WP 553 2012

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+Writ Petition No.553 of 2012

% Dated 09.07.2012
# Nagarala Nirvasithula Welfare Association.
$ The Govt. of A.P. and others.

! Counsel for the petitioner

^ Counsel for respondents

: Sri P.Gangarami Reddy

: G.P. for Land Acquisition



? Cases referred:
1. 1959(2) M.L.J. 513
2. 2004(2) M.L.J. 708
3. 2007(4) ALD 374
4. 2004 (2) ALD 451 (LB)


Writ Petition No. 553 of 2012

The petitioner is an Association of persons of Nagarala

Village, Pebbair Mandal, Mahaboobnagar District. The entire
village of Nagarala came under submergence, as part of
Bheema Irrigation Project of Rangasamudram Balancing
Reservoir. Apart from the land, 264 houses were also
effected. A notification under Section 4(1) of the Land

Acquisition Act (for short the Act) was published on

26.07.2008. Enquiry under Section 5-A of the Act was
dispensed with and declaration under Section 6 of the Act was
published on 09.09.2008.
An award was passed on
18.02.2009 through which compensation was awarded for the
structures alone. No compensation was paid for the land on
which the houses were constructed. The petitioner contends
that there was no justification for the respondents in denying
the compensation for the land on which houses were
The respondents filed a counter affidavit. It is stated
that draft notification and draft declaration under Sections 4(1)
and 6 of the Act respectively were issued in respect of 264
houses of Nagarala Village, covering an area of 43,823 square
meters. The fact that award was passed on 18.02.2009 in
respect of the houses is also admitted. As regards the
compensation for the land, it is stated that the instructions
issued by the Government in G.O.Ms.No.76, dated
13.04.2006 and Memo, dated 04.06.2007, which are to the
effect that compensation in such cases shall be paid for
structures only; were followed. According to the respondents,
the place, where the houses were constructed, being
Gramakantam, vests in the Government and the question of
paying compensation for the Government land does not arise.
It is also stated that the structures alone were notified in the
proceedings and not the land. The respondents further state
that the members of the petitioner-association constructed
houses on Government land and that they are not entitled to
receive compensation for the said land.
Sri P.Gangarami Reddy, learned counsel for the
petitioner submits that except stating that the houses were
constructed on Gramakantam, the respondents are not able to
establish as to how the land belongs to Government. He

contends that the expression Gramakantam connotes the

use of the land viz., place, where houses can be constructed,
in contrast to other uses such as agriculture, grazing, tanks
etc. Learned counsel further submits that Section 2 of the
A.P. Land Encroachment Act, which lists the properties that
are vested in the Government clearly excludes the house sites
or their backyards. He has placed reliance upon the judgment
of the Madras High Court in Rengaraja Iyengar vs.
Achikannu Ammal and another
and the Executive
Officer, Kadathur Town Panchayat vs. Swaminathan .
Learned Government Pleader for Land Acquisition on
the other hand submits that though the members of the
petitioner-Association may have constructed houses and lived
therein for a long time, they did not derive any right over the
house sites. He submits that the members of the petitionerAssociation failed to prove independent title over the sites and
the inescapable conclusion is that the entire area on which the
houses were constructed was held by the Government.
According to him, the members of the petitioner-Association
were extended fair treatment through payment of the cost of
the structures.
As observed earlier, the entire village of Nagarala came
under submergence of a Reservoir of Bheema Project.
Recognizing its obligation, the Government issued notifications
under Sections 4(1) and 6 of the Act. It is true that what was
requisitioned by the Irrigation Department was the area and
not the structures. However, the structure would include the
site on which construction was made.

