Historical Observations On Laws of Thermodynamics: Stanley I. Sandler and Leslie V. Woodcock

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J. Chem. Eng.

Data 2010, 55, 4485–4490 4485

Historical Observations on Laws of Thermodynamics†

Stanley I. Sandler and Leslie V. Woodcock*,‡

University of Delaware, Center for Molecular and Engineering Thermodynamics, Colburn Laboratory,
150 Academy, Newark, Delaware 19716

Most textbooks quote four anonymous laws of thermodynamics (zeroth, first, second, and third), but it
seems that every author has their own idiosyncratic statements. Why are there so many versions? Why are
the laws of thermodynamics not credited with names of their discoverers? We revisit the history of the laws
of thermodynamics and consider whether it would be less confusing, to both students and practitioners, if
we define separate laws for reversible and irreversible thermodynamics and simply assign names to them.
Central to our understanding of chemical thermodynamics are the concepts of “equilibrium” and “state
functions”; these require definition before the various laws can be properly formulated. The idea of a state
function is implicit in Black’s caloric theory of heat and also suggested by Priestley in phlogiston theory,
but it was Gibbs who first represented thermodynamic properties as two-dimensional “surfaces” in 1878;
that is, 30 years after the various principles that became the laws of thermodynamics had been discovered.
It was even later that Duhem rigorously specified equilibrium states in general, and hence state functions.
Here we conjecture that confusion has arisen because there should be two different sets of laws: one for
equilibrium thermodynamic processes, and another set for irreversible processes. Then we can identify the
laws of equilibrium thermodynamics for changes in enthalpy, energy, and entropy, which can be credited
to Hess, Rankine, and Carnot, and corresponding laws of irreversible thermodynamics assigned to Joule,
Mayer, and Clausius, respectively.

Introduction third law dealt with entropy increases. Directly defining zero
points for entropy calculations was not considered by some to
It seems to be now generally accepted in the pages of popular
be a law at all. Gradually, the older second and third laws have
science that there exist four laws of chemical thermodynamics
been combined into the second law, and the more modern third
which are of such fundamental importance as to drive all change
law has become widely adopted. A “zeroth law” was added
in the universe.1 To whom do these laws belong? Almost all of
100 years after the first and second, but it is difficult to see
the fundamental laws of nature have been credited to their
discoverers: Newton’s laws of motion, Faraday’s laws of
electrolysis, Ohm’s, Fick’s, Fourier’s, and Darcy’s, laws of The present situation can only be described, at best, as
transport, and so forth. Why, we ask, have the laws of ther- “confusing”. McGlashan, student of renowned thermodynamicist
modynamics not been credited? One reason can be clearly found Guggenheim, and author of student textbook “Chemical Ther-
in Professor Rowlinson’s book,2 which asks the question “Why modynamics” famously stated “thermodynamics is difficult
do gases condense to liquids, and why do liquids freeze to enough without troubling the students with its history”.
solids”. The subject of thermodynamics answers all of these Not all scientists recognize that there are four laws of
questions; indeed, simple laws relating energies of materials to thermodynamics, but everyone acknowledges that there are at
heat and work we now know explain all physical and chemical least two. From a teaching point of view that may be all that is
processes at the phenomenological level of interpretation (as necessary (see the choice of chapter titles of the book by
distinct from molecular and electronic levels). Rowlinson and his colleagues;3 they make no reference to zero
On the page of Rowlinson’s book that deals with the history or third laws). Teachers of engineering can be more pragmatic;
of the thermodynamic laws, one finds the names Joule, Kronig, from an engineering perspective, it does not matter who got
Herapath, Clausius, Maxwell, Carnot, Mayer, Thompson, Rank- the laws. Indeed, in the spirit of McGlashan’s quip, we can
ine, Helmholtz, and Laplace! Is it possible to allocate credit present the subject without even “troubling the students” with
and would this be helpful toward a better understanding of the concept of laws at all. We can simply start with the
thermodynamics? Does a chemical engineering student need to conservation equations of mass and momentum and proceed to
know that Rudolf von Clausius said “the entropy of the universe treat energy and entropy likewise, without mention of any laws
is increasing towards a maximum”? of heat and work.4 In a pure treatment of equilibrium thermo-
dynamics there is no “heat” or “work”, just the functions of
Various textbooks throughout the 20th century have indexed,
state such as heat capacity, thermal expansion, and compressibility.
formulated, and quoted the laws quite differently. In mechanical
engineering, the second law was considered to deal with the
efficiency of heat engines only, whereas what was called the Principles of Thermodynamic Equilibrium
† Newton’s Principle: Mechanical Equilibrium. The funda-
Part of the “Sir John S. Rowlinson Festschrift”.
