1310 (50.0 M Span Bridge at Reasi)
1310 (50.0 M Span Bridge at Reasi)
1310 (50.0 M Span Bridge at Reasi)
( Design of substructure )
Intro 2
superstructure consists of 265 mm thick(avg.) RCC slab deck with concrete grade M30 and steel
mm mm c/c ( maximum) .These cross girder rests on main truss girder spaced at
5250 mm c/c .
The bridge is of Carriageway width of 4.25 M and is designed for IRC Class A loading
Top chord bracings is provided to take care of laterals forces due to wind and seismic .
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
(Forces in Steel truss Girder are calculated using STAADPRO 2006 computer software developed
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
The bridge is also checked for seismic forces with following parameters
Importance factor = 1
Average response acceleration
Coefficient for 5% damping 2.5
Main steel girders rests on Abutments on either side of the Nallah . The safe bearing capacity
of soil taken in the design is 40 .0 t/m2 ( rocky strata provided by the client )
The left side as well as right side abutment shall be of RCC in concrete grade M20 except for
dirt wall and abutment cap which shall be in RCC with concrete grade M30 and steel Grade Fe 415 .
Intro 3
51.24 50
Intro 7
IRC Class A
Intro 8
#REF! 15
1.24 15.94 46.04
4.24 17.04 50.34
7.24 37.04 51.54
11.54 40.04 51.54
12.74 43.04
Intro 9
left abut 10
7f 3a
HFL RL 94.15
2dsm(seismic) 7c 3d 8c
90.65 RL 90.65
7b 3e 8b X
7a 8a
1.4 4 6 1.4
Found. RL 89.15 0.6 5 0.6
2.4 1.2 0.3 2.4 0
3 3.3
(Not to scale)
Return wall
0.45 9
0.45 9
Return wall 2.4 1.5 2.4
left abut 11
Assuming avg. thickness of return wall = 0.45
Length of Abutment = 6.5 m Base Parameters :
Width of Abutment foundation= 6.3 m Required for checking Base
Total Height of Abutment = 10.85 m Pressures for various cases
Depth of MSL from HFL for scour up to ;- Area = 6.3 x 6.5
1.27dsm (Normal case) = 3.5 m = 40.95
1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 3.5 m ZTT = 6.5 x 6.3^2 / 6
2dsm (Normal case) = 3.5 m = 43
2dsm (Seismic case) = 3.15 m ZLL = 6.3 x 6.5^2 / 6
Height from Base ( Foundation Lvl ) of :- = 44.36
HFL = 5.0 m
Bed Lvl = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto1.27dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto2dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto2dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
Height of Front fill from Base for :-
Dry condition = 1.5 m
HFL condition with scour upto1.27dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
HFLcondition with scour upto1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
HFL condition with scour upto2dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
HFLcondition with scour upto2dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
Dry unit weight of soil = 1.8 t/m3
Saturated unit weight of soil = 2.1 t/m3
Submerged unit weight of soil = 1.1 t/m3
Dry unit weight of concrete = 2.4 t/m3
Submerged unit weight of concrete = 1.4 t/m3
Live load surcharge equivalent to height of earth fill = 1.2 t/m2
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Backfill) = 35 degrees
Angle of friction between Backfill & Concrete = 22.5 degrees
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Front fill) = 30 degrees
Angle of friction between front fill & Concrete = 20 degrees
Safe Bearing capacity of soil= 40 t/m2
Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil = 0.7
Superstructure Dead Load Reaction = 161 t
Restoring Moment due to DL = 531.3 tm
Superstructure full Live Load Reaction = 78.95 t
Restoring Moment due to full Live load reaction = 260.54 tm
Horizontal force at Bearing level with dead+ live load = 7.2 t
Overturning moment due to this force = 68.04 tm
Horizontal force at Bearing level with out live load = 5.59 t
Overturning moment due to this force = 52.83 tm
left abut 12
Here again : f= 35
i= 0 d= 22.5 for dry state
a= 0 d= 11.25 for submerged state
Ah= 0.12 l= 6.34 for Av +ve for dry state
Av= 0.08 l= 7.43 for Av -ve for dry state
l= 11.98 for Av +ve for submerged state
l= 13.98 for Av -ve for submerged state
Expression : Value(normal case) Value(siesmic+ve) Value(seismic -ve)
dry cond. submerged dry cond. submerged dry cond. ubmerged
cos(f-l-a) 0.8192 0.8192 0.8775 0.9204 0.8864 0.9335
cos(d+l+a) 0.9239 0.9808 0.876 0.9189 0.8666 0.9046
cosl 1 1 0.9939 0.9782 0.9916 0.9704
cosa 1 1 1 1 1 1
sin(f+d) 0.8434 0.7224 0.8434 0.7224 0.8434 0.7224
sin(f-i-l) 0.5736 0.5736 0.4796 0.3911 0.4628 0.3587
cos(a-i) 1 1 1 1 1 1
= 0.2445
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.2445*COS(22.5+0) = 0.2259
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.2445*SIN(22.5+0) = 0.0936
Dry Condition (seismic with Av +ve)
Ca =
(1+0.08)*(0.8775)^2/[0.9939*(1)^2*(0.876)]*[1/{1+(0.8434*0.4796 / (1*0.876))^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3386
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3386 * COS(22.5 + 0) = 0.3128
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3386 * SIN (22.5 + 0) = 0.1296
Dry Condition (seismic with Av -ve)
Ca =
= 0.3012
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3012*COS(22.5+0) = 0.2783
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3012*SIN(22.5+0) = 0.1153
Submerged condition ( Static case )
Ca =
1*(0.8192)^2 / [1*(1)^2*(0.9808)] * [1/ {1+ ( 0.7224*0.5736 / (1*0.9808) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.2513
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.2513 * COS(11.25 + 0) = 0.2465
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.2513 * SIN (11.25 + 0) = 0.049
Submerged Condition (seismic with Av +ve)
Ca =
(1+0.08)*(0.9204)^2/[0.9782*(1)^2*(0.9189)]*[1/ {1+(0.7224*0.3911/(1*0.9189) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.4212
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.4212 * COS(11.25 + 0) = 0.4131
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.4212 * SIN (11.25 + 0) = 0.0822
Submerged Condition (seismic with Av -ve)
Ca =
(1-0.08)*(0.9335)^2/[0.9704*(1)^2*(0.9046)]*[1/{1+(0.7224*0.3587/(1*0.9046) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3875
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3875 * COS(0 + 11.25) = 0.3801
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3875 * SIN(0 + 11.25) = 0.0756
( c ) Determination of passive pressure coefficients :
(Passive relief to the extent of active pressure only is considered )
Cp = (1+ or - Av)*cos2(f-l-a)/[cos l*cos2a*cos(d+l+a)] *
[1/(1+{sin(f+d)*sin(f-i-l)/[cos(a-i)*cos(d+a+l)]} 0.5)]2
Here again : f= 30
i= 0 d= 20 for dry state
a= 0 d= 10 for submerged state
Ah= 0.12 l= 6.34 for Av +ve for dry state
Av= 0.08 l= 7.431 for Av -ve for dry state
l= 11.976 for Av +ve for submerged state
left abut 14
Bed Level
Foundation Level
Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
Earth pressure diagram for dry condition
(a) Dry condition
(i) Due to Backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L.surcharge *= 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 10.85 x 6.5 = 34.41 t
*As per requirement of cl 217.3 of IRC;6-2000 , Approach slab has been provided. Even so Live load
surcharge of 1.2m height of earth fill has been taken in accordance with cl. 710.4.4 of IRC:78-2000
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ O = 34.41 x 10.85 / 2 = 186.67 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 10.85^ 2 x 6.5 155.57 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ O = 155.57 x 0.42 x 10.85 = 708.93 tm
Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 10.85^ 2 x 6.5 64.46 t
Moment due to this component @ O = 64.46 x 6.3 = 406.1 tm
(ii) Passive relief due to front fill
Horizontal force due to passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2794 x 1.5^ 2 x 6.5
= 3.68 t
Moment due to passive earth pressure @ O = 3.68 x 0.42 x 1.5
= 2.32 tm
Vertical component of passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1017 x 1.5^ 2 x 6.5
= 1.34 t
Moment due to this component @ O = 0
(b) H.F.L Condition with scour upto 1.27dsm ,Backfill submerged upto H.F.L
Formation Level
left abut 16
Earth pressure Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
below HFL above HFL
Earth pressure diagram for HFL condition
Dry condition front fill has not been taken into account in
(a) Normal case this case)
(i) Considering earth pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth fill 586.49 2400.72
Earth pressure (Back fill) 64.46 155.57 406.1 708.93
Total 650.95 155.57 2806.82 708.93
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (2806.82 - 708.93) / 650.95 = 3.22 m
Eccentricity = 6.3 / 2 - 3.22 = -0.07 m
Base pressures = 650.95 / 6.3 X 6.5 + 650.95 X -0.07 X 6 / 6.5 X 6.3^2
Ptoe = 14.84 Safe
Pheel = 16.96
Factor of safety against sliding = 650.95 X 0.7 / 155.57 = 2.93 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 2806.82 / 708.93 = 3.96 Safe
Appendix B
Since tension occurs in the heel side of the foundation , there is a reduction in the contact area of the
soil and hence there is a increase in the maximum base pressure at toe side after redistribution of
pressures .
( Service case with live load , HFL condition , Seismic case with Av+ve will experience maximum tension. )
Check for area of contact
0.8 5.5
x L-x
Base Pressures Diagrams
x = 6.45X6.3/(44.66+6.45) = 0.8 m
Contact atrea = 5.5/6.3X100
= 87.3 % more than 67.5% and hence o.k. Refer cl.706.3.4 of IRC : 78-2000
Redistribution of Pressures
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = 1.8 m
For no tension the eccentricity should lie between middle third
left abut 32
Downward pressure diagram due weight of concrete and earth fill over heel/toe slab
y x z
1.31 1.09
20.69 19.42
6.55 27.66 34.52
Amin= 0.15x140
= 21 cm2/m
Hence provide 20mm dia bar at 230 mm c/c + 16 mm dia bar at 230 mm c/c giving an area
of 22.4 cm2/m ht.
Distribution reinforcement
(cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m Hence provide 10 mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Check for Shear
Gross shear force at critical section y = (20.69+6.55)/2x2.4 = 32.69 t/m
Net shear force at critical section y = 32.69 - (46.01/1.31)x0.8/2.4
= 20.98 t/m
Shear stress at critical section y= 20.98x10^3/131x100
= 1.6 kg/cm2
For pt=22.4/131=0.17 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 1.92 kg/cm2 safe
Bed Level
Foundation Level
Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
Earth pressure diagram for dry condition
(a) Dry condition
(i) Due to Backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L.surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 9.45 x 6.5
= 29.97 t
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ X = 29.97 x 9.45 / 2
= 141.61 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 9.45^ 2 x 6.5
= 118.01 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ X = 118.01 x 0.42 x 9.45
= 468.38 tm
left abut 35
Earth pressure Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
below HFL above HFL
Earth pressure diagram for HFL condition
(i) Due to backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L. surcharge = 1.2 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 5.85 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2465 x 3.6 x 6.5
= 18.55 + 12.46
= 31.01 t
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ X = 18.55 x (3.6+ 5.85 / 2) + 12.46 x 3.6/2
= 143.47 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 0.2259 x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x 0.2465 x 3.6 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x 0.2465 x 3.6^2 x 6.5
= 45.23 + 60.74 + 11.42
= 117.39 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ X =
45.23 x (3.6+2.457)+60.74 x 3.6/2+11.42 x 0.42x3.6
= 400.56 tm
Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 0.0936 x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x 0.049 x 3.6 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x 0.049 x 3.6^2 x 6.5
= 18.74 + 12.07 + 2.27
left abut 36
= 33.08 t
Moment due to this component @ X = 33.08 x 1.5
= 49.62 tm
(ii) Passive relief due to front fill
Horizontal force due to passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.1 x 0.3037 x 0.1^ 2 x 6.5
= 0.01 t
Moment due to passive earth pressure @ X = 0.01 x 0.42 x 0.1
= 0 tm
Vertical component of passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.1 x 0.0536 x 0.1^ 2 x 6.5
= 0t
Moment due to this component @ X = 0
Seismic case : Dynamic increment in earth pressure due to seismic force
(a) Seismic force with Av +ve case
(i) Dry condition
Dynamic increment (DI) on L.L. surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.3128 x 9.35 x 6.5 -
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 9.35 x 6.5
= 41.06 - 29.65
= 11.41 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 11.41 x( 0.1+9.35x2/3)
= 72.26 tm
Dynamic increment (DI)in earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.3128 x 9.35^ 2 x 6.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 9.35^ 2 x 6.5
= 159.97 - 115.53
= 44.44 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 44.44 x ( 0.1 + 0.50 x 9.35)
= 212.2 tm
DI' in Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1296 x 9.35^ 2 x 6.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 9.35^ 2 x 6.5
66.28 - 47.87
= 18.41 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 18.41 x 1.5
= 27.62 tm
(ii) H.F.L Condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
"DI" in L.L. surcharge = 1.2 x 1.8 x( 0.3128 - 0.2259 ) x 5.85 x 6.5 +
1.2 x 1.8 x ( 0.4131 - 0.2465 ) x 3.5 x 6.5
= 7.14 + 8.19
= 15.33 t
Moment due to this DI @ X =
7.14 x (3.6+ 5.85 x2/3) + 8.19 x( 0.1 + 3.5 x2/3 )
= 73.48 tm
"DI" in earth pressure = 0.5 x ( 0.3128 - 0.2259 ) x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x ( 0.4131 - 0.2465 ) x 3.5 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x ( 0.4131 - 0.2465 ) x 3.5^2 x 6.5
left abut 37
CaseIV Normal case HFL Condition with scour upto1.27dsm considering fluid pressure
Serial No Particulars Force Moment at
(t) X (t-m)
1 Fluid Pressure (Backfill) 139.31 438.83
2 Live load surcharge 31.01 143.47
3 Passive relief due to Front fill -0.01 0
Total : 170.31 582.3
Case V Seismic case with Av +ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , dry condition
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 44.44 212.20 18.41 27.62
2 DI in Live load surcharge 11.41 72.26 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 55.85 284.46 18.41 27.62
Case VI Seismic case with Av +ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , HFL
condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 64.61 200.87 16.61 24.92
2 DI in Live load surcharge 15.33 73.48 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 79.94 274.35 16.61 24.92
Case VII Seismic case with Av -ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , dry condition
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 26.8 127.97 11.1 16.65
2 DI in Live load surcharge 6.88 43.57 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 33.68 171.54 11.1 16.65
Case VIII Seismic case with Av -ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , HFL
condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X(t-m)
(t) (t)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 48.34 138.47 11.87 17.81
left abut 40
(b)Seismic case
(i) With Av +ve
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Total of normal case 433.41 123.58 494.54 513.38
Seismic on self weight of abutment 17.64 26.48 21.83 112.92
Seismic on dead load of superstructure 12.88 38.64 11.59 311.05
Dynamic increment in earth pressure 18.41 44.44 27.62 212.20
Total 482.34 233.14 555.58 1149.55
Lever arm with respect to X = (555.58 - 1149.55) / 482.34 = -1.23 m
Eccentricity = 1.5 / 2 - -1.23 = 1.98 m
Moment about T-T axis MTT = 482.34 x 1.98 = 955.03 tm
(ii) With Av -ve
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Total of normal case 433.41 123.58 494.54 513.38
Seismic on self weight of abutment -17.64 26.48 -21.83 112.92
Seismic on dead load of superstructure -12.88 38.64 -11.59 311.05
Dynamic increment in earth pressure 11.1 26.8 16.65 127.97
Total 413.99 215.5 477.77 1065.32
Lever arm with respect to X = (477.77 - 1065.32) / 413.99 = -1.42 m
Eccentricity = 1.5 / 2 - -1.42 = 2.17 m
Moment about T-T axis MTT = 413.99 x 2.17 = 898.36 tm
HFL with scour upto 1.27dsm
(a) Normal case
(i) Considering earth pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth fill 182.22 229.19
Superstructure Dead Load Reaction 161 5.59 144.9 45
Earth pressures 33.08 117.38 49.62 400.56
Total 376.3 122.97 423.71 445.56
Lever arm with respect to X = (423.71 - 445.56) / 376.3 = -0.06 m
Eccentricity = 1.5 / 2 - -0.06 = 0.81 m
Moment about T-T axis MTT = 376.3 x 0.81 = 304.8 tm
(b)Seismic case
(i) With Av +ve
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Total of normal case 376.3 122.97 423.71 445.56
Seismic on self weight of abutment 17.04 25.57 20.21 111.24
Seismic on dead load of superstructure 12.88 38.64 11.59 311.05
Dynamic increment in earth pressure 16.61 64.61 24.92 200.87
left abut 45
tan'a' = p / 325
p= 325 x tan 0.055
p= 0.312
Effective area of concrete and steel
Element Area Distance of c.g. from top Distance of c.g. from right
Concrete area
a) Rectangular = 34.188 x 650 = 34.188 / 2 = 650 / 2
= 22222.2 = 17.09 = 325
b) Triangle= 1 / 2 x 650x0.624 = 34.188 + 0.624 / 3 = 650 / 3
= 202.8 = 34.4 = 216.67
Total concrete area = 22425
left abut 49
Steel area
steel area above N.A = ( 10 - 1) x 239.85
(m-1)Ast 2158.65 =9 = 325
steel area below N.A..= 10 x 239.85 = 150 - 9
mAst 2398.5 = 141 = 325
x ex x
left abut 50
ez d
If x-x and z-z are the two orthogonal axis through the physical ceteroid of the overall section b x d
Mx and Mz are the moment about these axis and P the axial thrust. ex and ez are the local eccentricities
from x-x and z-z axis . ex =Mx/P and is measured along z-z axis, ez = Mz/P and is measured along x-x axis
e'x and e'z are the distances from the X and Z axis to the c.g. of effective section . Ieffxx and Ieffzz are the
second moment of areas of the effective sections about axis parallel to X and Z axis passing through its
centeroid. Ieffxz is the product of inertia of the effective section about axis parallel to X and Z axis passing
through its centeroid
The inclination of the axis of the resultant moment to x-x axis given by :
tan 'a' = {(ez - e'z )xIeffxx - (ex - e'x ) x Ieffxz } / {(ex - e'x ) x Ieffzz - ( ez -e'z ) x Ieffxz }
tan 'a' = {(4.78 - 0.81 ) x 36219038.4 - ( 239 - 47.41 ) x -149665.73 }
{(239 - 47.41 ) x 941215098.02 - ( 4.78 - 0.81 ) x -149665.73 }
1.72E+08 = 9.56E-04
hence 'a' = 0.0548 ~ 0.055 hence o.k.
Check for the position of neutral axis
( stresses anywhere along the neutral axis should be zero)
=P/Aeff-[{P(ex - e'x)- P( ez - e'z )( Ieffxz/Ieffzz)}/{Ieffxx - ( Ieffxz^2/Ieffzz)}]x(e'x - y) -
[{P(ez - e'z) - P ( ex - e'x ) ( Ieffxz/Ieffxx)}/{Ieffzz - ( Ieffxz^2/Ieffxx)}]xe'z
= 462310 / 26982.15 -
( 36219038.4 - ( -149665.73 ^2 / 941215098.02 )
[{ 462310x(4.78 - 0.81 ) - 462310x( 239 - 47.41)x( -149665.73 / 36219038.4 ) } ] x 0.81
( 941215098.02 - ( -149665.73 ^2 / 36219038.4 )
17.13 - 88574265 x6.91 - 2201380 x 0.81
36219015 9.41E+08
17.13 - 2.44552 x6.91 - 0.0023 x 0.81
17.13 - 16.9 - 0
0.23 ~ 0 o.k.
Check for stresses in concrete and steel
The extreme fibre stresses in the cracked section are given by the formula taken from chapter
24 of " design of bridg kg/cm2
=P/Aeff -[{P(ex - e'x) - P( ez - e'z)(Ieffxz/Ieffzz)}/{Ieffxx - (Ieffxz^2/Ieffzz)}]x(b/2 -e'x) -
[{P(ez - e'z) - P ( ex - e'x ) ( Ieffxz/Ieffxx)}/{Ieffzz - ( Ieffxz^2/Ieffxx)}]x( d/2 - e'z)
Maximum compressive stress in concrete =
17.13 + 2.44552x ( 75 - 47.41 ) + 0.0023x ( 325 - 0.81 )
17.13 67.48 0.75
85.36 kg/cm2 less than 68X1.5 =102 kg/cm2 hence safe
Maximum tensile stress in steel
left abut 51
1.4 1.16
0.57 0.49 1.2
Design Parameters
Overall height of Dirt wall = 1.4 m
Overall thickness of Dirt wall = 30 cms
Eff. cover (assumed)= 5.6 cms
Effective depth of Dirt wall = 24.4 cms
Horizontal pressure due to surcharge = 0.226 x 1.2 x 1.8 = 0.49 t/m2
Horizontal pressure at base due to earth fill = 0.226 x 1.8 x 1.4 = 0.57 t/m2
Calculations of bending moments and shear forces per meter length at section ' x '
Bending moment at section x due to live load surcharge and backfill=
= 0.49 x1.4 x 1.4 / 2 + 1/2 x 0.57 x 1.4 x 0.42 x 1.4 = 0.71 tm/m
deff,reqd.= { 0.71 x 10^5 / (100 x 15.1 ) }^0.5
= 6.86 cms < 24.4 safe
Area of steel required = 0.71 x 10^5 / 2040 x 0.889 x 24.4
(on earth face) = 1.6 cm2/m
Amin= 0.12 x 30 = 3.6 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 10 mm
Spacing of bars = 0.79 x 100 / 3.6 = 21.82 cms
Provide 10mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c giving an area of 5.24cm2/m
Distribution reinforcement (cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Hence provide 10 mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Check for Shear
left abut 52
Shear force at critical section z = 0.226x1.2x1.8 x 1.16 + 1/2 x 0.226 x 1.8X 1.16 ^2
= 0.84 t/m
Shear stress at critical section z= 0.84x10^3/24.4x100 = 0.34 kg/cm2
For pt=5.24/24.4=0.21 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 2.08 kg/cm2 safe
Design of Return Wall
Return Wall
x x
0.3 0.6
= 8.68 t/m
Shear stress at critical section x= 8.68x10^3/53.5x100
= 1.62 kg/cm2
For pt=16.08/53.5=0.3 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 2.41 kg/cm2 safe
Design of Return Wall at a section 5.45 from top
Return Wall x
0.3 0.45
= 6.01 t/m
Shear stress at critical section x= 6.01x10^3/38.5x100
= 1.56 kg/cm2
For pt=13.4/38.5=0.35 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 2.57 kg/cm2 safe
Return Wall x
0.3 0.45
7f 3a
HFL RL 94.2
2dsm(seismic) 7c 3d 8c
90.65 2dsm RL 90.65
7b 3e 8b
7a 8a
0 4 6 0
Found. RL 90.55 0 5 0
0 1.2 0.3 0 0
(Not to scale) T
Length of Abutment = 6.5 1.5
Width of Abutment foundation= 1.5
Total Height of Abutment = 9.45
Depth of MSL from HFL for scour up to ;- 6.5
1.27dsm (Normal case) = 3.5 L L
1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 3.5
left abut 57
and for construction stage load combination IX of Table I of IRC:6-2000 are considered
for the design of members. However for stability, base pressures and design of
foundation, load combination (i) and (i) + Feq ( both with and without live load) shall be
considered as laid down in cl. 706.1 of IRC;78-2000.
