Freshman Course: Second Edition

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Freshman Course

Second Edition
Author: Djuan
Co Author: Rey


SchedulePg. 3
Introduction..Pg. 4
ImaginationPg. 7
Subliminal.Pg. 11
Law of Attraction..Pg. 16
Astral Travel.Pg. 21
Lucid DreamingPg. 27
Akashic Records...Pg. 36
Final.Pg. 49


Important Dates
Freshman Start Date
Mass Meditation
Freshman End Date
Final Due Date

August 30th, 2012

December 21st, 2012
December 30th, 2012
January 14th, 2012

Below you will find a lesson guide. This guide gives estimated times on
when you should start a new Chapter in this course. You may finish this
course ahead of schedule but not later. Remember, following the guide
will increase the effectiveness of the teachings.

Study Guide
Entry Meditation
Law of Attraction
Astral Travel
Lucid Dreaming
The Akashic Records

Start on August 30th, 2012

Start on August 31st, 2012
Start on September 7th, 2012
Start on September 21st, 2012
Start on October 12th, 2012
Start on October 26th, 2012
Start on November 23rd, 2012


Before you begin, listen to the required entry meditation below:
Freshman Entry Meditation!

The Freshman course is designed to help you begin the

journey to Mastery. In this course you will learn the basics of six
different subjects. The six subjects are the imagination,
subliminal messages, Law of Attraction, Astral Travel, Lucid
Dreaming, and the Akashic Records. Learning these six subjects
can grant you these different abilities: access to the spiritual
realm, control over life events, and the ability to attract m
ore abilities to you. This course can truly change your life.
While taking this course you must have an open mind. Those
who are close minded will have a difficult time understanding
this course. You must be open to the possibilities because you
never know what can happen.
In this course you will be required to keep a dream journal.
You will need to get a new notebook that is used for this course
only. Label your dream journal Freshman Level. You will
need to date and time your journal entries.


Most of you who are entering this course have one goal in
mind. That goal is to learn to manipulate the elements. Everyone
wants to learn this power and a truly magnificent power it is.
Remember not to limit yourself to only elemental manipulation
because the world of possibilities are endless. There are other
talents you must unlock before you can unlock the ability of
elemental manipulation. By learning the techniques in this
course, you can apply them and unlock the ability of elemental
manipulation. The elements are not something that can be
taught, its something you already know. Your goal is to
discover this ability within yourself. With this course you will
start the path to Mastery. When you complete the Senior course
level, you will have all the tools you need to unlock the
elemental ability inside of you. For those who are not here for
elemental manipulation this information is still relevant to you.
This information can be of great use to you as well.
This course will unlock talents that you never knew you
had. In order for this course to be effective you must follow all
of the instructions when given. Rey, the co-teacher of this course
is teaching a few other courses that you will find on the groups


page. Id recommend starting with the consciousness expander

entry level course. This course and the consciousness course will
work together to help you achieve your goal. Remember have
faith and theses courses will work wonders for you.


Section: 1

The imagination is a tool that we use every day. The

imagination is a technique that we develop at a young age.
Younger children seem to have a more active imagination than
older people. Some people feel its a bad thing that children
have an over active imagination. Having an active imagination
isnt bad but it can cause problems for you later in life. The key
is to train your imagination. Training your imagination will open
up a new world of wonders for you.
Our imaginations can be influenced by many things that
occur in this world and other alternate universes. Our
imaginations are important because everything that you can
imagine can be brought into reality. With determination you will
be able to accomplish anything you desire. Remember the
imagination is very important and you should not doubt or deny
the power that you have. Your abilities are only limited to what
you limit them to. You are in charge of this journey your about
to take.


Exercise: 1

This exercise is designed to help you begin training and gaining

control over your imagination. Click the link below for the
imagination exercise. Be sure to include in your dream journal
information on your meditation.
Imagination Meditation
Exercise: 2

This exercise will help further your imagination training. You

will need to choose one of the topics below for this exercise.
When using these topics write down in your dream journal
exactly what you imagined.
Imagine a world where you are the King or Queen. You
rule this world and all the people of this world. Imagine
how you would run the world. How would things be in
your world? When you use this topic please write down in
your journals exactly how you would run your world.
Please include exactly what happen in your world, and do


not record false information about your imagination

journey. This technique is very important.
Imagine yourself as a Spiritual Guide. You have the ability
to talk to anyone you want to on this physical world
without being seen. Imagine who you would talk to and
who you would help. Imagine what youd do to help that
person, and spend the entire meditation focusing on this
topic. Please remember to write down everything that
happens in your imagination.
Imagine you were a master of energy manipulation. See
yourself performing various tasks with your amazing
talents. See yourself helping other. Write down everything
about this topic. How you feel, what you sense, and what
you feel from others around you.
Imagine you are an element (choose which ever element
you want). Now imagine what youd do if you were that
element. Write down how youd feel, what youd sense,
and what would you do in general. Please include every
Now this last one is a little drastic. Imagine you were God
or the Creator of all things. What would you do in this

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position? Please take your time when performing this topic

and be aware. This one is major, so make sure you write
down every detail.
Click the below for the imagination exercise two.
Imagination Meditation pt. 2
Exercise: 3

This exercise is the same as exercise two. Only this time use
your own topics. Use the same link for exercise two but
replace the topics with your own topics.
Imagination Meditation pt. 2

Instructions: You should practice exercise one and two for at least 2
weeks each. Exercise three should be completed once a day for four
weeks. If you feel you need to attempt these exercises more than what
is suggested, then please do so. It is very important that you master
these exercises.