* Corresponding author. E-mail: woodcock@udel.edu. mental laws governing the mechanical equilibrium of solid and

Visiting Professor from the University of Manchester, U.K. fluid systems were formulated by Isaac Newton in 1687 in
10.1021/je1006828  2010 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/06/2010
4486 Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 10, 2010

Principia first in Latin and later in English.5 Simply stated, for in thermal communication neither of them loses or gains heat,
a single component system, in the thermodynamic limit in which the two bodies are said to haVe equal temperatures and are
the system is essentially of infinite extent compared to its then said to be in thermal equilibrium”.
containing surface, the system is in mechanical equilibrium if The term “zeroth law” first appears in the literature in 1939
there are no pressure gradients within the system, excepting the in the book by Fowler and Guggenheim.12 The say: “This
gravitational force on a static fluid. postulate of the ’existence of temperature’ could with adVantage
Pressure is the constant of proportionality between a force be known as the zeroth law of thermodynamics.” There seems
vector and an area upon which the force acts and as such is in to be no more rationale, however, for a “zeroth law” of
general a tensor; at equilibrium all forces are balanced. The off- thermodynamics for Black’s principle of thermal equilibrium
diagonal elements are shear stresses, which must equal zero. It than there is for Newton’s principle of mechanical equilibrium.
further follows that all of the gradients of all of the normal We see from Duhem’s theorem13 below that both these two
elements of the pressure tensor, of a system at mechanical principles are equally important criteria for specifying the
equilibrium, are equal to zero in accord with Newton’s laws. thermodynamic state of a system at equilibrium as one that does
For heterogeneous thermodynamic systems the criteria for no work, that is, has no unbalanced forces, and that also
mechanical equilibrium become more complicated as we have exchanges no heat, that is, has no gradients of temperature.
to consider the forces at the interface. Around 1805, using Duhem’s Theorem: Equilibrium State. Duhem at the age
Newton’s formalism for force balances, Young6 and also of 24 wrote a thesis in 1884 which he submitted at the Sorbonne
Laplace7 described the pressure drop across an interface. At in Paris. This thesis was refused through the influence of
that time, these laws were justified on purely mechanical Berthelot, who was still trying to support his erroneous
grounds. After the various laws of thermodynamics had been maximum work principle. The thesis was published two years
discovered, it was not until 1878 that Gibbs8 used thermody- later:13 Duhem was among the first to recognize the great work
namic potentials to show that force balance laws of Newton, of J.W. Gibbs which, ten years after it was published, indeed
Young and Laplace were necessary conditions for mechanical in Gibbs lifetime, was not understood by others in the field,
equilibrium of heterogeneous systems, that is, systems of more Duhem being the exception.
than one phase defined by interfacial boundaries. In a system of fixed composition, there are only two ways of
Newton’s principle can be simply restated: “If there exists in changing the energy, doing work or exchanging heat, so two
any fluid body gradients of potential energy, i.e. forces, there variables define the state of the system. This statement is a
will be bodily moVement in the direction of the forces until all prerequisite to the laws of thermodynamics. The description of
forces are balanced and the system is at rest in mechanical the equilibrium position includes complete knowledge of the
equilibrium”. The bodily movement referred to in the thermo- extensive and intensive properties of the system. This is
dynamic systems defines the concept work (W), with the applicable to all closed systems. For example, a fixed amount,
dimensions of energy. or mass, of a gas is a simple case of a two-dimensional system.