2.3 Determination of seismic and earth pressure coefficients
a) Seismic coefficient
T= Time period of the bridge = 2x(D/1000K)1/2
D= Dead live load reaction ( kN) 2353.19
K= orizontal force per unit deflection ( kN ) = 3EcIc/h3
Ec= dulus of elasticity of concrete= 5000(fck)1/2 x103 kN/m2
= #REF! 2.24E+07 kN/m2
Ice*= M.O.I. Of the section = 6.5x1.5^3/12 = 1.83
* section at the stem is considered. This is on conservative side
chi= eight of the section (98.6 - 90.55) = 8.05 m
K= = 3x22360679.77x1.83/8.05^3 = 235326 kN/m
= 235.33 KN/mm
T= = 2x[2353.19/1000x235.33]^0.5 = 0.2 seconds
Sa/g= Average response acceleration
Coefficient for 5% damping #REF! for medium foundation soils
= 1.36/0.2 2.5
Ah=Horizontal seismic coefficient = z/2xSa/gxI/R
= 0x2.5x0/0
= 0.12
(b) Determination of active earth pressure coefficient (Refer Cl 8 of I.S.1893-1975)
Ca = (1+ or - a)*cos2(f-l-a)/[cos l*cos2a*cos(d+l+a)] *
[1/(1+{sin(f+d)*sin(f-i-l)/[cos(a-i)*cos(d+a+l)]} 0.5)]2
Here again : f= 35
i= 0 d= 22.5 for dry state
a*= 0 d= 11.25 for submerged state
Ah= 0.12 l= 6.34 for Av +ve for dry state
Av= 0.08 l= 7.43 for Av -ve for dry state
cosa 1 1 1 1 1 1
sin(f+d) 0.766 0.6428 0.766 0.6428 0.766 0.6428
sin(f-i-l) 0.5 0.5 0.3994 0.3058 0.3863 0.2807
cos(a-i) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dry Condition ( Static case ) :
Cp = 1*(0.866)^2/[1*(1)^2*(0.9397)]*[1/{1+(0.766*0.5/(1*0.9397) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.2973
Horizontal Component of Cp = 0.2973 * COS(20 + 0) = 0.2794
Vertical Component of Cp = 0.2973 * SIN(20 + 0) = 0.1017
Dry Condition (seismic with Av +ve)
Cp =
(1+0.06)*(0.9168)^2/[0.9937*(1)^2*(0.8953)]*[1/{1+(0.766*0.3994/(1*0.8953) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3989
Horizontal Component of Cp = 0.3989 * COS(20 + 0) = 0.3748
Vertical Component of Cp = 0.3989 * SIN (20 + 0) = 0.1364
Dry Condition (seismic with Av -ve)
Cp =
(1-0.06)*(0.9224)^2/[0.9919*(1)^2*(0.8888)]*[1/{1+(0.766*0.3863/(1*0.8888) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3648
Horizontal Component of Cp = 0.3648 * COS(20 + 0) = 0.3428
3.5 1.36
1.5 2.4
0 0.00
1.27 1.5 2.4 1.5 2.4
0 0
2 1.5 2.4 1.5 2.4
0.1 1.5
left abut 63
left abut 64
= 0.12
left abut 65
left abut 66
left abut 67
left abut 68
-3.68 -2.32
-3.68 -2.32
-2.44 -1.54
-2.44 -1.54
left abut 69
Moment at
0 3.15
0 3.15
left abut 70
0 5.1
0 5.1
5.07 23.66
134.16 248.21
117.96 18.15
21.27 23.63
139.23 271.87
Moment at
left abut 71
left abut 72
left abut 73
0.13 0.98
0.06 0.99
0.8 0.87
0.8 0.87
left abut 74
left abut 75
25 230
25 230
spacing 21.34
42.68 cm2/m
0.489 0.2965 0 0
0.15 0.18 0.15
0.25 0.22 0.1
0.5 0.3 0.25
0.75 0.35 0.25
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1 0.49 0.25
1.25 0.51 0.25
1.5 0.51 0.25 0.18
1.75 0.51 0.25 0.04
2 0.53 0.25 0.08
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.25 0.55 0.25 0.05
2.5 0.57
2.75 0.58
3 0.6
20 230
left abut 76
16 230
spacing 13.66
spacing 150
22.4 cm2/m
0.171 0.1884 0 0
0.15 0.18 0.15
0.25 0.22 0.1
0.5 0.3 0.25
0.75 0.35 0.25
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1 0.49 0.25
1.25 0.51 0.25
1.5 0.51 0.25 0.18
1.75 0.51 0.25 0.04
2 0.53 0.25 0.08
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.25 0.55 0.25 0.05
left abut 77
Moment at
0 0.75
0 0.75
Moment at
left abut 78
left abut 79
Dia 28 25
6.16 4.91
spacing 30 30
20.53 16.37
133.45 106.41
36.9 239.85
left abut 80
left abut 81
spacing 150
5.24 cm2/m
0.21 0.2040 0 0
left abut 82
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.35
1 0.49
125 spacing
pt M20
0.3 0.2360 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
left abut 83
150 spacing
pt M20
0.35 0.2520 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
left abut 84
125 spacing
pt M20
0.24 0.2160 0 0
0.15 0.18
left abut 85
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3 0.51
0.75 0.35 0.51
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
left abut 86
3.5 1.36
1.5 0
0 0
1.27 1.5 0 1.5 0
0 0
2 1.5 0 1.5 0
0.1 1.5
left abut 87
left abut 88
0.876))^0.5} ]^2
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
left abut 93
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
left abut 94
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
right abut 95
7f 3a
HFL RL 94.15
2dsm(seismic) 7c 3d 8c
94.15 RL 94.15
7b 3e 8b X
7a 8a
1 4 6 1
Found. RL 92.65 0.45 5 0.45
1.65 1.2 0 1.65 0
2.25 2.25
(Not to scale)
Return wall
0.35 9
0.35 9
Return wall 1.65 1.2 1.65
right abut 96
Assuming avg. thickness of return wall = 0.35
Length of Abutment = 6.5 m Base Parameters :
Width of Abutment foundation= 4.5 m Required for checking Base
Total Height of Abutment = 7.35 m Pressures for various cases
Depth of MSL from HFL for scour up to ;- Area = 4.5 x 6.5
1.27dsm (Normal case) = 0.0 m = 29.25
1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 0.0 m ZTT = 6.5 x 4.5^2 / 6
2dsm (Normal case) = 0.0 m = 21.94
2dsm (Seismic case) = 0 m ZLL = 4.5 x 6.5^2 / 6
Height from Base ( Foundation Lvl ) of :- = 31.69
HFL = 1.5 m
Bed Lvl = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto1.27dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto2dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
MSL for scour upto2dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
Height of Front fill from Base for :-
Dry condition = 1.5 m
HFL condition with scour upto1.27dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
HFLcondition with scour upto1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
HFL condition with scour upto2dsm (Normal case) = 1.5 m
HFLcondition with scour upto2dsm (Seismic case) = 1.5 m
Dry unit weight of soil = 1.8 t/m3
Saturated unit weight of soil = 2.1 t/m3
Submerged unit weight of soil = 1.1 t/m3
Dry unit weight of concrete = 2.4 t/m3
Submerged unit weight of concrete = 1.4 t/m3
Live load surcharge equivalent to height of earth fill = 1.2 t/m2
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Backfill) = 35 degrees
Angle of friction between Backfill & Concrete = 22.5 degrees
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Front fill) = 30 degrees
Angle of friction between front fill & Concrete = 20 degrees
Safe Bearing capacity of soil= 40 t/m2
Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil = 0.7
Superstructure Dead Load Reaction = 161 t
Restoring Moment due to DL = 362.25 tm
Superstructure full Live Load Reaction = 78.95 t
Restoring Moment due to full Live load reaction = 177.64 tm
Horizontal force at Bearing level with dead+ live load = 14.37 t
Overturning moment due to this force = 85.5 tm
Horizontal force at Bearing level with out live load = 5.59 t
Overturning moment due to this force = 33.26 tm
right abut 97
Here again : f= 35
i= 0 d= 22.5 for dry state
a= 0 d= 11.25 for submerged state
Ah= 0.12 l= 6.34 for Av +ve for dry state
Av= 0.08 l= 7.43 for Av -ve for dry state
l= 11.98 for Av +ve for submerged state
l= 13.98 for Av -ve for submerged state
Expression : Value(normal case) Value(siesmic+ve) Value(seismic -ve)
dry cond. submerged dry cond. submerged dry cond. ubmerged
cos(f-l-a) 0.8192 0.8192 0.8775 0.9204 0.8864 0.9335
cos(d+l+a) 0.9239 0.9808 0.876 0.9189 0.8666 0.9046
cosl 1 1 0.9939 0.9782 0.9916 0.9704
cosa 1 1 1 1 1 1
sin(f+d) 0.8434 0.7224 0.8434 0.7224 0.8434 0.7224
sin(f-i-l) 0.5736 0.5736 0.4796 0.3911 0.4628 0.3587
cos(a-i) 1 1 1 1 1 1
= 0.2445
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.2445*COS(22.5+0) = 0.2259
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.2445*SIN(22.5+0) = 0.0936
Dry Condition (seismic with Av +ve)
Ca =
(1+0.08)*(0.8775)^2/[0.9939*(1)^2*(0.876)]*[1/{1+(0.8434*0.4796 / (1*0.876))^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3386
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3386 * COS(22.5 + 0) = 0.3128
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3386 * SIN (22.5 + 0) = 0.1296
Dry Condition (seismic with Av -ve)
Ca =
= 0.3012
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3012*COS(22.5+0) = 0.2783
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3012*SIN(22.5+0) = 0.1153
Submerged condition ( Static case )
Ca =
1*(0.8192)^2 / [1*(1)^2*(0.9808)] * [1/ {1+ ( 0.7224*0.5736 / (1*0.9808) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.2513
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.2513 * COS(11.25 + 0) = 0.2465
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.2513 * SIN (11.25 + 0) = 0.049
Submerged Condition (seismic with Av +ve)
Ca =
(1+0.08)*(0.9204)^2/[0.9782*(1)^2*(0.9189)]*[1/ {1+(0.7224*0.3911/(1*0.9189) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.4212
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.4212 * COS(11.25 + 0) = 0.4131
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.4212 * SIN (11.25 + 0) = 0.0822
Submerged Condition (seismic with Av -ve)
Ca =
(1-0.08)*(0.9335)^2/[0.9704*(1)^2*(0.9046)]*[1/{1+(0.7224*0.3587/(1*0.9046) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3875
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3875 * COS(0 + 11.25) = 0.3801
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3875 * SIN(0 + 11.25) = 0.0756
( c ) Determination of passive pressure coefficients :
(Passive relief to the extent of active pressure only is considered )
Cp = (1+ or - Av)*cos2(f-l-a)/[cos l*cos2a*cos(d+l+a)] *
[1/(1+{sin(f+d)*sin(f-i-l)/[cos(a-i)*cos(d+a+l)]} 0.5)]2
Here again : f= 30
i= 0 d= 20 for dry state
a= 0 d= 10 for submerged state
Ah= 0.12 l= 6.34 for Av +ve for dry state
Av= 0.08 l= 7.431 for Av -ve for dry state
l= 11.976 for Av +ve for submerged state
right abut 99
Bed Level
Foundation Level
Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
Earth pressure diagram for dry condition
(a) Dry condition
(i) Due to Backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L.surcharge *= 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 7.35 x 6.5 = 23.31 t
*As per requirement of cl 217.3 of IRC;6-2000 , Approach slab has been provided. Even so Live load
surcharge of 1.2m height of earth fill has been taken in accordance with cl. 710.4.4 of IRC:78-2000
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ O = 23.31 x 7.35 / 2 = 85.66 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 7.35^ 2 x 6.5 71.39 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ O = 71.39 x 0.42 x 7.35 = 220.38 tm
Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 7.35^ 2 x 6.5 29.58 t
Moment due to this component @ O = 29.58 x 4.5 = 133.11 tm
(ii) Passive relief due to front fill
Horizontal force due to passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2794 x 1.5^ 2 x 6.5
= 3.68 t
Moment due to passive earth pressure @ O = 3.68 x 0.42 x 1.5
= 2.32 tm
Vertical component of passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1017 x 1.5^ 2 x 6.5
= 1.34 t
Moment due to this component @ O = 0
(b) H.F.L Condition with scour upto 1.27dsm ,Backfill submerged upto H.F.L
Formation Level
right abut 101
Earth pressure Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
below HFL above HFL
Earth pressure diagram for HFL condition
Dry condition front fill has not been taken into account in
(a) Normal case this case)
(i) Considering earth pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth fill 302.7 851.59
Earth pressure (Back fill) 29.58 71.39 133.11 220.38
Total 332.28 71.39 984.7 220.38
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (984.7 - 220.38) / 332.28 = 2.3 m
Eccentricity = 4.5 / 2 - 2.3 = -0.05 m
Base pressures = 332.28 / 4.5 X 6.5 + 332.28 X -0.05 X 6 / 6.5 X 4.5^2
Ptoe = 10.6 Safe
Pheel = 12.12
Factor of safety against sliding = 332.28 X 0.7 / 71.39 = 3.26 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 984.7 / 220.38 = 4.47 Safe
Appendix B
Since tension occurs in the heel side of the foundation , there is a reduction in the contact area of the
soil and hence there is a increase in the maximum base pressure at toe side after redistribution of
pressures .
( Service case with live load , HFL condition , Seismic case with Av+ve will experience maximum tension. )
Check for area of contact
0.57 3.93
x L-x
Base Pressures Diagrams
x = 6.46X4.5/(44.46+6.46) = 0.57 m
Contact atrea = 3.93/4.5X100
= 87.33 % more than 67.5% and hence o.k. Refer cl.706.3.4 of IRC : 78-2000
Redistribution of Pressures
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = 1.3 m
For no tension the eccentricity should lie between middle third
right abut 117
Downward pressure diagram due weight of concrete and earth fill over heel/toe slab
y x z
0.91 0.74
17.69 18.68
2.87 27.22 34.16
Amin= 0.15x100
= 15 cm2/m
Hence provide 20mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c + 0 mm dia bar at 230 mm c/c giving an area
of 15.71 cm2/m ht.
Distribution reinforcement
(cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m Hence provide 10 mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Check for Shear
Gross shear force at critical section y = (17.69+2.87)/2x1.65 = 16.96 t/m
Net shear force at critical section y = 16.96 - (17.36/0.91)x0.55/1.65
= 10.6 t/m
Shear stress at critical section y= 10.6x10^3/91x100
= 1.16 kg/cm2
For pt=15.71/91=0.17 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 1.93 kg/cm2 safe
Bed Level
Foundation Level
Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
Earth pressure diagram for dry condition
(a) Dry condition
(i) Due to Backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L.surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 6.35 x 6.5
= 20.14 t
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ X = 20.14 x 6.35 / 2
= 63.94 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 6.35^ 2 x 6.5
= 53.29 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ X = 53.29 x 0.42 x 6.35
= 142.12 tm
right abut 120
Earth pressure Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
below HFL above HFL
Earth pressure diagram for HFL condition
(i) Due to backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L. surcharge = 1.2 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 5.85 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2465 x 0.5 x 6.5
= 18.55 + 1.73
= 20.28 t
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ X = 18.55 x (0.5+ 5.85 / 2) + 1.73 x 0.5/2
= 63.97 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 0.2259 x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x 0.2465 x 0.5 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x 0.2465 x 0.5^2 x 6.5
= 45.23 + 8.44 + 0.22
= 53.89 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ X =
45.23 x (0.5+2.457)+8.44 x 0.5/2+0.22 x 0.42x0.5
= 135.9 tm
Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 0.0936 x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x 0.049 x 0.5 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x 0.049 x 0.5^2 x 6.5
= 18.74 + 1.68 + 0.04
right abut 121
= 20.46 t
Moment due to this component @ X = 20.46 x 1.2
= 24.55 tm
(ii) Passive relief due to front fill
Horizontal force due to passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.1 x 0.3037 x 0.5^ 2 x 6.5
= 0.27 t
Moment due to passive earth pressure @ X = 0.27 x 0.42 x 0.5
= 0.06 tm
Vertical component of passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.1 x 0.0536 x 0.5^ 2 x 6.5
= 0.05 t
Moment due to this component @ X = 0
Seismic case : Dynamic increment in earth pressure due to seismic force
(a) Seismic force with Av +ve case
(i) Dry condition
Dynamic increment (DI) on L.L. surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.3085 x 5.85 x 6.5 -
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 5.85 x 6.5
= 25.34 - 18.55
= 6.79 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 6.79 x( 0.5+5.85x2/3)
= 29.88 tm
Dynamic increment (DI)in earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.3085 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5
= 61.76 - 45.23
= 16.53 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 16.53 x ( 0.5 + 0.50 x 5.85)
= 56.62 tm
DI' in Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1278 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5
25.59 - 18.74
= 6.85 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 6.85 x 1.2
= 8.22 tm
(ii) H.F.L Condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
"DI" in L.L. surcharge = 1.2 x 1.8 x( 0.3085 - 0.2259 ) x 5.85 x 6.5 +
1.2 x 1.8 x ( 0.4089 - 0.2465 ) x 0 x 6.5
= 6.78 + 0
= 6.78 t
Moment due to this DI @ X =
6.78 x (0.5+ 5.85 x2/3) + 0 x( 0.5 + 0 x2/3 )
= 29.83 tm
"DI" in earth pressure = 0.5 x ( 0.3085 - 0.2259 ) x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x ( 0.4089 - 0.2465 ) x 0 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x ( 0.4089 - 0.2465 ) x 0^2 x 6.5
right abut 122
= 16.54 + 0 + 0
= 16.54 t
Moment due to this DI @ X
= 16.54x(0.5 + 5.85 x0.50 ) + 0 x (0.5 + 0/2 )+ 0 x(0.5 + 0.50 x 0 )
= 56.65 tm
DI in Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x ( 0.1278 - 0.0936 ) x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x ( 0.0813 - 0.049 ) x 0 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x ( 0.0813 - 0.049 ) x 0^2 x 6.5
= 6.85 + 0 + 0
= 6.85 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 6.85 x 1.2
= 8.22 tm
(b) Seismic force with Av -ve case
(i) Dry condition
"DI" in L.L. surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2826 x 5.85 x 6.5 -
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 5.85 x 6.5
= 23.21 - 18.55
= 4.66 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 4.66 x( 0.5+5.85 x2/3)
= 20.5 tm
DI in earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2826 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5
56.58 - 45.23
= 11.35 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 11.35 x ( 0.5 + 0.50 x 5.85)
= 38.87 tm
DI in Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1171 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5
23.44 - 18.74
= 4.7 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 4.7 x 1.2 = 5.64 tm
(ii) H.F.L Condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
DI in L.L. surcharge = 1.2 x 1.8 x( 0.2826 - 0.2259 ) x 5.85 x 6.5 +
1.2 x 1.8 x ( 0.3841 - 0.2465 ) x 0 x 6.5
= 4.66 + 0
= 4.66 t
Moment due to this DI @ X = 4.66x(0.5+5.85 x2/3) + 0 x( 0.5 + 0 x2/3 )
= 20.5 tm
DI in earth pressure = 0.5 x ( 0.2826 - 0.2259 ) x 1.8 x 5.85^ 2 x 6.5 +
1.8 x 5.85 x ( 0.3841 - 0.2465 ) x 0 x 6.5 +
0.5 x 1.1 x ( 0.3841 - 0.2465 ) x 0^2 x 6.5
= 11.35 + 0 + 0
= 11.35 t
right abut 123
CaseIV Normal case HFL Condition with scour upto1.27dsm considering fluid pressure
Serial No Particulars Force Moment at
(t) X (t-m)
1 Fluid Pressure (Backfill) 62.9 133.14
2 Live load surcharge 20.28 63.97
3 Passive relief due to Front fill -0.27 -0.06
Total : 82.91 197.05
Case V Seismic case with Av +ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , dry condition
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 16.53 56.62 6.85 8.22
2 DI in Live load surcharge 6.79 29.88 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 23.32 86.50 6.85 8.22
Case VI Seismic case with Av +ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , HFL
condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 16.54 56.65 6.85 8.22
2 DI in Live load surcharge 6.78 29.83 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 23.32 86.48 6.85 8.22
Case VII Seismic case with Av -ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , dry condition
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 11.35 38.87 4.7 5.64
2 DI in Live load surcharge 4.66 20.50 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 16.01 59.37 4.7 5.64
Case VIII Seismic case with Av -ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure , HFL
condition with scour upto 1.27dsm
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force X (t-m) Force w.r.t X(t-m)
(t) (t)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 11.35 38.87 4.7 5.64
right abut 125
direction ( In case of Av-ve , the forces and moments shall carry -ve sign )
(a) Dry condition
Particulars Vertical Force L.A. w.r.t Moment Horizontal Force L.A. w.r.t Moment
=0.06XW X about X =0.12XW X about X
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )
1. Dirt wall 0.39 0.6 0.23 0.79 5.65 4.46
2. Abut Cap 0.28 0.6 0.17 0.56 4.8 2.69
3a Abut shaft 4.66 0.6 2.8 9.32 2.58 24.05
3b. -do- 0 0.6 0 0 0.5 0
9e Return wall 0 2.03 0 0 0.5 0
9f -do 0.92 2.03 1.87 1.38 2.58 3.56
9g -do 0.38 2.03 0.77 0.57 5.5 3.14
Total : 6.63 Total : 5.84 Total : 12.62 Total : 37.9
(b) H.F.L with scour upto 1.27dsm
Vertical Force L.A. w.r.t Moment Horizontal Force L.A. w.r.t Moment
Particulars =0.06XW X about X =0.12XW X about X
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )
1. Dirt wall 0.39 0.6 0.23 0.79 5.65 4.46
2. Abut Cap 0.28 0.6 0.17 0.56 4.8 2.69
3a Abut shaft 4.66 0.6 2.8 9.32 2.58 24.05
3b. -do- 0 0.6 0 0 0.5 0
3c. -do- 0 0.6 0 0 0.5 0
9d Return wall 0 2.03 0 0 0.5 0
9e - do 0 2.03 0 0 0.5 0
9f - do 0.92 2.03 1.87 1.38 2.58 3.56
9g - do 0.38 2.03 0.77 0.57 5.5 3.14
Total : 6.63 Total : 5.84 Total : 12.62 Total : 37.9
Summation of forces and moments at stem ( section X )
Construction stage ( superstructure not erected ) (To be on safer side , Passive relief due to
Dry condition front fill has not been taken into account in
(a) Normal case this case)
(i) Considering earth pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth fill 115.88 94.7
Earth pressure (Back fill) 22.08 53.29 26.5 142.12
Total 137.96 53.29 121.2 142.12
Lever arm with respect to X = (121.2 - 142.12) / 137.96 = -0.15 m
Eccentricity = 1.2 / 2 - -0.15 = 0.75 m
Moment about T-T axis MTT = 137.96 x 0.75 = 103.47 tm
(ii) considering fluid pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
right abut 127
tan'a' = p / 325
p= 325 x tan 0.0642
p= 0.364
Effective area of concrete and steel
Element Area Distance of c.g. from top Distance of c.g. from right
Concrete area
a) Rectangular = 25.036 x 650 = 25.036 / 2 = 650 / 2
= 16273.4 = 12.52 = 325
b) Triangle= 1 / 2 x 650x0.728 = 25.036 + 0.728 / 3 = 650 / 3
= 236.6 = 25.28 = 216.67
Total concrete area = 16510
Steel area
steel area above N.A = ( 10 - 1) x 127.66
(m-1)Ast 1148.94 =9 = 325
steel area below N.A..= 10 x 127.66 = 120 - 9
right abut 134
x ex x
ez d
If x-x and z-z are the two orthogonal axis through the physical ceteroid of the overall section b x d
Mx and Mz are the moment about these axis and P the axial thrust. ex and ez are the local eccentricities
from x-x and z-z axis . ex =Mx/P and is measured along z-z axis, ez = Mz/P and is measured along x-x axis
right abut 135
e'x and e'z are the distances from the X and Z axis to the c.g. of effective section . Ieffxx and Ieffzz are the
second moment of areas of the effective sections about axis parallel to X and Z axis passing through its
centeroid. Ieffxz is the product of inertia of the effective section about axis parallel to X and Z axis passing
through its centeroid
The inclination of the axis of the resultant moment to x-x axis given by :
tan 'a' = {(ez - e'z )xIeffxx - (ex - e'x ) x Ieffxz } / {(ex - e'x ) x Ieffzz - ( ez -e'z ) x Ieffxz }
tan 'a' = {(6.22 - 1.35 ) x 12462515.71 - ( 145 - 40.89 ) x -158265.22 }
{(145 - 40.89 ) x 661989626.52 - ( 6.22 - 1.35 ) x -158265.22 }
77169444 = 1.12E-03
hence 'a' = 0.0642 ~ 0.0642 hence o.k.
Check for the position of neutral axis
( stresses anywhere along the neutral axis should be zero)
=P/Aeff-[{P(ex - e'x)- P( ez - e'z )( Ieffxz/Ieffzz)}/{Ieffxx - ( Ieffxz^2/Ieffzz)}]x(e'x - y) -
[{P(ez - e'z) - P ( ex - e'x ) ( Ieffxz/Ieffxx)}/{Ieffzz - ( Ieffxz^2/Ieffxx)}]xe'z
= 355530 / 18935.54 -
( 12462515.71 - ( -158265.22 ^2 / 661989626.52 )
[{ 355530x(6.22 - 1.35 ) - 355530x( 145 - 40.89)x( -158265.22 / 12462515.71 ) } ] x 1.35
( 661989626.52 - ( -158265.22 ^2 / 12462515.71 )
18.78 - 37014642 x6.29 - 2201486 x 1.35
12462478 6.62E+08
18.78 - 2.97009 x6.29 - 0.0033 x 1.35
18.78 - 18.68 - 0
0.1 ~ 0 o.k.
Check for stresses in concrete and steel
The extreme fibre stresses in the cracked section are given by the formula taken from chapter
24 of " design of bridg kg/cm2
=P/Aeff -[{P(ex - e'x) - P( ez - e'z)(Ieffxz/Ieffzz)}/{Ieffxx - (Ieffxz^2/Ieffzz)}]x(b/2 -e'x) -
[{P(ez - e'z) - P ( ex - e'x ) ( Ieffxz/Ieffxx)}/{Ieffzz - ( Ieffxz^2/Ieffxx)}]x( d/2 - e'z)
Maximum compressive stress in concrete =
18.78 + 2.97009x ( 60 - 40.89 ) + 0.0033x ( 325 - 1.35 )
18.78 56.75 1.07
76.6 kg/cm2 less than 68X1.5 =102 kg/cm2 hence safe
Maximum tensile stress in steel
(10x{(18.78-56.75/19.11x(60+40.89-9)- 1.07x( 325+1.35 - 9)/323.65)}
-2551.5 kg/cm2 less than 2040X1.5 =3060 kg/cm2 hence safe
Provide 25 mm dia at 250 mm c/c + 0 mm dia at 250 mm c/c
Also provide distribution steel 10 mm dia at 200 mm c/c
Design of Abutment Cap
1.4 1.16
0.57 0.49 1.2
Design Parameters
Overall height of Dirt wall = 1.4 m
Overall thickness of Dirt wall = 30 cms
Eff. cover (assumed)= 5.6 cms
Effective depth of Dirt wall = 24.4 cms
Horizontal pressure due to surcharge = 0.226 x 1.2 x 1.8 = 0.49 t/m2
Horizontal pressure at base due to earth fill = 0.226 x 1.8 x 1.4 = 0.57 t/m2
Calculations of bending moments and shear forces per meter length at section ' x '
Bending moment at section x due to live load surcharge and backfill=
= 0.49 x1.4 x 1.4 / 2 + 1/2 x 0.57 x 1.4 x 0.42 x 1.4 = 0.71 tm/m
deff,reqd.= { 0.71 x 10^5 / (100 x 15.1 ) }^0.5
= 6.86 cms < 24.4 safe
Area of steel required = 0.71 x 10^5 / 2040 x 0.889 x 24.4
(on earth face) = 1.6 cm2/m
Amin= 0.12 x 30 = 3.6 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 10 mm
Spacing of bars = 0.79 x 100 / 3.6 = 21.82 cms
Provide 10mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c giving an area of 5.24cm2/m
Distribution reinforcement (cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Hence provide 10 mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Check for Shear
Shear force at critical section z = 0.226x1.2x1.8 x 1.16 + 1/2 x 0.226 x 1.8X 1.16 ^2
= 0.84 t/m
Shear stress at critical section z= 0.84x10^3/24.4x100 = 0.34 kg/cm2
For pt=5.24/24.4=0.21 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 2.08 kg/cm2 safe
Design of Return Wall
right abut 137
Return Wall
x x
0.3 0.4
Return Wall x
0.3 0.3
Return Wall x
0.3 0.45
7f 3a
HFL RL 94.2
2dsm(seismic) 7c 3d 8c
94.15 2dsm RL 94.15
7b 3e 8b
7a 8a
0 4 6 0
Found. RL 93.65 0 5 0
0 1.2 0 0 0
(Not to scale) T
Length of Abutment = 6.5 1.2
Width of Abutment foundation= 1.2
Total Height of Abutment = 6.35
Depth of MSL from HFL for scour up to ;- 6.5
1.27dsm (Normal case) = 0.0 L L
1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 0.0
2dsm (Normal case) = 0.0
2dsm (Seismic case) = 0
Height from Base ( Foundation Lvl ) of :- T
Bed Lvl = 0.5 Base Parameters :
SL for scour upto1.27dsm (Normal case) = 0.5 Required for checking Base
right abut 141
L for scour upto1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 0.5 Pressures for various cases
MSL for scour upto2dsm (Normal case) = 0.5 Area = 1.2 x 6.5
MSL for scour upto2dsm (Seismic case) = 0.5 = 7.8
Height of Front fill from Base for :- Z TT
= 6.5 x 1.2^2 / 6
Dry condition = 0.5 = 1.56
L condition with scour upto1.27dsm (Normal case) = 0.5 ZLL = 1.2 x 6.5^2 / 6
Lcondition with scour upto1.27dsm (Seismic case) = 0.5 = 8.45
HFL condition with scour upto2dsm (Normal case) = 0.5
HFLcondition with scour upto2dsm (Seismic case) = 0.5
Dry unit weight of soil = 1.8
Saturated unit weight of soil = 2.1
Submerged unit weight of soil = 1.1
Dry unit weight of concrete = 2.4
Submerged unit weight of concrete = 1.4
ive load surcharge equivalent to height of earth fill = 1.2
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Backfill) = 35
Angle of friction between Backfill & Concrete = 22.5
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Front fill) = 30
Angle of friction between front fill & Concrete = 20
Safe Bearing capacity of soil= 40
Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil = 0.7
Superstructure Dead Load Reaction = 161
Restoring Moment due to DL = 96.6
Superstructure full Live Load Reaction = 78.95
Restoring Moment due to full Live load reaction = 47.37
Horizontal force at Bearing level with full live load = 14.37
Overturning moment due to this force = 71.13
Horizontal force at Bearing level with out live load = 5.59
Overturning moment due to this force = 27.67
Moment due to Live Load eccentricity = 44.18
z= Seismic zone factor 0
R= Response reduction factor 0
l= Factor for importance of bridge 0
Forces due to Impact of floating bodies , centrifugal force , temperature (Fte) and
effects due to Deformation , secondary forces , Erection , Wave pressure , Vehicle
collision and Grade are not obtainable in this case . Also for this zone , seismic effect
will be much more than Wind . Therefore for service condition load combination I & VI
and for construction stage load combination IX of Table I of IRC:6-2000 are considered
for the design of members. However for stability, base pressures and design of
foundation, load combination (i) and (i) + Feq ( both with and without live load) shall be
considered as laid down in cl. 706.1 of IRC;78-2000.
2.3 Determination of seismic and earth pressure coefficients
a) Seismic coefficient
right abut 142
cosa 1 1 1 1 1 1
sin(f+d) 0.766 0.6428 0.766 0.6428 0.766 0.6428
sin(f-i-l) 0.5 0.5 0.3994 0.3058 0.3863 0.2807
cos(a-i) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dry Condition ( Static case ) :
Cp = 1*(0.866)^2/[1*(1)^2*(0.9397)]*[1/{1+(0.766*0.5/(1*0.9397) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.2973
Horizontal Component of Cp = 0.2973 * COS(20 + 0) = 0.2794
Vertical Component of Cp = 0.2973 * SIN(20 + 0) = 0.1017
Dry Condition (seismic with Av +ve)
Cp =
(1+0.06)*(0.9168)^2/[0.9937*(1)^2*(0.8953)]*[1/{1+(0.766*0.3994/(1*0.8953) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3989
Horizontal Component of Cp = 0.3989 * COS(20 + 0) = 0.3748
Vertical Component of Cp = 0.3989 * SIN (20 + 0) = 0.1364
Dry Condition (seismic with Av -ve)
Cp =
(1-0.06)*(0.9224)^2/[0.9919*(1)^2*(0.8888)]*[1/{1+(0.766*0.3863/(1*0.8888) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3648
Horizontal Component of Cp = 0.3648 * COS(20 + 0) = 0.3428
0.0 1.2
1.2 1.65
0 0.00
1.27 1.2 1.65 1.2 1.65
0 0
2 1.2 1.65 1.2 1.65
0.5 1.2
right abut 146
right abut 147
= 0.12
right abut 148
right abut 149
right abut 150
right abut 151
-3.68 -2.32
-3.68 -2.32
-2.44 -1.54
-2.44 -1.54
right abut 152
Moment at
0 2.25
0 2.25
right abut 153
0 3.675
0 3.675
5.07 23.66
67.27 135.51
64.69 9.95
7.65 10.93
72.34 159.17
Moment at
right abut 154
right abut 155
right abut 156
0.46 0.9
0.48 0.89
0.57 0.87
0.6 0.87
right abut 157
right abut 158
25 230
16 230
spacing 21.34
30.08 cm2/m
0.496 0.2987 0 0
0.15 0.18 0.15
0.25 0.22 0.1
0.5 0.3 0.25
0.75 0.35 0.25
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1 0.49 0.25
1.25 0.51 0.25
1.5 0.51 0.25 0.18
1.75 0.51 0.25 0.04
2 0.53 0.25 0.08
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.25 0.55 0.25 0.05
2.5 0.57
2.75 0.58
3 0.6
20 200
right abut 159
0 230
spacing 15.71
spacing 150
15.71 cm2/m
0.173 0.1892 0 0
0.15 0.18 0.15
0.25 0.22 0.1
0.5 0.3 0.25
0.75 0.35 0.25
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1 0.49 0.25
1.25 0.51 0.25
1.5 0.51 0.25 0.18
1.75 0.51 0.25 0.04
2 0.53 0.25 0.08
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.25 0.55 0.25 0.05
right abut 160
Moment at
0 0.6
0 0.6
Moment at
right abut 161
right abut 162
Dia 25 0
4.91 0
spacing 25 25
19.64 0
127.66 0
19.64 127.66
right abut 163
right abut 164
spacing 150
5.24 cm2/m
0.21 0.2040 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.35
1 0.49
right abut 165
140 spacing
pt M20
0.24 0.2160 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3 0.51
0.75 0.35 0.51
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
4 0.51
right abut 166
150 spacing
pt M20
0.22 0.2080 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3 0.51 0.5
0.75 0.35 0.51 0.53
2 0.49 0.55
2.25 0.51 0.57
2.5 0.51 0.58
0.51 0.6
right abut 167
2.5 0.47
125 spacing
pt M20
0.24 0.2160 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3 0.51
0.75 0.35 0.51
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
right abut 168
right abut 169
0.0 1.2
1.2 0
0 0
1.27 1.2 0 1.2 0
0 0
2 1.2 0 1.2 0
0.5 1.2
right abut 170
0.875))^0.5} ]^2
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
right abut 176
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
right abut 177
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
It is proposed to construct a Through type Steel truss Girder bridge of 51.24 M c/c span . The
superstructure consists of 265 mm thick(avg.) RCC slab deck with concrete grade M30 and steel
Provide ISMB400 with 0X0 mm thk top flg plt , 175X12 mm thk bottom flg. Plt and 412 spaced at 3660
mm mm c/c ( maximum) .These cross girder rests on main truss girder spaced at
5250 mm c/c .