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Subliminal Messages
Section: 1
Subliminal messages have been investigated for some time now. In
many ways subliminal messages are used to improve abilities and skills.
Professional sports players use subliminal messages to develop the right
mind set to achieve their desires in their profession. Some people use
subliminal messages to help overcome depression and other problems.
Subliminal messages affect your subconscious mind mostly but it
also affects the conscious mind. Over 90% is subconscious. Everything
that gets to the sub conscious mind can be manifested and become your
reality. This doesnt mean that you can use subliminal messages as an
ultimate medicine. Over time you will come to notice that the conscious
mind is like a guard over your subconscious mind. Over time you will
have wisdom in your conscious mind, protecting the subconscious mind
at will.

The subliminal messages that are integrated into the music is put
there for your subconscious mind. You will hear no message
consciously, but this doesnt mean that it is not there. Some who are
sensitive will be able to feel and sense it.

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Also there are certain frequencies processed to awaken DNA

strands carefully. Use the subliminal messages as a support and make
the conscious choice to change what youd like to change. Do anything
within your power to activate your will to change what you want to
Keep in mind that an energetic person radiating love and bliss
simply does not have all those thoughts to trick people in her/his system!
The subliminal messages will be manifested in your reality, but it
is up to you to go for it consciously when it is there, to accept the change
or not, consciously.

Medical warning: binaural sounds should not be used by pregnant

women, those using a pacemaker, and those who have had or are
prone to seizures or are epileptic. Therefore I recommend that if
you have a medical condition or are on medication please print this
out and see a Medical Doctor to check if you are at risk before you
use any binaural type music. For the print: Delta, theta, alpha and
beta brain waves.

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Exercise: 1
This exercise is for the root chakra. Below you will find the lyrics and
the link to this exercise.
Root Chakra: Heart of Courage by 2 steps from hell (artist: Nick
Phoenix & Thomas J. Bergersen)....
Lyrics: I am. I am grounded. I am divine power. I am rooted. I am
happy. I am blissful. I feel nurturing. I feel ecstasy. I radiate divine bliss.
I feel strong. I go after what I want. I have a deep rooted instinct. I am
willing to live. I love life. My mind is powerful. All are attracted to me.
All feel my strong connection with earth. I listen to my body. I know
where I stand for. I know why I am here. I am powerful. I am

Exercise: 2
"I am that I am" = funeral canticle by John Tavener...
Lyrics: In my presence people are healed. I am awakening. I am
expanding. I am flowing with divine love. I am blissful more and more. I
am enlightening more and more. I am beyond vibration. Anything is
possible. Life is possibility. I am willing to will. I am in ecstasy more
and more each moment. My consciousness alters DNA. I bring life into

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life. I am powerful. I radiate divine power. I use humility towards myself

and others. I believe in myself more and more each day. My belief will
be able to move mountains. My belief is like a rock. I believe. I trust. I
claim enlightenment, its my birthright. I am awakening more and more
on each moment. I live in the now moment. I claim enlightenment right
Exercise: 3
"Time to Believe" = time by Hans Zimmer.
Lyrics: Time to Believe: I am divine love. I speak the truth and listen to
the truth. I understand the insights I learn more and more every day. I
understand the universal truths more and more every day. I let go of fear
right now. I liberate everyday more and more. I let go of loneliness right
now! I feel more and more. I let go of ego right now! My inner power is
awakening more and more on each moment. I let go of sorrow right
now! I listen to my heart more and more on each moment. I let go of
illusions right now! I am realistic more and more on each moment. I feel
connected to all that is. I am expressing the true self more each moment.
I am that I am. I am the beginning and end. I am the truth. I am god in
my reality, and a son of god towards others. I see myself in others until
nothing is left but me. I reach unconditional love right now! I am all that
is. I will always expand and accept this with whole my being. I stand
from now on in my power, because I am power. I am reaching god

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consciousness. I am willing to reach the highest truth in everything I

experience. I am never alone since I am whole. We are in this together
as one. I am bringing the source with right insight. I am willing to speak
from the source. I am willing to radiate heart consciousness. I am willing
to radiate divine power. I am willing to radiate divine feeling. I am
willing to radiate being grounded. I forgive myself and others. I have
mercy towards myself and others. I forgive. I can forgive my greatest
enemy. I am multidimensional. I am that I am.
Exercise: 4
Sacral Chakra = Hymn to the sea - James Horner.
No Lyrics

Instructions: You should only attempt one exercise each day. Please
remember to carefully read the warning.

