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chance they have to maximise and realise their full potential Are other people within and outside your organisation who are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The people with legal parental responsibility To keep yourself safe from any type of danger, abuse, harm, neglect or exploitation

Carer Children and young people

Danger Equity Exploitative behaviour Families

Harm Inclusion Level of development and understanding Life chances

Others Parents Personal safety


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Pre-speech Rights

The sounds made by children prior to them being able to speak using words The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Risks Signs and symptoms of harm and abuse Spiritual well-being

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone Physical, behavioural and emotional indicators which may signify possible harm and abuse State of wholeness, when every aspect of life is in balance and the child/young person feels confident, creative, fulfilled and integrated, both inwardly and in relation to other people. It is a process of growth and development that gives to the individual meaning, purpose, direction and value in daily life

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence Requirements: Prior to commencing the unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group.

Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation: Your assessor must observe you in a real work situation which provides a significant amount of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Work products: Indentification of individual records and reports relating to clients, which you have prepared and the assessor has access to, but are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio. Reflective account or professional discussion on how you have supported parents, families and carers. Witness testimony from people such as your link worker, social worker, parents and carers and/or colleagues. Diary evidence of day-to-day practice. Case Studies/Assignments in relation to child protection.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC34

Promote the well-being and protection of children and young people

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place children and young peoples preferences and best interest at the centre of everything you do how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the childs/young persons rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection. your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisation

methods that are effective: in promoting equality and diversity when dealing with and challenging discrimination

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others for valuing and respecting children and young people, parents, families and carers, taking account of their views and preferences and protecting them from danger, harm and abuse current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people

legal, statutory requirements policies and procedures relating to: the promotion and safeguarding of children and young people promoting secure and permanent relationships for children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working in integrated ways to promote children and young peoples well-being working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people the rights of children and young people nationally and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


10 frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health

11 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to valuing and respecting children and young people, their parents, families and carers, taking account of their views and preferences and protecting them from danger, harm and abuse 12 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers 13 the purpose of, and arrangements for, your supervision and appraisal
Theory and practice

14 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice relating to valuing and respecting children and young people, taking account of their views and preferences and protecting them from danger, harm and abuse 15 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people 16 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development identity and self-esteem loss and change power and how it can be used and abused the effects of stress and distress working with children and young people with additional needs

17 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the children and young people with whom you work 18 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of children and young people and parents, families and carers

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



19 methods of: effective communication and engagement with children and young people, their parents, families and carers involving children and young people in assessing, planning, implementing, reviewing their health and care services and plans, taking into account their needs, views, aspirations and expectations, in ways that are appropriate to the age of the child and young person and their development level and understanding working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm (including self-harm) or danger and of becoming involved in offending behaviour

20 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 21 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships 22 the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 23 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 24 signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse 25 correct actions to take when you suspect danger, harm or abuse has been disclosed 26 the types of evidence that are valid in investigations and court; actions that could contaminate the use of evidence and how to avoid these 27 recording and reporting requirements for different purposes and audiences, emphasising the importance of accuracy and timed and dated records


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC34a

Promote the well-being and protection of children and young people

Work with children and young people in ways that promote their rights and responsibilities


You need to show that 1 you use children and young peoples preferred communication methods and language, taking into account their age, abilities and level of development and understanding 2 you treat and value each child/young person as an individual 3 you respect the dignity and privacy of children and young people 4 you respect the children and young peoples diversity, culture and values 5 you work in ways that do not discriminate but promote equity and inclusion 6 you work with children and young people in ways which demonstrate to them that you: recognise and value their beliefs, preferences and experiences put their views and preferences at the centre of everything you do recognise the impact that losses, experiences and life events have had on their lives and development recognise their right to complain and be supported in doing so 7 you provide active support to enable children and young people to: maximise their participation and independence take age appropriate responsibility 8 you identify and take appropriate action when behaviours and practice of others discriminate against children and young people 9 you ensure that children and young people have the appropriate information about how to complain and the support they can receive for this 10 you seek extra support and advice when you are having difficulty supporting the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of children and young people

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC34b

Promote the well-being and protection of children and young people

Support children and young people to express their views and preferences about their health and well-being
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you provide active support to enable children and young people to communicate their needs, views, preferences and aspirations about: their emotional, social and physical well-being their cultural and spiritual well-being their education, talents and interests their relationships with parents, families, carers, friends and others what they want to achieve in the immediate, short and longer term 2 you support children and young people to understand any risks associated with the needs, views, preferences, aspirations and expectations they have communicated you observe actions and behaviour and take account of pre-speech and non-verbal behavioural cues when working with children who are unable to express their needs, views, wishes, aspirations and preferences because of their age and/or level of development and understanding you work with children and young people to: promote their self-esteem, sense of security and belonging raise their expectations and aspirations realistically 5 you support children and young people to be involved in decisions and have as much control over their lives as possible, taking account of their age, needs, safety and any restrictions placed upon them you support parents, families and carers to understand the needs, views, preferences, aspirations and expectations of children and young people taking account of any restrictions placed upon them you contribute to inter-agency and partnership working to identify and promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC34c

Promote the well-being and protection of children and young people

Contribute to the protection of children and young people
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you promote children and young peoples awareness of personal safety 2 you ensure that your own practice: provides the necessary protection for children and young people challenges and takes appropriate action to recognise dangerous, abusive, discriminatory and exploitative behaviour 3 you are aware of and take action to minimise risks and harm that children and young people can experience from visual, written and electronic forms of communication and media 4 you contribute to setting and maintaining safe, consistent and understandable boundaries for children and young people in relation to acceptable behaviour 5 you work with those within and outside your organisation to support parents, families and carers to identify and understand any factors that may present a risk of harm and abuse to children and young people 6 you take appropriate action where children and young people: are likely to become, or are involved in offending and offensive behaviour may be subjected to the offending and offensive behaviour of others 7 you respond positively and appropriately to incidents of bullying, self harm and reckless behaviour


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


You need to show that 8 you develop trusting relationships in which children and young people are able to express their fears, anxieties, feelings and concerns without worry of ridicule, rejection or retribution 9 you recognise signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse and use your organisations systems and procedures to report these 10 you respond, communicate and record promptly to relevant people within and outside your organisation, your concerns about signs and symptoms of abuse, avoiding actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court proceedings 11 you use supervision to: communicate what happened and your actions support and enable you to cope with your thoughts and feelings about the suspected harm and abuse 12 you complete accurate, timed and dated records and reports on suspicions of danger, harm and abuse: within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements that avoid statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence avoiding actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court proceedings

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC35 Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals
What is the unit about? For this unit you are expected to protect individuals whilst respecting their diversity, difference, preferences and choice. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations could include: asking inappropriate and/or leading questions; not following organisation and legal procedures; putting undue pressure on individuals. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; financial abuse; self harm; reckless behaviour. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self harm; bullying; abuse; reckless behaviour. Statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations: changing information; removing information; adding to information. Your knowledge and understanding for this unit will relate to legal requirements and codes of practice applicable to the scope of your work and others with whom you work; the nature of the work you are undertaking; your role and level of responsibility within your organisation (eg whether you have responsibility to support the work of others); the individuals, key people and others with whom you are required to work and the degree of autonomy you have for the management of your own work activities. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They are embedded in this unit and should be applied in your practice and through your knowledge demonstrated in any other standard you are working towards.

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Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The possibility of harm and abuse happening The effects of an individual being physically, emotionally or sexually injured or abused The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: be respected Risks Signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Danger Harm Individuals

Key people

Others Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm or abuse arising from anything or anyone Physical, behavioural and emotional indicators which may signify possible danger, harm and abuse.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence Requirements Prior to commencing this unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor which details the assessment methods you will be using, and the tasks you will be undertaking to demonstrate your competence. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL of the performance criteria, all of the knowledge and the parts of the scope that are relevant to your job role. The evidence must reflect the policies and procedures of the work place and be linked to current legislation, values and the principles of best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service Standards for your areas of work and the individuals you care for. All evidence must relate to your own work practice It is important that you collect evidence from a number of sources. These must include direct observation by a qualified assessor Simulation is not allowed for any part of this unit

The following forms of evidence are required Direct Observation: Your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide a significant amount of the performance criteria for most of the elements in this unit, for example ensuring that you have supported individuals to communicate their views and preferences in health and safety issues, that you treat individuals with dignity and respect and that you are able to demonstrate good working relationships. Reflective Account/discussion: You should describe your actions in a particular situation and explain why you did things, for example you could write or talk to your assessor about how you discussed an individuals care needs with him/her and ensured that his/her wishes were respected and how this information was passed on to other key people. Questioning: your assessor will ask you questions about your work and about the policies and procedures you have learned as part of your job; either you or your assessor will need to record the questions and your answers.

Work Products: Product evidence will be important for this unit. Where you have written a report, for example for a care plan or a review meeting, your assessor may be able to use this as evidence for your NVQ. Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated using a variety of evidence from the following: Witness testimony: This is a confirmation of an activity you have undertaken with an individual, it could be written by your line manager, another assessor, a member of the care team you work with or an individual you are caring for. Assignment/project: You may have been on a course, for example Care Planning, Key Working, Risk Assessment or an HNC in Health and Social Care and have completed an assessment at the end of the course, you may be able to use these as evidence of knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC35

Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do dilemmas between: individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection individuals views, preferences and expectations and how these can and are being met your own values and those of the individuals and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations

how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to enable the individuals needs, wishes and preferences to be met


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


methods that are effective: in promoting equality and diversity when dealing with and challenging discrimination

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others for valuing and respecting individuals and key people, taking account of their views and preferences and protecting them from danger, harm and abuse current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints health and safety the protection of yourself, individuals, key people and others from danger, harm and abuse working with others to provide integrated services

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to valuing and respecting individuals and key people, taking account of their views and preferences and protecting them from danger, harm and abuse how to access records and information on the needs, views and preferences of individuals and key people

10 the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision and appraisal
Theory and practice

11 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice relating to valuing and respecting people, taking account of their views and preferences and protecting them from danger, harm and abuse

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12 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about: human growth and development identity and self-esteem loss and change power and how it can be used and abused

13 the effects of stress and distress 14 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of individuals 15 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of individuals and key people with whom you work 16 methods of supporting individuals to: express their needs and preferences understand and take responsibility for promoting their own health and care identify how their care needs should be met assess and manage risks to their health and well-being

17 factors that may lead to danger, harm and abuse 18 how to protect yourself, individuals, key people and others with whom you work from danger, harm and abuse 19 signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse 20 correct actions to take when you suspect danger, harm and abuse or where it has been disclosed 21 the types of evidence that are valid in investigations and court; actions and statements that could contaminate the use of evidence 22 methods that are effective in forming, maintaining and ending relationships with individuals and key people 23 different ways of communicating with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities about choice, well-being and protection


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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC35a

Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals

Develop supportive relationships that promote choice and independence


You need to show that 1 you develop and maintain relationships that promote the views, preferences and independence of individuals and key people 2 you support individuals to communicate their views and preferences regarding their current and future health and well-being needs and priorities 3 you work with individuals to identify the care and support: they can and wish to undertake themselves that can be provided through the individuals support networks that needs to be provided by yourself and others within and outside your organisation 4 5 you provide active support to meet the holistic needs and preferences of individuals you carry out the activities for which you are responsible in ways that: promote individuals rights and preferences complement and support the activities of individuals, key people and others within and outside your organisation 6 you support the rights of individuals and key people to access information and resources to meet their needs and preferences you work to resolve conflicts, seeking additional support and advice in areas that are outside your competence to deal with you support and respond appropriately to individuals and key people making comments and complaints about their care

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC35b

Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals

Respect the diversity and difference of individuals and key people


You need to show that 1 you respect the dignity and privacy of individuals and key people 2 you treat and value each person as an individual and ensure that the support you give takes account of the their needs and preferences 3 you work with individuals and key people in ways that provide support that is consistent with individuals beliefs, culture, values and preferences 4 you provide active support to enable individuals to participate in activities and maintain their independence 5 you support others with whom you work, to work in ways that: recognise and respect individuals beliefs and preferences take account of individuals preferences in everything they do acknowledge and respect diversity and difference 6 you reflect on, and challenge: your own assumptions, behaviour and ways of working the assumptions of others, their behaviour and ways of working procedures, practices and information that are discriminatory 7 you seek advice when you are having difficulty promoting equality and diversity

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC35c

Promote choice, well-being and the protection of all individuals

Contribute to the protection of all individuals


You need to show that 1 you use all available information to identify the risks of actual and likely danger, harm and abuse for individuals, key people and others with whom you work 2 you ensure that: your own practice and actions are sensitive to situations, issues and behaviour that may lead to the danger, harm and abuse of individuals and key people you provide necessary protection for individuals, balancing their rights and those of key people, and taking account of any restrictions placed upon anyone you recognise and challenge dangerous, abusive, discriminatory or exploitative behaviour appropriately you recognise signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse and use your organisations systems and procedures to report these 4 you develop relationships in which individuals are able to express their fears, anxieties, feelings and concerns without worry of ridicule, rejection or retribution 5 you respond appropriately to disclosures of risk of danger, harm and abuse, avoiding actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court 6 you support individuals and key people to understand your responsibilities to: pass on information about actual and likely danger, harm and abuse protect them and others from danger, harm and abuse 7 you use supervision and support to enable you to cope with your thoughts and feelings about any suspected and/or disclosed danger, harm and abuse 8 you complete accurate, timed and dated records and reports, on suspicions of danger, harm and abuse: within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements that avoid statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court 3

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Children and Young People optional units

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC36 Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans
What is the unit about? For this unit, you will be expected to contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences and to the development, implementation and review of their care plans. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Preferred communication methods and language include: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self harm; reckless behaviour. Information could include: any plans; care needs assessments; records and reports. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Your knowledge and understanding for this unit will relate to legal requirements and codes of practice applicable to the scope of your work and others with whom you work; the nature of the work you are undertaking; your role and level of responsibility within your organisation, eg whether you have responsibility to support the work of others; children and young people, parents, families, carers and others with whom you are required to work and the degree of autonomy you have for the management of your own work activities. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Means the final form of the plan or the assessment and not that everyone was of the same view. The agreement would also specify where the assessment or plan recognised that what would be offered was not the first preference of the children and young people and would identify where there are areas of concern and conflicts of opinion and judgements The care plan will include all aspects of the children and young persons care needs which need to be adhered to within any setting in which the child/young person is placed. It addresses the holistic needs of the children and young people and should promote their life chances Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter This refers to the three dimensions used in the Assessment Framework. These are the childs developmental needs, the capacity of their parents to care for them and the family and environmental factors. The aim is that by assessing all these dimensions it will be possible to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child and their best interests Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people


Care plans

Carer Children and young people



Harm Level of development and understanding


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Life chances

Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chance they have to maximise and realise their full potential, educationally and socially Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility A focus on promoting secure, stable and fulfilling relationships for children and young people whether they are living with their birth families, in foster, adoptive or residential homes. Permanency planning uses this criteria to underpin work to meet the short, medium and long term needs of children and young people ie until they are 21 or 25 if still in education The sounds made by children prior to them being able to speak using words The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm access information about themselves be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Others Parents Permanency

Pre-speech Rights

Risks Signs and symptoms of harm and abuse

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone Physical, behavioural and emotional indicators which may signify possible harm and abuse

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specifications All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness in a real work situation is required for some of each element of this unit Observation of work products, such as a care plan and records. (These are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, parents and carers, colleagues, line manager providing evidence of your contribution to care planning, implementation and review Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported parents, families and carers Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg in relation to care planning. Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Candidate observations of children and/or young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC36

Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when contributing to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and care planning how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights and those of parents when assessing and contributing to care plans of children and young people how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to assess and enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met within their care plans

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection. your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when contributing to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and care planning current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people assessing children and young peoples needs care planning promoting secure and permanent relationships for children and young people parental rights and responsibilities

frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health

how to access records and information relevant to children and young people, parents, families and carers


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


10 how and where to access information and support that can inform practice about the assessment of children and young peoples needs and care planning 11 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people 12 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: language development verbal and non-verbal behaviour and cues human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused the effects of stress and distress identity and self-esteem

13 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well- being 14 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the children and young people with whom you work 15 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of children and young people and parents, families and carers 16 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people and parents, families and carers

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17 methods of: effective communication with engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers involving children and young people in assessing, planning, implementing, reviewing health and care services and plans, taking into account their needs, views, aspirations and expectations, in ways that are appropriate to the age of the child and young person and their developmental level and understanding working with parents, families and carers to support the children and young people and promote their life chances working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm or danger, or of becoming involved in offending behaviour

18 the role of stable family, adult and peer relationships in promoting childrens sense of identity, security and life chances 19 the impact of disruption, including placement disruption on children and young peoples development, their relationships, their educational attainment and health 20 support for children, young people and parents with additional needs 21 how to contribute to inter-agency and partnership working

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title

Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans
Contribute to the assessment of childrens and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences

Element HSC36a


You need to show that 1 you identify your own and others roles and responsibilities, in assessing the needs, wishes and preferences of children and young people 2 you access and review information about the different dimensions of children and young peoples lives, their expressed needs, wishes and preferences and any specific requirements they have 3 you engage and work with children and young people using their preferred communication methods and language and in ways that are suitable to their age, abilities and level of development and understanding 4 you identify and access any extra support you need to enable children and young people to communicate their needs, wishes and preferences 5 you identify environments, objects, situations and the behaviour of others that stimulate, interest or cause fear in the child/young person 6 you observe actions and behaviour and take account of pre-speech and non-verbal behavioural cues when working with children who are unable to express their needs, views, wishes, aspirations and preferences because of their age and/or level of development and understanding 7 you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to identify: children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences for their care, and support any risks of danger, harm and abuse

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



You need to show that 8 when processing information and providing feedback about the short, medium and long term health and care needs of children and young people, you take account of: the children and young peoples views your own views the views of parents, families, carers and others within and outside your organisation relating to the children and young peoples health, education and care needs and any associated risks 9 you contribute to the assessment of the different dimensions of children and young peoples lives and to permanency planning to cover their long, medium and short term needs 10 you work with all involved to agree children and young peoples assessed needs and preferences 11 you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to understand, and to challenge and complain about the child/young persons assessment

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans
Support the development and implementation of care plans

Element HSC36b


You need to show that 1 you identify your role and responsibilities in developing and implementing care plans for children and young people 2 you contribute to consultations about the development of children and young peoples care plans taking into account their assessed needs, wishes and preferences 3 you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to understand: where the wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers could not be met within the care plan and why the arrangements for the implementation of care plans how to use procedures to challenge and complain about the content of the care plan and its implementation 4 you ensure that you are able to carry out the care plan activities for which you are responsible 5 when implementing the care plan, you observe, record and report to the appropriate people on any significant changes: to the children and young peoples needs, circumstances, wishes and preferences and any risks arising from these to the needs, circumstances and preferences of parents, families and carers 6 you check your observations with the children and young people, parents families, carers and others from within and outside your organisation 7 you support children and young people, parents, families and others with whom you work to identify and monitor changes in the children and young peoples needs, circumstances and preferences

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

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You need to show that 8 you observe, and support parents, families and carers to observe, actions and behaviour and take account of prespeech and non-verbal behavioural cues when implementing care plans where children are unable to express their needs, views, wishes, aspirations and preferences because of their age and/or level of development and understanding 9 you work with all involved to identify and implement any changes arising from the impact of the care plan on the health and social well-being of the child/young person

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples needs and the development of care plans
Contribute to reviewing care plans for children and young people

Element HSC36c


You need to show that 1 you check your own and others responsibilities in providing feedback on the implementation of the care plan 2 you engage and work with children and young people using their preferred communication methods and language and taking account of their age, abilities and level of development and understanding to identify: parts of the care plans which they feel best meet their needs parts of the care plans that they feel need changing changes to their needs, circumstances, wishes and preferences that could affect the care plan and its implementation changes in the needs and circumstances of their families, parents, carers and others 3 you involve and work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and people within and outside your organisation to review the care plan for the child/young person 4 you provide feedback to the appropriate people on the strengths and limitations of the care plan in meeting the assessed and changing needs, circumstances and preferences of children and young people 5 you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to understand how their feedback will be used to inform changes to the care plan 6 where there is conflict about your feedback and observations, you follow organisational procedures and practices to address the issues raised 7 you contribute to meetings and discussions about revisions to care plans and their implementation 8 you contribute to revising and implementing any changes to care plans that are within your role and responsibilities

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC37 Care for and protect babies

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to provide direct care for the physical, nutritional, social, emotional, intellectual and language development needs of babies. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Specific instructions can be those as required to meet the needs of babies. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Babies in this unit are from birth to two years of age Babies communications can include conversational actions, noises, words, other forms of non-verbal communication and turn-taking Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of the babies The possibility of harm and abuse happening The environment is the place where the child/young person is living, it could include a foster parents home or a residential setting The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility The sounds made by children prior to them being able to speak using words The rights that all concerned have to: Risks be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Babies Babies communications Carer Danger Environment Harm Others Parents Pre-speech Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they are applicable to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, such records and reports. These are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio. Inspection of the setting to ensure safety measures are in place Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported parents, families and carers Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg in relation to care and development of babies. Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Candidate observations of babies Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, parents and carers, colleagues, line manager providing evidence of your work with parents, carers or others such as those with specialist expertise

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC37

Care for and protect babies

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place best interest of the babies with whom you are working at the centre of everything you do how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of babies how to work in partnership with parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable babies needs, wishes and preferences to be met, taking account of any limitations of anyones rights dilemmas between: the babies rights and the rights and responsibilities of their parents and carers the babies preferences and needs and how these can and are being met your own values and those of parents, families and carers your values and those of others within and outside your organisation

3 4


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

TYPE OF EVIDENCE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THIS UNIT Legislation and organisational policy and procedures EI O P WT S APL EWE Q&A DATE

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others for caring for and protecting babies current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of babies promoting secure and permanent relationships for babies parental rights and responsibilities working in integrated ways to promote babies well-being working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of babies

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to the care and protection of babies how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of babies, parents, families and carers

10 frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

11 initiatives to promote the well-being of babies, parents, families, carers and communities 12 frameworks and guidance on working with parents, families and carers to promote the wellbeing and life chances of babies

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



13 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of babies, parents, families and carers 14 health, safety and hygiene requirements which should be maintained when working with babies, especially when feeding babies
Theory and practice

15 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about working with babies 16 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect babies 17 theories relevant to the babies with whom you work, about: pre-speech and verbal and non-verbal behaviour and cues human growth and development related to babies, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem social, emotional, intellectual and language development and factors that might enhance or inhibit these in babies up to two years of age the ways in which babies can be stimulated according to their age in order to enhance their development the development of language and communication skills in babies and factors which influence learning and development, including the importance of stimulation and interaction with adults

18 working in integrated ways to promote babies well-being 19 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the babies with whom you work 20 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of babies and parents, families and carers 21 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with babies and parents, families and carers