The bridge is of Carriageway width of 4.25 M and is designed for IRC Class A loading
Top chord bracings is provided to take care of laterals forces due to wind and seismic .
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
(Forces in Steel truss Girder are calculated using STAADPRO 2006 computer software developed
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
The bridge is also checked for seismic forces with following parameters
A 3.66 4.7
A 3.66
3.66 A
position of vehicle for max. shear force
For load 1
beff.= 2.5x1.99x(1-1.99/3.66)+{0.5+(2x0.08)}
= 2.93 m
actual dispersion available= 2.93/2+1.8/2
= 2.37 m
load in t/m(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/2.37
= 3.72
load in t/m2(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/(2.37x0.94)
= 3.95
Actual load in t/m with impact = 3.72X2.46/0.94
= 9.74
For load 2
beff.= 2.5x0.47x(1-0.47/3.66)+{0.5+(2x0.08)}
= 1.68 m
actual dispersion available= 1.68/2+1.8/2
= 1.68 m
load in t/m(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/1.68
= 5.24
load in t/m2(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/(1.68x0.94)
= 5.58
Reaction at B = 5.24X3.19+9.74X1.99/3.66
= 9.86 t
Reaction at A = 5.12 t
S.F. at deff.= 5.12 - 3.95x0.205
= 4.31
Total S.F.= 1.16+0.37+4.31
= 5.84 t/m
Total B.M.= 1.06+0.33+4.55
= 5.94 tm/m
Check for Depth:
deff,reqd.= { 5.94 x 10^5 / (100 x15.1 ) }^0.5
= 19.83 cms < 20.5cms safe
Area of steel required = 5.94 x 10^5 / 2040 x 0.889 x 20.5
= 15.98 cm2/m
Amin= 0.12 x 26.5
= 3.18 cm2/m
Hence provide 16mm dia bar at 125 mm c/c + 0 mm dia bar at 125 mm c/c giving an area
of 16.08 cm2/m ht.
Check for shear :-
Shear stress at critical section = (5.84X10^3)/(100x20.5)
Td = 2.85 kg/cm2
For pt=16.08/20.5=0.784 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc = 3.83 kg/cm2 safe
Distribution reinforcement:
(cl 305.18 IRC:21-2000)
B.M. = 0.2X(1.06+0.33)+0.3X4.55
= 1.37 tm/m
Area of steel required = 1.37 x 10^5 / 2040 x 0.889 x 18.9
= 4 cm2/m
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Hence provide 10mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c giving an area of 3.93 cm2/m
Design of Steel Cross girder:-
Intermediate cross girder
C/C span of cross girder = 5.25 m
Case (1) Construction Stage Loads
a) Dead load of Slab = 0.265x3.66x2.65
= 2.57 t/m
b) Wt of Shuttering and live load @ (100+400) kg / m2 = 0.5x3.66
= 1.83 t/m
c) Self wt. of cross girder @ 100 kg/m = 0.1 t/m
Total load= 2.57+1.83+ 0.1
= 4.5 t/m
S.F. = 4.5x5.25/2
= 11.81 t
B.M.= 4.5x5.25^2/8
= 15.5 tm
Provide ISMB400 with 0X0 mm thk top flg plt , 175X12 mm thk bottom flg. Plt and
BM = 15.5 tm
Area of the section = 99.5 cm2
C.G. of the section from bottom = (99.5X16.85)/99.5
= 16.85 cm
Ixx = 27491.65 cm4
Iyy = 2765.85 cm4
Zxx = 27491.65/16.85
= 1631.55 cm3
rxx = (27491.65/99.5)^0.5
= 16.62 cm
ryy = (2765.85/99.5)^0.5
= 5.27 cm
Length of member = 525 cm
Effective length of member= 0.85x525
= 446.25 cm
Lxx/rxx= 446.25/16.62
= 26.85 cm
L/rmin.= 26.85
Caclulations for allowable stress:
Fcb = k1(x+k2.y).c2/c1
for d/t= 41.2/1.74
= 23.68
& L/rmin = 26.85 c2/c1= 1.00
x= 3675.85x[{(1+(1/20)x(26.85/23.68)^2)}]^0.5
y= 26.5x10^5/26.85^2
k1= 1.00 k2= 0.00
Fcb = 1(3792.16+0x3675.85)1
= 3792.16
Hence allowable bending stress,
scb = (0.66x3792.16x250/(3792.16^1.4+250^1.4)^(1/1.4))x10.2
= 1656.79 Kg/cm2
Hence bending stress developed,
Pcb = 15.5x10^5/1631.55
= 950.02 kg/cm2 less than 1656.79 kg/cm2 hence safe
Shear stress = 11.81x10^3/(0.89x41.2)
= 322.08 Kg/cm2 less than 969 kg/cm2 hence safe
Case (2) Service Condition :
(a) D.L. :
i) Dead load of Slab= 0.265x3.66x2.4
= 2.32776 t/m
ii) Self wt. of cross girder @ 100 kg/m= 0.1 t/m
Total load= 2.32776+0.1
= 2.42776 t/m
S.F.= 2.42776x5.25/2
= 6.37 t
B.M.= 2.42776x5.25^2/8
= 8.36 tm
b) S.I.D.L :
Wearing coat( 80thk. avg.)= 0.2
= 0.2 t/m
S.F.= 0.2x5.25/2
= 0.53 t
B.M.= 0.2x5.25^2/8
= 0.69 t/m
Live load
IRC class A vehicle governs the design
0 1.35 5.7 5.7
Position of the wheel load on the Stringer for maximum reaction on the Cross girder
a C a
A' B'
a/l= 1.725/5.25
= 0.33
w= 14.36 t
∆ = wl^3/6EI[(3a/4l)-(a/l)^3]
= (14.36x(5.25x100)^3 x1000x((0.75x0.33)-(0.33)^3))/(6x2040000x89217.61)
= 0.41 cm
Total deflection,∆ = 0.15+0.41
= 0.56 cm
∆allowable= (5.25x100)/600
= 0.88 cm greater than 0.56 cm hence okay
Shear connectors
S.F. at support due to D.L + L.L.= 25.77 t
S.F. at centre = 9.85 t
Longitudinal shear, VL = V x Ac xY/ Ixx
VL at support= 25.77x10^3x94.34x19.3/89217.61
= 525.92 Kg/cm
VL at centre= 9.85x10^3x94.34x19.3/89217.61
= 201.02 Kg/cm
Provide ISMC75 ,90 mm long as shear connector. for concrete grade M30
Ultimate Capacity of shear connector, Qu ( 150 mm long )= 280 KN
(Refer table 2 of IRC :22 - 1986)
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q = 0.38X280
= 106.4 KN
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q for 75 mm long = 106.4X90/150
= 63.84 KN
= 63840 N
= 6509.64 Kg
Spacing of shear connector at support= 6509.64/525.92
= 12.38 cms say 130 mm
Spacing of shear connector at centre= 6509.64/201.02
= 32.38 cms say 300 mm
Connection between Cross Girder and bottom chord of main Steel truss Girder
Cross girder is connected with the web of bottom chord connecting channel 1/2 cut from ISMC 400
welded to the web of cross girder and bolted to the bottom chord with 24 mm dia bolts
Max force = 25.77 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 4.52X1.095
= 4.95 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.95
In bearing against 9.9 t
thickness of web of ISMC400 ( 8.8 mm )= 2.55X2.4X0.88
= 5.39 t
No. of 24 mm dia bolts for bottom chord = 25.77/4.95
= 5.21 nos say 6 nos
No. of mm dia bolts for cross girder = 25.77/5.39
= 4.79 nos say 6 nos
Length of 6.0 mm fillet weld required = 25.77/(0.6X1.1X0.707)
= 55.23 cms say 70 cms
Properties of built up section for cross girder
Provide ISMB400 with 0X0 mm thk top flg plt , 175X12 mm thk bottom flg. Plt and
0X0 mm th + 0X0 mm th web plate
Area of the section = 78.5+0X0+17.5X1.2+0X0+0X0
= 78.5+0+21+0+0
= 99.5 cm2
C.G. of the section from bottom = (78.5X21.2+0X41.2+21X0.6+0X20+0X20)/99.5
= 16.85 cm
C.G. of the section from top = 24.35 cm
Ixx = 20458.4+78.5X4.35^2+0X0^3/12+0X24.35^2+17.5X1.2^3/12+21X16.25^2+
= 27491.65 cm4
Iyy = 622.1+0X0^3/12+0X0^2+1.2X17.5^3/12+21X8.75^2+0X0^3/12+
= 2765.85 cm4
Zxxtop = 27491.65/(41.2 - 16.85)
= 1129.02 cm3
Zxxbottom = 27491.65/16.85
= 1631.55 cm3
rxx = (27491.65/99.5)^0.5
= 16.62 cm
ryy = (2765.85/99.5)^0.5
= 5.27 cm
Design of main steel truss girder
Dead loads
RCC deck = 0.265x2.4X4.7X51.84
= 154.97 t
RCC wearing coat = 0.2X4.25X51.84
= 44.07 t
kerbs + Railings = 2X51.84X0.2
= 20.74 t
Cross girder = 0.1X5.25X15
= 7.88 t
Selfweight of Truss Girder = 2X51.84X0.75
= 77.76 t
Total = 305.42 t
Load per panel point = 305.42/2x14
= 10.91 t say 11 t
Live loads
IRC Class A loading is considered for the design
2.7 2.7 11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8
1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3 3 3
Elevation showing train of axle loads for loading
Impact factor = 9/(13.5+51.24)
= 0.16
W/2 W/2
C/L of truss C/L of truss
0.9 1.8 2.55
Members Force in one girder due to For camber and deflection analysis
Live load
with impact Live load
Dead load and raction Total load Unit load for max Dead load + Dead load +
factor at centre deflection live load 0.75xLive load
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
L0L2 39.45 25.39 64.84 0.24 18.18 57.63 53.09 tension
L2L4 104.42 65.49 169.91 0.73 52.33 156.75 143.67 tension
L4L6 150.84 90.16 241.00 1.22 82.67 233.51 212.84 tension
L6L8 178.68 103.40 282.08 1.71 101.36 280.04 254.70 tension
L8L9 187.96 107.67 295.63 2.20 107.67 295.63 268.71 tension
U1U3 74.26 47.46 121.72 0.49 35.63 109.89 100.98 comp.
U3U5 129.95 79.58 209.53 0.98 68.28 198.23 181.16 comp.
U5U7 167.08 97.59 264.67 1.47 93.70 260.78 237.36 comp.
U7U9 185.64 106.54 292.18 1.95 105.66 291.30 264.89 comp.
U1L1 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.00 5.26 14.76 13.45 tension
U3L3 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.00 1.52 11.02 10.64 tension
U5L5 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.00 6.89 16.39 14.67 tension
U7L7 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.00 6.89 16.39 14.67 tension
U9L9 9.50 15.65 25.15 1.00 15.65 25.15 21.24 tension
U1L0 89.87 57.84 147.71 0.56 41.43 131.30 120.94 comp.
U1L2 79.30 51.28 130.58 0.56 39.73 119.03 109.10 tension
U3L2 68.72 45.26 113.98 0.56 38.04 106.76 97.25 comp.
U3L4 58.15 39.22 97.37 0.56 36.35 94.50 85.41 tension
U5L4 47.58 34.35 81.93 0.56 32.79 80.37 72.17 comp.
U5L6 37.01 29.86 66.87 0.56 26.35 63.36 56.77 tension
U7L6 26.43 25.56 51.99 0.56 24.66 51.09 44.93 comp.
U7L8 15.86 21.21 37.07 0.56 20.15 36.01 30.97 tension
U9L8 5.29 16.90 22.19 0.56 12.84 18.13 14.92 comp.
Top chord
Member U1U3
Pmax= 121.72 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 0X0 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 92.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 15 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x0^2+ 270
= 12840 cm4
Length of member = 616.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x616
= 523.6 cm
rxx= (12840/92.6)^0.5
= 11.78 cms
Zxx = 12840/15
= 856 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 523.6/11.78
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+0x0^3/12
23889.2 cm4
ryy= 16.06 cms
Lyy/ryy= 523.6/16.06
= 32.6
leff/rmin 44.45 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 136.28 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 136.28x10.2x92.6/1000
128.72 t grater than 121.72 t hence safe
Member U3U5
Pmax= 209.53 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X12 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x1.2
= 152.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 10.07 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x6.13^2+ 270
= 21700.47 cm4
Length of member = 616.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x616
= 523.6 cm
rxx= (21700.47/152.6)^0.5
= 11.92 cms
Zxx = 21700.47/10.07
= 2154.96 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 523.6/11.92
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+1.2x50^3/12
36389.2 cm4
ryy= 15.44 cms
Lyy/ryy= 523.6/15.44
= 33.91
leff/rmin 43.93 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 136.67 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 136.67x10.2x152.6/1000
212.73 t grater than 209.53 t hence safe
Member U5U7
Pmax= 264.67 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X20 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x2
= 192.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 8.69 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x8.31^2+ 270
= 25148.2 cm4
Length of member = 616.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x616
= 523.6 cm
rxx= (25148.2/192.6)^0.5
= 11.43 cms
Zxx = 25148.2/8.69
= 2893.92 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 523.6/11.43
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+2x50^3/12
44722.54 cm4
ryy= 15.24 cms
Lyy/ryy= 523.6/15.24
= 34.36
leff/rmin 45.81 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 135.21 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 135.21x10.2x192.6/1000
265.62 t grater than 264.67 t hence safe
Member U7U9
Pmax= 292.18 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X25 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x2.5
= 217.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 8.17 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x9.33^2+ 270
= 26886.53 cm4
Length of member = 616.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x616
= 523.6 cm
rxx= (26886.53/217.6)^0.5
= 11.12 cms
Zxx = 26886.53/8.17
= 3290.88 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 523.6/11.12
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+2.5x50^3/12
49930.87 cm4
ryy= 15.15 cms
Lyy/ryy= 523.6/15.15
= 34.56
leff/rmin 47.09 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 134.17 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 134.17x10.2x217.6/1000
297.79 t grater than 292.18 t hence safe
Bottom chord
Member L0L2
Pmax = 64.84 t
Pmax= 22.19 t
Provide 2ISMC150+ 0X0 th web plt
Area of the section = 2x21.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 42.6 cm2
Member U3L4
Pmax= 97.37 t
Provide 2ISMC250+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x39+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 78 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2 250
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 2
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x1.41x4x2.35+2x0.72x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 78 -6.768
71.232 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 71.232x1.53
108.98 t safe
Member U5L6
Pmax= 66.87 t
Provide 2ISMC200+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x28.5+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 57 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 2
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x1.14x4x2.35+2x0.62x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 57 -5.828
51.172 cm2 250
Hence Capacity of section = 51.172x1.53
78.29 t safe
Member U7L8
Pmax= 37.07 t
Provide 2ISMC150+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x21.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 42.6 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 1.6
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 2
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x0.9x4x1.75+2x0.57x2x1.75 250
Hence Net area of the section = 42.6 -3.99
38.61 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 38.61x1.53
59.07 t safe
6.0 Design of joints
Design constants for bolts
Using 22 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all members except Verticals
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 3.8X1.095
= 4.16 t
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.16
In bearing against 8.32 t
thickness of web of ISMC400 ( 8.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.88
= 4.94 t
thickness of flange of ISMC400 ( 15.3 mm )= 2.55X2.2X1.53
= 8.58 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC250 ( 7.2 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.72
= 4.04 t
thickness of web of ISMC200 ( 6.2 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.62
= 3.48 t
thickness of web of ISMC150 ( 5.7 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.57
= 3.2 t
Gusset plate ( 8 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.8
= 4.49 t
Gusset plate ( 10 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1
= 5.61 t
Gusset plate ( 12 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1.2
= 6.73 t
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all Verticals and section ISMC150
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095
= 2.2 t
Top chord joints
Joint U1
Force in U1U3 = 121.72 t
No. of bolts in the web = 121.72/4.16 = 29.26 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L1 = 25.15 t
No. of bolts in the web = 25.15/2.2 = 11.43 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U1L0 = 147.71 t
No. of bolts in the web = 147.71/4.16 = 35.51 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L2 = 130.58 t
No. of bolts in the web = 130.58/4.16 = 31.39 Provide 36 no.s
Joint U3
Force in U3U1 = 121.72 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+-13.5X0)/92.6X121.72
= 16.09 t
No. of bolts = 16.09/4.16
= 3.87 Provide 4 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X0/92.6X121.72
= 0t
No. of bolts = 0/4.49
= 0 Provide 0 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/92.6X121.72
= 16.09 t
No. of bolts = 16.09/4.16
= 3.87 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 121.72 - -16.09X2 - 0 - 16.09X2
= 57.36 t
No. of bolts = 57.36/4.16
= 13.79 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U3U5 = 209.53 t
Additional force in web of U3U5 = F U3U5 – FU3U1
= 87.81 t
Total force in web of U3U5 = 57.36+87.81
= 145.17 t
No. of bolts = 145.17/4.16
= 34.9 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U3L3 = 25.15 t
No. of bolts = 25.15/2.2
= 11.43 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U3L2 = 113.98 t
No. of bolts = 113.98/4.16
= 27.4 Provide 30 no.s
Force in U3L4 = 97.37 t
No. of bolts = 97.37/4.16
= 23.41 Provide 28 no.s
Joint U5
Force in U5U3 = 209.53 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X1.2)/152.6X209.53
= 35.75 t
No. of bolts = 35.75/4.16
= 8.59 Provide 9 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X1.2/152.6X209.53
= 44.49 t
No. of bolts = 44.49/4.16
= 10.69 Provide 18 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/152.6X209.53
= 16.81 t
No. of bolts = 16.81/4.16
= 4.04 Provide 6 no.s
Force in web = 209.53 - 2X35.75 - 2X16.81 -44.49
= 59.92 t
No. of bolts = 59.92/4.16
= 14.4 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U5U7 = 264.67 t
Additional force in web of U5U7 = F U5U7 – FU5U3
= 55.14 t
Total force in web of U5U7 = 59.92+55.1400000000001
= 115.06 t
No. of bolts = 115.06/4.16
= 27.66 Provide 30 no.s
Force in U5L5 = 25.15 t
No. of bolts = 25.15/2.2
= 11.43 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U5L4 = 81.93 t
No. of bolts = 81.93/4.16
= 19.69 Provide 24 no.s
Force in U5L6 = 66.87 t
No. of bolts = 66.87/3.48
= 19.22 Provide 24 no.s
Joint U7
Force in U7U5 = 264.67 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X1.2)/152.6X264.67
= 45.16 t
No. of bolts = 45.16/4.16
= 10.86 Provide 11 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X2/192.6X264.67
= 74.21 t
No. of bolts = 74.21/4.16
= 17.84 Provide 22 no.s
Force in bottom flg. = 9X1.36/152.6X264.67
= 21.23 t
No. of bolts = 21.23/4.16
= 5.1 Provide 6 no.s
Force in web = 264.67 - 2X45.16 - 74.21 - 2X21.23
= 57.68 t
No. of bolts = 57.68/4.16
= 13.87 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U7U9 = 292.18 t
Additional force in web of U7U9 = F U7U9 – FU7U5
= 27.51 t
Total force in web of U7U9 = 57.68+27.51
= 85.19 t
No. of bolts = 85.19/4.16
= 20.48 Provide 24 no.s
Force in U7L7 = 25.15 t
No. of bolts = 25.15/2.2
= 11.43 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U7L6 = 51.99 t
No. of bolts = 51.99/3.48
= 14.94 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U7L8 = 37.07 t
No. of bolts = 37.07/2.2
= 16.85 Provide 20 no.s
Joint U9
Force in U9U7 = 292.18 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X2)/192.6X292.18
= 53.46 t
No. of bolts = 53.46/4.16
= 12.85 Provide 13 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X2/192.6X292.18
= 81.92 t
No. of bolts = 81.92/4.16
= 19.69 Provide 26 no.s
Force in bottom flg. = 9X1.36/192.6X292.18
= 18.57 t
No. of bolts = 18.57/4.16
= 4.46 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 292.18 - 2X53.46 - 81.92 - 2X18.57
= 66.2 t
No. of bolts = 66.2/4.16
= 15.91 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U9L9 = 25.15 t
No. of bolts = 25.15/2.2
= 11.43 Provide 12 no.s
Force in U9L8 = 22.19 t
No. of bolts = 22.19/2.2
= 10.09 Provide 12 no.s
Bottom chord joints
Joint L0
Force in L0L1L2 = 64.84 t
No. of bolts in the web = 64.84/4.16
= 15.59 Provide 24 no.s
Joint L2
Force in L2L1L0 = 64.84 t
Force in top/bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/98.53X64.84
= 7.5 t
No. of bolts = 7.5/4.16
= 1.8 Provide 3 no.s
Force in web = 64.84 - 4x7.5
= 34.84 t
No. of bolts = 34.84/4.16
= 8.38 Provide 12 no.s
Force in L2L4 = 169.91 t
Additional force in web of L2L4 = F L2L4 – FL2L0
= 105.07 t
Total force in web of L2L4 = 34.84+105.07
= 139.91 t
No. of bolts = 139.91/4.16
= 33.63 Provide 36 no.s
Joint L4
Force in L4L2 = 169.91 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/134.29X169.91
= 14.42 t
No. of bolts = 14.42/4.16
= 3.47 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 169.91 - 4X14.42
= 112.23 t
No. of bolts = 112.23/4.16
= 26.98 Provide 30 no.s
Force in L4L6 = 241.00 t
Additional force in web of L4L6 = F L4L6 – FL4L2
= 71.09 t
Total force in web of L4L6 = 112.23+71.09
= 183.32 t
No. of bolts = 183.32/4.16
= 44.07 Provide 48 no.s
Joint L6
Force in L6L4 = 241.00 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/170.05X241
= 16.15 t
No. of bolts = 16.15/4.16
= 3.88 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 241 - 4X16.15
= 176.40 t
No. of bolts = 176.4/4.16
= 42.4 Provide 48 no.s
Force in L6L8 = 282.08 t
Additional force in web of L6L8 = F L6L8 – FL6L4
= 41.08 t
Total force in web of L6L8 = 176.4+41.08
= 217.48 t
No. of bolts = 217.48/4.16
= 52.28 Provide 60 no.s
Joint L8
Force in L6L4 = 282.08 t
Force in top / bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/187.93X282.08
= 17.11 t
No. of bolts = 17.11/4.16
= 4.11 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 282.08 - 4X17.11
= 213.64 t
No. of bolts = 213.64/4.16
= 51.36 Provide 60 no.s
Force in L8L9L10 = 295.64 t
Additional force in web of L8L10 = F L8L9L10 – FL8L7L6
= 13.56 t
Total force in web of L8L10 = 213.64+13.56
= 227.20 t
No. of bolts = 227.2/4.16
= 54.62 Provide 72 no.s
7.0 Design of splices
In the main girder splices have been provided at every joint in top and bottom chord
i.e. at U3,U5,U7,U9 at top chord and L2,L4,L6,L8 in the bottom chord.