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Law of Attraction
Section: 1
The LOA (Law of Attraction) is a technique that we all use
throughout our everyday lives, whether we are consciously aware of it or
not. Our thoughts, the things we say, and the things we do send out
frequencies into the universe. As the saying goes What goes around
comes around. This saying is very true. Everything we do or think will
come back to us. How it will come back to us depends on the frequency
that was sent. If you send out a negative thought into the universe you
will get back a negative action or event. For example: If you sent out a
negative thought saying My life is horrible. You will attraction more
things to you that will make your life even worse than it is. If you say I
know Im going to fail this test tomorrow. Most likely youll fail that
exact test but the universe decides how and when to send the frequency
back to you. So you said you were going to fail the test tomorrow but
you passed it instead. Then a few weeks later you had another test and
you failed it. That was a result of the negative frequency you sent out.
Although the frequency was about the first test it affected the second one
you had. The universe sends frequencies back when it feels its time. It
could take many years or you could have sent the frequency out in the
7th grade and on your senior year of college you failed your final exam
because of that frequency you admitted long ago. Another example: lets

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say you were upset with someone and you wished they were dead or
would get hurt. The universe will respond to that but not the way you
would expect it to. If you sent out this type of frequency its possible
that you could get exactly what you asked for but whether you get what
you asked for or not youre going to get it to. If you wished someone
would get hurt and you were specific about how they would get hurt.
You will attract an accident to yourself also. It may not be the exact one
you wished upon someone else but it will be on the same frequency level
or worse than what you wished on the other person. This is how the
universe works.
The universe is not all bad and negative. Just like the negative
frequency we all send out positive frequencies as well. Just like the
negative ones, when you send out positive frequencies you will receive
positive things in life similar or exactly like you wanted. Have you ever
had a time in your life when everything seem to be going downhill then
a few weeks later everything picked up and went perfect? Thats the
work of the LOA. People never really pay attention to their thoughts
they just allow their minds to think what ever. When you allow your
mind to think whatever it is constantly you sending out positive and
negative frequencies depending on exactly what youre thinking. Then
when the universe gets ready to return the frequencies you experience
that weird pattern I explained earlier in this paragraph. In order to
prevent this from happening you must monitor your thoughts and train

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you mind to think positive all the time. If you can think positive
thoughts all the time you will never experience any negative frequencies.
Note: If someone you love has had something tragic happen to them,
there is nothing you can do to stop it. Everyone has their own
frequencies and receive their own karma. All you can do is help them to
change the way they think and they will be fine also.

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Exercise: 1
Everyone has had a time in their life where they have had many negative
thoughts and a lot of you are probably worried about the frequencies that
are going to come back to you. In order to prevent these negative
frequencies from returning you must replace them with positive
frequencies. The link below is a meditation that will help you erase and
replace your thoughts.
Law of Attraction Meditation
Exercise: 2
For this exercise sit in the lotus position, close your eyes, and remain
really still. No matter what dont move. Let your mind roam freely but
control the thoughts that enter your mind. When negative thoughts enter
your mind change it into positive one. You should do this for 15 minutes
a day. Use this meditation music.
Meditation Music
Exercise: 3
Three times a day close your eyes and imagine yourself manipulating the
elements. While the visual is displaying in your imagination say to

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yourself I will do this. Repeat this several times for 30 seconds. If you
have other goals besides elemental manipulation use them instead.
The Law of Attraction is a super technique that can bring light or darkness into
your life. Its your choice.

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Astral Travel
Section: 1:
Astral Traveling is something everyone wants to do. Just the
thought of being able to explore this Astral World where everything you
wish for is instantly given to you is everyones dream. Although
everyone wishes to Astral Travel not everyone has the determination to
do so. Astral Traveling can be very simple and easy to many people but
it can also be difficult for some others. No matter whether its easy or
difficult you must willfully promise to yourself that No Matter what, I
will learn to Astral Travel. If you have the determination you will learn
to Astral Travel very easily.
Before we get into Astral Traveling I want to go over some of the
basics and the requirements. Firstly, you must deprogram yourself of the
whole one body idea. Many people think and deeply believe that they
only have one body. They also believe when they die then life is over.
Thats not at all true but then again it is. This goes back to the Law of
Attraction. Those who believe that when they die they will be either
casted into the pits of hell or fly into the gates of heaven just might do
so. What you have to realize is that you create your own future. We have
to realize that there is no set boundary for us. Our abilities are unlimited
and we can achieve any goal whether it is believable by others or not.
All you have to do is have faith in your beliefs and you will achieve