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


22 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for babies 23 type of support for disabled babies and parents 24 the nutritional requirements and the types and consistency of food that is appropriate to babies up to two years old, including factors that influence weaning 25 common food allergies and feeding difficulties and where to get advice about them 26 unusual conditions and symptoms of common ailments which may require to be reported 27 the variation in sleep patterns in babies over time and across babies, the importance of rest/sleep or quiet periods as part of the daily routine, of matching the routines of the home and child care setting, recognising when a baby needs sleep/rest and how to provide for it 28 the role of exercise and physical play in promoting physical growth and development and how to incorporate these into daily routines 29 methods of encouraging attentive listening and sound discrimination in babies 30 types of activities that can stimulate: sensory development listening and sound discrimination social, mental and physical development

31 methods of food and drink preparation, presentation and preservation and hygiene and safety requirements associated with these 32 suitable toys, equipment, games, books, rhymes, stories, songs and safety equipment for use with babies of different sizes and ages up to two years 33 awareness of the effect of changes in temperature and babies sensitivity to changes in temperature and the need to adapt the environment and clothing accordingly 34 the emotional issues around toilet training and when and how to introduce it

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



35 theories and principles of working with parents, carers and other family members to enable them to care for and protect the babies for whom they are responsible 36 principles of practice to enable you to balance the needs of the babies, parents, carers and other family members

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC37a

Care for and protect babies

Care for the physical and nutritional needs of babies


You need to show that 1 you access information and records that identify the physical and nutritional needs of the babies for whom you are responsible 2 you work with parents, carers and others to identify: who should be involved in the assessment of the babies physical and nutritional needs your responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in the care of babies any specific issues that need to be taken account of when caring for the physical and nutritional needs of babies any specialist expertise that may be required and how this will be provided 3 you prepare and store food and drink for babies: hygienically and according to any specific instructions according to the age, needs and any medical conditions of the babies according to specific plans for the babies according to legal and organisational requirements 4 you wean and actively support and encourage babies to feed themselves according to their age, developmental level and physical abilities 5 you create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere whilst feeding and providing for the physical care of babies 6 you handle, wash, change nappies and dress babies to meet their physical comfort, health and well-being needs and the environmental conditions 7 you actively encourage babies to exercise, develop their mobility, explore their surroundings, crawl and walk 8 you praise and positively reinforce babies physical movement and the development of their physical skills

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC37b

Care for and protect babies

Provide a safe and secure environment in which babies can grow and develop


You need to show that 1 you work with others to: assess what is necessary to create and maintain a safe and secure environment for the babies for whom you are responsible ensure the necessary safety equipment is installed and securely placed to protect the babies from danger and harm access the resources to make the environment safe and secure for the babies for whom you are responsible 2 you observe actions and behaviour of babies, taking account of pre-speech and non-verbal behavioural cues to identify environments, objects, situations, the behaviour of others and the people they are interested in, stimulated by and fearful of 3 you ensure that babies: are never left unattended are only handed to or left with people who are capable of caring for them are placed in environments that are safe and secure and which take account of the babies age, size, development levels and physical abilities are provided with toys and equipment that take account of their age, size, developmental levels and physical abilities 4 you dispose of soiled items hygienically and in ways that minimise the spread of infection 5 you take the necessary safety and hygiene measures when feeding, handling and providing toys and equipment for babies 6 you take necessary precautions to ensure that babies are protected from the risk of danger, harm and abuse, seeking specialist advice and intervention where appropriate

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC37c

Care for and protect babies

Stimulate babies to assist their social, emotional, intellectual and language development


You need to show that 1 you work with babies, parents, carers and others to assess the specific stimulation and developmental needs of babies 2 you work with parents, carers and others to: agree how care of babies should be shared to maximise the desired outcomes for babies develop and implement an integrated plan to address the babies stimulation, social, emotional, intellectual and language development 3 you handle and relate to the baby in ways which stimulates, supports and encourages their social, emotional, intellectual and language development 4 you select and use objects, games, equipment and play materials that stimulate and actively promote the babies social, emotional, intellectual and language development 5 you provide daily routines, including appropriate indoor and outdoor activities to stimulate and actively promote the babies social, emotional, intellectual and language development 6 you use everyday activities, physical contact, actions, games, rhymes, books, stories, songs and the babies communications to: encourage them to respond, interact and communicate facilitate their language development extend their listening skills and sound discrimination

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC37d

Care for and protect babies

Assist in the evaluation of the babies growth and development


You need to show that 1 you observe babies, and provide and use activities that will help you to assess whether babies are growing and developing normally 2 you monitor and take appropriate action when you notice: anything that is abnormal in the babies growth, development, behaviour, condition or their bodily functions any changes in relation to normal development patterns for babies of a similar age 3 you work with the parents and others, including those with specialist expertise, to monitor and review progress and to respond to changes in babies needs and life circumstances 4 you analyse and report on babies development, what has been achieved and areas where babies might need additional help and support 5 you complete records and reports on babies according to confidentiality agreements and legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC38 Support children and young people to manage their lives
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to advise and support children and young people to make decisions about their appearance, pocket money, interests, talents, abilities and recreational activities they wish to be involved in. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of the children Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Covers the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people. Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chances they have to maximise and realise their full potential, educationally and socially Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility Recreational activities include any leisure or recreational pursuit that individuals wish to be involved in.

Carer Children and young people


Level of development and understanding Life chances

Others Parents Recreational activities


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

The environment

The environment is the place where the child/young person is living; it could include a foster parents home or a residential setting

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness in a real work situation is required for some of each element of this unit Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have worked with children/young people and their parents/families/carers Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg in relation to supporting children managing their lives Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, parents and carers, colleagues, line manager providing evidence of your work with parents, carers or others such as those with specialist expertise Observation of work products, such as records and reports. (These are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC38

Support children and young people to manage their lives

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when supporting them to manage their lives how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisation

methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when supporting children and young people to manage their lives

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting children and young people to manage their lives current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people

frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health

10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to supporting children and young people to manage their lives 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


12 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting children and young people to manage their lives 13 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people 14 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when supporting children and young people to manage their lives the effects of stress and distress

15 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 16 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 17 methods of effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers 18 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 19 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 20 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 21 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 22 the role of recreational activities, recognition and praise of talent and abilities, relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the children and young people with whom you are working

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



23 constructive ways of providing advice that will enable children and young people to manage their own money, environment and appearance 24 types of activities and advice that can be beneficial when supporting the child/young person to communicate their interests, talents and abilities 25 the importance, benefits and methods of ensuring the child/young person understands and has confidence in their own interests, talents and abilities 26 the ways to encourage children and young people to pursue their interests and those activities that enhance their talents and abilities 27 the role which recreation and leisure plays in the health and social well-being of children and young people

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC38a

Support children and young people to manage their lives

Work with, and provide advice for, children and young people about their clothes, appearance, environment and pocket money


You need to show that 1 you provide active support to enable children and young people to: communicate their needs and preferences about their clothes, appearance and the environment in which they live take care of, arrange, organise and decorate their own environment and space according to needs and preferences and ensuring that you respect their right to privacy 2 you communicate and, where the children and young people want you to, advise them about their appearance and clothing 3 you actively support children and young people to choose, shop for and buy their own clothes 4 you provide advice and support children and young people to learn how to manage their pocket money taking account of their age, level of development and understanding, needs and preferences 5 where children and young people are managing their pocket money ineffectively or inappropriately you take appropriate action to help them deal with this

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC38b

Support children and young people to manage their lives

Support children and young people to identify and develop their talents, interests and abilities


You need to show that 1 you provide active support to enable children and young people to communicate their interests, talents and abilities in ways that develop their self-image and esteem, and take account of their age, level of development and understanding, needs, preferences and circumstances 2 you encourage children and young people to: take part in activities that help them to identify and build upon and extend their interests, talents and abilities participate in activities in which they are interested, for which they have talents and abilities and which adhere to their spiritual and religious beliefs 3 you provide opportunities and seek and acquire resources to support children and young people to take forward their interests, talents and abilities 4 you praise and celebrate, and encourage parents, families and carers to praise and celebrate children and young peoples successes 5 you actively support and encourage children and young people to communicate how they could use their interests, talents and abilities to better their life chances

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC38c

Support children and young people to manage their lives

Support children and young people to participate in recreational activities


You need to show that 1 you work with children and young people to communicate the type of recreational activities they are interested in 2 you seek and acquire information and support about recreational activities that the children and young people are interested in, are appropriate and would be beneficial to their health and well-being 3 you provide opportunities and seek and acquire resources to support children and young people to participate in recreational activities of their choice 4 you arrange for and encourage children and young people to take part in recreational activities that will help them grow and develop 5 you praise and celebrate, and encourage parents, families and carers to praise and celebrate, children and young peoples successes in any recreational activity they undertake 6 you support and encourage children and young people through any difficulties they are encountering with recreational activities 7 you support and encourage children and young people to invite other children and young people to: participate in recreational activities in which they are interested visit and become friends with them, taking account of their protection and any restrictions placed upon them and others with whom they wish to be friends

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC39 Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to support children and young people to achieve their educational potential. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional well-being of the children Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Covers the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people. Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chance they have to maximise and realise their full potential, educationally and socially Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Carer Children and young people

Families Level of development and understanding Life chances

Others Parents Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness in a real work situation is required for some of elements (a) and (c) of this unit Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported and worked with children/young people to help them to achieve their educational potential Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg on how you have aided the development of educational potential Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, parents and carers, colleagues, line manager, teachers and SENCO to provide evidence of your work to help children and young people to achieve their educational potential. Observation of work products such as plans, records, and reviews. (These are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC39

Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when supporting them to achieve their educational potential how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people, taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples educational needs, wishes and preferences to be met dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations for education, and your role and responsibilities for supporting them to achieve their educational potential


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisation methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when supporting children and young people to achieve their educational potential

how stereotypes can limit the child/young persons educational development

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting children and young people to achieve their educational potential current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities the educational provision and plans for children and young people in general and those that specifically relate to the children and young people with whom you work the importance of meeting educational needs for children and young people relevant to the age of the children and young people with whom you are working

frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to supporting children and young people to achieve their educational potential 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers
Theory and practice

12 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting children and young people to achieve their educational potential 13 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people 14 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power and how it can be used and abused when supporting children and young people to achieve their educational potential the effects of stress and distress developmental stages associated with children and young people and how changing care environments can have an impact on their educational development and achievement the possible effects of environmental, physical, social, cultural and genetic factors in enhancing or impairing children and young peoples educational development and achievement personal, social, emotional, identity, intellectual and language development that might impact on the childrens and young peoples educational development and achievements


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


how children and young people learn and achieve through education and how this relates to other aspects of their development

15 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 16 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 17 methods of: effective communication and engagement with children and young people, their parents, families and carers encouraging children and young peoples educational aspirations, talents and interests positively supporting children and young peoples successes and achievements working with, engaging and sustaining a child/young persons interest when supporting them to complete educational activities and programmes

18 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption on children and young peoples educational achievements 19 types of support for disabled children, young people and parents 20 how to work with and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 21 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people and parents, families and carers 22 resources, information and advice to support children and young peoples educational development and achievements 23 the local educational provision and options available within that provision to support children and young peoples educational needs 24 roles and responsibilities of specialist agencies in identifying educational need, providing resources and/or advocating on behalf of the children and young people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



25 the type of opportunities that occur naturally that can be used to help children and young people in their educational development and achievement 26 the relationships between emotional, social, environmental and historical factors on the educational achievement of children and young people in general and how these factors can inhibit educational opportunities and achievement with the children and young people for whom you are responsible 27 educational difficulties which may be experienced by young people who have been abused, neglected or are otherwise defined as in need and the systems to address the difficulties

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC39a

Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential

Support children and young people to identify and develop their educational aspirations


You need to show that 1 you communicate and explore with children and young people, parents, families and carers their interests, talents, abilities, beliefs and educational aspirations 2 you demonstrate to children and young people that you have listened to and taken into account their views, experience, expertise and any difficulties they are facing 3 you encourage children and young people to communicate the types of educational activities they are good at and what they would like to do in the future 4 you are responsive to changes in the children and young peoples educational aspirations as they develop 5 you recognise children and young peoples educational talents and interests and identify, with them, how they can build on these 6 you provide active support to enable children and young people to examine what they want to achieve in their lives and how their talents, skills and abilities can contribute 7 you support and encourage children and young people to communicate how education and their interests, talents and abilities could better their life chances

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC39b

Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential

Help children and young people to identify, plan and access educational opportunities and activities


You need to show that 1 you actively support children and young people to communicate their aspirations, concerns and fears about their education 2 you encourage children and young people to communicate any difficulties they are having and extra support they need to help them to achieve educationally 3 you work with children and young people to plan educational activities that will help to overcome any difficulties they are having 4 you work with children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to negotiate and agree how best to meet the child/young persons short, medium and long term educational needs and preferences 5 you work with children and young people, their parents, family, carers and others to: consider and select from the educational opportunities that are open to them in the short and medium term plan for their long term educational needs 6 you contribute to identifying resources that are available to meet the children and young peoples educational needs 7 where resources are not available, you work with the children and young people to identify other creative solutions to meet their educational needs and preferences 8 you work with children and young people and others to identify how the children and young peoples concerns will be addressed when implementing any planned educational activities

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support children and young people to achieve their educational potential

Element HSC39c Encourage and support children and young people to carry out educational activities


You need to show that 1 you provide children and young people with the agreed support to help them achieve educationally 2 you give positive feedback on children and young peoples educational achievements and successes, and encourage parents, families, carers and others to do the same 3 you give feedback to children and young people enthusiastically and in ways that are appropriate to their age, abilities, level of development and understanding and any special requirements they may have 4 you involve children and young peoples parents, families, carers and others in recognising and rewarding educational achievements and successes 5 you support children and young people to address aspects of their lives, abilities and skills that are most likely to undermine their educational efforts and achievements 6 you support children and young people to: overcome difficulties in any part of their education set realistic aspirations about their future educational prospects identify how what they have learned will affect their life chances 7 you help, advise and support children and young people to complete educational work 8 you monitor and review with the children and young people, parents, family, carers and others the outcomes of any planned educational activities and programmes 9 you involve children and young people, parents, family, carers and relevant others in negotiating, agreeing and implementing changes that need to be made to any educational programmes and plans

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC310 Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to support children and young people to be prepared for adulthood, citizenship and independence. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard covers the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter The possibility of harm and abuse happening The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chance they have to maximise and realise their full potential, educationally and socially Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that children and young people have to: Risks be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Children and young people

Danger Harm Life chances

Others Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they are applicable to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness in a real work situation is required for some of each element of this unit Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported and worked with children/young people to help them to prepare for independence and adulthood Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg accessing information and providing support for young people Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, parents and carers, colleagues, line manager, and other professionals to provide evidence of your work to help children and young people to prepare for independence and adulthood. Observation of work products, eg records; resources.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC310

Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when preparing them for adulthood, citizenship and independence how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations for moving on and becoming independent, and your role and responsibilities for supporting them to achieve this safely your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when preparing children and young people for adulthood, citizenship and independence

how stereotypes can limit the child/young persons ability to move on and become an active citizen

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when preparing children and young people for adulthood, citizenship and independence current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety dealing with comments and complaints protection of children and young people from danger, harm and abuse plans that support children and young people to be prepared and able to cope with adulthood, citizenship, independence and independent living

standards and guidance relevant to the areas of work for which you are responsible

10 frameworks and guidance on: assessment

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



education health

11 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to preparing children and young people for adulthood, citizenship, independence and independent living 12 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers
Theory and practice

13 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when preparing children and young people for adulthood, citizenship and independence 14 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people who are moving on into independent and semi independent living 15 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when preparing children and young people for adulthood citizenship and independent living the effects of stress and distress developmental stages associated with children and young people and how changing care environments can have an impact on their ability to cope with adulthood, citizenship and independence

16 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 17 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


18 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of children and young people and parents, families and carers 19 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with children and young people, parents, families and carers 20 methods of: effective communication and engagement with children and young people, their parents, families and carers when preparing them for adulthood, citizenship and independent living working with parents, families and carers to support the children and young people working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm or danger, or of becoming involved in offending behaviour working with, engaging and sustaining a child/young persons interest when preparing them for adulthood, citizenship and independence

21 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 22 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 23 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 24 resources, information and advice which can support children and young peoples preparation for adulthood, citizenship and independence 25 the skills and abilities children and young people will need to plan and prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence 26 issues that need to be taken account of by children and young people when they move on and become independent, including how to protect themselves from harm and abuse 27 difficulties which may be experienced by young people who have been abused, neglected or are otherwise defined as in need, when preparing them for adulthood, citizenship and independence

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



28 the type of opportunities that occur naturally that can be used to: help children to communicate their feelings about adulthood, citizenship and independence reinforce behaviour that illustrates that children and young people are ready for adulthood, citizenship and independence


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title

Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence
Support children and young people to access support, advice and information about adulthood, citizenship and independence

Element HSC310a


You need to show that 1 you seek advice, support and training to equip you to work with children and young people to assess their needs and prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence 2 you provide active support to enable children and young people to assess and communicate their own support needs, wishes and preferences in terms of their independence, citizenship and becoming an adult 3 you identify with the children and young people appropriate sources of support that will help them understand aspects of independence, citizenship and adulthood relevant to needs 4 you help children and young people access appropriate support materials, information and individual assistance to enable them to prepare to move into independent and/or semi independent accommodation 5 you support children and young people to understand and evaluate the support materials, and identify any materials that are discriminatory or exclusive 6 you provide individualised support to enable children and young people to understand any information that will prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence
Identify, with children and young people, the skills and abilities required to become adults and effective citizens

Element HSC310b


You need to show that 1 you work with children and young people to identify the skills, abilities and behaviour that will enhance their life chances and equip them to be responsible adults and effective citizens 2 you communicate with and give guidance to children and young people about socially acceptable behaviour that will prepare them for citizenship and being a responsible adult 3 you help children and young people to identify any skills, abilities and behaviour patterns they need to acquire to enable them to become effective citizens and responsible adults 4 you support children and young people to identify personal experiences and behaviour that they think may affect their ability to become effective citizens and responsible adults 5 you use documents, materials, naturally occurring events and specific individual and group activities to initiate discussion on the positive aspects of citizenship and adulthood, and any associated risks of danger, harm and abuse 6 you support the children and young people to understand the rights and responsibilities involved with being an adult and an effective citizen 7 you help children and young people who have specific needs in this area to access specialist support

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Work with children and young people to prepare them for adulthood, citizenship and independence
Prepare children and young people to move on and become independent

Element HSC310c


You need to show that 1 you contribute to developing, implementing and changing plans to: prepare children and young people for adulthood, citizenship and independence support young people who are living independently 2 you provide information about moving on and becoming independent that is understandable, accessible, non discriminatory, inclusive and meets the individual needs of children and young people 3 you contribute to the assessment of the children and young persons needs and any plans to be developed for independent or semi independent living 4 you assist children and young people to receive continued support in their relationships, identity, educational and practical life skills when they move on 5 you work with the children and young people to support them to move into adulthood successfully 6 you use documents, materials, naturally occurring events and specific individual and group activities to illustrate and help communications about skills, knowledge and risks associated with independent living 7 you work with others, to acquire any specialist support for the young people to ensure that they are not disadvantaged, discriminated against nor excluded 8 you support and encourage children and young people who are distressed about leaving the existing environment to express their feelings, fears and concerns about moving on

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC311 Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to be able to help children and young people to understand and maintain constructive relationships with their parents, carers, families and others. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well being of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter The possibility of harm and abuse happening Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Covers the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people. Offending behaviour can include drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution and other criminal activities Are other people with whom the child/young person has a supportive relationship People with legal parental responsibility

Carer Children and young people

Danger Family members

Harm Level of development and understanding Offending behaviour Others Parents


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Risks The environment

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone The environment is the place where the child/young person is living, it could include a foster parents home or a residential setting

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specifications All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for elements (a) and (b) of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports. These are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio. Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported development of supportive relationships Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg supporting development of appropriate relationships Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, colleagues, line manager, and other professionals to provide evidence of your work in supporting the development and maintenance of relationships


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC311

Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when working with them to develop and maintain supportive relationships how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights, those of parents, family members, carers and others how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations for relationships, and your role and responsibilities in supporting them to avoid relationships that may result in the risk of danger, harm, abuse and/or offending behaviour your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships

how stereotypes can limit the child/young persons ability to develop and maintain supportive relationships

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information to develop and maintain supportive relationships health and safety and protection of children and young people from danger, harm, abuse and offending behaviour supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships the promotion and safeguarding of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting when supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers
Theory and practice

12 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships 13 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people in their relationships with parents, families, carers and others 14 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships the effects of stress and distress

15 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 16 developmental stages associated with children and young people and how changing care environments can have an impact on their ability to develop and maintain supportive relationships

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



17 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 18 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the children and young people with whom you work 19 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of children and young people and parents, families and carers 20 how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met 21 methods of: effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers working with parents, families and carers to support the children and young people working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm or danger of becoming involved in offending behaviour

22 the factors affecting the child/young persons ability to: maintain existing relationships move on from old relationships form and maintain new relationships avoid contact with those people and groups where limitations have been placed upon them

23 issues that are likely to arise when supporting children and young people to develop, maintain and move on from relationships and how to support the child/young person to deal with these 24 factors to take account of when deciding how much and what type of information to divulge to children and young people 25 the different reasons why limitations may be placed upon the children and young peoples contact and relationships with specific individuals and groups


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26 the different forms which family patterns and relationships may take

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships
Support children and young people to identify their own contact and relationship needs
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC311a


You need to show that 1 you access records to understand any limitations that have been placed upon relationships and contact with children and young people 2 you support children and young people to understand why and how some relationships are beneficial and some are detrimental to their health and social well being 3 you engage and communicate with children and young people in ways that are appropriate to their age, abilities and level of development and understanding 4 you provide active support to enable children and young people to identify and/or communicate: the people and groups with whom they wish to have contact their interests and talents and the benefits of forming and maintaining relationships with people within these groups the type of people and groups that it would be detrimental to remain in contact and have relationships with 5 you use documents, materials, naturally occurring events and specific individual and group activities to illustrate and help children and young people to communicate their contact and relationships needs

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships
Work with children and young people to maintain appropriate contact and relationships
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC311b


You need to show that 1 you provide the children and young people with practical support and opportunities to maintain constructive contact and relationships with parents, family members, carers and others, taking account of any restrictions placed upon anyone 2 you encourage children and young people to keep in contact with parents, family members, carers and others, communicating the benefits and highlighting any limitations of such contacts 3 you support children and young people to use the most appropriate form of contact to maintain constructive relationships with parents, family members, carers and others 4 you encourage and respect the children and young peoples wishes and rights for privacy and confidentiality when they select and invite friends into the environment 5 you monitor and, where necessary, supervise any visits to safeguard the children and young people 6 you support children and young people to understand why any restrictions have been placed on contact with specific groups and people 7 you encourage children and young people, parents, family members, carers and others to be involved in activities within and outside the children and young persons environment, taking account of any restrictions placed upon anyone 8 you take sensitive and appropriate action where you consider children and young peoples contacts and relationships: maybe harmful and abusive for the children and young people may lead to offending behaviour may lead to the harm and abuse of others

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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Support children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships
Support children and young people to develop appropriate and supportive relationships
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC311c