Top chord
Joints – U3
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 0X0 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (0 - 2.35X1)X0
= 18.09 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-0.1)x1.6X2
= 28.48 cm2
= 18.99 cm2 okay
Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36
= 9.04 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.35)x1.6
= 10.64 cm2
= 9.49 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (30 - 1.36X2 - 2.35X3)x0.78
= 15.78 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X16 mm th = (20-2.35X3)x1.6
= 20.72 cm2
= 16.57 cm2 okay
Joints –U5
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X12 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X1.2
= 66.81 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X20 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2
= 81.2 cm2
= 70.15 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Joints –U7
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X20 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X2
= 99.29 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X28 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2.8
= 113.68 cm2
= 104.25 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Joints –U9
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X25 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X2.5
= 119.59 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X32 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x3.2
= 129.92 cm2
= 125.57 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Bottom chord
Joints – L2
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 0X0 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88
= 26.3 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X16 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x1.6
= 36.72 cm2
= 27.62 cm2 okay
Joints – L4
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X8 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X0.8
= 44.66 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X22 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x2.2
= 50.49 cm2
= 46.89 cm2 okay
Joints – L6
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X16 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X1.6
= 63.02 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X32 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x3.2
= 73.44 cm2
= 66.17 cm2 okay
Joints – L8
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X20 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X2
= 72.2 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X36 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x3.6
= 82.62 cm2
= 75.81 cm2 okay
Joints – L9
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X16 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X1.6
= 63.02 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X40 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x4
= 91.8 cm2
= 66.17 cm2 okay
8.0 Design of wind bracings
Calculations of wind force for full length
Exposed area of Top chord = 0.32X44.52
= 14.25 m2
Exposed area of Bottom chord = 0.4X51.84
= 20.74 m2
Exposed area of Verticals(average) = 0.2X6.3X9
= 11.34 m2
Exposed area of Diagonals( average) = 0.3x7.01x18
= 37.85 m2
Exposed area of Top chord gusset plates = 0.5X14.25
= 7.13 m2
Exposed area of Bottom chord gusset plates = 0.5X20.74
= 10.37 m2
Total exposed area of Truss Girder = 7.13+37.85+11.34+20.74+14.25+10.37
101.68 m2
Total exposed area with 50% for leeward side = 101.68X1.5
= 152.52 m2
Exposed area of Steel deck ( stringers+steel deck +kerbs)= 51.84x(0+0.265+0.275x1.5)
= 35.12 m2
Total exposed area of the bridge = 152.52+35.12
= 187.64 m2 say 200 m2
Top chord bracing
Total exposed area of the bridge for top/bottom chord = 152.52/2
= 76.26 m2 say 90 m2
Assuming wind force @ 110 kg/m2
Wind force = 90X110
= 9900 kg loaded structure
Wind force @ 225 kg/m = 51.84X225
= 11664 kg loaded structure
Wind force @ 240 kg/m2 = 90X240
21600 kg unloaded structure
Hence Maximum wind force = 21600 kg
Wind force per panel point = 21600/8
= 2700 kg
Reaction at support = 10800 kg
Wind force in braces ( unloaded structure governs the design )
First panel = (10800 - 0.5X2700)X8.09/5.25
= 14562 kg
Second panel = (10800 - 1.5X2700)X8.09/5.25
= 10402 kg
Third panel = (10800 - 2.5X2700)X8.09/5.25
= 6241 kg
Fourth panel = (10800 - 3.5X2700)X8.09/5.25
= 2081 kg
Additional forces in top chord members truss loaded structure
Members Force in one girder due to kg
U1U3 (5832X3.08 - 364.5X3.08)/5.25 3208.00 compression
U3U5 (5467.5X9.24 - 729X3.08)/5.25 9196.00 compression
U5U7 (5467.5X15.4 - 729X4X3.08)/5.25 14328.00 compression
U7U9 (5467.5X21.56 - 729X9X3.08)/5.25 18605.00 compression
U9U11 (5467.5X27.72 - 729X16X3.08)/5.25 22026.00 compression
Design of diagonal braces
Panel 1
Pmax= 14562 kg
Provide 2ISA 75X75X8
Check for tension
Gross area of the section = 11.38 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 1.6 cms
Area of connected leg = (7.5 - 0.4 - 1.6)X0.8X2
8.8 cm2
Area of outstand leg = (7.5 - 0.4 )X0.8X2
11.36 cm2
k = 8.8X5/(8.8X5+11.36)
= 0.79
Net area of the section, An = 8.8+0.79X11.36
= 17.77 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 17.77x1530X1.25
33985.13 kg > 14562 kg hence safe
Check for compression
Provide2ISA 75x75x8
Area of the section = 11.38X2
= 22.76 cm2
ru = 2.88 cms star type
Length of member = 404.5 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x404.5
= 343.825 cm
Leff/r= 343.825/2.88
= 119.38
Hence Pac = 64.13 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
= 654.13 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 654.13x22.76X1.25
= 18609.88 kg > 14562 kg hence safe
Panel 2,3,4 and 5
Pmax= 10402 kg
Provide 2ISA 65X65X8
Check for tension
Gross area of the section = 9.76 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 1.6 cms
Area of connected leg = (6.5 - 0.4 - 1.6)X0.8X2
7.2 cm2
Area of outstand leg = (6.5 - 0.4 )X0.8X2
9.76 cm2
k = 7.2X5/(7.2X5+9.76)
= 0.79
Net area of the section, An = 7.2+0.79X9.76
= 14.91 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 14.91x1530X1.25
28515.38 kg > 10402 kg hence safe
Check for compression
Provide2ISA 65x65x8
Area of the section = 9.76X2
= 19.52 cm2
ru = 2.47 cms star type
Length of member = 404.5 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x404.5
= 343.825 cm
Leff/r= 343.825/2.47
= 139.2
Hence Pac = 51.11 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
= 521.32 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 521.32x19.52X1.25
= 12720.26 kg > 10402 kg hence safe
Design of joints
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts )
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095X1.25
= 2.75 t
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X2.75
In bearing against 5.5 t
thickness of web of Angle ( 8 mm )= 2.55X1.6X0.8X1.25
= 4.08 t
Bolt value = 2.75 t
Force in panel 1 = 14.56 t
No. of bolts = 14.562/2.75
= 5.3 Provide 6 no.s
Force in panel 2 = 10.40 t
No. of bolts = 10.402/2.75
= 3.78 Provide 4 no.s
Force in panel 3 = 6.24 t
No. of bolts = 6.241/2.75
= 2.27 Provide 4 no.s
Force in panel 4 = 2.08 t
No. of bolts = 2.081/2.75
= 0.76 Provide 2 no.s
Portal bracing for end diagonals
wind reaction from top chord = 10800 kg 1.4 2.45 1.4
Addl. lateral load due to end post comp.= 2.5/100X147.71X1000 c d e f
= 3692.75 kg b m g 1.4
Total lateral load = 14492.75 kg 2.81
Vertical force due to overturning = 14492.75X4.21/5.25 7.01 a h
= 11621.81 kg 2.81
Bending moment at d/e = 7246.375X4.21 - 11621.81X1.4 5.25
= 14236.7 kgm
Maximum force in ef = (7246.375X2.81)/1.4
14544.51 kg
Maximum force in cd = (7246.375X2.81+14492.75X1.4)/1.4
29037.26 kg
Maximum force in de = 7246.375 kg
Perpedicular distance cm = 1.4Xcos45
= 0.99 m
Force in Knee force = 7246.375X4.21/0.99
= 30815.39 kg
Span of knee brace = 2X1.4Xcos45
= 1.98 m
Design of Portal members
Member cf
Force Fac = 29.04 t
BM Fbc = 14.24 tm
Provide 2ISMC400
Area of the section = 2x63.8+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 127.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top = [(63.8x2+0x0x2+0x0x2)x20+0x0x0]/127.6 10
= 20 cm
Ixx= 2x(15200+(63.8+0x0+0x0)x0^2+
= 30400 cm4
rxx= (30400/127.6)^0.5
= 15.44 cms
Zxx = 30400/20
= 1520 cm3
Iyy= 2x(508+63.8x2.92^2+0x0x0.5^2+0x0x1.38^2)+0x0^3/12
2103.97 cm4
ryy= 4.06 cms
Length of member = 525 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x525
= 446.25 cm
Leffxx/rxx= 446.25/15.44
= 28.9
Leffyy/ryy= 446.25/4.06
= 109.91
Calculations leff/rmin 109.91
Hence Pac = 71.64 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Capacity of section = 71.64x127.6/1000
93.24 t > 29.04 t hence safe
Caclulation Fcb = k1(x+k2.y).c2/c1
for d/t= 40/1.53
& Leff/rmin = 109.91 c2/c1= 1.00
x= 219.37x[{(1+(1/20)x(109.91/26.14)^2)}]^0.5
y= 26.5x10^5/109.91^2
k1= 1.00 k2= 0.00
Fcb = 1(301.1+0x219.37)1
Since the bottom chord is stiffened with Solid RCC deck there is no need of bottom chord bracing
as RCC deck will take care of lateral forces due to wind
Overturning Effects due to wind
Max horizontal force due to wind at top chord = 11.66 t loaded structure
Height of truss = 6.3 m
Distance between trusses = 5.25 m
Additional vertical load at bottom chord = 11.66X6.3/5.25
= 13.99 t
Additional vertical load per panel point due to overturning = 13.99/14
= 1 t
Dead load per panel point = 11 t
Fraction of additional per panel point due to overturning = 1/11
= 0.09
Summary of forces in main steel truss
Forces due to Forces due to wind
Live load due to due to total due to
Members with impact Dead + overturning top and portal and total dead+live+
Dead load and reaction Live load 0.09*a bottom chord sway effect wind
(a) factor(b) c=a+b d e f g=d+e+f 0.8(c + g)
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
L0L2 39.45 25.39 64.84 3.55 12.00 0.00 15.55 64.31
L2L4 104.42 65.49 169.91 9.40 32.00 0.00 41.40 169.05
L4L6 150.84 90.16 241.00 13.58 46.00 0.00 59.58 240.46
L6L8 178.68 103.40 282.08 16.08 54.00 0.00 70.08 281.73
L8L9 187.96 107.67 295.63 16.92 57.00 0.00 73.92 295.64
U1U3 74.26 47.46 121.72 6.68 3.21 0.00 9.89 105.29
U3U5 129.95 79.58 209.53 11.70 9.20 0.00 20.90 184.34
U5U7 167.08 97.59 264.67 15.04 14.33 0.00 29.37 235.23
U7U9 185.64 106.54 292.18 16.71 18.61 0.00 35.32 262.00
U1L1 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.86 20.81
U3L3 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.86 20.81
U5L5 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.86 20.81
U7L7 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.86 20.81
U9L9 9.50 15.65 25.15 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.86 20.81
U1L0 89.87 57.84 147.71 8.09 0.00 0.00 8.09 124.64
U1L2 79.30 51.28 130.58 7.14 0.00 0.00 7.14 110.18
U3L2 68.72 45.26 113.98 6.18 0.00 0.00 6.18 96.13
U3L4 58.15 39.22 97.37 5.23 0.00 0.00 5.23 82.08
U5L4 47.58 34.35 81.93 4.28 0.00 0.00 4.28 68.97
U5L6 37.01 29.86 66.87 3.33 0.00 0.00 3.33 56.16
U7L6 26.43 25.56 51.99 2.38 0.00 0.00 2.38 43.50
U7L8 15.86 21.21 37.07 1.43 0.00 0.00 1.43 30.80
U9L8 5.29 16.90 22.19 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.48 18.14
200 200
r =812.5 top plt.
70 45
h= 2x812.5x-+(1625^2-400^2)^0.5/2
25 mm say 25 mm
Design of bottom plate
143 t
280 bottom plt.
Size of bottom plate assumed = 750x400x70th
Check for contact pressure
As per cl 907.1.2.1 of IRC:83 ( part 1) -1999 max despersion is limited to
2H:IV for vertical load
Contact pressure at top of rocker plate = 143x10^3/75x28 + 8.76x10^3x7x6/75x40^2
68.1 + 3.07
Refering to cl 907.1.3 of IRC:83(part1) -1999
sco,cal/sco + sc,cal/sc < 1
= 68.1/72.12 + 3.07/68.03
= 0.94 + 0.04
= 0.98 ~1 o.k.
Thickness of the plate as checked for top plate is o.k.
Rocker pins
4 nos 32 mm dia pins are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x8.04x1020/1000
= 32.81 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 32.81x1
= 32.81 t safe
Anchor bolts
8 nos 25 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 8x4.91x850/1000
= 33.38 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 33.38x1
= 33.38 t safe
Design of Roller bearing
143 t
MS Rollers 2 nos 165 mm dia 55
and 750 mm long saddle plt.
Maxm BM at a = (39.32+2x26.66)x12.05^2/6
= 2241.93 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at b = 90.22x10^3x13.55/75 - (47.67+2x68.68)x20^2/6
= 16299.75 - 12335.33
3964.42 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at c = (61.9+2x68.68)x6.45^2/6
= 1381.62 kgcm/cm
Hence maximum BM = 3964.42 kgcm/cm
Assuming 3 nos 12 mm size lugs , width of recess required as per cl 907.4.2.2
= 12+2 = 14 mm
Hence effective length of top plate = 750 - 3x14
714 mm
Section modulus Zreqd. = 3964.42/1530
= 2.59 cm3
Thickness of plate reqd. = (2.59x6x75/71.4)^0.5
4.04 cm < 5.5 cms hence safe
4 nos 12 mm size lugs are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x1.44x1020/1000
= 5.88 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 5.88x1
= 5.88 t safe
Anchor bolts
4 nos 16 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x2.01x850/1000
= 6.84 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 6.84x1
= 6.84 t safe
13.0 Check for bearing at support
Refer cl. 508.11.1 of IRC 24 - 2001
Load = 143 t
Clear depth of web d3 = 24.08 cms
Thickness of web t = 0.78 cms
d3*sqrt(3)/t = 24.08XSQRT(3)/0.78
= 53.47
Бac for slenderness ratio of 53.47 = 128.55 N/mm2
( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Length of stiff portion,B = 30 cms
Capacity of the web = бac xt xB= (128.55x10.2x0.78x30X2)/1000
= 61.36 t
< 143 t hence,load bearing stiffener is reqd.
Provide 1 nos 75X10 mm thk plt as load bearing stiffener spaced at 0 cms c/c
Effective length of web = 2X20X0.78+0
= 31.2 cms 0
Area= 1x(7.5x1)+(31.2x0.78)
= 31.84 cm2
Ixx= 1x((1x7.5^3/12)+1x7.5x(3.75+0.39)^2)
= 163.7 cm4 31.2
rxx= SQRT(163.7/31.84)
= 2.27 cm
Length of the stiffener = 40 cms
L/rxx= (0.7x40)/2.27
= 12.33
Бac for slenderness ratio of 12.33 = 149.58 N/mm2
( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Capacity of the web with web stiffener = (149.58x10.2x31.84X2)/1000
= 97.16 t
< 143 t hence unsafe
14.0 Check for thickness of Gusset plate ( Typical )
For checking the thickness of gusset plate the critical joints are joint L0 and joint L2
Joint L0
100 200
L0 L1
16 10.63
224.53 275.47
Fig 1
For the gusset plate at joint L0 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L0= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L0 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 500 X 16 mm plate with holes of 23.5 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 23.5)X16/70
= 10.63 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 1
10.63XZ^2/2 = 16X(500 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 275.47 mm
Area of the section = 275.47X10.63+224.53X16
= 6520.73 mm2
say 65 cm2
For two such plates = 130 cm2
MOI = 2X{10.63X275.47^3/3+16X224.53^3/3}
= 2.69E+08 mm4
= 26887.77 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Joint L2
L1 L2 L3
6.86 10
444.14 367.86
figure 2
For the gusset plate at joint L2 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L2 = #REF! t
Force in the diagonal U3L2 = #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U1L2 = #REF!
= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U3L2= #REF!
= #REF! t
Total horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Net vertical force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L2 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 812 X 10 mm plate with holes of 22 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 22)X10/70
= 6.86 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 2
6.86XZ^2/2 = 10X(812 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 444.14 mm
Area of the section = 444.14X6.86+367.86X10
= 6725.4 mm2
say 67 cm2
For two such plates = 134 cm2
MOI = 2X{6.86X444.14^3/3+10X367.86^3/3}
= 7.33E+08 mm4
= 73253.64 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Diagonals & Verticals
Members U0L1
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X28 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.8
= 42.14 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U1L2
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X22 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.2
= 33.11 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U2L3,U0L0
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.65X3)x1.4
= 16.87 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X12 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x1.2
= 18.06 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U4L5,U2L2
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 80X16 mm th = (8-2.65)x1.6
= 8.56 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 190X10 mm th = (19-2.65X3)x1
= 11.05 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U5L6,U4L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X12 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1.2
= 5.82 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 150X10 mm th = (15-2.65X3)x1
= 7.05 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U1L1
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 80X16 mm th = (8-2.65)x1.6
= 8.56 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 190X18 mm th = (19-2.65X3)x1.8
= 19.89 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L3
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X12 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1.2
= 5.82 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 150X16 mm th = (15-2.65X3)x1.6
= 11.28 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members #REF!
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X10 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1
= 4.85 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 100X12 mm th = (10-2.65X2)x1.2
= 5.64 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
51.24 50
30 415
#REF! 5250
0.08 0.2
500 w=
250 b=
0.5 m
0.25 m
4.7 0.225
1.8 Distance between axle=
0.15 c=
0.625 c+k=
16 125
0 125
spacing 16.08
steel provided= 16.08
0.784 0.3754 0 0
0.15 0.2 0.15
0.25 0.23 0.1
0.5 0.31 0.25 0.2
0.75 0.37 0.25 0.03
0.78 0.3748 1 0.41 0.25 0.08
1.25 0.45 0.25 0.06
1.5 0.48 0.25 0.04
1.75 0.5 0.25 0.04
2 0.53 0.25 0.03
3 #REF! 2.25 0.55 0.25 0.02
2.5 0.57 0.25 0.03
2.75 0.58 0.25 0.02
3 0.6 0.25 0.02
10 200 0.01
189 spacing 3.93
100 400
Lyy/ryy= 0.85X525/5.27
= 84.68
969 Kg/cm2
0.15 0.05
102 Kg/cm2
1580 Kg/cm2
1580 Kg/cm2
969 Kg/cm2
90 L=
24 4.52
+0X0 mm thk top flg plt
+175X12 mm thk bottom flg. Plt
0X0 mm th + 0X0 mm th web plate
ISMB 400
area 78.5 4.35
tw 0.89
tf 1.74
Ixx 20458.4
Iyy 622.1
h= 40 b= 14
Top flg. Plt 0 0 0 24.35 0
Bot. flg plt 17.5 1.2 21 16.25 8.75
web plt 0 0 0 4.35 0.445
0 0 0 4.35 0.445
4.25 51.84
5.25 15
750 Hudsons formula for calculating the dead weight of the steel girder bridge
w = 785*A in Kn/m
where A = Net area of largest tension chord section in m2
= 174.25 cm2
Hence w = 1.37 t/m
4.25 0.4
30 h 0 40
9 b -13.5 10
27 s 27.5
2.35 cyy 2.42
46.3 Area = 63.8
1.36 tf= 1.53
0.78 tw 0.88
6420 ixx 15200
313 iyy RMIN 2.22 508
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 15
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
1.2 thickness of top cover plate
6.13 9.47
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
2 thickness of top cover plate
8.31 7.69
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
2.5 thickness of top cover plate
9.33 6.92
15.85 14.28
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
1.6 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
2 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.22
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.35
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
1.6 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
25 h
7.5 b 0 width of back web plate
25 s 0 thickness of back web plate
2.2 cyy 0 width of front web plate
47.6 Area = 0 thickness of front web plate
1.25 tf= 0 width of top cover plate
0.69 tw 0 thickness of top cover plate
788 ixx
103 iyy
30 h 30
9 b 11.5 9
27 s 27
2.35 cyy 2.35
46.3 Area = 46.3
1.36 tf= 1.36
0.78 tw 0.78
6420 ixx 6420
313 iyy RMIN 2.22 313
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
0.8 thickness of top cover plate
4.65 10.75
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b
25 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy 2.6
15 width of back web plate
0.8 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 15
10.15 13.28
25 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.29 cyy
39 Area =
1.41 tf=
0.72 tw
3880 ixx
211 iyy 2.6
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 12.5
10.21 13.22
20 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.18 cyy
28.5 Area =
1.14 tf=
0.62 tw
1830 ixx
141 iyy
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 10
10.32 13.12
15 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.2 cyy
21.3 Area =
0.9 tf=
0.57 tw
788 ixx
103 iyy
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 7.5
10.3 13.07
30 h
9 b
25 s rmin 2.6
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area = 2.35
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
15 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
25 h
8 b
25 s rmin 2.6
2.29 cyy
39 Area = 2.35
1.41 tf=
0.72 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
20 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.18 cyy
28.5 Area = 2.35
1.14 tf=
0.62 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
15 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.2 cyy
21.3 Area = 1.75
0.9 tf=
0.57 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
22 3.8
16 2.01
23.5 1
9 1.6 2
23.5 23.5
9 1.6
3 23.5
20 20
1.6 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 4
23.5 4
23.5 4
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
1.6 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
2.2 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
3.2 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
3.6 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
4 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
32 44.52
40 51.84
20 6.3 9
30 7.01 18
11664 5832
5.25 8.09
9.24 5467.50
7.5 h
7.5 b
1 s
11.38 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
7.5 h
7.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
11.38 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
37.4 ixx
37.4 iyy
6.5 h
6.5 b
1 s
9.76 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
6.5 h
6.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
9.76 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
37.4 ixx
37.4 iyy
16 2.01
40 h
10 b
1 s
2.42 cyy
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 20
0.88 tw
15200 ixx
508 iyy
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 20
2.92 1.38
7.5 h 6.5
7.5 b 6.5
0.8 s 0.8
2.14 cyy 1.89
11.38 Area = 9.76
0.8 tf= 0.8
0.8 tw 0.8
59 ixx 37.4
59 iyy 37.4
ISMB 200
area 32.3 0
tw 0.57
tf 10.8
Ixx 2235.4
Iyy 150
h= 20
Top flg. Plt 0 0 0 10 0
Bot. flg plt 0 0 0 10 0
web plt 0 0 0 0 0.285
0 0 0 0 0.285
6.5 h
6.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
9.76 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
59 ixx
59 iyy
15 3.33
55.4 2
21.81 4.85
9.24 19.39
50 0.7x43.93
2.82 31
50 0.7x49.16
2.82 35
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
50 0.7x49.16
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
50 0.7x55.79
2.2 40
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
span 51.24
span 51.24
55 70.03
fener is reqd.
1 provided in pairs
7.5 cm
1.6 cm
0 cm
750 Length of plate
750 Length of plate
32 dia of pin
4 no of pins
750 Length of plate
25 dia of bolts
8 no of bolts
12 dia of pin
4 no of pins
750 Length of plate
12 dia of pin
3 no of pins
16 dia of bolts
4 no of bolts
1 provided in pairs
7.5 cm
1 cm
0 cm
275.47 2704.05
444.14 4727.83
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
8 1.6
3 26.5
7.5 1.2
3 26.5
8 1.6
3 26.5
7.5 1.2
3 26.5
15 1.6
7.5 1
2 26.5
Area =
It is proposed to construct a Through type Steel truss Girder bridge of 51.24 M c/c span . The
superstructure consists of 265 mm thick RCC slab deck with concrete grade M30 and steel
Builtup section with 500x10 mm thck web plt+ top/bottom plt 225x10 mm thk 520 spaced at 3660
mm mm c/c ( maximum) .These cross girder rests on main truss girder spaced at
5250 mm c/c .
The bridge is of Carriageway width of 4.25 M and is designed for IRC Class A loading
Top chord bracings is provided to take care of laterals forces due to wind and seismic .
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
(Forces in Steel truss Girder are calculated using STAADPRO 2006 computer software developed
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
The bridge is also checked for seismic forces with following parameters
A 3.66 4.7
A 3.66
3.66 A
position of vehicle for max. shear force
For load 1
beff.= 2.5x1.99x(1-1.99/3.66)+{0.5+(2x0.08)}
= 2.93 m
actual dispersion available= 2.93/2+1.8/2
= 2.37 m
load in t/m(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/2.37
= 3.72
load in t/m2(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/(2.37x0.94)
= 3.95
Actual load in t/m with impact = 3.72X2.46/0.94
= 9.74
For load 2
beff.= 2.5x0.47x(1-0.47/3.66)+{0.5+(2x0.08)}
= 1.68 m
actual dispersion available= 1.68/2+1.8/2
= 1.68 m
load in t/m(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/1.68
= 5.24
load in t/m2(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/(1.68x0.94)
= 5.58
Reaction at B = 5.24X3.19+9.74X1.99/3.66
= 9.86 t
Reaction at A = 5.12 t
S.F. at deff.= 5.12 - 3.95x0.205
= 4.31
Total S.F.= 1.16+0.37+4.31
= 5.84 t/m
Total B.M.= 1.06+0.33+4.55
= 5.94 tm/m
Check for Depth:
deff,reqd.= { 5.94 x 10^5 / (100 x15.1 ) }^0.5
= 19.83 cms < 20.5cms safe
Area of steel required = 5.94 x 10^5 / 2040 x 0.889 x 20.5
= 15.98 cm2/m
Amin= 0.12 x 26.5
= 3.18 cm2/m
Hence provide 16mm dia bar at 125 mm c/c + 0 mm dia bar at 125 mm c/c giving an area
of 16.08 cm2/m ht.
Check for shear :-
Shear stress at critical section = (5.84X10^3)/(100x20.5)
Td = 2.85 kg/cm2
For pt=16.08/20.5=0.784 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc = 3.83 kg/cm2 safe
Distribution reinforcement:
(cl 305.18 IRC:21-2000)
B.M. = 0.2X(1.06+0.33)+0.3X4.55
= 1.37 tm/m
Area of steel required = 1.37 x 10^5 / 2040 x 0.889 x 18.9
= 4 cm2/m
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Hence provide 10mm dia bar at 190 mm c/c giving an area of 4.13 cm2/m
Design of Steel Cross girder:-
Intermediate cross girder
C/C span of cross girder = 5.25 m
Case (1) Construction Stage Loads
a) Dead load of Slab = 0.265x3.66x2.65
= 2.57 t/m
b) Wt of Shuttering and live load @ (100+400) kg / m2 = 0.5x3.66
= 1.83 t/m
c) Self wt. of cross girder @ 100 kg/m = 0.1 t/m
Total load= 2.57+1.83+ 0.1
= 4.5 t/m
S.F. = 4.5x5.25/2
= 11.81 t
B.M.= 4.5x5.25^2/8
= 15.5 tm
Try Builtup section with 500x10 mm thck web plt+ top/bottom plt 225x10 mm thk
BM = 15.5 tm
Area of the section = 95 cm2
C.G. of the section from bottom = (95X26)/95
= 26 cm
Ixx = 39681.67 cm4
Iyy = 1902.6 cm4
Zxx = 39681.67/26
= 1526.22 cm3
rxx = (39681.67/95)^0.5
= 20.44 cm
ryy = (1902.6/95)^0.5
= 4.48 cm
Length of member = 525 cm
Effective length of member= 0.85x525
= 446.25 cm
L/rmin= 446.25/4.48
= 99.61 cm
L/rmin.= 99.61
Caclulations for allowable stress:
Fcb = k1(x+k2.y).c2/c1
for d/t= 52/1
= 52
& L/rmin = 99.61 c2/c1= 1.00
x= 267.08x[{(1+(1/20)x(99.61/52)^2)}]^0.5
y= 26.5x10^5/99.61^2
k1= 1.00 k2= 0.00
Fcb = 1(290.55+0x267.08)1
= 290.55
Hence allowable bending stress,
scb = (0.66x290.55x250/(290.55^1.4+250^1.4)^(1/1.4))x10.2
= 1101.51 Kg/cm2
Hence bending stress developed,
Pcb = 15.5x10^5/1526.22
= 1015.58 kg/cm2 less than 1101.51 kg/cm2 hence safe
Shear stress = 11.81x10^3/(1x52)
= 227.12 Kg/cm2 less than 969 kg/cm2 hence safe
Case (2) Service Condition :
(a) D.L. :
i) Dead load of Slab= 0.265x3.66x2.4
= 2.32776 t/m
ii) Self wt. of cross girder @ 100 kg/m= 0.1 t/m
Total load= 2.32776+0.1
= 2.42776 t/m
S.F.= 2.42776x5.25/2
= 6.37 t
B.M.= 2.42776x5.25^2/8
= 8.36 tm
b) S.I.D.L :
Wearing coat( 80thk. avg.)= 0.2
= 0.2 t/m
S.F.= 0.2x5.25/2
= 0.53 t
B.M.= 0.2x5.25^2/8
= 0.69 t/m
Live load
IRC class A vehicle governs the design
1.35 5.7 5.7
Position of the wheel load on the Stringer for maximum reaction on the Cross girder
a C a
A' B'
a/l= 1.725/5.25
= 0.33
w= 14.36 t
∆ = wl^3/6EI[(3a/4l)-(a/l)^3]
= (14.36x(5.25x100)^3 x1000x((0.75x0.33)-(0.33)^3))/(6x2040000x123912.32)
= 0.29 cm
Total deflection,∆ = 0.11+0.29
= 0.40 cm
∆allowable= (5.25x100)/600
= 0.88 cm greater than 0.4 cm hence okay
Shear connectors
S.F. at support due to D.L + L.L.= 25.77 t
S.F. at centre = 9.85 t
Longitudinal shear, VL = V x Ac xY/ Ixx
VL at support= 25.77x10^3x108.12x18.36/123912.32
= 412.84 Kg/cm
VL at centre= 9.85x10^3x108.12x18.36/123912.32
= 157.8 Kg/cm
Provide ISMC75 ,150 mm long as shear connector. for concrete grade M30
Ultimate Capacity of shear connector, Qu ( 150 mm long )= 280 KN
(Refer table 2 of IRC :22 - 1986)
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q = 0.38X280
= 106.4 KN
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q for 75 mm long = 106.4X150/150
= 106.4 KN
= 106400 N
= 10849.39 Kg
Spacing of shear connector at support= 10849.39/412.84
= 26.28 cms say 250 mm
Spacing of shear connector at centre= 10849.39/157.8
= 68.75 cms say 300 mm
Connection between Cross Girder and bottom chord of main Steel truss Girder
Cross girder is connected with the web of bottom chord connecting channel 1/2 cut from ISMC 400
welded to the web of cross girder and bolted to the bottom chord with 24 mm dia bolts
Max force = 25.77 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 4.52X1.095
= 4.95 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.95
In bearing against 9.9 t
thickness of web of x girder ( 10 mm )= 2.55X2.4X1
= 6.12 t
No. of 24 mm dia bolts for bottom chord = 25.77/4.95
= 5.21 nos say 6 nos
No. of mm dia bolts for cross girder = 25.77/6.12
= 4.22 nos say 6 nos
Length of 6.0 mm fillet weld required( for welded connection) = 25.77/(0.6X1.1X0.707)
= 55.23 cms say 60 cms
Properties of built up section for cross girder
Section provided Builtup section with 500x10 mm thck web plt+ top/bottom plt 225x10 mm thk
225x10thk top flg plt
Members Force in one girder due to For camber and deflection analysis
Live load
with impact Live load
Dead load and raction Total load Unit load for max Dead load + Dead load +
factor at centre deflection live load 0.75xLive load
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
L0L2 43.43 27.71 71.14 0.29 20.93 64.36 59.13 tension
L2L4 110.24 67.85 178.09 0.87 59.63 169.87 154.96 tension
L4L6 150.32 89.82 240.14 1.45 86.88 237.20 215.48 tension
L6L7 163.68 95.54 259.22 2.03 95.54 259.22 235.34 tension
U1U3 80.17 50.65 130.82 0.58 40.81 120.98 110.78 comp.
U3U5 133.62 80.58 214.20 1.16 75.58 209.20 190.31 comp.
U5U7 160.34 94.95 255.29 1.74 93.11 253.45 230.17 comp.
U1L1 11.50 16.75 28.25 0.00 1.82 13.32 12.87 tension
U3L3 11.50 16.75 28.25 0.00 4.94 16.44 15.21 tension
U5L5 11.50 16.75 28.25 0.00 8.72 20.22 18.04 tension
U7L7 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.00 15.84 27.34 23.38 tension
U1L0 86.45 55.15 141.60 0.58 41.67 128.12 117.70 comp.
U1L2 73.15 47.32 120.47 0.58 39.57 112.72 102.83 tension
U3L2 59.85 39.97 99.82 0.58 37.47 97.32 87.95 comp.
U3L4 46.55 34.19 80.74 0.58 31.75 78.30 70.36 tension
U5L4 33.25 28.54 61.79 0.58 26.60 59.85 53.20 comp.
U5L6 19.95 22.89 42.84 0.58 22.62 42.57 36.92 tension
U7L6 6.65 17.28 23.93 0.58 13.50 20.15 16.78 comp.
