July 2014

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New Club Benefit

Now You Can Payroll Deduct

Your Purchases!
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The Club has joined forces with PayCheck Direct
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For More Information,

please contact:
Arlene Herrero
(800) 464-0452 x 103


Member Eligibility:
1. You must be an active member of the Club in good standings with at least 6 months of payroll deduction.
2. You must be an active or retired City or DWP employee.
3. You must be 18 years of age.
4. You must not have any outstanding balances on previous purchase programs.
PayCheck Direct is currently not available to LA County, State of CA, or LAUSD Club members.

Enroll today at CityEmployeesClub.com


$25 per player - 3 to 5 players per team

Santa Monica Beach
1200 PCH, Lot 3 North
BILL BRINGAS (805) 660-7473
Proceeds benefit

Best Team Name!

Best Costume!




Entries must be received by Wednesday, September 17th, 2014.

Winner Need Not be Present to Win

Participants will receive ticket stubs by mail prior to event


First Name:


Last Name:

Card Holders Address: Home

Card Holders Phone:







Discover Credit Card No:

Exp. Date:

*CVV2 No:

Check Enclosed (Payable to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund)

2 July 2014


MAIL TO: Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund

Development & Marketing Department. ATTN: J. Brandolino PO Box 41903 - Los Angeles CA 90041
(3 2 3 ) 2 5 9 - 5 2 1 5



JULY 2014

NO. 11

Keeping the Spirit Alive

A venue change and last minute date adjustment dont

hamper the intense competition or the friendly firehouse
camaraderie of the 2014 Lane Kemper Softball Classic . . . . . 06

Five Days of Friendship and Fun

This years LAFRA Reunion at the Pechanga Resort in

Temecula is bigger and better than ever as scores of active
and retired LAFD members gather to relax and reconnect .. . . 10

Elite California USAR Teams Train in LA

The 2014 Western Region Multi-Task Force exercise (MOBEX)

is a real time deployment designed to test the effectiveness
of the USAR response system within our state . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Presidents Message ................................................................................05
Battalion News ..........................................................................................14
Retired Guys .............................................................................................35
Department in Action ................................................................................36
Captain Promotion Ceremony
48 new captains receive their badges .....................................................40
Station Fridge ...........................................................................................42
LAFD Handball
Carlos and Steiner spring doubles champs .............................................43
Chaplains Corner
We are here for you ...............................................................................45
Retirement Dinner Announcement ............................................................47
Mailbox .....................................................................................................48
Memorials .................................................................................................50

On the cover: Traffic Accident - West Hills

Photo by: Gavin Kaufman, FS 84

Dollars & Sense

Do you need rental car insurance? ........................................................51
LAFD History
1938 Malibu brush fire ...........................................................................53
Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................56

Follow us on Facebook


Classifieds ................................................................................................58
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.


Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.

No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

July 2014 3

owned and published by the

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association

815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, Los angeles CA 90041

Future and
Current Paramedics:
YOU should be HERE.
Paramedic Education course starts January 2015 Application & entrance exam deadline is July 25th
Current Paramedics:
PARAMEDIC REFRESHER/California Paramedic Transition
Course is Nov 17-20, 2014. Registration now open.

Other courses for EMTs & Paramedics:

Paramedic Prep, PHTLS, ACLS, PALS, EMT Recert,
1 12-Lead EKG with STEMI, on-line EMT, and more.
UCLA Center for Prehospital Care
10990 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1450, Los Angeles 90024
310-267-5959/ e-mail: cpc@mednet.ucla.edu


Dave Wagner Editor..........................................................editor@lafra.org
Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Coordinator................jcsanchez@lafra.org
Eric Santiago Creative Editor.....................................esantiago@lafra.org
David Vienna Web/Social Media Editor...........................dvienna@lafra.org
DisplayAdvertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260


Katherine Main, Brian Humphrey, Erik Scott


Mike Mastro, Frank Borden, David Vienna,

Jody Houser, Michael Stefano, Monte Egherman, Steve Ruda


Ryan Babroff, David Blaire, Doc DeMulle, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Gavin Kaufman, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin, Laura Lichter.


Juan Albarran........................................................President
Robert Steinbacher .......................................Vice-President
Andrew Kuljis ........................................................Secretary
Barry Hedberg
Chris Hart
Chris Stine
Craig White
David Lowe
David Ortiz

David Peters
Doak Smith
Frank Hernandez
Gene Bednarchik
James E. Coburn
Jeff Cawdrey
Mark Akahoshi

Rick Godinez
Steve Berkery
Steve Ruda
Steve Tufts
Steven Domanski
Tim Larson


To contact a chaplain,
Please call the MFC Floor Captain
at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain
Roger Fowble......................Chaplain

Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Rick A. Godinez..............Sr. Chaplain
Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Craig Poulson.....................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290
Todd Layfer Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Marlene Casillas Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Becky Valverde Human ResourcesAdministrator......(323) 259-5247
Todd Layfer Controller/Treasurer........................(323) 259-5243
Bob Dillon Operations Manager...............................(323) 259-5233
Ana Salazar Member Services Coordinator..............(323) 259-5223
HealthSCOPE Benefits

Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA

THE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens
Relief Association, 815 Colorado Blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, Cal or ia 90041. Annual $24 Subscription
if n
included with Association mem er hip; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6
b s
postpaid. Pe i d als post ge paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POST AS ER: Send
r o ic
ad ress changes to: THE FIREMENS GRAPE INE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An ees, CA 90041.
g l
Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas i ed and Display Ad erisng rates please call (323)
s fi
v t i
259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the
month of pubi aion. The opinons ex ressed heren are those of the writ rs and do not nec s ary reflect
lc t
e s il
the official views of the Los An ees City Fire De art ent or the Los An ees Firemens Relief Association.
g l
p m
g l

4 July 2014

Hello Again Here we are in July and 2014 is flying by
at an unbelievable speed.

Last month we provided an overview of Relief Medical
Plan changes which took place on July 1, 2014. Please refer to
your LAFRA website to answer any questions you might have
prior to contacting Member Services. You will be automatically
re-directed to the Health Scope Benefits site, our health plan manager. Just click on the member button, then type in LAFRA
for the company name. In the Member Self-Service section you
will find a tutorial, information on how to read an EOB or understanding your ID card, plus access to your claim status, eligibility
status, a listing of network providers and more.

LAFRA Staff and our membership have been extremely
busy recently. The LAFRA Reunion at Pechanga was a great success! Many of the old guard showed up, as well as new attendees. The highlights involved food and wine. We broke bread as
a group on Tuesday and Wednesday in the Club House. We had
110 eaters on Wednesday and a good time was had by all. The
wine tasting tour was a also a big hit! Apparently there was a
pact made that what happened on the trolley, stayed on the trolley. This was obvious because everyone came back laughing and
tired, but was mum about what had taken place. Come and join
us next year!

The Lane Kemper Softball Classic was held on May 21,
2014. The event started with 21 teams. In the end, Fire Station
33 came out victorious, Congratulations Tre-Tre!

On June 5, 2014, the 17th Annual Hope for
Firefighters Event was held downtown. We would like
to thank everyone involved in making this the great
success that it was. Special thanks to Steve Robinson
and Heather Ross for their continued passion for this
event that benefits our Widows & Orphans Fund.

This past month the LAFRA Scholarships
were presented to the well deserving winners. The
awardees represent our future - and the future is in
good hands. Special thanks to Rick Godinez, Becky
Valverde and Steve Ruda.

If you have a need of a Chaplain, please contact the on-duty Metro Fire Communications Floor
Captain at (213) 576-8920. These very able officers
will reach out any time of day and assist you in this

matter. The number is also listed on the Grapevine masthead on

page four of every Grapevine issue under the Chaplain Roster.

Your Relief Association provides nudges in many areas. This time I would like to give everyone a good solid push.
Please have your beneficiary forms accurate and up-to-date. This
must be maintained with all of the other associated agencies.

Prepare a Trust! If you allow things to go to probate, you
are giving the State of California your hard earned assets. Your
assets should be directed to where you want them to go. Protect
yourself and your family. Take advantage of the $600 trust preparation benefit to help accomplish this.
Take care of each other.

Juan Albarran
Remember to save the date for the LAFRA Golf Tournament on
September 22, 2014!

Look for coverage of the 2014 Hope for

Firefighters event in next months issue.

July 2014 5

6 July 2014

ike the federal government, LAFD management has taken a beating lately for
things that it has or hasnt done . . . or
said it will or will not do . . . from those who
have to carry out the tasks at hand. And like
true Americans, LAFD members cowboy-up
with the given tools, training and time, and endeavor to do the right thing. During the recent
Captain I badge pinning ceremony held at the
Firefighters Museum, the Fire Chief identified
the two things firemen hate most:
1) They dont like change
2) They dont like the way things are.

True that! From there he went on to
challenge the newest wave of LAFD officers to
do the right thing - lead by example and advocate the mission of the department. Oh yeah,
dont forget the wants and needs of your crew,
whims of your B/C, the political correctness of
the department and city managers and the public who demand and deserve professional service. I wonder what Lane Kemper thinks when
he looks down on the circus?

On May 21, 2014 the annual Lane
Kemper Softball Classic took place. Hope-

more play time which translated into more fun

and camaraderie and a fair shot at advancing.
For the powerhouse teams, the formula was
simple - just keep scoring more runs than the
other team and show up for the next game.

There were around 25 teams from all
areas of the city and MFC, although the North
Division stations were markedly under represented. Interestingly, there was a confirmed
sighting of the highest ranking officer in the
Valley rubbing shoulders with the workers.
Nice gesture, chief. Thanks.

Obviously, some teams came to win
while others seemed content to simply enjoy a
taste of friendly firehouse fun without interference from any book, memo or directive. Competition this year was intense with no surprises
in the late rounds of play. 46s, 15s, 64s and
33s showed plenty of grit late in the day. The
all- Battalion 13 final four resulted in last years
champs 46s being eliminated by 33s. Then,
perennial favorite 15s lost a heartbreaker in the
semifinal which left the young, strong teams
from 64s and 33s to duke it out in the championship game. It was close and hard fought but
fully, when Lane looks down on the one day
we set aside for fun and camaraderie, with a
little charity on the side, he smiles and gives
us a thumbs up. Lanes legacy lives on in the
softball tourney that bears his name and the
firefighting techniques he developed and promoted in his training seminars. Lane had his
beefs with the establishment and some of its
characters but never let them hinder his passion
for living, helping someone in need or having
fun with his fire department friends. This is
the spirit we aim to keep alive by continuing
the day of fun in the form of the Lane Kemper
Softball Classic. That being said, lets recap the
festivities and thank the folks who helped make
it happen.

The biggest hiccup this year was
the date change. Remember that thing about
firemen hating change? Well, the decision
wasnt made lightly. And there was plenty of
logistical shuffling to get it to happen. But
you all stepped up, again, and the end result
was a much cooler day for competition and
less teams defaulting due to LAFD extreme
weather deployment issues. As it happened, we
only had one team less than originally planned.
Thanks for being flexible and thanks to the
teams who donated lost entry fees to Widows
and Orphans.

Other changes this year included
a new complex and playing two fun games,
giving everyone a chance to play at the main
venue prior to elimination. The new fields
worked out well with a central area suited
for refreshment, rest and the raffle. Unseen
to the players was the extreme difficulty trying to bracket the competition with an uneven
number of teams and without full team rosters
ahead of time. Hopefully, everyone got a little

July 2014 7

only one team can be the winner and this year

the trophy and bragging rights go to 33s. Congratulations. Its good to be young and strong!
Just remember that thing about firemen and
change. P.S. The cooler over the coach thing
needs a little work.

Hopefully the Lane Kemper Softball
Classic 2014 was a healthy dose of fun and
camaraderie for all. Now is the time to thank
those who helped make it happen. Lane always
shunned the spotlight but was gracious and appreciative of those who helped him. There is a
lot of effort behind the scenes and preliminary
work that goes into the event and many people
are responsible for its success. The list is long
and there is no way to thank everyone by name
but certain people who volunteer their time and
energy and talents and property to keep the tradition alive need to be acknowledged.

Arguably, the biggest challenge is
keeping the troops fed and hydrated. Again,
Mark Curry did a stellar job coordinating the
tactical task force of BBQs and producing
mass quantities of great tasting grub. Thanks
also to Greg Pascola and Eric Stephens for
your equipment and services and all those who
helped serve. The other huge challenge is getting quality umpires to come out and risk life
and limb while making accurate and unbiased
judgement calls without having to invoke the
no guff rule. Thank you all for your bravery, especially ironmen Doak Smith and Craig
Fletcher for staying to the end.

By far, the most extra-curricular activity surrounds the raffle which is the passion
of Valerie Lawrence. She is assisted by Mona
Romas and Rebecca Stephens with tons of help
from the LAFRA staffers and others. From the
tens or hundreds of dollars raised in the old
days we now contribute many thousands of
dollars to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemens Fund. And the quality and quantity
of raffle prizes increases each year.

Thank you, Valerie.

Thank you to Galloway and First
Investors for your generous donation and support.

Thank you, Jennifer Frain for your
beautiful rendition of the National Anthem.

Thank you, Hoy Talbott for your support and generous donations.

Thank you, Mona and Steve Romas,
again for allowing us to impose on your family
and home for support and storage.

Thanks, Bill Bringas for keeping the
dream alive.

Thank you, Keith Bandy for agreeing
to carry the torch for a while. Have you any
clue how arduous a journey your groomingby-Bringas will be? You may begin recruiting
helpers, just be wary of personal friends and

THANK YOU! To all who
participated in the Lane Kemper Softball
Classic 2014.

8 July 2014

he atmosphere at the tournament

this year was one of camaraderie,
with cheers and applause ringing
out constantly. It was just the way Lane
Kemper would have wanted it, as mentioned by organizer Bill Bringas in his
opening address. Lane Kemper, his main
goal was really just to get the guys together
and have fun. And thats what were trying
to do. And on top of that, were just trying
to give a little money back to the Widows
& Orphans Fund. And that is our Widows
& Orphans Fund. He also took time to
thank the two big sponsors for this years
event, Galloway Asset Management and
First Investors.