You need to show that 1 you support children and young people to: develop appropriate relationships when they have just moved into a new environment, and whilst living there avoid relationships that are abusive and could lead to risks of danger, harm and abuse to themselves and others identify and report abusive relationships cope with distress when contacts and relationships end 2 you observe and take action to support the children and young people when they have relationship problems or become isolated 3 you seek and access specialist help for anyone with specific relationship problems, taking account of the confidentiality needs of the children and young people 4 you record and report on relationship issues, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC312 Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people
What is the unit about? For this unit you will work directly with children and young people, helping them to develop socially and emotionally. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well-being of the children Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Includes the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Are other people with whom the child/young person has a supportive relationship People with legal parental responsibility The rights that children and young people have to: Risks be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Carer Children and young people


Level of development and understanding Others Parents Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for some of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records showing evidence of observing children (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported social, emotional and identity development Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg helping young people to develop self esteem Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, colleagues, line manager, and other professionals to provide evidence of your work in supporting the social and emotional development of children and young people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC312

Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when supporting their social, emotional and identity development how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights, those of parents, family members, carers and others how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations about their social, emotional and identity development, and your role and responsibilities in supporting them to develop a positive sense of self your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisation methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when supporting children and young people to develop and maintain supportive relationships

the development of self-image and identity in children, and the additional needs regarding the development of identity which children from minority racial groups and cultures, bilingual children, and children of mixed racial origins may have stereotypical assumptions based on gender, race, culture, disability, educational experience etc, and how these, unchallenged, can limit the development of positive self-esteem, self-image and identity

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information developing and maintaining supportive relationships health and safety and protection of children and young people from danger, harm, abuse and offending behaviour

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



supporting the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people the promotion and safeguarding of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities

10 frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

11 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting when supporting the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people
Theories and practice

12 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people 13 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people 14 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development personal, social, emotional, identity, intellectual and language development and factors that might enhance and inhibit these developmental stages associated with children and young people and how changing care environments can have an impact on their social, emotional and identity development loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when preparing children and young people for adulthood citizenship and independent living the effects of stress and distress


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


15 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 16 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 17 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the children and young people with whom you work 18 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of children and young people and parents, families and carers 19 methods of: effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers working with parents, families and carers to support the children and young people working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm or danger, of becoming involved in offending behaviour 20 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 21 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 22 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 23 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 24 methods of developing positive identity, selfesteem and self-reliance in children and young people 25 methods of engaging and sustaining the child/young persons interest and involvement when working on social, emotional and identity development 26 reasons for emotional outbursts or negative reactions to work on identity

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



27 the type of opportunities that occur naturally that can be used to: help children to communicate, control their feelings and to develop socially and emotionally reinforce positive aspects of children and young peoples social, emotional, identity, self-esteem and self-reliance 28 difficulties which may be experienced by young people who have been abused, neglected or are otherwise defined as in need in developing socially and emotionally 29 planning, provision and evaluation of activities to explore issues of social, emotional and identity development

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title

Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people
Identify, and help children and young people to assess their social, emotional and identity needs

Element HSC312a


You need to show that 1 you gain the trust of children and young people and encourage and enable them express their feelings and thoughts about: themselves their past experiences, current circumstances and plans they have for the future aspects of their lives which they think are good and those that are not their relationships with parents, families, carers and others 2 you ensure that any special requirements that children and young people have do not disadvantage or exclude them from any activities 3 you use naturally occurring opportunities to enable children and young people to communicate about their social, emotional and identity needs 4 you provide active support to enable children and young people to: understand, assess and identify their own social, emotional and identity needs identify and communicate any activities or support they think could meet their social, emotional and identity needs 5 you respond sensitively, calmly and positively when the child/young person becomes emotional 6 you seek appropriate help where you are unable to deal with any issues raised or disclosed by the child/young person

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people
Support children and young people to develop a positive self-image, enhance their selfesteem and improve self-reliance
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC312b


You need to show that 1 you provide active support to enable children and young people to communicate the impact of the personal circumstances on their self-image 2 you use planned activities and other naturally occurring learning opportunities, to help children and young people to understand issues about their self-image, selfesteem and identity 3 you work with children and young people in ways that are appropriate, taking account of their age, abilities and level of development and understanding 4 you use resources and networks in the local community to introduce positive role models 5 you encourage children and young people to identify with, and take pride in their own self-image and ethnic, cultural and sexual identity 6 you encourage children and young people to identify their abilities to help them to develop a positive selfimage, self-esteem and identity 7 you provide opportunities for children and young people to make their own decisions and accept responsibility for their actions, taking account of the risks and benefits 8 you reward achievements and efforts towards selfreliance which enhance the children and young peoples self-confidence and self-esteem

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support the social, emotional and identity development of children and young people
Observe, assess and take action to promote children and young peoples social, emotional and identity development
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC312c


You need to show that 1 you observe children and young people in a variety of environments, whilst interacting and relating to others and when they carry out activities alone and within a group 2 you identify positive and negative aspects of the children and young peoples social, emotional and identity development 3 you work with children and young people to: build upon positive aspects of their social, emotional and identity development find ways and activities that will help them to address negative aspects of their social, emotional and identity development 4 you observe and assess any changes in children and young peoples social and emotional well-being 5 you take opportunities to explore any changes with the children and young people and with their parents, families and carers 6 you seek advice and support to help resolve children and young peoples identity issues and develop a positive sense of identity

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC313 Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs
What is the unit about? For this unit you have to work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well-being of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Immediate and threatening health danger to children and young people Manipulative behaviour that is abusive and focuses on the vulnerabilities of children and young people Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Are other people with whom the child/young person has a supportive relationship People with legal parental responsibility

Carer Children and young people

Emergency Exploitative behaviour Families

Harm Level of development and understanding Others Parents


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Risks The environment

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone The environment is the place where the child/young person is living; it could include the home of foster parents or a residential setting

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specifications All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for some of each elements of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports of incidents; risk assessments (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Inspection of setting to ensure potential risks have been managed (element b) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have promoted physical and mental health needs Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg supporting development of physical and mental health needs Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, colleagues, line manager, and other professionals to provide evidence of your work in supporting the development of physical and mental health needs Simulation may be used for evidencing health emergency (element c)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC313

Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when working with them to promote their own physical and mental health needs how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on their rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples physical and health needs, wishes and preferences to be met

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations about their physical and health needs and your role and responsibilities for the care and protection of their physical and health needs your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations

methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when supporting children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people supporting children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health

10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to supporting children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers
Theory and practice

12 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs 13 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people, especially related to physical and mental health needs 14 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when supporting children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs motivation and its effects on enabling children and young people to deal with their own health and social well-being overall course of normal mental and physical growth, development and expected changes relating to age and stage

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



15 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples physical and mental health and well-being 16 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 17 methods of effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers 18 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 19 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 20 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 21 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with children and young people and parents, families and carers 22 methods of effective communication and engagement with children and young people, their parents, families and carers when supporting them to promote their own physical and mental health needs 23 sources of information, resources and advice available to promote the positive mental health development of children and young people and how to access these 24 how the children and young peoples circumstances, history of social and health care can adversely affect their growth, development, mental health and well-being 25 the effect that age, stage, development and personal circumstances of children and young people may have on their ability to contribute and make decisions about their own health and social well-being 26 factors which constitute a risk to the individuals development, positive health, mental health and well-being 27 the types of impact that disabilities can have on children and young peoples health and social wellbeing


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


28 factors which define circumstances as being urgent, chronic or routine, and why it is essential that you know the limits of your responsibility and competence

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs
Work with children and young people to identify factors that will enable them to grow and develop healthily
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC313a


You need to show that 1 you support children and young people to understand aspects of personal health care, growth, and sexual development consistent with their age, abilities and level of development and understanding 2 you provide active support to enable children and young people to communicate and agree the degree of support and the type of personal health care they require 3 you take appropriate action to ensure that particular physical and medical needs of children and young people are addressed and additional help accessed when required 4 you communicate and reinforce factors which might affect personal health, growth and development of children and young people 5 you encourage children and young people to identify and evaluate changes in their physical development and bodily functions and communicate any concerns 6 you communicate with children and young people and respond to any issues and concerns they may have about their sexual development and sexuality 7 you organise, and where appropriate, support children and young people to attend appointments to address physical or medical needs 8 you explore and try to resolve conflicts and tensions in relation to childrens and young peoples needs and preferences about their physical health care


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs
Contribute to providing health care to meet children and young peoples physical and mental health care needs
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC313b


You need to show that 1 you identify, explore and examine, with children and young people, parents, families, carers and others factors that can promote and hinder healthy physical, emotional and psychological development 2 you contribute to a culture within the environment that encourages the self-esteem, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people 3 you identify, openly acknowledge and suggest resolutions where conflicts and tensions arise 4 you identify, and support children and young people to identify: signs and symptoms of distress which might have an impact on their emotional and psychological health and well-being factors that might pose a risk to their health and well-being 5 you assess and take appropriate action to deal with and manage potential risks 6 you encourage children and young people to use available resources of help, support and information 7 you seek and acquire support, information and advice to resolve difficulties

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Work with children and young people to promote their own physical and mental health needs
Respond appropriately to the physical and health care needs of children and young people
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC313c


You need to show that 1 you work with children and young people, their parents, families, carers and others to meet the physical and mental health care needs of children and young people, taking account of restrictions placed upon anyone 2 you recognise, respond to and inform the relevant people when you observe: changes in childrens and young peoples behaviour and well-being signs and symptoms of childhood illness 3 you recognise, take appropriate action and inform relevant people when you see signs and symptoms that indicate: mental or emotional distress harm, abuse, exploitative behaviour and bullying use of illegal substances 4 you take appropriate action to deal with the physical and health needs of children and young people, dependent on the level of risk to them 5 you summon assistance immediately when children and young people have a health emergency 6 you inform parents, families and carers immediately, taking account of any restrictions placed upon anyone, when children and young people have a health emergency 7 you contribute to supporting the treatment plan and monitor any indications of change in the condition of children and young people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



You need to show that 8 you seek and acquire information and advice to resolve health care issues and difficulties with children and young people 9 you record and report on incidents and treatment within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC314

Care for a newly born baby when the mother unable to do so

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to provide direct care for babies when the mother is unable to do so. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge. Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Babies in this unit are newly born Carers are those taking the main parental role/guardianship of the baby Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility

Babies Carers Others Parents

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



The rights that all concerned have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation, is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg observational records of progress and concerns for new babies (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Inspection of setting to ensure safety and security (element c) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have cared for babies Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg supporting care and development of newly born babies Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, midwife, health visitor and other professionals to provide evidence of your work in caring for newly born babies

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC314

Care for a newly born baby when the mother is unable to do so

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of the babies with whom you are working at the centre of everything you do how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of babies how to work in partnership with parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the babies needs, wishes and preferences to be met, taking account of any limitations of anyones rights

3 4

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when caring for newly born babies


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management promoting the well-being and protection of babies promoting secure and permanent relationships for babies parental rights and responsibilities working with newly born babies working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of babies

how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of babies, parents, families and carers health, safety and hygiene requirements which should be maintained when working with babies, especially when feeding them

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about working with babies

10 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect babies, children and young people 11 theories relevant to the babies with whom you work, about: pre-speech and verbal and non-verbal behaviour and cues human growth and development related to babies, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development social, emotional, intellectual and language development and factors that might enhance and inhibit these in babies up to two years of age

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



the ways in which babies can be stimulated 12 working in integrated ways to promote babies well-being 13 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with babies and parents, families and carers 14 methods of effective engagement with babies 15 type of support for disabled babies and parents 16 the reasons for and who to report feeding problems and anything unusual with babies 17 the normal state, and changes in, urine, stools, vaginal discharge, cry, skin, state of cord, eyes, general muscle tone and movement of babies 18 safest ways of positioning and handling babies for their health and safety and to encourage interaction 19 positioning, comfort, environment, winding and the correct processes for feeding babies and why these may vary according to the parents personal beliefs and preferences 20 why the environment in which the babies are fed should be suitable and why this should be close to the mother where possible 21 why each step of the preparation of equipment and feeds and the timing of these is necessary and must be carried out correctly 22 the reason for, and how to report babies first stools and urine 23 why different parts of babies bodies are bathed differently and why particular attention should be paid to creases 24 the reasons for informing the mother about the babys feed and progress 25 the ways in which babies: develop during the first ten days of life develop relationships with their carers in their early days of life 26 the difference between sterilisation and social cleanliness 27 the importance of consistency and continuity of care provided to babies


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


28 the effects of environmental conditions and temperatures on babies


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC314a

Care for a newly born baby when the mother is unable to do so

Feed babies
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

You need to show that 1 you clean and dry your hands prior to and following handling the baby and preparing their food 2 you use the correct methods to prepare and store equipment and feeds and to dispose of left over food 3 you use the correct methods and any sterilisation procedures to make the feed 4 you make up feeds to the required quantities 5 when babies indicate that they are hungry or when feeding is required for nutritional purposes, you feed them in a suitable place and position to encourage digestion and satisfaction 6 you record babies progress and feeds accurately, seeking support and advice if problems occur

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC314b

Care for a newly born baby when the mother is unable to do so

Clothe babies and keep them clean
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

You need to show that 1 you prepare the environment and equipment for bathing and changing babies prior to undressing them 2 you bathe, wash, dry, change and dress babies, handling them safely throughout 3 you stimulate, relate to and interact with babies when bathing and dressing them 4 you observe and treat any dryness or sores on babies skin 5 you dress babies in suitable clothes for the environmental temperature and conditions 6 you clean and store equipment and materials safely and ready for re-use 7 you follow organisational procedures and practices when disposing of soiled nappies 8 you update any records that are required and report anything you have observed during bathing and dressing which causes concern to the appropriate people, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC314c

Care for a newly born baby when the mother is unable to do so

Ensure babies are safe, secure and free from danger, harm and abuse
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you check that identification labels are secure and correctly placed, reporting any discrepancies to the appropriate person 2 you check the identification of anyone wanting to handle babies and only pass the babies to anyone who has permission to handle and care for them 3 you ensure that babies are placed in a safe and secure location and position 4 you relate to and interact with babies to help them feel safe and secure 5 you take appropriate steps to ensure that there is no person or item of equipment/furniture within the environment that could cause or put babies at risk of danger, harm or abuse them 6 you complete and store accurate records within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC315 Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to contribute to assessing and developing plans to meet the personal support needs of children and young people with additional requirements. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well being of the children Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Are other people with whom the child/young person has a supportive relationship People with legal parental responsibility The needs of the children and young people relating to their personal activities such as going to the toilet, meeting their personal care needs, washing etc.

Carer Children and young people


Others Parents Personal support needs


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language


The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of element (b) of this unit Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Observation of work products, eg observational records of progress; supervision notes, minutes of reviews or case conferences, care plans (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have met personal support needs Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg planning, implementation and reviewing personal support needs Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, other professionals, demonstrating planning and evaluation of personal support needs for individuals.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC315

Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on their rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young people who have additional needs to communicate and meet their needs, wishes and preferences

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection your own values and those of children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations

methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health

10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers 12 the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision and support
Theory and practice

13 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs 14 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people with additional needs 15 theories relevant to the children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs the effects of stress and distress working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



positive and negative sources and reinforcement that can affect the children and young peoples confidence, identity and self-esteem observing children and young peoples progress the additional needs and conditions of children and young people with whom you will be working motivation and enabling children and young people to participate to their utmost abilities using, maintaining and disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous materials and equipment 16 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 17 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 18 methods of effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers 19 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people with additional needs 20 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 21 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 22 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with children and young people and parents, families and carers 23 methods of supporting children and young people with additional needs to: express their needs, wishes and preferences identify how their care needs should be met 24 methods of: effective communication and engagement with children and young people generally, and specifically with those with whom you are working


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


involving children and young people in activities in ways that are appropriate to the age of the child and young person, their level of development and understanding and their additional needs working with parents, families and carers to support children and young people working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm or danger, of becoming involved in offending behaviour 25 how childrens different needs might require different techniques 26 the type of equipment and aids children and young people with whom you work may use, how to use them, how they should be maintained and who to contact if they are defective or need upgrading 27 methods and formats for planning, monitoring, observing and recording for evaluation purposes 28 the importance of identifying if children and young people are distressed or uncomfortable when their personal support needs are being met 29 how to support parents and carers to manage the risks to children and young people with their development and independence

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ................................. DATE: ................................... .

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs
Support children and young people with additional requirements to identify and develop plans to meet their personal support needs

Element HSC315a


You need to show that 1 you support children and young people, parents, families, carers and others, to identify children and young peoples personal support needs 2 you seek information and advice to help you understand and address children and young peoples personal support needs 3 you examine, with children and young people, parents, families, carers and others, different ways their personal support needs can be met 4 you support children and young people to identify their views and preferences about how their personal support needs should and could be met, taking account of their age, abilities and level of development and understanding 5 you contribute to developing plans to meet the personal support needs of children and young people 6 you seek and acquire specialist advice and support, to help you to meet the additional personal support needs of children and young people

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs
Support children and young people to address their personal support needs

Element HSC315b


You need to show that 1 you identify the personal support needs of children and young people for whom you are responsible 2 you provide active support to enable children and young people to: identify and use their own skills, abilities, experience and knowledge to help meet their own personal needs participate as much as they are able 3 you assist children and young people to meet their personal support needs, taking account of and managing risks 4 you provide active support to enable children and young people to carry out activities that support their personal needs, taking account of: their expressed wishes and preferences any risks care plan requirements 5 you work sensitively with children and young people to help them understand, cope with and minimise the frustrations they may feel when seeking and accepting help 6 you support children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to identify any changes to children and young peoples personal support needs 7 you take appropriate action to deal with any changing personal support needs of children and young people 8 you seek extra support and advice when you are having difficulty supporting the personal support needs of children and young people 9 you seek additional help to address your own personal and emotional needs when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Work with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs
Contribute to evaluating the effectiveness of activities to meet children and young peoples personal support needs

Element HSC315c


You need to show that 1 you encourage children and young people, parents, families and carers to provide feedback on the effectiveness of activities to meet children and young peoples personal support needs 2 you work with others to identify and carry out your own responsibilities to evaluate the effectiveness of activities to meet children and young peoples personal support needs 3 you support children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to evaluate aspects of your support that: achieved positive results could be improved 4 you support children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to evaluate activities to meet children and young peoples personal support needs, that: have been beneficial to the child/young person need improving need amending to meet changes in the child/young persons needs, age, abilities and level of development and understanding 5 you work with children and young people, parents, families and carers within the evaluation process in ways that respect their views, wishes and preferences 6 you identify, with others: where and what additional expertise is required to meet children and young peoples current and future personal support needs how any additional help and support can be accessed and who should be responsible for this

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



You need to show that any changes that need to be implemented when supporting children and young peoples additional personal support needs 7 you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to understand: any changes that will be made to children and young peoples personal support needs when and by whom any changes will be made how any changes with resource implications will be resourced

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC316 Support the needs of children and young people with additional requirements
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to work directly with children and young people who have additional needs either because of their life experiences, physical, visual or hearing impairments, learning difficulties or mental health problems. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key Words and Concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well-being of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services and where the children and young people are looked after or still eligible to receive children and young peoples services until they reach 21. If still in educational provision this age range can raise to 25. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard covers the children and young people and their advocates/interpreters Include the people who are biologically and/or legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Are other people with whom the child/young person has a supportive relationship People with legal parental responsibility The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Carer Children and young people


Level of development and understanding Others Parents Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for some of this unit Observation of work products, eg observational records and reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported children and young people with additional requirements Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments eg assessment, implementation and evaluation of support programmes Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker or other professionals, demonstrating assessment, implementation and evaluation of support programmes for children and young people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC316

Support the needs of children and young people with additional requirements

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when working with and developing, implementing and evaluating programmes and activities for children and young people with additional requirements how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on their rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young people with additional needs to communicate and meet their needs, wishes and preferences


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection your own values and those of children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations

methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when working with children and young people with additional requirements

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when working with and developing, implementing and evaluating programmes and activities for children and young people with additional requirements current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people working with and developing, implementing and evaluating programmes and activities for children and young people with additional requirements

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and when working with and developing, implementing and evaluating programmes and activities for children and young people with additional requirements 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers 12 the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision and support
Theories and practice

13 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when working with and developing, implementing and evaluating programmes and activities for children and young people with additional requirements 14 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people with additional needs 15 theories relevant to children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when working with children and young people with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs the effects of stress and distress


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


working with and developing, implementing and evaluating programmes and activities for children and young people with additional requirements positive and negative sources and reinforcement that can affect the child/young persons confidence, identity and self-esteem the additional needs and conditions of children and young people with whom you will be working motivation and enabling children and young people to participate to their utmost abilities 16 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 17 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 18 methods of effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers 19 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people with additional needs 20 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 21 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 22 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with children and young people and parents, families and carers 23 methods of supporting children and young people with additional needs to: express their needs, wishes and preferences identify how their care needs should be met 24 methods of: effective communication and engagement with children and young people generally, and specifically with those with whom you are working

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



involving children and young people in activities in ways that are appropriate to the age of the child and young person, their level of development and understanding and their additional needs working with parents, families and carers to support children and young people how childrens different needs might require different handling techniques working with children and young people who have been abused, bullied, persecuted, who are at risk of harm or danger, of becoming involved in offending behaviour 25 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 26 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 27 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 28 factors which ensure safe and effective care for children and young people, including secure attachments 29 the type of equipment and aids children and young people with whom you work may use, how to use them, how they should be maintained and who to contact if they are defective or need upgrading 30 methods and formats for structured activities and programmes and planning, monitoring, observing and recording 31 the importance of identifying if children and young people are distressed or uncomfortable when they are participating in activities and programmes 32 how to support parents and carers to manage the risks to children and young people with their development and independence 33 the importance and value of parents knowledge and expertise about their children


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


34 the nature of relationships within families and the importance of encouraging other family members to be actively involved with the child/young person

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support the needs of children and young people with additional requirements
Contribute to the assessment of children and young peoples specific developmental levels and support needs


You need to show that 1 you work with children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to identify assessment frameworks and processes that are relevant to assessing the specific development and support needs of children and young people with additional requirements 2 you provide active support to enable children and young people to understand: the nature and purpose of the assessment the activities they will be required to carry out for the assessment 3 you support and encourage children and young people, parents, families and carers to identify and communicate their needs, views, concerns, preferences and choices about the assessments 4 you identify areas of potential disagreement and conflict and agree how these will be managed 5 you work with children and young people, parents, families and carers to: put them at their ease about the assessment procedures support them through the assessments support them to understand the outcomes and the implications for children and young people ensure that the expertise, experience and culture of children, young people, their parents or carers are recognised throughout the assessment process 6 you carry out the assessment activities for which you are responsible 7 you contribute and support others to carry out assessment activities

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


You need to show that 8 you contribute to recording and reporting on the assessments: within your role and responsibilities within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC316b

Support the needs of children and young people with additional requirements
Support the implementation of programmes and support activities to meet the needs of children and young people with additional needs