Top chord
Member U1U3
Pmax= 130.82 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 470X8 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+47x0.8
= 130.2 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 11.35 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x4.45^2+ 270
= 19182.05 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (19182.05/130.2)^0.5
= 12.14 cms
Zxx = 19182.05/11.35
= 1690.05 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/12.14
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+0.8x47^3/12
30810.74 cm4
ryy= 15.38 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.38
= 40.46
leff/rmin 51.25 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 130.58 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 130.58x10.2x130.2/1000
173.42 t grater than 130.82 t hence safe
Member U3U5
Pmax= 214.20 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X14 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x1.4
= 162.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 9.64 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x6.76^2+ 270
= 22666.25 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (22666.25/162.6)^0.5
= 11.81 cms
Zxx = 22666.25/9.64
= 2351.27 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/11.81
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+1.4x50^3/12
38472.54 cm4
ryy= 15.38 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.38
= 40.46
leff/rmin 52.68 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 129.28 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 129.28x10.2x162.6/1000
214.41 t grater than 214.2 t hence safe
Member U5U7
Pmax= 255.29 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X22 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x2.2
= 202.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 8.46 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x8.74^2+ 270
= 25872.15 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (25872.15/202.6)^0.5
= 11.3 cms
Zxx = 25872.15/8.46
= 3058.17 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/11.3
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+2.2x50^3/12
46805.87 cm4
ryy= 15.2 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.2
= 40.93
leff/rmin 55.06 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 127.04 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 127.04x10.2x202.6/1000
262.53 t grater than 255.29 t hence safe
Bottom chord
Member L0L2
Pmax = 77.23 t
Member U3L4
Pmax= 80.74 t
Provide 2ISMC200+ 150X8 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x28.5+2x0x0+2x15x0.8+0x0
= 81 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2 250
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 3
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x1.14x4x2.35+3x1.42x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 81 -20.022
60.978 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 60.978x1.53
93.3 t safe
Member U5L6
Pmax= 42.84 t
Provide 2ISMC150+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x21.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 42.6 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 2
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x0.9x4x2.35+2x0.57x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 42.6 -5.358
37.242 cm2 250
Hence Capacity of section = 37.242x1.53
56.98 t safe
6.0 Design of joints
Design constants for bolts
Using 22 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all members except Verticals
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 3.8X1.095
= 4.16 t
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.16
In bearing against 8.32 t
thickness of web of ISMC400 ( 8.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.88
= 4.94 t
thickness of flange of ISMC400 ( 15.3 mm )= 2.55X2.2X1.53
= 8.58 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC200 ( 6.2 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.62
= 3.48 t
thickness of web of ISMC150 ( 5.7 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.57
= 3.2 t
Gusset plate ( 8 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.8
= 4.49 t
Gusset plate ( 10 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1
= 5.61 t
Gusset plate ( 12 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1.2
= 6.73 t
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all Verticals and section ISMC150
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095
= 2.2 t
Top chord joints
Joint U1
Force in U1U3 = 130.82 t
No. of bolts in the web = 130.82/4.16 = 31.45 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L1 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts in the web = 28.25/4.16 = 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U1L0 = 141.60 t
No. of bolts in the web = 141.6/4.16 = 34.04 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L2 = 120.47 t
No. of bolts in the web = 120.47/4.16 = 28.96 Provide 30 no.s
Joint U3
Force in U3U1 = 130.82 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+10X0.8)/130.2X130.82
= 20.34 t
No. of bolts = 20.34/4.16
= 4.89 Provide 5 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X0.8/130.2X130.82
= 21.7 t
No. of bolts = 21.7/4.49
= 4.83 Provide 10 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/130.2X130.82
= 12.3 t
No. of bolts = 12.3/4.16
= 2.96 Provide 3 no.s
Force in web = 130.82 - -20.34X2 - 21.7 - 12.3X2
= 43.84 t
No. of bolts = 43.84/4.16
= 10.54 Provide 12 no.s
Force in U3U5 = 214.20 t
Additional force in web of U3U5 = F U3U5 – FU3U1
= 83.38 t
Total force in web of U3U5 = 43.84+83.38
= 127.22 t
No. of bolts = 127.22/4.16
= 30.58 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U3L3 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts = 28.25/4.16
= 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U3L2 = 99.82 t
No. of bolts = 99.82/4.16
= 24 Provide 30 no.s
Force in U3L4 = 80.74 t
No. of bolts = 80.74/4.16
= 19.41 Provide 24 no.s
Joint U5
Force in U5U3 = 214.20 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X1.4)/162.6X214.2
= 37.33 t
No. of bolts = 37.33/4.16
= 8.97 Provide 9 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X1.4/162.6X214.2
= 49.8 t
No. of bolts = 49.8/4.16
= 11.97 Provide 18 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/162.6X214.2
= 16.12 t
No. of bolts = 16.12/4.16
= 3.88 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 214.2 - 2X37.33 - 2X16.12 -49.8
= 57.5 t
No. of bolts = 57.5/4.16
= 13.82 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U5U7 = 255.29 t
Additional force in web of U5U7 = F U5U7 – FU5U3
= 41.09 t
Total force in web of U5U7 = 57.5+41.09
= 98.59 t
No. of bolts = 98.59/4.16
= 23.7 Provide 24 no.s
Force in U5L5 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts = 28.25/4.16
= 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U5L4 = 61.79 t
No. of bolts = 61.79/4.16
= 14.85 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U5L6 = 42.84 t
No. of bolts = 42.84/3.2
= 13.39 Provide 16 no.s
Joint U7
Force in U7U5 = 255.29 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X1.4)/162.6X255.29
= 44.5 t
No. of bolts = 44.5/4.16
= 10.7 Provide 11 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X2.2/202.6X255.29
= 74.85 t
No. of bolts = 74.85/4.16
= 17.99 Provide 22 no.s
Force in bottom flg. = 9X1.36/162.6X255.29
= 19.22 t
No. of bolts = 19.22/4.16
= 4.62 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 255.29 - 2X44.5 - 74.85 - 2X19.22
= 53 t
No. of bolts = 53/4.16
= 12.74 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U7L7 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts = 28.25/4.16
= 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U7L6 = 23.93 t
No. of bolts = 23.93/3.2
= 7.48 Provide 12 no.s
Bottom chord joints
Joint L0
Force in L0L1L2 = 77.23 t
No. of bolts in the web = 77.230264/4.16
= 18.56 Provide 24 no.s
Joint L2
Force in L2L1L0 = 77.23 t
Force in top/bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/98.53X77.230264
= 8.93 t
No. of bolts = 8.93/4.16
= 2.15 Provide 3 no.s
Force in web = 77.230264 - 4x8.93
= 41.51 t
No. of bolts = 41.510264/
= 9.98 Provide 12 no.s
Force in L2L4 = 186.00 t
Additional force in web of L2L4 = F L2L4 – FL2L0
= 108.77 t
Total force in web of L2L4 = 41.510264+108.77
= 150.28 t
No. of bolts = 150.280264/4.16
= 36.13 Provide 42 no.s
Joint L4
Force in L4L2 = 186.00 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/134.29X185.998264
= 15.79 t
No. of bolts = 15.79/4.16
= 3.8 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 185.998264 - 4X15.79
= 122.84 t
No. of bolts = 122.838264
= 29.53 Provide 36 no.s
Force in L4L6 = 248.93 t
Additional force in web of L4L6 = F L4L6 – FL4L2
= 62.93 t
Total force in web of L4L6 = 122.838264+62.93
= 185.77 t
No. of bolts = 185.768264/4.16
= 44.66 Provide 48 no.s
Joint L6
Force in L6L4 = 248.93 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/170.05X248.926264
= 16.69 t
No. of bolts = 16.69/4.16
= 4.01 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 248.926264 - 4X16.69
= 182.17 t
No. of bolts = 182.166264/4.16
= 43.79 Provide 48 no.s
Force in L6L8 = 269.15 t
Additional force in web of L6L8 = F L6L8 – FL6L4
= 20.22 t
Total force in web of L6L8 = 182.166264+20.22
= 202.39 t
No. of bolts = 202.386264/4.16
= 48.65 Provide 54 no.s
7.0 Design of splices
In the main girder splices have been provided at every joint in top and bottom chord
i.e. at U3,U5,U7,U9 at top chord and L2,L4,L6,L8 in the bottom chord.
Top chord
Joints – U3
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 470X8 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (47 - 2.35X4)X0.8
= 48.17 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 470X14 mm th = (47-4x2.35)x1.4X1
= 52.64 cm2
= 50.58 cm2 okay
Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36
= 9.04 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.35)x1.6
= 10.64 cm2
= 9.49 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (30 - 1.36X2 - 2.35X3)x0.78
= 15.78 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.35X3)x1.4
= 18.13 cm2
= 16.57 cm2 okay
Joints –U5
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X14 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X1.4
= 74.93 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X20 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2
= 81.2 cm2
= 78.68 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Joints –U7
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X22 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X2.2
= 107.41 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X28 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2.8
= 113.68 cm2
= 112.78 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Bottom chord
Joints – L2
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 0X0 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88
= 26.3 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X14 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x1.4
= 32.13 cm2
= 27.62 cm2 okay
Joints – L4
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X8 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X0.8
= 44.66 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X22 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x2.2
= 50.49 cm2
= 46.89 cm2 okay
Joints – L6
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X16 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X1.6
= 63.02 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X30 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x3
= 68.85 cm2
= 66.17 cm2 okay
8.0 Design of wind bracings
Calculations of wind force for full length
Exposed area of Top chord = 0.322X44.52
= 14.34 m2
Exposed area of Bottom chord = 0.4X51.84
= 20.74 m2
Exposed area of Verticals(average) =0.2X6.3X7
= 8.82 m2
Exposed area of Diagonals( average) =0.3x7.29x14
= 30.62 m2
Exposed area of Top chord gusset plates =0.5X14.34
= 7.17 m2
Exposed area of Bottom chord gusset plates = 0.5X20.74
= 10.37 m2
Total exposed area of Truss Girder =7.17+30.62+8.82+20.74+14.34+10.37
92.06 m2
Total exposed area with 50% for leeward side = 92.06X1.5
= 138.09 m2
Exposed area of Steel deck ( stringers+steel deck +kerbs)= 51.84x(0+0.265+0.275x1.5)
= 35.12 m2
Total exposed area of the bridge = 138.09+35.12
= 173.21 m2 say 180 m2
Top chord bracing
Total exposed area of the bridge for top/bottom chord = 138.09/2
= 69.045 m2 say 75 m2
Assuming wind force @ 110 kg/m2
Wind force = 75X110
= 8250 kg loaded structure
Wind force @ 225 kg/m = 51.84X225
= 11664 kg loaded structure
Wind force @ 240 kg/m2 = 75X240
18000 kg unloaded structure
Hence Maximum wind force = 18000 kg
Wind force per panel point = 18000/6
= 3000 kg
Reaction at support = 9000 kg
Wind force in braces ( unloaded structure governs the design )
First panel = (9000 - 0.5X3000)X9.01/5.25
= 12872 kg
Second panel = (9000 - 1.5X3000)X9.01/5.25
= 7723 kg
Third panel = (9000 - 2.5X3000)X9.01/5.25
= 2575 kg
Additional forces in top chord members truss loaded structure
Members Force in one girder due to kg
U1U3 (5832X3.66 - 486X3.66)/5.25 3727.00 compression
U3U5 (5346X10.98 - 972X3.66)/5.25 10504.00 compression
U5U7 (5346X18.3 - 972X4X3.66)/5.25 15925.00 compression
Design of diagonal braces
Pmax= 12872 kg
Provide 2ISA 75X75X8
Check for tension
Gross area of the section = 11.38 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 1.6 cms
Area of connected leg = (7.5 - 0.4 - 1.6)X0.8X2
8.8 cm2
Area of outstand leg = (7.5 - 0.4 )X0.8X2
11.36 cm2
k = 8.8X5/(8.8X5+11.36)
= 0.79
Net area of the section, An = 8.8+0.79X11.36
= 17.77 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 17.77x1530X1.25
33985.13 kg > 12872 kg hence safe
Check for compression
Provide2ISA 75x75x8
Area of the section = 11.38X2
= 22.76 cm2
ruu = 2.88 cms star type
Length of member = 450.5 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x450.5
= 382.925 cm
Leff/r= 382.925/2.88
= 132.96
Hence Pac = 54.84 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
= 559.37 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 559.37x22.76X1.25
= 15914.02 kg > 12872 kg hence safe
Design of joints
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts )
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095X1.25
= 2.75 t
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X2.75
In bearing against 5.5 t
thickness of gussett plate ( 10 mm )= 2.55X1.6X1X1.25
= 5.1 t
Bolt value = 2.75 t
Force in panel 1 = 12.87 t
No. of bolts = 12.872/2.75
= 4.68 Provide 6 no.s
Force in panel 2 = 7.72 t
No. of bolts = 7.723/2.75
= 2.81 Provide 4 no.s
Force in panel 3 = 2.58 t
No. of bolts = 2.575/2.75
= 0.94 Provide 2 no.s
Portal bracing for end diagonals 1.4 2.45 1.4
wind reaction from top chord = 9000 kg c d e f
Addl. lateral load due to end post comp.= 2.5/100X141.6X1000 b m g 1.4
= 3540 kg 2.95
Total lateral load = 12540 kg 7.29 a h
Vertical force due to overturning = 12540X4.35/5.25 2.95
= 10390.29 kg 5.25
Bending moment at d/e = 6270X4.35 - 10390.29X1.4
= 12728.09 kgm
Maximum force in ef = (6270X2.95)/1.4
13211.79 kg
Maximum force in cd = (6270X2.95+12540X1.4)/1.4
25751.79 kg
Maximum force in de = 6270 kg
Perpedicular distance cm = 1.4Xcos45
= 0.99 m
Force in Knee force = 6270X4.35/0.99
= 27550 kg
Span of knee brace = 2X1.4Xcos45
= 1.98 m
Additional axial load in end post (wind)= (9000X4.35)/5.25
= 7457.14 kg
Additional axial load in end post(comp) = (3540X4.35)/5.25
= 2933.14 kg
Total = 10390.28 kg
Additional force in bottom chord = (7457.14X7.32)/7.29
= 7487.83 kg
Bending moment end post due to wind = 12540/2X2.95
= 18496.5 kgm
Design of Portal members
Member cf
Force Fac = 25.75 t
BM Fbc = 12.73 tm
Provide 2ISMC300
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 92.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top = [(46.3x2+0x0x2+0x0x2)x15+0x0x0]/92.6 275
= 15 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x0^2+
= 12840 cm4
rxx= (12840/92.6)^0.5
= 11.78 cms
Zxx = 12840/15
= 856 cm3
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x16.1^2+0x0x13.75^2+0x0x14.53^2)+0x0^3/12
24628.85 cm4
ryy= 16.31 cms
Length of member = 525 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x525
= 446.25 cm
Leffxx/rxx= 446.25/11.78
= 37.88
Leffyy/ryy= 262.5/16.31
= 16.09
Calculations leff/rmin 37.88
Hence Pac = 140.87 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Capacity of section = 140.87x92.6/1000
133.05 t > 25.75 t hence safe
Caclulation Fcb = k1(x+k2.y).c2/c1
for d/t= 30/1.36
& Leff/rmin = 37.88 c2/c1= 1.00
x= 1846.83x[{(1+(1/20)x(37.88/22.06)^2)}]^0.5
y= 26.5x10^5/37.88^2
k1= 1.00 k2= 0.00
Fcb = 1(1978.29+0x1846.83)1
Since the bottom chord is stiffened with Solid RCC deck there is no need of bottom chord bracing
as RCC deck will take care of lateral forces due to wind
Overturning Effects due to wind
Max horizontal force due to wind at top chord = 11.66 t loaded structure
Height of truss = 6.3 m
Distance between trusses = 5.25 m
Additional vertical load at bottom chord = 11.66X6.3/5.25
= 13.99 t
Additional vertical load per panel point due to overturning = 13.99/14
= 1 t
Dead load per panel point = 11.5 t
Fraction of additional per panel point due to overturning = 1/11.5
= 0.09
Summary of forces in main steel truss
Forces due to Forces due to wind
Live load due to due to total due to
Members with impact Dead + overturning top and portal and total dead+live+
Dead load and reaction Live load 0.09*a bottom chord sway effect wind
(a) factor(b) c=a+b d e f g=d+e+f 0.8(c + g)
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
L0L2 43.43 27.71 71.14 3.91 14.00 7.49 25.40 77.23
L2L4 110.24 67.85 178.09 9.92 37.00 7.49 54.41 186.00
L4L6 150.32 89.82 240.14 13.53 50.00 7.49 71.02 248.93
L6L7 163.68 95.54 259.22 14.73 55.00 7.49 77.22 269.15
U1U3 80.17 50.65 130.82 7.22 3.73 0.00 10.95 113.41
U3U5 133.62 80.58 214.20 12.03 10.50 0.00 22.53 189.39
U5U7 160.34 94.95 255.29 14.43 15.93 0.00 30.36 228.52
U1L1 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U3L3 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U5L5 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U7L7 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U1L0 86.45 55.15 141.60 7.78 0.00 10.39 18.17 127.82
U1L2 73.15 47.32 120.47 6.58 0.00 0.00 6.58 101.64
U3L2 59.85 39.97 99.82 5.39 0.00 0.00 5.39 84.17
U3L4 46.55 34.19 80.74 4.19 0.00 0.00 4.19 67.94
U5L4 33.25 28.54 61.79 2.99 0.00 0.00 2.99 51.82
U5L6 19.95 22.89 42.84 1.80 0.00 0.00 1.80 35.71
U7L6 6.65 17.28 23.93 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.60 19.62
200 200
r =812.5 top plt.
70 45
h= 2x812.5x-+(1625^2-400^2)^0.5/2
25 mm say 25 mm
Design of bottom plate
134 t
280 bottom plt.
Size of bottom plate assumed = 750x400x70th
Check for contact pressure
As per cl 907.1.2.1 of IRC:83 ( part 1) -1999 max despersion is limited to
2H:IV for vertical load
Contact pressure at top of rocker plate = 134x10^3/75x28 + 8.78x10^3x7x6/75x40^2
63.81 + 3.07
Refering to cl 907.1.3 of IRC:83(part1) -1999
sco,cal/sco + sc,cal/sc < 1
= 63.81/72.12 + 3.07/68.03
= 0.88 + 0.04
= 0.92 ~1 o.k.
Thickness of the plate as checked for top plate is o.k.
Rocker pins
4 nos 32 mm dia pins are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x8.04x1020/1000
= 32.81 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 32.81x1
= 32.81 t safe
Anchor bolts
10 nos 25 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 10x4.91x850/1000
= 41.72 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 41.72x1
= 41.72 t safe
Design of Roller bearing
134 t
MS Rollers 2 nos 150 mm dia 50
and 750 mm long saddle plt.
Maxm BM at a = (37.89+2x26.34)x12.6^2/6
= 2396.48 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at b = 84.51x10^3x12.6/75 - (44.67+2x63)x20^2/6
= 14197.68 - 11378
2819.68 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at c = (56.22+2x63)x7.4^2/6
= 1663.06 kgcm/cm
Hence maximum BM = 2819.68 kgcm/cm
Assuming 3 nos 12 mm size lugs , width of recess required as per cl 907.4.2.2
= 12+2 = 14 mm
Hence effective length of top plate = 750 - 3x14
714 mm
Section modulus Zreqd. = 2819.68/1530
= 1.84 cm3
Thickness of plate reqd. = (1.84x6x75/71.4)^0.5
3.41 cm < 5 cms hence safe
4 nos 12 mm size lugs are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x1.44x1020/1000
= 5.88 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 5.88x1
= 5.88 t safe
Anchor bolts
4 nos 16 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x2.01x850/1000
= 6.84 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 6.84x1
= 6.84 t safe
13.0 Check for bearing at support
Refer cl. 508.11.1 of IRC 24 - 2001
Load = 134 t
Clear depth of web d3 = 24.08 cms
Thickness of web t = 0.78 cms
d3*sqrt(3)/t = 24.08XSQRT(3)/0.78
= 53.47
Бac for slenderness ratio of 53.47 = 128.55 N/mm2
( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Length of stiff portion,B = 30 cms
Capacity of the web = бac xt xB= (128.55x10.2x0.78x30X2)/1000
= 61.36 t
< 134 t hence,load bearing stiffener is reqd.
Provide 1 nos 75X10 mm thk plt as load bearing stiffener spaced at 0 cms c/c
Effective length of web = 2X20X0.78+0
= 31.2 cms 0
Area= 1x(7.5x1)+(31.2x0.78)
= 31.84 cm2
Ixx= 1x((1x7.5^3/12)+1x7.5x(3.75+0.39)^2)
= 163.7 cm4 31.2
rxx= SQRT(163.7/31.84)
= 2.27 cm
Length of the stiffener = 40 cms
L/rxx= (0.7x40)/2.27
= 12.33
Бac for slenderness ratio of 12.33 = 149.58 N/mm2
( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Capacity of the web with web stiffener = (149.58x10.2x31.84X2)/1000
= 97.16 t
< 134 t hence unsafe
14.0 Check for thickness of Gusset plate ( Typical )
For checking the thickness of gusset plate the critical joints are joint L0 and joint L2
Joint L0
100 200
L0 L1
16 10.63
224.53 275.47
Fig 1
For the gusset plate at joint L0 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L0= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L0 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 500 X 16 mm plate with holes of 23.5 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 23.5)X16/70
= 10.63 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 1
10.63XZ^2/2 = 16X(500 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 275.47 mm
Area of the section = 275.47X10.63+224.53X16
= 6520.73 mm2
say 65 cm2
For two such plates = 130 cm2
MOI = 2X{10.63X275.47^3/3+16X224.53^3/3}
= 2.69E+08 mm4
= 26887.77 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Joint L2
L1 L2 L3
6.86 10
444.14 367.86
figure 2
For the gusset plate at joint L2 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L2 = #REF! t
Force in the diagonal U3L2 = #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U1L2 = #REF!
= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U3L2= #REF!
= #REF! t
Total horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Net vertical force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L2 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 812 X 10 mm plate with holes of 22 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 22)X10/70
= 6.86 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 2
6.86XZ^2/2 = 10X(812 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 444.14 mm
Area of the section = 444.14X6.86+367.86X10
= 6725.4 mm2
say 67 cm2
For two such plates = 134 cm2
MOI = 2X{6.86X444.14^3/3+10X367.86^3/3}
= 7.33E+08 mm4
= 73253.64 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Diagonals & Verticals
Members U0L1
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X28 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.8
= 42.14 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U1L2
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X22 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.2
= 33.11 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U2L3,U0L0
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.65X3)x1.4
= 16.87 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X12 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x1.2
= 18.06 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U4L5,U2L2
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 80X16 mm th = (8-2.65)x1.6
= 8.56 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 190X10 mm th = (19-2.65X3)x1
= 11.05 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U5L6,U4L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X12 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1.2
= 5.82 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 150X10 mm th = (15-2.65X3)x1
= 7.05 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U1L1
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 80X16 mm th = (8-2.65)x1.6
= 8.56 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 190X18 mm th = (19-2.65X3)x1.8
= 19.89 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L3
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X12 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1.2
= 5.82 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 150X16 mm th = (15-2.65X3)x1.6
= 11.28 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members #REF!
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X10 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1
= 4.85 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 100X12 mm th = (10-2.65X2)x1.2
= 5.64 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
51.24 50
30 415
#REF! 5250
0.08 0.2
500 w=
250 b=
0.5 m
0.25 m
4.7 0.225
1.8 Distance between axle=
0.15 c=
0.625 c+k=
16 125
0 125
spacing 16.08
steel provided= 16.08
0.784 0.3754 0 0
0.15 0.2 0.15
0.25 0.23 0.1
0.5 0.31 0.25 0.2
0.75 0.37 0.25 0.03
0.78 0.3748 1 0.41 0.25 0.08
1.25 0.45 0.25 0.06
1.5 0.48 0.25 0.04
1.75 0.5 0.25 0.04
2 0.53 0.25 0.03
3 #REF! 2.25 0.55 0.25 0.02
2.5 0.57 0.25 0.03
2.75 0.58 0.25 0.02
3 0.6 0.25 0.02
10 190 0.01
189 spacing 4.13
100 400
Lyy/ryy= 0.85X525/4.48
= 99.61
969 Kg/cm2
0.15 0.05
102 Kg/cm2
1580 Kg/cm2
1580 Kg/cm2
969 Kg/cm2
150 L=
24 4.52
50.00 Depth of web plate =
1.00 Thickness of web plate =
22.50 Width of top flange plate =
1.00 Thicness of top flange plate =
22.50 Thickness of bottom flange plate =
1.00 Width of bottom flange plate =
4.25 51.84
5.25 15
850 Hudsons formula for calculating the dead weight of the steel girder bridge
w = 785*A in Kn/m
where A = Net area of largest tension chord section in m2
= #REF! cm2
Hence w = #REF! t/m
4.25 0.4
30 h 10 40
9 b 10 10
27 s 27.5
2.35 cyy 2.42
46.3 Area = 63.8
1.36 tf= 1.53
0.78 tw 0.88
6420 ixx 15200
313 iyy RMIN 2.22 508
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
47 width of top cover plate
0.8 thickness of top cover plate
4.45 10.95
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
1.4 thickness of top cover plate
6.76 8.94
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
2.2 thickness of top cover plate
8.74 7.36
15.85 14.28
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
1.6 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
2 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
25 h
12.5 b 0 width of back web plate
25 s 0 thickness of back web plate
2.18 cyy 0 width of front web plate
47.1 Area = 0 thickness of front web plate
1.25 tf= 0 width of top cover plate
0.69 tw 0 thickness of top cover plate
1830 ixx
141 iyy
30 h 30
9 b 10 9
27 s 27
2.35 cyy 2.35
46.3 Area = 46.3
1.36 tf= 1.36
0.78 tw 0.78
6420 ixx 6420
313 iyy RMIN 2.22 313
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
47 width of top cover plate
0.8 thickness of top cover plate
4.45 10.95
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b
25 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy 2.6
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 15
10.15 13.28
20 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.18 cyy
28.5 Area =
1.14 tf=
0.62 tw
1830 ixx
141 iyy 2.6
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
15 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 10
10.32 13.52
15 h 20
7.5 b 7.5
25 s 25
2.2 cyy 2.18
21.3 Area = 28.5
0.9 tf= 1.14
0.57 tw 0.62
788 ixx 1830
103 iyy 141
0 width of back web plate 0
0 thickness of back web plate 0
0 width of front web plate 0
0 thickness of front web plate 0
0 width of top cover plate 0
0 thickness of top cover plate 0
0 7.5
10.3 13.07
30 h
9 b
25 s rmin 2.6
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area = 2.35
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
20 h
7.5 b
25 s rmin 2.6
2.18 cyy
28.5 Area = 2.35
1.14 tf=
0.62 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
15 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
15 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.2 cyy
21.3 Area = 2.35
0.9 tf=
0.57 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
22 3.8
16 2.01
23.5 4
47 1.4 1
23.5 23.5
9 1.6
3 23.5
20 20
1.4 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 4
23.5 4
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
1.4 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
2.2 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
3 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
32.2 44.52
40 51.84
20 6.3 7
30 7.29 14
11664 5832
5.25 9.01
10.98 5346.00
7.5 h
7.5 b
1 s
11.38 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
7.5 h
7.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
11.38 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
37.4 ixx
37.4 iyy
16 2.01
30 h
9 b
27.5 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf= 15
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 15
16.1 14.53
40 h
7.5 b 7.5
1 s
2.14 Cxx 2.14 Cyy
11.4 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
59 ixx 20
59 iyy
40 width of web plate
1.6 thickness of web plate
ISMB 200
area 32.3 0
tw 0.57
tf 10.8
Ixx 2235.4
Iyy 150
h= 20
Top flg. Plt 0 0 0 10 0
Bot. flg plt 0 0 0 10 0
web plt 0 0 0 0 0.285
0 0 0 0 0.285
6.5 h
6.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
9.76 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
59 ixx
59 iyy
13.2 3.77
55.4 2
22.65 6.47
10.98 19.42
50 0.7x51.25
2.6 36
50 0.7x51.04
2.6 36
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
50 0.7x51.04
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
50 0.7x59.13
2.2 42
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
span 51.24
span 51.24
55 70.03
fener is reqd.
1 provided in pairs
7.5 cm
1.6 cm
0 cm
400 750
32 dia of pin
4 no of pins
25 dia of bolts
10 no of bolts
12 dia of pin
4 no of pins
12 dia of pin
3 no of pins
16 dia of bolts
4 no of bolts
1 provided in pairs
7.5 cm
1 cm
0 cm
275.47 2704.05
444.14 4727.83
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
8 1.6
3 26.5
7.5 1.2
3 26.5
8 1.6
3 26.5
7.5 1.2
3 26.5
15 1.6
7.5 1
2 26.5
Area =
It is proposed to construct a Through type Steel truss Girder bridge of 53.9 M c/c span . The
superstructure consists of 265 mm thick RCC slab deck with concrete grade M30 and steel
Builtup section with 500x10 mm thck web plt+ top/bottom plt 225x10 mm thk 520 spaced at 3850
mm mm c/c ( maximum) .These cross girder rests on main truss girder spaced at
5250 mm c/c .
The bridge is of Carriageway width of 4.25 M and is designed for IRC Class A loading
Top chord bracings is provided to take care of laterals forces due to wind and seismic .