As strong as the spirit of competition is among firefighters, those present
knew that they were playing for far more
than just a place in the rankings. The Widows & Orphans cause was a particularly
important one for player, Al Camacho from
MFC. My wife died four years ago. The
Widows & Orphans was there to help me
out when I needed help. So its definitely a
good thing to have. You dont think youre
going to need it until something happens.
After about sixteen years on the job, my
wife passed away and by them being there
. . . thats a great feeling.

With the last minute date change
for the event, a few teams had to drop out.
23s and 69s couldnt field a team, so FF/
PM Al Naeole from 23s hooked up instead
with his old partners from the 114s/90s
squad. The only reason they let me play
was so I could be their scapegoat, remarked Naole. If I played poorly or got
hurt they could blame the loss on me.
Al brought along his wife Jen as his own
personal cheering section. Its just fun to
come out here and watch the guys play,
said Jen with a smile. No one plays too
hard and they all are having a good time. I
just hope Al doesnt get hurt, she added.

All in all, it was a day of sportsmanship and fun in the name of a very
worthy cause. The Widows, Orphans and
Disabled Firemens Fund is grateful to the
firefighters who come out to play year after
year. In our eyes, youre all winners.

July 2014 9

he epicenter of the 2014 LAFRA

Reunion was the clubhouse at the
Pechanga Resort & Casino. In addition to the formal gatherings held here,
members could be found congregated
around the folding tables from the crack
of dawn until late into the night coffee
mugs or beer bottles in hand, retelling old
stories and sharing new ones. The only
complaints came from the clean-up crew
the B.S. was so deep they had to wear
knee-high rubber boots and use scoop
shovels! But - as you have read in these
pages many, many times a good time
was had by all!

It turns out that the Pechanga
venue is really the perfect spot for an
LAFD event. There were as many folks
who brought their homes on wheels as
there were staying at the hotel. And with

10 July 2014

the location relatively close to all of SoCal, others were able to just stop by and
visit for a day or night.

The activities commenced on
Monday, May 19th with a get-together
reception at the clubhouse. The next morning, representatives from LAFRA member
services and your Medical Plan were on
hand to answer questions and provide the
personalized service youve come to expect. Reps from Firefighters First Credit
Union (you know them the rebranded
LA Firemens C.U.) and our pension
department were also in the house to assist
members. A hosted pizza, beer and wine
party topped off the day.

Wednesday was time for the
Wine Trolley Tour of the surrounding
Temecula Valley AVA. For wine aficionados, the mission padres first made wine

in California at San Juan Capistrano. The

tradition still exists today just a few miles
east in Temecula, where mission vineyards
were established in 1820.

So it was only fitting that the first
stop of the tour was Old Town Temecula,
which sprung up in 1882 as a whistle stop
when the railroad finally found its way

through the valley. After a hearty lunch,

the tour continued with stops at three wineries. Known for its diversity, wineries in
the Temecula Valley grow and produce
more than 50 different varietals of wine;
from Cabernet Sauvignon to Sauvignon
Blanc, and Merlot to Mourvedre.

Dinner that night was again at
the clubhouse. The BBQ buffet was hosted by your Relief Association. Nobody
went away hungry, with Dukes Mesquite
Broiler stepping up and whipping up a
delicious meal of BBQ chicken and
smoked tri-tip. The crowd was going
through the food so fast, Steve Domanski
ran back into town to get a second load of
the delicious meats.

Rich and Joyce Howe just happened to be celebrating their 36th wedding
anniversary the evening of the FREE BBQ
buffet (with FREE beer and wine) and
Rich wasnt about to miss this opportunity. With the money he saved on a romantic
dinner and cocktails, he said he was going to buy Joyce a new vacuum cleaner to
celebrate the occasion. Congratulations to
you both!

Thursday dawned slightly overcast but the balmy weather was perfect for
a day on the links. Reservations had been
made for our duffers on Pechangas Journey course. Journey is built on a portion
of Pechangas ancestral land that has been
their home for countless generations.
This land is also home to The Great Oak
one of the largest natural-growing, indigenous coast, live oak trees in the United
States and estimated to be anywhere from
850 to 1,500 years old.

The green grass, great oaks and
mountain air were having their effect on
Tim Larson as he plied the fairways. He
was really feeling the Native American
spirits. So when he saw that a Great White
Heron had caught a fish in one of the small
July 2014 11

lakes, he wanted to do the same. Tim always carries a fishing rod in his golf bag
(doesnt everyone??) and he quickly set
his bait. On his very first cast, before the
lure had even hit the water, a 12 inch bass
jumped up and snagged the hook.

Only problem was Tim had overlooked the need for a tribal fishing license.
And on the reservation justice is swift
Tim was detained, booked and before the
magistrate within an hour. He thought he
would get off easy when he discovered
that the judge was his old buddy Bob Two
Bears Munoa. But Tim was on his knees,
begging for mercy like a first-house rookie
when he saw how much the fine was. Sorry I cant tell you how this all turned out
because of the gag order imposed by Judge
Large Bear.

On Thursday evening, everyone
met in the hotel for the Pechanga Buffet
an all new dining adventure that awaits
the hungry. We were told that the buffet
features an all new menu with 250 fresh
items and action stations. There were a
couple of old truckmen there that did at
least sample all 250 items!

It was back to the clubhouse after
dinner for some, but many wandered into
the casino to try their luck. I saw a few
small jackpots being collected at the machines, some lively action at the craps (no
dice) table and learned one valuable lesson If you cant win with 20, just walk
away from the table.

When all was said and done,
the 2014 LAFRA Reunion was a rousing
success. Many thanks to the hard work
of Juan Albarran. Bob Steinbacher, Tim
and Wendy Larson, and Steve and Chris
Domanski. One thing I did hear over and
over again was members saying, Were
going to have to tell our friends so they
can come next year. So pass the word
along and well see you next year.

12 July 2014

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may

cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.
Paid Advertisement:

July 2014 13

Companies deploy for

a jumper at 429 E 5th
Street on 5/24/14.
Photo by Yvonne Griffin

Engine 10 was deployed

with a strike team that
went to San Diego in May.
Photo by Steve Gentry

14 July 2014

What Is The...

Extinguisher Fund?

The brain child of Ted Bailie,

retired from the LAFD and LAFRA,

your stations Extinguisher Fund is a
simple way to collect donations for the
Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund. Ted saw the accumulation
of change that the cook dumped into
the mess fund box each shift and had a
better idea. If this change was instead
collected for the WODFF he figured it
could really add up. With an average of
50 cents per day per station, in a year
there would be . . . well, you can do the

9s and 10s, along with the entire LAFD, participated in the Fill-The-Boot campaign to support the fight against Muscular Dystrophy on May 7-9, 2014.
Photos by Yvonne Griffin

So take your turn in the cooking

rotation and remember to drop all your

change into your stations extinguisher.
There should be one in every firehouse.
And any loose change in your pockets,
any that you find in the TV chairs, or
hoarded in the ashtray of your vehicle
can be thrown in for good measure.

The Widows, Orphans & Dis-

abled Firemens Fund is the heart of

the Relief Association. This fund provides assistance to our firefighters and
families who are faced with personal
difficulties and tragedies. Donations are
the sole means of support for this Fund.





to protect the community on a daily

basis. Thus, they and their families can
Companies extinguished an
attic fire on Baldwin Street in
Lincoln Heights on 5/20/14.
Photos by Adam Van Gerpen

be comforted in knowing that the Fire

Department Family, supported by the
Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund, is there for them in times
of need.

July 2014 15

ANDORRA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT is a Registered Investment Advisor providing independent

financial advisory services to Deferred Compensation and DROP participants.

An Investor Alert

We are a trusted investment advisor

and wealth manager to our clients.
For more information about using a
financial advisor on Charles Schwabs
institutional platform, please visit:
As a Registered Investment Advisor,
Andorra utilizes Charles Schwabs
Self Directed Brokerage Option
available in the citys Deferred
Compensation plan. This allows our
clients to keep their funds within the
citys plan, while having an independent advisor oversee their assets.

Paid Advertisement:

To be your advisor on Deferred
Compensation, DROP and retirement issues. We strive to grow our
clients assets by effectively reducing overall risk through strategic
asset allocation and a disciplined
investment process. We tailor our
strategy to each clients risk profile
and investment objective.

16 July 2014


Participants in the City of LAs Fire Police Pension System

(LAFPP) are blessed with a very generous retirement system.
Now of course we have to put our time in, but if we choose to go
the distance to retirement we can receive 50% - 90% of our Final
Average Salary (FAS). For most firemen or police officers this will
be a sufficient income to support a very comfortable retirement.
PLUS the vast majority of plan participants are contributors to the
Citys Deferred Compensation Plan (DC) and additionally participate in the DROP Program. So, a healthy pension plus DROP and
DC assets can ad up to retirement income that can equal or exceed
your FAS. This leads to a point Im trying to convey with this
article. Given the previously mentioned factors the proposition
that someone suggests you purchase an annuity with your DROP
or DC assets seems very suspect.
To further support the statement that annuities usually arent best
suited for investors with a large pension, some background information is in order. Annuities broadly fall into two categories: fixed and
variable. Within these two groups they are typically either immediate
or deferred. Quickly this is where confusion gains momentum and
the financial wordsmiths come out in full force. Terms like Variable
Annuity, Equity Indexed Annuity, Life Annuity and Indexed Annuities are thrown at potential investors. FINRA (the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) has issued an Investor Alert regarding
Equity-Indexed Annuities (EIAs) titled Variable Annuities: Beyond
the Hard Sell. Further, the SEC has weighed in also with an Investor
Bulletin on Indexed Annuities that outlines many factors that are
typically not discussed with prospective purchasers of these insurance
products. Annuities have gained in popularity after investors have
witnessed two significant bear markets in recent years. But, most
individuals sold these insurance products (which is what they are as
an advisor must hold an insurance license to sell these products) are
frequently not informed of an annuitys high sales fees, lockup periods
and from FINRA a variable annuity with a tax-deferred account..may
not be a good idea. For more information go to: www.finra.org.

| Tel. 562.433.1400 | kurt@ai-mgmt.com

5941 Naples Plaza, Long Beach, CA 90803 Fax 562.683.2683

Fire Service Day at Fire

Station 44 on May 10, 2014.
Photos by Yvonne Griffin

July 2014 17

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18 July 2014

Engine 51 and Rescue 51 handle

an EMS call at Dockweiler Beach
on 5/17/14.
Photos by Yvonne Griffin

Ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel
or 63s kitchen

While FS 63 is only the second oldest firehouse in the city, the kitchen table there
may very well be the oldest piece of furniture
still in use at any station. But thanks to Rosie

Tos, local artist and wife of Eric V. Johnson

from FS 63, the 16 foot long, more than 100
year old table recently received a facelift and
is sporting a new look. Rosie has created

artistic pieces for a

number of firehouses and wanted
to have the table at
63s finished before
annual inspection.
According to Rosie,
There was an
amazing response
from all the captains and the chiefs! And the
Venice community was also very impressed
when the table was displayed at 63s annual
pancake breakfast.

July 2014 19

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General Announcement
in accordance with the provisions of California Corporations Code
Section 25102(n)


a California Corporation
is conducting a private offering of

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at $1.00 per Share
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Firemans Brew, Inc. was born from the vision of two Los Angeles based firefighters after extinguishing a
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will be accepted. An indication of interest made by a prospective purchaser shall involve no obligation or
commitment of any kind. No sales will be made or commitment to purchase accepted until five business days
after delivery of a disclosure statement and subscription information to the prospective purchaser in accordance
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20954 Osborne St.
Canoga Park, CA 91304
Telephone: (818) 341 0343
Email: investors@firemansbrew.com

*We may waive such minimum at our sole discretion.

20 July 2014

San Pedro Rotary

Club Honors

Its been a while since youve heard
from Battalion 6, but we like it that way.
Much has happened, so if I forget to mention
anything, I apologize.

First, lets say goodbye to those who
have retired from the Department - some are
recent, some are old, and Im sure Ill forget to
mention someone because there are so many.
So long to Captains OGorman, Valencia,
Schneider. Goff and Sebourn, Firefighters
Page and Escamilla. Have a good and long

Congratulations to all the
new captains on the recent promotions. From 38s - Eng Smith,
40s - Eng Svorinich, 48s - FF L.
Kemp, and 85s - Eng DiScala.
Good luck guys, I know youre
gonna do well, but in todays
climate, youre gonna need it!

From 36s - It seems like
they dont make em like they used
to. The two members with the least
amount of time on the job are both
off ID. With all the old guys there,
youd expect them to be the last to
be off, but I guess they dont make
em like they used to.

From 38s - Theyre still
the house of complainers. It seems
that some members of 38s wanted
House Dues to pay for a $3,500
item, so they put it up to vote.
What was that item? A super-large
screen HDTV that they cant watch
because theyre too busy? Some
tool or equipment to make life
easier? NO! Somebody wanted
new BLINDS! (Isnt that the
Citys responsibility?) For $3,500!
Can you believe that? Of course it was voted
down. Maybe if they were still a Task Force
with an RA and 800 they might have a slim
chance, but with just an Engine and Rescue?
Not a chance. Whats the assessment for six
members, more than $200 each? I guess they
have Beverly Hills taste over there.

From 40s - Theyre still there and
no ones saying anything.

From 48s - Not much to say, except
were all sorry for the members working the
only 800 that serves the Harbor area.

Thats a photo of Greg Newland,
Captain II at 48-A being awarded LAFD
Firefighter of the Year Award by the San
Pedro Rotary Club. The Rotary Clubs Community Heroes Awards Dinner was held at
the Doubletree Hotel in San Pedro on May 22,
2014. Battalion Chief Graham Everett stepped
up to present the award.

