Bayes' Theorem: Points of Significance

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this month

a P(C |H)



Bayes theorem


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Incorporate new evidence to update prior information.

Observing, gathering knowledge and making predictions are the
foundations of the scientific process. The accuracy of our predictions depends on the quality of our present knowledge and accuracy
of our observations. Weather forecasts are a familiar examplethe
more we know about how weather works, the better we can use current observations and seasonal records to predict whether it will rain
tomorrow and any disagreement between prediction and observation
can be used to refine the weather model. Bayesian statistics embodies
this cycle of applying previous theoretical and empirical knowledge
to formulate hypotheses, rank them on the basis of observed data and
update prior probability estimates and hypotheses using observed
data1. This will be our first of a series of columns about Bayesian
statistics. This month, well introduce the topic using one of its key
conceptsBayes theoremand expand to include topics such as
Bayesian inference and networks in future columns.
Bayesian statistics is often contrasted with classical (frequentist) statistics, which assumes that observed phenomena are generated by an
unknown but fixed process. Importantly, classical statistics assumes
that population parameters are unknown constants, given that complete and exact knowledge about the sample space is not available2. For
estimation of population characteristics, the concept of probability is
used to describe the outcomes of measurements.
In contrast, Bayesian statistics assumes that population parameters,
though unknown, are quantifiable random variables and that our
uncertainty about them can be described by probability distributions.
We make subjective probability statements, or priors, about these
parameters based on our experience and reasoning about the population. Probability is understood from this perspective as a degree of
belief about the values of the parameter under study. Once we collect
data, we combine them with the prior to create a distribution called
the posterior that represents our updated information about the
parameters, as a probability assessment about the possible values of
Marginal, conditional and joint probabilities



Marginal (individual)
Independent events



















P(C) P(H) = 0.25

Dependent events





P(Cb|H) P(H) P(H|Cb) P(Cb)


Figure 1 | Marginal, joint and conditional probabilities for independent

and dependent events. Probabilities are shown by plots3, where columns
correspond to coins and stacked bars within a column to coin toss outcomes,
and are given by the ratio of the blue area to the area of the red outline. The
choice of one of two fair coins (C, C) and outcome of a toss are independent
events. For independent events, marginal and conditional probabilities
are the same and joint probabilities are calculated using the product of
probabilities. If one of the coins, Cb, is biased (yields heads (H) 75% of the
time), the events are dependent, and joint probability is calculated using
conditional probabilities.


= P(H|Cb)





Bayes theorem


P(H|Cb) = P(Cb|H)






Updating priors and iterative estimation of probabilities
















Figure 2 | Graphical interpretation of Bayes theorem and its application

to iterative estimation of probabilities. (a) Relationship between
conditional probabilities given by Bayes theorem relating the probability
of a hypothesis that the coin is biased, P(Cb), to its probability once the
data have been observed, P(Cb|H). (b) The probability of the identity of
the chosen coin can be inferred from the toss outcome. Observing a head
increases the chances that the coin is biased from P(Cb) = 0.5 to 0.6, and
further to 0.69 if a second head is observed.