Black’s Principle: Thermal Equilibrium. It could be argued In this example, the system state is uniquely specified by two
that the discovery of the “principle of thermal equibrium” should parameters, such as pressure and temperature, or perhaps density
be credited to the inventor of the thermometer. The development and temperature.
of thermometry, however, cannot be accredited to a single Duhem’s theorem13 formally states the relation between the
person. Thermometers evolved over hundreds years from variance, that is, number of degrees of freedom, of a closed
thermoscopes (heat detectors). The first clear diagram of a system and its equilibrium position. The theorem states: “for a
thermoscope showing a scale and thus constituting a thermom- closed system of known composition of indiVidual masses of
eter was published by English physician Robert Fludd in 1638, all its components, only two other independent Variables are
but the history of thermoscopes and thermometry is rather longer required to define the equilibrium state of the system”.
than that (see Wikipedia: thermometry). We may even have to Whatever the number of phases, the number of components,
go back 2000 years to Philo, ancient philosopher who died in or the number of chemical reactions, the equilibrium state of a
50 AD, and who conducted an early experiment on the closed system, for which we know the initial masses of all
expansion of air with heat. He created a device which has components, is completely defined by two independent state
been called the first thermometer, meaning “heat meter” in variables. For any system in mechanical equilibrium with no
Greek. unbalanced forces, and in thermal equilibrium with no temper-
The first person to state the principle underlying thermometry ature gradients, the state variables are temperature (T) and
and use the word “equilibrium” was Joseph Black, in his lectures pressure (P). According to Duhem’s theorem, then volume (V),
delivered in 1787 at the University of Edinburgh.9,10 He said, for example, is a unique function of state V(T,P).
“eVen without the help of thermometers, we can perceiVe a Gibbs’s Principle: Equilibrium State Function. The prin-
tendency of heat to diffuse itself from any hotter body to the ciples of mechanical and thermal equilibrium apply to all fluids
cooler around, until it be distributed among them, in such a or solids: well-defined systems of pure components, or homo-
manner that none of them are disposed to take any more heat geneous composites of more than one component are amenable
from the rest. The heat is thus brought into a state of to evaluation of properties. It is these two principles that lead
equilibrium”. Black then states, the principle of thermal equi- directly to the very simple laws of thermodynamics from which
librium, that “... all bodies communicating freely with each other, the principle of chemical equilibrium was deduced by Gibbs.
and exposed to no inequality of external action, acquire the Simply stated, if a thermodynamic system is composed of more
same temperature, as indicated by a thermometer. All acquire than one component, then it is in a state of chemical equilibrium
the temperature of the surrounding medium.” This appears to when there are no gradients of chemical potential of any
have been the first statement of the principle of thermal component within the system.14,15
equilibrium that was later to become the “zeroth law”. Central to an understanding of chemical thermodynamics is
Maxwell’s “law of equal temperatures”, published11 almost the concept of a “state function” that requires a definition before
100 years after Black, also stated “if when two bodies are placed the various laws can be properly formulated. The idea of a state
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 10, 2010 4487

function is implicit in Black’s caloric theory of heat. Black and istry:17 the law of constant summation of heat, best known
his contemporaries did not know the difference between internal simply as Hess’s law, and the law of thermoneutrality. These
energy (U) and heat (Q), which is transferred energy. discoveries, published in 1840, were postulated from simple
The earliest suggestion that the driving force for chemical experimental measurements without any supporting theoretical
change was also a property that the amount of which varied framework; Hess worked independently in isolation and total
from one substance to another and depended on state is the ignorance of his contemporaries involved in the early develop-
phlogiston theory of chemical reactions.16 Phlogiston was never ments of thermodynamics. He investigated chemical affinity in
clearly defined; some philosophers regarded phlogiston and fire condensed phases which led to thermometric investigations of
as being synonymous, when a solid burned, it simply transferred the amounts of heat generated by chemical reactions. His
its phlogiston to the air. experiments, carried out on systems such as the various hydrates
We now know that the understanding of chemical reactions of sulfuric acid, showed that the heat evolved in their formation
is inextricably dependent upon an understanding of the concept was always the same, whether the reactions proceeded directly
of “heat”. A big step forward in the XVIII century was the or stepwise through intermediates. Hess’s law is still used to
introduction of the concept of a state function caloric by Joseph calculate enthalpy changes when direct measurements are
Black. Unfortunately, at that time, scientists did not know the difficult or impossible.