From 49s, 112s and the rest of the
Boats - Zzzzzzzzzzz

From 85s - Theyre still Hateyfives. Cant we all just get along?

From 101s - Well, it seems 101s is
Fire City. Theyve had a few structures, and
a Major at the Elks Lodge. Story goes, after
2-3 hours of fire fight, a certain B/C sent a
Battalion 13 company in to put the remaining
fire out. Never mind that Battalion 6 companies had been there ALL NIGHT, and saved
the sanctuary and all the valuables in it, with a
very poor water supply. Never mind that most
of the roof had already caved in, and residual
fire was hidden inside an unsafe area. I guess
the Harbor guys get no respect, but send in
the Battalion 13 company to complete the job.
Even after they were warned, they said The
chief told us to do it. So, they threw a ladder
to a free-standing wall, the roof was gone, and
while everyone was using a 2 1/2 inch line,
they came in with an 1 1/2 inch line. Unfortunately, they had to retreat and came back with
their tails between their legs. Hey, we may be
old down here, but we got experience. How
does that song go? We aint as good as we
once was, but were good once, as we ever

See you next time, when you come
down for drilling on the boats.
Send all your news and photos to:

On May 18, 2014, LAFD and LAPD held an evacuation exercise

in Mandeville Canyon, followed by a community safety fair.
Photos by Juan Guerra, juanguerra.smugmug.com

July 2014 21

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22 July 2014

Brent Ruff recently received his wings at FS 114.

Photos by Dave Peters

Eric Rice gets his wings from the Fire Chief.

Photos by Dave Peters

Gib Martin at 109s

wears the proper PPE
while preparing for
Hope for Firefighters

July 2014 23

Task Force 11 members exit 601 So Figueroa Street

after determining it was a false alarm on 5/28/14.
Photo by Yvonne Griffin

Truck 26 overhauls the roof of 4015

Dalton Ave on 5/14/14.
Photo by Yvonne Griffin

LF 75 handled a T/A with fire at Paxton

St and the 5 freeway on 5/24/14.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN

A Jeep rear-ended an MTA bus

on Van Nuys Blvd on 5/17/14.
Photos by Greg Doyle

24 July 2014

Paid Advertisement:

Five companies extinguished this grass fire along the

405 freeway near Orion St. on 5/13/14.
Photo by David Doc DeMulle, The Foothills Paper,
Greg Doyle and Juan Guerra

July 2014 25

Paid Advertisement:

26 July 2014

Greetings from the battalion that never sleeps!

First off, congratulations to all the
teams that participated in this years Annual Lane Kemper Softball Tournament. As
always, its a great opportunity for camaraderie and sportsmanship. Some teams brought
their lucky bats, some brought mascots, and
most brought the inevitable strike out shirt.
Although, I hear that one player from 2s
eschewed the strike out shirt for strike out sunglasses . . . uhhhh, this just in, I was just told
that those hideous white sunglasses were his
normal eye wear. Moving on, after a long day
on multiple diamonds, the championship was
set to be decided between 33s and 64s. Everything was set: rosters were ready, and everybody - well most everybody on these teams
- was going to play for the final game. In the
end, after a tough and well-played game, 33s
eked out a win with a score of 8-7. A final
picture was taken with the 1st and 2nd place
teams together and I hear that the guys from
33s were nice enough to let Casey Stevens
and Mike Correy be in the picture even though
they wouldnt let them play. Congrats again
to all the teams that played and especially to
our Battalion 13 reps from 33s and 64s . . .
#badnewsbears #playtowinatallcosts #strikeoutshades #worselookingthanastrikeoutshirt

Congratulations to all the recently
promoted Captain 1s and the most recent recruit class. Both deserve a long awaited way
to go. I know that both will have an opportunity to relieve a little, tiny, eencie amount of
pressure from all the vacancies in those ranks,
so hopefully they take this chance to work a
bit more and outside of their comfort zone to
get a tad more experience. Its not always the
easiest thing to do, but its usually the right
thing to do.

So far this spring . . . summer? has
started off with a blast. Multiple days of 100
degree temps, pre-deploys across the northern
end of the City, and many a planner worried
about the possibility of a chance of brush fire;
but not at all concerned with the level of staffing and lack of resources to cover the normal
daily calls and then some during a heat
wave. South Division engines that handle
a majority of the daily call load are moved
to somewhere in the north end, run the runs
that would normally be given to the North
Division companies, then when two greater
alarms happen at the same time in the south
end, theyre moved back. Only to be sent back
to the north end for the rest of the night to
run more north end calls . . . somewhere this
makes complete sense! Anyway, to battle the
north end, we in the Battalion have upped our
brush responses. Case in point, recently TF

64, Engine 57, and BC 13 were dispatched

to a brush response on the EB 105 Fwy
at Vermont. A loom-up was spotted from
quarters and all rigs hurried to the scene. Yes,
a brush fire had broken out on the freeway.
Look-outs were posted, escape routes were
set, and BC 13 ordered water drops from our
LAFD helicopters . . . wait! what?!? Apparently, companies had encountered a triangle
shaped wedge about 100 long and 20 wide
bordered on all three sides by a major freeway
to the north (Alpha), Vermont Ave to the east
(Echo), and a major freeway off-ramp with a
15 high brick wall to the south (Zulu). Companies were getting ready to flank this slow
moving brush fire through medium brush
when the alert came out that a water drop was
headed their way. The chopper came and went
. . . and missed the intended target. Luckily
the 2nd chopper was on its way in. They also
came and went . . . and missed. So much for
that plan. Luckily these crews remembered the
basics and were able to handle this campaign
brush fire with traditional equipment like 1
hose lines and shovels. I cant imagine what
the 105 Fwy looked like after two water drops
during the middle of the day. Soooo, is this
a new tactic that we are going to be using?
When Metro dispatches units to a Structure
Fire at a 3-story center hallway building,
should we ask to get the Super Scooper loaded
with water and Phos-Chek and up in the air?
Ready to paint a 1/4 mile red stripe a full
block wide down 73rd Street with one drop. Is
this what were teaching now in COCEP and
OCEP? Looks like we might need to re-think
our plans and use our equipment for what it
should be used for. I know they like to talk
about thinking outside the box and incident
driven SOGs, but if it aint broke, dont
order water drops on the freeway. Sorry chief,
but dont worry, Im sure youll get another
chance at a Battalion 13 brush fire again
soon . . . just the story I heard. #evenlacountylookedconfused #sticktostructureprotection

Over at 65s, its good to be on
the Paramedic Rescue. Apparently on the
A shift, many an 800 series ambulance
has recently had the opportunity to respond
into 65s district . . . with Engine 65 already
on-scene and RA 65 told to go available. That
way, instead of giving the patient better care,
the engine is able to leave themselves a quote
unquote shield. Apparently, it goes a little
something like this . . . Engine 65 and RA 65
are dispatched to an ALS level medical call.
After a full evaluation, including multiple vital
signs and head-to-toe assessment, the patient
is deemed to be a patient that fits into the BLS
criteria of the PRG. RA 65 is then sent on
their way and Engine 65 orders an 800 series
ambulance emergency. Why emergency you
ask? Because THEY dont want to have to
wait on-scene any longer than they have to .

. . moving on . . . Fortunately RAs 865, 864,

857, 833, 846, and 821 dont mind. I guess
whats better for you trumps whats better
for the patient, as an ALS RA can transport
just as easily, especially since theyre already
there. And like Ive said before, by the time an
800 series ambulance is dispatched and arrives
on-scene, RA 65 will most likely already have
loaded up, transported, and gotten the patient
a bed. Its all about patient care . . . or going
available . . . or keeping your RA available
so you can go on less runs. The only other
place I know that uses this option is Battalion
6 companies, and when they hear that theyre
getting RA 866 non-emergency at 13.6 miles
away, they usually re-think their last request
and just have the RA thats already on-scene
transport. Is it because they dont want to wait
that long or because they realize that they
have the option to do the right thing? Hey,
wasnt this one of my New Years Resolution
options? Call an already overworked 800 to
do your job? I believe it was! Just sayin . . .

With all the vacancies throughout
the City, especially in the paramedic rank, its
not uncommon to see new faces from all over
the City during a segment. Recently at 64s,
FF/PM Rankin was working a 72 hour stint.
He was hired for RA 264 on days 1 and 3, and

RA 864 on day 2. An out-of-house medic was

hired for RA 264 on the middle shift, so for
the comfort of the in-house guy, the obvious
thing to do would be to just let Rankin ride
RA 264 all three shifts, instead of moving
gear back and forth . . . Right? FF/PM Rankin
tried to call the SOD guy multiple times but he
would never answer, so FF/PM Rankin left a
few voicemails with his request. After unsuccessfully trying to call, Rankin finally texted,
and low-and-behold got the I dont want to
talk to you on the phone, but Ill happily text
you response. You know, when someone
doesnt want to do something and hopes they
can dodge-duck-dip-dive-and dodge the situation even though theyre wrong. Anyway,
our out-of-house hero responded that he hated
riding on the 800 and refused to swap with the
in-house guy. After a little befuddlement over
the whole situation, FF/PM Rankin accepted it
and told him that hed see him in the morning. Later that shift, FF/PM Rankin ended up
getting detailed to a FF/PM spot at 57s since
he was a medic riding in a FF spot. So round
two ensues. FF/PM Rankin again texts the outof-house guy to see if hed go to 57s since he
would be on an RA anyway and Rankin could
stay at his own station. The response was
exactly as you wouldve expected . . . that he
would not go to FS57 for him. To top it off, he

ended the text conversation by stating that he

could have Rankins captain or Battalion EIT
call him, as he had no further business with
him. WOW! And we wonder why CTS is so
messed up? In the morning, Rankin packed up
all his gear, got relief from the FF/PM, who by
the way showed up barely before 8am because
he was coming from Hollywood, and headed
to FS 57 to make relief with a guy who was
trying to get home after another rough night.
The shift went by as most do and again in the
morning Rankin packed up his gear to head
back to FS 64. As he arrived back to make
relief he was notified that he would be on RA
64. Turns out RA 264 was shut down earlier
that morning due to staffing and no relief was
needed, so his relief got to sleep in. Way to
look out for your fellow firefighters! #thisissoeasy, whydowemakeitsohard? #FFbrotherhood #IGM

Finally a story that will warm the
deepest cockles of your heart . . . if you have a
heart. We always read and hear all the stories
about every terrible and atrocious thing that
we do in the newspapers and on TV. But the
good things that we do EVERY day usually never see the light of day. We all know
that these deeds arent done for recognition
or praise, but because its the right thing to
do. One evening at 21s as everybody was

33s and 64s at the Lane Kemper Classic

July 2014 27

transitioning from the early-evening rest

period to the end-of-day rest period, there was
a knock at the front door. Upon opening the
door, they greeted a homeless family consisting of a 30 year-old mother with four kids
ages 5-10. The family was seeking shelter and
a ride downtown to look for a place to spend
the night. Now being 2330 hours, most people
wouldve told the family, Sorry, theres nothing we can do. Good luck. and shut the door.
Not here. They were welcomed in the station
and given water and energy bars for each kid.
Meanwhile, phone calls were made to downtown shelters and finally the Union Rescue
Mission said that they could accept the family.
Metro was notified of the circumstances and
RA 821 was placed CAV to take the family
downtown. While they were transporting, the
FFs on RA 821 were made aware that the

family hadnt eaten for several hours, so they

stopped at the closest McDonalds and bought
complete meals for the family. The family was
so thankful for this complete act of kindness.
Upon arrival at the Rescue Mission, the FFs
carried the sleeping kids past security and all
the way to their room to ensure their safety.
Before leaving the family, FF Thomas gave
the mother $40 to feed the kids the next day.
At 0100 RA 821 made it back and finished
out the shift. I know that most of us would
do the same thing, but a serious Thank You
goes out to the guys at 21s for this; moreover,
thanks to FF Tom Hyland, FF Tyler Cashman,
FF Cesar Garcia, and FF Adrian Thomas. Way
to make us look good, even if were the only
ones that know. #aboveandbeyond #shouldbenewsworthy #nicework

OK, thats all Ive got! Keep taking
care of one another. Stay safe and remember that 2+2 makes sense, play nice, know
your audience, get a cool nickname, figure

out which formula to use before the media

gets ahold of it, you get out what you put
in, FI-1, read the label, if youre tired sleep
in, when in need of a driver call an already
overworked 800 to do your job, watch out for
irony, dont fumble tradition, take 1st relief so
you can go back to sleep, never Stand By,
check boxes for politics always beat common
sense, when you have the opportunity to do
the right thing - take the EIT spot instead!, a #
makes everything seem much nicer, if it rains
and you dont feel like doing your job - just
journalize it, when you need to go to the DMV
-wear your uniform, show up late to your own
ceremony, a bad idea is still a BAD idea, water
drops for all brush fires, call out an already
overworked 800 to keep your shield available, and finally, answer only a text instead
of a phone call if what youre about to do is
the wrong thing. Keep sending your stories to

Engine 21 was part of a strike team

that went to San Diego in May
Photos by Rick McClure and
Jeff Zimmerman, EPN

28 July 2014

Welcome back to Battalion 14 news.
I guess its difficult to write about your battalion when the writer is in paramedic school.
I hope everyone enjoyed Battalion 14s slide
show of fires and other incidents in the meantime.

First off, congratulations to Cameron Langhans (FS 102), Danny Wu (FS 89) and
Nicholas Pellegrini (FS 102) for promoting to
captain. Hats off to all that have studied til
their brains hurt, missed social gatherings, and
stayed diligent and patient during this process.

A big thank you goes out to Danny
Wu for running the Cadet Post at 89s for

more than ten years. Danny spent countless

volunteer hours with Post 89. We appreciate
all that you have done, and you will be missed.
Thankfully, John Goshorn (FS 60) will be taking over and is up for the task.