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them. Second, you must program yourself to know that there are actually
two bodies that you posse, the physical body, which will grow older then
eventually die off and the Astral body, which after the physical body
dies will live on to face another adventure. Our Astral bodies live on for
ever and ever. Your Spiritual body is probably a thousand years old. It
sounds weird but it is how life truly works and planets are an example of
that. In the winter they die and in the spring they come back to life. This
world is an example on how life works. People have been made to
believe that after we die thats it. Well thats not true. Remember this
We are Immortal.
Something you must also do in order to achieve the goal of Astral
Traveling is to erase your mind of all fears. Now let me make this clear
for some of you who live on the extreme side. When I say erase all fears,
I dont mean for you to go out and try something that will risk your life
because you are fearless. Be smart about it, when you erase your fears
its not for you to try and kill yourself but its so you dont have any
worries. Having fear and worries will drastically affect beginners in
Astral Traveling. You must learn to let go but as I said be smart about it.
Another thing that affects Astral Traveling for beginners is the
food you eat. Im not saying for you to become a vegetarian but in order
for you to Astral Travel at a beginners level you must eat light on the
days you plan on Astral Traveling. Meaning no red meats and no over
eating. Eat as light as possible the entire day you plan on Astral

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Traveling. However, do not starve yourself. Just be sure when you get
ready to Astral Travel that you are not to full.
Lastly, before attempting to Astral Travel go out for a relaxing
walk. It is ideal to go alone so you dont have anyone else distracting
you. While you are out walking think about the things you wish to do
during your Astral Travel. Take the time to absorb energy from nature
and just soak in the atmosphere. For those of you who do not have
access to a track or a park, do something else that relaxes you. Take a
bubble bath, read a book, go to a spa, or any other thing you can think of
that will relax you. Whatever you do to help relax you make sure it
doesnt involve electronics. In fact two hours prior to your Astral Travel
turn off your cell phones, TV, video games, etc. You must separate
yourself from technology. During your Astral Traveling it is important
to keep those devices off. You shouldnt turn on any electronic devices
until your Astral Travel is over.
The key element to Astral Traveling is to have faith and passion in
what you are wanting to Astral Travel for. Like if youre trying to Astral
Travel to find out how you can win tomorrows ball game, Kung Fu
match, or how to manipulate the elements. Whatever the reason may be
make sure that your first Astral Travel is something that you really want
more than anything. You may not be aware of this, but youve Astral
Traveled many times throughout the course of your life. Astral Traveling
has occurred in our dreams, in our imaginations, and in our meditations.

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Weve all experienced an Astral Travel in our lives. The problem is we

are not aware when these Astral Travel occur. Many Astral Travels that
occur in our imaginations and meditations are called Mind Traveling.
Mind Traveling explains a lot of dj vu moments that we experience.
Dj vu, is the moment where you feel youve been somewhere before,
even though you have not.
Astral Traveling is an art that can work many wonders for you.
You must use this tool to your advantage and seek the answers you
request. As long as you remain positive you will achieve every goal you
Astral Traveling will be continued in the Sophomore Course!

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Exercise: 1
This exercise is designed to help you overcome your fears. Remember
with these exercises you should repeat them throughout this entire
Fear Meditation
Exercise: 2
This exercise is designed for Mind Traveling. For this exercise you will
need to not eat anything heavy or drink a lot of liquids 4 hours prior to
attempting this, wear loose clothing that is comfortable, and remove all
electronic devices from the room you are presently in. Make sure that
there is no one else in the room, the room is silent, the room temperature
is comfortable, and fairly dark. You do not want to be in a room with a
lot of sun light during this exercise. If needed, you can use a pillow and
a small blanket to cover yourself with. Now lay down on the floor in
your chosen room. It is not ideal to lay on the bed or a couch because
you may fall asleep. Now place your dream journal near you because
after this exercise is over you will need to write down all the things that
occurred. Click below to start the exercise. If you need just the audio
you may request for it by emailing
Mind Travel

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Exercise: 3
This exercise requires you to write down all of your dj vu moments.
As soon as they occur, write them down in your dream journals. If they
were similar but different in some ways, write that down as well.
Exercise: 4
This exercise is called the White Light meditation. This exercise is
designed to help you raise your level of consciousness in order to come
in contact with your spiritual guides through Astral Travel.
White Light Meditation

Astral Traveling is a technique that can open a new world for you!

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Lucid Dreaming
Section: 1
Many people at some point in their lives have experienced a Lucid
Dream. Lucid Dreaming is when you are consciously aware that you are
dreaming. If you havent listened to the entry version of Lucid Dreaming
then you should. Theyre several ways that you can achieve a Lucid
Dream. DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dream) is the most common way
to experience a LD (Lucid Dream). In a DILD you become consciously
aware that you are dreaming but in some case you will not always be in
control of the dream. As you learn more and more about Lucid
Dreaming, you will learn how to better control them. We usually
experience Lucid Dreams during the REM sleep stage which is known
as the Rapid Eye Movement stage.
MILD stands for Mnemonic-Induced Lucid Dream. This form of
Lucid Dreaming was discovered by LaBerge. This technique consists of
you basically training your mind to become consciously aware while
you are sleeping. Mnemonic is the use of a system or technique to train
your memory to achieve a certain task. The exercises for this Chapter
will include some techniques to help you with MILD. Keep in mind that
the MILD technique requires dedication and the ability to focus
consciously and accurately on what you desire. Its somewhat the same
as the LOA.