the parameter. Given that experience, knowledge, and reasoning

process vary among individuals, so do their priorsmaking specification of the prior one of the most controversial topics in Bayesian
statistics. However, the influence of the prior is usually diminished
as we gather knowledge and make observations.
At the core of Bayesian statistics is Bayes theorem, which
describes the outcome probabilities of related (dependent) events
using the concept of conditional probability. To illustrate these concepts, well start with independent eventstossing one of two fair
coins, C and C. The toss outcome probability does not depend on
the choice of cointhe probability of heads is always the same,
P(H) = 0.5 (Fig. 1). The joint probability of choosing a given coin
(e.g., C) and toss outcome (e.g., H) is simply the product of their
individual probabilities, P(C, H) = P(C) P(H). But if we were to
replace one of the coins with a biased coin, C b, that yields heads
75% of the time, the choice of coin would affect the toss outcome
probability, making the events dependent. We express this using
conditional probabilities by P(H|C) = 0.5 and P(H|Cb) = 0.75,
where | means given or conditional upon (Fig.1).
If P(H|Cb) is the probability of observing heads given the biased
coin, how can we calculate P(Cb|H), the probability that the coin is
biased having observed heads? These two conditional probabilities
are generally not the samefailing to distinguish them is known
as the prosecutors fallacy. P(H|Cb) is a property of the biased coin
and, unlike P(Cb|H), is unaffected by the chance of the coin being
We can relate these conditional probabilities by first writing
the joint probability of selecting Cb and observing H: P(Cb, H) =
P(Cb|H) P(H) (Fig. 1). The fact that this is symmetric, P(Cb|H)
P(H) = P(H|Cb) P(Cb), leads us to Bayes theorem, which is a
rearrangement of this equality: P(Cb|H) = P(H|Cb) P(Cb)/P(H)
(Fig.2a). P(Cb) is our guess of the coin being biased before data
are collected (the prior), and P(Cb|H) is our guess once we have
observed heads (the posterior).
If both coins are equally likely to be picked, P(Cb) = P(C) = 0.5.
We also know that P(H|Cb) = 0.75, which is a property of the biased
coin. To apply Bayes theorem, we need to calculate P(H), which is
the probability of all the ways of observing headspicking the fair
coin and observing heads and picking the biased coin and observing heads. This is P(H) = P(H|C) P(C) + P(H|Cb) P(Cb) = 0.5
0.5 + 0.75 0.5 = 0.625. By substituting these values in Bayes
theorem, we can compute the probability that the coin is biased
nature methods | VOL.12 NO.4 | APRIL 2015 | 277

this month

Disease prediction
b with
one observation c




Marker AB AB AB
Disease X Y Z
P(State) 60% 30% 10%


Disease prediction
with two observations









Disease XYZ XYZ

Marker A
P(Marker) 41% 27 %




Marker present



2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 3 | Disease predictions based on presence of markers.

(a)Independent conditional probabilities of observing each marker (A, B)
given a disease (X, Y, Z) (e.g., P(A|Y) = 0.9). (b) Posterior probability of
each disease given a single observation that confirms the presence of one
of the markers (e.g., P(Y|A) = 0.66). (c) Evolution of disease probability
predictions with multiple assays. For a given disease, each path traces (left
to right) the value of the posterior that incorporates all the assay results up
to that point, beginning at the prior probability for the disease (blue dot).
The assay result is encoded by an empty (marker absent) or a solid (marker
present) dot. The red path corresponds to presence of A and B. The highest
possible posterior is shown in bold.

after observing a head, P(Cb|H) = P(H|Cb) P(Cb)/P(H) = 0.75

0.5/0.625 = 0.6 (Fig. 2a).
Bayes theorem can be applied to such inverse probability problems
iterativelywhen we need to update probabilities step by step as we
gain evidence. For example, if we toss the coin a second time, we can
update our prediction that the coin is biased. On the second toss we
no longer use P(Cb) = 0.5 because the first toss suggested that the
biased coin is more likely to be picked. The posterior from the first toss
becomes the new prior, P(Cb) = 0.6. If the second toss yields heads, we
compute P(H) = 0.5 0.4 + 0.75 0.6 = 0.65 and apply Bayes theorem
again to find P(Cb|HH) = 0.75 0.6/0.65 = 0.69 (Fig.2b). We can
continue tossing to further refine our guesseach time we observe a
head, the assessment of the posterior probability that the coin is biased
is increased. For example, if we see four heads in a row, there is an
84% posterior probability that the coin is biased (see Supplementary
Table 1).
We have computed the probability that the coin is biased given
that we observed two heads. Up to this point we have not performed
any statistical inference because all the probabilities have been specified. Both Bayesians and frequentists agree that P(Cb|HH) = 0.69
and P(HH|C)= 0.25. Statistical inference arises when there is an
unknown, such as P(H|Cb). The difference between frequentist and
Bayesian inference will be discussed more fully in the next column.
Lets extend the simple coin example to include multiple event outcomes. Suppose a patient has one of three diseases (X, Y, Z) whose
prevalence is 0.6, 0.3 or 0.1, respectivelyX is relatively common,
whereas Z is rare. We have access to a diagnostic test that measures
the presence of protein markers (A, B). Both markers can be present,
and the probabilities of observing a given marker for each disease are
known and independent of each other in each disease state (Fig. 3a).
We can ask: if we see marker A, can we predict the state of the patient?
Also, how do our predictions change if we subsequently assay for B?
Lets first calculate the probability that the patient has disease X
given that marker A was observed: P(X|A) = P(A|X) P(X)/P(A). We
know the prior probability for X, which is the prevalence P(X)=0.6,
and the probability of observing A given X, P(A|X) = 0.2 (Fig. 3a).
To apply Bayes theorem we need to calculate P(A), which is the total
probability of observing A regardless of the state of the patient. To
find P(A) we sum over the product of the probability of each disease
and finding A in that disease, which is all the ways in which A can
be observed: P(A) = 0.6 0.2 + 0.3 0.9 + 0.1 0.2 = 0.41 (Fig. 3b).
Bayes theorem gives us P(X|A) =0.2 0.6/0.41 = 0.29. Because
278 | VOL.12 NO.4 | APRIL 2015 | nature methods

