Troy City Council Committee Meeting Notice Council Chambers, City Hall 100 S. Market Street, Troy, Ohio
Troy City Council Committee Meeting Notice Council Chambers, City Hall 100 S. Market Street, Troy, Ohio
Troy City Council Committee Meeting Notice Council Chambers, City Hall 100 S. Market Street, Troy, Ohio
Provide a recommendation to Council regarding authorizing the City of Troy to participate in the
ODOT bid for road salt. Emergency legislation is requested as ODOT requires a response by May 26.
Mr. Titterington
Mr. Kerber
Mr. Frigge
Department Heads
Chamber of Commerce
Patrick E. J. ntterington
That Council authorizes the City of Troy to participate in the 2016-17 winter bid of the Ohio
Department of Transportation (ODOT) for rock salt. Because of the May 26 deadline of ODOT for
participation, it is requested that emergency legislation be considered at a Special Meeting of Council
prior to May 26.
ODOT bids salt for the State's use. ODOT has invited municipalities to be included in their salt bids.
To be included, specific legislation must be enacted and presented to ODOT no later than May 26 so
that ODOT is aware of the quantities to be included in their bid. The ODOT deadline is prior to the
June 6 meeting of Council. ODOT plans to start their bidding process on May 31 for this bid.
While continuing to partner with SWOP4G, participation in the ODOT bid would permit the City to
potentially partner with the purchasing power of ODOT and SWOP4G to assure that Troy's salt
quantity needs are met and at the best possible price.
The 2016 Budget includes $80,000.00 split among the Street and State Highway Funds. The City is
requesting 600 tons of salt for the ODOT Winter Bid, which we anticipate will be sufficient to restock
rock salt used for the 2016-17 winter season.
That the City of Troy be authorized to participate in the ODOT cooperative purchasing program for
the purchase of rock salt for both the Winter Contract bids of ODOT. So that Troy can be included, it
is requested that a Special Meeting of Council be called to consider this as emergency legislation.
Mayor Beamish