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WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) is common for those who are
trying to experience a LD from a meditation or self-hypnosis. When it
comes to having a WILD it is more difficult than having a DILD. WILD
requires you to keep your conscious mind aware as you drift into the
dream state. Be aware of False Awakening. This sometimes occurs
during a WILD. When this happens you will think that you remember
having a lucid dream when you never became consciously aware of the
experience. What happen was you were actually dreaming that you were
having a lucid dream. One thing that helps you avoid this from
happening is to remember your reality checks which will be an exercise
for this Chapter.
One good technique that helps with lucid dreaming is waking up.
When you are sleep set your alarm to wake you up about 4 hours before
you normally wake up. When the alarm goes off, get out of bed turn on
your light and stay up for about 15 to 20 minutes. Wake yourself up, if
you have to do some exercises or play a game something that will get
your conscious mind up and active. Now go back to sleep still repeating
to yourself the intentions of your lucid dream. This technique has a great
chance of you entering a lucid dream. Its not very easy to accomplish
for some people and I recommend trying this on the weekend when you
dont have anything to do.
One technique that can drastically affect your LD is a mantra.
Mantra is basically a short phrase that contains your intentions and

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expectations. The phrase does not have to be anything complex. It can

be something very simple such as I am grateful and ready to experience
a Lucid Dream. By feeling grateful you have activated the LOA which
can help you attract a LD. Repeat your mantra to yourself all day and
night. While youre going to sleep repeat your mantra to yourself. Im
not asking you to go around repeating this phrase to everyone you see
but repeat it to yourself.
This is the point where you will begin planning out a lucid dream.
If you have been keeping up on your dream journals this should be very
easy for you. Remember patience is important.
Note: It will take a practice to develop your lucid dreaming abilities to their
fullest but remember practice makes perfect and permanent. The reward of
lucid dreaming will be something that was worth training for.

Conscious dream awareness is based on the desire to remember

your dreams. You should try thinking about wanting to lucid dream
throughout your day so when you go to sleep the possibilities of you
having a lucid dream are increased. Ive talked to you all about the Law
of Attraction and how it works and for lucid dreaming it works just the
same. Use it. Ive said, to many people that showing gratitude to your
guides and your family and the people who help support you will help
you on your journey to mastery. It does and you should remember to be
grateful for the things you have and the things you are able to do now
but know that those things are only just the beginning.

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To start your lucid dream journey you must first think of

something you want to dream about. For your first lucid dream pick
something that you really want more than anything. After youve picked
what you want to dream about continue to repeat it to yourself
throughout the rest of the day. It helps to visually see things that remind
you of what it is you are trying to dream about. If you have access to
visual objects or pictures use them and store them into your memory. So
every time you think about your dream topic those images will flash in
your head. Do this throughout your entire day.
Again it helps to remind yourself throughout the day that you will
have a lucid dream and remind yourself on what the lucid dream will be
about. A lot of you may be asking, How will I know when Im aware of
my dream. When we have dreams you see them and you sometimes
remember them when you wake up but I know the majority of you have
had that one dream where you were doing something you didnt like and
you got a thought in your head that you could change it. Next thing you
know youre flying around the room or laying on a beach or something.
When that happens that is a lucid dream. You became aware of what
was going on and you took control of that movie and made it what you
wanted it to be. Thats how you know when you are lucid dreaming.
Other ways of helping you to know when you are lucid dreaming is
bring objects into the dream with you. For example, lets say you have a
pet of some sort. Look at him or her and say to yourself when I become

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consciously aware I am dreaming my pet will appear in the dream. Also

repeat this to yourself throughout the day. Another way of knowing
when you are consciously aware of your dream is breathing. Several
times throughout the day try holding your breath for about 10seconds
and remind yourself that this is real. When you become aware of your
dream hold your breath in the dream for 10seconds and you will notice
that although you are holding your breath you are still breathing. These
are little silly techniques but they really help you to know whether you
are aware of your dream or not.
Many of you ask the question once I become consciously aware of
the dream what do I do. Well you do whatever you want. Its the dream
world there are no rules, you make the dream what you want it to be.
You can visit your spiritual guides in the dream or study for a test
anything. The possibilities are endless.
After you wake up from your Lucid Dream the first thing you need
to do is right the dream down in your dream journal. When writing about
your dream answer the questions below.

What did you see in your Lucid Dream?


What did you hear?


What were your emotional feelings?

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Can you remember touching anything? If so, what did you


Did you experience any smells in your lucid dream?


Did you taste anything?