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
(Forces in Steel truss Girder are calculated using STAADPRO 2006 computer software developed
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
The bridge is also checked for seismic forces with following parameters
Case 2
Load 1
1.925 1.925
A 3.85
Position of Vehicle for maxm B.M.:
Refer clause 305.16.2 (1) Code IRC 21- 2000
For load (1 )
b/lo= 5.25/3.85 = 1.36
Thus,α = 2.5
beff.= αa(1-a/lo)+b1
= 2.5x1.925x(1-1.925/3.85)+{0.5+(2x0.08)}
= 3.07 m
Actual dispersion available= 3.07/2+1.8/2
= 2.44 m
Dispersion along the span = 0.25+2x(0.265+0.08)
= 0.94 m
load in t/m ( with impact) = [5.7X1.545]/2.44
= 3.61 t/m
load in t/m2(with impact)= 5.7x1.545/(3.07x0.94)
= 3.05
Reaction at A= 3.61/2
= 1.81 t/m
B.M. at C= 3.61x3.85/4 - 3.61X0.94/8
= 3.05 tm/m
Maximum SF
For loads (1) and (2)
5.7 5.7
Load 2 0.6 0.6 Load 1
0.47 2.18
3.85 A
Position of the wheel load on the Stringer for maximum reaction on the Cross girder
a C a
A' B'
a/l= 1.725/5.25
= 0.33
w= 14.58 t
∆ = wl^3/6EI[(3a/4l)-(a/l)^3]
= (14.58x(5.25x100)^3 x1000x((0.75x0.33)-(0.33)^3))/(6x2040000x123912.32)
= 0.3 cm
Total deflection,∆ = 0.11+0.3
= 0.41 cm
∆allowable= (5.25x100)/600
= 0.88 cm greater than 0.41 cm hence okay
Shear connectors
S.F. at support due to D.L + L.L.= 26.38 t
S.F. at centre = 10 t
Longitudinal shear, VL = V x Ac xY/ Ixx
VL at support= 26.38x10^3x108.12x18.36/123912.32
= 422.61 Kg/cm
VL at centre= 10x10^3x108.12x18.36/123912.32
= 160.2 Kg/cm
Provide ISMC75 ,150 mm long as shear connector. for concrete grade M30
Ultimate Capacity of shear connector, Qu ( 150 mm long )= 280 KN
(Refer table 2 of IRC :22 - 1986)
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q = 0.38X280
= 106.4 KN
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q for 75 mm long = 106.4X150/150
= 106.4 KN
= 106400 N
= 10849.39 Kg
Spacing of shear connector at support= 10849.39/422.61
= 25.67 cms say 250 mm
Spacing of shear connector at centre= 10849.39/160.2
= 67.72 cms say 300 mm
Connection between Cross Girder and bottom chord of main Steel truss Girder
Cross girder is connected with the web of bottom chord connecting channel 1/2 cut from ISMC 400
welded to the web of cross girder and bolted to the bottom chord with 24 mm dia bolts
Max force = 26.38 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 4.52X1.095
= 4.95 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.95
In bearing against 9.9 t
thickness of web of x girder ( 10 mm )= 2.55X2.4X1
= 6.12 t
No. of 24 mm dia bolts for bottom chord = 26.38/4.95
= 5.33 nos say 6 nos
No. of mm dia bolts for cross girder = 26.38/6.12
= 4.32 nos say 6 nos
Length of 6.0 mm fillet weld required( for welded connection) = 26.38/(0.6X1.1X0.707)
= 56.53 cms say 60 cms
Properties of built up section for cross girder
Section provided Builtup section with 500x10 mm thck web plt+ top/bottom plt 225x10 mm thk
225x10thk top flg plt
Members Force in one girder due to For camber and deflection analysis
Live load
with impact Live load
Dead load and raction Total load Unit load for max Dead load + Dead load +
factor at centre deflection live load 0.75xLive load
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
L0L2 43.43 27.71 71.14 0.29 20.93 64.36 59.13 tension
L2L4 110.24 67.85 178.09 0.87 59.63 169.87 154.96 tension
L4L6 150.32 89.82 240.14 1.45 86.88 237.20 215.48 tension
L6L7 163.68 95.54 259.22 2.03 95.54 259.22 235.34 tension
U1U3 80.17 50.65 130.82 0.58 40.81 120.98 110.78 comp.
U3U5 133.62 80.58 214.20 1.16 75.58 209.20 190.31 comp.
U5U7 160.34 94.95 255.29 1.74 93.11 253.45 230.17 comp.
U1L1 11.50 16.75 28.25 0.00 1.82 13.32 12.87 tension
U3L3 11.50 16.75 28.25 0.00 4.94 16.44 15.21 tension
U5L5 11.50 16.75 28.25 0.00 8.72 20.22 18.04 tension
U7L7 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.00 15.84 27.34 23.38 tension
U1L0 86.45 55.15 141.60 0.58 41.67 128.12 117.70 comp.
U1L2 73.15 47.32 120.47 0.58 39.57 112.72 102.83 tension
U3L2 59.85 39.97 99.82 0.58 37.47 97.32 87.95 comp.
U3L4 46.55 34.19 80.74 0.58 31.75 78.30 70.36 tension
U5L4 33.25 28.54 61.79 0.58 26.60 59.85 53.20 comp.
U5L6 19.95 22.89 42.84 0.58 22.62 42.57 36.92 tension
U7L6 6.65 17.28 23.93 0.58 13.50 20.15 16.78 comp.
Top chord
Member U1U3
Pmax= 130.82 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 470X8 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+47x0.8
= 130.2 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 11.35 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x4.45^2+ 270
= 19182.05 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (19182.05/130.2)^0.5
= 12.14 cms
Zxx = 19182.05/11.35
= 1690.05 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/12.14
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+0.8x47^3/12
30810.74 cm4
ryy= 15.38 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.38
= 40.46
leff/rmin 51.25 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 130.58 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 130.58x10.2x130.2/1000
173.42 t grater than 130.82 t hence safe
Member U3U5
Pmax= 214.20 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X14 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x1.4
= 162.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 9.64 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x6.76^2+ 270
= 22666.25 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (22666.25/162.6)^0.5
= 11.81 cms
Zxx = 22666.25/9.64
= 2351.27 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/11.81
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+1.4x50^3/12
38472.54 cm4
ryy= 15.38 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.38
= 40.46
leff/rmin 52.68 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 129.28 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 129.28x10.2x162.6/1000
214.41 t grater than 214.2 t hence safe
Member U5U7
Pmax= 255.29 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X22 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+50x2.2
= 202.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 8.46 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x8.74^2+ 270
= 25872.15 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (25872.15/202.6)^0.5
= 11.3 cms
Zxx = 25872.15/8.46
= 3058.17 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/11.3
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+2.2x50^3/12
46805.87 cm4
ryy= 15.2 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.2
= 40.93
leff/rmin 55.06 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 127.04 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 127.04x10.2x202.6/1000
262.53 t grater than 255.29 t hence safe
Bottom chord
Member L0L2
Pmax = 77.23 t
Member U3L4
Pmax= 80.74 t
Provide 2ISMC200+ 150X8 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x28.5+2x0x0+2x15x0.8+0x0
= 81 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2 250
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 3
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x1.14x4x2.35+3x1.42x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 81 -20.022
60.978 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 60.978x1.53
93.3 t safe
Member U5L6
Pmax= 42.84 t
Provide 2ISMC150+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x21.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 42.6 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 2
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x0.9x4x2.35+2x0.57x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 42.6 -5.358
37.242 cm2 250
Hence Capacity of section = 37.242x1.53
56.98 t safe
6.0 Design of joints
Design constants for bolts
Using 22 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all members except Verticals
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 3.8X1.095
= 4.16 t
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.16
In bearing against 8.32 t
thickness of web of ISMC400 ( 8.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.88
= 4.94 t
thickness of flange of ISMC400 ( 15.3 mm )= 2.55X2.2X1.53
= 8.58 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC200 ( 6.2 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.62
= 3.48 t
thickness of web of ISMC150 ( 5.7 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.57
= 3.2 t
Gusset plate ( 8 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.8
= 4.49 t
Gusset plate ( 10 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1
= 5.61 t
Gusset plate ( 12 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1.2
= 6.73 t
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all Verticals and section ISMC150
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095
= 2.2 t
Top chord joints
Joint U1
Force in U1U3 = 130.82 t
No. of bolts in the web = 130.82/4.16 = 31.45 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L1 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts in the web = 28.25/4.16 = 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U1L0 = 141.60 t
No. of bolts in the web = 141.6/4.16 = 34.04 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L2 = 120.47 t
No. of bolts in the web = 120.47/4.16 = 28.96 Provide 30 no.s
Joint U3
Force in U3U1 = 130.82 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+10X0.8)/130.2X130.82
= 20.34 t
No. of bolts = 20.34/4.16
= 4.89 Provide 5 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X0.8/130.2X130.82
= 21.7 t
No. of bolts = 21.7/4.49
= 4.83 Provide 10 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/130.2X130.82
= 12.3 t
No. of bolts = 12.3/4.16
= 2.96 Provide 3 no.s
Force in web = 130.82 - -20.34X2 - 21.7 - 12.3X2
= 43.84 t
No. of bolts = 43.84/4.16
= 10.54 Provide 12 no.s
Force in U3U5 = 214.20 t
Additional force in web of U3U5 = F U3U5 – FU3U1
= 83.38 t
Total force in web of U3U5 = 43.84+83.38
= 127.22 t
No. of bolts = 127.22/4.16
= 30.58 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U3L3 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts = 28.25/4.16
= 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U3L2 = 99.82 t
No. of bolts = 99.82/4.16
= 24 Provide 30 no.s
Force in U3L4 = 80.74 t
No. of bolts = 80.74/4.16
= 19.41 Provide 24 no.s
Joint U5
Force in U5U3 = 214.20 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X1.4)/162.6X214.2
= 37.33 t
No. of bolts = 37.33/4.16
= 8.97 Provide 9 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X1.4/162.6X214.2
= 49.8 t
No. of bolts = 49.8/4.16
= 11.97 Provide 18 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/162.6X214.2
= 16.12 t
No. of bolts = 16.12/4.16
= 3.88 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 214.2 - 2X37.33 - 2X16.12 -49.8
= 57.5 t
No. of bolts = 57.5/4.16
= 13.82 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U5U7 = 255.29 t
Additional force in web of U5U7 = F U5U7 – FU5U3
= 41.09 t
Total force in web of U5U7 = 57.5+41.09
= 98.59 t
No. of bolts = 98.59/4.16
= 23.7 Provide 24 no.s
Force in U5L5 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts = 28.25/4.16
= 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U5L4 = 61.79 t
No. of bolts = 61.79/4.16
= 14.85 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U5L6 = 42.84 t
No. of bolts = 42.84/3.2
= 13.39 Provide 16 no.s
Joint U7
Force in U7U5 = 255.29 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+11.5X1.4)/162.6X255.29
= 44.5 t
No. of bolts = 44.5/4.16
= 10.7 Provide 11 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X2.2/202.6X255.29
= 74.85 t
No. of bolts = 74.85/4.16
= 17.99 Provide 22 no.s
Force in bottom flg. = 9X1.36/162.6X255.29
= 19.22 t
No. of bolts = 19.22/4.16
= 4.62 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 255.29 - 2X44.5 - 74.85 - 2X19.22
= 53 t
No. of bolts = 53/4.16
= 12.74 Provide 18 no.s
Force in U7L7 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts = 28.25/4.16
= 6.79 Provide 8 no.s
Force in U7L6 = 23.93 t
No. of bolts = 23.93/3.2
= 7.48 Provide 12 no.s
Bottom chord joints
Joint L0
Force in L0L1L2 = 77.23 t
No. of bolts in the web = 77.230264/4.16
= 18.56 Provide 24 no.s
Joint L2
Force in L2L1L0 = 77.23 t
Force in top/bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/98.53X77.230264
= 8.93 t
No. of bolts = 8.93/4.16
= 2.15 Provide 3 no.s
Force in web = 77.230264 - 4x8.93
= 41.51 t
No. of bolts = 41.510264/
= 9.98 Provide 12 no.s
Force in L2L4 = 186.00 t
Additional force in web of L2L4 = F L2L4 – FL2L0
= 108.77 t
Total force in web of L2L4 = 41.510264+108.77
= 150.28 t
No. of bolts = 150.280264/4.16
= 36.13 Provide 42 no.s
Joint L4
Force in L4L2 = 186.00 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/134.29X185.998264
= 15.79 t
No. of bolts = 15.79/4.16
= 3.8 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 185.998264 - 4X15.79
= 122.84 t
No. of bolts = 122.838264
= 29.53 Provide 36 no.s
Force in L4L6 = 248.93 t
Additional force in web of L4L6 = F L4L6 – FL4L2
= 62.93 t
Total force in web of L4L6 = 122.838264+62.93
= 185.77 t
No. of bolts = 185.768264/4.16
= 44.66 Provide 48 no.s
Joint L6
Force in L6L4 = 248.93 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/170.05X248.926264
= 16.69 t
No. of bolts = 16.69/4.16
= 4.01 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 248.926264 - 4X16.69
= 182.17 t
No. of bolts = 182.166264/4.16
= 43.79 Provide 48 no.s
Force in L6L8 = 269.15 t
Additional force in web of L6L8 = F L6L8 – FL6L4
= 20.22 t
Total force in web of L6L8 = 182.166264+20.22
= 202.39 t
No. of bolts = 202.386264/4.16
= 48.65 Provide 54 no.s
7.0 Design of splices
In the main girder splices have been provided at every joint in top and bottom chord
i.e. at U3,U5,U7,U9 at top chord and L2,L4,L6,L8 in the bottom chord.
Top chord
Joints – U3
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 470X8 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (47 - 2.35X4)X0.8
= 48.17 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 470X14 mm th = (47-4x2.35)x1.4X1
= 52.64 cm2
= 50.58 cm2 okay
Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36
= 9.04 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.35)x1.6
= 10.64 cm2
= 9.49 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (30 - 1.36X2 - 2.35X3)x0.78
= 15.78 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.35X3)x1.4
= 18.13 cm2
= 16.57 cm2 okay
Joints –U5
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X14 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X1.4
= 74.93 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X20 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2
= 81.2 cm2
= 78.68 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Joints –U7
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X22 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X2.2
= 107.41 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X28 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2.8
= 113.68 cm2
= 112.78 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Bottom chord
Joints – L2
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 0X0 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88
= 26.3 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X14 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x1.4
= 32.13 cm2
= 27.62 cm2 okay
Joints – L4
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X8 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X0.8
= 44.66 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X22 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x2.2
= 50.49 cm2
= 46.89 cm2 okay
Joints – L6
Section = 2ISMC 400+ web plates 300X16 mm thk
Top/Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (10 - 1X2.35 )x1.53
= 11.7 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 100X20 mm th = (10-1X2.35)x2
= 15.3 cm2
= 12.29 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (40 - 1.53x2 - 2.35X3)x0.88+(30 - 3X2.35)X1.6
= 63.02 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 300X30 mm th = (30-2.35X3)x3
= 68.85 cm2
= 66.17 cm2 okay
8.0 Design of wind bracings
Calculations of wind force for full length
Exposed area of Top chord = 0.322X46.8
= 15.07 m2
Exposed area of Bottom chord = 0.4X54.5
= 21.8 m2
Exposed area of Verticals(average) = 0.2X6.3X7
= 8.82 m2
Exposed area of Diagonals( average) = 0.3x7.29x14
= 30.62 m2
Exposed area of Top chord gusset plates = 0.5X15.07
= 7.54 m2
Exposed area of Bottom chord gusset plates = 0.5X21.8
= 10.9 m2
Total exposed area of Truss Girder = 7.54+30.62+8.82+21.8+15.07+10.9
94.75 m2
Total exposed area with 50% for leeward side = 94.75X1.5
= 142.125 m2
Exposed area of Steel deck ( stringers+steel deck +kerbs)= 54.5x(0+0.265+0.275x1.5)
= 36.92 m2
Total exposed area of the bridge = 142.125+36.92
= 179.05 m2 say 180 m2
Top chord bracing
Total exposed area of the bridge for top/bottom chord = 142.125/2
= 71.0625 m2 say 75 m2
Assuming wind force @ 110 kg/m2
Wind force = 75X110
= 8250 kg loaded structure
Wind force @ 225 kg/m = 54.5X225
= 12262.5 kg loaded structure
Wind force @ 240 kg/m2 = 75X240
18000 kg unloaded structure
Hence Maximum wind force = 18000 kg
Wind force per panel point = 18000/6
= 3000 kg
Reaction at support = 9000 kg
Wind force in braces ( unloaded structure governs the design )
First panel = (9000 - 0.5X3000)X9.01/5.25
= 12872 kg
Second panel = (9000 - 1.5X3000)X9.01/5.25
= 7723 kg
Third panel = (9000 - 2.5X3000)X9.01/5.25
= 2575 kg
Additional forces in top chord members truss loaded structure
Members Force in one girder due to kg
U1U3 (6131.25X3.66 - 510.94X3.66)/5.25 3919.00 compression
U3U5 (5620.31X10.98 - 1021.88X3.66)/5.25 11043.00 compression
U5U7 (5620.31X18.3 - 1021.88X4X3.66)/5.25 16742.00 compression
Design of diagonal braces
Pmax= 12872 kg
Provide 2ISA 75X75X8
Check for tension
Gross area of the section = 11.38 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 1.6 cms
Area of connected leg = (7.5 - 0.4 - 1.6)X0.8X2
8.8 cm2
Area of outstand leg = (7.5 - 0.4 )X0.8X2
11.36 cm2
k = 8.8X5/(8.8X5+11.36)
= 0.79
Net area of the section, An = 8.8+0.79X11.36
= 17.77 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 17.77x1530X1.25
33985.13 kg > 12872 kg hence safe
Check for compression
Provide2ISA 75x75x8
Area of the section = 11.38X2
= 22.76 cm2
ruu = 2.88 cms star type
Length of member = 450.5 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x450.5
= 382.925 cm
Leff/r= 382.925/2.88
= 132.96
Hence Pac = 54.84 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
= 559.37 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 559.37x22.76X1.25
= 15914.02 kg > 12872 kg hence safe
Design of joints
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts )
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095X1.25
= 2.75 t
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X2.75
In bearing against 5.5 t
thickness of gussett plate ( 10 mm )= 2.55X1.6X1X1.25
= 5.1 t
Bolt value = 2.75 t
Force in panel 1 = 12.87 t
No. of bolts = 12.872/2.75
= 4.68 Provide 6 no.s
Force in panel 2 = 7.72 t
No. of bolts = 7.723/2.75
= 2.81 Provide 4 no.s
Force in panel 3 = 2.58 t
No. of bolts = 2.575/2.75
= 0.94 Provide 2 no.s
Portal bracing for end diagonals 1.4 2.45 1.4
wind reaction from top chord = 9000 kg c d e f
Addl. lateral load due to end post comp.= 2.5/100X141.6X1000 b m g 1.4
= 3540 kg 2.95
Total lateral load = 12540 kg 7.29 a h
Vertical force due to overturning = 12540X4.35/5.25 2.95
= 10390.29 kg 5.25
Bending moment at d/e = 6270X4.35 - 10390.29X1.4
= 12728.09 kgm
Maximum force in ef = (6270X2.95)/1.4
13211.79 kg
Maximum force in cd = (6270X2.95+12540X1.4)/1.4
25751.79 kg
Maximum force in de = 6270 kg
Perpedicular distance cm = 1.4Xcos45
= 0.99 m
Force in Knee force = 6270X4.35/0.99
= 27550 kg
Span of knee brace = 2X1.4Xcos45
= 1.98 m
Additional axial load in end post (wind)= (9000X4.35)/5.25
= 7457.14 kg
Additional axial load in end post(comp) = (3540X4.35)/5.25
= 2933.14 kg
Total = 10390.28 kg
Additional force in bottom chord = (7457.14X7.32)/7.29
= 7487.83 kg
Bending moment end post due to wind = 12540/2X2.95
= 18496.5 kgm
Design of Portal members
Member cf
Force Fac = 25.75 t
BM Fbc = 12.73 tm
Provide 2ISMC300
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 92.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top = [(46.3x2+0x0x2+0x0x2)x15+0x0x0]/92.6 275
= 15 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x0^2+
= 12840 cm4
rxx= (12840/92.6)^0.5
= 11.78 cms
Zxx = 12840/15
= 856 cm3
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x16.1^2+0x0x13.75^2+0x0x14.53^2)+0x0^3/12
24628.85 cm4
ryy= 16.31 cms
Length of member = 525 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x525
= 446.25 cm
Leffxx/rxx= 446.25/11.78
= 37.88
Leffyy/ryy= 262.5/16.31
= 16.09
Calculations leff/rmin 37.88
Hence Pac = 140.87 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Capacity of section = 140.87x92.6/1000
133.05 t > 25.75 t hence safe
Caclulation Fcb = k1(x+k2.y).c2/c1
for d/t= 30/1.36
& Leff/rmin = 37.88 c2/c1= 1.00
x= 1846.83x[{(1+(1/20)x(37.88/22.06)^2)}]^0.5
y= 26.5x10^5/37.88^2
k1= 1.00 k2= 0.00
Fcb = 1(1978.29+0x1846.83)1
Since the bottom chord is stiffened with Solid RCC deck there is no need of bottom chord bracing
as RCC deck will take care of lateral forces due to wind
Overturning Effects due to wind
Max horizontal force due to wind at top chord = 12.26 t loaded structure
Height of truss = 6.3 m
Distance between trusses = 5.25 m
Additional vertical load at bottom chord = 12.26X6.3/5.25
= 14.71 t
Additional vertical load per panel point due to overturning = 14.71/14
= 1.05 t
Dead load per panel point = 11.5 t
Fraction of additional per panel point due to overturning = 1.05/11.5
= 0.09
Summary of forces in main steel truss
Forces due to Forces due to wind
Live load due to due to total due to
Members with impact Dead + overturning top and portal and total dead+live+
Dead load and reaction Live load 0.09*a bottom chord sway effect wind
(a) factor(b) c=a+b d e f g=d+e+f 0.8(c + g)
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
L0L2 43.43 27.71 71.14 3.91 14.00 7.49 25.40 77.23
L2L4 110.24 67.85 178.09 9.92 37.00 7.49 54.41 186.00
L4L6 150.32 89.82 240.14 13.53 50.00 7.49 71.02 248.93
L6L7 163.68 95.54 259.22 14.73 55.00 7.49 77.22 269.15
U1U3 80.17 50.65 130.82 7.22 3.92 0.00 11.14 113.57
U3U5 133.62 80.58 214.20 12.03 11.04 0.00 23.07 189.82
U5U7 160.34 94.95 255.29 14.43 16.74 0.00 31.17 229.17
U1L1 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U3L3 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U5L5 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U7L7 11.50 16.75 28.25 1.04 0.00 1.07 2.11 24.29
U1L0 86.45 55.15 141.60 7.78 0.00 10.39 18.17 127.82
U1L2 73.15 47.32 120.47 6.58 0.00 0.00 6.58 101.64
U3L2 59.85 39.97 99.82 5.39 0.00 0.00 5.39 84.17
U3L4 46.55 34.19 80.74 4.19 0.00 0.00 4.19 67.94
U5L4 33.25 28.54 61.79 2.99 0.00 0.00 2.99 51.82
U5L6 19.95 22.89 42.84 1.80 0.00 0.00 1.80 35.71
U7L6 6.65 17.28 23.93 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.60 19.62
200 200
r =812.5 top plt.
70 45
h= 2x812.5x-+(1625^2-400^2)^0.5/2
25 mm say 25 mm
Design of bottom plate
134 t
280 bottom plt.
Size of bottom plate assumed = 750x400x70th
Check for contact pressure
As per cl 907.1.2.1 of IRC:83 ( part 1) -1999 max despersion is limited to
2H:IV for vertical load
Contact pressure at top of rocker plate = 134x10^3/75x28 + 8.78x10^3x7x6/75x40^2
63.81 + 3.07
Refering to cl 907.1.3 of IRC:83(part1) -1999
sco,cal/sco + sc,cal/sc < 1
= 63.81/72.12 + 3.07/68.03
= 0.88 + 0.04
= 0.92 ~1 o.k.
Thickness of the plate as checked for top plate is o.k.
Rocker pins
4 nos 32 mm dia pins are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x8.04x1020/1000
= 32.81 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 32.81x1
= 32.81 t safe
Anchor bolts
10 nos 25 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 10x4.91x850/1000
= 41.72 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 41.72x1
= 41.72 t safe
Design of Roller bearing
134 t
MS Rollers 2 nos 150 mm dia 50
and 750 mm long saddle plt.
Maxm BM at a = (37.89+2x26.34)x12.6^2/6
= 2396.48 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at b = 84.51x10^3x12.6/75 - (44.67+2x63)x20^2/6
= 14197.68 - 11378
2819.68 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at c = (56.22+2x63)x7.4^2/6
= 1663.06 kgcm/cm
Hence maximum BM = 2819.68 kgcm/cm
Assuming 3 nos 12 mm size lugs , width of recess required as per cl 907.4.2.2
= 12+2 = 14 mm
Hence effective length of top plate = 750 - 3x14
714 mm
Section modulus Zreqd. = 2819.68/1530
= 1.84 cm3
Thickness of plate reqd. = (1.84x6x75/71.4)^0.5
3.41 cm < 5 cms hence safe
4 nos 12 mm size lugs are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x1.44x1020/1000
= 5.88 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 5.88x1
= 5.88 t safe
Anchor bolts
4 nos 16 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x2.01x850/1000
= 6.84 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 6.84x1
= 6.84 t safe
13.0 Check for bearing at support
Refer cl. 508.11.1 of IRC 24 - 2001
Load = 134 t
Clear depth of web d3 = 24.08 cms
Thickness of web t = 0.78 cms
d3*sqrt(3)/t = 24.08XSQRT(3)/0.78
= 53.47
Бac for slenderness ratio of 53.47 = 128.55 N/mm2
( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Length of stiff portion,B = 30 cms
Capacity of the web = бac xt xB= (128.55x10.2x0.78x30X2)/1000
= 61.36 t
< 134 t hence,load bearing stiffener is reqd.
Provide 1 nos 75X10 mm thk plt as load bearing stiffener spaced at 0 cms c/c
Effective length of web = 2X20X0.78+0
= 31.2 cms 0
Area= 1x(7.5x1)+(31.2x0.78)
= 31.84 cm2
Ixx= 1x((1x7.5^3/12)+1x7.5x(3.75+0.39)^2)
= 163.7 cm4 31.2
rxx= SQRT(163.7/31.84)
= 2.27 cm
Length of the stiffener = 40 cms
L/rxx= (0.7x40)/2.27
= 12.33
Бac for slenderness ratio of 12.33 = 149.58 N/mm2
( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Capacity of the web with web stiffener = (149.58x10.2x31.84X2)/1000
= 97.16 t
< 134 t hence unsafe
14.0 Check for thickness of Gusset plate ( Typical )
For checking the thickness of gusset plate the critical joints are joint L0 and joint L2
Joint L0
100 200
L0 L1
16 10.63
224.53 275.47
Fig 1
For the gusset plate at joint L0 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L0= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L0 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 500 X 16 mm plate with holes of 23.5 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 23.5)X16/70
= 10.63 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 1
10.63XZ^2/2 = 16X(500 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 275.47 mm
Area of the section = 275.47X10.63+224.53X16
= 6520.73 mm2
say 65 cm2
For two such plates = 130 cm2
MOI = 2X{10.63X275.47^3/3+16X224.53^3/3}
= 2.69E+08 mm4
= 26887.77 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Joint L2
L1 L2 L3
6.86 10
444.14 367.86
figure 2
For the gusset plate at joint L2 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L2 = #REF! t
Force in the diagonal U3L2 = #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U1L2 = #REF!
= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U3L2= #REF!
= #REF! t
Total horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Net vertical force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L2 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 812 X 10 mm plate with holes of 22 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 22)X10/70
= 6.86 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 2
6.86XZ^2/2 = 10X(812 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 444.14 mm
Area of the section = 444.14X6.86+367.86X10
= 6725.4 mm2
say 67 cm2
For two such plates = 134 cm2
MOI = 2X{6.86X444.14^3/3+10X367.86^3/3}
= 7.33E+08 mm4
= 73253.64 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Diagonals & Verticals
Members U0L1
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X28 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.8
= 42.14 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U1L2
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X22 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.2
= 33.11 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U2L3,U0L0
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.65X3)x1.4
= 16.87 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X12 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x1.2
= 18.06 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U4L5,U2L2
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 80X16 mm th = (8-2.65)x1.6
= 8.56 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 190X10 mm th = (19-2.65X3)x1
= 11.05 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U5L6,U4L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X12 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1.2
= 5.82 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 150X10 mm th = (15-2.65X3)x1
= 7.05 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U1L1
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 80X16 mm th = (8-2.65)x1.6
= 8.56 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 190X18 mm th = (19-2.65X3)x1.8
= 19.89 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L3
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X12 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1.2
= 5.82 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 150X16 mm th = (15-2.65X3)x1.6
= 11.28 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members #REF!
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 75X10 mm th = (7.5-2.65)x1
= 4.85 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 100X12 mm th = (10-2.65X2)x1.2
= 5.64 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
super 476
super 477
It is proposed to construct a Through type Steel truss Girder bridge of 51.24 M c/c span . The
superstructure consists of 265 mm thick RCC slab deck with concrete grade M30 and steel
Builtup section with 500x10 mm thck web plt+ top/bottom plt 225x10 mm thk 520 spaced at 3660
mm mm c/c ( maximum) .These cross girder rests on main truss girder spaced at
5250 mm c/c .
The bridge is of Carriageway width of 4.25 M and is designed for IRC Class A loading
Top chord bracings is provided to take care of laterals forces due to wind and seismic .
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
(Forces in Steel truss Girder are calculated using STAADPRO 2006 computer software developed
Relevant IRC codes of the Practice are referred for the design purpose.