You need to show that 1 you contribute to identifying resources within and outside your organisation that could: meet children and young peoples assessed needs support children and young people to participate in activities manage any identified risks 2 you work with children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to identify the options available to meet the children and young peoples assessed needs and the support they require 3 you work with children and young people, parents, families and carers to identify their views, wishes and preferred options about programmes and support activities 4 you carry out the activities for which you are responsible to enable the children and young people to participate in programmes and support activities 5 you observe and monitor any changes in the children and young people when supporting them to participate in programmes and support activities 6 you take appropriate action: when you identify any changes in children and young people as they participate in programmes and support activities when children and young people identify any changing needs, wishes and preferences for programmes and support activities and the support they are receiving to participate in them to address any problems that arise when implementing the agreed programmes and support activities

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


You need to show that 7 you seek extra support and advice when the support required by children and young people, parents, families and carers is outside your competence to deal with 8 you seek additional help to address your own personal and emotional needs when supporting children and young people to participate in programmes and support activities

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC316c

Support the needs of children and young people with additional requirements
Contribute to evaluating childrens and young peoples participation in programmes and support activities


You need to show that 1 you observe and analyse the impact of the programmes and support activities on children and young people identifying: positive aspects aspects of the programmes and support activities that could be improved 2 you check your observations and analysis with children and young people, parents, families, carers and others 3 you work with children and young people, parents, families and carers within the evaluation process in ways that respect their views, wishes and preferences 4 you encourage and support children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to evaluate aspects of programmes and support activities that: have been beneficial to the child/young person need improving need amending to meet changes in the child/young persons needs, age, abilities and level of development and understanding 5 you encourage and support children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to evaluate aspects of your support that: achieved positive results could be improved 6 you contribute to reviewing the impact of the programmes and support activities against the intended outcomes

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


You need to show that 7 you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to understand: any changes that will be made to the children and young peoples programmes and support activities when and by whom any changes will be made how any changes with resource implications will be resourced

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC317 Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to accept and provide a home for children and young people as part of their permanency planning. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the family has a supportive relationship. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services and where the children and young people are looked after or still eligible to receive children and young peoples services until they reach 21. If still in educational provision this age range can raise to 25. Where children and young people use advocates to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard covers the children and young people and their advocate Include the people who are biologically and/or legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Are those people who play a key role in the life of a family, providing the homes for children and young people Are other people within and outside your organisation who are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Children and young people

Family members

Key people Others Parents Rights


The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have prepared your family and networks to provide a home for children/young people Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg identifying and acquiring the skills and knowledge required for providing care, protection and meeting needs of children in your home. Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, other professionals, members of your family Observation of work products, eg supervision notes, organisational documentation, care plans, course notes and assignments (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC317

Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how you and your family can provide active support, place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do with them, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives and actions dilemmas between the child/young persons rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection and your role and responsibilities in providing a home for specific individuals

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when providing a home for children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information risk assessment and management when providing a home for children and young people protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse preparing your family and networks to support children and young people requiring care and providing a home for individuals

practice and service that promote and safeguard the well-being of children and young people who are placed within another persons home frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

frameworks and guidance on working with parents, families and carers to promote the wellbeing and life chances of children and young people legislation and local policies concerning inclusion of children and young people

10 how to access records and information on children and young people for whom you are likely to provide a home
Theory and practice

11 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when preparing to provide and providing a home for children and young people 12 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to providing a home for children and young people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



13 theories relevant to children and young people with whom you work, about aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by the child/young persons background, experiences and conditions and the provision of a secure home environment 14 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people to establish whether the child/young persons needs and preferences can be accommodated within your home and family environment 15 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people for whom you are likely to provide a home 16 factors to take account of when deciding how much information to divulge to family and network members 17 the differing reasons why families and networks may be apprehensive or anxious and how to address these and support the people involved 18 the likely effect on family dynamics, relationships and roles when providing a home for children and young people 19 conditions and issues you are likely to face when providing a home for individuals with specific needs 20 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 21 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 22 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 23 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 24 theories and principles that enable: you to balance the needs of children and young people and others within your home environment the child/young person to become a full member of the household


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ............................................. DATE: ................................ ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................... DATE: ................................ INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ..................................... DATE: ................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people
Access, obtain and share information with your family and networks about providing a home for children and young people

Element HSC317a


You need to show that 1 when providing a home for children and young people, you discuss with, and acquire from the people placing children and young people: the information you may require the support you can expect 2 you identify and access information about the rights, duties and responsibilities of all involved in providing a home for children and young people 3 you examine and discuss the statutory requirements of acting as a foster parent to children and young people, with your family, key people and others 4 you identify and obtain up-to-date guidance for providing a home for children and young people 5 you share and discuss the information and guidance with your family and key people 6 you examine the support and other needs of children and young people requiring a home, and of contact with their parents and family members 7 you clarify information about children and young people and their families that might affect their stay with you and your family 8 you seek and obtain further information and support about specific needs of children and young people to help you to understand them better and accommodate them in your home more easily

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people
Evaluate your own home situation and the care you are able to offer to children and young people

Element HSC317b


You need to show that 1 you discuss and agree with your family, how your lives and living arrangements will be affected when providing a home for children and young people 2 you identify, discuss and agree: any risks and additional help and support children and young people might need whilst living within your home any extra help your family might need to support them any changes that you and your family will have to make in order to accommodate and keep children and young people safe from harm and abuse contact arrangements for parents and family members 3 you encourage members of your family to express and discuss their feelings and concerns about providing a home for the specific child/young person 4 you clarify any matters that have arisen with members of your family and other appropriate people 5 you appraise the benefits and the concerns raised by your family about accommodating children and young people 6 you identify with others potential areas of conflict and set in place strategies to overcome these 7 you discuss any issues and concerns with the appropriate people 8 you outline any ground rules for accepting children and young people into your home

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Prepare your family and networks to provide a home for children and young people
Identify and acquire the skills and knowledge to provide a home for children and young people

Element HSC317c


You need to show that 1 you evaluate your skills, knowledge and attitudes to care for and protect children and young people coming into your home 2 you identify any gaps in your skills and knowledge to enable you to meet the needs of the children and young people 3 you discuss the gaps in your skills and knowledge with the appropriate people 4 you identify sources of information and support that will enable you to acquire the skills and knowledge you require to support children and young people and associate, taking account of any restrictions placed upon anyone, with parents and family members 5 you access and use the most appropriate form of support and training to fill the identified gaps in your skills and knowledge

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC318 Provide a home for children and young people

What is the unit about? For this unit you have to accept and provide support for children and young people within your own home and family. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the families preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the family has a supportive relationship. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key Words and Concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The care plan will include all aspects of children and young persons care needs which need to be adhered to within any setting in which the child/young person is placed. It addresses the holistic needs of children and young people and should promote their life chances Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well being of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter The possibility of harm and abuse happening Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The effects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Are those people who play a key role in the life of a family providing the homes for children and young people Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility

Care plans

Carer Children and young people

Danger Family members

Harm Key people Level of development and understanding Others Parents


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness in a real work situation is required for some of each element of this unit Inspection of setting to ensure safety devices and procedures are used Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as to how you provided a home for children Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg how to resolve conflicts you are likely to meet Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, individuals requiring care, family members Observation of work products, such as incident reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC318

Provide a home for children and young people

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how you and your family can provide active support, place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do with them, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives and actions dilemmas between the child/young persons needs, preferences, rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection and your own and your families role, rights and responsibilities when providing a home for specific children and young people how to deal with and challenge discrimination when providing a home for individuals

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


TYPE OF EVIDENCE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THIS UNIT Legislation and organisational policy and procedures EI O P WT S APL EWE Q&A DATE

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when providing a home for children and young people current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information risk assessment and management when providing a home for children and young people protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse providing a home and family environment for children and young people

practice and service that promote and safeguard the well-being of children and young people placed within another persons home and for those who are providing the home for individuals frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

how to access records and information on children and young people for whom you are likely to provide a home

10 the purpose of, and arrangements for your support when providing a home and family environment for children and young people
Theory and practice

11 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when providing a home for children and young people 12 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to providing a home for children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


13 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by the child/young persons background, experiences and conditions and the provision of a secure home environment 14 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people for whom you are providing a home 15 principles of practice to enable you to balance the needs of children and young people and others within your home environment 16 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 17 type of support for disabled children and young people 18 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 19 principles for enabling the child/young person to become a full member of the household 20 the importance of discussing with family and network members, issues that have and might arise from the child/young person living in your own home and how their needs for support can best be met 21 factors to take account of when deciding how much information to divulge to family and network members 22 the differing reasons why families and networks may be apprehensive or anxious and how to address these and support the people involved 23 issues that are likely to arise when the child/young person first moves in and how to support the child/young person to deal with these 24 the likely effect on family dynamics, relationships and roles when providing a home for a child/young person 25 situations when family and network members may be at risk and how to assess and deal with these 26 the importance of openly acknowledging potential difficulties and conflicts

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ......................................... DATE: ............................. ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .......................................... DATE: ............................. INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................... DATE: ...............................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC318a

Provide a home for children and young people

Identify the needs, background and experiences of the children and young people for whom you are providing a home
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you read the appropriate information about the needs, background and experience of children and young people for whom you are providing a home 2 taking account of the age and level of development and understanding of the children and young people, you engage with them and support them to communicate with you about: their needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences, interests and aspirations relationships with their parents, families, carers and friends how their needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences, interests and aspirations might affect them and your family 3 you assess how the needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences, interests and aspirations of children and young people: can be accommodated within your home may cause problems how you, the child/young person and your family may deal with any problems 4 you inform all who will be involved with the children and young people of their needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences, interests and aspirations within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC318b

Provide a home for children and young people

Help children and young people to adjust to, and ensure they are safe and protected in your home
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you introduce children and young people to your family and key people in the families life in a way that they can understand 2 you help the child/young person to settle into your home, giving them enough time, space and support, especially if they are distressed and anxious 3 you ensure that items that are personal, special and provide comfort to the child/young person are accommodated within your home and available for the childs/young persons use 4 you engage with children and young people at using language and communication methods that they can understand, to help them to: communicate their thoughts, feelings, fears and aspirations see the benefits of living in your home both for themselves and for your family understand how your family and living arrangements work find their way around the house, where things are and where they can keep their own things understand any ground rules for living in your home 5 you provide, and support your family and networks to provide a supporting welcome, appropriate to the child/young persons age and level of development and understanding 6 you ensure that appropriate safety devices and procedures are used within your home to keep children and young people safe from danger, harm and abuse, without overprotecting them

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You need to show that 7 you work with children and young people giving them sufficient scope to: grow and develop socially, emotionally and intellectually make their own decisions, taking account of any restrictions placed upon them and other people develop and retain their friendship groups, without exposing them to unnecessary danger or overprotecting them 8 you report any serious incidents or causes for concern immediately to the appropriate people

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC318c

Provide a home for children and young people

Support own family and other key people to accept, support and adjust to family life with the children and young people
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you encourage your family and social networks to: accept children and young people as a family member help them to settle into and live in your home provide effective care and support for the child/young person 2 you help your family to understand and come to terms with their own needs as a family member and those of children and young people requiring a home 3 you treat everyone fairly, balancing the needs of family members and those of children and young people requiring a home 4 you discuss and implement the requirements of the child/young persons care plan, taking account of aspects that might affect family members and children and young people directly 5 you address any conflicts and disagreements openly, seeking and using external support, where necessary 6 you set in place strategies to protect your own family when the child/young persons behaviour causes a risk to themselves and others

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC319 Support families in their own home

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to visit and support families in their own home.

Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Include the people who are legally related and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of the family unit Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Families Others Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by an Expert Witness and/or assessor in a real work situation is required for some of element (b) and (c) of this unit Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you supported families in their own home Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg functioning of the family and effective relationships within it. Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, social worker, line manager, service user Observation of work products, such care plans; reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC319

Support families in their own home

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, to function more effectively the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of the family, individuals and children and young people at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives, actions and risks the rights of families, parents and carers in relation to individuals/children and young people including any restrictions placed upon them dilemmas between and within families and your role in supporting the family to function more effectively as a family unit how to deal with and challenge discrimination when relating to families, parents and carers techniques for building and evaluating relationships with family members taking account of gender, race, culture and religious differences

6 7


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


the importance of carrying out any support offered to families and not promising more than can be delivered or achieved

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting families to function more effectively

10 current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people 11 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to family support 12 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers 13 initiatives to promote the well-being of families 14 frameworks and guidance on working with parents, families and carers to promote the wellbeing and life chances of children and young people 15 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



16 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting families to function more effectively as a family unit 17 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to working with families 18 theories relevant to: the functioning of the family as an effective unit effective relationships with and within families power, and how it can be used and abused when supporting children and young people to manage their lives the effects of stress and distress 19 working in integrated ways that promote family functioning 20 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with families 21 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 22 factors to take account of when deciding how much information to divulge 23 how to interact with families and involve them positively in the care of their children 24 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and functioning of families 25 methods of relating to and supporting families to: understand and take responsibility for promoting their health and care of the family identify how their needs should be met assess and manage risks to their health and well-being 26 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care and functioning of the family


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


27 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 28 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 29 the purpose of the visit and any previous arrangements made by the visiting service 30 the significance of the bonding between parents and their children 31 the types of information likely to be needed by the family and how to communicate it effectively 32 support networks and facilities and how families can gain access to them 33 how pressure of the families circumstances can affect their communication and relationships with their children and with others 34 possible barriers to communication and ways of overcoming them 35 strategies for handling aggression and hostility including an understanding of how it arose 36 the rights and responsibilities of families in relation to the home visiting situation 37 the boundaries of responsibility for work with parents and how to identify issues beyond your own responsibility and competence 38 the responsibilities of families and the difficulties which outside pressures may put on their ability to fulfil their responsibilities 39 when families should be referred to other people and organisations and how to do this

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC319a

Support families in their own home

Prepare to visit families in their own home
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

You need to show that 1 you identify the available information that will assist you to build up a picture of the familys culture, background and the issues they are facing 2 you access the available information and identify gaps and differences in assessments and judgements 3 you review the information to reach a preliminary view on the issues facing the family and your contribution to addressing them 4 you consult with relevant workers in and outside your own organisation to produce and plan for your initial visit 5 you communicate with the family in accessible ways to prepare them for your visit

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC319b

Support families in their own home

Liaise with families and others to identify and support the families needs
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you provide active support to enable families to identify and communicate their needs and priorities and whether there are any differences in perspective 2 you work with the family and others within and outside your organisation to: access information about resources and options available negotiate an agreed option agree how problems and conflicts for the option to be provided will be addressed, and your responsibilities within this process identify your own contribution and responsibilities within this process

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC319c

Support families in their own home

Support individuals and the family to function more effectively as a family unit
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you work with the family to: ensure that they are clear about your contribution in supporting their needs to function more effectively as a family support them to identify their needs and the changes they will need to make to function more effectively as a family unit agree the processes and encourage them to participate in any activities that progress the agreed option 2 you contribute to work with the family to address any problems that arise because of different perspectives between family members on the agreed outcomes 3 you support the family to understand how your work with them is integrated with that of relevant workers within and outside your own organisation 4 you support families to carry out activities that will enable them to function more effectively as a family unit 5 you praise success and provide constructive feedback to enable families to progress further

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC320 Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies)
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies).Throughout the unit baby has been used in the singular but you may be supporting more than one baby in the event of multiple births Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Children within the first 10 days of their lives The possibility of harm and abuse happening The effects of a child/young person being physically, emotionally or sexually injured or abused Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that all concerned have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Baby Danger Harm Others Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported parents with new babies Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as the midwife, health visitor, line manager, social worker, to provide evidence of your work in supporting the parents of new born babies

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC320

Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies)

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of the babies and the parents with whom you are working at the centre of everything you do how to ensure that you protect the rights and interests of babies and parents how to work in partnership with parents, families, carers and those within your organisation to enable babies needs, to be met, taking account of any limitations of anyones rights

3 4

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

regulation, codes of practice and conduct that apply to you and others for codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when caring for newly born babies


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health, safety and hygiene requirements which should be maintained when working with babies, especially when feeding them risk assessment and management promoting the well-being and protection of babies promoting secure and permanent relationships for babies parental rights and responsibilities working with newly born babies working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of babies

how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of babies, parents, families and carers frameworks and guidance on working with parents, families and carers to promote the wellbeing and life chances of babies

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about working with parents and babies

10 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect parents and babies 11 theories relevant to babies with whom you work, about: human growth and development related to babies, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development the ways in which babies can be stimulated 12 working in integrated ways to promote babies and parents well-being 13 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with babies and parents, families and carers

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



14 methods of effective engagement with babies 15 type of support for disabled babies and parents 16 the ways in which babies: develop during the first ten days of life develop relationships with their carers in their early days of life 17 the impact which personal beliefs, preferences (including privacy) and previous experience may have on the handling, caring, washing, changing, dressing and feeding of babies 18 safest ways of positioning and handling babies for their health and safety and to encourage interaction 19 positioning, comfort, environment, winding and the correct processes for feeding babies and why these may vary according to the parents personal beliefs and preferences 20 the effects of environmental conditions and temperatures on the baby 21 why the environment in which babies are fed should be suitable and why this should be close to the parents 22 why each step of the preparation of equipment and feeds and the timing of these is necessary and must be carried out correctly 23 the reasons for and who to report feeding problems and anything unusual with the baby 24 the reasons for, and how to report babies first stools and urine 25 the normal state, and changes in, urine, stools, vaginal discharge, cry, skin, state of cord, eyes, general muscle tone and movement of babies 26 why different parts of babies bodies are bathed differently and why particular attention should be paid to creases 27 the reasons for confirming the level of assistance with the parent and following this up with observation and support 28 why parents should be encouraged to identify any person they hand their baby to and why they should not leave the baby unattended


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


29 why babies need to be identified by labels and where to place these 30 why parents should be encouraged to engage in active parenting and the long term effects which this may have for the parents and the baby 31 why parents should be encouraged to review the feeding process and adapt them for their baby 32 normal changes and common problems that can occur in the mothers breasts and nipples during the first week 33 how to help the mother express milk and when expressed milk should be used 34 the best methods of reinforcing practice with parents and carers to increase their effectiveness in terms of safety, protection, security and the effects of the environment on the baby

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies)
Support parents and reinforce actions and advice that keep babies safe, secure and free from danger, harm and abuse

Element HSC320a


You need to show that 1 you observe parents and baby, giving appropriate support to ensure that the baby is safe, secure and free from danger harm and abuse you provide active support to enable parents to communicate the level of assistance they require, seeking other assistance, where necessary where parents raise issues about their babys safety, protection and security, you encourage them to: take account of the advice they have been given take appropriate action to ensure the babys safety, protection and security without being overprotective 4 5 you reinforce the advice parents have been given as you assist them to handle and position the baby you encourage the parents to: check the baby is safe before leaving them unattended only pass on and leave the baby with people who are known to be safe and who are able to take care of the baby 6 you reinforce advice given about changing the coverings, clothing and dressings for the baby when: the conditions and temperature change they show signs that they are too hot or cold 7 where the parents wish, you encourage relatives and friends to be actively involved in caring for the baby, its safety, protection and security

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies)
Support parents and reinforce actions and advice for feeding and keeping babies clean

Element HSC320b


You need to show that 1 you discuss and agree any difficulties with the parents and the level of assistance they require, seeking other assistance, where necessary you encourage the parents to: wash and dry their hands prior to and following nappy changing and feeding monitor the babys condition and the content of her/his nappy in order to recognise anything that is abnormal dispose of the babys nappy and other waste in a safe, hygienic manner and place 3 you encourage and assist the parents to prepare themselves, the environment and the equipment prior to bathing the baby you assist parents to prepare feeds, and feed their baby regularly and according to their own preferences and the advice they have been given you observe, and where necessary, support parents to address the babys comfort, hygiene and well-being needs when handling, washing, nappy changing and dressing them you record and report to the appropriate people on: the parents progress anything unusual in the babys condition concerns regarding the parents handling of the baby within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies)
Support parents and reinforce actions and advice to help them bond with, relate to and understand the needs of their babies
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC320c


You need to show that 1 you encourage and support parents to: handle and interact with the baby interact with, and observe their baby prior to, during and after feeding deal with babys needs when he/she cries and help the parents to understand the reasons for doing these 2 you reinforce the information of others about how the parents should handle and interact with their baby, taking account of the parents needs and circumstances you work with parents to help them accept their baby, explaining and reinforcing the advice of others about the importance of bonding with the baby you positively reinforce the actions of parents when they bond with and relate to their baby


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC321

Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to support and encourage parents and carers to care for and protect babies in the first year of their lives and give advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby(ies). Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the parents preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Children within the first year of their lives Are those people who are key to the parents health and social well-being. These are people in the parents lives who can make a difference to the health and well-being of the parents and their babies Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that all concerned have to: Risks be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Babies Key people

Others Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit. The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have supported parents with babies Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg development of language and communication skills, and factors affecting learning Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from professionals such as health visitor, line manager, social worker, to provide evidence of your work in supporting the parents of babies

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC321

Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of the babies with whom you are working at the centre of everything you do how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of babies how to work in partnership with parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the babies needs, wishes and preferences to be met, taking account of any limitations of anyones rights dilemmas between: the babies rights and the rights and responsibilities of their parents and carers the babies preferences and needs and how these can and are being met

3 4


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


your own values and those of the babies and parents, families and carers your values and those of others within and outside your organisation
Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting parents to care for and protect babies current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of babies promoting secure and permanent relationships for babies parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of babies

how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of babies, parents, families and carers frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

10 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of babies, parents, families and carers

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



11 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about working with babies and parents 12 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect babies and parents 13 theories relevant to the babies with whom you work, about: pre-speech and verbal and non-verbal behaviour and cues human growth and development related to babies, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development the development of language and communication skills in babies and factors which influence learning and development, including the importance of stimulation and interaction with adults working with parents and guardians to enable them to care for and protect their babies 14 working in integrated ways to promote babies and the parents well-being 15 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the babies and parents with whom you work 16 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, activities and development of babies, families and carers 17 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with babies and parents, families and carers 18 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for babies 19 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with babies and parents, families and carers 20 methods of effective communication and engagement of babies, their parents, families and carers 21 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 22 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


23 the impact which personal beliefs, preferences (including privacy) and previous experience may have on the handling, caring, washing, changing, dressing and feeding of a baby 24 the reasons for confirming the level of assistance with the parent and following this up with observation and support 25 why parents should be encouraged to identify any person to whom they are asked to hand their baby to and not to leave the baby unattended 26 normal and abnormal patterns of handling, positioning, caring, washing, changing, feeding and dressing a baby 27 the normal patterns of progress and the babys normal condition in order to report anything unusual 28 why parents should be encouraged to engage in active parenting and the long term effects which this may have for the parents and the baby 29 why the parents should be encouraged to review the feeding process and adapt them for their baby 30 aspects of feeding and weaning and the parents and guardians responsibilities to review the babies feeding needs 31 the differing varieties of feed and the relationship of feeding to personal beliefs and preferences 32 methods of ensuring the safety of babies from birth to 1 year 33 how to maintain cleanliness, keep babies warm and keep records on babies progress 34 dangers in the environment and how they can be overcome 35 how to advice parents to recognise, understand and take action on real problems

