Expt07 - Characteristics of Active Devices
Expt07 - Characteristics of Active Devices
Expt07 - Characteristics of Active Devices
Experiment 8
In this experiment, we will examine the characteristics of the two basic active devices used in electronic circuits the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) and the etal!"xide!#emiconductor $ield Effect Transistor ( "#$ET)% &nli'e the two!terminal passive devices studied in Experiment (, which could be characterised simpl) b) their terminal i!v behaviour, both these devices are active two!ports, and hence have to be represented b) appropriate controlled!source models% *s )ou will observe in this experiment, a BJT fits into the current!controlled current source (CCC#) model, while a "#$ET fits into the volta+e!controlled current source (,CC#) model% The two!port confi+urations for these devices in terms of their ph)sical terminals Collector (C), Base (B) and Emitter (E) for BJT, and -rain (-), .ate (.) and #ource (#) for "#$ET are shown in $i+% /%0% i0 ; v0 B E (a) pnp B ! C ; i1 v1 i0 ; v0 B E (") npn B ! C ; i1 v1 ; v0 . - ; i1 #ub v1 # ; v0 . - ; i1 #ub v1 # ($) p-channe# %&'(E!
oreover, these devices can be active onl) for one polarit) of each of the port variables% The polarities of the two!port volta+es and currents associated with these devices are +iven in Table /%0% ,ort 0aria"#e v+ i+ v2 npn B ! <ositive (vBE) <ositive (iB) <ositive (vCE) pnp B ! 3e+ative (iB) n-channe# %&'(E! 2 p-channe# %&'(E! 3e+ative (v.#) 2 3e+ative (v-#)
i2 <ositive (iC) 3e+ative (iC) <ositive (i-) 3e+ative (i-) !a"#e 8*+ .omenc#at-re an$ ,o#arities of the !/o-port 0aria"#es in B ! an$ %&'(E! The circuit )ou will use to displa) the output i!v characteristics of BJT and "#$ET is +iven in $i+% /%1% This is basicall) the same circuit )ou had used in Experiment (, with the addition of a potential divider consistin+ of two 02!' resistors and one 02!' potentiometer to provide the desired control input to the input port of the -&T, which is now a two!port% 3ote that the -&T control input is the current i0 for a BJT and the volta+e v0 for a "#$ET% *s in Experiment (, 4 5 0%22 ', and hence the opamp output volta+e vo (,) 5 i1 (m*), where i1 is the current flowin+ throu+h the output port of the -&T, assumin+ i066i1% Thus the setup +ives a displa) of i 1 versus v1 (i!v characteristic of the output port) for an) particular value of the -&T control input% ,art A* B ! I$entification an$ &-tp-t Characteristics +* Two BJTs C7022 and BC88( are +iven to )ou% 9ou have to identif) the t)pe (npn or pnp) of each of these two BJTs, and also the base terminal for each% The identification will be based on the propert) of a pn :unction that it has a low (up to a few hundreds of ohms) forward resistance and a hi+h (in the ran+e of hundreds or thousands of ') reverse resistance% The emitter and collector terminals cannot be identified b) simple measurements, and the) are indicated b) mar'in+s on the device% easure the resistances between different pairs of leads of each BJT b) the multimeter, ta'in+ two readin+s for each pair of terminals b) reversin+ the multimeter polarit)% * low resistance indicates that the red (;) terminal of the multimeter is connected to the p side of a pn :unction% "n the other hand, a hi+h resistance indicates that the multimeter is either connected across a pn :unction with the n side
connected to the red (;) terminal of the multimeter, or connected between the collector and emitter terminals of the transistor% 02%2 ' ;01, ; v4 i i0 0 ; 0%22' v0 v0D i1 i1 i1 4 ;01, D 1 ? ; ( @ C ; I(9) vo II(E); v1 $. C4"
01, of B !/%&'(E! (i)* 8*2 Circ-it for $isp#a1in) the o-tp-t i-v characteristics 01, D D 2* #et up the circuit +iven in $i+% /%1 without a -&T, followin+ the breadboard bus or+anisation done in Experiment (% #witch on the $. and the <ower #uppl), and set the $. controls to +ive a 022!=> sine wave with a pea'!to!pea' value of / ,% Clic' on the -!C "ffset control of the $. and ad:ust the -!C "ffset of the $. so that the minimum and maximum points of the $. output waveform are at /, and 2, respectivel)% Insert the pnp BJT as the -&T in the circuit of $i+% /%1 accordin+ to the port definition +iven in $i+% /%0(a)% *d:ust the potentiometer to obtain a proper collector!emitter i!v characteristic of the BJT% 3ote the re+ion of the characteristic where the curve becomes practicall) flat, indicatin+ a nearl) constant current i 1% 2* #et the potentiometer at five different points one b) one to obtain i15 0, 1, ?, @ and 8 m* in the flat re+ion of the characteristic, and measure the values of v 4 and v0 at each settin+ with the multimeter% 3ote that as v4 is the volta+e across a 0%22!' resistor carr)in+ current i 0, i0 (m*) 5 v4 (,)% ,erif) that the assumption i066i1 is valid% #'etch all the five curves on the same coordinates, labellin+ each curve b) the correspondin+ value of i 0% <lot the flat!re+ion value of i1 a+ainst i0 and verif) that a BJT indeed behaves li'e a linear CCC# with i 0 (5iB) as the control input% -etermine the value of the control parameter (5h10) of the BJT from the slope of this plot% 3* 4emove the pnp BJT from the position of the -&T and change the D-C Offset of the $. so that v1 is a sine wave havin+ minimum and maximum values eAual to 2, and ;/, respectivel)% 3ow insert the npn BJT as the -&T and repeat step ?% ,art B* %&'(E! &-tp-t Characteristic 5* 4emove the npn BJT from the -&T position and rechec' the waveform of v 1% 3ote that the "#$ET to be tested is not an isolated device, but is one of several "#$ET# formin+ part of a 0@!pin IC C-@22(% The "#$ET )ou are +oin+ to use is an n!channel device havin+ its .ate, #ource and -rain terminals available at pins ?, @ and 8 of the IC% *ll "#$ETs have a common substrate for all the n!channel "#$ETs in the ICB this substrate is brou+ht out at pin ( of this IC% Connect the "#$ET as the -&T, followin+ the two!port confi+uration +iven in $i+% /%0(c)% Connect the substrate (pin () to .round% 6* #et the potentiometer at five different points one b) one to obtain values of i15 2%1, 2%@, 2%C, 2%/ and 0 m* in the flat re+ion of the characteristic, and measure the values of v 0 at each settin+ with the multimeter% ,erif) that i 0 5 2, as +iven b) the value of v 4, for all values of v 0 and i1% #'etch all the five curves on the same coordinates, labellin+ each curve b) the correspondin+ value of v0, and verif) that the "#$ET does behave li'e a ,CC# with v 0 (5v.#) as the control input for a "#$ET% <lot the flat!re+ion value of i 1 a+ainst v0 and note the difference between the control action of a BJT and that of a "#$ET%