Its hard to believe that Battalion
14 only produced one team to play in the
Lane Kemper Classic, but only Task Force
89 stepped up to the plate. They played hard,
shook off their loss(es) gracefully and enjoyed
an outstanding lunch. Its all about having
fun, right? They definitely would have had
a different fate if Battalion Chief Beaty was
playing, like he planned. Unfortunately, when
the original date changed he could not play his
last year (ever) and neither could 89s star athletes due to other department classes going on
at the same time. So, Task Force 89 acquired
their go to guy, Jeff Block Division 4. Way
to always be there Jeff!

Crossfit workouts are all fun and
games until somebody tears an ACL or meniscus. So, some members have been performing
Extreme Yoga to stay fit!

Have a great July!


A couple more shots from the major in 89s district last month.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN

Companies worked a structure fire at 13308 Roscoe

Blvd on 5/18/14.
Photo by Juan Guerra, juanguerra.smumug.com

July 2014 29

On 5/6/14, E-86 and HR 56 were dispatched

to a car off the 101 Fwy south of Vineland.
Photos by Mike Meadows

Firefighters from Engine and RA 89 treat

the victim of a motorcycle vs auto at Laurel
Canyon Blvd and Victory Blvd on 5/26/14.
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN

60s and 89s handled a garage fire in the

6200 block of Willowcrest on 4/14/14.
Photo by Mike Meadows

30 July 2014

Firefighters rescued two men after they collided with a

freeway bridge support at the 101/170 split on 5/13/14.
Photos by Juan Guerra, juanguerra.smumug.com

On 6/5/14 Engine 102 found a well involved

multi-vehicle garage at 12215 Burbank Blvd.
Photos by Sean Blum and Rick McClure, EPN

July 2014 31

Not too much news this month. Rumor has it

that the always controversial slogan for this
years Kemper Classic was Looking for new
LAFD recruits - Family need not apply. Gotta
love it.

Unfortunately, I was one of the
many who fell victim to the schedule change,
but Battalion 15 had a decent showing, even
winning a few games. The whopping three
guys from 96s and two from 70s teamed up
with 21s as a mixed team. As the day was getting late, wives started calling inquiring where
the afternoon shift babysitters were. So they

Ryan Rooney Guthrie

let 15s beat them. I heard it was a good day of

camaraderie. Next year.

In another bit of news, there has
been a sighting of an angry BEAR at 96s.

Not sure if anyone in the Battalion
knows that we have a movie star from the

classic movie Ferris Buellers Day Off working at Fire Station 70s. Yes the one and only

We would like
to congratulate Steve
Hamilton on being the first
employee of the month at
Fire Station 70, and also
wish him luck on the next
season of The Big Bang
Theory. Good job Steve!

Big Bang celebrity look-alike

Send all your news and photos to

Adam Knabe pulled out all the stops at

his promotional dinner at FS 87.
Photos by Adam Van Gerpen

87s celebrates Memorial Day with

their pal, WWII Vet Pete Howenstein.
Photo by Adam Van Gerpen

Companies assisted Fire-5 in

hoisting an injured hiker from
Limekiln Canyon, near Tampa
and Sesnon on 5/16/14.

32 July 2014

Photos by Greg Doyle

Firefighters from 70s. 87, 103

and 107 handled a fire at 18600
Superior St on 5/15/14.
Photo by Greg Doyle

TF and RA 105, and RA 72 handled a T/A with three

patients at Platt Ave and Victory Blvd on 5/13/14.
Photos by Gavin Kaufman, LAFD

Companies extinguished a structure

fire at 7824 Aura Ave on 5/9/14.
Photo by Chuck Rozner

Send your stories and photos directly to your Battalion News writer
or to the editor at editor@lafra.org

July 2014 33

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34 July 2014

My wife had another birthday, so off
to Vegas we went. I couldnt buy her anythin
real expensive this time because I lost $1 on a
penny slot machine, which drastically reduced
what I had set aside for her birthday fund. She
was less than understandin with my accountin explanation and proceeded straight to the
Forum Shops at Caesars Palace. Obviously I
need to stay away from them penny slots!

With my wife busy tryin to decide
whether to buy a new Louis Vitton, Gucci,
Prada or Coach handbag, I could only standby
and guess what credit card was gettin the most
abuse. As it turned out, the MasterCard got
hammered, but as the ole sayin goes, It took
a beatin but she couldnt drain all the water
from the well! The only explanation for this?
My wife must have called and convinced MasterCard that I was actually a retired Capt. II and
that my pockets were much deeper than previously reported. Im just grateful that she didnt
tell them I was a retired A/C!

Anyway, while nervously waitin for
her to come out of the store, I couldnt help but
notice the throngs of passers-by. I soon realized
that there are two kinds of people in this world:

Vito Maggipinto grew up in New
York and joined the Navy during World War
II. His minesweeper was operating just off the
beach during the Normandy landings on June
6, 1944, when it was struck by a mine and exploded, sinking in less than two minutes. Vito
was one of the lucky crew members who survived and was rescued by a British patrol boat.
He was awarded the Purple Heart along with
other medals for his service to the country.

After the War, he became a member
of the LAFD. According to Vito It seemed an
opportunity to serve people and do good things.
People are always happy to see a fireman coming to help.

Between the emergencies Vito zeroed in on an activity that was not only exciting, it helped him keep in top physical condition. Handball became a passion that earned
him the distinction of becoming the department
handball champion 13 years in a row. Racquet ball was also a favorite sport. I started

Those with tattoos and cell phones, and those

without. It was truly amazin to watch these
people on their cell phones; either talkin, textin or just carassin their devices like a security

Women far outnumbered the men in
the carassin category and their tattoos were
much more interestin too. The latest female
craze seems to be written script on the legs,
thighs, backs, arms and chest. But because
the fonts were so small, to fit the particular
space, it was extremely hard to read a leg or
thigh as they quickly past by my vantage point.
I didnt have my readin glasses with me, and
faced with the possibility of gettin arrested
for perverted behavior, I could only attempt a
weakened version of my speed readin skills,
which only got me as far as the first two or
three words. Obviously Ill have to bring more
money and my readin glasses with me on our
next trip.

And whats with these guys wearin their pants around their knees? Aint it
about time for this fashion fad to die? And as
I watched a gaggle of guys walk by my check
point, with most of them pullin up their britch-

D-Day medal for Maggi

playing handball as a kid in New York. Vito

reminisces. I also played some baseball and
football while attending UCLA. His athletic
prowess led to his participation in the National
Firemans Handball Championship in Chicago
and a first place trophy - along with Firemens

es so they wouldnt completely fall off, I noticed these geniuses were too busy holdin up
their pants to use their cell phones. Maybe this
goofy fashion trend has a positive side!

You know, the only guy I know that
has to legitimately hold on to his pants so they
dont hit the floor is a certain retired Capt. II.
Yea, thats because he keeps gold bars stuffed
in each of his pockets. Now thats a fashion
The National Institute of
Health has just released the
results of a $200 million dollar research study completed
under a grant to Johns Hopkins University.
The new study has found
that women who carry a little extra weight live
longer than the men who mention it.
AC - choppedup@att.net

Olympic Gold medals. His trophies are now on

display at the Hollywood Fire Museum.

When Vito had 30 years on retirement, he put on a dinner at his last assignment
at Fire Station 1 for the crew and many of his
old friends to celebrate his time on the job and
his retirement.

Today Vito and his wife Dolores live
in Glendale near the Oakmont Country Club.
Vito continued playing handball and racquetball well into his 80s. He would come to LAFD
tournaments and play in the seniors bracket.
He put on demonstrations and taught the young
players some of his tricks on the court. Golf is
his game of choice now. He is a true champion
in every sense of the word and a true gentleman
on and off the court. He is one of the legends
of the LAFD and a survivor of the Normandy
landings 70 years ago.

We should never forget the sacrifices
made by our men and women of our military in
WWII. They are the Greatest Generation.

July 2014 35


Little Armenia

Photos by David Lake, FF/PM, FS 52-C

LAFD units were dispatched at 0709 hrs on May 6, 2014 to 1096

North Western Ave. Firefighters arrived in just three minutes
to find smoke issuing from the bricks and attic of the 2 story
commercial building. An aggressive interior fire attack ensued.
Twenty five minutes into the blaze, the IC noted fire activity
escalating dangerously. Firefighters were immediately ordered
off the roof and went into a defensive fire attack. A total of 153
firefighters extinguished the blaze in one hour and 38 minutes.
The fire was confined to the structure of origin.

36 July 2014


Sun Valley

Photos by Mike Meadows and

Doc DeMulle, The Foothills Paper

On April 29, 2014, companies worked a greater alarm

fire in an auto salvage yard at San Fernando Road and
Paxton. Firefighters using heavy streams knocked the
fire down in 30 minutes.

July 2014 37

by Eric Scott, PSO

Photos by Adam VanGerpen, Steve Gentry
and Juan Guerra

38 July 2014

n May 20 & 21, 2014, FEMA and CalOES tested the USAR system through
a multi-team deployment exercise. The
2014 Western Region Multi-Task Force exercise, commonly referred to as the MOBEX
(mobilization exercise) Drill, is a real time
deployment exercise designed to test the readiness and effectiveness of the US&R response
system within our State of California.

Many of Californias elite USAR
teams and members have responded across
the nation to catastrophic events such as New
York City for the 9-11 attacks, the Gulf coast
for Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike,
floodings, mudslides and terrorist attacks. The
USAR teams are comprised of two 70-member teams of men and women who are trained
to conduct search and rescue operations in the
most extreme conditions.

The following agencies participated
in this years drill: CA-TF1 (Los Angeles Fire
Department), CA-TF2 (Los Angeles County
Fire Department), CA-TF5 (Orange County
Fire Authority), CA-TF7 (Sacramento Fire

Department), FEMA Incident Support Team

(IST), FEMA Main US&R Office Heads, Cal
OES (California Office of Emergency Services) Chief Officers, and the LAFD Field Incident Management Team

The 2014 MOBEX Drill formally began with a press conference on May 20, 2014
at Fire Station 88. The drill portion commenced
at approximately 10:00 a.m. with a 9-1-1 response to an earthquake scenario that supposedly affected the Los Angeles region, taxing
local resources. First responders and US&R
personnel were dispatched in real time with
escalation procedures according to the States
Master Mutual Aid System and FEMAs emergency response procedures.

Disaster exercises were conducted
throughout the day, starting at 11:00 am on
May 20 and continue until 2:00 p.m. on May
21. This drill took place at four separate locations requiring US&R technical rescue operations: LAFD Fire Station 88, Universal Studios, Castaic Lake and the Del Valle Training

July 2014 39

n Saturday, May 16, 2014, more than

four dozen members were promoted
to the rank of captain at a ceremony
at the LAFD Museum and Memorial Plaza at
old Fire Station 27 in Hollywood. Fire Chief
Jim Featherstone and his command staff were
on hand to personally present the new badge to
each member. Many family members, friends
and co-workers also gathered to help celebrate
this milestone occasion.

40 July 2014

July 2014 41

42 July 2014

n Saturday, May 31, 2014, Fire Station

92 hosted the finals of the 2014 Spring
Doubles Handball Tournament. New
Commissioner Chris Yokoyama did a great job
of organizing the first tournament of his term.
The tournament was a tribute to the LAFD tradition, with the shirt and shorts a copy of tournament gear from the 1970s. Captain Craig
Nielsen prepared a lunch of smoked pulled
pork sandwiches, with coleslaw, baked beans
and fruit for all who attended.

The day started with the D Division, which went to a third game tie-breaker.
The home court advantage gave Branden Ibrahim and James Sharlein, both from Fire Station
92, just enough of an edge over Freddie Larios
and Bryan Newon from Fire Station 64 to pull
out the win.

The next match featured a battle of
the Bs. Veterans Tony Arnado (FS-50) and

Tony Cardona (FS-12) defeated John Garnica

and Marcus Meza (FS-66). Arnado and Cardona opened up large leads before Garnica
and Meza staged comebacks in both games.
Ultimately, Arnado and Cardona made the
big shots at the most critical moments of each
game, winning in two straight.

The Masters Division match featured
Alex Garcia (FS-66) and Sergio Guzman (FS73) against Mario Rueda (Chief Deputy) and
Daryl Arbuthnott (BES). Proving that there is
no rank on the court, Garcia and Guzman put
on a display of strong serves and kill shots defeating the Gold Badges in two straight.
2013 A Division Department Champions
Ryan Carlos (FS-92) and Joe Steiner (FS-95)
repeated as the top LAFD doubles team. Gary
Maga (FS-69) and Kevin Egizi (FS-80) nearly
unseated the champs by taking them to a third
game tie-breaker, which came down to Carlos

and Steiner retrieving more amazing digs and

making more kill shots down the stretch than
the veteran team of Maga and Egizi.

The final game of the day featured
the C Division, which was the most uneven
match of the day. Sandbaggers Chris Sebourn
(FS-20) and Victor Davila (FS-29) dominated
Ryon Jones and Mark Hatcher, both from Fire
Station 65, in two very uneven games.

Winners received backpacks with the
LAFD handball logo embroidered on the front.
Fire Station 66 had several players in the finals
of this tournament, and they are carrying their
momentum into a challenge of Fire Station
92 for Top Handball House. The games are
scheduled for June. Can the players from the
battalion that never sleeps dethrone Fire Station 92 after over two years on top? Stay tuned
for the results.

B Champs

A Champs


C Champs

D Champs

July 2014 43

Paid Advertisements:

44 July 2014

ust recently, a cadre of us chaplains

got together at Dennys restaurant in
Hollywood. The meeting was chaired
by our new Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez, who replaced retired Chief Greg Gibson. Rick gathered us together to share his
thoughts and insights on where we were
in our ministry, and more importantly,
where we could improve to better serve our
members, Department and community.

reminded that wherever two or three are

gathered in his name, God is present.

Since the inception of the chaplain program many things in this world
and culture have changed. One example
is new electronic technology which has
been both a blessing and a curse with new
challenges of its own. But as much as everything has changed, Gods message remains the same. It is to love Him with all
our hearts, soul and strength and to love
our neighbors as ourselves. As firefighters, we have all been gifted with a vocation to serve others, a ministry that is able
to change peoples lives forever, even if
at times we dont stop and realize the importance and impact of our presence. For
many of us it is a job that we love to do and
we do it to the best of our ability.