Most lucid dreams will be remembered but you have to also

remember sometimes things arent meant for you to know yet and your
lucid dream could be totally forgot when you wake up but keep trying.
You will get this technique perfect.
Weve covered a lot of the basics when it comes to Lucid Dreaming. By
now you should have a good idea on how it works and how you can start
using it. Remember experience is the best teacher. When you start
experiencing Lucid Dreams you will become more and more advanced
and learn little tips and tricks that work better for you. Remember to
write everything down and keep it in your dream journal.
This subject will be continued you in the Sophomore Course!

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Exercise: 1
This meditation is designed to help you focus your mind. This
meditation will not be easy to get the first time but with practice you will
master it.
Still Meditation
Exercise: 2
This is the same meditation from the Astral Travel Chapter. For this
exercise you need to use this meditation while you are going to sleep.
You can request for the mp3 if you would like to put the meditation on
your Ipod or mp3 player.
White Light Meditation
Exercise: 3
Its sometimes hard to know whether or not youre having a Lucid
Dream or not. That is why reality checks can come in handy. Below I
will list a few reality checks Ive found that work for me.
1. This reality check is common and many people use it. What you do
is hold your nose while pressing your tongue on the roof of your
mouth, covering the opening where the air from your nose can

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enter your mouth. This will make it so you are unable to breathe.
Remind yourself that this is real. Do this reality check several
times a day. When you experience your next LD do this technique
and you will be able to breathe normally.
2. This exercise involves an object. Find one object in your room that
is comfortably visible from your bed. Whenever you get the
chance look at the object and say to yourself when I become
consciously aware I am dreaming this object will appear. Do this
many times through the day and try to stare at the object for a
while right before you go to sleep.
3. This test is fairly simple. Several times throughout the day look at
yourself in the mirror. Whenever you look at yourself make a
mental note of how clear your reflected image is. Remind yourself
that this is the way you look. When you plan out your LD suggest
to yourself that in your dream you will observe yourself in a
mirror. When you have your LD and you observe yourself in the
mirror your reflection will appear out of focus or different. This
will prove to you that you are having a LD.
Exercise: 4
Use the list below to describe your dreams that you record in your
Dream Journal.
1. What did you see in your dream?

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2. Can you remember touching or feeling anything?

3. Did you experience any smells?
4. Did you taste anything?
5. What did you hear?
Try to describe everything in the list above that involves your dream. If
you had multiple dreams write down each one.

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Akaschic Records
Section: 1
Many people wonder why the Akashic Records even exist. Why
keep record of any and everything that has ever happened throughout the
universe? If you ask this question, to those who know of the Akashic
Records, you will receive many different answers. All the answers that
you will get are mostly true. The main two reasons to keep such records
are: to help gain collective wisdom and to keep account of debts. Like
the point system on 4ET, once you collect a certain amount of points
you get suspended. My sources say that this is one of the reasons the
Akashic Records was created, to keep track of all the things youve done
and gather them up for some sort of consequence. Ive also heard that
the information is gathered up as a test. One of my teachers believed we
are all being tested. They say the entire universe is being tested and the
Akashic Records is the place where all the data is recorded. These
theories have not yet to be proven wrong or right but its just an idea.
In the past years history and civilization has come and gone.
Things have happened and there is no lasting record of those things
existing. Scientist tried to decode many of the things we find throughout
the planet but mostly theyve only come up with theories. Luckily with
the Akashic Records, the information on the pyramids and other
unknown things that occur in our world can be discovered. Information

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has been gathered about the lost civilizations, such as Atlantis and
Lemuria. There have been people in our world who have revealed detail
of life in that past that we did not know of. Although there has been one
person who has brought forth information on the city of Atlantis, his
name is Edgar Cayce. He lived from 1877-1945. While training I
heard a lot about this person but never knew that he was a psychic.
Research showed that Edgar Cayce revealed details of life in the past. If
youre thinking what Im thinking then maybe you should visit him in
one of your Lucid Dreams. While were on the topic of getting past
information from the Akashic Records, you are probably asking why
havent people done this already? Many people have done it and many
people have the answers to most of the worlds questions. Reason you
will never hear about it is because certain people do not want you to hear
about it. When youre in a position where you know information such as
this you do not want everyone knowing what you know. You put
yourself and your family in great danger, which is why I ask you to be
careful what you say. Many people have traveled to the Akashic Records
and have retrieved answers that many people wish to know. The thing is
if you want the information you have to get it yourself. Ive said it many
times somethings I cannot tell you. Its dangerous telling people,
especially over the internet. Information this deep can be misunderstood.
The reason the courses are set up like they are is because I want the ones
that I know are ready to make it to the Senior Level and learn the

