Fixed Bias Circuits Fig. 1 (A) Fig. 1 (B) : CC CC C C
Fixed Bias Circuits Fig. 1 (A) Fig. 1 (B) : CC CC C C
Fixed Bias Circuits Fig. 1 (A) Fig. 1 (B) : CC CC C C
: EEE 212 EXPERIMENT NO.: 05 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: STUDY OF BJT BIASING CIRCUITS. OBJECTIVE To establish the proper operating point an to st! " the stabilit" o# the operating point $ith respe%t to %hanging in i##erent biasing %ir%!its. EQUIPMENTS n&p&n transistor 'C()(*BC+,(.,,/ potentio0eter resistors DC 0i%ro0eter 0!lti0eter Trainer boar CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 5CC6+.5 IC 7 5RC .,,4 IB ! 5B8 & ! 5C8 & +,4 RC612, .,,4 IB ! 5B8 & ! 5C8 & 5RC RC612, 7 IC 5CC6+.5 one pie%e ea%h one pie%e 12, .3, +,4 ,&+,,A one !nit one !nit
Fig. 1(a)
5CC6+.5 IC ! .,,4 5RC RB IB ! 5B8 & +,4 R86.3, R86.3, 7 5C8 5CC6+.5 ! .,,4 500K RB IB 7 5B8 5RC RC612, IC
7 5C8 &
Fig. 2(a)
Fig. 2(b)
St! ent 0!st per#or0 the #ollo$ing %al%!lations be#ore %o0ing to the lab +. For the %ir%!it sho$n in Fig. +'a- an )'a-* #in e9pressions #or IC: an 5C:. PROCEDURE +. ;eas!re the <al!e o# R% $ith 0!lti0eter an re%or . ). Constr!%t the #i9e bias %ir%!it $ith C()( transistors as sho$n in Fig. +'a-. A =!st .,,4 potentio0eter !ntil 5C8 is appro9i0atel" e>!al to 5CC?). ;eas!re 5C8* 5B8* 5RC an IB. IC %an be %al%!late #ro0 5RC an RC . @. Repla%e C()( b" C()A /eeping 5CC an .,,4 potentio0eter #i9e at <al!es set in step+. ;eas!re 5C8 5B8 5RC an IB. 1. Constr!%t the #i9e bias %ir%!it $ith C()( transistors as sho$n in Fig. +'b-. Repeat step ) an @. .. Constr!%t the sel# bias %ir%!it $ith C()( transistors as sho$n in Fig. )'a-. Repeat step ) an @. 3. Constr!%t the sel# bias %ir%!it $ith C()( transistors as sho$n in Fig. )'b-. Repeat step ) an @.
REPORT +. Co0pare the %ir%!its o# Fig. +'a- an +'b- $ith respe%t to stabilit" against <ariation in an =!sti#" "o!r ans$er. ). Co0pare the %ir%!its o# Fig. )'a- an )'b- $ith respe%t to stabilit" against <ariation in an =!sti#" "o!r ans$er. @. Co0pare the stabilit" o# #i9e bias %ir%!its $ith that o# sel# bias %ir%!its. 1. Dis%!ss the stabilit" o# #i9e bias an sel# bias %ir%!its against <ariation in te0perat!re. .. Deter0ine #ro0 the 0eas!re <al!es o# %!rrents. Using this <al!e #or an 0eas!re <al!e o# BB* %al%!late 5C8: an IC: #or prelab e9pressions. Co0pare ha %al%!late <al!es $ith e9peri0ental ones.