If I may be so bold to speak for
my fellow chaplains, our message is simple - it is to spread Gods love by making
ourselves available to our members in any
capacity that we may be of help. We are
not just names in the Grapevine but your
brothers in Christ who are willing to hear
you, meet with you, and touch you in any
way possible. We want to help to make
you the best versions of yourselves by
bringing you closer to God. We are just as
human, weak, vulnerable and capable of
sin as any one else in this journey of life.
But through the grace and help of God we
are willing to put ourselves out there to be
of any assistance.

Please feel free to contact us; no
chain of command is necessary when your
boss trumps all.

As I looked across the room, I
noticed that we all came from different
backgrounds and are at different stages
in our lives and careers. Some younger
and some older, but all with different
experiences. What stood out was that
we all gathered as one in Christ, as his
disciples armored for battle to spread
Gods message in word and in deed in
what ever ministry we were called. I was

Peace be with you,

Chaplain Jess Pasos
Editors Note: A list of your LAFD chaplains is found on page 4 of every issue of
The Grapevine. You can contact any of
them through the MFC Floor Captain at
(213) 576-8920.
July 2014 45

Paid Advertisements:

46 July 2014




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JOSEPH JOHNSON, Inspector II, Legal Liaison Unit



Towsley Lodge at Ed Davis Park in Towsley Canyon

24335 The Old Road, Newhall/Santa Clarita CA

Friendly Hills Country Club

8500 S. Villaverde Drive, Whittier CA 90605

Social Hour: 4:00 PM

Dinner: 5:00 PM

Social Hour: 6:00 PM

Dinner: 7:00 PM

Barbecue Dinner - $50 includes food, drinks & gift

Chicken, Fish or Vegetarian - $55 includes tax, tip & gift

Call FS 99 - (818) 981-6379 or email: 4red@att.net

Its an outside event so dress casual for a BBQ. RSVP by July 1, 2014

Mail payment to: Joseph Johnson, PO Box 1377, Chino CA 91708-1317

or call (909) 590-0699. RSVP by July 1, 2014

GARY ZIEGER, Engineer, FS 109-A




Fire Station 109

16500 Mulholland Drive, Bel Air

Castle Catering - 50 East Green Street, Pasadena CA

Social Hour: 4:00 PM

Lunch: 5:00 PM

$10 per person - Taco Buffet

Call FS 109 Grapevine - (310) 476-0272
RSVP by August 22, 2014

Social Hour: 4:30 PM

Dinner: 6:00 PM

Open Bar & Buffet Dinner - $55 per person

Send a check to: Melodie Tapia, 16215 Menahka, Apple Valley CA 92307
Call (760) 946-9186 for more info. Special hotel rates at Marriott Pasadena
through 8/15/2014. Contact: (626) 403-7600. Code: Ed Tapia LAFD Party
RSVP by August 13, 2014


Dalmatian American Club of San Pedro
1639 S Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro CA 90731
Social Hour: 1:00 PM

Lunch: 2:30 PM

$40 per person includes tax, tip & gift

Call FS 85 - (310) 548-7585 or
Rachel @ Fire Prevention Harbor - (310) 732-4593
RSVP by September 1, 2014

Paid Advertisements:

July 2014 47


Send your letters & comments to the editor at: editor@lafra.org

Dear Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemens Fund
Please accept this donation in memory of Willis
A. (Willie) Friend. I worked with Willie twice early
in my career. The first time was at old - long since
closed - 22s where he was an auto fireman on the
A platoon and I was a rookie on the C platoon.
A few years later I was promoted to auto fireman
and again had the opportunity to work with Willie
at old - now demolished 4s, where he was a
captain II for part of my stay there. One thing I
remember is that he preferred not to wear a seatbelt
and even with the poor brakes on the Thibault truck
I could levitate him off his seat for a few seconds, at
least for the first two stops after which the brakes
I seem to remember that he promoted to B/C
and was assigned to a battalion in the Valley where
he wasnt like too well (for what reason I have no
idea). In his defense, I always got along just fine
with him and have nothing but good memories
about him.
May he rest in peace,
Richard Watters, LAFD retired
Agoura Hills, CA
Attention Andre Kuljis:
First, I want to thank you for the flag and the
fact that FS 18 firefighters assembled in front of the
station and stood at attention. Frank would have
appreciated that as he took his job seriously and
told me many stories of his time in the service of
the fire department.

48 July 2014

We had 25 wonderful years of marriage, and he

was both a great person, aloving husband and my
best friend. I know he is no longer suffering and
is in the care of our Almighty. He went through a
terrible time in the hospital and the worst part was
he went to have a knee replacement and was in
good physical condition. He contracted sepsis, then
pneumonia, then c-diff and went downhill fast. I
felt he was trying to stay alive for me, so I took his
face in both my hands, kissed him and told him I
would be able to take care of myself, to just let go.
The most beautiful expression came over him and
I knew he would be gone soon. A few days later he
If there would be more people in the world like
Frank, what a better place it would be. My thanks
to all who knew him and cared for him. A special
thanks to FS 18. He is missed.
Janice Wommack, wife of
Capt. Francis L. Wommack
Sun City, AZ
Dear Widows and Orphans Fund
I have very fond memories of Joe Lockwood,
both as a really good friend and as one of the most
effective A/Cs on the job. We shared our problems
and expectations about what was happening in the
Department. If you were looking for an answer to a
problem, Joe had it. Please accept this donation in
memory of a really close friend.
Jack Bennett
Bluffton, SC

Please accept this donation to the Widows,

Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory
of retired Assistant Chief Joseph Lockwood. Joe
was a fireman for the city of Norfolk and later was
a captain on the New Orleans Naval Air Station
Fire Department. I had the good fortune to work
with Joe several times starting as rookies at FS 2
and then we worked in battalion 1 Joe at Truck
28 and me at Squad 23. While studying for our first
promotional exams, for engineer and then captain,
Joe was looked upon as the guy to beat.
After appointment to engineer, Joe and I were
assigned to the one year job of redesigning and
revising the LAFD Manual of Operations into
five volumes (that was 50 years ago). As we
were finishing the revision, we both received
appointment to captain on the same day. Several
years later we worked together at Truck and Engine
15-B. After that Joe made more promotions, finally
retiring as an assistant chief of Division I.
Joe had very high standards and spent a lot
of time training. Members of his command were
always very knowledgeable, hardworking and
aggressive firefighters.
My wife Girlen and I were privileged to spend
time with Joe and Jeane a month before he passed
away. We talked for hours about what a great job
we had and the many wonderful longtime friends
we knew over the years.
I am sure that Joe and Jeane would join us in
expressing how fortunate we were to be part of
such a great group of past and present friends on
the LAFD, and to be members of the best fire
department anywhere.
Gerry and Girlen McClanahan
Fremont, MO
Please accept the enclosed donation in memory
of Willis A. Willie Friend. I had the pleasure of
working with him at FS 4 in the early 70s. He was

a fine captain and eventual chief officer. A true

John C. Ware, LAFD retired
Westminster, CA
LA Firemens Relief Assn,
Please accept this donation in memory of Mate
Ron Smith from Boat 2. He was a good friend and
a good mate.
Thank you,
Donald Spreeman
Huntington Beach, CA
To the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association;
I would like to thank you for all the help that
you gave my sister Pat Baker during her illness. Pat
was the widow of Fireman Joseph Baker. There are
two checks enclosed for donation to the Widows,
Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund.
Thanks so very much,
Mary Kebler
Torrance, CA
Our mother, Della Crenshaw passed away on
August 5, 2013. In lieu of flowers in our mothers
memory, we asked that donations could be sent for
a Memorial bench to be placed on Euclid Avenue
in Upland or to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemens Fund.
Many friends and relatives have lovingly
donated. We are able to order the memorial Bench
and the balance of the monies sent are enclosed as
a donation to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemens Fund.
Thank you,
Bonnie Ipsen, Pattie Crenshaw,
Elaine Helm and families
Upland, CA
Andy Kuljis,
Please accept this donation to the Widows and
Orphans Fund for my friend Vern Begley. He was a
really funny guy to be around.
Thank you,
Harry Morck
Helendale, CA

Frank and Laura thought they had plenty of time to get an

Estate Plan. But when Frank passed away unexpectedly, Laura
realized they were not prepared.
Five Key Steps:
1. Pick a planner. Word-of-mouth references are a good place to start, but you
should always take time to research credentials, experience, on-going education
levels and select the Estate Planning professional that best suits your needs. When
comparing costs make sure you know all the documents included and services
provided so you compare apples to apples. Each planner may break it down
2. Assemble a team. Your estate planning professional can advise you about
contacting a tax expert, an accountant and someone who can give you advice about
charitable giving.
3. Compile documents. Ask your attorney or other Estate Planning professional
what you'll need to bring to the first meeting. Its usually just a few simple
documents and could include the deed(s) to your property, insurance policies,
retirement accounts and a proper I.D.
4. Ask for guidance. When you meet with members of your team, describe your
goals and ask about the best way to reach them.
5. Cover all the bases. Understand the options when considering a will or trust,
durable power of attorney, a living will, a health care power of attorney, trusts for
your children, your charity and even yourself.

For your Getting Started Kit contact

Marlene Casillas, Development & Marketing Director, at
July 2014
(323) 259-5217 or email MCasillas@LAFRA.org 49

Hallack F. Robb, Fireboat Mate.
Appointed May 1, 1950.
Retired on a service pension June 1, 1978 from Fireboat 5-C.
Passed away May 5, 2014.
Aldo Zuliani, Captain.
Appointed July 14, 1947.
Retired on a service pension January 1, 1978 from FS 101.
Passed away May 7, 2014.
James R. LaFlamme, Engineer.
Appointed February 1, 1955.
Retired on a service pension February 3, 1980 from FS 14-C.
Passed away May 10, 2014.
Ray M. Carpenter, Captain.
Appointed September 1, 1962.
Retired on a service pension September 29, 1995 from FS 85.
Passed away May 14, 2014.
Joseph E. Lockwood, Assistant Chief.
Appointed September 23, 1957.
Retired on a disability pension May 14, 1987 from FS 88.
Passed away May 17, 2014.
Mario J. Lara, Fireman.
Appointed January 2, 1962.
Retired on a disability pension February 24, 1977 from FS 11.
Passed away May 21, 2014.
Ora D. Mendenhall, Engineer.
Appointed November 1, 1956.
Retired on a service pension September 1, 1989 from FS 37.
Passed away May 22, 2014.
Timothy A. Walgren, Firefighter III.
Appointed April 17, 1971.
Retired on a service pension April 4, 1994 from FS 60-B.
Passed away May 30, 2014.

Bonnie J. Rowe, surviving spouse of Ellsworth J. Rowe, passed away April 29, 2014.
Loretta Eaton, surviving spouse of Arnold C. Eaton, passed away May 4, 2014.
Helene M. Jochheim, surviving spouse of James H. Jochheim, passed away May 6, 2014.
Mary Reed, surviving spouse of Golbert A. Reed Jr., passed away May 15, 2014.
Patricia J. Baker Jr., surviving spouse of Joseph H. Baker Jr., passed away May 16, 2014.
Betty J. Rodgers, surviving spouse of Eugene E. Rodgers, passed away May 24, 2014.

50 July 2014

by Mike Mastro, President/CEO

Firefighters First Credit Union

ou may have heard that you dont need

to buy the extra rental car insurance
when you rent a car because your credit card or personal auto insurance will cover
any problems. So when the clerk at the rental
car agency asks you if you want their coverage
you say, No. After all, you are covered, right?

But it turns out that you may not have
all the coverage you need.

Rental car companies have changed
the way they do business by adding new liabilities that are not covered by your credit card or
insurance policies. Whether you are in an accident or a tree falls on the car outside your hotel,
these new charges can result in thousands of
dollars that are not covered, leaving you stuck
with the bill.
Here is a summary of the new charges typically not covered by your credit card or personal insurance:
#1: Diminution in Value

According to uslegal.com, diminution in value (DV) is a reduction in the worth
of something caused by an action of a third
party or entity. In relation to auto accidents,
DV is a dollar amount that represents the gap
between the cars pre-accident value and the
cars value after it is involved in an accident
and is repaired.

How the Rental Agency uses it:
Several years ago, DV became one of the
things rental car companies held you liable for
should you have an accident in their car. While
both credit cards and auto insurance carriers
will cover the cost of repairs, neither of them
cover DV. Many court cases have upheld that in
the absence of insurance coverage it becomes
the responsibility of the renter, as they signed
a binding contract (do you remember that long
document you signed that you didnt really

What this means to you: Basically
it means that the rental car company can charge
you thousands of dollars for the DV even if
they have the car repaired. And in many cases, they dont repair the car. So imagine that
you rented a Ford Focus and it was valued at
$26,500. You have an accident and the repair
estimate comes to $7,800. The rental car company chooses to sell the wrecked Focus for

parts and gets $11,700 for it at the auto auction.

You, the renter, will receive a bill for $14,800.
While your insurance company or credit card is
likely to pay the $7,800 that they would have
for the repairs, you will still be on the hook for
#2: Loss of Use of the Rental Vehicle

Another new charge by the rental
car companies is the Loss of Use charge.
This would apply if the damaged vehicle was
repaired. Under this provision, the renter is responsible for the loss of the car from the fleet of
available rentals while the car is repaired.

How the Rental Agency uses it:
If the rental car company does repair the car,
they charge you the daily rate for every day it is
unavailable for rental while it is repaired. This
charge is not covered by insurance or credit
card coverage.

What this means to you: As the
renter, you can be facing additional charges for
every day that the car sits in the shop waiting
for parts or to be repaired, which can be a week
or more. Since the charges are not covered by
the insurance, you are responsible for these
fees out of pocket as well.
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself?