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ultimate ability. Also another reason the information has not been
revealed is because some people are not focused enough to get into the
Akashic Records. With my help, you will be.
Section: 2
People often ask why do I need to consult the Akashic Records?
Well from the previous lessons you should see that the Akashic Record
is a place where you can find the answers to all of your questions. Many
of you want to know an easier way to manipulate the elements; this
place has the answer to that question. I also have the answer to that
question but as I said in the last lesson I cannot tell you certain
information yet. Thats why I want to take you guys through the path of
Mastery. The path of Mastery will teach you to learn any and everything
you wish to know. It gives you a life thats stress free.
Theyre several common reasons why people would want to
consult the Akashic Records. I will talk about a few of them in this
lesson. One is to find the purpose of life. Ive had a lot of people ask me
what is my goal in life or what path should I follow? Well I could very
easily find this information for you but it defeats the purpose. For
example, if you had a project due and you let someone else do all the
work for you. You would probably be happy with that choice but you
would feel a lot better about the project if you had done it yourself. Im
not exactly sure why but people seem to love and care for things more if

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they worked for it themselves. Which is why I refuse to do all the work
for you, I wont you to learn to do it yourself. Finding your path or your
purpose in life is not easy nor is it hard. If I can do it, then you can do it.
Another reason people consult the Records is to learn if theyve lived
more than one life. Ive had people come up to me and say things like I
remember some of the things that happened to me in the past but I want
to learn more about them. The Akashic Records is the place to look for
this information. Reincarnation is one of the main reasons people learn
to travel to the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records can help you
better understand this current life by learning about the previous ones.
Another reason people seek the Records is to learn about previous
challenges. Many people want to know the things theyve been through
in previous lives to get a better idea on whats left to done before their
souls advanced into another realm or phase. We also have certain gifts
that have travelled through each life with us. Many people waste their
gifts and never learn to use them, which is why the Akashic Records can
help you figure them out. Last but most definitely not least is
relationships. I did not know much about this reasons but I did some
research and found out what I needed to know to help you guys
understand it. Everyone in the world believes that there is a person that
they are spiritually attracted to. This is known as a soul mate. The theory
is that when the souls were created they were created in pairs of two,
each of the opposite sex. Everyone seeks their soul mate and the Akashic

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Records delivers the information we all seek. Now before you attempt to
use the Akashic Records to find your soul mates know this, your soul
mate may not be what you expect. Soul mate relationships are not
always perfect; they come with many challenges and reward. The
Akashic Records are used for many things and these examples are only
the beginning.
Section: 3
Everyone has access to the Akashic Records but unfortunately not
everyone can read the Records. It takes a high level of spiritual
discernment to be able to read the Records. People who are normally
able to read the Records are normally people who have developed some
sort of ESP. Most people who begin reading the Records start to develop
a psychic ability before being able to read the Records. In the
Sophomore level course E-Book, there will be a section for developing
psychic abilities. Being able to access the Akashic Records requires you
to have complete control over your mind--being able to focus under any
Meditation plays a major part in all things that require
concentration and deep focus. Meditation quiets the mind and shifts it
from our normal state of awareness to a more focused state. Changing
levels of awareness is like changing brain wave frequencies, or brain
states. There are four basic brain states:

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Beta: This state takes place during our typical daily activities.

Alpha: This state occurs when our body is deeply relaxed but our

brain maintains a conscious awareness. This is the state you would want
your brain in for a WILD.

Theta: This state is a more deep relaxing state where we lose our

sense of being in a physical body. This stage occurs during OBEs,

Astral Travel, and more. With practice you can induce this state through
meditation. Doing this will give you the awareness you need to access
the Records.

Delta: Is the typical sleep state. Most people say it is the accidental

result of meditation.

I found out that a lot of stress and anger management techniques

teach people how to induce alpha states. People with certain medical
conditions are trained to induce certain brain frequencies in order to help
cure them.
For you to be able to access the Records you have to learn many
different techniques. You should remain determined because I will be
there to help you learn the techniques that are needed. This will take
some time and practice, but in the end you will accomplish something
worth working for.

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Section: 4
There are different levels of access when it comes to the HOR
(Hall of Records). The Record is known as an imprint of a holographic
field. When we follow our intuition, we are reading the akasha. This
level of access is what everyone uses and what everyone has access to.
Paying attention to how we feel about something or sensing makes this
level accessible. Being able to return to the past, view the present or
future is more of an advanced level of access. It takes great focus,
practice in meditation, and a higher level of consciousness. Many are
simply born with the ability to access this level. The deepest level of
access allows us to read soul purposes, past lives, and future destiny.
Reaching this level is very difficult without spiritual attunement,
guidance from an ascended master, or spiritual guides. It takes internal
congruence and spiritual integrity to reach this level of access.
When I first entered the Record I was greeted by a white glowing
figure. He explained to me that he was one of the Keepers of the Record.
The Keepers presence was very enlightening. When I met this figure its
like the energy field I had known, had shifted. My entire perception of
life and spirituality had changed. This presence that surrounded this
Keeper of the Records was the most powerful energy of love I have ever
felt. I have yet to meet one person who had this type of presence. My
past teachers and people I knew personally who were enlightened had a
presence similar, I had a presence similar but it was nothing compared to

