1) The document describes an experiment to study diode clamping circuits. The objective is to understand how diodes can be used in clamping circuits to clamp a signal to a different DC level.
2) The experiment involves building circuits using a diode, capacitor, potentiometer, and DC power supply. The input and output signals are observed on an oscilloscope as the potentiometer is varied.
3) SPICE simulations are also performed to simulate the output waveforms for clamping circuits using a sine wave input. The report involves explaining what a clamping circuit is, drawing input/output waveforms, designing a clamper, and providing SPICE programs.
1) The document describes an experiment to study diode clamping circuits. The objective is to understand how diodes can be used in clamping circuits to clamp a signal to a different DC level.
2) The experiment involves building circuits using a diode, capacitor, potentiometer, and DC power supply. The input and output signals are observed on an oscilloscope as the potentiometer is varied.
3) SPICE simulations are also performed to simulate the output waveforms for clamping circuits using a sine wave input. The report involves explaining what a clamping circuit is, drawing input/output waveforms, designing a clamper, and providing SPICE programs.
1) The document describes an experiment to study diode clamping circuits. The objective is to understand how diodes can be used in clamping circuits to clamp a signal to a different DC level.
2) The experiment involves building circuits using a diode, capacitor, potentiometer, and DC power supply. The input and output signals are observed on an oscilloscope as the potentiometer is varied.
3) SPICE simulations are also performed to simulate the output waveforms for clamping circuits using a sine wave input. The report involves explaining what a clamping circuit is, drawing input/output waveforms, designing a clamper, and providing SPICE programs.
1) The document describes an experiment to study diode clamping circuits. The objective is to understand how diodes can be used in clamping circuits to clamp a signal to a different DC level.
2) The experiment involves building circuits using a diode, capacitor, potentiometer, and DC power supply. The input and output signals are observed on an oscilloscope as the potentiometer is varied.
3) SPICE simulations are also performed to simulate the output waveforms for clamping circuits using a sine wave input. The report involves explaining what a clamping circuit is, drawing input/output waveforms, designing a clamper, and providing SPICE programs.
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The University Of Asia Pacific
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ECE 202 Experiment No: 04 Name of the Experiment : Study of Diode Clamping Circuits. Objective: To study the application of diodes in clamping circuits. Theory: The clamping network is one that will clamp! a signal to a different dc le"el. #n a essential $asis% the network must ha"e a capacitor% a diode and a resistor. &ndependent dc supply can also $e used to introduce an additional dc shift. #ne must choose the magnitude of ' and C large enough so that the time constant ( 'C is sufficient enough to ensure the capacitor discharge insignificant in the inter"al while diode is non) conducting.
Equipment: p)n *unction diode + pot ,22k- + capacitor , +0.- dc power suply signal generator oscilloscope Circuit Diarams: /i 0 +0 / 1)1% + 234% S5uare wa"e ,a- /i 0 +0 / 1)1% + 234% Sine wa"e ,$- !iure ": Clamping Circuit Proce#ure: +. Construct the circuit shown in fig.+,a-. #$ser"e / i and / o on the oscilloscope 2. /ary ' so that amplitude of / 0 will $e twice of /i . Take the "alue of 6k% +0k% +6k of the pot. 7. Construct the circuit shown in fig.+,$-. #$ser"e / i and / o on the oscilloscope $imu%ation: Simulate the output wa"eform for the following circuits using 1spice Te8t Editor. /i 0 +20 / 1)1% + 234% /i 0 20 / 1)1% + 234% Sine wa"e Sine wa"e ,a- ,$- !iure &: Clamping Circuit for Simulation '$ubmit the report part at the (ab) Course No: ECE &*& Expt+ No: *, -eistration No: $emester: -o%% No: Date: -eport: +. 9hat is a clamping circuit: 2. Draw the input and output wa"eshape as shown in the oscilloscope for the circuit of fig. + in graph paper ,attach the graph paper-. 7. Design a clamper to perform the function indicated in fig. 7 !iure: . 4. 9rite the 1spice Te8t Editor 1rograms used in the simulation of fig.2. /+ Discussion:
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