The best way to protect yourself
from thousands of dollars in liability is to sign
the Loss Damage Waiver the Rental Agency
provides. The additional charges for this coverage are typically $15 to $30 and will generally
indemnify you from these types of liabilities in
the case of an accident (for specific legal advice, consult with a qualified professional) . . .
unless of course you dont follow all the guidelines in the agreement. Wait, what?

There are certain activities that will
void the Loss Damage Waiver agreement.
These include:

Being intoxicated or under the influence at the time of the accident

Using the vehicle on specific gravel
and dirt roads not regularly maintained

Improper operation of the vehicle at
the time of the accident

Travel across U.S. borders

In some instances, travelling across
state lines may be prohibited

Letting an unauthorized driver have

the keys; this includes the valet parking attendant at the hotel or restaurant

With this in mind, it is clear that the
best defense for a renter is to take the Loss
Damage Waiver and read the contract thoroughly before signing it.

Remember the next time you are
renting a car on vacation or for business and
Dave from the rental car company asks if you
want their optional Loss Damage Waiver for an
additional $30 a day, you may want to reconsider how to respond. Paying a little more now
could save you thousands in uncovered charges
down the road.

At the Credit Union, firefighters are
first. We look out for your best interests by offering products and services tailored to your
unique lifestyle. I encourage you to contact us
to learn about the warranty and other protection services automatically included with your
Firefighters First credit and debit cards. And
when you meet with a Firefighter Insurance
Services Representative, theyll take the time
to review your existing insurance policies with
you and make recommendations to ensure you
have adequate coverage. A representative can
be reached at (800) 231-1626.
The more business we do together as
a Fire Family, the greater the financial reward
will be for all members!
Have a safe month!

Mike Mastro
Funds on deposit at Firefighters First Credit Union are insured up to
$500,000 per account by American Share Insurance. This institution
is not federally insured and if the institution fails, the Federal Government does not guarantee that depositors will get back their money.
Accounts with this institution are not insured by any state government.
Firefighters First Credit Union is an Equal Opportunity Lender.
Material provided is for your information and convenience only. For
specific legal advice, consult with a qualified professional. Your credit
card issuer can also provide you with disclosure information for any
included benefits.

July 2014 51

Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund

June 2014

KENNY H. BRADY in gratitude to the LAFD for

33 great years!

FIRE STATION NO. 99 from our Fire Service Day

PRISCELLA J. MOORE in memory of Ronald Smith

PEDRO CHAPTER in memory of Lela Cotinger

ROBERT J. MUNOA from the Buzzard Bait Run

MAUREEN E. MIGAUD in memory of Ronald D. Smith

ELAINE A. HELM in memory of our mother

MARION & SHIRLEY COOPER in memory of Pat Baker

Della F. Crenshaw

RED BELL REAL ESTATE for the 2014 Fire Hogs Event
PAULA J. MEIER in memory of Jerry & Betty Andrew
RICHARD WATTERS in memory of Willis A. (Willie) Friend
DELBERT C. THOMPSON in memory of Aldo Zuliani,

GERRY MCCLANAHAN in memory of Joseph Lockwood

FIRE STATION NO. 28 from the Fire Extinguisher Fund
JAMES E. GILLUM from the Simi Valley Breakfast Club
JAMES E. CRAIG in memory of Bill Burnidge
PAUL R. FULTON in gratitude for the DME

Reno, Angelo & Paul

CHARLES B. OSBORNE in memory of Bob LaFlamme

JUDITH C. SWEDLUND in honor of Ronald Dwight Smith

JACK A. BENNETT in memory of Joe Lockwood


FIRE STATION NO. 68 from the Fire Extinguisher Fund

KAREN K. RINGER in memory of Ronald D. Smith


KELLY S. RADETICH in memory of Ronald D. Smith

PAUL & KIKUNO NAKAMURA in memory of Pat Baker
DONALD R. SPREEMAN in memory of mate Ron Smith
JOHN C. WARE in memory of Willis A. Willie Friend
FIRE STATION NO. 90 from the Fire Extinguisher Fund
FIRE STATION NO. 87 from the Fire Extinguisher Fund
JULIET A. TSUCHIYA in memory of Clay Stapel
52 July 2014




Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS

LAFD History - The 1938 Malibu Brush Fire

By Larry Schneider, B/C retired
Dear Frank,

I for one appreciate your many articles regarding the history of our Department.
Hopefully some of our newer members will
read and learn and become as interested in
preserving our history as you. The other day
I was thinking of some of the historic brush
fires of the past. One came to mind - the 38
Malibu Fire. Although this fire was mostly in
L.A. it was talked about for years. This was the
first time the Department transported so many
men into one fire. It was also the first time the
new Alarm System was used for a Department
Recall. In addition, this recall was the longest
in duration (five days) in Department history. It
also gave Chief Scott credence when requesting more water mains be installed throughout
the city, including the Mountain District.

I wrote a small article regarding this
fire and some of the problems encountered. If
you wish, you may use at your discretion.
Your ole fire buddy
Larry Schneider

On November 23, 1938, a fire started
on the boundary of Los Angeles and the unincorporated area of Malibu. At that time, Fire
Protection in Malibu was provided by the Los
Angeles County Forester and Fire Warden Department and consisted of a few tank wagons
and small patrols. Because of this, and the fact
that the fire started in Los Angeles, the LAFD
dispatched a mass of fire companies and personnel into the fire.

The area was experiencing low humidity and high winds. The fire spread all the
way east to Mandeville Canyon (approximately
six miles) where it was brought under control.
Approximately half of the area that burned was
burned in the first 16 hours of this 11 day fire.

The ability of the LAFD to contain
and finally extinguish this large brush fire was
remarkable. One has to only look back (over
75 years ago) to appreciate this feat. To begin with, the country was in the throes of the
Great Depression. The Department hadnt
had the luxury of purchasing any new fire apparatus from 1931 to 1937-38! Apparatus used at

this fire included apparatus dating back to 1924

(Engine Co. 71) and 1923 (Engine Co. 76),
many of which were still chain drive (1924
American La France). Most engine apparatus
were equipped with water tanks of only 60 to
120 gallon capacity and had a limited amount
of small hose. Most were also equipped with
hose reels containing 1 rubber hose approximately 200 in length. In addition, all engine
companies were equipped with 200 of 1 1/2
hose which was part of the standard LAFD 1
1/2 Wye Assembly. The Wye Assembly
consisted of two 100 1 1/2 hose lines connected to a 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 wye. Operation of
the Wye Assembly was very quick and was
standard procedure throughout the Department
when small lines were indicated.

The LAFD organization included a
Mountain Patrol component. This unit was
organized in the same manner as a battalion.
At one time, there were three patrol stations
which were located along the top of the Santa
Monica mountain area of the City on or adjacent to Mulholland Hwy. The patrol operated
tank companies similar to the LA County Forester and Fire Warden. They had small brush
fire equipment and in addition operated small
patrols with one or two patrolmen. To bolster
this groups firefighting capability, Engine
Company 76 was placed into service with a
1923 Seagrave 1000 GPM apparatus at Patrol
1 located at 12601 Mulholland Blvd. Engine
Company 71 was located at 10801 Bellagio
Rd. and was upgraded with a 1924 American
Engine Company 71 A Platoon.
May, 1938 at 10801 Bellagio Rd. 1924
American LaFrance Engine.

La France 750 GPM Engine replacing a 1919

American La France Engine.

Today, most apparatus not only have
closed cabs, they have air conditioning and
heating as well. Most apparatus built in the
1920s did not have closed cabs nor doors and
windshields! All firemen stood on the tailboard
or running board while responding to fires.
Windshields were later added by the Department Shops. Most apparatus had two wheel
mechanical brakes. Driving in the Mountain
areas with these brakes was extremely dangerous.

This fire resulted in the first Department Recall over the new Fire Alarm System (1932 Alarm System). The Alarm System
had been in use for seven flawless years and
dispatched fire companies to thousands of incidents.

Recognizing this fire would require
many fire companies and also a large commitment of manpower, the Chief Engineer, Ralph
Scott, ordered the Fire Alarm Office to transmit
a Total Recall. The Alarm Office thereupon
transmitted the signal 9-9-9. Each Fire Station, upon receiving the signal, resulted in the
company officers initiating the total recall of
all off duty firemen. Although transmitting of
the 9-9-9 alarm took only 15 seconds, the task
of contacting each off duty member was much
more difficult. Until the 1960s, fire stations in
Los Angeles did not have dial telephones in
them. The two telephones (fire and business)
in each station were both connected to a Fire
Department operator located in one of the four
Signal Offices. (The
four Signal Offices were
Westlake, Metro area,
West L.A. at Fire Station 59, Van Nuys at Fire
Station 39, and San Pedro at Fire Station 36.)
Therefore, in addition
to the members assigned
to the Signal Office calling members homes by
telephone, the station
grapevines were used
to make notification of
the off-duty members
for recall. In addition, in
1938, some firemen did

July 2014 53

Engine Company 31 with their brand new 1938 American LaFrance Triple.
700 W. Slauson Ave.] Franks Note. As a young boy I lived just a few blocks
from FS 31 and saw them respond many times in that 38 Lulabelle

not have a telephone in their residence, and in

some cases their neighbors notified them upon
being called by the Department. The public radio also assisted in announcing the recall.

It must also be noted that in 1938,
many firemen did not own an automobile and
had to respond to their stations by street car or
bus. Included in the Transit Company franchise
was the provision that firemen could ride free
Division 4, Assistant Chief Forrest Moore was
the first chief on scene. In addition to requesting additional companies for the fire, Chief
Moore requested that 100 men also be dispatched. This additional manpower was transported via the four transportation apparatus
operated by the Department. These consisted
of a truck with cab for the driver and officer.
The rear was open with bench type seating facing each other for 10 men. These four apparatus
had to be staffed with a driver and instructed to
go to a Fire Station and pick up men and then
transport them to the location requested. The
Department of Water and Power came to the
rescue and provided vehicles to assist. More
than 400 LAFD personnel were transported to
this fire.

The total recall of the Department
and the staffing of all companies and the dispatching of 100 additional firemen originally
requested to the fire were accomplished in approximately 2 1/2 hours!
Even with the state of
the art computers, cell
phones, freeways, and
other equipment, it
would be a challenge to
accomplish this feat today.

In 1938, the
LAFD operated under the Two Platoon
system - AandB
platoons. The Department had no means to
pay overtime for hours
worked by its members.
If a member worked at
an emergency while off
duty he would receive

54 July 2014

credits for time worked. The member would

be compensated for hours worked with a comparable time off.

Because the Department actuated the
Total Recall of all personnel, every member
had therefore earned credits and was recorded
in his Personal Record Book. Most time off
was granted in small increments of a few hours
and therefore getting the credit time off took
many years to accomplish. This time became
known as 38 Time.

This was a very loose operation and
a few individuals were thought to be taking
advantage of their 38 Time. This went on
until the late 1950s when the Department said
enough is enough and cleared the books of any
such time owed.
Franks note: Larry Schneider retired from
the LAFD with 53 years of service. Prior to the
LAFD he was a Call Man on the LA County
Fire Department in 1944 for five years and was
a Fireman and Engineer on the Torrance Fire
Department for five years - for a grand total
of 63years in the fire service. His father was a
member of the LAFD in 1912 and his son Larry
just retired as a LAFD Captain II from Fireboat
4. Both Larry and his son are great historians of
the LAFD. Check Larrys website at LAFIRE.
Brush Fire in Malibu, Santa
Monica Mountains 1938. A view
from Pacific Coast Hwy.

LAFDHS Board of Directors

Thanks to all our members who voted in our Board of Directors election in June.
The 2014/15 Board members are: Jim Finn,
Don Dodd, Tim Kennoy, Tom Moran, Joe Ortiz, Don Nash, Ryan Penrod, Dave Cox, Walt
Jaeger, Tom Brennan, and Bill Rolland. After
serving on the Board for over 12 years, Bill
Dahlquist will now focus on his family and of
course the preservation of Old Fireboat 2, The
Ralph J. Scott where he is the job supervisor
for our volunteer workers.

Bill Dahlquist got to pilot Old Fireboat 2 on

its last trip to Larsens boat yard in 2004
for work on the hull. Bill was a LAFD Fireboat Pilot on this boat for 16 years.

LAFD Firsts Continued

Throughout the history of the LAFD
the Department has been a leader in innovations, developing new procedures, organizations, equipment, etc. The following is a short
list of some of those firsts on the LAFD and
in the Fire Service: First Department to have
assigned SCUBA divers trained for firefighting

1938 American LaFrance Manifold Wagon. 2 transverse hose beds in two side

1938 Seagrave Manifold Wagon. Transverse hose beds with 9 outlets on each
side. Both of the rigs would be paired
with the LAFD Duplex Pump with 2,000 or
3,000 grm pumping capacity. A concept
from Fire Chief Ralph J. Scott.

and rescue as dive teams - 1960; Developed fire

spread ratings with the NFPA in test fires at Stevenson Jr. High School -1957; First transverse
hose bed in 1938 American LaFrance and Seagrave Manifold Wagons; Established smoke
alarm requirements with NFPA 1978; First fire
department to have its own Arson Squad Not
part of the Police Department; Assistant Chief
Samuel Dodd established the first Fire College
in 1925 (Don Dodds Grandfather); LAFD
Captain Mo Bullard developed the first carbide tipped chain saw blade; LAFD developed
the first high-rise firefighting plan and procedures using the Incident Command System

LAFD members: Be proud of your
LAFDHS Planned Events 2014
The Tall Ships in San Pedro. Wed. Aug. 20
to Sat. Aug. 24 Featuring the Ralph J. Scott
Harbor Museum Tour Group, Tue. 8/26,
1430 hrs.
Harbor Museum Tour Group, Tue. 8/28,
1430 hrs.