marker A is more common in another disease, Y, this new estimate

that the patient has disease X is much lower than the original of 0.6.
Similarly, we can calculate the posteriors for Y and Z as P(Y|A) = 0.66
and P(Z|A) = 0.05 (see Supplementary Table 1). With a single assay
that confirms A, it is most likely (66%) that the patient has disease Y.
Instead, if we confirm B is present, the probabilities of X, Y and Z
are 44%, 22% and 33%, respectively (Fig. 3b), and our best guess is
that the patient has X. Even though marker B is nearly always present in disease ZP(B|Z) = 0.9detecting it raises the probability
of Z only to P(Z|B) = 0.33, which is still lower than the probability
of X. The reason for this is that Z itself is rare, and observing B is
also possible for the more common diseases X and Y. This phenomenon is captured by Carl Sagans words: extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence. In this case, observing B is not extraordinary enough to significantly advance our claim that the patient has
disease Z. Even if B were always present in Z, i.e., P(B|Z) = 1, and
present in X and Y at only 1%, P(B|X) = P(B|Y) = 0.01, observing B
would only allow us to say that there is a 92% chance that the patient
has Z. If we failed to account for different prevalence rates, we would
grossly overestimate the chances that the patient has Z. For example, if instead we supposed that all three diseases are equally likely,
P(X)= P(Y) = P(Z) = 1/3, observing B would lead us to believe that
the chances of Z are 69%.
Having observed A, we could refine our predictions by testing for
B. As with the coin example, we use the posterior probability of the
disease after observing A as the new prior. The posterior probabilities
for diseases X, Y and Z given that A and B are both present are 0.25,
0.56 and 0.19, respectively, making Y the most likely. If the assay for
B is negative, the calculations are identical but use complementary
probabilities (e.g., P(not B|X) = 1 P(B|X)) and find 0.31, 0.69 and
0.01 as the probabilities for X, Y and Z. Observing A but not B greatly
decreases the chances of disease Z, from 19% to 1%. Figure 3c traces
the change in posterior probabilities for each disease with each possible outcome as we assay both markers in turn. If we find neither A
nor B, there is a 92% probability that the patient has disease Xthe
marker profile with the highest probability for predicting X. The
most specific profile for Y is A+B (69%) and for Z is AB+ (41%).
When event outcomes map naturally onto conditional probabilities, Bayes theorem provides an intuitive method of reasoning and
convenient computation. It allows us to combine prior knowledge
with observations to make predictions about the phenomenon under
study. In Bayesian inference, all unknowns in a system are modeled
by probability distributions that are updated using Bayes theorem
as evidence accumulates. We will examine Bayesian inference and
compare it with frequentist inference in our next discussion.
Note: Any Supplementary Information and Source Data files are available in the online
version of the paper (doi:10.1038/nmeth.3335).
The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Jorge Lpez Puga, Martin Krzywinski & Naomi Altman

1. Eddy, S.R. Nat. Biotechnol. 22, 11771178 (2004).
2. Krzywinski, M. & Altman, N. Nat. Methods 10, 809810 (2013).
3. Oldford, R.W. & Cherry, W.H. Picturing probability: the poverty of Venn diagrams,
the richness of eikosograms.
eikosograms/paperpdf.pdf (University of Waterloo, 2006)
Jorge Lpez Puga is a Professor of Research Methodology at Universidad Catlica
de Murcia (UCAM). Martin Krzywinski is a staff scientist at Canadas Michael
Smith Genome Sciences Centre. Naomi Altman is a Professor of Statistics at The
Pennsylvania State University.

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