The bridge is also checked for seismic forces with following parameters
A 3.66 4.7
Case 2
Load 1
1.83 1.83
A 3.66
3.66 A
super 481
3.66 3.66
Position of the wheel load on the Stringer for maximum reaction on the Cross girder
a C a
A' B'
a/l= 1.725/5.25
= 0.33
w= 14.36 t
∆ = wl^3/6EI[(3a/4l)-(a/l)^3]
super 486
= (14.36x(5.25x100)^3 x1000x((0.75x0.33)-(0.33)^3))/(6x2040000x123912.32)
= 0.29 cm
Total deflection,∆ = 0.11+0.29
= 0.40 cm
∆allowable= (5.25x100)/600
= 0.88 cm greater than 0.4 cm hence okay
Shear connectors
S.F. at support due to D.L + L.L.= 25.77 t
S.F. at centre = 9.85 t
Longitudinal shear, VL = V x Ac xY/ Ixx
VL at support= 25.77x10^3x108.12x18.36/123912.32
= 412.84 Kg/cm
VL at centre= 9.85x10^3x108.12x18.36/123912.32
= 157.8 Kg/cm
Provide ISMC75 ,150 mm long as shear connector. for concrete grade M30
Ultimate Capacity of shear connector, Qu ( 150 mm long )= 280 KN
(Refer table 2 of IRC :22 - 1986)
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q = 0.38X280
= 106.4 KN
Safe working Capacity of shear connector, Q for 75 mm long = 106.4X150/150
= 106.4 KN
= 106400 N
= 10849.39 Kg
Spacing of shear connector at support= 10849.39/412.84
= 26.28 cms say 250 mm
Spacing of shear connector at centre= 10849.39/157.8
= 68.75 cms say 300 mm
Connection between Cross Girder and bottom chord of main Steel truss Girder
Cross girder is connected with the web of bottom chord connecting channel 1/2 cut from ISMC 300
bolted to the web of cross girder and bottom chord
Max force = 25.77 t
connection with bottom chord
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 4.52X1.095
= 4.95 t
Capacity of 24 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.95
In bearing against 9.9 t
thickness of web of ISMC 300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.4X0.78
= 4.77 t
No. of 24 mm dia bolts for bottom chord = 25.77/4.77
= 5.41 nos say 6 nos
connection with cross girder
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095
= 2.2 t
super 487
Top chord
Member U1U3
Pmax= 130.82 t
Provide 2ISMC 300 + top plate 470X8 mm thk
Area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+47x0.8
= 130.2 cm2
Centre of gravity from top =
= 11.35 cm
Ixx= 2x(6420+(46.3+0x0+0x0)x4.45^2+ 270
= 19182.05 cm4
Length of member = 732.00 cm c/c
Leffxx= 0.85x732
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (19182.05/130.2)^0.5
= 12.14 cms
Zxx = 19182.05/11.35
= 1690.05 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/12.14
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+0.8x47^3/12
30810.74 cm4
ryy= 15.38 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.38
= 40.46
leff/rmin 51.25 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 130.58 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 130.58x10.2x130.2/1000
super 490
= 622.2 cm
rxx= (25872.15/202.6)^0.5
= 11.3 cms
Zxx = 25872.15/8.46
= 3058.17 cm3
Leffxx/rxx= 622.2/11.3
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x15.85^2+0x0x13.5^2+0x0x14.28^2)+2.2x50^3/12
46805.87 cm4
ryy= 15.2 cms
Lyy/ryy= 622.2/15.2
= 40.93
leff/rmin 55.06 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 127.04 Mpa
Hence Capacity of section = 127.04x10.2x202.6/1000
262.53 t grater than 255.29 t hence safe
Bottom chord
Member L0L2
Pmax = 76.83 t
= 12840 cm4
rxx= (12840/92.6)^0.5
= 11.78 cms 250
Iyy= 2x(313+46.3x10.15^2+0x0x12.5^2+0x0x13.28^2)+0x0^3/12
10165.88 cm4
ryy= 10.48 cms
Length of member = 729.00 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x729
= 619.65 cm
rmin = 10.48 cms
leff/rmin 619.65/10.48
= 59.13 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 123.04 Mpa
= 1255.01 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 1255.01x92.6/1000
116.21 t safe
Member U5L4
Pmax= 61.79 t
Provide 2ISMC200+ 150X8 th web plt
Area of the section = 2x28.5+2x0x0+2x15x0.8+0x0
= 81 cm2
Centre of gravity from top = [(28.5x2+0x0x2+15x0.8x2)x10+0x0x0]/81
= 10 cm
Ixx= 2x(1830+(28.5+0x0+15x0.8)x0^2+
= 4110 cm4
rxx= (4110/81)^0.5
= 7.12 cms 250
Iyy= 2x(141+28.5x10.32^2+0x0x12.5^2+15x0.8x13.52^2)+0x0^3/12
10739.61 cm4
ryy= 11.51 cms
Length of member = 729.00 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x729
= 619.65 cm
rmin = 7.12 cms
leff/rmin 619.65/7.12
= 87.03 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 93.32 Mpa
= 951.86 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 951.86x81/1000
77.1 t safe
Member U7L6
super 495
Pmax= 23.93 t
Provide 2ISMC150+ 0X0 th web plt
Area of the section = 2x21.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 42.6 cm2
Centre of gravity from top = [(21.3x2+0x0x2+0x0x2)x7.5+0x0x0]/42.6
= 7.5 cm
Ixx= 2x(788+(21.3+0x0+0x0)x0^2+
= 1576 cm4
rxx= (1576/42.6)^0.5 250
= 6.08 cms
Iyy= 2x(103+21.3x10.3^2+0x0x12.5^2+0x0x13.07^2)+0x0^3/12
4725.43 cm4
ryy= 10.53 cms
Length of member = 729.00 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x729
= 619.65 cm
rmin = 6.08 cms
leff/rmin 619.65/6.08
= 101.92 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Pac = 78.67 Mpa
= 802.43 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 802.43x42.6/1000
34.18 t safe
Member U1L2
Pmax= 120.47 t
Provide 2ISMC300+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x46.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 92.6 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2 250
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 3
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x1.36x4x2.35+3x0.78x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 92.6 -10.998
81.602 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 81.602x1.53
124.85 t safe
Member U3L4
Pmax= 80.74 t
Provide 2ISMC200+ 150X8 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x28.5+2x0x0+2x15x0.8+0x0
super 496
= 81 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2 250
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 3
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x1.14x4x2.35+3x1.42x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 81 -20.022
60.978 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 60.978x1.53
93.3 t safe
Member U5L6
Pmax= 42.84 t
Provide 2ISMC150+ 0X0 th web plt
Gross area of the section = 2x21.3+2x0x0+2x0x0+0x0
= 42.6 cm2
Dia of bolt used = 2.2
No of bolts in one flange = 0
No of bolts in one web = 2 250
Hence D/d for bolts = 0x0.9x4x2.35+2x0.57x2x2.35
Hence Net area of the section = 42.6 -5.358
37.242 cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 37.242x1.53
56.98 t safe
6.0 Design of joints
Design constants for bolts
Using 22 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all members except Verticals
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 3.8X1.095
= 4.16 t
Capacity of 22 mm dia bolt in double shear = 2X4.16
In bearing against 8.32 t
thickness of web of ISMC400 ( 8.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.88
= 4.94 t
thickness of flange of ISMC400 ( 15.3 mm )= 2.55X2.2X1.53
= 8.58 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC300 ( 7.8 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.78
= 4.38 t
thickness of web of ISMC200 ( 6.2 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.62
= 3.48 t
thickness of web of ISMC150 ( 5.7 mm )= 2.55X2.2X0.57
super 497
= 3.2 t
Gusset plate ( 8 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X0.8
= 4.49 t
Gusset plate ( 10 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1
= 5.61 t
Gusset plate ( 12 mm ) = 2.55X2.2X1.2
= 6.73 t
Using 16 mm dia bolts ( turned & fitted bolts ) for all Verticals
Capacity of 16 mm dia bolt in single Shear = 2.01X1.095
= 2.2 t
Top chord joints
Joint U1
Force in U1U3 = 130.82 t
No. of bolts in the web = 130.82/4.16 = 31.45 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L1 = 28.25 t
No. of bolts in the web = 28.25/2.2 = 12.84 Provide 16 no.s
Force in U1L0 = 141.60 t
No. of bolts in the web = 141.6/4.16 = 34.04 Provide 36 no.s
Force in U1L2 = 120.47 t
No. of bolts in the web = 120.47/4.16 = 28.96 Provide 30 no.s
Joint U3
Force in U3U1 = 130.82 t
Force in top flg + flg. Portion of top plt. = (9X1.36+10X0.8)/130.2X130.82
= 20.34 t
No. of bolts = 20.34/4.16
= 4.89 Provide 5 no.s
Force in central portion of top plt. = 27X0.8/130.2X130.82
= 21.7 t
No. of bolts = 21.7/4.49
= 4.83 Provide 10 no.s
Force in bottom flg = (9X1.36)/130.2X130.82
= 12.3 t
No. of bolts = 12.3/4.16
= 2.96 Provide 3 no.s
Force in web = 130.82 - -20.34X2 - 21.7 - 12.3X2
= 43.84 t
No. of bolts = 43.84/4.16
= 10.54 Provide 12 no.s
Force in U3U5 = 214.20 t
Additional force in web of U3U5 = F U3U5 – FU3U1
= 83.38 t
Total force in web of U3U5 = 43.84+83.38
= 127.22 t
super 498
= 108.77 t
Total force in web of L2L4 = 41.270912+108.77
= 150.04 t
No. of bolts = 150.040912/4.16
= 36.07 Provide 42 no.s
Joint L4
Force in L4L2 = 185.60 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/134.29X185.598912
= 15.75 t
No. of bolts = 15.75/4.16
= 3.79 Provide 4 no.s
Force in web = 185.598912 - 4X15.75
= 122.60 t
No. of bolts = 122.598912
= 29.47 Provide 36 no.s
Force in L4L6 = 248.53 t
Additional force in web of L4L6 = F L4L6 – FL4L2
= 62.93 t
Total force in web of L4L6 = 122.598912+62.93
= 185.53 t
No. of bolts = 185.528912/4.16
= 44.6 Provide 48 no.s
Joint L6
Force in L6L4 = 248.53 t
Force in bottom flange = (10 - 1X2.55)X1.53/170.05X248.526912
= 16.66 t
No. of bolts = 16.66/4.16
= 4 Provide 5 no.s
Force in web = 248.526912 - 4X16.66
= 181.89 t
No. of bolts = 181.886912/4.16
= 43.72 Provide 48 no.s
Force in L6L8 = 268.75 t
Additional force in web of L6L8 = F L6L8 – FL6L4
= 20.22 t
Total force in web of L6L8 = 181.886912+20.22
= 202.11 t
No. of bolts = 202.106912/4.16
= 48.58 Provide 54 no.s
7.0 Design of splices
In the main girder splices have been provided at every joint in top and bottom chord
i.e. at U3,U5,U7,U9 at top chord and L2,L4,L6,L8 in the bottom chord.
Top chord
super 501
Joints – U3
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 470X8 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (47 - 2.35X4)X0.8
= 48.17 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 470X14 mm th = (47-4x2.35)x1.4X1
= 52.64 cm2
= 50.58 cm2 okay
Bottom flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36
= 9.04 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.35)x1.6
= 10.64 cm2
= 9.49 cm2 okay
Net area of the web = (30 - 1.36X2 - 2.35X3)x0.78
= 15.78 cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.35X3)x1.4
= 18.13 cm2
= 16.57 cm2 okay
Joints –U5
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X14 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X1.4
= 74.93 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X20 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2
= 81.2 cm2
= 78.68 cm2 okay
Bottom flange Same as that for bottom flg of U3
Web Same as that for web of U3
Joints –U7
Section = 2ISMC 300 + top plate 500X22 mm thk
Top flange
Net area of flange = (9 - 2.35 )x1.36X2 + (50 - 2.35X4)X2.2
= 107.41 cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 500X28 mm th = (50-2.35X4)x2.8
= 113.68 cm2
= 112.78 cm2 okay
super 502
9756.14 kg
Maximum force in de = 1400 kg
Perpendicular distance cm = 1.2Xcos45
= 0.85 m
Force in Knee force = 4591.125X3.75/0.85
= 20254.96 kg
Span of knee brace = 2X1.2Xcos45
= 1.7 m
Additional axial load in verticals = (1400X3.75)/5.25
= 1000 kg
Bending moment in verticals = 2800/2X2.55/2
= 1785 kgm
Design of Lateral members
Member cf
Force Fac = 18.94 t
Provide ISMB200 with 0X0 mm thk top flg plt , 0X0 mm thk bottom flg. Plt and
0X0 mm th + 0X0 mm th web plate
= 122.09
Calculations for allowable axial capacity
leff/rmin 122.09
Hence Pac = 62.14 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Capacity of section = 62.14x32.3/1000
20.47 t > 18.94 t hence safe
Knee brace de
Provide2ISA 65x65x8
Area of the section = 2x9.76
= 19.52 cm2
Ixx= 2x59 8
= 118 cm4
rxx= (118/19.52)^0.5
= 2.46 cms
Iyy= 2x(59+9.76x2.29^2)
= 220.36 cm4
ryy= 3.36 cms
Length of member = 170 cm c/c
Leff= 0.85x170
= 144.5 cm
Leffyy/ryy= 144.5/3.36
= 43.01
Leffxx/rxx= 0.7X170/2.46
= 48.37
leff/rmin 48.37
Hence Pac = 133.1 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
= 1357.62 kg/cm2
Hence Capacity of section = 1357.62x19.52
= 26500.74 kg > 20254.96 kg hence safe
Bottom chord bracing
Total exposed area of the bridge for top/bottom chord = 138.09/2 + 35.12
= 104.165 m2 say 110 m2
Assuming wind force @ 110 kg/m2
Wind force = 110X110 + 31.84X300
= 18652 kg
Wind force @ 450 kg/m = 51.84X450
= 23328 kg
Wind force @ 240 kg/m2 = 110X240
26400 kg
Hence Maximum wind force = 26400 kg
b) Lateral forces due to seismic
a) Seismic coefficient
z= Seismic zone factor 0.24 for Zone IV
super 510
Additional forces in bottom chord members truss due to wind loaded structure
Members Force in one girder due to kg
L0L1L2 (22.65X3.66 - 3.235X3.66)/5.25 14.00 tension
L2L3L4 (19.415X10.98 - 6.47X3.66)/5.25 37.00 tension
L4L5L6 (19.415X18.3 - 6.47X4X3.66)/5.25 50.00 tension
L6L7 (19.415X25.62 - 6.47X9X3.66)/5.25 55.00 tension
Since the bottom chord is stiffened with Solid RCC deck there is no need of bottom chord bracing
as RCC deck will take care of lateral forces due to wind
super 511
r = 2.5/4
= 0.625 cm
l/rmin = 41.57/0.625
= 66.51
Hence Pac = 115.36 ( Refer Table 11.1 of IRC 24 2001)
Hence Capacity of section = 115.36x4.91/1000
5.78 t safe
For Bottom chord
Pmax.= 259.22 t
Spacing of battens S should be such that S/rmin should not be more than 300
S = 300X2.82
= 846 cms
However provide spacing = 100 cms c/c
Minimum distance between c/c of welds = 27 + 10
= 37 cms
Effective length of end battens = 37 cms
Width of end batten = 37 cms
Thickness of battens = 37/60
= 0.62 cms say 0.8 cms
Provide end Batten = (370X370X8)mm
Effective length of intermediate Battens = 37 cms
Width of intermediate Batten = 1/2x37
= 18.5 cms say 19
Provide intermediate Batten = (370X190X8)mm
Check for end batten
Transverse Shear,V= 1/2X2.5/100X259.22
= 3.25 t
Longitudinal Shear,Q1= 3.25x100/(2X37)
= 4.4 t
Moment= (3.25x100)/(2X2)
= 81.25 t-cm
Longitudinal shear stress = (4.4x10^3)/(37x0.8)
= 148.65 Kg/cm2 less than 1096.5 Kg/cm2 hence safe
Bending stress= 81.25x10^3/(1/6x37^2x0.8)
= 445.12 Kg/cm2 less than 1530 Kg/cm2 hence safe
σc.cal= ((σbt.cal)^2+3(tvcal)2)^0.5
= (445.12^2+3x148.65^2)^0.5
= 514.22 Kg/cm2 less than 2346 Kg/cm2 hence safe
For Diagonals in tension
Pmax.= 120.47 t
Spacing of battens S should be such that S/rmin should not be more than 300
S = 300X2.2
= 660 cms
super 514
= 8.62 cms
Allowable deflection = span/600
= 5124/600
= 8.54 cms less than 8.62 cms hence camber is provided
11.0 Camber for main steel truss
(Refer Appendix A for Member forces )
Members Length Force due Area Force due PL/A UPL/A Total
to dead + to unit load x1000 x1000 x1000
( cms) live load (t) (cm2) (t) kg/cm kg/cm kg/cm
L P A U D DxU 2xDxU
L0L2 732.00 59.13 127.60 0.29 339.20 98.37 196.73
L2L4 732.00 154.96 175.60 0.87 645.97 561.99 1123.99
L4L6 732.00 215.48 223.60 1.45 705.42 1022.86 2045.71
L6L7 366.00 235.34 247.60 2.03 347.87 706.18 1412.35
U1U3 732.00 110.78 130.20 0.58 622.80 361.23 722.45
U3U5 732.00 190.31 162.60 1.16 856.72 993.80 1987.60
U5U7 732.00 230.17 202.60 1.74 831.62 1447.02 2894.04
U1L1 630.00 12.87 47.10 0.00 172.08 0.00 0.00
U3L3 630.00 15.21 47.10 0.00 203.38 0.00 0.00
U5L5 630.00 18.04 47.10 0.00 241.30 0.00 0.00
U7L7 630.00 23.38 47.10 1.00 312.73 312.73 625.45
U1L0 729.00 117.70 130.20 0.58 659.03 382.23 764.47
U1L2 729.00 102.83 92.60 0.58 809.52 469.52 939.04
U3L2 729.00 87.95 92.60 0.58 692.41 401.60 803.20
U3L4 729.00 70.36 81.00 0.58 633.26 367.29 734.58
U5L4 729.00 53.20 81.00 0.58 478.80 277.70 555.41
U5L6 729.00 36.92 42.60 0.58 631.71 366.39 732.79
U7L6 729.00 16.78 42.60 0.58 287.07 166.50 333.00
TOTAL 15870.81
Deflection at centre of truss due to dead and live load
∆ = UPL/AE
Where UPL/A= 15870.81x1000
= 15870810 kg/cm
E = 2040000 kg/cm2
∆ = 15870810/2040000
= 7.78 cms say 15.00 cms
Camber co-ordinates for other panel points
Y= ax2 For x= 25620 mm
Y= 150 mm
gives => a = 150/25620^2
= 2.3E-07
X 0.00 3660.00 10980.00 18300.00 25620.00 25620.00
Node L9 L8 L6 L4 L2 L0
super 517
200 200
r =812.5 top plt.
70 45
h= 2x812.5x-+(1625^2-400^2)^0.5/2
25 mm say 25 mm
Design of bottom plate
134 t
280 bottom plt.
Size of bottom plate assumed = 750x400x70th
Check for contact pressure
As per cl 907.1.2.1 of IRC:83 ( part 1) -1999 max despersion is limited to
2H:IV for vertical load
Contact pressure at top of rocker plate = 134x10^3/75x28 + 8.78x10^3x7x6/75x40^2
63.81 + 3.07
Refering to cl 907.1.3 of IRC:83(part1) -1999
sco,cal/sco + sc,cal/sc < 1
super 521
= 63.81/72.12 + 3.07/68.03
= 0.88 + 0.04
= 0.92 ~1 o.k.
Thickness of the plate as checked for top plate is o.k.
Rocker pins
4 nos 32 mm dia pins are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x8.04x1020/1000
= 32.81 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 32.81x1
= 32.81 t safe
Anchor bolts
10 nos 25 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 10x4.91x850/1000
= 41.72 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 41.72x1
= 41.72 t safe
Design of Roller bearing
134 t
MS Rollers 2 nos 150 mm dia 50
and 750 mm long saddle plt.
Maxm BM at a = (37.89+2x26.34)x12.6^2/6
= 2396.48 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at b = 84.51x10^3x12.6/75 - (44.67+2x63)x20^2/6
= 14197.68 - 11378
2819.68 kgcm/cm
Maxm BM at c = (56.22+2x63)x7.4^2/6
= 1663.06 kgcm/cm
Hence maximum BM = 2819.68 kgcm/cm
Assuming 3 nos 12 mm size lugs , width of recess required as per cl 907.4.2.2
= 12+2 = 14 mm
Hence effective length of top plate = 750 - 3x14
714 mm
Section modulus Zreqd. = 2819.68/1530
= 1.84 cm3
Thickness of plate reqd. = (1.84x6x75/71.4)^0.5
3.41 cm < 5 cms hence safe
4 nos 12 mm size lugs are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x1.44x1020/1000
= 5.88 t safe
Shear capacity of pins ( seismic case ) = 5.88x1
= 5.88 t safe
Anchor bolts
4 nos 16 mm dia bolts are provided
Shear capacity of pins ( normal case ) = 4x2.01x850/1000
= 6.84 t safe
super 524
100 200
L0 L1
super 526
16 10.63
224.53 275.47
Fig 1
For the gusset plate at joint L0 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L0= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L0 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 500 X 16 mm plate with holes of 23.5 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 23.5)X16/70
= 10.63 mm
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 1
10.63XZ^2/2 = 16X(500 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 275.47 mm
Area of the section = 275.47X10.63+224.53X16
= 6520.73 mm2
say 65 cm2
For two such plates = 130 cm2
MOI = 2X{10.63X275.47^3/3+16X224.53^3/3}
= 2.69E+08 mm4
= 26887.77 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
super 527
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
Joint L2
L1 L2 L3
6.86 10
444.14 367.86
figure 2
For the gusset plate at joint L2 , the critical section is along the top line of bolts through the bottom
chord . Above figure shows the forces acting on the section of this line
Force in the diagonal U1L2 = #REF! t
Force in the diagonal U3L2 = #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U1L2 = #REF!
= #REF! t
Vertical component of the diagonal force U3L2= #REF!
= #REF! t
Total horizontal component of the diagonal force = #REF!
= #REF! t
Net vertical force = #REF!
= #REF! t
One half the beam reaction is transferred to the gusset plate below the section under consideration
and the other half is transferred above the section .
in bottom chord force induced by member U1L2 . So , the section under consideration is subjected
to a combination of shear force , direct force and bending moment
The gusset plate resisting the forces consists of 812 X 10 mm plate with holes of 22 mm dia at
spacing of 70 mm c/c . The net area of the tension side of the plate is equivalent to a plate without
holes but with reduced thickness equal to
= (70 - 22)X10/70
= 6.86 mm
super 528
As holes are not deducted from the compression side , the centre of gravity is found by reference "
to figure 2
6.86XZ^2/2 = 10X(812 - Z)^2/2 Where 'Z' is the distance from the edge of the plate
on the tension side
gives Z = 444.14 mm
Area of the section = 444.14X6.86+367.86X10
= 6725.4 mm2
say 67 cm2
For two such plates = 134 cm2
MOI = 2X{6.86X444.14^3/3+10X367.86^3/3}
= 7.33E+08 mm4
= 73253.64 cm4
= #REF!
= #REF! t-cm
Maximum tensile stress in the section
= #REF!
= #REF! kg/cm2 #REF!
super 529
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X22 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x2.2
= 33.11 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U2L3,U0L0
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 200X14 mm th = (20-2.65X3)x1.4
= 16.87 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Members U3L4
Section = #REF!
Top & bottom flange
Net area of flange = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (B) 90X16 mm th = (9-2.65)x1.6
= 10.16 cm2
= #REF! cm2 #REF!
Net area of the web = #REF!
= #REF! cm2
Net area of splice plate (A) 230X12 mm th = (23-2.65X3)x1.2
= 18.06 cm2
super 531
51.24 50
super 534
30 415
#REF! 5250
0.08 0.2
super 536
500 w=
250 b=
0.5 m
0.25 m
4.7 0.225
1.8 Distance between axle=
0.15 c=
0.625 c+k=
super 537
16 125
0 125
spacing 16.08
steel provided= 16.08
0.784 0.3754 0 0
0.15 0.2 0.15
0.25 0.23 0.1
0.5 0.31 0.25 0.2
0.75 0.37 0.25 0.03
0.78 0.3748 1 0.41 0.25 0.08
1.25 0.45 0.25 0.06
1.5 0.48 0.25 0.04
super 538
100 400
Lyy/ryy= 0.85X525/4.48
= 99.61
super 539
969 Kg/cm2
0.15 0.05
super 540
super 541
102 Kg/cm2
1580 Kg/cm2
1580 Kg/cm2
969 Kg/cm2
super 542
150 L=
24 4.52
16 2.01
super 543
4.25 51.84
5.25 15
850 Hudsons formula for calculating the dead weight of the steel girder bridge
w = 785*A in Kn/m
where A = Net area of largest tension chord section in m2
super 544
= #REF! cm2
Hence w = #REF! t/m
4.25 0.4
super 545
30 h 10 40
9 b 10 10
27 s 27.5
2.35 cyy 2.42
46.3 Area = 63.8
1.36 tf= 1.53
0.78 tw 0.88
6420 ixx 15200
313 iyy RMIN 2.22 508
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
47 width of top cover plate
0.8 thickness of top cover plate
4.45 10.95
15.85 14.28
super 546
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
50 width of top cover plate
1.4 thickness of top cover plate
6.76 8.94
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b 11.5
27 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy RMIN 2.22
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
super 547
8.74 7.36
15.85 14.28
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
super 548
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
1.6 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
40 h
10 b
27 s
2.42 cyy rmin 2.82
63.8 Area =
1.53 tf= 2.55
0.88 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
30 width of front web plate
2 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
25 h
12.5 b 0 width of back web plate
25 s 0 thickness of back web plate
2.18 cyy 0 width of front web plate
47.1 Area = 0 thickness of front web plate
1.25 tf= 0 width of top cover plate
0.69 tw 0 thickness of top cover plate
super 549
1830 ixx
141 iyy
30 h 30
9 b 10 9
27 s 27
2.35 cyy 2.35
46.3 Area = 46.3
1.36 tf= 1.36
0.78 tw 0.78
6420 ixx 6420
313 iyy RMIN 2.22 313
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
47 width of top cover plate
0.8 thickness of top cover plate
4.45 10.95
15.85 14.28
30 h
9 b
25 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf=
super 550
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy 2.6
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 15
10.15 13.28
20 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.18 cyy
28.5 Area =
1.14 tf=
0.62 tw
1830 ixx
141 iyy 2.6
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
15 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 10
10.32 13.52
super 551
15 h 20
7.5 b 7.5
25 s 25
2.2 cyy 2.18
21.3 Area = 28.5
0.9 tf= 1.14
0.57 tw 0.62
788 ixx 1830
103 iyy 141
0 width of back web plate 0
0 thickness of back web plate 0
0 width of front web plate 0
0 thickness of front web plate 0
0 width of top cover plate 0
0 thickness of top cover plate 0
0 7.5
10.3 13.07
30 h
9 b
25 s rmin 2.6
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area = 2.35
1.36 tf=
0.78 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
20 h
7.5 b
25 s rmin 2.6
super 552
2.18 cyy
28.5 Area = 2.35
1.14 tf=
0.62 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
15 width of front web plate
0.8 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
15 h
7.5 b
25 s
2.2 cyy
21.3 Area = 2.35
0.9 tf=
0.57 tw
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
22 3.8
super 553
16 2.01
super 554
super 555
super 556
super 557
23.5 4
47 1.4 1
23.5 23.5
9 1.6
3 23.5
20 20
1.4 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 4
23.5 4
super 558
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
1.4 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
3 23.5
30 20
2.2 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
23.5 23.5
10 2
super 559
3 23.5
30 20
3 0
+ gusset plate (A) 200X0 mm th =
32.2 44.52
40 51.84
20 6.3 7
30 7.29 14
11664 5832
super 560
5.25 9.01
10.98 5346.00
7.5 h
7.5 b
1 s
11.38 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
7.5 h
7.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
11.38 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
37.4 ixx
37.4 iyy
super 561
16 2.01
super 562
30 h
9 b
1.2 s
2.35 cyy
46.3 Area =
1.36 tf= 15
0.78 tw
6420 ixx
313 iyy
0 width of back web plate
0 thickness of back web plate
0 width of front web plate
0 thickness of front web plate
0 width of top cover plate
0 thickness of top cover plate
0 15
2.95 1.38
super 563
super 564
ISMB 200
area 32.3 0
tw 0.57
tf 10.8
Ixx 2235.4
Iyy 150
h= 20
Top flg. Plt 0 0 0 10 0
Bot. flg plt 0 0 0 10 0
web plt 0 0 0 0 0.285
0 0 0 0 0.285
super 565
6.5 h
6.5 b
0.8 s
1.89 cyy
9.76 Area =
0.8 tf=
0.8 tw
59 ixx
59 iyy
13.2 3.77
super 566
55.4 2
22.65 6.47
10.98 19.42
super 567
50 0.7x51.25
2.6 36
super 568
50 0.7x51.04
2.6 36
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
50 0.7x51.04
super 569
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
super 570
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
50 0.7x59.13
2.2 42
super 571
1096.5 Kg/cm2
1530 Kg/cm2
2346 Kg/cm2
super 572
span 51.24
span 51.24
super 573
55 70.03
fener is reqd.