difference between energy the state function and heat, which is All Hess’s experiments were on condensed phases, so there
not internal energy within a material but energy on the move. was no work involved. He could not distinguish energy from
Prior to the advent of thermodynamics around 1850, all scholars enthalpy; there was just the “caloric”. With hindsight Hess’s
of science believed in the caloric theory that heat was a discovery of “constant heat summation” can be seen as a specific
conserved fluid with no mass. It was present in various amounts example of the law of the conservation of energy for changes
in all materials and flowed from high to low concentrations. in states of systems not involving work.
The caloric content depended on temperature and the physical The law states: “the energy change for any chemical or
state; gases had a high caloric content and solids a low caloric physical process is independent of the pathway or number of
content. The basic misconception was that caloric was a steps required to complete the process proVided that the final
conserved substance, that it could be “neither created nor and initial reaction conditions are the same”. Hess’s law is
destroyed”. We now know that what was thought to be the based on the principle of the path independence of energy
“caloric” content is more akin to internal energy, or perhaps changes. In other words, an energy change is path-independent,
more appropriately, enthalpy, as most measurements were made only the initial and final states being of importance. This path
at constant (atmospheric) pressure, not constant volume. independence is true only for state functions, so we can simplify
Priestley was the principle and eventually the only phlogiston Hess’s law to the statement “Enthalpy is a state function”.
protagonist. In 1792, after Lavoisier had discovered the law of
Rankine’s Law (1855): Internal Energy Is a State Func-
conservation of mass in chemical reactions, and thereby “proven
tion. Rankine18 was the first to define thermodynamics: “It is a
that phlogiston could not exist”, Priestley addressed his paper
matter of ordinary obserVation, that heat, by expanding bodies,
on the composition of water to all of the “antiphlogistonists”,
is a source of mechanical energy; and conVersely, that me-
quote16 “...The phlogiston theory is not without its difficulties.
chanical energy, being expended either in compressing bodies,
The chief of them is that we are not able to ascertain the weight
or in friction, is a source of heat. The reduction of the laws
of phlogiston, or indeed that of the oxygenous principle. But
according to which such phenomena take place, to a physical
neither do any of us pretend to haVe weighed light, or the
theory, or connected system of principles, constitutes what is
element of heat, though we do not doubt but that they are
called the science of thermodynamics”.
properly substances, capable by their addition, or abstraction,
of making great changes in the properties of bodies, and of Rankine’s book was the culmination of 10 years of study in
being transmitted from one substance to another”. which he wrote a series of papers on “The Mechanical Action
In 1873 Gibbs in his paper14 “Graphical Methods in the of Heat”, with supplements, published in the Royal Society of
Thermodynamics of Fluids”, states: “The quantities V, P, T, U, Edinburgh, which related chiefly to the “mutual conversion of
and S are determined when the state of the body is given, and heat and mechanical power, by means of the expansion and
it may be permitted to call them functions of the state of the contraction of gases and vapours.”19 In this paper, Rankine set
body”. Let us add H (enthalpy) to Gibbs’s list (H ) U + PV). out to mathematically describe the variations of heat in a system,
Now, the first observation that we can make, with hindsight, is deriving from variations in volume and temperature, during an
that “H is a state function” is one form of the first law of expansion-contraction cycle, after which the body returned to
thermodynamics. For all state functions, the functional value its original state.
remains unchanged in a cyclic process, and the value H can Rankine correctly reasoned20,21 that variation of heat in the
only be changed by adding or subtracting heat (Q). The body would be due to volume changes (P-V work) or heat
statement “energy (U ) H - PV) is a state function”, is also conversion to work transformations, each arising from “molec-
an alternative form of the conventional first law since PV is, ular distribution” changes that remained unspecified. These
by definition, a state function equal to work (W). changes in energy, which he first described as “internal energy”
It follows that, since Q/T is also a conserved quantity in changes, were represented by Rankine with the symbol U.