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The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives
Support and encourage parents and guardians to feed, clothe and keep babies clean, safe, secure and free from danger, harm and abuse
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC321a


You need to show that 1 you support the parents to understand and assess their needs regarding the needs, rights and protection of their babies you provide active support to enable parents to address issues about their babies safety, protection and security and their own responsibilities about this, encouraging the parents not to be overprotective you encourage parents: to only hand their babies to, and leave them with, people who are capable of caring for babies ensure that their babies are never left unattended 4 5 you observe and support parents to take the necessary safety measures when feeding and handling their babies you explain to parents in ways that they can understand, the ways to dispose of their babys nappy and other waste safely and hygienically you observe and support parents to keep their babies safe, reinforcing the advice given on safety measures by others you seek and acquire additional help and advice where parents are experiencing difficulties that are outside your competence to deal with you encourage key people in the parents lives to be actively involved in caring for the babys safety, protection and security if the parents wish

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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives
Support and encourage parents and guardians to look after the health needs of their babies
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC321b


You need to show that 1 you encourage and assist parents to prepare themselves, the environment and the equipment prior to bathing their baby you observe parents during handling, washing, nappy changing and dressing their babies and support them to handle their babies correctly to help maintain their babys comfort, health and well-being you encourage parents to monitor their babys condition and the content of her/his nappy in order to recognise anything that is abnormal you encourage parents to seek advice and support on any aspect of the care and health of their baby you support the parents to dress their babies appropriately for the environmental conditions you work with parents to recognise and address risks and signs and symptoms of discomfort and distress in their babies you report anything unusual about babies conditions and concerns regarding the parents handling without delay

4 5 6


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support and encourage parents and guardians to care for babies during the first year of their lives
Support and encourage parents and guardians to bond with, relate to, interact with and provide a stimulating environment for babies
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC321c


You need to show that 1 you encourage and support parents to understand why they need to handle and interact with their babies and how they should do this you support parents to bond with their babies communicating the reasons why this is important you encourage parents to interact with their babies prior to, during and after feeding and while they are bathing and handling them you support parents to interact and play with their babies selecting and using play materials that are appropriate to the babies age and abilities you encourage parents to positively reinforce the actions that advance babies development and motor skills you support parents to cope with their babies when they cry persistently you record and report on the parents progress and any extra help they may require that is outside your experience, expertise and responsibility, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

2 3

5 6 7


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC322 Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people
What is the unit about? For this you need to plan, prepare and implement agreed group activities, which may be to address particular issues or to develop and practice new skills. The worker needs to take account of the needs of individual participants, and of the group as a whole, in planning and preparing group activities, encouraging the active participation of all members and dealing with any conflict that arises. The term, are likely to offend or those affected by offending and anti-social behaviour. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for all aspects of the scope. Group activity involving: demonstration and modelling; explanation and step-by-step; exploration, discussion, prompting and questioning; audio-visual and computer; cognitive behavioural training; anger management; social skills training; communication groups; creative work and health-related projects; education and leisure activities. Communicate using: speech and language; actions, gestures and body; language; space and position. Activities involving: demonstration and modelling; explanation and step-by-step; exploration, discussion, prompting and questioning; audio-visual and computer. This is Youth Justice standard A404

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Demonstration and modelling Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from professionals such as line manager, social worker, to provide evidence of your work Means that the worker demonstrates the activity to the group by doing it himself or herself. Group members may be those who have offended


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC322

Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




1 2

why it is important to plan activities why individual choice must be acknowledged and respected even where this is against the offered advice why communications with children and young people/advocates should promote their role as partners in care why the involvement of children and young people in the choice of activity should be maximised why knowledge of the relevant background of children and young people is essential for the methods and approach adopted why goals and activities should be consistent with agreements between children and young people and professionals why children and young people should be encouraged to choose activities which are likely to achieve the goals identified

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



8 9

why records should be kept and the potential consequences if this is not carried out why records of agreements reached between children and young people and workers are necessary

10 why children and young people should be encouraged to be as self-managing as possible 11 why the support given should be consistent with the functioning of children and young people 12 the importance of providing activities geared to the interests, preferences and developmental stage of children and young people 13 why problems should be notified and what may happen if they are not 14 why the worker should be involved in suggestions for change as well as evaluating details of progress 15 the range and purposes of activities available and the relationship of these to individual interests, preferences, age, gender, etc 16 the purpose and aims of the activities undertaken 17 normal physical, psychological and social development and function and the effect of disruption to the normal function and the resultant disability 18 the effects which cultural and developmental differences may have on the suitability of activities for particular individuals 19 the social psychology and dynamics of groups and the different styles of leadership and group skills 20 the effects which physical, psychological and social functioning may have on the individuals ability to develop specific skills 21 the purpose of constructive feedback and how this differs from positive feedback 22 the philosophy and approach of the group activities undertaken 23 the potential future pattern of disorder which may affect the individuals lifestyle 24 criteria for evaluating activities as established with the team


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25 why evaluation is necessary and how it can be used to improve performance in the short and longer term 26 why the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities should be established with the team 27 methods of evaluation relevant to the activities being undertaken 28 teaching and learning strategies how to adapt them to meet the needs of different individual groups and individuals

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people
Plan and prepare agreed group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC322a


You need to show that 1 2 you discuss and agree with the team the nature and purpose of the group activity you suggest to the team new activities and different ways of approaching activities, and reach agreements before they are used you plan group activities so that they are consistent with the needs of each child or young person in the group you approach children and young people and communicate with them in a manner which is designed to promote their role as partners in the group activity and encourage personal choice you encourage children and young people to participate in planning the activity at a level appropriate to their abilities you communicate in a manner, and at a level and pace, appropriate to the members of the group you take into account when planning the activity any constraints and opportunities which are consistent with the interests, preferences and beliefs of the children and young people you confirm realistic goals for the activity with the person responsible and agree them with the participants you agree criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the group activity with the team

3 4

6 7

8 9

10 you arrange the environment in a way which encourages the full participation of all group members 11 you prepare equipment and materials, check that they are safe and ready for use, and place them within easy reach 12 you make accurate, legible and complete records of agreements reached with children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people
Prepare and support children and young people through group activities
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC322b


You need to show that 1 2 you establish clearly with the group the purposes and goals of the activity you use activities which are appropriate to children and young people and their plans, and are consistent with the recommendations of the appropriate members of the team you discuss the activity with all group members in a manner which encourages as much participation as possible you make appropriate modifications and take precautions when individual group members are unable to participate fully you select approaches and methods to learning and development which are appropriate to the needs of the group and the activity you give individual group members sufficient information and guidance, at an appropriate level and pace, to enable them to exercise their skills you treat children and young people in a manner which is likely to promote their co-operation, dignity and selfesteem and encourages them to participate actively in the activity you give constructive feedback in a manner, and at a level and pace, appropriate to the group you minimise the effects of any disruptive influence on the group

8 9

10 you monitor the performance of the group members in the activity and report it to the appropriate person 11 you maintain accurate, legible, complete and up to date records of the activity


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities to address the offending behaviour of children and young people
Evaluate agreed group activities with other members of the team
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC322c


You need to show that 1 2 3 you encourage and support children and young people to give feedback on the group activity you discuss the outcomes of the group activity with the relevant members of the team you make appropriate modifications, when the planned activity is found to be inappropriate or the resources are unsuitable or inadequate, and discuss them with the team you review with the team the effectiveness of the learning and development methods used and identify alternative approaches for future use which are likely to improve the effectiveness of activities you seek advice from the appropriate team members as soon as is practicable when goals prove to be unrealistic


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC323 Contribute to child care practice in group living

What is the unit about? For this unit you need to contribute to practice that promotes group care as a positive experience, where children and young people feel valued and safe.

Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional well being of the children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Inclusive programmes set up for groups of children and young people The possibility of harm and abuse happening Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The short, medium and long term affects of a child/young person being physically or mentally injured or abused Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chance they have to maximise and realise their full potential, educationally and socially Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role

Carer Children and young people

Daily living programmes Danger Families

Harm Level of development and understanding Life chances



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language


The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion about provided active support for group living Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg how to work with and resolve conflicts Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, other professionals such as social workers, teachers, line managers, to provide evidence of your work in supporting group living.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC323

Contribute to child care practice in group living

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality, sharing of information and the rights of children and young people nationally, and through the UN convention on the Rights of the Child how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when contributing to child care practice in group living how to ensure that you protect the rights and the interests of children and young people taking account of any limitations on the child/young persons rights and those of parents how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents, families, carers and those within and outside your organisation to enable the children and young peoples needs, wishes and preferences to be met dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



your own values and those of children and young people, their parents, families, carers and key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations 6 methods that are effective in promoting equality and diversity and dealing with and challenging discrimination when supporting children and young people to manage their lives

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when contributing to child care practice in group living current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints promoting the well-being and protection of children and young people parental rights and responsibilities working with parents, families and carers to promote the well-being and life chances of children and young people contributing to child care practice in group living developing programmes and activities to support group care practice

frameworks and guidance on: assessment education health


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


10 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to supporting children and young people to manage their lives 11 how to access records and information on the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers
Theory and practice

12 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when contributing to child care practice in group living 13 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people in group care 14 theories relevant to children and young people with whom you work, about: group care living and practice for children and young people human growth and development related to children and young people, including factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development identity and self-esteem loss and change conflicts and dilemmas power, and how it can be used and abused when contributing to child care practice in group living the effects of stress and distress 15 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being 16 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 17 the importance of stable family, adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 18 types of support for disabled children, young people and parents 19 how to work with and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



20 methods of: effective communication and engagement with children and young people, their parents, families and carers involving children and young people in assessing, planning, implementing, reviewing group care practice and activities, in ways that are appropriate to the age of the child and young person and their development level and understanding working with parents, families and carers to support the children and young people 21 the impact that both positive and negative group living/care experiences have on individuals and group behaviour and on developmental outcomes 22 the impact that programmes for daily living in residential care have on behaviour and optimum developmental outcomes 23 group work methods and dynamics relating to: working with children and young people who have been abused, persecuted, are at risk of significant harm, and/or are at risk of becoming involved in offending behaviour enabling children and young people to participate actively meeting the developmental needs of children and young people through daily living programmes the development of social and behavioural skills that are socially acceptable in children and young people and which reduce the risk of behaviour that is harmful to self or others the development of skills for independent living and citizenship working with discrimination, deprivation, bullying, self-harm, violence, mental health issues, and substance misuse 24 understanding the impact that group care experiences may have on the development of children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC323a

Contribute to child care practice in group living

Contribute to planning, implementing and reviewing daily living programmes for children and young people
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you contribute to planning and implementing daily living programmes that: are appropriate to the age, abilities and level of development and understanding of children and young people allow the needs and personal preferences of children and young people to be met flexibly 2 3 4 you balance group needs against the preferences of individual children and young people you participate in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the provisions programmes you take part and encourage children and young people to meet with you and other staff regularly, both individually and in groups, to: obtain views of others on the running of the provision and the quality of care plan activities make their views known 5 you contribute to continuity of care provision for children and young people by providing information at handover meetings about: the outcomes from daily events any problems/issues that have emerged 6 you contribute to planning and carrying out care programmes, taking account of the overall needs of the children and young people


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC323b

Contribute to child care practice in group living

Work with groups to promote individual growth and development
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you support the development of a positive and appropriate culture for groups of children and young people you provide active support to enable children and young people to be involved in identifying and implementing group work activities that they feel would be beneficial to the group you assess and balance the opportunities for children and young people to achieve positive outcomes within self-established groups and from the group as a whole you contribute to identifying, planning and evaluating how individual growth and development can be met by groups within the provision and from the group as a whole you take action to moderate any adverse effects on the children and young people from belonging to groups within the provision and from the whole group experience


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC323c

Contribute to child care practice in group living

Contribute to promoting group care as a positive experience
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you work with children and young people to: evaluate the outcomes from group activities identify and take action to address conflict, crisis and tensions in group living identify and take action where there is a risk of danger, harm and abuse 2 3 4 5 you ensure group members are safe and protected from danger, harm and abuse you work constructively with group dynamics you contribute to maintaining a culture in which group experiences are positively valued and promoted you encourage children and young people to be involved in decisions about group care experiences and how these can be improved and promoted you record and report on the effectiveness of the provision to promote group care as a positive experience within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC324 Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to obtain, verify and record information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for the number of options stated below. Arrangements: appointment time and length; location; others who need to be present (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). Communicating: verbal and non-verbal communication; writing; electronic media (evidence of your performance needs to cover 1 of these). Context of their behaviour: experience of violence, discrimination, oppression, abuse or other traumatic events; family background; triggers to the offending behaviour of the child/young person; the relationship of the child/young person to their victims (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). Information relating to: the child/young persons behaviour; the effects of the child/young persons behaviour on victims and others; the child/young persons personal circumstances; the context of the child/young persons behaviour (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). Information: in writing; verbally; electronically (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). People from whom information is obtained: people who are significant to the individual and/or who are affected by the offending behaviour; people and records within the workers agency; partner agencies in the community justice system; people in other relevant agencies and services (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). Personal circumstances: people and relationships significant to the child/young person and their responsibility to those people; accommodation; educational experience and achievements (including basic skill levels, employment and income); physical and mental health; the use of drugs and alcohol by the child/young person (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). Recording information: electronically; in writing (evidence of your performance needs to cover 1 of these). Records: written; electronic (evidence of your performance needs to cover 1 of these). Risk to: the public, including actual and potential victims of crime and people significant to the child or young person; people working with the child or young person; the child or young person him/herself; property (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these).

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Specific factors: the nature of the behaviour; the personal circumstances of the child or young person; the effects of the behaviour on others; the context of the behaviour; motivation of the child or young person to attend and provide information; communication differences between the different parties which may need interpreting services (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these). Taking appropriate precautions in relation to: who might overhear or oversee the information; who might access the information (evidence of your performance needs to cover all aspects of these).

Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports (These are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion Diary evidence of day to day practice Case Studies/Assignments/Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your professionals such as, line manager, social worker, to provide evidence of your competence.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC324

Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




how they have applied the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to their work the ways in which individuals culture and gender influence the workers practice the ways in which stereotyping and discrimination might affect risk assessment and how to guard against this

2 3

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

the specific legislation (national and European) which relates to the work being undertaken both the context and the individual and the impact of this on the work any particular factors relating to the agencys policies and practices which have affected the work undertaken the particular confidentiality issues which are likely to arise in the systems and structures for which the worker holds responsibility and how they have tackled these


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


the ways in which it is necessary to alter communication when working with different individuals and representatives of different agencies

Theory and practice

methods of evaluating their own competence, determining when further support and expertise are needed and the measures taken to improve own competence in this area of work the impact of crime on victims and their need for protection, respect, recognition and information

10 the ways in which the physical, social, psychological and emotional development and functioning of children and young people affects their behaviour and its associated patterns 11 relevant research into the relationship between known factors which influence offending behaviour and evidence of effective practice in tackling these factors and how the worker has applied these in their work 12 current definitions of risk and the purpose of risk assessment and management 13 issues involved in risk identification and prediction including the use of different predictive methods 14 what is meant by the concepts of validity, reliability, sufficiency and currency in relation to data collection and analysis and how to use different data collection methods validly and reliably

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC324a

Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour

Receive and evaluate information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 2 3 4 identify the potential level of risk of the case and the priority it should be given identify the information which needs to be gathered and verified from different sources establish the specific factors which need to be taken into account when gathering information on the case make arrangements for gathering and verifying information which are consistent with the priority of the case and the specific factors which need to be taken into account complete records accurately and clearly and store them according to agency requirements


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC324b

Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour

Obtain and verify information from children and young people about their offending behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 2 explain clearly the workers role and responsibility to children and young people inform children and young people of the type of information which will be entered in their records, how the records will be stored and who will have the right of access to them communicate with children and young people throughout the process in a manner which: is appropriate to them encourages an open exchange of views and information minimises any constraints to communication is free from discrimination and oppression 4 encourage children and young people to explore: their behaviour and any patterns associated with it their beliefs and attitudes about themselves and others their personal circumstances the context of their behaviour 5 evaluate the behaviour of children and young people against the information they are presenting for any further insights it may offer summarise the information received from children and young people, reflect it back to them for verification and challenge any inconsistencies challenge attitudes and behaviour which are aggressive, abusive or discriminatory while taking account of personal safety balance the information obtained from the child/young person against the overall information available and develop hypotheses about their behaviour


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


You need to show that 9 explore and assess the risk associated with the offending behaviour of the child/young person and identify any immediate action which needs to be taken

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

10 seek advice and support promptly when team discussion and supervision are appropriate

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC324c

Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour

Obtain and verify information from others about children and young peoples offending behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 explain clearly the workers role and responsibility to the people from whom they wish to obtain the information explain clearly to people: the information which is needed why it is needed when it is needed how it will be used how it will be verified who will have the right of access to it 3 communicate with people in a manner which: is appropriate to them encourages an open exchange of views and information minimises any constraints to communication is free from discrimination and oppression is designed to develop rapport and acknowledges their role, work context and area of expertise 4 encourage people to provide information at the appropriate time and to alert the worker to anything which needs immediate attention summarise the information obtained, confirm with the people who gave it that it is relevant, accurate and current, and that the worker has interpreted it correctly balance new information against all the information available to test hypotheses about the behaviour of the child/young person seek advice and support promptly when team discussion and supervision are appropriate


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC324d

Process information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour

Record information relating to children and young peoples offending behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 record information: accurately, promptly and concisely in a way which is consistent with the promotion of the rights of children and young people so that it clearly distinguishes facts and opinions 2 3 structure information in ways which allow other workers to use it easily maintain the confidentiality of information: consistent with the requirements of legislation and agency policy so that it safeguards individual rights so that it is only disclosed to those who have the right and need to know it once proof of identity has been obtained through taking appropriate precautions during handling and storage through deciding when it is not appropriate to communicate it

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC325 Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse
What is the unit about? This unit covers all aspects of protecting children from abuse including the identification of possible abuse, handling disclosures from a child, recording and reporting information about abuse and working with/supporting children who may have been abused.

Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations could include: asking inappropriate and/or leading questions; not following organisational and legal procedures; putting undue pressure on individuals. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm; bullying; abuse; reckless behaviour.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages children and young people to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and emotional well being of children and young people Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter The possibility of harm and abuse happening Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family The effects of a child/young person being physically, emotionally or sexually injured or abused Covers the physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people. Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role People with legal parental responsibility

Carer Children and young people

Danger Family

Harm Level of development and understanding Others Parents


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people, their parents, families and carers have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Risks Signs and symptoms

The likelihood of danger, harm and/or abuse arising from anything or anyone Physical, behavioural and emotional indicators which may signify possible harm and abuse

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification. All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Reflective account or professional discussion of response to suspicion of abuse; disclosure and support given to children and young people who have been abused Observation of work products, eg records and reports; supervision notes (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg current legislation including data protection and local policies Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence. Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, other professionals such as social workers, teachers, line managers, to provide evidence of your work in supporting group living. Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation where this is possible.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC325

Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when contributing to the protection of children and young people from danger, harm and abuse how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, family, carers and others with whom the child/young person has a relationship your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisation

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


TYPE OF EVIDENCE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THIS UNIT Legislation and organisational policy and procedures EI O P WT S APL EWE Q&A DATE

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when contributing to the protection of children and young people from danger, harm and abuse current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints protecting and safeguarding children and young people from danger, harm and abuse promoting secure and permanent relationships for children and young people parental rights and responsibilities

6 7

the practice and service standards to which you are expected to work how to access records and information relevant to children and young people, parents, families and carers the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision and support

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse

10 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to protect children and young people, their parents, families and carers 11 theory and practice relevant to children and young people with whom you work, about: involving children and young people in assessing, planning, implementing, reviewing health and care services and plans


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


human growth and development the family and society effective communication and engagement identity and self-esteem loss and change power, and how it can be used and abused the effects of stress and distress additional needs and individual differences protecting and safeguarding children and young people from danger, harm and abuse the effects of abuse on children and young people 12 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well- being 13 how to work in partnership with children and young people, parents and families 14 the impact of disruption, including placement disruption 15 support for children, young people and parents with additional needs 16 needs and circumstances which make some children and young people, their parents, families and carers more vulnerable to harm and abuse 17 how to recognise the direct and indirect consequences of allegations and disclosures of abuse 18 key terms, the legal requirements of evidence and the implications for: involving an authorised professional at an early stage of disclosure the importance of not pressurising the child, prompting or asking leading questions 19 how to evaluate and present different types of information from various sources and the importance of distinguishing between directly observed evidence, evidence from reliable sources, opinion and hearsay

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse
Respond to your own and other peoples suspicion of danger, harm and abuse

Element HSC325a


You need to show that 1 you monitor and identify any unusual and significant changes in children and young peoples emotional and physical health, cleanliness, physical care and behaviour you respond and take immediate and appropriate action where there are concerns that a child/young person might have been harmed and/or abused you evaluate the information and concerns passed on to you, and the significance of any signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse whilst giving priority to the protection of the child/young person, you avoid actions and work with others to avoid actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations you discuss concerns with relevant people within your organisation according to organisational and legal requirements you discuss, where appropriate, your concerns with others outside your organisation according to organisational and legal requirements, and in accordance with interagency and partnership agreements you accurately record and report on suspicions, possible signs and symptoms of harm and abuse with the times, dates and explanations that avoid statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court you pass on relevant, accurate reports and information about suspected harm and abuse to the appropriate people and organisations: within confidentiality agreements according to legal, organisational, interagency and partnership requirements avoiding statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse
Respond to disclosure of danger, harm and abuse

Element HSC325b


You need to show that 1 2 you respond promptly, calmly and without delay or prejudice to disclosures of possible harm and abuse you seek only sufficient information to confirm that there is an allegation or suspicion, ensuring that you avoid: pressuring the child/young person prompting or using leading questions offering any guarantees of confidentiality 3 you communicate with the child/young person at a pace and in ways that are appropriate to: their level of development and understanding the nature of the disclosure 4 you offer support appropriate to: the child/young person the situation the setting 5 you support children and young people through any consequences of their disclosures or allegations, within your role and according to organisational procedures whilst giving priority to the protection of the child/young person, you avoid actions in response to the disclosure that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations you offer information to the child/young persons parents, family and/or carers, recognising: requirements of the Child Protection Procedures the potential severity of the harm or abuse the risk to the child

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



You need to show that 8 you make referrals sensitively and appropriately, immediately following any disclosure, and confirm in writing the information provided you complete timed and dated records and reports on incidents, disclosures and/or suspicions of harm and abuse, in a format appropriate to any requests, which: clearly distinguish between observed evidence, information provided by the child/young person and that gathered from other sources are capable of forming the basis of child protection reports are accurate, legible and comprehensive 10 you use supervision to: communicate what happened and discuss your actions help you cope with your thoughts and feelings about the suspected harm and abuse

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to protecting children and young people from danger, harm and abuse
Support children and young people who have been abused