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this presence. That moment in time changed me forever. A lot of you

may think that change is a bad thing but this change was great. It took
me a moment to take in all that was occurring but when I got myself
together I was welcomed into the Records with no problem. The
Records is a place that is unexplainable in words. Only the actual
experience of the Records could explain what its like. The presence and
the vibrations of the Records were even greater than the Keeper I had
just met. Then another Keeper approached me and said Weve been
expecting you. These words that were spoken from the Keeper were not
in any language that Ive heard before but yet I understand exactly what
the Keeper was saying. He began telling me a lot of information which
gave me the determination to start 4 Element Tribe. He also gave me
several other missions that I cannot share with others unfortunately. The
Keeper told me that only the ones who carry the powerful vibration of
compassion and love can enter the gates of the Records. This made me
very grateful for the things I had been taught by my previous master. I
learned a lot of things in the Records that day but was upset at the fact I
returned to my body before I could learn one thing that I had really
wanted to know. I later consulted my master about it. My master said
that In time all will be revealed to you. It was not the time for you to
discover what you were about to ask. The Records is very powerful and
very useful but if you seek certain things in the Records that are too
powerful for you to control, it will certainly destroy you. The reason I

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didnt have enough time to find what I was looking for was because I
wasnt ready to handle the answer. This showed me that the Records
were safe. While I was there I also learned that you are not able to read
someone elses Record without their permission. A lot of you are
probably wondering how I found the other information I was looking for
and what did the answers look like. Well when I went to search for an
answer I simply thought of my question. Then a stone shaped in the
form of a piece of paper appeared in front of me. On the stone were
weird symbols that I have never seen. The symbols glowed in a white
shallow light. One of the Keepers of the Records helped me decode the
symbols and gave me detailed information on the question I was asking.
I learned that each time I entered the Records things seemed and worked
differently. Thats because the Records are like other spirits you meet in
the spiritual realm. They change shapes and forms to better appeal to
you. The Hall of Records is truly magnificent.
Many of you probably cant wait to get into the Records. You
should be excited about entering the Records but there are a few things
you should know. When you do get to a level of spiritual awareness
where you can access the deepest level of the Records you still must
learn to attune yourself to the information you seek. Attunement happens
through resonance. Which you will have to achieve in order to find the
answers you seek. Heres a good thing though, you can have someone
else to find the answers you seek but that person must be able to tune in

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to your frequency and find you in the Record. This takes someone who
has a high level of access and a high level of spiritual awareness.
Though there are a lot of people who could probably do this for you. I
personally would wait and enter the Records for myself. Remember this
one thing, nothing beats the first time you enter the Records. It will be
something you will never forget.
This topic will be continued in the Sophomore Course!

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Exercise: 1: Say this chant to yourself daily!
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.

To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best

And to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of

Others as I am about my own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the

Greater achievements of the future.

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To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile

To every living creature I meet.

To give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,

And too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world,

Not in loud words, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side,

So long as I am true to the best that is in me.

Exercise: 2:
This Exercise is designed to help you come in contact with your spiritual
guides. Remember this exercise will take practice and a lot of focus. If
youve mastered the other chapters then you shouldnt have a problem
with this meditation.
Spiritual Guide Contact

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Exercise: 3:
This exercise is to help you forgive and forget all of your previous
grudges. Use this meditation every time you come in contact with
someone who does something wrong to you.
Forgive but Partially Forget

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Freshman Final
Youve made it to the end of the Freshman Course. I hope that you all learned
something useful out of the course and will put it to good use. Below you will
answer a series of questions about your dream journal. You will also write in
detail one of your most intense dreams. By intense I mean a dream where you
had a lot of emotions, saw many different thing, etc. Write about a dream that
really took you on an adventure. After you complete the Final there will be a
scale at the bottom of the Final. Rate the Freshman Course from 1 to 10 and
answer the questions below it in detail. Your Finals are due January 14th,
2013. You may start submitting your Finals on December 30th, 2012. No
submissions will be accepted before December 30th, 2012 or after January 14th,
2013. If you fail to submit your Final within this time frame you will fail the
Freshman Course.

1. What is your earliest dream (give a brief overview)?

2. Without looking into your dream journal, give a brief overview of a
dream that you can remember.
3. Out of all the dreams in your dream journal, how many of them do you
4. Throughout this course have you had a reoccurring dream?
5. Can you see themes or patterns related to your dreams?
6. What was the most meaningful dream you had throughout this course?

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7. Can you remember any lucid dreams, if so please give a brief overview
of the dream?
8. How many lucid dreams have you had throughout the course and how
close together were they?
9. Is there a pattern to your dreams?
10.Write in detail about your most intense and memorable dream
throughout this course:

Rate the course from 1 to 10:

What do you think will make the Freshman Course better for the next

Please email your answers to

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