reversible processes, a sufficient statement of the second law Specifically, Rankine stated: “if, on the whole, any mechanical
for equilibrium thermodynamics is simply “entropy S (defined power has appeared, and been giVen out from the body, in the
by ∆S ) Q/T) is a state function”. “Gibbs free energy (H -TS) form of expansion, an equal amount must haVe been com-
is a state function” and “Helmholtz free energy (U - TS) is a municated to the body, and must haVe disappeared in the form
state function” are equivalent statements of the second law. of heat; and if any mechanical power has appeared and been
giVen out from the body in the form of heat, an equal amount
Laws of Thermodynamic Equilibrium must haVe been communicated to the body, and must haVe
Hess’s Law (1840): Enthalpy Is a State Function. Hess is disappeared in the form of compression.” He states this principle
noted today for two fundamental principles of thermochem- using the following formula: “∆Π + ∆Q′ ) U, Where Π, when
4488 Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 10, 2010

positiVe, represents “expansiVe power” mechanical energy statement of Carnot’s principle, which is the first version of
giVen out, when negatiVe, compression power absorbed; and the second law of thermodynamics.
Q′ represents, when positiVe, heat giVen out, when negatiVe, It was Clausius who later defined entropy, but the essential
heat absorbed”. Rankine’s law appears to be the earliest concept of the unavailable energy being the relative of state
formulation of what is commonly known as “the 1st law of function entropy is contained in the modern-day temperature
thermodynamics”. versus entropy plot of the reversible Carnot cycle. On this basis,
In relation to Carnot’s caloric particle heat supposition, that we feel credit for the law of entropy balance in reversible
the “quantity of heat remains unchanged” in its passage through processes should be Carnot’s law.
the working substance, from a hot body to a cold body, Rankine
was able to conclude “that no mechanical power can be given Laws of Irreversible Thermodynamics
out in the shape of expansion, unless the quantity of heat emitted Joule’s Law (1843): Enthalpy Change Equals Work Done.
by the body in returning to its primitive temperature and volume The two names that are normally associated with the conven-
is less than the quantity of heat originally received”. tional first law of thermodynamics are Joule and Mayer. While
This, however, was not new but is consistent with what had it was Mayer who was the first person to state the principle of
already been deduced and published by Carnot in 1824 and later “conserVation of energy”, it was Joule who should be credited
by Clapeyron in 1834. Rankine reviewed the second laws some with all of the painstaking experimental research that led to the
years later and gave due credit to Carnot, Clapeyron, and principle and accurate experimental determination of the “me-
Clausius for their various “entropy principles”.22 chanical equivalent of heat”. These two principles are not quite
Carnot’s Law (1824): Entropy Is a State Function. It is often the same.
said, “thermodynamics owes more to the heat engine than the Prior to Joule there were two forms of energy: work (W)
heat engine owes to thermodynamics”. Early engines were measured in ergs, and heat (Q) measured in calories. Joules
designed empirically without the knowledge of thermodynamics, experiments showed that doing an amount of work W on a
but their performance encouraged leading engineers to become thermodynamic system, in any process however irreversible,
scientists. The first such engineer was Sadi Carnot, who in 1824 the enthalpy will increase by an amount W, which has the same
published23 (in French) Reflections on the MotiVe Power of Fire, effect as increasing the temperature ∆T by adding an equivalent
a discourse on heat, power, and engine efficiency. Carnot’s amount Q of heat. That is obtainable from the heat capacity
publication marked the start of thermodynamics as a modern (Cp) for an adiabatic system, hence W ) Q ) Cp∆T.
science. Although work is 100 % converted into heat content, Joule invented a very accurate gas thermometer. He measured
or enthalpy of its recipient body fluid, heat cannot be wholly heat from electrical work26 produced by battery generator and
reconverted to work when it flows from hot to cold. Sadi Carnot deduced “Joule’s law” (power equals resistance times current
was the first to establish what fraction of thermal energy can squared). He measured heat from friction between moving cast
be converted to work (mechanical energy) in any cyclic process iron plate surfaces.27 He measured heat caused by shear flow
using a working substance (steam) at equilibrium. from rotating paddles in various liquids28 that resulted in
Carnot said23 “The production of motiVe power is then due Einstein’s law (power per unit volume equals viscosity times
in steam engines not on actual consumption of the caloric (sic shear rate squared). Joule also measured heat from elongational
heat) but to its transportation from a hot body to a cold body”. flow, liquid forced through small tubes by mechanical pressure.
