This document provides instructions for an experiment using an operational amplifier (op amp) as a subtractor circuit. The objective is to design a subtractor using a general purpose op amp. It includes the basic concept of how an op amp works as a voltage controlled amplifier and how it can be configured as a linear subtractor. The procedure describes how to connect the circuit diagram and take readings to verify the subtractor operation and design an op amp subtractor with a specified gain.
This document provides instructions for an experiment using an operational amplifier (op amp) as a subtractor circuit. The objective is to design a subtractor using a general purpose op amp. It includes the basic concept of how an op amp works as a voltage controlled amplifier and how it can be configured as a linear subtractor. The procedure describes how to connect the circuit diagram and take readings to verify the subtractor operation and design an op amp subtractor with a specified gain.
This document provides instructions for an experiment using an operational amplifier (op amp) as a subtractor circuit. The objective is to design a subtractor using a general purpose op amp. It includes the basic concept of how an op amp works as a voltage controlled amplifier and how it can be configured as a linear subtractor. The procedure describes how to connect the circuit diagram and take readings to verify the subtractor operation and design an op amp subtractor with a specified gain.
This document provides instructions for an experiment using an operational amplifier (op amp) as a subtractor circuit. The objective is to design a subtractor using a general purpose op amp. It includes the basic concept of how an op amp works as a voltage controlled amplifier and how it can be configured as a linear subtractor. The procedure describes how to connect the circuit diagram and take readings to verify the subtractor operation and design an op amp subtractor with a specified gain.
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The University Of Asia Pacific
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ECE 202 EXPE!"E#T #O$%&0 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT% E'E"E#TA( DES!)#S *!T+ OP,A"Ps$ OBJECTIVE: To e-periment .ith a genera/ purpose op,amp to 0esign an su1tractor $ EQUIPMENTS: resistors &02 3405$ Trainer 1oar0 "u/timeter BASIC CONCEPT: Op amp is a vo/tage contro//e0 0evice in .hich the out put vo/tage is a function of the input vo/tage$The gain is sta1i/ise0 1y provi0ing a negative fee01ac5 from the output to the input $There are t.o inputs in the op,amp , &$non,inverting 2$inverting $The gain is contro//e0 1y the ratio of the feee01ac5 resister to input resister ratioas given 1y 6 a$ Av7 ,f8i 1$ Av79&:f8i; Since <o7Av9:;=<& :Av9,;=<2 an op amp can 1e easi/y configure0 as a /inear su1tractor $*e .i// see such circuits .hich can su1tract input vo/tages an0 output the vo/tage as the su1tracte0 form of the input vo/tages CIRCUIT DIAGRAM : PROCEDURE : &$ Connect the circuit as in the figure$ 2$ a0>ust the vo/tage of the vo/tage source 9refer to your teacher ;$ ?$ connect the supp/y an0 ta5e the rea0ings accor0ing to the ta1/e in the ne-t page$ Course #o$ E-periment #o% o// #o% )roup #o% #ame% (ear8Sem% Date% @$ your Auestions an0 report to the teacher$ Ques 1% <erify the su1tractor circuit $ Ta1/e &$& f7&05 3i7&05 <& <2 <out Av9,;7,f8i Av9:;79&:f8i; verify that <out7 Av9:;<&: Av9,;=<2$ Ques2% Put f740 5 an0 i7&05 an0 ta5e the rea0ing again Ta1/e 2$& f7405 3i7&05 <& <2 <out Av7 ,f 8i$ verify that <out 7 Av9:;=<& :Av9,;=<2
Bues?% Design an Op 6Amp su1tractor such that <out 7 ,@=<&: 4=<2 Assume for a// the 0esigns the va/ue of i 7 &2$ note% eca// that inverting gain Av7, f8i an0 tota/ gain of a casca0e0 system is Av7 Av& = Av2$
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