The document discusses two pieces of legislation from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding infrastructure work in Troy, Ohio. The first is for maintenance of the SR 41 bridge over I-75, including replacing expansion joints and deck resurfacing, at no cost to the city. The second is for resurfacing portions of SR 55 and SR 41, with the city's estimated 20% share of $75,563.28. Emergency legislation is requested to approve both ODOT projects.
The document discusses two pieces of legislation from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding infrastructure work in Troy, Ohio. The first is for maintenance of the SR 41 bridge over I-75, including replacing expansion joints and deck resurfacing, at no cost to the city. The second is for resurfacing portions of SR 55 and SR 41, with the city's estimated 20% share of $75,563.28. Emergency legislation is requested to approve both ODOT projects.
The document discusses two pieces of legislation from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding infrastructure work in Troy, Ohio. The first is for maintenance of the SR 41 bridge over I-75, including replacing expansion joints and deck resurfacing, at no cost to the city. The second is for resurfacing portions of SR 55 and SR 41, with the city's estimated 20% share of $75,563.28. Emergency legislation is requested to approve both ODOT projects.
The document discusses two pieces of legislation from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding infrastructure work in Troy, Ohio. The first is for maintenance of the SR 41 bridge over I-75, including replacing expansion joints and deck resurfacing, at no cost to the city. The second is for resurfacing portions of SR 55 and SR 41, with the city's estimated 20% share of $75,563.28. Emergency legislation is requested to approve both ODOT projects.
Streets & Sidewalks Committee TROY CITY COUNCIL COMMITIEE MEETING NOTICE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL l 00 S. MARKET STREET, TROY, OHIO (Phillips [Chm.], Heath, Snee) 1. Provide a recommendation to Council regarding recommending consent legislation provided by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for ODOT to perform maintenance work on the SR 41 bridge over 1-75 during State FY 2019 at no cost to the City. Consideration of emergency legislation requested. 2. Provide a recommendation to Council regarding recommending consent legislation provided by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for ODOT to perform resurfacing work early in 2015 on portion of SR 55 from Franklin Street to Staunton Road including the Public Square and a section of SR 41 from the Public Square to Cherry Street. City would pay 20% of cost, estimated at $75,563.28. Consideration of emergency legislation requested. 7-16-2014 cc: Council Mayor Mr. Titterington Mr. Livingston Mr. Stickel Department Heads Chamber of Commerce Government Class Board of Education Media
TROY OHIO ii . . <"(',t,,,(,U1/io11
TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Mrs. Baker, President of Patrick E. J. Titterington r 1 V\J July 15, 2014 I Patrick E. J. Titterington 100 S. Market Street P. 0 . Box 3003 Troy, Ohio 45373 phone: (937) 335-1725 fax: (937) 339-8601 SUBJECT: ODOT CONSENT (PRELIMINARY) LEGISLATION, WORK ON SR 41 BRIDGE OVER INTERSTATE RECOMMENDATION: That Council approves the preliminary consent legislation provided by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding ODOT performing maintenance work on the SR 41 bridge over 1-75 during State FY 2019. BACKGROUND: ODOT has provided the City with consent legislation for maintenance of the bridge on SR 41 over 1-75. The work includes abutment work, new e.xpansion joints and backwalls, sealing concrete surfaces, and a concrete deck replacement. There is no cost to the City for this project, but consent is required. REQUESTED ACTION: It would be appreciated if you would assign to a Committee of Council approving the preliminary consent legislation for the above described resurfacing work. As is standard with ODOT, the legislation would be presented as an emergency measure. cc: Mayor Beamish D. Swan City of Troy Engineering Department TO: Patrick E.J. Titterington, Director of Public Service and Safety FROM: Deborah Swan, P.E., City Engineer SUBJECT: ODOT Preliminary Legislation PID #97796 DATE: July 15, 2014 Attached is a copy of the Preliminary Legislation for the above reference ODOT project. This project is for maintenance of the bridge on SR41 over Interstate 75. It will include new expansion joints, backwalls, sealing concrete surfaces and a concrete deck replacement. This project is expected to be completed in SFY 2019 and will be done at no cost to the City of Troy. Staff is requesting that legislation be prepared to approve this maintenance project. If any additional information is necessary, please let me know.
TROY OHIO <fel<'t zal ion
TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Mrs. Baker, President of Council Patrick E. J. Titterington July 15, 2014 Patrick E. J. Titterington l 00 S. Market Street P. 0 . Box 3003 Troy, Ohio 45373 phone: (937) 335- 1725 fax: (937) 339-8601 patrick.titteri SUBJECT: ODOT CONSENT (PRELIMINARY) LEGISLATION, SR 55 & SR 41 RESURFACING RECOMMENDATION: That Council approves the new preliminary consent legislation provided by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding ODOT doing work on SR 55 and SR 41 during State FY 2015. BACKGROUND: In September of 2011, Council approved R-45-2011 consenting to ODOT resurfacing projects in Troy during 2014. That work has been delayed into FY 2015. ODOT has now provided new consent legislation for the projects, which would be bid yet this year for work to be done early in 2015. The ODOT legislation would also rescind the prior legislation due to additional areas being added to the areas to be resurfaced. Those areas are: Portion of SR 55 from Franklin Street to Staunton Road, including the Public Square. A section of SR 41 from the Public Square to Cherry Street. The current ODOT estimate for the project is $377,816.40, with Troy's 20% share of $75,563.28. This is actually a lesser amount than the 2011 estimate. The amount of $78,300 was budgeted for this project. As is standard with ODOT, emergency legislation has been requested. ODOT also requests return of the preliminary legislation by August 1. It is anticipated that the final legislation for this work will be requested by ODOT prior to year end. REQUESTED ACTION: It would be appreciated if you would assign to a Committee of Council approving the preliminary consent legislation for the above described resurfacing work. Because of the pending bid date, ODOT requests the preliminary legislation be returned by August 1. cc: Mayor Beamish D. Swan TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Patrick E.J. Titterington, Director of Public Service and Safety Deborah Swan, P.E., City Engineer ODOT Preliminary Legislation PID #91802 of SR 55 from Franklin to Staunton, including the square July 15, 2014 Attached is a copy of the Preliminary Legislation for the above reference ODOT project. This project is the paving of SR 55 on the west side of town and then paving of SR 55 from Franklin to Staunton, including the square and SR 41 to Cherry Street. The project is estimated at $377,816.40, and the City's share is 20% or $75,563.28. This project also will rescind Resolution R-45-2011, as the description of the project has changed, and additional areas have been added. The legislation is to be retuned to ODOT no later than August 1, 2014 as this work will be bid this year and the work performed next spring. Staff is requesting that legislation be prepared to approve this paving project. If any additional information is necessary, please let me know.