Element HSC325c


You need to show that 1 you seek and acquire the information and support you require to enable you to support children and young people who have been abused you work in partnership with other agencies and professions, involving appropriate specialists to provide the best possible support for children and young people, when appropriate to your role you work with others within and outside your organisation to: understand and examine any implications arising from the harm and abuse children and young people have experienced support children and young people to develop positive coping strategies help children and young people to come to terms with and move on from any distress, fear and anxieties that may have been caused by the harm and abuse 4 where the childs or young persons behaviour and condition gives cause for concern, you immediately seek advice from appropriate people and organisations you use supervision to identify and obtain the support you need to help you to cope with your thoughts and feelings when supporting children and young people who have been harmed and abused you accurately record and report processes and outcomes from your work with children and young people, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal, organisational, interagency and partnership requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



You need to show that 7 you pass on relevant, accurate reports and information: within confidentiality agreements according to legal, organisational, interagency and partnership requirements that avoid statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC326 Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to be able to negotiate boundaries to minimise challenging behaviour in children and young people. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the child/young persons preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC34. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC34 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Any person who cares for the physical, social and mental well-being of the children Children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who require health and care services; also where the children and young people are still eligible through legislation or policy to receive children and young peoples services, until they reach 21. Where children and young people use advocates/interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term child/young person within this standard may cover the children and young people and their advocate/interpreter Include the people who are legally related to children and young people and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of their family Covers the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and intellectual level of children and young people Aspects of children and young peoples lives that can inhibit or promote the chance they have to maximise and realise their full potential, educationally and socially Other people within and outside your organisation who are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The biological and step parents of the children and young people

Carer Children and young people


Level of development and understanding Life chances

Others Parents


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The rights that children and young people have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Unwanted behaviour

Challenging behaviour can include verbal abuse (racist comments, threats, bullying others) physical abuse (such as assault of others, damaging property), behaviour which is destructive to the child/young person and behaviour which is illegal

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specification All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation is required for each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records of boundaries set; incident reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion such as how you have managed challenging behaviour Diary evidence of day-to-day practice Case Studies/Assignments, eg government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to deal with challenging behaviour Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony: from people such as your link worker, line manager, other professionals, demonstrating ability to prevent and manage challenging behaviour.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC326

Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when contributing to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interests of children and young people at the centre of everything you do when contributing to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people the concept of socially acceptable/desirable behaviour and how this may vary across organisations and cultures dilemmas between: the children and young peoples views, preferences, aspirations and expectations, and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection

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your own values and those of the children and young people, their parents, family, carers and others with whom the child/young person has a relationship your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisation
Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when contributing to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management dealing with comments and complaints protecting and safeguarding children and young people from danger, harm and abuse parental rights and responsibilities restraining children and young people the promotion and safeguarding of children and young people managing challenging behaviour in children and young people

frameworks and guidance: assessment education health

how to access records and information on: the needs, views, wishes and preferences of children and young people, parents, families and carers


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children and young peoples needs, behaviour conditions and any communication and language needs and preferences 9 the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision and support

Theory and practice

10 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when supporting children and young people to manage challenging behaviour 11 government reports, inquiries and research reports into serious failures to deal with challenging behaviour and to protect children and young people 12 theories relevant to children and young people with whom you work, about: human growth, development and behaviour including: the impact that all forms of abuse, neglect, bullying, persecution and violence has on development and behaviour the importance of stable adult and peer relationships and the impact of disruption, including placement disruption, on development and behaviour factors and conditions that can benefit and/or inhibit development

observing children and young peoples behaviour dealing with distress and stress and the frustration it may cause in children and young people conflicts and dilemmas when working with children and young people with unwanted behaviour power and influence and how they can be used and abused when working with children and young people with unwanted behaviour 13 working in integrated ways that promote children and young peoples well-being

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14 key indicators of development and problem behaviour: emotional, physical, intellectual, social, communication the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people 15 behavioural signs of regression, withdrawal, attention-seeking, anti-social behaviour and selfdamaging behaviour human growth and development related to children and young people 16 positive and negative sources and reinforcement that can affect the child/young persons confidence, identity and self-esteem and lead to unwanted behaviour, methods of effective communication and engagement of children and young people, their parents, families and carers 17 factors that cause risks and those that ensure safe and effective care for children and young people 18 type of support for disabled children, young people and parents 19 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of children and young people with whom you work 20 conditions and issues you are likely to face in your work with children and young people and parents, families and carers 21 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with children and young people and parents, families and carers 22 principles for selecting reward system to be used; the factors and circumstances which may support or provoke changes in the usual behaviour pattern of children 23 the basic principles of influencing behaviour, why it is important actively to promote positive aspects of behaviour and the principles of positive reinforcement 24 how to construct a recording system for children and young people's behaviour 25 methods of diffusing situations that might lead to unwanted behaviour 26 techniques for observing and monitoring children's and young peoples behaviour individually and in groups


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27 the reasons why frameworks for children's and young peoples behaviour are necessary 28 a range of possible sanctions appropriate for varying situations, including time out and removal from activities 29 how to work with children and young people to enable them to understand what socially desirable behaviour is and how they can achieve it 30 the importance of boundary setting and consistency of application by others involved with children and young people

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people
Work with children and young people to identify goals and boundaries for acceptable behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC326a


You need to show that 1 you communicate with children and young people in ways which are appropriate to their age, abilities, level of development and understanding: why you need to set goals and boundaries for behaviour the expectations of their behaviour 2 you work with the children and young people, parents, families, carers and others to identify and set achievable goals and boundaries for children and young people you support children and young people, parents, families and carers to understand the goals and boundaries that have been set and to ensure that they are consistently applied you work with parents, families and carers to ensure that their behaviour is appropriate when dealing with children and young people, even when their behaviour is challenging you act as a role model for children and young people ensuring that your own actions and behaviour are appropriate and comply with the boundaries set for children and young people you modify goals and boundaries to take account of feedback from children and young people, their parents, families, carers and others within and outside your organisation you ensure that the goals and boundaries contribute to the social, emotional and physical well-being of children and young people you record and report on the boundaries set, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

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Unit title

Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people
Support children and young people to manage challenging behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC326b


You need to show that 1 you provide activities and experiences that are sufficiently attractive and varied to minimise boredom and frustration you apply rules and boundaries fairly and consistently to all children and young people you support children and young people to identify the benefits of positive behaviour to themselves, their parents, families, carers and others, in ways that are appropriate to children and young peoples age, abilities and level of development and understanding you highlight and praise positive aspects of children and young peoples behaviour you highlight and share positive aspects of children and young peoples behaviour with parents, families, carers and others in ways that enhance the children and young peoples self-esteem and promote positive expectations for their future behaviour you use praise and rewards to reinforce positive behaviour and constructive feedback for children and young peoples unwanted behaviour

2 3

4 5


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to the prevention and management of challenging behaviour in children and young people
Enable children and young people to recognise and understand their behaviour and its consequences
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC326c


You need to show that 1 you handle incidents of unwanted behaviour in a calm and controlled manner, supporting children and young people to understand why the behaviour was not acceptable your timing and method of intervention for incidents of unwanted behaviour are appropriate to the situation and event, and support children and young people to cease the unwanted behaviour you work with children and young people to understand when and why any sanctions have been applied you ensure that any sanctions applied are consistent with the policy of the organisation and clearly distinguish between disapproval of the behaviour from rejection of the child you identify and support children and young people to identify patterns of behaviour which are inconsistent with progressive development you observe and identify factors which may provoke and contribute to unwanted behaviour and support children and young people to recognise and understand these you use information about the child/young persons background and recent experiences to identify factors that may cause and contribute to unwanted behaviour you use naturally occurring events and situations to support children and young people to understand their unwanted behaviour and its consequences you never use physical punishment and where physical restraint is unavoidable, the minimum amount is used that is: consistent with legal and organisational policies, procedures and practices required to maintain the safety of the child/young person and others

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You need to show that 10 you report concerns to the appropriate people and seek additional help and advice for problem and persistent unwanted behaviour 11 you record, report and share information with parents, families, carers, specialists and others within confidentiality agreements and according to organisational and legal requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: .................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC327 Model behaviour and relationships with children and young people which recognises the impact of crime on victims and communities
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to model effective behaviour and relationships when communicating with children and young people as part of an overall strategy to confront offending or anti-social behaviour and promote pro-social behaviour. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for all aspects of the scope. Behave through: speech and language; actions, gestures and body language; space and position; active listening; giving constructive feedback. Communicate: speech and language; actions, gestures and body language; space and position; active listening. Obstacles: environmental; personal and social. This is Youth Justice standard A410.

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Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the type of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, the relevant parts of the scope as they apply to your work area and ALL the knowledge specifications All the evidence should relate to real work activities for ALL elements of this unit. The evidence must, at all times, reflect the policies and procedures of the work as linked to current legislation and the values and principles of best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service standards for your area of work or client group. Simulation is NOT permitted for this unit The following forms of evidence are required: Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness, in a real work situation for a significant amount of each element of this unit Observation of work products, eg records and reports (these are generally confidential and should not be in the portfolio) Competence of performance and knowledge can also be demonstrated by using a variety of types of evidence from the following: Reflective account or professional discussion; Diary evidence of day to day practice Case Studies/Assignments Questioning to demonstrate your knowledge and supplement knowledge demonstrated through performance evidence Witness testimony from, for example, your line manager, a social worker, or a psychologist to provide evidence of your competence.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC327

Model behaviour and relationships with children and young people which recognises the impact of crime on victims and communities

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




1 2

how to apply the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to your work your role as a positive role model to reinforce prosocial behaviours, ways of continuously monitoring own effectiveness in this; behaviours which demonstrate value for others and those which do not

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

how to use legislation, guidelines of good practice, charters and service standards in work with children and young people the role of the agency and its services and how they relate to other agencies and services in the sector the agencys policy and procedures regarding confidentiality of information and the disclosure of information to third parties, and the specific circumstances under which disclosure may be made

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your own and the role and responsibilities of those from whom assistance and advice should be sought if you are unsure

Theory and practice

physical, social, psychological, emotional and intellectual development of children and young people; and the ways in which such development can be affected; the nature of adolescence and how it affects behaviour and feelings the relationship between physical, social, psychological, emotional and intellectual development and behaviour and associated patterns the effect of parenting and families on children and young people in relation to their ability to form other relationships; the effects of peer groups on children and young people

10 the issues and hazards that affect children and young people in society, how they can manage these and the sort of assistance they need 11 the impact of the broader social environment on children and young people (eg area of material deprivation, crime and the fear of crime, poor housing, poverty) 12 the effect that being looked after has on children and young people 13 strategies for encouraging individuals to recognise and take responsibility for their own behaviour and their obligations to others; the importance of your behaviour as a positive role model to reinforce prosocial behaviours, ways of continuously monitoring your own effectiveness in this; behaviours which demonstrate value for others and those which do not 14 the different forms and range of effective communication (eg total communication); the effect of culture on communication (eg the use of sensory contact touch, presence, contact, distance between individuals when communicating, the terms of respect and address used etc); when physical contact is appropriate and when it is not (eg when it is a way of dealing with your distress rather than the individual's)


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15 how culture, gender and beliefs can affect attitudes and behaviour and how it may be perceived by others (eg how eye contact is used to give differing perceptions of appropriate respect; it may be seen to be more acceptable for men to be assertive than women); why it is important to recognise and challenge this in oneself 16 the options you have considered in your work and the reasoning processes you used in relating to different children and young people 17 the impact of crime on victims, survivors and witnesses and their need for protection, respect, recognition, information and confidentiality; why it is important to recognise the impact on all those affected by crime, whether they are direct victims or indirect victims (for example family, friends or other associates); repeat victimisation and its implications 18 reactions to the experience of crime; the factors (for example previous victimisation) which affect how individuals react to and recover from their experience 19 the needs of those who have experienced crime who may be particularly vulnerable, (for example people with mental health problems; people who have learning disabilities; people experiencing hate-based crime; people experiencing violence and abuse; women experiencing gender-based violence and abuse; children and young people)

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Model behaviour and relationships with children and young people which recognises the impact of crime on victims and communities
Develop relationships with children and young people that reinforce positive behaviour and recognise the impact of crime and anti-social behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC327a


You need to show that 1 you explain clearly to children and young people their own role and responsibilities and how this relates to the work of others 2 you identify the effect that gender differences may have on the relationship and take the appropriate actions to maintain a professional relationship you identify behaviours and attitudes that collude with prejudice and discrimination and act in ways that promote anti-discriminatory practice you identify behaviours and attitudes that collude with offending and antisocial behaviour and act in ways that promote the rights of victims and restore justice you engage constructively with children and young people modelling positive behaviour whilst recognising the differences in power between themselves and the children and young people you behave in ways that promote the value of children and young people as individuals in their own right and encourage meaningful interactions with them you challenge any behaviour and attitudes of children and young people that prejudices the rights of others or is likely to cause others harm


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Model behaviour and relationships with children and young people which recognises the impact of crime on victims and communities
Establish and maintain effective relationships with children and young people that reinforce positive behaviour

Element HSC327b


You need to show that 1 you communicate with children and young people in a manner, and at a level and pace that is consistent with their abilities preferred method of communication manner of expression and is free from discrimination and oppression 2 you use body language, position, tone of voice and active listening to encourage children and young people to communicate you minimise obstacles to effective communication as far as possible given the constraints of the situation you set and agree boundaries with children and young people in relation to their behaviour when they are with the worker you observe children and young peoples behaviour and use this to develop an understanding of them as individuals you respond to children and young peoples expression of feelings and needs in a manner which supports the right to such expression but does not collude with discriminatory, offending or antisocial behaviour you act as a role model to children and young people in the way that you behave towards the children and young people and others

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

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You need to show that 8 whilst spending time with children and young people you take opportunities to: explore and understand their interests, needs and concerns explore and understand the way they think about crime and antisocial behaviour and its effects on victims and the wider community challenge prejudice, discrimination, offending and antisocial behaviour when it occurs offer constructive ways of acting and thinking which promote inclusion and social behaviour emphasise the responsibility of the child or young person for their own actions and behaviour 9 you reflect on how they themselves behave with, and react to, different children and young people and use this to improve their practice

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


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Adults optional units

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC328 Contribute to care planning and review

What is the unit about? For this unit, you will be expected to contribute to the assessment of individual needs and preference and to the development, implementation and review of care plans. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Extra support could include: the use of key people and other professionals such as interpreters, translators, signers etc or specialist equipment to aid the individuals communication abilities. Information will include any plans, care needs assessments, records and reports relevant to the individual needs and preferences. Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The care plan will include all aspects of the individuals care needs which need to be adhered to within any setting in which the individual is placed. It addresses the holistic needs of the individual. People with whom you work, at this level you might have some supervisory responsibility for these people The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being. Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Care plans

Colleagues Individuals

Key people

Others Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence Requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, ALL knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation: your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide a significant amount of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective Accounts: These will be a description of your practice in particular situations and may take the form of case studies. They should include the service you give to individuals and the reasons for it, and should include details of how the care plan is developed, how it has been implemented and how it is reviewed. Work products: care plans/review and other relevant reports. These do not need to be included in your portfolio, however, they will form the basis of discussion with your assessor and need to be available for the IV to authenticate. Questioning: your assessor may use questioning to supplement and clarify your knowledge of legislation, organisational policy and procedures, values and relevant, current issues in Health and Social Care. Witness testimony: could be used to provide evidence of consistency of your practice and how you implement care values in relation to the requirements of care planning. These testimonies can supplement the direct observations undertaken by your assessor. Expert Witness: could be used to provide additional evidence of specialist skills. This could, for instance, include social workers, care managers, incontinence advisors, occupational therapists, welfare rights specialists and advocates.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC328

Contribute to care planning and review

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when assessing individual needs and preferences, and contributing to the development, implementation and review of care plans how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives, actions and risks dilemmas between: the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection the individuals views, preferences and expectations and how these can and are being met within the care needs assessment and the care plan your own values, the values of the individual and those of key people


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your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations 4 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to enable the individuals needs, wishes and preferences to be met

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own (and others) roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties when assessing individual needs and preferences, and when contributing to the development, implementation and review of care plans current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management care planning and review

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to the assessment of individual needs and preferences, and the development, implementation and review of care plans

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when assessing individual needs and preferences, and when contributing to the development, implementation and review of care plans government reports, inquiries and research reports relevant to the assessment of individual needs and to the development, implementation and review of care plans the assessment of the holistic needs and circumstances of individuals

10 theories and best practice relevant to:

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



care planning, implementation and review, both generally, and specifically with regard to the individuals with whom you work 11 methods of monitoring, reviewing and evaluating care plans 12 methods of supporting individuals to: contribute to assessments and reviews express their needs and preferences understand and take responsibility for promoting their own health and care identify how their care needs should be met assess and manage risks to their health and wellbeing 13 role of relationships and support networks in: the assessment of individual needs care planning, implementation and review 14 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of individuals and key people 15 the significant changes that are likely to affect the needs and circumstances of individuals with whom you work and how these will impact on the assessment of their needs and the development, implementation and review of care plans 16 reasons for revising care plans and how to deal with the effect this may have on individuals

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC328a

Contribute to care planning and review

Contribute to assessing the needs and preferences of individuals


You need to show that 1 you identify your own role and responsibilities, and the role and responsibilities of others, in assessing the needs and preferences of individuals 2 you access and review information about the individuals needs and preferences and any specific requirements they have you identify and access any extra support you need to enable individuals to communicate their needs and preferences you support individuals and key people to identify and communicate: the individuals needs and preferences about their care and support any risks arising from these 5 you take into account the views of individuals, key people and others when processing information and providing feedback on the individuals health and care needs, their preferences and any associated risks you work with all involved to agree the assessed needs and preferences of individuals you support individuals and key people to understand, and where appropriate to compliment, challenge and complain about the assessment of their needs and preferences

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

6 7


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC328b

Contribute to care planning and review

Support the development and implementation of care plans


You need to show that 1 you identify your role and responsibilities in developing and implementing care plans 2 you contribute to consultations about the development of individuals care plans taking into account their assessed needs and preferences you support individuals and key people to understand: where the individuals preferences could not be met within the care plan and why the arrangements for the implementation of care plans how to use procedures to compliment, challenge and complain about the content of the care plan and its implementation 4 5 6 you support colleagues to carry out the care plan activities for which they are responsible you ensure that you are able to carry out the care plan activities for which you are responsible when implementing the care plan, you observe, record and report to the appropriate people any significant changes to the individuals needs, circumstances and preferences and any risks that may arise from these changes you check your observations with the individuals, key people and others you support individuals, key people and colleagues to identify and monitor changes in the individuals needs, circumstances and preferences you work with all involved to identify and implement any changes arising from the impact of the care plan on the health and social well-being of the individual

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

7 8


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC328c

Contribute to care planning and review

Contribute to reviewing care plans


You need to show that 1 you check your own responsibilities and those of others in providing feedback on the implementation of the care plan 2 you support individuals and key people to identify: parts of the care plans which best meet the individuals needs and preferences parts of the care plans that need changing changes to the individuals needs, circumstances and preferences that could affect the care plan and its implementation 3 you provide feedback to the appropriate people on the strengths and limitations of the care plan in meeting the assessed and changing needs, circumstances and preferences of individuals you support individuals and key people to understand how their feedback will be used to inform changes to the care plan where there is conflict about your feedback and observations, you follow organisational procedures and practices to address the issues raised you contribute to meetings and discussions about revisions to care plans and their implementation you contribute to revising and implementing any changes to care plans that are within your role and responsibilities you support individuals to complete paper work to enable the revised care plan to be implemented you record and report on the review and revisions of the care plan, within confidentiality agreement and according to your role and responsibilities

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

6 7

8 9


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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC329 Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals
What is the unit about? For this unit, you will be expected to contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of services for individuals. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Providing feedback using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Resources could refer to: your own skills and time; the skills and time of another worker in or outside of your own organisation; services or support available in or outside of your own organisation; support from within the individuals own network; finances. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation who are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: Risks be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language


Key people

Others Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence Requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation: your assessor must observe you in real work activities which will provide a significant amount of evidence for the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective Accounts These will be a description of your practice in particular situations and may take the form of case studies. You need to detail how the care service is provided for individuals and how this is monitored. The needs of the individual will be identified, how the service has been delivered, reviewed and how any risks or shortfalls were identified. Also included should be any strengths and weaknesses in the service being provided. Your practice in the process needs to be explicit. Work products: care plans/review and other relevant reports: these must not be included in your portfolio however they will form the basis of discussion with your assessor and need to be available for the IV to authenticate. Questioning: your assessor may use questioning to supplement and clarify your knowledge of legislation, organisational policy and procedures, values and relevant, current issues in Health and Social Care. Witness testimony: could be used to provide evidence of consistency of your practice and how you implement care values in relation to the requirements of care planning. These testimonies can supplement the direct observations undertaken by your assessor. Expert Witness: additional evidence of your participation in the care planning and review process could be provided by other professionals, eg social worker, care manager, your supervisor, occupational therapist and any other key people involved.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC329

Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information on planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives, actions and risks the rights of carers to be supported in the caring role dilemmas between: the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities for their care and protection the individuals views, preferences and expectations and how these can and are provided for in the services being delivered

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


the individuals rights and the rights of key people your own values, the values of the individual and those of key people your own professional values and those of others within and outside your organisations 5 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and others within and outside your organisation to enable the individuals needs, wishes and preferences to be met

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own (and others roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties when planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals working with others to provide integrated services the different methods of providing support and services

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and relating to the assessment of individual needs and preferences, and the development, implementation and review of care plans how to access records and information on the needs, views and preferences of individuals and key people

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



10 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals 11 government reports, inquiries and research reports relevant to monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals 12 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about: aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect the planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals identity and self-esteem loss and change risk assessment and management 13 how power and influence can be used and abused when planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals 14 role of relationships and support networks in promoting the well-being of the individuals with whom you work 15 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of individuals and key people 16 methods of supporting individuals to: express their needs and preferences understand and take responsibility for promoting their own health and care identify how their care needs should be met assess and manage risks to their health and well-being 17 the procedures for reporting shortfalls in available resources to the appropriate authority 18 what is meant by needs-led and service-led planning and their relevance for care planning practice


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


19 factors which will influence the availability and relevance of planning options and the timescales for different options 20 reasons for changing resources and the effect these may have on individuals 21 how to contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing services and service delivery 22 methods of monitoring and evaluating services and their implication for practice

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals
Contribute to planning the delivery of service for individuals
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC329a


You need to show that 1 you provide, receive and evaluate information that contributes to identifying the needs for service provision and planning future developments 2 you contribute to consultations with all providers, individuals and key people on the strengths and weaknesses of present service options you identify any conflicts of opinion and interest you contribute to discussions about the overall objectives, methods of achieving them and planned outcomes you provide accurate financial and resource information to assist in planning and costing of the services and resources you contribute to reviewing positive aspects, risks and shortfalls in services within the agreed plan

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ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals

Element HSC329b Contribute to monitoring the delivery of service for individuals


You need to show that 1 you contribute to agreeing the methods to be used to monitor services, ensuring that all involved understand their roles and responsibilities 2 you collect monitoring information within confidentiality agreements and according to legal, statutory and organisational requirements you involve individuals and key people in monitoring the service and providing feedback on the services and outcomes you gather and collate monitoring information you record and report the outcomes from the monitoring, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