Annual 9-11 Memorial at LAFD Fallen Firefighters Memorial, Thu. 9/11
LAFD Memorial at LAFD Fallen Firefighters Memorial, Sat. 10/11
Fireboat 2 Ralph J. Scott 89th Birthday
Sat. 10/18 Harbor Museum
Tour Group Harbor Fire Museum, Wed.
Nov. 5 at 2:30 pm
Marine Corps Birthday at Museum 27, Mon.
Hollywood Christmas Parade- December
HS Annual Holiday Party, Sat. 12/13
*Fridays from 0800 to 1200 are work days on
the Ralph J. Scott Fireboat

Calendar for July 2014

The Hollywood Museum is located in Old Fire Station 27 at

1355 No. Cahuenga, Hollywood,
CA 90028. The Harbor Museum is
located in San Pedro City Hall at
638 S. Beacon St., San Pedro CA
Anyone interested in joining our
great cause by becoming a member, or volunteering to work, or
make a donation of money or an
LAFD item may contact us by
LAFDHS Museum & Memorial
1355 No. Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone: 323 464 2727. But remember we are currently staffed part
time, so leave a message and we
will return your call. The fax number is 323-464-7401. Our E-mail
is: LAFDHS27@aol.com. Web
site at www.lafdmuseum.org. If
you want to look at some great
LAFD history check www.lafire.
com. and check the LAFD web
site for information and events at
www.LAFD.org. We look forward
to hearing from you and seeing
you at the Museum.
The Los Angeles Fire Department
Historical Society is a non-profit
501 (C) (3) organization.

July 2014 55


May 7, 2014


President Juan Albarran called the meeting

of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles
Firemens Relief Association to order at

1) Juan Albarran mentioned the LAFRA staff

training sessions took place on April 21st
23rd. He indicated that the training was well
received by all and stated that they focused on
communication, customer service and conflict

Juan Albarran, President
Robert Steinbacher, Vice President
Andrew Kuljis, Secretary
Trustee James Coburn
Trustee Steven Domanski
Trustee Jeff Cawdrey
Trustee Tyler Tomich
Trustee Gene Bednarchik
Trustee David Peters
Trustee Chris Hart
Trustee Steve Ruda
Trustee Steve Berkery
Trustee Francisco Hernandez
Trustee Steve Tufts
Trustee Rick Godinez
Trustee David Ortiz
Trustee Mark Akahoshi
Trustee Tim Larson Pension
Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension
Todd Layfer - Executive Director
Trustee Chris Stine (Excused)
Trustee Doak Smith (Excused)
Trustee Craig White (Excused)
Trustee David Lowe Pension (Excused)
Bob Olsen, L.A. Retired Fire & Police
Lee Kebler, L.A. Retired Fire & Police
Tom Stires, Retired

INVOCATION & Flag Salute

2) Juan Albarran mentioned that he and a

handful of Trustees attended the Firefighter of
the Year Luncheon honoring Dana Larsen.


3) Juan Albarran reported that he and Bob

Steinbacher attended the Pension Board
meeting and stated that the Pension Board
approved the recommendation of the 7%
medical subsidy increase for retirees.

1) Todd Layfer reported that the candidate

chosen for the Facility/Operation Supervisor
position has decided to stay with his current
employer. He indicated that they have chosen
another candidate, Kevin Thome who will
begin on May 12th. He mentioned that Mr.
Thome comes with 10 years of facilities
operations experience.

4) Juan Albarran provided an update on 7470

Figueroa building and indicated that LAFRA
is currently negotiating with one tenant to
vacate the building.

2) Todd Layfer mentioned that the Hook &

Ladder Enduro event raised $18K net for the
WODFF. He thanked Craig White and Bruce
Galien for their hard work and efforts.


3) Todd Layfer indicated that the MAS 90

software demo was successful for Grapevine
uses to better track their ads. He indicated
that they will use the MAS 90 software and
stated that it will cost $3,000 for the add-on

Tonetta Conner with the Harrington Group

provided a brief summary of their findings
for the 2013 Audit Report. She mentioned
that they had met with the Audit Committee
and reviewed in detail the financials of the
organization. She stated that the Harrington
Group issued a clean opinion for both LAFRA
and the WODFF and stated that there were no
issues with regard to the systems and policies.
She indicated that they made a few minor
recommendations they feel would strengthen
certain areas and benefit the organization.
Juan Albarran entertained a motion to approve
the 2013 Audit Report. David Ortiz so moved.
Rick Godinez seconded. There was no
discussion or objections.

Rick Godinez led the invocation. Dennis

Mendenhall led the flag salute.

Motion carried to approve the 2013 Audit




Juan Albarran entertained a motion to ratify

and dispense with the reading of the minutes
of the Board of Trustees meeting held April
2, 2014. David Peters so moved. Tim Larson
seconded. There was no further discussion or

1) Bob Steinbacher mentioned that he and

Dave Peters attended the SIIA Conference
and indicated that it was very informative.
He mentioned the conference coming up in
Boston and asked those Trustees attending to
book their flights.

Motion carried to ratify and dispense with

the reading of the minutes of the Board of
Trustees held April 2, 2014.


56 July 2014

Garth Flint reviewed the market performance

and reported on stock speculations. Mike
performance for the quarter and indicated that
it earned 1.7% and the allocation and policy
indexes earned between 1.9% and 1.3% which
was what they had expected.

Garth Flint and Mike Breller presented the

2014 1st Quarter Investment Performance

4) Todd Layfer reported on the Hope for

Firefighters planning and indicated that they
would like as many Trustees as possible to
volunteer for that day. He mentioned that so
far there are 22 fire stations signed up to cook
and have around $65K in sponsorships and
Rick Godinez reported on the scholarship
program and stated that the essays have been
graded. He indicated that the winners have
been identified and will be presented with
their awards at the June 4th Board meeting.
Jeff Cawdrey presented the following motions.
The committee recommends and I so move
to pay the usual and customary bills in the
amount of $1,074,755.62. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the usual and customary
bills in the amount of $1,074,755.62.

The committee recommends and I so move

to pay the professional fees in the amount
of $155,203.61. There was no discussion or
Motion carried to pay the professional fees
in the amount of $155,203.61.
The committee recommends and I so move
to enter into a 5-year printer lease for the
Marketing Department. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to enter into a 5-year printer
lease for the Marketing Department.
The committee recommends and I so move
to enter into contract with Simon Wong &
Associates. He stated that they will be the
mechanical engineer for the new building
build out. There was no discussion or
Motion carried to enter into contract with
Simon Wong & Associates.
The committee recommends and I so move
to enter into contract with Interscape. He
stated that they will be the general contractor
for the build out. There was no discussion or
Motion carried to enter into contract with
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve up to $250 to support the California
Firefighter Memorial. There was no discussion
or objections.
Motion carried to approve up to $250 to
support the California Firefighter Memorial.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve up to $200 for the LAFD Captains
Badge Presentation. There was no discussion
or objections.
Motion carried to approve up to $200 for the
LAFD Captains Badge Presentation.
David Peters presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to
accept the applications to the Medical Plan.
There was no discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to accept all applications to
the Medical Plan.


James Coburn presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move to
The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount of
The Estate Planning benefit in the amount of
The Life & Accident Death benefit in the
amount of $12,000,
The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of
There was no discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the above Relief
James Coburn read the names of members
who recently passed and asked for a moment
of silence from the Board.
Lyle W. Marvin, Jr.
Stephen A. Haz
Jack Rein
James S. Rossie Sr.
William A. Burnidge
James Coburn




The committee recommends and I so move

to accept the donations in the amount of
$31,840.11 to the Widows, Orphans &
Disabled Firemens Fund. There was no
discussion or objections.
Motion carried to accept the donations in
the amount of $31,840.11 to the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund.
The committee recommends and I so move to
approve the financial assistance applications
for surviving spouses, active and retired
members. There was no discussion or
Motion carried to approve the financial
assistance applications for surviving spouses,
active and retired members.
James Coburn presented the following motion.
The committee recommends and I so move
to approve the emergency advancement
applications for active and retired members.
There was no discussion or objections.

Motion carried to approve the emergency

advancement applications for active and
retired members.
Chris Hart indicated that we received several
questions about what to do when getting ready
to retire. He suggested that we create some
type of checklist and/or document to assist
the members and also make it available on the
Andy Kuljis asked Trustees to check their
emails and try to assist with the flying of flags.
1) Lane Kemper Softball Tournament
May 14th
2) LAFRA Reunion Pechanga
May 19th 23rd
3) Hope for Firefighters June 5th
(Picnic May 18th)
4) Fire Hogs Memorial Ride June 28th
5) Get Together Foundation Concert @
Canyon Club July 3rd
6) World Fire Games August 15th 24th
7) Over the Line Tournament September 3rd
8) LAFD Invitational Golf Tournament
September 22nd
9) IFEBP Annual Conference (Boston)
October 12th 15th

1) Tom Yost May 17th Woodland Hills
Marriott Hotel
2) Joe Klein May 21st Brookside
Golf Course
3) Ben Simpson June 7th Edgemont Ranch
4) Paul Sebourn June 20th Ports
OCall Restaurant
5) Curtis O. Black June 20th Newport Beach
6) Deresa Teller June 29th Simi Valley
7) Robert Bob Motheral July 10th
Towsley Lodge
8) Joseph Johnson July 19th Friendly Hills
County Club
9) Ed Tapia September 6th Castle
Catering Pasadena
Juan Albarran entertained a motion to adjourn.
David Ortiz moved. Tim Larson seconded.
There was no discussion and no objections.
Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of
Trustees meeting adjourned at 11:29 a.m.

Juan Albarran, President

July 2014 57




YACHT. Fully loaded, immaculate
inside and out! No slideouts. 8.1L
Vortec gasoline engine. 45,500 miles.
Alison Transmission. 4000 lb. towbar
with Brake Buddy. Includes Onan
Generator. 2 A/C - Heaters. Oak
cabinetry with Corian countertops.
Fridge/Freezer, micro-wave, 3 burner
stove/oven. 2 TVs. Winterized. Twin
XL beds. Sleeps 4.$38,500.00 obo.
Contact: Larry (I Swear I Didnt Work
On it!) Jarvis - 661-212-1154
35.6, 1 1/4 BA, 4 bunks, master, 2
dinettes, big screen TV, fireplace,
4 slideouts, fridge, convection
microwave, surround sound, forced
air-heat, water heater, ceiling fan,
spot for washer/dryer, 5.5K generator
(Onan). Will sell truck if needed. (310)
514-1633, lafdpaiz@hotmail.com
SS454 pick-up from hell runs perfect. Needs some TLC. Best offer!
1979 VW Convert last year ever
made white/white/white. 780 miles
on engine. New tires on polished
porsche wheels. Best offer over
$5500. Stored inside in Palmdale.
Call Monty Majesky - retired LAFD
anytime (661) 265-6557
FIAT COLLECTORS. Check this out.
1927 Fiat X19 Bertone convertible
stored for years. New tires less than
80,000 miles looks and runs good.
Needs smog, pump and bracket for
California driving. $4500 OBO. (760)
878-2269 (Independence CA). Leave
message. Sorry no agents.
2012 Ford Fiesta, only 1,100 miles,
like brand new, $11,000, call Vito
Maggipinto at (818) 249-0240
PROJECT CARS. 1940 Ford 2-door
and 4-door sedans. 1939 deluxe
2-door sedan. 1941 Ford 123 inch
wheelbase railway express agency
truck. 1954 mercury hardtop, 1957
Ford hardtop. 1961 T-Bird convertible.
Miscellaneous parts and sheet metal.
Contact Jim McPherson LAFD retired
(805) 501-8102 or email

Eagle Point, Oregon, 2008 custom
home, 2783 sf., 3 BD 2 BA, two story.
Birch floors, island kitchen, oversized

58 July 2014

garage (724 sf), gas fireplace. Quiet

cul-de-sac within walking distance
to restaurants, shops, fitness club
and walking trail around golf course.
$306,000. www.southerncustomhome.com or call (541) 772-3790.
SHOP has everything - tools, books,
inventory, 2 lifts, two 20 ft containers,
tire machine - way too much to list.
Plus small 2 bedroom house all on
half acre corner lot, ready to move in
and start working. Hwy 395, Independence CA. LAFD Widow. (760) 8782269. Shown by appointment only.
Great deal at $220,000 cash.


International Living $170.000
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, South Pacific,
Lagos de la Cumbia Resort, beautiful
SFH, 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, fully
furnished vacation pool home. Access
to 20-horses stable, and tennis court.
Between SAME and SUA beaches
this home is a gem. For more details
contact: Hilda Rendon (714) 5866729
sq ft home overlooking the wind river
located in the gifford pinchot national
forest north of carson, washington.
- 2 story 3 b/r, 3 bath with storage
building. $300k call 360/696-1592 for
details & photos.
GREAT HOME in gated neighborhood on Lake Hartwell, South Carolina. Located in a gated neighborhood, has a dock in place on deep
water. Home features five bedrooms
and five bathrooms with master on
main. Kitchen has granite countertops
and stainless steel appliances. There
are two decks on that is screened in.
There is an additional 2300 square
feet in basement partially finished.
Easy walk to lake. $649,900. 105
Chapelwood Drive, Anderson, South
NEW HOME IN SOUTHERN OREGON. 2014 custom home, 2,000
sf, 3 BD 2 BA one story home on
cul-de-sac. Redwood 3 1/4 sanded
finish floors, 9 ceilings, shed vault
in living and dining rooms, island
kitchen, granit counter tops, stainless
steel appliances, pantry gas fireplace,
and utility room. Beautiful views in
Medford, Oregon. $329,900.
www.foothillcustomhome.com or
call (541) 772-3790.