The 3rd respondent

herein passed award, dated 18.02.2009 in respect of

structures alone. For this, he relied upon certain instructions
issued by the Government, The basis for denying

compensation for the plots of land owned by the members of

the petitioner-association was that the plots are part of
Gramakantam, and that the Gramakantam belongs to the
State. It was opined that the persons, who constructed
houses thereon, are not eligible to be paid compensation for
the site. Now, it needs to be seen as to (a) whether any
area, classified as Gramakantam, vests with the Government
and if so, (b) whether the persons who constructed houses
thereon are not entitled to be paid compensation for the house
It is a matter of common knowledge that a revenue
village comprises of area, in which villagers inhabit; the
agricultural lands, water bodies, such as tanks, forest areas,
hillocks etc. The revenue records reflect the nature of
ownership of such properties. The water bodies, porambokes,
roads, pathways etc. vest in the Government. Since the land
revenue is to be levied, it becomes necessary to segregate
the area, which is earmarked for habitation or construction of
houses, in contrast to other categories of land. While in
respect of agricultural lands and vacant lands, land revenue is
levied, what is payable in respect of house sites is the property
tax, and it is to be paid to the concerned local authority, such
as Gram Panchayat. Since the expression Gramakantam is
not defined under any statute, assistance can be taken from
the provisions of the Land Encroachment Act.
thereof reads as:

Section 2

2, Right of Property in public roads, etc, waters and lands:(1)

All public roads, streets, lanes and paths, the bridges,
ditches, dikes and fences, on or beside the same, the bed
of the sea and of harbours and creeks below high water
mark, and of rivers, streams, nallas, lakes and tanks, and
all canals and water-courses, and all standing and
following water, and all lands, wherever situated, save in
so far as the same are the property(a)
of any Zamindar, poligar, mittidar, jagirdars,
shrortriemdar or any person claiming through or
holding under any of them, or


of any, person paying shist, kattubadi, jodi,

poruppu or quit-rent to any of the aforesaid persons,
of any person holding under ryotwari tenure, or in
any way subject to the payment of land-revenue
direct to Government, or
of any other registered holder of land in
proprietary right, or
of any other person holding land under grant
from the Government otherwise than by way of
And , as to lands, save also in so far as they are temple
sites or owned as housesite or backyard, are and are hereby
declared to be the property of Government except as may be
otherwise provided by any law for the time being in force,
subject always to all rights of way and other public rights and to
the natural and easement rights of other land owners, and to all
customary rights legally subsisting.
All public roads and streets vested in any local authority
shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be the
property of Government.
Explanation: - In this section high water mark means the highest
point reached by ordinary spring tides at any session of the year.

It is a comprehensive definition, being both, inclusive

and exclusive. It not only lists the properties that vests in the
Government, but also mentions those, which are not declared
to be the property of the Government. While clauses (a) to
(e) of sub-section (1) are referable to specific categories of
properties that are outside the ownership of Government, the
last phrase and, as to lands, save also in so far as they are
temple sites or owned as housesite or backyard excludes the
land on which temples and houses are constructed; including
the backyards. The effect is that the house sites and their
backyards cannot be treated as property of Government.
Here itself, a distinction needs to be made viz., where house is
constructed and the same is recognized by the local authority
on the one hand; and an outright encroachment of a land,
which undisputedly belongs to Government; on the other

The Madras High Court dealt with this very question in

Rengaraja Iyengars case (1 supra), which arose under the
provisions of the Madras Estates (Abolition and Conversion
into Ryotwari) Act (for short the Estates Act) and the Madras
Land Encroachment Act 1905 (which was adopted by the
State of A.P.).
In Tamil, Gramakantam is known as
Referring to Section 2 of the Land
Encroachment Act, the Madras High Court observed:
A house-site owned by a person in what is generally
known as gramanatham is not, under Madras Act III of
1905, property of the Government. Section 2 of the
Madras Act III 1905 says, in regard to lands which are not
covered by clauses (a) to (e) of sub-section (I) of Section
2, that those lands are and are hereby declared to be the
property of the Government, save in so far as they are
temple-site or owned as house-site or backyard. In order
that a land may properly be described as house-site within
the meaning of that expression in Section 2of Madras Act
III of 1905, it is not necessary that there should be a
residential building actually constructed and standing on
that site. A person may in a village habitation own a house
in a street and a site on the outskirts of the habitation but
within the limits of the gramanatham, which he uses for the
purpose of storing his hay and manure, if he is an
agriculturist, or as a smithy, if he is a smith, or as a brickkiln if he is a brick-maker or as a place for weaving if he is
a weaver. On such sits, buildings or sheds may when
necessary, be constructed. But whether sub buildings or
sheds are constructed or not, such sites are, in my
opinion, house-sites within the meaning of that expression
in Section 2 of the Madras Act III of 1905.