4 5


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Contribute to planning, monitoring and reviewing the delivery of service for individuals
Contribute to reviewing the delivery of service for individuals

Element HSC329c


You need to show that 1 you identify who needs to be involved in the review and how and when it will be carried out 2 you identify, access, collect and evaluate, with individuals, key people and others within and outside your organisation information about the services provided and how well they are achieving the planned outcomes for individuals you agree the purpose, the contribution, the differing perspectives and the responsibilities of those involved in the review you negotiate and agree with all involved: the strengths of the services provided identified service deficiencies, unmet needs and proposed changes based on review feedback 5 you contribute to identifying and agreeing any adjustments that are required with individuals, key people and others within and outside your organisation you contribute to agreeing with individuals, key people and others within and outside your organisation: how changes will be implemented the timescales for implementation who will be responsible and accountable for the implementation 7 you inform all concerned with the implementation about the changes and the timescales for these, according to your role and responsibilities you record and report and distribute the results of the review according to your role and responsibilities, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC330 Support individuals to access and use services and facilities
What is the unit about? For this unit you will support individuals to access and use services and facilities. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Services and facilities could include: services provided to an individuals home (eg meals on wheels, services to meet the individuals personal care needs; therapeutic services); services provided to enable individuals to meet their social care needs (eg transport); amenities outside the individuals place of residence (eg day care provision; support groups). Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: Services and facilities be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language


Key people

Others Rights

Support for individuals that is provided to them at their place of residence or from groups and amenities in the community


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide some of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective Accounts These will be a description of your practice in particular situations and may take the form of case studies. You need to detail how you have supported individuals to identify and select services relevant to their personal circumstances. This should show how you have enabled them to use these facilities and services and evaluate them for their own future use or use by other individuals with similar needs. Work products Care plans/review and other relevant reports, these must not be included in your portfolio however they will form the basis of discussion with your assessor and need to be available for the IV to authenticate. Questioning Your assessor may use questioning to supplement and clarify your knowledge of legislation, organisational policy and procedures, values and relevant current issues in Health and Social Care. Witness testimony Could be used to provide evidence of the consistency of your practice and implementation of care values in relation to the service provided. These may be provided by the service user and/or carer in relation to your practice. Testimonies will supplement the direct observations undertaken by your assessor. Expert Witness Members of staff from the providers of the specialist services and facilities which have been accessed and used may be appropriate people to use as expert witnesses.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC330

Support individuals to access and use services and facilities

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:





legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when supporting individuals to access and use services and facilities how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives, actions and risks about access to and the use and evaluation of services and facilities the rights of carers to be supported in the caring role dilemmas between the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities in enabling individuals to access and use services and facilities how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to enable individuals to access and use the services and facilities they prefer

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N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


how to deal with and challenge discrimination for individuals accessing and using services and facilities

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own (and others) roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties when enabling individuals to access, use and evaluate services and facilities current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse enabling individuals to access, use and evaluate services and facilities working with others to provide integrated services

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and to enable individuals to access, use and evaluate services and facilities

10 how to access records and information on the needs, views and preferences of individuals and key people
Theory and practice

11 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about individuals accessing, using and evaluating services and facilities 12 how you can access, review and evaluate information about resources, services and facilities relevant to the needs and preferences of the individuals with whom you work 13 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to individuals accessing, using and evaluating services and facilities

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



14 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about: aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by the individuals access to, and use of services and facilities identity and self-esteem and how this can be affected by individual access and use of services and facilities 15 how power and influence can be used and abused when supporting individuals to access, use and evaluate services and facilities 16 the role relationships, support networks, services and facilities provide in promoting the individuals well-being 17 factors that affect the health, well-being, behaviour, skills, abilities and development of individuals and key people 18 methods of supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences and to be able to evaluate the services and facilities they have used 19 how to keep services and facilities informed about the needs of the individuals and any changes that might be necessary

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC330a

Support individuals to access and use services and facilities

Support individuals to identify services and facilities they need
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you support individuals and key people to identify and communicate what they need to improve their health and social well-being 2 you support individuals to identify their own strengths, those of their networks and any gaps that need to be addressed you work with individuals to identify any risks that have to be managed in accessing services and facilities you access and review information to support individuals and key people to identify the services and facilities they need to access you work with individuals, key people and others to review the information to identify the options available


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC330b

Support individuals to access and use services and facilities

Enable individuals to select, access and use services and facilities
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you work with individuals to agree preferred options for services and facilities, identifying any risks that need to be managed 2 you work with individuals and key people to select the services and facilities that will enable them to meet the individuals assessed needs you provide active support for individuals to enable them to access and use selected services and facilities you work with individuals to identify what needs to be in place to enable them to access the agreed services and facilities, taking into account any special requirements you agree with, arrange and help individuals acquire the assistance they require to access and use the selected facilities and services you support individuals and key people to fill in any forms of paper work to enable them to access the agreed services and facilities you support individuals to access and use the agreed services and facilities

3 4


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC330c

Support individuals to access and use services and facilities

Enable individuals to evaluate services and facilities used
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you agree the methods and timescales for evaluating how the services and facilities have contributed to the individuals well-being 2 you work with individuals and key people to evaluate whether, and in what ways, the services and facilities have improved their health, well-being and quality of life you support individuals to identify any changes necessary to improve the outcomes from the use of the services and facilities you encourage individuals and key people to give feedback on: the services and facilities they have identified and used where they have experienced discrimination or exclusion which services and facilities have been beneficial to their well-being and those that have been less helpful

you work with individuals and key people to achieve the changes they have identified in the services and facilities that they have used you collate information and record and report on actions, procedures and outcomes from the evaluation, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC331 Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to support individuals who need to increase, change and recover their social contacts in order to promote their well-being. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self-harm; reckless behaviour. Key people include: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The possibility of harm and abuse happening The effects of an individual being physically, emotionally or sexually injured or abused The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: Risks be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of language communication and

Danger Harm Individuals

Key people

Others Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide some of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective Accounts These are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to work with individuals and to support them with their relationships and social networks. You will also need to explain your knowledge and understanding of the ways which human developmental stages affect relationships and social networking. Questioning Your assessor may use questioning to supplement and clarify your knowledge of legislation, organisational policy and procedures, values and relevant current issues in Health and Social Care. Witness testimony Could be used to provide evidence of the consistency of your practice and implementation of care values which promotes rights and choices. They could also be used to confirm your ability to work in sensitive areas of practice and may be provided by the service user about your involvement. Testimonies will supplement the direct observations undertaken by your assessor. Expert Witness Any person who may be part of the support system which enables the individual to develop social networks. eg manager of a community centre, community psychiatric nurse, mobility adviser, and/or advocate.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC331

Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information on supporting to develop and maintain relationships and social contacts how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives, actions and risks in developing and maintaining relationships and social contacts dilemmas between the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities in supporting individuals to develop and maintain relationships and social contact the ways to support individuals to understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities when identifying, participating in and reviewing the value of their relationships and social networks


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

TYPE OF EVIDENCE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THIS UNIT Legislation and organisational policy and procedures EI O P WT S APL EWE Q&A DATE

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information health and safety risk assessment and management protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse supporting individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships working with others to provide integrated service

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and for supporting individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships how to access records and information on the needs, views and preferences of individuals and key people regarding relationships and social networks

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about supporting individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships

10 government reports, inquiries and research reports relevant to supporting individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships 11 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about: aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by access to social networks and relationships

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



identity, self-esteem and self image and how this can be affected by access to social networks and relationships 12 the ways in which relationships are formed, may change and can be ended and the effect this may have on individuals and the role they have in promoting the individuals well-being 13 how power and influence can be used and abused when supporting individuals to access social networks and relationships and by the social networks and relationships themselves 14 types of contact and relationships that can be beneficial and those that can be detrimental to the individuals with whom you are working 15 situations when individuals, key people and others may be at risk from contact with social networks and relationships and how to assess and deal with these 16 methods of working with individuals and their networks to maintain or end existing contacts and the importance, benefits and methods of ensuring individuals understand the need to: maintain existing contacts with individuals and networks move on from old relationships form and maintain new relationships avoid contact with those people and groups where limitations have been placed upon them 17 issues that are likely to arise when supporting individuals to develop, maintain and move on from contacts and relationships and how to support the individuals to deal with these


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title

Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships

Support individuals to identify their needs for, and from, contacts, social networks and relationships
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC331a


You need to show that 1 you support individuals to identify and communicate: whether or not they wish to maintain, change or extend their contact, social networks and relationships the advantages and possible difficulties of developing and maintaining new contacts, relationships and social networks the benefits of building relationships with the people within groups that share the same interests as themselves any relationships and/or social networks that might be detrimental to their health and social well-being 2 you identify and take account of any legal requirements or restrictions when supporting individuals to identify their needs and preferences you use documents, materials, naturally occurring events and specific activities to illustrate and help individuals to communicate their relationships needs taking account of the information collected, you support individuals to confirm their views on: the social networks they want to maintain, restore and withdraw from where they want and need to develop new social networks and relationships


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE:................................................... CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships

Support individuals to maintain supportive relationships
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC331b


You need to show that 1 you encourage individuals to keep in contact with key people, communicating the benefits for this and taking account of any legal restrictions 2 you support individuals to end and deal with the need to end relationships and contact with particular people and social networks you encourage and respect the individuals wishes and rights for privacy and confidentiality when they invite friends into the environment you communicate, in ways that the individuals can understand, any restrictions that are placed on contact with specific people and groups and the reasons for the restrictions you monitor and where necessary supervise any visits to safeguard the individuals and others you encourage individuals and key people to be involved in activities and outings within and outside the individuals environment

5 6


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Support individuals to develop and maintain social networks and relationships

Support individuals to develop new social networks and relationships
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC331c


You need to show that 1 you support individuals and key people to identify what is and will be required to develop new social networks 2 you observe and take action to support the individuals when they have relationship problems or become isolated you check that: known risks are being managed and reviewed regularly legal, ethical and spiritual requirements have been taken account of when supporting individuals to maintain and develop new social networks and relationships 4 you seek and access specialist help for anyone with specific relationship problems, within confidentiality agreements you support individuals to avoid relationships and involvement in social networks that are: abusive could put themselves and others in danger could lead to the harm and abuse of themselves and others 6 7 you support individuals to identify and report abusive relationships you support individuals to cope with any distress when relationships end

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC332 Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to identify the social, emotional and developmental needs of individuals and in partnership with them, other workers and organisations, develop a plan that addresses the immediate, short and where appropriate, medium and longer term needs of individuals. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as Active support possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Individuals The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Key people

Others Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide some of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. Reflective Accounts These are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to work with individuals and to support them with their social, emotional and identity needs. You will also need to explain your knowledge and understanding of the ways which human developmental stages affect social, emotional and identity needs. Questioning Your assessor may use questioning to supplement and clarify your knowledge of legislation, organisational policy and procedures, values and relevant current issues in Health and Social Care. Witness testimony Could be used to provide evidence of the consistency of your practice and implementation of care values which acknowledge diversity, rights and choices. They could also be used to confirm your ability to work in sensitive areas of practice and may be provided by the service user and/or carer. Testimonies will supplement the direct observations undertaken by your assessor. Expert Witness Any person who may be part of the support system which enables the individual to develop socially and emotionally.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC332

Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information on supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives and actions to support their social, emotional and identity needs dilemmas between the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities in supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs stereotypical assumptions based on gender, race, culture, disability, educational experience etc and how these, unchallenged, can limit the development of positive self-image, self-esteem and identity


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

TYPE OF EVIDENCE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THIS UNIT Legislation and organisational policy and procedures EI O P WT S APL EWE Q&A DATE

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information risk assessment and management related to self-harm and abuse that might arise from low self-esteem and self-image protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs working with others to provide integrated services

practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and for supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs how to access records and information on individuals social, emotional and identity needs the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision to support you when dealing with distressing and stressful encounters and interactions

8 9

Theories and practice

10 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice about supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs 11 government reports, inquiries and research reports relevant to supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs 12 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about: identity, self-esteem and self-image

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by the individuals identity, their self-image and selfesteem 13 the ways in which identify, self-image and selfesteem may positively and negatively affect the well-being of individuals 14 how to support the individuals with whom you work to develop a positive sense of identity, selfimage and self-esteem taking account of their needs and circumstances and any changes that are still likely to occur 15 how power and influence can be used and abused when supporting individuals social, emotional and identity needs 16 how individuals with a low sense of identity, selfimage and self-esteem can be exploited and ways that such exploitation can be prevented 17 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to enable the individuals social, emotional and identity needs to be supported 18 social and psychological factors that can affect the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC332a

Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals

Work with individuals to identify their social, emotional and identity needs
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you support individuals to identify and communicate: aspects of their lives that are positive aspects that they feel are negative to their selfesteem and sense of identity aspects of their lives, history and culture that are important to their self-esteem and self-image interests, experiences and expertise that are important to their social, emotional and identity needs 2 you support individuals and key people to highlight concerns about the individuals social and emotional well-being and identity you work with individuals and others to understand and express their preferences about approaches, methods and activities to: promoting the individuals sense of identity meet the individuals developmental, social, emotional and identity needs 4 you work with individuals to identify the support required to enable their preferences to be met


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC332b

Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals

Support individuals to develop and maintain self-esteem and a positive self-image
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you work with individuals to identify aspects of their lives: that can be built upon to develop their self-esteem and contribute to their self-image that they can change to enable them develop and maintain their self-esteem and a positive self-image 2 you support individuals to identify aspects of their lives, their condition and circumstances that affect their self-esteem and self-image and how they can manage these you work with individuals in ways that positively recognise and build upon their experiences, expertise and abilities you use naturally occurring opportunities to explore how individuals can develop and maintain their identity, self-image and self-esteem where you identify signs of extremely low self-image and self-esteem and negative identity, you seek advice and support to help resolve these you explore and agree with individuals the sort of support that might make them better able maintain their identity, self-esteem and self-image


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC332c

Support the social, emotional and identity needs of individuals

Support individuals to address changing social, emotional and developmental needs
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you observe and assess changes in individuals needs and circumstances that may affect their social, emotional and developmental needs 2 you access information and advice about the individuals needs, circumstances and conditions and how these might: change in short, medium and long term affect their social, emotional and developmental needs 3 you work with individuals and key people to agree and plan how the short, medium and long term social, emotional and developmental needs of the individuals can be met and resourced you support individuals, key people and others to identify: how any plans and activities will be reviewed who will be involved in the review the roles individuals and others will play in the review 5 you seek additional support where the changing needs of individuals are outside your competence to deal with you work with individuals to: build upon positive aspects of their lives find ways and activities to help them to address their changing social, emotional and developmental needs 7 you report and record on actions, processes and outcomes to appropriate people and organisations within confidentiality agreements and according to organisational and legal requirements

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC333 Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care
What is the unit about?

For this unit you need to prepare your family and networks to support individuals needing care within your home.
Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communication and language preferences include: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Include the people who are biologically related to you and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of your family The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key you and your family and will be affected by the introduction of an individual into your home Are other people within and outside the organisation for whom you are providing a home for individuals and that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Family Individuals

Key people Others



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Direct observation is an essential requirement for this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Observation for this unit is likely to be undertaken by expert witness or assessor. Expert Witness This is likely to be your placing social worker/link worker etc who is preparing your application to care for an individual in your home, and could be a record of observed practice or of a discussion Reflective Accounts These are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to prepare your family and networks to provide appropriate support to individuals. The strengths and weaknesses of what you believe your family has to offer an individual in need of care will be highlighted as well as your understanding of the impact of loss and change on individuals and groups. Questioning May provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policy and procedures governing the care of an individual in your own home, and how you will be able to meet their needs. Any local policies and procedures should be explicit. Witness testimony Could be used to confirm your ability to work in sensitive areas of practice.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC333

Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information on when preparing to provide a home for individuals how you and your family can provide active support, place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do with them, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives and actions dilemmas between the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection and your role and responsibilities in providing a home for specific individuals

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures

codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when providing a home for individuals


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information risk assessment and management when providing a home for individuals protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse preparing your family and networks to support individuals requiring care and providing a home for individuals

practice and service that promote and safeguard the well-being of individuals placed within another persons home how to access records and information on the individuals for whom you are likely to provide a home

Theory and practice

how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when preparing to provide and providing a home for individuals government reports, inquiries and research relevant to providing a home for individuals

10 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by the individuals background, experiences and conditions and the provision of a secure home environment 11 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to establish whether the individuals needs and preferences can be accommodated within your home and family environment 12 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with individuals for whom you are likely to provide a home 13 principles of practice to enable you to balance the needs of the individuals and others within your home environment

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



14 principles for enabling the individual to become a full member of the household 15 the importance of discussing with family and network members, changes that might be required when taking another individual into your own home and how their needs for support will be met 16 factors to take account of when deciding how much information to divulge to family and network members 17 the differing reasons why families and networks may be apprehensive or anxious and how to address these and support the people involved 18 the likely effect on family dynamics, relationships and roles when providing a home for individuals 19 conditions and issues you are likely to face when providing a home for individuals with specific needs

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ..........................................DATE: ................................... ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ............................................DATE: ................................... INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: ...................................DATE: ...................................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC333a

Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care

Access, obtain and share information with your family and networks about providing a home for individuals


You need to show that 1 when providing a home for individuals, you discuss with the people placing the individuals: the information you may require the support you can expect 2 you identify and access information about the rights, duties and responsibilities of all involved in providing a home for individuals you discuss the statutory requirements with all involved you identify and obtain any guidance available, sharing and discussing this with your family and key people in your lives you examine the needs of the individuals requiring care, taking account of their cultural, spiritual, physical and emotional needs you clarify information about the individuals that might affect their stay with you and your family you seek and obtain further information and support about specific needs of the individuals to help you to understand them better and accommodate them in your home more easily

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

3 4

6 7


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC333b

Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care

Evaluate your own home situation and the care you are able to offer to individuals
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you discuss and agree with your family, how your lives and living arrangements will be affected when providing a home for specific individuals 2 you identify, discuss and agree: any risks and additional help and support the individuals might need whilst living within your home any extra help your family might need to support them any changes that you and your family will have to make in order to accommodate the individuals 3 you encourage members of your family to express and discuss their feelings and concerns about providing a home for specific individuals you clarify any matters that have arisen with members of your family and other appropriate people you appraise the benefits and the concerns raised by your family about accommodating individuals you identify with others potential areas of conflict and set in place strategies to overcome these you discuss any issues and concerns with the appropriate people and any ground rules for accepting the individuals into you home

4 5 6 7


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC333c

Prepare your family and networks to support individuals requiring care

Identify and acquire the skills and knowledge to provide a home for individuals
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you evaluate your skills, knowledge and attitudes to care for, protect and provide active support for the individuals coming into your home 2 you identify any gaps in your skills and knowledge to enable to meet the needs of the individuals including their communication and language preferences you discuss the gaps in your skills and knowledge with the appropriate people you identify sources of information and support that will enable you to acquire the skills and knowledge you require you use the most appropriate form of support and training to fill the identified gaps in your skills and knowledge

3 4


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC334 Provide a home and family environment for individuals

What is the unit about? For this unit you will need to support individuals and your own family and key people when providing a home and family environment for individuals. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; self harm; reckless behaviour. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self-harm and abuse. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The possibility of harm and abuse happening Include the people who are biologically related to you and those who through relationships have become an accepted part of your family The effects of an individual being physically, emotionally or sexually injured or abused The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key you and your family and will be affected by the introduction of an individual into your home Are other people within and outside the organisation for whom you are providing a home for individuals and that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: Risk be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Danger Family Harm Individuals

Key people Others


The likelihood of danger, harm or abuse arising from anything or anyone


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation is not appropriate for any of this unit Direct observation is an essential requirement for this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Observation for this unit is likely to be undertaken by expert witness or assessor. Expert Witness This is likely to be your placing social worker/link worker etc. who is preparing your application to care for an individual in your home, and could be a record of observed practice or of a discussion Reflective Accounts These are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to provide a home and family environment for individuals. This may take the form of a case study written by yourself. In either, you will identify how you helped the individual to feel safe and secure and how the other members of your family worked with you to meet the needs of the individual. Questioning May provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policy and procedures governing the care of an individual in your own home, and how you will be able to meet their needs. Witness testimony Could be used to confirm your ability to work in sensitive areas of practice.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC334

Provide a home and family environment for individuals

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




Values 1 legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information on when providing a home for individuals how you and your family can provide active support, place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do with them, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives and actions dilemmas between the individuals needs, preferences, rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection and your own and your families role, rights and responsibilities when providing a home for specific individuals how to deal with and challenge discrimination when providing a home for individuals

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures 5 codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when providing a home for individuals


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information risk assessment and management when providing a home for individuals protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse providing a home and family environment for individuals

practice and service that promote and safeguard the well-being of individuals placed within another persons home and for those who are providing the home for individuals how to access records and information on the individuals for whom you are likely to provide a home the purpose of, and arrangements for your support when providing a home and family environment for individual

8 9

Theory and practice 10 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when providing a home for individuals 11 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to providing a home for individuals 12 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by the individuals background, experiences and conditions and the provision of a secure home environment 13 the responsibilities and limits of your relationships with individuals for whom you are likely to provide a home 14 principles of practice to enable you to balance the needs of the individuals and others within your home environment 15 principles for enabling the individuals to become full members of the household

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



16 the importance of discussing with family and network members, issues that have and might arise from the individuals living in your own home and how their needs for support can best be met 17 factors to take account of when deciding how much information to divulge to family and network members 18 the differing reasons why families and networks may be apprehensive or anxious and how to address these and support the people involved 19 issues that are likely to arise when the individuals first move in and how to support the individuals to deal with these 20 the likely effect on family dynamics, relationships and roles when providing a home for individuals 21 how to work with, and resolve conflicts that you are likely to meet 22 the importance of openly acknowledging potential difficulties and conflicts 23 the types of incidents that could happen with the individuals for whom you are providing a home, the action to take in the event of any serious incidents or causes for concern and how to record and report these 24 the importance of developing and ensuring the individuals understand house rules

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ......................................... DATE: ............................. ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .......................................... DATE: ............................. INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: .............................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC334a

Provide a home and family environment for individuals

Identify the needs, background and experiences of the individuals for whom you are providing a home
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you read the appropriate information about the needs, background and experience of the individuals for whom you are providing a home 2 you support individuals to communicate: their needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences and choices how their needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences and choices might affect their behaviour when living in your home 3 you assess how the needs, background, experiences, preferences and choices of the individuals: can be accommodated within your home may cause problems how you, the individual and your family may deal with this 4 you inform all who will be involved with the individual of their needs, background, experiences, preferences and choices within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC334b