WILLAHAN (LAFD wife) for any real

estate needs. Donation to fire-related

organizations and/or help with some
escrow fees with every closed sale!
Specializing in Orange County, parts
of Los Angeles/Riverside Counties.
Lender information available. Century
21 Award, BRE #00966984. (949)
Termite & Pest Control - ECOLA
Ecological Solutions. Smart choices,
simple solutions. Problem solved.
Call for FREE termite estimate or
pest quotes over the phone - escrow
and inspections excluded. Fireman
wife Sue Fries - Termite Lady. (818)
BUSY BEAVER TREE AND LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming and removal,
stumpgrinding, and firewood sales.
Mixed firewood, eucalyptus and oak.
Delivery available or pick up. Licensed and insured. Dwayne Kastor,
FS 63-B - (818) 535-6368.
DEALER - DOJRS background
checks, FFL transfers, handgun
safety certificate, consignment sales,
gun registration and personal transfers. Personal firearms instructor,
tactical casualty management and
gunsmithing. All handguns and long
guns must be listed on the California
DOJ for sale roster. Call Bill Evans active LAFD (714) 330-9825 email:
Clinical Psychologist Dr. Susan Purrington specializes in anxiety, depression, relational difficulties, eating disorders, spiritual or personal growth,
marital conflict, family of origin issues.
Find a supportive and confidential
place for healing and growth. Located
in Old Towne Orange. Questions or
consultation: (949)648-7875
- Free estimates, residential, commercial. Great rates for LAFD and
LAPD. Toll free (877) 891-1414, (661)
298-3070, FAX (661) 298-3069. State
License No. 527114
us when a loved one passes, moves
to a nursing facility or downsizes. Our
professional staff can handle every
aspect of estate liquidation. We have
worked with many fire families and
are here to help. Rebecca Martin,
LAFD wife (818) 216-3637 www.
INC. A complete landscape service
A-Z. Sod irrigation / stamped concrete
/ driveways / patio cover / low voltage
lighting / artificial turf / rockscapes /
walls. FREE landscape design. Free
estimates. Serving all Southern CA.
Eric Mendoza 96-B (760) 221-1912.
Call or text. CA Lic # 807078.

Bonded & insured

& ROCK YARD. All your landscape
materials @ wholesale prices. Trees
/ plants / decorative rock / boulders /
firewood / sod / artificial turf. Delivery
available. Located in Victorville CA.
(760) 243-9500
com Your 1 stop shop!
& SERVICE. Garage doors and openers. Need to replace your broken
springs? or does your door need
repair, even replaced? We do it all
from new product to repairing old. Call
(661) 860-4563 Grassroots Garage
Doors, Inc. Lic# 950020. Son of 35
year veteran fireman.
COUNSELING. Licensed therapist
Cathy Chambliss helps couples and
individuals work through conflicts
in relationships, stress, anxiety,
affairs, communication issues, and
divorce. All counseling is confidential.
Insurance taken. Call Cathy at (310)
303-9132. Office located in Hermosa
REAL ESTATE SERVICES. Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Moorpark,
Simi Valley, Camarillo, Ventura and
the San Fernando Valley. Homes,
lots, commercial and investment
properties. Over 20 years experience.
Please call me with your real estate
questions and also request your activity reports for your area. Mike Rhodes
- Prudential California Realty. Realtor
- BRE License 0177388. LAFD
retired. Cell (805) 501-6044. Email:
Dont lose thousands of dollars during
your professional career to taxes!
prepare your tax return. We specialize
in tax preparation and financial planning for firefighters. We offer a FREE
REVIEW of your last three years of
tax returns. Call us today at (800)
573-4829 or visit us at
replacement windows & Patio doors. I
also carry aluminum, wood and entry
door systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt.
LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-6676.

BIG BEAR CABIN - All season,
restful views from decks. Two story,
sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus
miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood,
cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen,
completely furnished except linens.

Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day minimum). $550/$600 a week, Beep or

Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475.
BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom, 2
bath, 2 story. Sleeps 6-8. About 6
miles from ski slopes & lake. Fireplace/
wood, cable, full kitchen - furnished.
$100 per night M - Th. $110 per night
F-Sun. Weekly available. Sheri (909)
851-1094 or (760) 948-2844.
lakeside townhouse, 2 bedrooms,
3 baths, 2 cable TVs, HBO, DVD,
WiFi, 2 wood burning fireplaces,
laundry room, tennis court, indoor
pool, sauna, spa, boat dock. Fully
equipped, including all linens. Sleeps
6. 310-541-8311 or email: nmbigbear@gmail.com
BIG BEAR CABIN - Sugarloaf - Cozy
upgraded 2 bedroom cabin. Sleeps
8. Fireplace, deck, Wifi - internet and
cable TV. On a large lot with sled hill.
Fully furnished except linens. $125
Winter $100 summer. Details and
availability, Call/text/email Jessica
(949) 874-5294
sugarloafcabin@cox.net sugarloafcabin.com
COTTAGE - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one
block to beach, view, fully equipped
housekeeping unit. Marci (818) 3476783 or Clarence (310) 510-2721.
BEACH CONDO. 180-degree ocean
front view, 1 bedroom, 1 1/4 bath,
living room, sofa bed, outdoor patio
ocean front view. Morro Bay/ Hearst
Castle, Central California Area. Steps
to beach and fishing pier. Nearby public golf & tennis. Weekly or monthly.
Contact Sondra (818) 985-9066.
cabin with Carson Peak view. Close
to fishing & skiing. Furnished, wood
deck, equipped kitchen, wood burning
stove, tree swing, cable /DVD/phone.
Garage/ample parking. $95/night
plus cleaning fee. Email for pictures.
Jeff Easton 93-A (805) 217-5602.
CABIN. Charming 2-story with creek,
large deck, two baths, complete kitchen, TV/VCR/DVD, fireplace, washer
& dryer. Walk to Blue Jay Village.
Sleeps 8. $90/night. NO PETS! Bruce
or Sue Froude, (805) 498-8542.
LAKE HAVASU LANDING-Waterfront, steps to the water. Boat mooring out front, off-road desert behind
house. 3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished w/
linens. Direct TV/DVR, BBQ, Casino,
Grocery/Meat Market, Launch Ramp,
Marina with Boat House, Gated Community. No pets/smoking. $350 Dan
Cook 310 418 1577.


RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft.
Fully furnished with all amenitiesLaundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3
car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from
launch ramp. Close to downtown
shops & restaurants. View of the lake.
Quiet street in good neighborhood.
No pets. No smoking. Snowbird rates.
Call Mike (661) 510-6246
gated community. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2
bath, large loft. 3minute drive to main
marina in Oak Shores. Large flat
driveway. Fully equipped kitchen,
BBQ, washer/dryer, TV/DVD. No
cable. No pets/smoking. $185/night.
3 night minimum. Call Ben (805)
MAMMOTH - 1 bedroom Summit
condo, sleeps 6. Convenient underground garage parking. Jacuzzis,
gym (pool/tennis in summertime),
shuttle right outside! Across from
Eagle Lodge, Winter $110 per night,
Summer $80 per night plus $65
cleaning fee and 13% tax. All linens
included. Drew or Nancy Oliphant
(661) 513-2000 or email: mammoth241@aol.com
MAMMOTH CONDO. 1 Bed/ 1.25
Bath sierra manors condo. In town,
on shuttle route. Sleeps 4 easily. Pets
OK. Fully furnished with new furniture/
HDTV/WIFI Woodburning fireplace.
Hot Tub, sauna, W/D in complex. Reduced rates for FFs starting @100/nt
Ryan (310) 717 8483 for more info/
MAMMOTH CONDO. 2 bedroom, 2
bath, sleeps 6. Near Canyon Lodge.
Newly remodeled recreation room
with pool and spa. Laundy facilities,
condo has been beautifully remodeled. Photos available on website.
Winter - $300 per night, Summer
- $150 per night. $150 cleaning fee.
Call for holiday terms and pricing.
Joseph Angiuli (626) 497-5083.
2 bedroom & large loft, 3 full baths,
sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Canyon
Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs, VCR/
DVD, pool, spa, rec room, sauna, linens included. Winter $175 weekdays,
$195-weekends/holidays; summer
$125, plus cleaning. No smoking; no
pets. Craig Yoder (909) 948-3659.
MAMMOTH CONDO Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI,
3 TVs, pool, spa, walk to shuttle, Old
Mammoth area. Winter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes
linens. No pets, no smoking. Call
(310) 540-4648.
ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, sleeps 10, fully
furnished, 2 TVs, DVDs, WiFi, towels/

linens, fireplace. Full kitchen. Walk to

Gondola Village and shuttle. Complex
has pool, spa, sauna, laundry. Winter
$335/night, Summer $215/night, plus
cleaning. Includes city bed tax. No
pets, no smoking. Dory Jones (310)
918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310)
MAMMOTH CONDO - 2 bdrm, 2
bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool,
jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens.
Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/
night. Weekends and Holidays $110
midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/
week. No smoking. No pets. Jim
Johnson (818) 992-7564, FS 80C.
MAMMOTH CONDO rental. Large
2bed/2bath winterset condo. Fully furnished, across from Vons, on shuttle
route, easily sleeps 8. Hot tub, heated
pool, sauna, full size in unit W/D
HDTV/WiFi throughout, woodburning
fireplace, pets OK FIREFIGHTER
DISCOUNTS, rates from $150/night
Ryan @ (310) 717-8483
MAMMOTH CONDO - Sierra Manors
Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. Fully
furnished except linens. 2 TVs/VCR/
DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher, microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door. Winter
$155/night, Summer $100/night, Plus
$80 cleaning fee and City Bed Tax.
Brian & Karen Salvage LAFD Retired
(805) 499-7752.
MAMMOTH LAKES - One bedroom,
extremely charming wildflower condo.
Full amenities, close to shuttle.
Antiques, art, satellite TV, fireplace.
Sleeps 4. Winter $110, Summer $85
plus cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark
(818) 371-6722
Email: shakesong@aol.com
Studio/loft, 2 bath, king bed, sleeps 4.
Full kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD. Garage
parking. Walk to Canyon Lodge. Ski
back wall. 2 night minimum. Winter
$100/nite, $126 Fri, Sat & Holidays.
Summer $50/nite. Plus $95 cleaning
& linens. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air
Ops (661) 254-5788.
to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft sleeps
4. Queen beds, full kitchen, 2 baths,
garage parking, TV, VCR, DVD.
Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat
$115/nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non
smoking complex. Joel Parker, LAFD
email: cat25sailor@juno.com or
(213) 399-6534.
entrance to Yosemite. 2 bedrooms, 1
bath, sleeps 6. Newly built. Complete
kitchen, washer & dryer, wi-fi, satellite
TV. Seasonal rates. www.thecottageonevergreenlane.com
Call 888-977-1006


NAPILI BAY - 50 from water. Studios
and 1 bedroom. Luxury furnishings +
full kitchen. All the amenities! Mauis
best snorkeling/beach. All island
activities & Kapalua within 4 minutes.
5-day minimum, from $150 per night
(regularly $310/night). Call Sherrie or Bill for info/reservations (805)
530-0007 or email: pmimaui@aol.
com or visit:
GONDOLA VILLAGE Fully furnished, three bedroom, two bath with
towels and linens, newly remodeled
kitchen, internet and cable TV, pool
and Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola,
shops, restaurants and ski in on
the new comeback trail. Parking at
the front door. Winter: $250/night.
Summer $150/night. Holidays $300/
night. Cleaning is included. Call Mike
Whitehouse, Retired, 805-987-6122,
email: btkwhitey@yahoo.com
or Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-6457448, email: luvbaja2@aol.com
MAUI CONDO 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS. Centrally located on beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent swimming
and snorkeling; white sandy beach.
Minutes from golf, tennis, fishing,
shopping, airport and resort areas.
Marsha Smith or Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800) 367-6084. www.
- Napili Bay. Beautiful furnished condo
that sleeps 4. Lanai/balcony, full kitchen, king bed, flat screen TVs/DVD,
ACs free WiFi (internet), complimentary maid service, complimentary coffee every morning and breakfast on
Fridays. Special firefighters discount
- Best value in West Maui! Nice pool
& BBQ area - Close to beach! (800)
336-2185 www.napilivillage.com
Don Sprenger - retired LAFD (949)
GETAWAY - 80 miles south of Glacier
Natl Park, in the foothills of the
Rockies, mountain and canyon views.
1,000s of miles of trailheads, fishing,
etc. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, dining,
living, kitchen & washer/dryer. SatTV,
wireless internet. $125.00 night +
cleaning. Call Dan (805) 270-8143 or
www.VRBO.com (#494959)
Mujeres, Cozumel - Exclusive
member service and treatment. Visit
palaceresorts.com to view various
resorts and amenities. Price is for one
week, two persons, any day travel
and includes airport transportation,
massages and two tours. Price varies
by season. John @ (626) 757-5341
or jgonzlz@hotmail.com
PALM DESERT-3 bed/2bath, one
level. New re-model, fully furnished w/
linens. Cable TV/DVR, Private Patio,

July 2014 59

BBQ, Laundry, Garage, Gated

Community, two (Pools, Jacuzzis,
Tennis Courts). Near College of
the Desert. $175 Dan Cook 310
418 1577.
Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2
bath plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable
TV, washer/dryer, microwave,
woodburning stove. 7 minutes to
casinos and Heavenly. Located in
Tahoe Paradise. $105 per night
plus cleaning. Call Shawn or Rose
Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or (661)

class A 40 motorhome. Sleeps 8,
bunk beds, 4 slides, 4 TVs, fully
loaded. $270/day (with active/retired firefighter/police discount), includes cleaning fee and unlimited
miles. 3-day minimum, tow dolly
available. Get more, pay less. Call
Shawn, LAFD. (888) 540-4835.


Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot
Motor Homes, with Double Slide
Outs, Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping Kit, Camping Kit, Discount
Prices Starting at $150.00 to
$180.00 per night. Serving family
& friends of LAPD , LASD, IPD,
OXPD, OX Fire, LA CO., LA City,
Ski Clubs ask for our 25% off
weekly rental rates. Visit us at
www.so-calrv.com or call 661714-7689 or 661-297-2398. ALSO
bedroom 2 bath with pool tables &

12 DUMP TRAILER. $85/day.
Contact Gregg Avery, FS 98-A.
(805) 320-8311

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July 2014 61

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