On the study of the efficiency, Carnot said “The motiVe power Eventually, after 10 years of very careful experimentation he
of a waterfall depends on its height and on the quantity of the deduced the “mechanical equivalent of heat” and measured its
liquid; the motiVe power of heat depends also on the quantity value.29 The modern SI unit for energy, heat, or work, is named
of caloric used and on what may be termed the height of its in his honor: 1 thermochemical calorie ) 4.184 J.
fall, i.e. the difference of temperature of bodies between which Since all Joule’s experiments and conclusions relate to
the exchange of caloric is made...in the fall of the caloric, the irreversible processes, his “mechanical equivalent of heat”
motiVe power increases with difference in temperature”. principle relates to a more general law for changes in enthalpy
than that of Hess who considered only heat changes. All work
Carnot effectively had the second law, before anything
is 100 % converted to its equivalent heat energy, that is, it
resembling a “first law” had been stated by either Joule or
increases the enthalpy of the recipient system in all processes
Mayer, or formulated by Rankine; the term “entropy” was yet
reversible or irreversible by the amount W or equivalently Q.
to be coined. Not all of the heat was converted into work, so
Joule’s law was summarized more eloquently by Thompson30
the working substance had “unavailable” heat that depended
in 1850 “when equal quantities of mechanical effect are
on its temperature. produced by any means whateVer out of thermal sources, or
In 1834, Emil Clapeyron24 made his first of many contribu- lost in purely thermal effects, equal quantities of heat are put
tions to chemical thermodynamics by publishing a report entitled out of existence or are generated”.
the DriVing Force of the Heat, in which he further developed Mayer’s Law (1843): Energy Change Is Zero. Mayer was
the work of Carnot, deceased two years before. Though Carnot the first person to state the law of the conservation of energy,31,32
had developed a compelling analysis of a generalized heat that is, “the total energy of a system remains constant in any
engine, he had employed the caloric theory, however, that isolated system of objects that interact with each other only by
believed heat, or equivalently caloric, to be the conserved way of forces that are conserVatiVe”. It applies to all thermo-
quantity. dynamic processes, reversible or irreversible, and is far more
Clapeyron, in his memoir, presented Carnot’s work in a more general than Hess’s and Rankine’s law that enthalpy and/or
accessible and analytic graphical form, showing the Carnot cycle internal energy are state functions.
as a closed curve on an indicator diagram, a chart of pressure Mayer predicted and showed, for example, that if kinetic
against volume (named Clapeyron’s graph in his honor). In energy transforms into heat energy, water should be warmed
1843, Clapeyron25 further developed the idea of a reversible by vibration. He not only performed this demonstration but
process already suggested by Carnot and made a definitive predicted also a quantitative factor of the transformation,
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 10, 2010 4489

calculating the mechanical equivalent of heat about the same Clausius’s statement of the second law of thermodynamics
time as Joule.33 In a later treatise34 Mayer independently was for all processes, but it was his definition of entropy as the
predicted a more accurate numerical value of the mechanical ratio of two macroscopic components, heat and absolute
equivalent of heat: in confirmation of the earlier work of Joule. temperature, the state function, that was the breakthrough. The
He theorized that in all chemical and physical processes, concept of entropy enabled Gibbs to derive his universal
reversible or irreversible, heat transfer or work, energy is the principles for all physical, chemical, and electrochemical
conserved quantity, not heat. processes in the universe in terms of these simple laws of heat
This relation W ) Q implies that, although work and heat and work.
are different forms of energy, work is entirely transformed in
increasing the enthalpy of its recipient fluid (Joule’s law) Conclusions
Mayer’s law gave rise to an alternative, more general principle If we can include the thermodynamic property enthalpy (H
of conservation of energy in all universal processes, including ) U + PV) in Gibbs’ list, we see below that Gibbs’ statement14
radiation and electromagnetic. Indeed, the general laws of that thermodynamic potentials are state functions is actually a
conservation of energy were definitively stated and formulated very concise restatement of the laws of equilibrium thermody-
by Helmholtz in 1847.35 Neither Joule, who was a brewer, nor namics. For idealized reversible processes we have:
Meyer the physician were particularly scholarly. Their discover- Hess’s law: enthalpy is a state function. ∆H ) ∫dQ.
