Sadi Carnot and The Second Law of Thermodynamics: J Srinivasan
Sadi Carnot and The Second Law of Thermodynamics: J Srinivasan
Sadi Carnot and The Second Law of Thermodynamics: J Srinivasan
J Srinivasan
Sadi Carnot, the eldest son of Lazare Carnot was born on 1st
"Every one knows that heat can produce motion. That it possesses vast
motive power no one can doubt, in these days when the steam engine is
everywhere so well known. The study of these engines is of great
interest, their importance enormous, their use is continually increasing,
and they seem destined to produce a great revolution in the civilized
Caloric Theory
To overthrow the to be an invisible fluid without mass that moved from one body
caloric theory that to another when heat was transferred. This fluid was called
was accepted by 'caloric' by the famous French chemist Lavoisier. The caloric
most physicists theory of heat reigned supreme for hundreds of years. It was
and chemists at assumed that caloric was neither created nor destroyed. Hence
that time required the amount of caloric in the universe was finite. The major
a good experiment limitation of the caloric theory was the assumption that me-
that would quantify chanical energy cannot be converted to heat. In 1798, Count
the relationship Rumford had demonstrated categorically that mechanical en-
between ergy was converted to heat during the boring of a cannon. His
mechanical energy experiments did not convince the believers in the caloric theory
and heat. because he was not able to quantify the relationship between
mechanical and thermal energy. Later, Robert Mayer, a medical
doctor, proposed that thermal and mechanical energy were
different forms of the same energy but his ideas were not
accepted. Robert Mayer had obtained a rough estimate of the
relationship between work (measured as force times distance)
and heat measured in calories. This remarkable result was not
understood for a long time because Mayer, being a doctor,
adopted a line of reasoning that was alien to the physicists and
chemists of those times. To overthrow the caloric theory that
was accepted by most physicists and chemists at that time
required a good experiment that would quantify the relation-
ship between mechanical energy and heat. James Prescott Joule
and Lord Kelvin (formerly William Thompson) performed a
series of elegant experiments between 1850 and 1860 to obtain a
quantitative relationship between mechanical and thermal en-
ergy. This led to the demise of the caloric theory by the close of
the 19th century.
Second Law
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Water Wheel Heat 'Engine
Although transportation fiom a warm body to a cold body". We now know that
mechanical energy this is not true from the first law of thermodynamics. Although
can be converted Sadi Carnot did not apply the first law correctly, he postulated
to heat easily the that a heat engine cannot convert all heat to work in a cyclic
reverse is not so process. Carnot, like many geniuses, was able to arrive at the
easy! Sadi Carnot correct postulate for the second law of thermodynamics because
tried to find out he was guided by his intuition. It is truly remarkable that Carnot
what fraction of was able to discover the second law of thermodynamics without
heat (or thermal understanding the first law of thermodynamics!
energy) can be
Today many students find it much easier to understand the first
converted to
law of thermodynamics than the second law of thermodynamics.
mechanical energy
This is not surprising! The law of conservation of mechanical
in a cyclic process.
energy is well-known and easy to understand. The first law
merely extends this notion to the conservation of mechanical
and thermal energy. The great scientists of the 18th and 19th
centuries were however wedded to the concept of heat as a
material fluid and hence were unable to see the fact that me-
chanical energy can be easily converted to heat through friction.
Although mechanical energy can be converted to heat easily the
reverse is not so easy! Sadi Carnot tried to find out what fraction
of heat (or thermal energy) can be converted to mechanical
energy in a cyclic process. The concept of cyclic processes is
central to the various postulates of Sadi Carnot. This is natural
since Sadi Carnot's primary concern was with the devices such
as steam engines that work in a cycle and convert heat to work.
The thermal efficiency of steam engines (i.e., the ratio of work
done to heat added) was less than 5% during the 18th century.
Hence there was a strong incentive to find ways to increase the
efficiency of these steam engines. Sadi Carnot postulated the
existence of an ideal heat engine whose efficiency was indepen-
dent of the working fluid used and dependent upon the tempera-
ture of the hot and cold thermal reservoirs. This postulate was
truly the creation of an inspired genius. In his own words:
that is to say, the difference of temperature of bodies between which the Rudolf Clausius
exchange of caloric is made. In the waterfall the motive power is developed the
exactly proportional to the difference in level between the high and low second law of
reservoirs. In the fall of the caloric the motive power undoubtedly thermodynamics
increases with difference in temperature between the warm and cold without appealing
bodies". to the caloric
theory of heat. He
The basic postulates proposed by Sadi Carnot form the basis of
defined an
the derivation of the second law of thermodynamics in all
important property
modern books on engineering thermodynamics. The mono-
called entropy that
graph published by Sadi Carnot in 1824 was not really under-
emerges directly
stood and appreciated during his lifetime. This was partly on
from the basic
account of the fact that his ideas were well ahead of his time and
postulates of Sadi
also because the caloric theory that he had adopted was attacked
by many scientists. Emil Clapeyron recognized the importance
of Carnot's monograph and extended his ideas further by dis-
playing the ideal heat engine in thermodynamic diagrams. Kelvin
completed this task by showing that an ideal heat engine can be
used to define an absolute temperature scale. Rudolf Clausius,
who was professor of physics at Berlin, developed the second law
of thermodynamics without appealing to the caloric theory of
heat. He defined an important property called entropy that
emerges directly from the basic postulates of Sadi Carnot.
A n A n c i e n t I n d i a n P r o o f o f t h e R i e m a n n H y p o t h e s i s ?!
~+ ~ . -.'. : .' .
a corrupted version of the 'Roman Sita function: The reason the name "Sita' became "Zeia'on
reaching Germany is clear as the German prrmounciation of the letter '$' is similar to the English
pronunciation of the letter 'Z'. What the western world calla the ~ritical line' is already known to
the ancient Indians as the 7 . ~ h m a n Reltha: Having been drawn by Lakshmana, a half-brother
of Roman, the critical line is atso known at times by the name of%all-line: Sita vanished precisely
when she stepped on the critical llne.
- ~ . - .
It is not clear whether this proof did rcack t ~ western world although there are reports that the
name of Vashishta did reachGerm~my.. Unfortunately, they could make nothing of it and forgot
the whole thing after merely quipping ']~as ist?'
Hanuman 's character came to be known tO:the wes~rn world where it came to be identified as one
with super powers who often flew over mountains and ot~ans in a cape rescuing damsels in
distress. Of course, gradually, "Hanuman' became 'Hanu Man' and following that it became
'Simian Man' which finally ended up as a big "S'. (Another version has it that due to his attribute
of scattering largesse to the multitude, he himself became a large "S"
B Sury, ISI, Bangalore