Provide a home and family environment for individuals

Help individuals to adjust to, and ensure they are safe and protected in your home
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you provide, and support your family to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to the individuals 2 you introduce the individuals to your family and key people in the families life allowing them enough time and space to settle into your home you support individuals to: communicate their thoughts, feelings, fears and aspirations about living in your home enable them to see the benefits of living in your home both to themselves and for your family understand how your family and living arrangements work understand where things are understand any ground rules 4 5 you provide appropriate support to individuals if they are distressed you ensure that appropriate safety and security devises and procedures are used within your home to keep the individuals safe from danger, harm and abuse without over protecting them you provide active support for individuals giving them sufficient scope to grow, make their own decisions, develop, retain their friendship groups and make new friends, without exposing them to unnecessary danger or overprotecting them


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC334c

Provide a home and family environment for individuals

Support own family and other key people to accept, support and adjust to family life with the individuals
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you encourage your family and social networks to: accept the individuals as a family member help them to settle into your home provide effective care and support 2 you help your family to understand and come to terms with their own needs as a family member and the needs of individuals you treat everyone fairly, balancing the needs of family members and those of the individuals requiring care you examine the requirements of the care plan for the individuals, taking account of aspects that might affect family members and individuals directly you address any conflicts and disagreements openly, seeking and using external support, where necessary you set in place strategies to protect your own family if the individuals behaviour causes a risk to themselves, your family, key people, your property and others you record and report progress, outcomes and any serious incidents or causes for concern immediately to the appropriate people within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements

3 4

5 6


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC335 Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse
What is the unit about? For this unit you will need to recognise and report on factors that may cause danger, harm and abuse; contribute to minimising dangerous, harmful and abusive behaviour and practices; contribute to dealing with suspected and disclosed danger, harm and abuse. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Actions that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations could include: asking inappropriate and/or leading questions; not following organisation and legal procedures; putting undue pressure on individuals; changing, removing or adding to information. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Danger could be: imminent; in the short term; in the medium term; in the longer term. Harm and abuse within this unit will cover: neglect; physical, emotional and sexual abuse; financial abuse; bullying; self harm; reckless behaviour. Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Risks could include the possibility of: danger, damage and destruction to the environment and goods; injury and harm to people; self harm and abuse. Statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations: changing information; removing information; adding to information. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abuse Active support Abuse is causing physical, financial, emotional and/or sexual harm to an individual and/or failing/neglecting to protect them from harm Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence The possibility of harm and abuse happening The effects of an individual being physically, emotionally or sexually injured or abused The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social wellbeing. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: Risk Signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Danger Harm Individuals

Key people

Others Rights

The likelihood of danger, harm or abuse arising from anything or anyone Physical, behavioural and emotional indicators which may signify possible danger, harm and abuse


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation may be used to collect evidence for some of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Your assessor should observe you in real work activities which provide some of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. This may be supported by simulation. Reflective Accounts These are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to work with individuals and to support them when they have been involved in an abusive situation. You will also need to explain your knowledge and understanding of the ways which human developmental stages may have a bearing on the level of risk to individuals. Questioning May be used to provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policy and procedures relating to the protection of individuals from abuse. Eg Abuse of Vulnerable Adults, Adults with Incapacity Act. Witness testimony/Expert Witness testimony Could be used to confirm your ability to work in sensitive areas of practice and within stated guidelines and procedures. Any local guidelines/policies should be evident. Simulation Could be used in support of other evidence to demonstrate how you respond to an abusive situation and work with the individual(s) involved and other key people.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC335

Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




Values 1 legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when contributing to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about when they have been in danger of being harmed and/or abused dilemmas between the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities in protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse how to challenge stereotypical assumptions based on gender, race, culture, disability, educational experience etc that affect the perception of danger, harm and abuse to individuals, key people and others both as recipients and perpetrators


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Legislation and organisational policy and procedures 5 codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse actions to take on suspicions of and where there is a risk of danger, harm and abuse health, safety, assessing and managing risks associated with identifying and dealing with the risk of danger, harm and abuse to individuals, key people and others the collection of information for legal purposes any special provisions relating to the individuals because of their age or conditions working with others to provide integrated services 7 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and for working and dealing with danger, harm and abuse how to access records and information about danger, harm and abuse related to the individuals and key people with whom you work the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision to support when dealing with people who are likely to be, or have been harmed and abused

Theory and practice 10 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice when contributing to the protection of individuals, key people and others from danger, harm and abuse

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



11 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to the protection of individuals, key people and others from danger, harm and abuse 12 theories relevant to the individuals with whom you work, about aspects of human growth and development and how these can affect and be affected by individuals being subjected to danger, harm and abuse 13 the ways in which danger, harm and abuse in the short, medium and long term can affect the wellbeing of individuals 14 how power and influence can be used and abused by: yourself and others when supporting people who are in danger of harm and abuse and when they have been harmed and abuse by others wishing to harm, abuse and exploit individuals 15 how individuals who have been harmed and abused are vulnerable to exploitation and ways that such exploitation can be prevented 16 how people who harm and abuse individuals conceal what is happening 17 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to support individuals who you and/or others suspect are in danger of harm and abuse and with individuals who have been harmed and abused 18 what to do if you suspect or have evidence that the person responsible for harm and abuse is a colleague 19 how to protect yourself, individuals, key people and others with whom you work from danger, harm and abuse 20 different views on what is harmful, dangerous and abusive and how they relate to your role and tasks 21 factors that may lead to danger, harm and abuse


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Theory and practice 22 signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse and the correct actions to take when you suspect, or danger, harm and abuse has been disclosed 23 the effects of being at risk of harm, in danger or abused and their impact on the individuals, other people involved, your own and others behaviour 24 how to work, and support others to work with individuals who are distressed, fearful and uncertain about what will happen to them 25 the types of evidence that is valid in investigations and court and how to ensure that your actions and statements do not contaminate evidence or prejudice investigations 26 recording and reporting requirements for protection, harm and abuse and to ensure they do not contaminate evidence or prejudice investigations

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ......................................... DATE: ............................. ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .......................................... DATE: ............................. INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: .............................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC335a

Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse

Recognise and report on factors that may cause danger, harm and abuse
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you seek and acquire information about: factors that may cause and lead to the risk of individuals being in danger of harm and abuse signs and symptoms that individuals may be in danger of being harmed or abused or have been harmed and abused legal and organisational requirements about what to do if you suspect that someone is in danger and/or has been harmed or abused 2 you confirm your understanding and the actions you need to take when danger, harm and/or abuse is suspected or has been disclosed you identify the factors which support abusive behaviour and discuss these with colleagues and managers you examine your own behaviour and actions to ensure that they do not contribute to situations, actions and behaviour that can be dangerous, harmful and/or abusive you observe behaviour, actions and situations to ensure that all people (including any children and young people) within or entering the environment are not subject to danger, harm and abuse you work with individuals, key people and others to identify and challenge practices that: may lead to danger, harm and abuse of individuals, key people, staff and others are dangerous, harmful and abusive


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


You need to show that 7 you report suspected or disclosed danger, harm and abuse to the appropriate people: avoiding actions and statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements

(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC335b

Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse

Contribute to minimising the effects of dangerous, harmful and abusive behaviour and practices
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you develop relationships with individuals so that they are able to communicate and raise concerns about possible and actual danger, harm and abuse to themselves and others 2 3 you work with individuals in a way that respects their dignity, privacy and rights you are honest with individuals about your responsibilities to disclose information about potential and actual danger, harm and abuse you identify possible sources, signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse you take appropriate action when you observe behaviour, actions and situations towards people (including any children and young people) within or entering the environment that might lead to danger, harm and abuse you challenge and raise concerns with appropriate people and organisations about practice or policies, which may give rise to danger, harm and abuse you work sensitively with individuals communicating how, and to whom, they report incidents of danger, harm and abuse you take appropriate action and assure individuals that their reports will be listened to and dealt with seriously you report sources, signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse to appropriate people: avoiding actions and statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements and inter-agency and partnership requirements

4 5

8 9


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC335c

Contribute to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse

Respond to and report on suspicions of harm and abuse
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you monitor and identify any unusual and significant changes from individuals health, cleanliness, physical care, actions and behaviour 2 you respond and take immediate and appropriate action to concerns that individuals are at risk of or have been harmed and/or abused you use all available information to evaluate the concerns raised you avoid using actions and statements, and support others to avoid using actions and statements, that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court you discuss concerns with relevant people within and outside your organisation, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal, organisational, inter-agency and partnership requirements you contribute to, follow and work within inter-agency and partnership policies, procedures and practice for dealing with suspected harm and abuse you accurately record, report (with the times, dates and explanations), and pass on records and reports of suspicions of signs and symptoms of danger, harm and abuse: avoiding actions and statements that could adversely affect the use of evidence in future investigations and court within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements and inter-agency and partnership requirements

3 4

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC336 Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour
What is the unit about? For this unit you need to contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour. When abusive and aggressive behaviour occurs, you need to deal with, and help in the review of, incidents within statutory and agency frameworks. Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Communication: language and speech; actions, gestures and body language; space and position. Actions taken to maintain calmness and safety: explain your actions to individuals even when individuals do not appear to understand the explanations or be listening to them; divert the individual(s) to other activities; preventive action to stop the individual when there is direct risk; seek help from other workers. Triggers to abusive or aggressive behaviour: interactions between individuals; behaviours towards or in the vicinity of the individual; environmental factors; personal or social aspects of the individuals life Assistance and support: to manage the aggressive and abusive behaviour safely; for first aid. Those involved in incidents may be: the individual; the people who were the targets of the aggressive and abusive behaviour; other people who are significant to the individual; other workers. This is Community Justice Unit CJ E 203, which also appears as Drugs and Alcohol National Occupational Standard (DANOS) AB3 Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Abusive and aggressive behaviour May be verbal or non-verbal and be social, physical, sexual or emotional in nature

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the unit you should agree a plan with your assessor regarding the types of evidence to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the performance criteria and ALL the knowledge specifications. All evidence should relate to real work activities. Direct observation by your assessor and/or expert witness is required for some of the performance criteria for every element in this unit. The candidates evidence from their performance needs to cover all the performance criteria and all of the scope. In order to meet the evidence requirements, it is likely that a candidate would need to gather evidence over a period of time. Evidence to show candidates practice on more than one occasion, during which they have dealt with and reviewed incidents. The evidence must, at all times, reflect, the policies and procedures of the workplace as linked to current legislation and the values and principles for best practice within the Care Sector. This will include the National Service Standards for your area of work or client group. Competence can be demonstrated using a variety of different types of evidence from the following Work products-These can be any record that you would normally use within your normal role eg minutes of staff meetings, review meetings, care plans, records and relevant reports eg accident/incident reports. NB-Confidential records are not required for inclusion in your portfolio of evidence. These can remain where they are normally stored and checked by your assessor and verifier. If included, they must be anonymised. Reflective account- You describing your actions in a particular situation (s) and reflecting on the reason (s) for you practising in that way. This will probably be in relation to the individuals you work with and their day to day lives. How you promote equality, diversity and rights should be evident. Assignment/project-You may have already completed an assignment or project (for example during an HNC, NC, VRQ or BTec course). You could also use evidence of previous in-house training courses or programmes you have completed-for example moving and handling, First Aid and Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention. (SCIP) Questioning-You and your assessor may agree on questions to demonstrate your knowledge, to supplement the knowledge demonstrated thorough observations and reflective accounts. These can be oral or written but evidence of this must be recorded.


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC336

Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




Values 1 how the principles of equality, diversity and antidiscriminatory practice have been applied to work undertaken the ways in which stereotyping and discrimination might affect risk assessment and how to guard against this

Legislation and organisational policy and procedures 3 the specific legislation (national and European) which relates to the work undertaken and how this has been taken into account any particular factors relating to the agencys policies and practices which have affected the work undertaken

Theory and practice 5 Working to improve individual practice: how to evaluate your own competence when at work and decide when further support and expertise are needed

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



Working with individuals and groups: the ways in which individuals communicate by behaviour as well as through language and how different forms of behaviour can be interpreted

7 8

constraints to effective communication (interpersonal, physical and environmental) methods of establishing contact which are likely to maximise productive engagement with individuals and minimise unproductive interventions the ways in which feelings of anger and frustration can be displaced from their original source to those in authority and how to deal with this

10 the difference between aggression and assertiveness 11 the possible reasons for different sorts of behaviour occurring, especially those which may be viewed as aggressive or abusive 12 the effects which your own behaviour may have on others 13 the ways in which individuals culture and gender influence your practice

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ......................................... DATE: ............................. ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .......................................... DATE: ............................. INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: .............................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title

Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour

Contribute to preventing abusive and aggressive behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC336a


You need to show that 1 you communicate with others in a manner which: is appropriate to them encourages an open exchange of views and information minimises any constraints to communication is free from discrimination and oppression acknowledges the rights of everyone present and is supportive of those rights 2 3 you maintain the environment in a way which encourages meaningful interactions you take actions to maintain calmness and safety in a manner which minimises any restriction of movement and which does not deny peoples rights you take appropriate action to prevent triggers to abusive or aggressive behaviour occurring and to enable individuals to find alternative ways of expressing their feelings you protect potential victims at whom the behaviour may be directed.


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title

Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour

Deal with incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC336b


You need to show that 1 you take constructive action to minimise identified abusive and aggressive behaviour which is consistent with: any inherent risks the maintenance of effective working relationships agency policy and procedures evidence of effective practice 2 3 4 5 6 7 you acknowledge opposing interests and take constructive action to address them you take prompt action to protect those at whom the abusive and aggressive behaviour is directed you take constructive action to defuse abusive and aggressive behaviour you call for any necessary assistance and support without delay you act in a manner which is likely to promote calm and reassurance and make this clear to all involved you manage physically aggressive behaviour in ways which are consistent with statutory and agency requirements and use the safest possible methods for: the individual you others 8 you complete records accurately and clearly and store them according to agency requirement


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title

Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour

Contribute to reviewing incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)

Element HSC336c


You need to show that 1 you encourage those involved in incidents to contribute to reviewing the incident: 2 you offer time, space and support so that everyone involved can express their feelings and examine their behaviour you explore constructively with everyone involved the reasons for, and consequences of, the abusive and aggressive behaviour you make referrals to the appropriate people if specialist help is required you make clear and constructive contribution to team discussions about incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviours and agency practice in dealing with them you manage your own feelings aroused by the incident in a way which recognises your right to have such feelings and recognises that not all incidents are capable of prevention you complete records accurately and clearly and store them according to agency requirements you provide accurate and clear information to others so that issues and needs can be addressed

4 5

7 8


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit summary sheet

Unit HSC337 Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour

What is the unit about? For this unit you will be expected to support individuals to manage challenging behaviour.

Scope The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area. Challenging behaviour can include: verbal abuse (racist comments, threats, bullying others); physical abuse (such as assault of others); self-destructive behaviour; behaviour which is destructive to other people; behaviour that is destructive to items within the environment; behaviour that is destructive to property; behaviour which is illegal. Communicate using: the individuals preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship. Values underpinning this unit The values underpinning this unit have been derived from the key purpose statement, the statement of expectations from carers and people receiving services, relevant service standards and codes of practice for health and social care in the four UK countries. The key purpose identified for those working in health and social care settings is to provide an integrated, ethical and inclusive service, which meets agreed needs and outcomes of people requiring health and/or social care. They can be found in the principles of care unit HSC35. To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you have applied the principles of care outlined in unit HSC35 in your practice and through your knowledge.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Key words and concepts This section provides explanations and definitions of the key words and concepts used in this unit. In occupational standards it is quite common to find words or phrases used which you will be familiar with, but which, in the detail of the standards, may be used in a very particular way. Therefore, we would encourage you to read this section carefully before you begin working with the standards and to refer back to this section as required. Active support Support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence Behaviour that is considered unacceptable and abusive. In this unit challenging behaviour with help, the individual may be able to prevent, modify and control. It does not cover behaviour which is challenging but which the individual, because of illness or their condition, is unable to do anything about The actual people requiring health and care services. Where individuals use advocates and interpreters to enable them to express their views, wishes or feelings and to speak on their behalf, the term individual within this standard covers the individual and their advocate or interpreter Are those people who are key to an individuals health and social well-being. These are people in the individuals life who can make a difference to their health and well-being Are other people within and outside your organisation that are necessary for you to fulfil your job role The rights that individuals have to: be respected be treated equally and not be discriminated against be treated as an individual be treated in a dignified way privacy be protected from danger and harm be cared for in a way they choose access information about themselves communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language

Challenging behaviour


Key people

Others Rights


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Evidence requirements Prior to commencing the Unit you should agree and complete an assessment plan with your assessor regarding the assessment methods to be used. You must provide your assessor with evidence for ALL the Performance, all knowledge requirements and relevant parts of the scope that relate to your work practice. Simulation may be used to collect evidence for some of this unit Preferred methods to demonstrate competence for this unit are: Direct observation Your assessor should observe you in real work activities which provide some of the performance criteria for most elements in this unit. This may be supported by simulation depending on the particular circumstances. Reflective Accounts These are recordings of your real work practice which show your ability to work with individuals and to support them to manage their behaviour and that of others. You will also need to explain your knowledge and understanding of the ways which human developmental stages, culture and gender may have a bearing on the actions of individuals and the vital role played by communication in behaviour management. Questioning may be used to provide evidence of knowledge, legislation, policy and procedures relating to the management of challenging behaviour. Witness testimony/Expert Witness testimony could be used to confirm your ability to work in sensitive areas of practice and within stated guidelines and procedures. Simulation could be used in support of other evidence to demonstrate how you use behaviour management techniques for example TCI, CALM, SCIP etc.

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Knowledge evidence record

Unit HSC337

Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour

Competent practice is a combination of the application of skills and knowledge informed by values and ethics. This specification details the knowledge and understanding required to carry out competent practice in the performance described in this unit. When using this specification it is important to read the knowledge requirements in relation to expectations and requirements of your job role. You need to show that you know, understand and can apply in practice:




Values 1 legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when contributing to the protection of individuals from harm and abuse how to provide active support and place the preferences and best interest of individuals at the centre of everything you do, whilst enabling them to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them) and make and communicate their own decisions about dealing with challenging behaviour and in setting and agreeing goals and boundaries to prevent, modify and control such behaviour dilemmas between the individuals rights and their responsibilities for their own care and protection, the rights and responsibilities of key people and your role and responsibilities in dealing with challenging behaviour how to challenge stereotypical assumptions based on gender, race, culture, disability, educational experience etc that affect peoples beliefs about behaviour that is challenging


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Legislation and organisational policy and procedures 5 codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when dealing with and providing frameworks for managing aggressive, abusive, unlawful and challenging behaviour current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection, including recording, reporting, storage, security and sharing of information protecting individuals, key people and others from danger, harm and abuse health, safety, assessing and managing risks associated with dealing with and providing frameworks for managing aggressive, abusive, unlawful and challenging behaviour working with others to provide integrated services 7 practice and service standards relevant to your work setting and for working and dealing with challenging behaviour how to access records and information about the behaviour of individuals the purpose of, and arrangements for your supervision to support when dealing with people who have challenging behaviour

8 9

Theory and practice 10 how and where to access information and support that can inform your practice for dealing with and providing frameworks for managing aggressive, abusive, unlawful and challenging behaviour 11 government reports, inquiries and research relevant to dealing with and providing frameworks for managing aggressive, abusive, unlawful and challenging behaviour 12 theories about and key indicators of developmental and problem behaviour: emotional, physical, intellectual, social and communication

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



13 the ways in which challenging behaviour in the short, medium and long term can affect the wellbeing of individuals 14 how to work in partnership with individuals, key people and those within and outside your organisation to support individuals with challenging behaviour 15 power and how it can be used and abused when working with individuals with challenging behaviour 16 how to protect yourself, individuals, key people and others with whom you work from individuals who have challenging behaviour 17 why the individuals with whom you work may have challenging behaviour 18 situations, events, environments, factors, triggers, actions of people and people that can lead to challenging behaviour, the reasons for this and what strategies can be used to reduce this 19 the basic principles for influencing behaviour and why it is important to use positive reinforcement to actively promote positive aspects of behaviour 20 methods of defusing and dealing with situations that may lead to challenging behaviour and of the behaviour itself 21 the reasons for and the usefulness of goals, boundaries and alternatives being identified for individuals with challenging behaviour 22 the reasons why a calm and controlled manner is important when dealing with individuals with challenging behaviour

The candidate has satisfied the assessor and internal verifier that the performance evidence and criteria, the range, and knowledge and understanding requirements have been achieved.
CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ......................................... DATE: ............................. ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: .......................................... DATE: ............................. INTERNAL VERIFIERS SIGNATURE: .................................. DATE: .............................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Element achievement record

Unit title
Element HSC337a

Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour

Support individuals to identify the reasons and causes for, and the consequences of, their behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you work with individuals, key people and others within and outside your organisation to: examine the reasons why individuals behave in particular ways identify situations, events, environments, actions, people, and the behaviour of others that might cause the behaviour 2 3 you support and respond to individuals in a manner which values and respects them as individuals you ensure that your own behaviour and actions do not lead to situations that cause the behaviour in individuals you support individuals to: explore and communicate their feelings about their behaviour identify how they can overcome or avoid situations that may cause the behaviour recognise and understand the consequences of their behaviour understand the affects of their behaviour on others understand why the behaviour is unacceptable to others 5 you support individuals to understand what might happen and the actions that would have to be taken, if they behave in ways that are: unacceptable to your organisations policies and procedures outside the law 6 you support individuals to seek and acquire specialist support to help them understand and deal with their behaviour and the reasons for it

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005



ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

Unit title
Element HSC337b

Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour

Work with individuals to agree ways to manage their behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you encourage individuals to identify: the benefits of behaving in ways that are acceptable and are not challenging to others identify ways in which they can reduce their challenging behaviour 2 you provide active support to enable individuals to identify, plan and ensure that they carry out the plans that will help them to prevent, modify and control unacceptable behaviour you work with individuals to find alternative ways to deal with and avoid situations, events, environments, actions, people and the behaviour of others that lead to the behaviour you support individuals to: achieve goals and boundaries for their behaviour review whether the goals and boundaries are being achieved review whether the goals and boundaries are helpful in dealing with behaviour 5 you seek additional support for yourself, to enable you to work effectively with individuals who have challenging behaviour


ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................

N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005


Unit title
Element HSC337c

Provide frameworks to help individuals to manage challenging behaviour

Support individuals to evaluate actions to manage behaviour
(Assessor to insert date each time competence is demonstrated)


You need to show that 1 you support individuals to examine, as calmly as possible, incidents of challenging behaviour and the events that led up to them 2 you work with individuals to communicate their thoughts and feelings at the point when they used the challenging behaviour you encourage individuals to evaluate any changes in their behaviour when they use alternative ways of dealing with the situations, events, environments, actions, people and the behaviour of others you support individuals to: communicate which actions that have been successful in helping them to manage their behaviour and those that have been less successful examine why some actions have been successful and others less successful agree changes to plans and alternatives to help them to better manage their behaviour 5 you seek additional support, expertise and specialist help when the management of the individuals behaviour is outside your scope of experience to deal with you record and report on processes and outcomes: within required timescales within confidentiality agreements according to legal and organisational requirements

ASSESSORS SIGNATURE: ................................................. CANDIDATES SIGNATURE: ................................................

DATE: ....................... DATE: .......................


N015903 Candidate guidance and logbook Level 3 NVQ in Health and Social Care Issue 2 November 2005

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