ies, it could be argued, needed to be “tidied up” by Helmholtz Rankine’s law: energy is a state function. ∆U ) ∫dQ + ∫dW.
the academic. In 1847, however, Helmholtz35 was apparently Carnot’s law: entropy is a state function. ∆S ) ∫(dQ/T).
unaware of the discoveries of Mayer, but he references Joule’s For all real processes then the laws of irreversible thermo-
1845 paper.28 On page 52 of “selected writings”35 Helmholtz dynamics are:
wrote “Concerning the law of the conserVation of force, let me Joule’s law: enthalpy change equals work. ∆H ) W.
supply an omission here by noting that Robert Mayer published Mayer’s law: energy is conserved. ∆U ) Q + W.
his essays...in 1842 and...in 1845. The conViction that there is Clausius’s law: entropy increases. ∆S > Q/T.
an equiValence between heat and work was expressed in the Finally, we might ask, what about the “3rd law”? This is not
first essay; the second essay is in reality the same as mine. I a law of thermodynamics in the sense above, in that it does not
only came to know of them later”. In 1847, Helmholtz published deal with effects of heat or work on the state functions and
his far more scientifically accomplished paper on laws of energy indeed is not always valid as it is generally formulated. We
conservation independently of Mayer and the later work of Joule. can however, formulate simple mathematical statements about
To his credit, however, in all subsequent writings and lectures, what happens to the thermodynamic state functions in the limit
he later always places Mayer’s name first and gives due of approach to Kelvin’s absolute zero (0 K) with assignments.
recognition to Joule. We suggest, in the limit T(K) f 0.
Clausius’s Law: Entropy Always Increases. In his classic Nernst:39 enthalpy change tends to free energy. ∆H f ∆G.
paper of 1850, Clausius36 confirmed the already existing theories Einstein:40 energy tends to a ground state. U f U0.
of Mayer33 on the conservation of energy and Joule28 on the Planck:41 entropy tends to zero. S f 0.
mechanical equivalent of heat, and then he went on to investigate These statements could be classed as “theorems”; indeed the
“3rd law” is often referred to as Nernst “heat theorem”. The
the observation that heat always flows naturally from hot to
main reason is that the temperature scale is logarithmic and
cold. This observation had not previously been quantified.
Kelvin’s extrapolation of the ideal gas law is arbitrary. Nev-
Clausius knew that some heat had to be rejected from a Carnot
ertheless, Planck’s concept of absolute entropy has many
cyclic heat engine (QL) just as Carnot had proposed 20 years
practical applications in the determination of entropies and free
earlier, so he knew that QL ) Wnet - QH, but there was no
energies of chemical compounds, but one hesitates to refer to
principle to fix the absolute amount of rejected heat. Clausius,
these theorems as “laws of thermodynamics”. Planck, moreover,
however, made the simple observation that the ratio of the heat
could only introduce the concept of absolute entropy after
input to the rejected heat was consistently equal to the ratio of Boltzmann had given his explanation of entropy at the molecular
the temperature of the heat source to the heat sink; but if, and level;42 the implication being that “the 3rd law” would not be a
only if, the temperature of the high (TH) and low (TL) law of classical or irreversible thermodynamics anyhow, but of
temperature reservoirs are always expressed on an absolute statistical thermodynamics.
temperature scale. He deduced QH/QL ) TH/TL. Rearranging for
a reversible heat engine, he obtained QH/TH ) QL/TL. Clausius Note Added after ASAP Publication: This paper was published
had discovered Carnot’s extensive thermodynamic property that on the Web on August 6, 2010. In the abstract, the order of the
he later called “entropy”. names Mayer and Joule was reversed. The corrected version was
Clausius then examined irreversible processes37 and found reposted on August 11, 2010.
that the relationship did not hold. That is, for irreversible
processes, the ratio of heat lost over absolute temperature Literature Cited
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