On this basis, the Court held that the land which forms
part of Gramanatham does not vest in the Government by
operation of Section 3(b) of the Estates Act.

The relevant

portion reads:
A building in a gramanatham (or village habitation)
is protected from transfer of title to the Government both
under Section 18(1) of Madras Act XXVI of 1948 and
under the Madras Land Encroachment Act (III of 1905).
The title to a house site in a gramanatham is protected
from transfer to Government by the operation of Madras

Act III of 1905.

The same view was reiterated by the Madras High

Court itself recently through its judgment in The Executive
Officer, Kadathur Town Panchayat s case (2 supra).
On behalf of the respondents, reliance is placed upon
the judgment of this Court in Banne Gandhi and others vs.
District Collector, Ranga Reddy District


under the A.P. Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.

, which arose
Section 58(1)

thereof directs that all porambokes viz., grazing grounds,

threshing floors, burning and burial grounds, cattle stands,
carts tanks etc. vest in the Gram Panchayat. Sub-section (2)
thereof directs that the Government may, at any time, by
notification in the A.P.Gazzette, direct that any porambokes
referred to in sub-section (1) shall cease to vest in the
The Government initiated steps to issue house site
pattas over the land, which formed part of Gramakantam.
The same was challenged stating that Gramakantam vests in
the Grampanchayat and that the Government cannot grant
house site pattas in it. A learned Single Judge of this Court
held that there is no mention of Gramakantam in sub-section
(1) and thereby, the question of such lands vesting in the
Government does not arise.

That judgment cannot be

treated as an authority for the proposition that Gramakantam

vests in the Government. The scrutiny was restricted to the
question as to whether the Gramakantam vests in the
Gramapanchayat. Since the expression was not utilized in
sub-section (1) of Section 58, the question was answered in
the negative. That however would not lead to an inference,
much less a conclusion, that Gramakantam vests in the
Government. At any rate, the purport of Section (2) of the

Land Encroachment Act was not taken into account.

Therefore, the 3rd respondent was not justified in denying
compensation to the land, on which the houses were
constructed by the members of the petitioner-association.
Assuming that the Gramakantam vests in the
Government, there exists a tacit approval or assignment in
favour of the members of the petitioners enabling them to
construct houses. This is evident from the fact that houses
constructed by the members of the petitioner-association were
notified for acquisition. A house cannot exist in vacuum and
invariably it has to be on land.
Law does not permit
recognition of rights with regard to structures excluding the
land on which they were made. This approach runs contrary
to the purport of the definition of immovable property under
the Transfer of Property Act. The plot of land, on which the
construction is made to the knowledge, can be deemed to
have been assigned, particularly when the Government paid
compensation for the structure.
A Larger Bench of this Court in LAO-cum-RDO,
Chevella Division, Domalguda, Hyderabad v. Mekala
held that even where the land of assignee is

resumed to Government, ex gratia almost on par with the

market value, must be paid.
Apart from the reasons stated above, there exists an
act of discrimination on the part of the respondents.


petitioners have filed a copy of the award, dated 16.06.2011 in

respect of the houses in the neighbouring village of
Dadanpally, which too were acquired, for the purpose of same
project. The summary of the award reads that compensation
was awarded separately for the area of 10,799 square meters
at the rate of Rs.150/- per square meter and value of the



estimated at



awarded. Except stating that the case of the petitioner stands

on a different footing, the respondents did not justify the
differential treatment. Their action is violation Article 14 of the
Constitution of India.
For the foregoing reasons, the writ petition is allowed
and the 3rd respondent is directed to pass supplementary
award in respect of the land covered by the houses of the
members of the petitioner-association with all statutory
benefits, within a period of two months from the date of receipt
of a copy of this order.
The miscellaneous petition filed in this writ petition also
stands disposed of. There shall be no order as to costs.
Date: 09.07.2012
Note: L.R.Copy to be marked.



Writ Petition No. 553 of 2012

Date: 09.07.2012


1959(2) M.L.J. 513

2004(2) M.L.J. 708
2007(4) ALD 374
2004 (2) ALD 451 (LB)

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