1 provided in pairs
7.5 cm
1.6 cm
0 cm
super 574
super 575
400 750
super 576
32 dia of pin
4 no of pins
super 577
25 dia of bolts
10 no of bolts
super 578
12 dia of pin
4 no of pins
12 dia of pin
3 no of pins
16 dia of bolts
4 no of bolts
super 580
1 provided in pairs
7.5 cm
1 cm
0 cm
super 581
275.47 2704.05
super 582
super 583
444.14 4727.83
super 584
3 26.5
super 585
9 1.6
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
9 1.6
3 26.5
super 586
8 1.6
3 26.5
7.5 1.2
3 26.5
8 1.6
super 587
3 26.5
7.5 1.2
3 26.5
15 1.6
7.5 1
2 26.5
super 588
Area =
super 589
Tentative Estimate of Quantities
S.no. Item of work Unit Quantity
1 Left side abutment
a) Earthwork excavation for foundation cum 200
of abutment with side slope 0H : 1V
b) Lean concrete P.C.C. 1:3:6 cum 13
(Levelling course under base slab)
c) Dirt wall and Abutment cap
i) Concrete: Grade M30 cum 7
ii) Reinforcement: H.Y.S.D bars grade S415 t 0.6
iii) Shuttering sq.m 30
d) Abutment shaft and base slab
i) Concrete: Grade M15 cum 170
ii) Reinforcement: H.Y.S.D bars grade S415 t 1.5
iii) Shuttering sq.m 150
2 Right side abutment
a) Earthwork excavation for foundation cum 75
of abutment with side slope 0H : 1V
b) Lean concrete P.C.C. 1:3:6 cum 7
(Levelling course under base slab)
c) Dirt wall and Abutment cap
i) Concrete: Grade M30 cum 7
ii) Reinforcement: H.Y.S.D bars grade S415 t 0.6
iii) Shuttering sq.m 30
d) Abutment shaft and base slab
i) Concrete: Grade M15 cum 60
ii) Reinforcement: H.Y.S.D bars grade S415 t 0.5
iii) Shuttering sq.m 75
Rocker and Roller bearings (Each of 125 t capacity)
1 Deck slab
( including deck slab , kerbs)
a) Concrete: Grade M25 cum 56
b) Reinforcement: H.Y.S.D bars grade S415 t 5
c) Shuttering sq.m 330
2 Bituminous wearing coat sq.m 225
( for average thickness of 80 mm )
3 Expansion joint nos 2
4 Railings
a) MS rolled angle railing posts t 1.6
40 mm dia MS pipes railings m 320
5 Drainage spouts
100 mm dia GI pipe 300 mm long with no 14
galvanized MS grating
6 Steel stringers t 8
7 steel cross girders t 10
8 Main steel truss girder ( including bracings ) t 75
(Structural steel to conform to IS 2062
9 Staging and centering As available
2 Approach slab ( for 4.0 m length )
a) Lean concrete P.C.C. 1:3:6
(Levelling course under approach slab) cum 6
b) Concrete: Grade M30 cum 12
Reinforcement: H.Y.S.D bars grade S415 t 1.2
c) Shuttering sq.m 12
d) Bituminous wearing coat sq.m 40
( for average thickness of 80 mm )
1 Soil testing LS
2 Load testing of superstructure LS
3 Approach road from existing road to Approach slab LS ( As per site )
#REF! 50
3a 7.000
9e 8e RL 100.6
3b 0.0
7.6 A 9d 8d A BED RL 100.6
100.6 7.2 9c 8c 3c 6c 7c RL 100.6
9b 8b 3d 6b 7b 0
100.6 RL 100.6
3e 7a
9a 8a 6a 0.1
Found. RL 100 0.4 5 4 0.5
1.8 0.3 1.4 0
1.8 0.3 1.4
0 0
0.375 0.375
1.69 9g 7d 1.69
1.69 9g 7d 1.69
0.375 0.375
0 0
(Not to scale)
Length of the Wall ( considered ) = 4.5 3.5
front counterfort from bottom of toe slab = 2
Width of the wall foundation= 3.5
Total Height of the Wall = 7.6 4.5
0f front counterfort from top of toe slab = 1.5 L L
Height from Base ( Foundation Lvl ) of
Bed Lvl = 0.6
Height of Front fill from Base for :-
Dry condition = 0.6 T
Dry unit weight of soil = 1.8 BASE PLAN
Dry unit weight of concrete = 2.4
ive load surcharge equivalent to height of earth fill = 1.2
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Backfill) = 35 Base Parameters :
Angle of friction between Backfill & Concrete = 22.5 Required for checking Base
Angle of Internal friction of soil (Front fill) = 30 Pressures for various cases
Angle of friction between front fill & Concrete = 20 Area = 3.5 x 4.5
Safe Bearing capacity of soil= 40 = 15.75
Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil = 0.7 ZTT = 4.5 x 3.5^2 / 6
z= Seismic zone factor 0.24 = 9.19
R= Response reduction factor 2.5 Z LL
= 3.5 x 4.5^2 / 6
l= for importance of the structure 1 = 11.81
Sa/g= Average response acceleration
Coefficient for 5% damping = 2.5 for medium foundation soils
Ah=Horizontal seismic coefficient = z/2xSa/gxI/R
= 0.12x2.5x1/2.5
= 0.12
(b) Determination of active earth pressure coefficient : (Refer Cl 8 of I.S.1893-1975)
Ca = (1+ or - Av)*cos2(f-l-a)/[cos l*cos2a*cos(d+l+a)] *
Here again : f= 35
i= 0 d= 22.5 for dry state
a= 0 d= 11.25 for submerged state
Ah= 0.12 l= 6.46 for Av +ve for dry state
Av= 0.06 l= 7.28 for Av -ve for dry state
Expression : Value(normal case) Value(siesmic+ve) Value(seismic -ve)
Bed Level
Foundation Level
Earth pressure Live load surcharge X-sec. Of Abut.
Earth pressure diagram
(i) Due to Backfill
Horizontal force due to L.L.surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 7.6 x 4.5
= 16.69 t
Moment due to L.L. surcharge @ O = 16.69 x 7.6 / 2
= 63.42 tm
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 7.6^ 2 x 4.5
= 52.84 t
Moment due to earth pressure @ O = 52.84 x 0.42 x 7.6
= 168.67 tm
Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 7.6^ 2 x 4.5
= 21.9 t
Moment due to this component @ O = 21.9 x 3.5
= 76.65 tm
(ii) Passive relief due to front fill
Horizontal force due to passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2794 x 0.6^ 2 x 4.5
= 0.41 t
Moment due to passive earth pressure @ O = 0.41 x 0.42 x 0.6
= 0.1 tm
Vertical component of passive earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1017 x 0.6^ 2 x 4.5
= 0.15 t
Moment due to this component @ O = 0
Seismic case : Dynamic increment in earth pressure due to seismic force
(a) Seismic force with Av +ve case
Dynamic increment (DI) on L.L. surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.3085 x 7 x 4.5 -
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 7 x 4.5 -
= 20.99 - 15.37
= 5.62 t
Moment due to this DI @ O = 5.62 x( 0.6+7x2/3)
= 29.6 tm
Dynamic increment (DI)in earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.3085 x 7^ 2 x 4.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 7^ 2 x 4.5
= 61.22 - 44.83
= 16.39 t
Moment due to this DI @ O = 16.39 x ( 0.6 + 0.50 x 7)
= 67.2 tm
DI' in Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1278 x 7^ 2 x 4.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 7^ 2 x 4.5
25.36 - 18.57
= 6.79 t
Moment due to this DI @ O = 6.79 x 3.5
= 23.77 tm
(b) Seismic force with Av -ve case
"DI" in L.L. surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2826 x 7 x 4.5 -
1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2259 x 7 x 4.5
= 19.23 - 15.37
= 3.86 t
Moment due to this DI @ O = 3.86 x( 0.6+7 x2/3)
= 20.33 tm
DI in earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2826 x 7^ 2 x 4.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2259 x 7^ 2 x 4.5
56.08 - 44.83
= 11.25 t
Moment due to this DI @ O = 11.25 x ( 0.6 + 0.50 x 7)
= 46.13 tm
in Vertical component of earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.1171 x 7^ 2 x 4.5 -
0.5 x 1.8 x 0.0936 x 7^ 2 x 4.5
23.24 - 18.57
= 4.67 t
Moment due to this DI @ O = 4.67 x 3.5 = 16.35 tm
Computation of horizontal forces and moments due to fluid pressures for all
conditions ( refer cl. 710.13 of IRC:78-2000 )
orizontal Force excluding L.L. surcharge = 0.5 x 0.48 x 7.6^2 x 4.5
= 62.38 t
Moment about Base for this force = 62.38 x 7.6 x 1/ 3 = 158.03 tm
Total Horizontal Force including L.L.surcharge ( Dry condition ) = 62.38 + 16.69
= 79.07 t
Moment about Base for this force = 158.03 + 63.42
= 221.45 tm
Recapitulation of horizontal forces and moments
Case l' Normal case , considering Earth pressure
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force base (t-m) Force at o(t-m)
(t) (t)
1 Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 52.84 168.67 21.9 76.65
2 Live load surcharge 16.69 63.42 - -
3 Passive relief due to Front fill -0.41 -0.1 0.15 0
Total : 69.12 231.99 22.05 76.65
Case II Normal case , considering fluid pressure
Serial No Particulars Force Moment at
(t) base (t-m)
1 Fluid Pressure (Backfill ) 62.38 158.03
3 Passive relief due to Front fill -0.41 -0.1
Total : 61.97 157.93
Case V Seismic case with Av +ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force base (t-m) Force w.r.t o
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 16.39 67.20 6.79 23.77
2 DI in Live load surcharge 5.62 29.60 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 22.01 96.80 6.79 23.77
Case VII Seismic case with Av -ve ,dynamic increment in earth pressure
Horizontal Moment at Vertical Moment
Serial No Particulars Force base (t-m) Force w.r.t o
(t) (t) (t-m)
1 DI in Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 11.25 46.13 4.67 16.35
2 DI in Live load surcharge 3.86 20.33 - -
3 DI in passive relief due to Front fi 0 0 0 0
Total : 15.11 66.46 4.67 16.35
Evaluation of forces and moments due to weight of abutment and earthfill
Normal case
Vertical Force L.A. w.r.t Moment Horizontal Force L.A. w.r.t Moment
Particulars = 0.06XW toe edge at toe = 0.12XW base at base
(t) (m) edge (t-m) (t) (m) ( t-m )
3a Stem 1.36 1.55 2.11 2.72 4.1 11.15
3b. -do- 0 1.55 0 0 0.6 0
8d - do - 0 2.53 0 0 0.6 0
8e - do - 0.94 2.25 2.12 1.88 4.1 7.71
Total 2.3 Total : 4.23 Total : 4.6 Total : 18.86
0.89 2.61
x L-x
Base Pressures Diagrams
x = 12.05X3.5/(35.22+12.05) = 0.89 m
Contact atrea = 2.61/3.5X100
= 74.57 % more than 67.5% and hence o.k. Refer cl.706.3.4 of IRC : 78-2000
Redistribution of Pressures
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = 0.56 m
For no tension the eccentricity should lie between middle third
Hence effective base width L1 = 3X0.56 (for no tension) = 1.68 m
Pmax = 2X[182.48 / 1.68 X 4.5 ]
= 48.28 t/m2 less than 50 t/m2 hence safe
Design of founndation slab
(All units in meter mtons unless otherwise specified)
Govering case = Seismic case with Av+ve
Pressure values are divided by 1.25 to convert them into normal values
Heel side Stem Toe side
1.8 0.3 1.4
8.05 7.25 16.91
B 14.49 20.13 28.18
Base pressure diagram
Downward pressure diagram due weight of concrete and earthfill over heel/toe slab
y x z
B C D 0.419 0.981
13.92 5.87 6.67 15.53
-0.57 18.9 18.75 26.8
Design Parameters Net pressure diagram
Overall depth of Toe slab = 50 cms
Eff. cover (assumed)= 8.1 cms
Effective depth of Toe slab = 41.9 cms
Overall depth of Heel slab = 40 cms
Effective depth of Heel slab = 31.9 cms
Design constants
Concrete Grade M 20
Steel Grade Fe 415
Modular ratio 10
Permissible compressive stress in concrete = 68 kg/cm2
Permissible compressive stress in steel = 2040 kg/cm2
n= 1 / { ( 1 + 2040 / ( 10 x 68 ) }
= 0.25
j= 1 - 0.25 / 3
= 0.917
Moment of Resistance ' R ' = 1 / 2 x 68 x 0.25 x 0.917
= 7.79 kg/cm2
Toe side slab ( Section F )
Calculations of bending moments and shear forces per meter width
Maximum average net upward pressure for 1.0m width
= (26.8+18.75)/2
= 22.78 t/m2
Bending moment at support = 22.78 x 1.69 ^ 2 / 12
= 5.42 tm/m
Bending moment at centre = 22.78 x 1.69 ^ 2 / 16
= 4.07 tm/m
deff,reqd.= { 5.42 x 10^5 / (100 x 7.79 ) }^0.5
= 26.38 cms < 41.9 safe
Ast required at support = 5.42 x 10^5 / 2040x0.917x41.9
= 6.91 cm2/m
Amin= 0.15 x 50 (cl. 707.2.7 of IRC 78 - 2000)
= 7.5 cm2/m
Provide 12mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c alth + 10 mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c extra
giving an area of 12.81 cm2/m ht.
Distribution reinforcement
(cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 8 mm
Hence provide 8mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Ast required at centre = 4.07 x 10^5 / 2040x0.917x41.9
= 5.19 cm2/m
Amin= 0.15 x 50 (cl. 707.2.7 of IRC 78 - 2000)
= 7.5 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 12 mm
Spacing of bars = 1.13 x 100 / 7.5
= 15.08 cm
Provide 12mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c alth + 0 mm dia bar at 120 mm c/c extra
giving an area of 7.54 cm2/m ht.
Distribution reinforcement
(cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 8 mm
Hence provide 8mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Check for Shear
Shear force at critical section = 22.78x(1.69/2 - 0.419)
= 9.7 t/m
Shear stress at critical section = 9.7x10^3/41.9x100
= 2.32 kg/cm2
For pt=12.81/41.9=0.31 & concrete grade M20 permissible shear stress
Tc= 2.44 kg/cm2 safe
Heel side slab ( Section B )
Maximum average net upward pressure for 1.0m width
= (13.92+5.87)/2
= 9.9 t/m2
Bending moment at support = 9.9 x 1.69 ^ 2 / 12
= 2.36 tm/m
Bending moment at centre = 9.9 x 1.69 ^ 2 / 16
= 1.77 tm/m
deff,reqd.= { 2.36 x 10^5 / (100 x 7.79 ) }^0.5
= 17.41 cms < 31.9 safe
Ast required at support = 2.36 x 10^5 / 2040x0.917x31.9
= 3.95 cm2/m
Amin= 0.15 x 40 (cl. 707.2.7 of IRC 78 - 2000)
= 6 cm2/m
Provide 12mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c alth + 0 mm dia bar at 120 mm c/c extra
giving an area of 7.54 cm2/m ht.
Distribution reinforcement
(cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 8 mm
Hence provide 8mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Ast required at centre = 1.77 x 10^5 / 2040x0.917x31.9
= 2.97 cm2/m
Amin= 0.15 x 40 (cl. 707.2.7 of IRC 78 - 2000)
= 6 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 12 mm
Spacing of bars = 1.13 x 100 / 6
= 18.85 cm
Provide 12mm dia bar at 150 mm c/c alth + 0 mm dia bar at 120 mm c/c extra
giving an area of 7.54 cm2/m ht.
Distribution reinforcement
(cl 305.10 IRC:21-2000)
Amin= 2.5 cm2/m
Dia of bar used = 8 mm
Hence provide 8mm dia bar at 200 mm c/c
Construction stage ( superstructure not erected ) (To be on safer side , Passive relief due to
Dry condition front fill has not been taken into account in
(a) Normal case this case)
(i) Considering earth pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth fill 151.34 345.52
Earth pressure (Back fill) 21.9 52.84 76.65 168.67
Total 173.24 52.84 422.17 168.67
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (422.17 - 168.67) / 173.24 = 1.46 m
Eccentricity = 3.5 / 2 - 1.46 = 0.29 m
Base pressures = 173.24 / 3.5 X 4.5 + 173.24 X 0.29 X 6 / 4.5 X 3.5^2
Ptoe = 16.47 Safe
Pheel = 5.53 Safe
actor of safety against sliding = 173.24 X 0.7 / 52.84 = 2.3 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 422.17 / 168.67 = 2.5 Safe
(ii) considering fluid pressure
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of the Wall & Earth fill 151.34 345.52
Fluid pressure 0 62.38 0 158.03
Total 151.34 62.38 345.52 158.03
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (345.52 - 158.03) / 151.34 = 1.24 m
Eccentricity = 3.5 / 2 - 1.24 = 0.51 m
Base pressures = 151.34 / 3.5 X 4.5 + 151.34 X 0.51 X 6 / 4.5 X 3.5^2
Ptoe = 18.01 Safe
Pheel = 1.21 Safe
actor of safety against sliding = 151.34 X 0.7 / 62.38 = 1.7 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 345.52 / 158.03 = 2.19 Safe
(b)Seismic case
(i) With Av +ve
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Total of normal case 173.24 52.84 422.17 168.67
Dynamic increment on backfill 6.79 16.39 23.77 67.20
Seismic on self weight 2.3 4.6 4.23 18.86
Total 182.33 73.83 450.17 254.73
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (450.17 - 254.73) / 182.33 = 1.07 m
Eccentricity = 3.5 / 2 - 1.07 = 0.68 m
Base pressures = 182.33 / 3.5 X 4.5 + 182.33 X 0.68 X 6 / 4.5 X 3.5^2
Ptoe = 25.07 Safe
Pheel = -1.92 Unsafe
actor of safety against sliding = 182.33 X 0.7 / 73.83 = 1.73 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 450.17 / 254.73 = 1.77 Safe
7.000 0.1 0.14 1.66 1.31 0.09
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
#REF! 0.6
edge (t-m)
16.65 75.8
1.18 6.29
6.73 35.89
24.56 117.98
12 150 7.54 0.79
10 150 5.27
spacing 150 7.54 cm2/m
Add. Dia 0 spacing 120
area 0 Ast 0
Total Ast 7.54
0.31 0.2392 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.35
1 0.39
1.25 0.42
1.5 0.45
1.75 0.47
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
12 150 7.54
0 120 0 0
spacing 150 7.54 cm2/m
Add. Dia 0 spacing 120
area 0 Ast 0
Total Ast 7.54
0.24 0.2160 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.35
1 0.39
1.25 0.42
1.5 0.45
1.75 0.47
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
0.48 0.41
spacing 150 5.24 cm2/m
Add. Dia 0 spacing 250
area 0 Ast 0
Total Ast 5.24
0.21 0.2040
pt M20
0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3 0.51
0.75 0.35 0.51
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
0.48 0.41
0.21 0.2040
pt M20
0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3 0.51
0.75 0.35 0.51
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
No of bars 7
34.36 cm2
0.5 0.3000 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.35
1 0.39
1.25 0.42
1.5 0.45
1.75 0.47
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
dia 10
area 0.79
No of bars 8
39.27 cm2
dia 10
area 0.79
dia 12
area 1.13
ht 2
No of bars 4
19.63 cm2
dia 10
area 0.79
dia 12
area 1.13
o account in
spacing 45
25.13 cm2/m
spacing 100
11.31 cm2/m
0.79 0.3564 0 0
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.35
1 0.39
1.25 0.42
1.5 0.45
1.75 0.47
2 0.49
2.25 0.51
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
2.5 0.51
2.75 0.51
3 0.51
PCC wing wall ( Section 1 1 ) All units in meter - mtons unless otherwise specified
6.5 1 5.3
3 0.9
0.3 4 0.3
0.3 1.48 0.3 0.9 0.3 O
Cross Section of the Wing Wall
Length of the wing wall = 4
Width of the wing wall = 3.28
Total Height of the wing wall = 6.5
Height of Frontfill = 1.2
Dry unit weight of soil = 1.8
Dry unit weight of Concrete = 2.2 ( for PCC grade M15)
Surcharge = 1.2
Angle of Internal Fricition of soil (Backfill) = 35
Angle of Fricition between Backfill & Concrete = 22.5
Safe Bearing capacity of soil= 40
Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil = 0.7
Determination of value of earth pressure coefficient : (Refer Cl 8 of I.S.1893)
Due to back fill:
Ca = (1+ or - av)*cos2(f-l-a)/[cos l*cos2a*cos(d+l+a)] *
i= 0 f= 35
a= 13.43 d= 22.5
Expression Value Expression Value
cos(f-l-a) 0.93 sin(f+d) 0.8434
cos(d+l+a) 0.8097 sin(f-i-l) 0.5736
cosl 1 cos(a-i) 0.9727
cosa 0.9727
Ca = 1*(0.93)^2/[1*(0.9727)^2*(0.8097)]*[1/{1+(0.8434*0.5736/(0.9727*0.8097) )^0.5} ]^2
= 0.3548
Horizontal Component of Ca = 0.3548 * COS(22.5 + 13.43) = 0.2873
Vertical Component of Ca = 0.3548 * SIN (22.5 + 13.43) = 0.2082
Computation of Earth Pressure Forces and Moments:
Coulomb's Theory is adopted for estimation of earth pressure.
Due to Backfill :
Horizontal force due to surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2873 x 6.5 x 4 = 16.13
Moment due to surcharge @ O = 16.13 x 6.5 / 2 = 52.42
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2873 x 6.5^ 2 x 4 = 43.7
Moment due to earth pressure @ O = 43.7 x 0.42 x 6.5 = 119.3
Vertical force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2082 x 6.5^ 2 x 4 = 31.67
Moment due to earth pressure @ O = 31.67 x 3.28 = 103.88
Computation of horizontal forces and moments due to fluid pressures
( including surcharge )
Horizontal Force = 0.5 x 0.48 x 6.5^2 x 4 = 40.56
Moment about Base = 40.56 x 6.5 x 1/ 3 = 87.88
Total Horizontal Force including surcharge ( Dry condition ) = 40.56 + 16.13 = 56.69
Moment = 87.88 + 52.42 = 140.3
Recapitulations of horizontal forces and moments
Due to earth pressure at base of the foundation
Dry Condition
Particulars Horizontal Force Moment at Vertical Moment
(t) base (t-m) Force w.r.t
t O ( tm)
Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 43.7 119.30 31.67 103.88
Surcharge ( Live Load ) 16.13 52.42 - -
Total : 59.83 171.72 31.67 103.88
b) Fluid Pressure from Backfill :
Serial No Particulars Force Moment at
(t) base (t-m)
1 Fluid Pressure (Backfill ) 56.69 140.30
Evaluation of forces and moments due to self weight of the wing wall
and soil :
L.A. w.r.t Moment at
Particulars Vertical Force toe edge toe edge
(t) (m) ( t-m )
1 0.3 X 6.2 X 4 X 2.2 16.37 1.35 22.1
2 1/2x6.2x1.48x4x2.2 40.37 1.99 80.34
3 1/2x0.9 X 0.9 X 4 X 2.2 = 3.56 0.9 3.2
4 3.28 X 0.3 X 4 X 2.2 = 8.66 1.64 14.2
5 1/2x6.2x1.48x4x1.8 33.03 2.49 82.24
6 0.3 X 6.2 X 4 X 1.8 = 13.39 3.13 41.91
Total : 115.38 Total : 243.99
Base Pressures
( Dry Condition with earth pressures)
Particular Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth fill 115.38 243.99
Earth pressures (Back fill) 31.67 59.83 103.88 171.72
Total 147.05 59.83 347.87 171.72
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (347.87 - 171.72) / 147.05 = 1.2 m
Eccentricity = 3.28 / 2 - 1.2 = 0.44 m
Base pressures = 147.05 / 3.28 X 4 + 147.05 X 0.44 X 6 / 4 X 3.28^2
Ptoe = 20.23 Safe
Pheel = 2.19 Safe
Factor of safety against sliding = 147.05 X 0.7 / 59.83 = 1.72 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 347.87 / 171.72 = 2.03 Safe
( Dry Condition with fluid pressures)
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth f 115.38 243.99
Fluid pressures 40.56 87.88
Total 115.38 40.56 243.99 87.88
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = (243.99 - 87.88) / 115.38 = 1.35 m
Eccentricity = 3.28 / 2 - 1.35 = 0.29 m
Base pressures = 115.38 / 3.28 X 4 + 115.38 X 0.29 X 6 / 4 X 3.28^2
Ptoe = 13.46 Safe
Pheel = 4.13 Safe
Factor of safety against sliding = 115.38 X 0.7 / 40.56 = 1.99 Safe
Factor of safety against overturning = 243.99 / 87.88 = 2.78 Safe
Check for the wing wall shaft ( section x-x)
Computation of Earth Pressure Forces and Moments at section x-x:
Coulomb's Theory is adopted for estimation of earth pressure.
Due to Backfill :
Horizontal force due to surcharge = 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.2871 x 5.3 x 1 = 3.29
Moment due to surcharge @ x = 3.29 x 5.3 / 2 = 8.72
Horizontal force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2871 x 5.3^ 2 x 1 = 7.26
Moment due to earth pressure @ x = 7.26 x 0.42 x 5.3 = 16.16
Vertical force due to earth pressure = 0.5 x 1.8 x 0.2076 x 5.3^ 2 x 1 = 5.25
Moment due to earth pressure @ x = 5.25 x 1.56 = 8.19
Computation of horizontal forces and moments due to fluid pressures
( including surcharge )
Horizontal Force = 0.5 x 0.48 x 5.3^2 x 1 = 6.74
Moment about x-x = 6.74 x 5.3 x 1/ 3 = 11.91
Total Horizontal Force including surcharge ( Dry condition ) = 6.74 + 3.29 = 10.03
Moment = 11.91 + 8.72 = 20.63
Recapitulations of horizontal forces and moments
Due to earth pressure at base of the foundation
Dry Condition
Particulars Horizontal Force Moment at Vertical Moment
(t) X (t-m) Force at X(t-m)
Earth Pressure ( Backfill ) 7.26 16.16 5.25 8.19
Surcharge ( Live Load ) 3.29 8.72 - -
Total : 10.55 24.88 5.25 8.19
b) Fluid Pressure from Backfill :
Serial No Particulars Force Moment at
(t) X (t-m)
1 Fluid Pressure (Backfill ) 6.74 11.91
Evaluation of forces and moments due to self weight of the wing wall
and soil :
( dry condition )
L.A. w.r.t Moment
Particulars Vertical Force X at X
(t) (m) ( t-m )
1 0.3 X 5.3 X 1 X 2.2 3.5 0.15 0.53
2 1/2x5.3x1.26x1x2.2 7.35 0.72 5.29
3 1/2x0 X 0 X 1 X 2.2 = 0 0 0
4 1.56 X 0 X 1 X 2.2 = 0 0.78 0
5 1/2x5.3x1.26x1x1.8 6.01 1.14 6.85
6 0 X 5.3 X 1 X 1.8 = 0 1.56 0
Total : 16.86 Total : 12.67
Pessures at section X
( Dry Condition with earth pressures)
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth f 16.86 12.67
Earth pressures (Back fill) 5.25 10.55 8.19 24.88
Total 22.11 10.55 20.86 24.88
Lever arm with respect to edge, X = (20.86 - 24.88) / 22.11 = -0.18 m
Eccentricity = 1.56 / 2 - -0.18 = 0.96 m
Pressures = 22.11 / 1.56 X 1 + 22.11 X 0.96 X 6 / 1 X 1.56^2
Pmax = 66.5 =< 375 t/m2 safe
Pmin = -38.16 => -40 t/m2 Safe
( Dry Condition with fluid earth pressures)
Particulars Loads (t) Moments (t-m)
Vertical Horizontal Restoring Overturning
Self Weight of Abutment & Earth f 16.86 12.67
Fluid pressures 6.74 11.91
Total 16.86 6.74 12.67 11.91
Lever arm with respect to edge, X = (12.67 - 11.91) / 16.86 = 0.05 m
Eccentricity = 1.56 / 2 - 0.05 = 0.73 m
Pressures = 16.86 / 1.56 X 1 + 16.86 X 0.73 X 6 / 1 X 1.56^2
Pmax = 41.15 =< 375 t/m2 safe
Pmin = -19.54 => -40 t/m2 Safe
Since tension occurs in the heel side of the foundation , there is a reduction in the contact area of
the soil and hence there is a increase in the maximum base pressure at toe side after redistribution
of pressures .
( Dry condition with earth pressure case will experience maximum tension. )
Check for area of contact
0.32 2.96
x L-x
Base Pressures Diagrams
x = 2.19X3.28/(20.23+2.19) = 0.32 m
Contact atrea = 2.96/3.28X100
= 90.24 % more than 67.5% and hence o.k. Refer cl.706.3.4 of IRC : 78-2000
Redistribution of Pressures
Lever arm with respect to edge, 0 = 1.2 m
For no tension the eccentricity should lie between middle third
Hence effective base width L1 = 3X1.2 (for no tension) = 3.6 m
Pmax = 2X[147.05 / 3.6 X 4]
= 20.42 t/m2 less than 50 t/m2 hence safe
31.32 M3
67.66 M2
Design of Wing Walls
5.3 1 5.3
3 0
0 4 0
0 1.26 0.3 0 0
Length of Abutment = 1
Width of Abutment = 1.56
Total Height of Abutment = 5.3
Height of Frontfill = 0
Dry unit weight of soil = 1.8
Dry unit weight of concrete = 2.2
Surcharge = 1.2
Angle of Internal Fricition of soil (Backfill) = 35
Angle of Fricition between Backfill & Concrete = 22.5
Safe Bearing capacity of soil= 40
Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil = 0.7
Determination of value of earth pressure coefficient :
(Refer Cl 8 of I.S.1893)
Due to back fill: