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Online Adm Ctod 18

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After purchasing of Information Booklet along with PIN, a candidate has to follow various
steps of Online Admission as under :
ÃkeLk MkkÚkuLke {krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk ¾heãk çkkË ykuLk÷kELk «ðuþ {kxu W{uËðkhu Lke[u {wsçkLkk íkçk¬kyku
yLkwMkhðkLkk hnuþu.
3.1 ProcedurE for online REGISTRATION (ykuLk÷kELk hrsMxÙuþLkLke «r¢Þk)

Fig 3.1 Screen of “www.gujdiploma.nic.in”

1. For online registration a candidate has to log on to the website www.gujdiploma.

nic.in from anywhere on the internet. The computer screen will appear after
logon as shown in Fig 3.1.
1. yku™÷kE™ 2rsMxÙuþ™ {kxu W{uËðk2u fkuE 5ý MÚk¤uÚke ELx2™uxLkk {kæÞ{Úke ðuçkMkkEx www.
gujdiploma.nic.in 52 ÷ku„ykuLk ÚkðkLkwt 2nuþu. ÷kuøkykuLk ÚkðkÚke fkuBÃÞwx2 M¢eLk Fig 3.1
{wsƒ™e Ëu¾kþu.
2. For first time registration, click For Registration to Diploma Courses-ACPDC-2018
The computer screen will appear as shown in Fig. 3.2.
2. «Úk{ ð¾ík hrsMxÙuþLk {kxu For Registration to Diploma Courses-ACPDC-2018 Âõ÷f
fhku. fkuBÃÞwxh M¢eLk Fig. 3.2 {wsçk Ëu¾kþu.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.2 Screen of First Step for Registration
3. A candidate has to choose his Course Name from given options (as Fig. 3.2) and
wait till the computer screen will display as Fig. 3.3
3. W{uËðkhu ykÃku÷ rðfÕÃkku{ktÚke fku»koLke ÃkMktËøke (Fig. 3.2 «{kýu) fhðkLke hnuþu yLku fkuBÃÞwxh
M¢eLk Fig. 3.3. {wsçkLke Ëu¾kÞ íÞkt MkwÄe hkn òuðkLke hnuþu.

Fig 3.3 Screen of “Online Registration Form”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
4. Important Points for Registration details :
Enter and Verify the entries made and if every detail found correct then choose
I Agree option at the bottom of the form, if the declaration is acceptable.
If the candidate selects I Agree option, he will be allowed to click the
SUBMIT REGISTRATION DETAILS button. In case any mandatory information not
filled then registration will not be completed. In such case the incomplete details
will be highlighted by ‘ * ’ with red colour. Provide the incomplete information
and click SUBMIT REGISTRATION DETAILS button. The computer screen will appear
as shown in Fig. 3.4
4. Details {kxuLkk {n¥ðLkk {wÆkyku :
{krníke Ëk¾÷ fhku yLku ykÃku÷ {krníke [fkMkku. òu Ëhuf {krníke Mkk[e nkuÞ íkku, declaration
ðkt[e òu íku økúkÌk nkuÞ íkku Vku{oLke Lke[u ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ I Agree çkxLk WÃkh õ÷ef fhku. òu
W{uËðkh I Agree çkxLk WÃkh õ÷ef fhþu íkku s SUBMIT REGISTRATION DETAILS çkxLk
õ÷ef fhðk Ëuðk{kt ykðþu. fkuEÃký rfMMkk{kt òu {ktøkðk{kt ykðu÷e VhSÞkík {krníke Ãkqýo
Lknª nkuÞ íkku hSMxÙuþLk «r¢Þk Ãkqýo Úkþu Lknª. ykðk rfMMkkyku{kt yÄqhe / ¾qxíke rðøkíkkuðk¤k
¾kLkk{kt ÷k÷ f÷hLkk ‘ * ’ Ëþkoððk{kt ykðþu. yÄqhe / ¾qxíke rðøkíkku Ãkqýo fÞko çkkË
SUBMIT REGISTRATION DETAILS çkxLk WÃkh õ÷ef fhku. fkuBÃÞwxh M¢eLk Fig. 3.4 {wsçk Ëu¾kþu.
(b) SSC Lke MkkiÚke AuÕ÷e {kfoþex {wsçk SSC W¥keýo fÞkoLkku {rnLkku íkÚkk ð»ko Ëk¾÷ fhku.
(c) {krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk MkkÚku ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ku 14 yktfzkLkku PIN Ëk¾÷ fhku. ÞkË hk¾ku fu PIN
fuMk MkuÂLMkxeð Au.
(d) Ëk¾÷ fhu÷ rðøkíkku [fkMkku. òu rðøkíkku çkhkçkh {k÷q{ Ãkzu íkku SUBMIT Âõ÷f fhku.
fkuBÃÞwxh M¢eLk Fig. 3.4 {wsçk Ëu¾kþu.

Fig 3.4 Screen of “OTP for online Registration of Admission”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.5 (a) Display Screen for entering Reservation details
5. Generation of User ID/Log in ID
(a) One Time Password (OTP) will come on given mobile number. After giving
OTP User ID/Log in ID will be generated automatically and it will be sent
on candidate mobile number.
(b) After that the computer screen will display as Fig 3.5 (a), click Reservation Details,
Computer screen will appear as shown in Fig 3.5 (b)
5. User ID/Log in IDLke h[LkkLkku íkçk¬ku :
(y) One Time Password (OTP) {kuçkkE÷ WÃkh ykðþu. OTP ykÃÞk ÃkAe User ID/Log in ID
sLkhux Úkþu. su W{uËðkhLkk {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh WÃkh {kuf÷ðk{kt ykðþu.
(çk) íkuLkk ÃkAe fkuBÃÞwxh M¢eLk Fig 3.5 (a) {wsçk Ëu¾kþu. Reservation Details WÃkh õ÷ef fhku.
fkuBÃÞwxh M¢eLk Fig 3.5 (b) {wsçk Ëu¾kþu.

Fig 3.5 (b) Display Screen for entering Reservation details

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
6. Enter and Verify the details entered and if all details found correct, click SUBMIT button
than Computer screen will appear as shown in Fig 3.6
6. {krnŒe Ëk¾÷ fhku y™u yk…u÷ {krnŒe [fk‚ku. sku rð„Œku ƒhkƒh {k÷q{ …zu Œku SUBMIT
rõ÷f fhku. fkuBÃÞwxh M¢e™ Fig 3.6 {wsƒ Ëu¾kþu.

Fig 3.6 Display Screen of Marks Details

7. Click Marks Details, Computer screen will appear as shown in Fig 3.6(a).

Fig 3.6 (a) Screen of “Entering Marks Details”

Enter and Verify the details entered and if all details found correct, click SUBMIT button
than Computer screen will appear as shown in Fig 3.7
7. Marks Details Ãkh Âõ÷f fhku. fkuBÃÞwxh M¢eLk 3.6(a) {wsçk Ëu¾kþu.
{krnŒe Ëk¾÷ fhku y™u yk…u÷ {krnŒe [fk‚ku. sku rð„Œku ƒhkƒh {k÷q{ …zu Œku SUBMIT
rõ÷f fhku. fkuBÃÞwxh M¢e™ Fig 3.7 {wsƒ Ëu¾kþu.
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.7 Screen of Confirmed Registration Details Option
8. Confirmation of Registration Details :
(a) If any corrections are required then go to main menu bar and click
Registration Details, then press Edit Registration Details button,then
Computer screen will appear as shown in Fig 3.7(a)
After editing, the candidate has to verify the details entered and if every
detail found correct, click Confirm Registration Details (shown in fig. 3.7(b))
button. No changes to registration details will be allowed after this.
(b) Click on Downloads Confirmation Page button as shown in Fig 3.7(c). The
PDF file is generated and candidate can download this file. The PDF file
after downloading appear as shown in fig 3.8. The candidate will be able to
take print out of the Registration Form after downloading the confimation
details pdf file.
8. hSMxÙuþ™ fLV{o fhðk™ku Œƒ¬ku :
(y) sku fkuR ‚wÄkhk fhðk sYhe sýkÞ Œku, {wÏÞ {u™wƒkh{kt òyku y™u Registration Details
rõ÷f fhku, …Ae Edit Registration Details ƒx™ ˃kðku, fkuB…wxh M¢e™ Fig 3.7(a)
{wsƒ Ëu¾kþu.
‚wÄkhk fÞko ƒkË W{uËðkhu Ëhuf rð„Œ [fk‚ðe y™u sku Œu rð„Œ ‚k[e nkuÞ Œku,
Confirm Registration Details (shown in Fig 3.7(b)) ƒx™ …h õ÷ef fhðwt.
íÞkhƒkË hrsMxÙuþ™™e rð„Œku{kt fkuR…ý «fkh™ku VuhVkh fhðk Ëuðk{kt ykðþu ™net.
(ƒ) Fig 3.7(c) {wsƒ Downloads Confirmation Page ƒx™ rõ÷f fhku. PDF file
WËT¼ðþu y™u W{uËðkh Œu VkR÷™u download fhe þfþu. Download fÞko …Ae PDF
file fig 3.8 {wsƒ Ëu¾kþu. Confirmation details pdf file ™u download fÞko ƒkË
s W{uËðkh Registration From™e r«LxykWx ÷R þfþu.

Fig 3.7 (a) Edit Registration Details

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.7 (b) Screen of “Registration Details”

Fig 3.7 (c) Screen of “Download Registration Confirmation Details”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State

Fig 3.8 Screen of “Registration Confirmation Details”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
9. (a) After printing Registration Form, it is mandatory for candidate to give
confirmation at Help Centre.
(b) For the confirmation of registration at Help Centre, the candidate have to
take printout of the Registration Form (two copies). Self-attested copies
of all relevant documents (as per the list mentioned at the bottom of the
Registration Form) should be attached with the Registration Form.
(c) The officer at the Help Centre will verify the Registration Form and
photocopies of relevant documents with originals. The officer will retain
Registration Form and set of self attested documents, and issue the
Registration Slip (as shown in Fig. 3.9) with signature and seal to the
9. (a) Registration FormLke r«Lx fkZâk çkkË, W{uËðkhku {kxu nuÕÃk MkuLxh ¾kíku LkkUÄýe fhkððkLkwt
VhrsÞkík Au.
(b) nuÕÃk MkuLxh ¾kíku hrsMxÙuþLkLke [fkMkýe {kxu W{uËðkhu Registration Form Lke
r«Lx ykWx (çku Lkf÷) fkZðkLke hnuþu. Registration Form MkkÚku sYhe «{kýÃkºkku
(Registration Form Lkk ytíku sýkðu÷ ÷eMx {wsçk)Lke Mð«{krýík Lkf÷ òuzðkLke
(c) nuÕÃk MkuLxhLkk yrÄfkhe Registration Form íkÚkk Mð«{krýík Lkf÷kuLke [fkMkýe
yMk÷ «{kýÃkºkku MkkÚku fhe hrsMxÙuþLk Vku{o yLku Mð«{krýík Lkf÷kuLkku yuf Mkux ÷E,
Registration Slip (Fig. 3.9{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk){kt Mkne-rMk¬k fhe W{uËðkhLku ykÃkþu.
10. (a) It is mandatory for candidate to obtain Registration Slip, without which
candidate shall not be eligible for the further admission process.
(b) After successful completion of registration process, provisional merit
numbers will be allotted on a stipulated date. Candidate will be able to
view provisional merit numbers by selecting sub menu Reg. Details of
menu bar, his registered ID on website www.gujdiploma.nic.in
10. (a) W{uËðkhu Registration Slip {u¤ððe VhrsÞkík Au, íku rMkðkÞ W{uËðkhLku ykøk¤Lke
«ðuþ «r¢Þk{kt ¼køk ÷uðk Ëuðk{kt ykðþu Lknª.
(b) hrsMxÙuþLkLke «r¢Þk MkV¤íkkÃkqðof Ãkqýo fÞko çkkË, rLkÞík Mk{Þ{kt «kurðÍLk÷ {uhex
Lktçkh Vk¤ððk{kt ykðþu. W{uËðkh ÃkkuíkkLkku «kurðÍLk÷ {uhex Lktçkh ðuçkMkkEx www.
gujdiploma.nic.in{kt {uLkwçkkhLkkt Mkçk{uLkw Reg DetailsLke ÃkMktËøke fhe, ÃkkuíkkLkk hrsMxh
fhu÷k ykEzeÚke òuE þfþu.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.9 Screen of “Registration Slip”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
For performing different activities in one’s account different options are given in
rðrðÄ fkÞoðkne {kxu W{uËðkhLkk yufkWLx{kt {uLkwt{kt Lke[u {wsçkLkk rðfÕÃkku ykÃkðk{kt ykÔÞk Au.
Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State
Admission Committee for Diploma Professional Courses [ACPDC]
Constituted under Section 4 of the Gujarat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or Institutions,
Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees Act, 2007, Guj. 2 of 2008
Home • Logout • Registration Details • Edit Registration Details • Available Choices • Fill Choices
• Display Filled Choices • Change Password • Information Letter
Option Activity that can be performedÚkE þfLkkh fkÞoðkne

Home To come back to Home Page Home Page WÃkh Ãkhík ykððk {kxu
Logout To Exit your login account ík{khk ÷kuøk-ELk{ktÚke çknkh Lkef¤ðk {kxu
Registration Details To view Registration Details hrsMxÙuþLkLke rðøkíkku òýðk {kxu
Edit Registration Details To edit Registration Details hrsMxÙuþLkLke rðøkíkku{kt MkwÄkhku fhðk {kxu
Available Choices Candidate can see all the choices available to him according to his
eligibility. Also candidate can sort the choices according to the regions
and/or the type of the institute.
W{uËðkh íku{Lke ÞkuøÞíkk {wsçk WÃk÷çÄ [kuEMkLke rðøkíkku òuE þfþu. íkËTWÃkhktík
W{uËðkh íku{Lke ÃkMktËøke {wsçk WÃk÷çÄ [kuEMkLku MÚk¤ yLku/yÚkðk MktMÚkkLkk «fkh
{wsçk yøkúíkk¢{ yLkwMkkh økkuXðe þfþu.
Fill Choices Candidate can fill the choices from the available choices and set the
priority of choices subsequently.
W{uËðkh WÃk÷çÄ [kuEMk{ktÚke ÃkMktËøke fhe þfþu yLku íÞkhçkkË íkuLkku yøkúíkk¢{
Lk¬e fhe þfþu.
Filled Choices Candidate can see the priority of choices filled and saved by him.
W{uËðkh íkuyku îkhk ÃkMktËøke {wsçk økkuXðýe fhu÷ [kuEMk òuE þfþu.
Change Password Candidate can reset the password for the security purpose.
Mk÷k{íkeLkk fkhýkuMkh W{uËðkh íkuykuLkku ÃkkMkðzo çkË÷e þfþu.
Information Letter After the final allotment of seats to candidates, they can get print of
the Information Letter and the fee challan for the payment of tuition
fees. ytrík{ «ðuþ Vk¤ðýe çkkË, xâwþLk Ve ¼hðk {kxu W{uËðkhu Information
Letter íkÚkk fee challan Lke r«Lx fkZe þfþu.
Login History Candidate can see the various activities done in Login ID on which
date, time and from which IP Address.
W{uËðkh Login ID {kt swËe swËe «r¢Þkyku fE íkkhe¾u, Mk{Þu yLku fÞk IP
Address WÃkhÚke ÚkE íku òuE þfþu.
Reshuffling The candidate who wishes to take part in next round of admission,
has to give consent by clicking Yes button.
su W{uËðkhku «ðuþ «r¢ÞkLkkt nðu ÃkAeLkkt íkçk¬k{kt ¼køk ÷uðk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ,
íkuykuyu Yes çkxLk Ëçkkðe Mkt{rík ykÃkðkLke hnuþu.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.10 Screen of “Welcome”
 For filling up of the choices of courses and institutes the candidate has to login
to the website www.gujdiploma.nic.in by using login ID, PIN and password (Refer
Fig. 3.1). After login screen will appear as shown in Fig. 3.10.
 rðãkþk¾k íkÚkk MktMÚkk™e ÃkMktËøke {kxu W{uËðkhu www.gujdiploma.nic.inðuçkMkkEx{kt login
ID, PIN íkÚkk ÃkkMkðzoÚke ÷kuøkELk ÚkðkLkwt hnuþu (sqyku Fig. 3.1). ÷kuøkELk ÚkkÞ çkkË Fig. 3.10{kt
ËþkoÔÞk {wsçkLke M¢eLk Ëu¾kþu.

Fig 3.11 Screen of “Choices Available”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
 Click on Available Choices button, the screen will appear as shown in Fig. 3.11.
 Available Choices WÃkh Âõ÷f fhku, ykÚke Fig. 3.11{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçkLke M¢eLk Ëu¾kþu.
 After login, the candidate can see all available choices according to his eligibility
(Category, Subcategory, Gender, TFWS etc). There will be so many options of available
choices for candidate. The candidate can sort his choices according to institute name
and/or course name, region wise etc.
 ÷kuøkELk ÚkÞk çkkË W{uËðkh íku{Lke ÞkuøÞíkk (fuxuøkhe, Mkçkfuxuøkhe, òrík, Ve {kVe ÞkusLkk rðøkuhu)
yLkwMkkh WÃk÷çÄ ÃkMktËøke òuE þfþu. ÃkMktËøke {kxu W{uËðkh ÃkkMku ½ýk çkÄkt rðfÕÃkku WÃk÷çÄ
nþu. W{uËðkh íku{Lke ÃkMktËøke MktMÚkkLkk Lkk{ yLku/yÚkðk yÇÞkMk¢{, MÚk¤ {wsçk yøkúíkk¢{
yLkwMkkh økkuXðe þfþu.
 The candidate can fill single choice as well as multiple choices at one time. Click
on Fill Choices button, the screen will appear as shown in Fig. 3.12a/3.12b.
 W{uËðkh yuf yÚkðk yuf fhíkkt ðÄw ÃkMktËøke yuf s Mk{Þu ¼he þfþu. Fill Choices çkxLk WÃkh
Âõ÷f fhðkÚke, Fig. 3.12a/3.12b{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçkLke M¢eLk Ëu¾kþu.
 For filling up single choice, by clicking on ADD button in first grid one can fill
single choice at one time and the choice will be displayed in second grid after
the previously selected choices as shown in Fig. 3.12a/3.12b.
 yuf Mk{Þu {kºk yuf ÃkMktËøke fhðk {kxu W{uËðkhu Ãknu÷e økúez{kt ADD çkxLk WÃkh õ÷ef fhðkLkwt
hnuþu. yk{ fhðkÚke ÃkMktË fhu÷ ÃkMktËøke çkeS økúez{kt yøkkW ÃkMktË fhu÷ ÃkMktËøkeLke Lke[u ykðe
sþu. (Fig. 3.12a/3.12b)

Fig 3.12a Screen of “Fill Choices”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.12 b Screen of “Fill Choices”
 For filling up multiple choices, the candidate have to select all the choices by
clicking square box on the left side and press the Add Multiple Choice button,
by doing so, all the selected choices will be displayed in the second grid. The
candidate has to give priority of choices by move choice function or by swap
choice function.
 yuf fhíkk ðÄw ÃkMktËøke {kxu, zkçke çkksw ÃkMktËøkeLke Mkk{u ykÃku÷ [kuhMk ¾kLkk{kt Âõ÷f fhðkLkwt hnuþu
Add Multiple Choice çkxLk Âõ÷f fhðkLkwt hnuþu, yk{ fhðkÚke ÃkMktË fhu÷ ÃkMktËøkeyku çkeS
økúez{kt Ëu¾kþu. ÃkMktËøke {wsçkLkk yøkúíkk¢{ ykÃkðk {kxu W{uËðkhu move choice function
yÚkðk swap choice functionLkku WÃkÞkuøk fhðkLkku hnuþu.
 Using Move Choice Function, the candidate can move the choice to anywhere.
 Move Choice Function Lke {ËËÚke W{uËðkh ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe{ktLke fkuEÃký ÃkMktËøkeLkku MÚkkLk¢{
çkË÷e þfþu.
 Using Swap Choice Function, candidate can interchange any two choice priorities.
 Swap Choice FunctionLke {ËËÚke W{uËðkh íkuykuLkkt ÃkMktËøkeLkkt yøkúíkk¢{Lkkt fkuEÃký çku
LktçkhLke yhMkÃkhMk çkË÷e fhe þfþu.
 The candidates has to press SAVE CHOICES button for saving the filled choices.
After filling all choices he has to enter SAVE AND EXIT button then window will
open as Shown in Fig. 3.13, which will show the filled choices in ascending order.
 ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe Lku Mkk[ðe hk¾ðk {kxu (Mkuð fhðk {kxu) W{uËðkhu SAVE CHOICES çkxLk õ÷ef
fhðkLkwt hnuþu. ÃkMktËøkeÞkËeLke «r¢Þk Ãkqýo fÞko çkkË W{uËðkhu SAVE AND EXIT çkxLk ËçkkððkLkwt
hnuþu. yk{ fhðkÚke Fig. 3.13{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk [Zíkk ¢{{kt ÃkMktËøke ÞkËe òuðk {¤þu.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig 3.13 Screen of “Filled Choices”
 If the candidate wants to modify choice, he should click on Modify Choices
button then he will be redirected to Fill Choice page.
 òu W{uËðkh ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe{kt VuhçkË÷ fhðk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ íkku, Modify Choices çkxLk Ãkh
õ÷ef fhðwt. yk{ fhðkÚke Fill Choice page òuðk {¤þu.

Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State

Fig 3.14 Screen of “Display Filled Choices”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
 The candidate has to lock his final choices within the stipulated time limit. On
clicking Lock Choices button a message “Enter your 14 digit PIN number” will be
displayed as shown in Fig. 3.14. After entering your PIN, choices will be locked.
If you want to modify the locked choices, click on Unlock Choice button. By
entering your 14 digit PIN number you can unlock the filled choices. Repeat the
same procedure of locking of choices mentioned earlier.
 W{uËðkhu íkuykuLke yk¾he ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe rLkÞík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt lock fhðkLke hnuþu. Lock Choices
çkxLk Âõ÷f fhðkÚke Fig. 3.14. {kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk “Enter your 14 digit PIN number” MktËuþku
ykðþu. PIN ykÃÞk çkkË ÃkMktËøke ÞkËe lock ÚkE sþu. Lock fhu÷ ÃkMktËøke ÞkËe{kt òu ykÃk
VuhçkË÷ fhðk RåAíkk nkuð íkku, Unlock Choice çkxLk Âõ÷f fhku. ykÃkLkku 14 yktfzkLkku PIN
ykÃÞk çkkË ík{u ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe{kt VuhçkË÷ fhe þfþku. ÃkMktËøkeÞkËeLku lock fhðk {kxu yøkkW
{wsçkLke «r¢Þk VheÚke fhðe.

3.3 MOCK ROUND ({kuf hkWLz) :

Mock round is a trial process to understand the choice filling process as well as seat
allotment process, also to know the possible availability of courses / institute as per
the merit of candidate.
{kufhkWLz yu çkuXf ÃkMktËøke íku{s çkuXfkuLke Vk¤ðýeLke «r¢Þk Mk{sðk {kxuLkku íkçk¬ku Au, suLkkÚke W{uËðkh íkuLkkt
{uhex yLkwMkkh fE rðãkþk¾k / MktMÚkk{kt «ðuþ {¤e þfu íku{ Au íkuLkku ytËks {u¤ðe þfu Au.
There will be one mock (practice) round of seat allotment prior to the actual seat
allotment. During the mock round the candidates have to fill their choices online
within the specified time period. After that as per the counseling schedule the result
will be declared. The candidates have to see their result by login to their login ID
on the website. The result and analysis can also be available on website www.acpdc.
in. After the declaration of the result of the mock round, candidates can go through
the cutoff marks of the different courses and institutes so that they can get an idea
of filling the choices for the actual round. And at the end, after declaration of result
of mock round, the candidates can fill their Final Choices for first regular round of
¾hu¾h çkuXf Vk¤ðýe fhíkkt Ãknu÷kt yuf {kuf («uÂõxMk) hkWLz fhkððk{kt ykðþu. yk
{kufhkWLz ËhBÞkLk W{uËðkhu rLkÞík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt ykuLk÷kELk ÃkMktËøke ykÃkðkLke hnuþu.
íÞkhçkkË fkWLMku÷ªøk rþzâw÷ «{kýu Ãkrhýk{Lke ònuhkík fhðk{kt ykðþu. W{uËðkh ðuçkMkkEx{kt
ÃkkuíkkLkk ÷kuøkELk ykEzeÚke ÷kuøkELk ÚkE yk Ãkrhýk{ òuE þfþu. {kuf hkWLzLkwt Ãkrhýk{
yLku rð&÷u»ký ðuçkMkkEx www.acpdc.in WÃkh Ãký òuE þfkþu. {kuf hkWLzLkk Ãkrhýk{
çkkË W{uËðkhu rðrðÄ yÇÞkMk¢{ku íkÚkk MktMÚkkykuLkkt fxykuV {kfoMkLkku yÇÞkMk fhðku. ykÚke
¾hu¾h «ðuþ hkWLz {kxu ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe çkLkkððk{kt Mkh¤íkk hnuþu. yLku ytíku, {kuf hkWLzLkk
Ãkrhýk{ çkkË, W{uËðkhu «Úk{ çkuXf Vk¤ðýe {kxu ytrík{ ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe çkLkkððkLke hnuþu.
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Since the seat allotment being done in accordance with candidate’s Merit
number, Category and choices given by all the candidates, it is not necessary
to get the same seat in the first round as acquired in the Mock round.
çkuXfkuLke Vk¤ðýe W{uËðkhLkk {uhex ¢{ktf, fuxuøkhe yLku ík{k{ W{uËðkhku îkhk yÃkkÞu÷
ÃkMktËøke ÞkËeLkkt MkkÃkuûku Úkíke nkuðkÚke {kuf hkWLz{kt Vk¤ðkÞu÷ çkuXf s «Úk{ hkWLz{kt {¤u
íku sYhe LkÚke.

3.4 FIRST PHASE OF ALLOTMENT OF SEAT (çkuXf Vk¤ðýeLkku «Úk{ íkçk¬ku) :

1. After the choice filling period is over, the ACPC will process for allotment of
seats and declare the status of allotment on the website www.gujdiploma.nic.
in. The candidates can view their status of allotment by login to their own
login ID.
1. [kuEMk rV÷ªøk rÃkheÞz Ãkqýo ÚkE økÞk çkkË, «ðuþ Mkr{rík çkuXf Vk¤ðýeLke «r¢Þk {kxu
fkÞoðkne fhþu yLku çkuXf Vk¤ðýeLke ÂMÚkrík ðuçkMkkEx www.gujdiploma.nic.in Ãkh ònuh
fhþu. W{uËðkh íkuykuLke çkuXf Vk¤ðýeLke ÂMÚkrík íkuykuLkk ÷kuøkELk ykEzeÚke ÷kuøk-ykuLk ÚkE
{u¤ðe þfþu.
2. The statistics of the latest allotment status of seats will also be available on
the website www.gujdiploma.nic.in as well as on www.acpdc.in.
2. çkuXf Vk¤ðýeLke ÷uxuMx yktfzkfeÞ {krníke ðuçkMkkEx www.gujdiploma.nic.in yLku www.
acpdc.in WÃkh ònuh fhðk{kt ykðþu.
3. After declaration of results of allotment of seats, if the candidate gets any
seat, he can get Information Letter along with bank fee challans showing
requisite tuition fees to be paid, by clicking on the link Result and thereafter
on Information Letter (as shown in Fig. 3.15). If the candidate didn’t get
any seat then message will be shown as “Sorry! You did not get any seat”.
The candidate who has been allotted a seat, shall take the printout of the
Information Letter of seat allotment. The candidate wishes to pay fees at bank
has to take print out of a Payment Slip and those who wishes to make the
payment online either using debit/credit card or net banking facility can do
so by clicking on “Make Online Payment” button.
3 çkuXf Vk¤ðýeLke «r¢ÞkLkwt Ãkrhýk{ ònuh ÚkÞk çkkË, W{uËðkhLku òu çkuXfLke Vk¤ðýe fhðk{kt
ykðþu íkku, W{uËðkhu Information Letter (Fig. 3.15{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk) íkÚkk sYhe xâwþLk
Ve ¼hðkLke rðøkíkku MkkÚkuLkkt Bank Fee ChallanLke r«Lx ykWx fkZðkLke hnuþu. yk {kxu
W{uËðkhu Result yLku íÞkhçkkË Information Letter ÷eLf WÃkh õ÷ef fhðkLke hnuþu. òu
W{uËðkhLku çkuXf WÃk÷çÄ Lknª ÚkkÞ íkku, “Sorry! You did not get any seat” MktËuþku òuðk
{¤þu. çkuXf Vk¤ðkÞu÷ W{uËðkhu Information Letter Lke r«Lx ykWx fkZðkLke hnuþu. su
W{uËðkhku VeLke [qfðýe çkUf WÃkh fhðk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ, íkuykuyu Payment SlipLke r«Lx ykWx
fkZðkLke hnuþu yLku su W{uËðkhku ykuLk÷kELk Ãku{uLx fhðk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ, íkuyku zuçkex/¢uzex
fkzoÚke yÚkðk Lkux çkUfªøk MkwrðÄkÚke ykuLk÷kELk VeLke [qfðýe fhe þfþu, íkuykuyu yk {kxu
“Make Online Payment” çkxLk ËçkkððkLkwt hnuþu.
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig. 3.15 Screen of “Information Letter”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
({¤u÷ «ðuþLkkt CONFIRMATION {kxuLke «r¢Þk) :
1. The successful candidate has to pay by cash the requisite amount of tuition fee at any
of designated branches of Kotak Mahindra Bank or through online payment within
the time limit specified by the Admission Committee. By doing so, the admission
allotted to the candidate get automatically confirmed. Then candidate has to click on
Admission Detail, thereafter click on Print Admission Slip link, by doing so, candidate
can get the print of “Admission Slip” (Fig. 3.16) after entering in to his login ID.
1. çkuXf Vk¤ðkÞu÷ W{uËðkhkuyu «ðuþ Mkr{rík îkhk rLkÄkorhík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt sYhe xâwþLk VeLke
hf{ hkufz{kt fkuxf {rnLÿk çkUf Lke rLkÞík þk¾k yÚkðk ykuLk÷kELk s{k fhkððkLke hnuþu. yk{
fhðkÚke W{uËðkhLku Vk¤ððk{kt ykðu÷ «ðuþ ykÃkkuykÃk fkÞ{ ÚkE sþu. íÞkhçkkË W{uËðkhu
ÃkkuíkkLkkt Login ID{ktÚke Admission Detail WÃkh Âõ÷f fÞko çkkË Print Admission Slip
÷ªf WÃkh õ÷ef fhðkÚke, W{uËðkh ÃkkuíkkLke “Admission Slip” (Fig. 3.16)Lke r«LxykWx
{u¤ðe þfþu.
2. The candidate, who has been allotted seat, but does not deposit the prescribed
fee by the due date, his particular admission will automatically be cancelled.
Therefore, the candidates are advised to deposit their fee within the stipulated
time limit without fail. However he can take part in the next round of counseling,
if any, provided he has to give online consent during the specified time limit
but such a candidate shall not be eligible to get admission on the particular
seat allotted to him in subsequent phases of admission.
Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State

Fig. 3.16 Screen of “Admission Slip”

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig. 3.17 Admission Confirmation in case of “Zero Fee”
2. òu W{uËðkh rLkÄkorhík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt rLkÄkorhík Ve s{k Lknª fhkðu íkku, íkuykuLku Vk¤ðkÞu÷
«ðuþ ykÃkkuykÃk hË Úkþu. ykÚke, W{uËðkhkuLku rLkÄkorhík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt Ve y[qfÃkýu s{k
fhkððk sýkððk{kt ykðu Au. òufu, ykðk W{uËðkhku «ðuþ «r¢ÞkLkkt íÞkhçkkËLkkt íkçk¬k{kt,
òu fkuE íkçk¬ku nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðu íkku, rLkÄkorhík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt ykuLk÷kELk Mkt{rík ykÃke
¼køk ÷E þfþu Ãkhtíkw ykðk W{uËðkhku yøkkWLkkt íkçk¬k{kt Vk¤Þu÷k «ðuþ WÃkh n¬Ëkh
hnuþu Lknª.
3. Those candidates whose Payment Slip generated with zero fee need not go
to the bank. They have to confirm their admission online by using their user
ID and password. For confirmation of their admission such candidates have to
click on Result —> Information Letter, then a message as shown in Fig. 3.17
will be displayed. To confirm their admission, click on Accept button. Those
candidates who click on Decline button, their allotted admission will not be
confirmed, and such candidates shall not be eligible to claim the particular
seat allotted to them in the subsequet phases of admission, if any. Those
candidates who accept the admission can get the print of “Admission Slip”
(Fig. 3.14) after entering in to their login ID.
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
3. su W{uËðkhkuLke Payment Slip{kt þqLÞ Ve (Zero Fee) Ëþkoðu÷ nkuÞ íkuðk W{uËðkhkuyu çkUf{kt
sðkLke sYh LkÚke. ykðk W{uËðkhkuyu ÃkkuíkkLkkt ÷kuøkELk ykEzeLke {ËËÚke s ykuLk÷kELk «ðuþ
fkÞ{ fhkððkLkku hnuþu. ykðk W{uËðkhku ÃkkuíkkLkk «ðuþ fkÞ{ fhkððk {kxu Result —>
Information Letter Ãkh Âõ÷f fhðkLkwt hnuþu, yk{ fhðkÚke Fig. 3.17 {kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçkLkku
MktËuþku òuðk {¤þu. yuðk W{uËðkhku fu suyku ÃkkuíkkLkku «ðuþ fkÞ{ fhðk {ktøku Au, íkuykuyu
Accept çkxLk ËçkkððkLkwt hnuþu yLku íkuyku ÃkkuíkkLkk ÷kuøkeLk ykEze{ktÚke Admission Slip
Lke r«LxykWx {u¤ðe þfþu. yuðk W{uËðkhku fu suyku ÃkkuíkkLkku «ðuþ fkÞ{ fhkððk {ktøkíkk
Lk nkuÞ íkuykuyu Decline çkxLk ËçkkððkLkwt hnuþu yLku ykðk W{uËðkhku íÞkhçkkËLkk «ðuþLkkt
íkçk¬k{kt, òu fkuE nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðþu íku{kt, ¼køk ÷E þfþu Ãkhtíkw íkuyku íku s çkuXf Ãkh
«ðuþLkk n¬Ëkh hnuþu Lknª.
4. Now, if the admitted candidate is NOT willing to participate in the next round
of admission in order to upgrade his admission, he has to immediately report to
the allotted Institute for enrolment with “Admission Slip” Bank Challan / Online
Fee Receipt and photo copies of all documents. The candidate is not required
to submit original certificates/documents at the institute. Here, the candidate
is not required to make any payment in any manner/on any head until and
unless the admission of the current year declared closed officially by ACPDC.
4. nðu òu «ðuþ {u¤ðu÷ W{uËðkh íkuykuLku Vk¤ðkÞu÷ «ðuþ yÃkøkúuz fhðk RåAíkk Lk nkuÞ yLku
íÞkhçkkËLkkt «ðuþ hkWLz{kt ¼køk ÷uðk RåAíkk Lk nkuÞ íkku, íkuykuyu «ðuþ Vk¤ðkÞu÷ MktMÚkk
¾kíku yuLkhku÷{uLx {kxu “Admission Slip” çkuLf [÷ý/ykuLk÷kELk Ve rhrMkÃx íkÚkk «{kýÃkºkkuLke
Lkf÷ MkkÚku íkwhík s nksh ÚkðkLkwt hnuþu. MktMÚkk ¾kíku W{uËðkhu yMk÷ «{kýÃkºkku hsq fhðkLkk
hnuþu Lknª. ßÞkt MkwÄe «ðuþ Mkr{rík îkhk [k÷w þiûkrýf ð»koLke «ðuþ «r¢Þk Ãkqýo ÚkÞk
ytøku ònuhkík fhðk{kt Lk ykðu íÞkt MkwÄe W{uËðkhu MktMÚkk ¾kíku fkuEÃký «fkhLke Ve fkuE
{Úkk¤k nuX¤ ¼hðkLke hnuþu Lknª.
(«ðuþ hË fhðku yLku «ðuþ hË fhkÔÞk çkkË ÃkwLk:MÚkkrÃkík fhðku) :
1. After confirmation of admission in particular phases of admission, if the candidate
wishes to cancel his admission within the schedule prescribed by the Committee,
he has to click on Admisison Cancel (Ref. Fig. 3.18) button by login in the website
with his user ID and password. By doing so, his present status of the admisison
will be displayed and by clicking the Submit for Cencellation button (as shown
in Fig. 3.19), the details of cancellation can be seen. If the cadidate wants to
cancel the admisison which has already confirmed, he has to click on OK button
shown in Fig. 3.18. Thereafter SMS containing OTP (One Time Password) will be
sent on the mobile number which was registered by the candidate at the time
of registration. On typing the OTP number (See Fig. 3.20) the admission will
be cancelled online. Thereafter such candidate can not take part in the further
process of admission.
1. su W{uËðkh «ðuþLkkt su-íku íkçk¬k{kt Mkr{rík îkhk Vk¤ðkÞu÷ «ðuþ fkÞ{ fhkÔÞk çkkË Mkr{rík
îkhk rLkÄkorhík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt «ðuþ hË (Cancel) fhkððk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ íku{ýu ðuçkMkkExLkkt
ÃkkuíkkLkkt Login ID {kt sELku
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig. 3.18 Online Cancellation of Admission

Admission Cancel (swyku Fig. 3.18)çkxLk Âõ÷f fhðkLkwt hnuþu. yk{ fhðkÚke íkuykuLku nk÷Lkkt
«ðuþLke {krníke Ëþkoððk{kt ykðþu yLku íkuLke Lke[uLke çkkswyu Submit for Cencellation
(Fig. 3.19{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk) Lkwt çkxLk Ëçkkðíkkt «ðuþ hË fhkððk çkkçkíkLke Mkq[Lkkyku òuðk
{¤þu. íku{ Aíkkt òu W{uËðkh ÃkkuíkkLkku fkÞ{ fhu÷ku «ðuþ hË fhkððk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ íkku íkuýu
Fig. 3.18 {wsçkLke M¢eLk Ëu¾kÞ íku{kt OK çkxLk ËçkkððkLkwt hnuþu. íÞkhçkkË W{uËðkh îkhk
hSMxÙuþLk Mk{Þu hSMxh fhkðu÷ {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh WÃkh Mkr{rík îkhk yuf OTP (One Time
Password) SMS {kuf÷ðk{kt ykðþu. W{uËðkh ykðku OTP Ëk¾÷ fhþu (swyku Fig. 3.20)
íkku íkuLkku «ðuþ ykuLk÷kELk hË ÚkE sþu. ykðk W{uËðkhku «ðuþLke ykøk¤Lke fkÞoðkne{kt
¼køk ÷E þfþu Lknª.
2. To reinstate the admission: The candidate who wants to reinstate the admission,
cancelled by them as per (1) above, they have to give consent by clicking on
Re-Admission button on the Admission Detail menu (see Fig. 3.18) after
login to the portal by using their login ID and password. By doing so,
OTP (One Time Password) will be sent through SMS on the mobile number
registered at the time of registration. On typing the OTP number as procedure
followed in (1) above the admission can re-instate online. The candiate has to
take the print out of the re-instate admission slip.
2. «ðuþ ÃkwLk:MÚkkrÃkík fhðk çkkçkíku: WÃkhkuõík (1) {wsçk «ðuþ hË fhkðu÷ W{uËðkhku, òu
hË fhkðu÷ «ðuþ ÃkwLk:MÚkkrÃkík fhðk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ íkku, íkuykuyu rLkÞík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt
ðuçkMkkEx WÃkh ÃkkuíkkLkkt ÷kuøkELk ykEzeÚke ÷kuøkELk ÚkELku Admission Detail {uLkw{kt
Re-Admission çkxLk Ëçkkðe Mkt{rík ykÃkðkLke hnuþu. (swyku Fig. 3.18) yk{ fhðkÚke
yuf OTP (One Time Password) SMS {kuf÷ðk{kt ykðþu. W{uËðkh ykðku OTP «ðuþ
«r¢Þk (1) {wsçk Ëk¾÷ fhþu íkku íkuLkku «ðuþ ykuLk÷kELk ÃkwLk:MÚkkrÃkík Úkþu. W{uËðkh MkËh
çkkçkíkLke M÷eÃk ykuLk÷kELk {u¤ðe ÷uðkLke hnuþu.
Note: The candidate can re-instate his cancelled admission for maximum 2 (two)
times only during the entire admission process, within time limit specified by
the admission committee.
LkkUÄ: fkuEÃký W{uËðkh Mk{økú «ðuþ «r¢Þk ËhBÞkLk ÃkkuíkkLkku hË fhkðu÷ «ðuþ, «ðuþ Mkr{rík
îkhk rLkÄkorhík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËkLku yLkw÷ûkeLku ðÄw{kt ðÄw 2 (çku) ð¾ík ÃkwLk:MÚkkrÃkík fhe þfþu.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018

Fig. 3.19 Online Cancellation of allotted seat

Directorate of Technical Education, Gujarat State

Fig. 3.20 OTP for online cancellation of Admission

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
3.7 NEXT ROUND OF COUNSELING (fkWLMku÷ªøkLkku ÃkAeLkku íkçk¬ku) :
1. After declaration of first allotment of seats by the ACPDC and online confirmation
of admission, by the candidates within the stipulated time limit, the ACPDC
will declare “Vacant Seats”, if any, on the website www.gujdiploma.nic.in and
on www.acpdc.in
1. «ðuþ Mkr{rík îkhk «ðuþ Vk¤ðýeLkk «Úk{ íkçk¬k çkkË yLku rLkÞík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt ykuLk÷kELk
yuzr{þLk fkÞ{ fÞko çkkË, ¾k÷e hnu÷e çkuXfkuLke ÞkËe ðuçkMkkEx WÃkh www.gujdiploma.
nic.in yLku www.acpdc.in WÃkh ònuh fhðk{kt ykðþu.
2. After declaration of “Vacant Seats”, if the Admission Committee decides to
conduct one more round of counseling, the candidates will be given certain
time period to give consent online for participation in the next round. While
giving consent for next round of counseling, the candidates can upgrade their
choices and/or fill new choices if they want to do so, otherwise their choices
given earlier will remain unchanged and allotment will be made accordingly.
2. ¾k÷e hnu÷e çkuXfkuLke ÞkËe ònuh fÞko çkkË, «ðuþ Mkr{rík fkWLMku÷ªøk «r¢ÞkLkku yuf ðÄw
íkçk¬ku ykÃkðkLkwt Lk¬e fhþu íkku, W{uËðkhu ykøk¤Lkk hkWLz{kt ¼køk ÷uðk rLkÞík Mk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt
ykuLk÷kELk Mkt{rík ykÃkðkLke hnuþu. fkWLMku÷ªøkLkk ykøk¤Lkk íkçk¬k{kt ¼køk ÷uðk {kxu
W{uËðkh îkhk òu rðfÕÃk ykÃkðk{kt ykðþu íkku W{uËðkh RåAu íkku ÃkMktËøkeÞkËe{kt VuhçkË÷
fhe þfþu yLku/yÚkðk Lkðe ÃkMktËøke fhe þfþu yLÞÚkk íkuyku îkhk yøkkW fhðk{kt ykðu÷
ÃkMktËøke ÞkËe fkÞ{ hnuþu yLku íku yLkwMkkh çkuXf Vk¤ðýe fhðk{kt ykðþu.
3. In case a candidate is WILLING to participate and take part in the next round
of counseling in order to upgrade his admission choice, he is NOT required to
report at the college allotted in the previous round. In this case, the candidate
can wait until the allotment of seat in the next counseling declares.
3. òu W{uËðkh íkuykuLku {¤u÷ ÃkMktËøkeLke çkuXf{kt VuhçkË÷ fhðk {kxu «ðuþ fkÞoðkneLkkt ykøk¤Lkkt
íkçk¬k{kt ¼køk ÷uðk RåAu, íkku íkuðk W{uËðkhu yøkkWLkk íkçk¬k{kt su MktMÚkk{kt «ðuþ {éÞku
nkuÞ íku MktMÚkk ¾kíku nksh Úkðwt sYhe LkÚke. ykðk rfMMkk{kt «ðuþ fkÞoðkneLkkt ykøk¤Lkkt
íkçk¬kLke W{uËðkhu hkn òuðe.
4. The candidates, who have not been allotted any seats in the first counseling,
will have to give online consent for participation in the next round of admission
process. The candidates who have been allotted seats in the first counseling
and are still keen to participate in the next round of counseling can also take
part in the counseling process after giving online consent. To participate in the
next round of counseling process, the candidate has to login using his Login
ID on the website www.gujdiploma.nic.in during the specified time limit and
click on Reshuffling button.
4. su W{ËðkhkuLku «Úk{ íkçk¬k{kt çkuXfLke Vk¤ðýe Lk fhðk{kt ykðe nkuÞ íkuðk W{uËðkhkuyu
íÞkhçkkËLkk fkWLMku÷eøk{kt ¼køk ÷uðk {kxuLke Mkt{rík ykuLk÷kELk ykÃkðe Ãkzþu. su W{uËðkhkuLku
«Úk{ hkWLz{kt «ðuþ Vk¤ððk{kt ykðu÷ Au, íkuyku òu íÞkh ÃkAeLkkt fkWLMku÷ªøk{kt ¼køk
÷uðk RåAu, íkku íkuyku ykuLk÷kELk Mkt{rík ykÃke íÞkh çkkËLkkt fkWLMku÷ªøk{kt ¼køk ÷E þfþu.
fkWLMku÷ªøkLkk ykøk¤Lkkt íkçk¬k{kt ¼køk ÷uðk {kxu W{uËðkhu íku{Lkk ÷kuøkELk ykEzeÚke
rLkÞíkMk{Þ{ÞkoËk{kt www.gujdiploma.nic.in ðuçkMkkEx Ãkh ÷kuøkELk ÚkE ykuLk÷kELk Mkt{rík
ykÃkðkLke hnuþu yLku Reshuffling çkxLk WÃkh Âõ÷f fhðkLkwt hnuþu.
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig. 3.21 Online registration of Complaint / Grievance

Fig. 3.22 Online complaint details

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Fig. 3.23 Online Login History

1. Any candidate, during the period of admission process, wants to lodge complaint/
grievance against any institution; he has to register his complaint/grievance
through online by login his Login ID on the website www.gujacpc.nic.in during
the specified time limit. To do so, the candidate has to click on Complaint
button at the menu bar on the top of the screen (Fig. 3.21). In the text box
provided as “Description of Complaint” the candidate has to type the details of
complaints briefly. The candidate may upload document, if any, in support to
the complaint/grievance by clicking Browse button. Thereafter, the candidate
can view the status of his complaint by clicking View button at the menu
bar on the top of the screen (Fig.3.22).
1. «ðuþ «r¢Þk ËhBÞkLk rðãkÚkeoLku fkuE Ãký MktMÚkk Mkk{u VrhÞkË LkkUÄkðe nkuÞ íkku, íku ÃkkuíkkLkk
ÞwÍh yufkWLx{kt ÷kuLk-RLk ÚkE VrhÞkË LkkUÄkðe þfþu. yk {kxu W{uËðkhu {uLkw çkkh{kt
Complaint çkxLk click fhðkLkwt hnuþu. (Fig. 3.21) “Description of Complaint”
text box {kt VrhÞkËLke rðøkík xqtf{kt xkEÃk fhðkLke hnuþu. Browse çkxLk click fhðkÚke
VrhÞkËLku ÷økíkw yuf ÃkkLkkLkwt document upload fhe þfkþu. View çkxLk click fhðkLke
VrhÞkËLkwt status òýe þfkþu. (Fig.3.22)

3.9 ACTIVITY INFORMATION (fkÞorðrÄLke {krníke)

1. The candidate can avail the details of activities performed during the entire
admission process by clicking on History button after login into his account
1. W{uËðkh ÃkkuíkkLkkt ÷kuøkELk ykEze{kt ÷kuøkELk ÚkE «ðuþ «r¢Þk Ëhr{ÞkLk fhu÷ ík{k{
fkÞorðrÄLke {krníke, History çkxLk WÃkh Âõ÷f fheLku {u¤ðe þfþu (Fig.3.23).
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
(yku™÷kR™ hSMxÙuþ™ Vku{o {kxu™e {k„oËrþofk)
• Various steps of Online Registration as under:-
(yku™÷kR™ hSMxÙuþ™™k rðrðÄ Ãk„rÚkÞk)
STEP 1. Basic Registration Details (ÃkkÞkLke hSMxÙuþLk rðøkíkku)
STEP 2. Reservation Details (yLkk{ík (fuxuøkhe)Lke rðøkíkku)
STEP 3. Marks Details (økwýLke rðøkíkku)
STEP 4. Confirmation of Registration (hSMxÙuþLk fkÞ{ (fLV{o) fhðwt)

STEP 1. Basic Registration Details (ÃkkÞkLke hSMxÙuþLk rðøkíkku)

 Personal Details:- (“ “)
1 Candidate Name Enter Candidate Name as per candidate SSC Mark sheet.
W{uËðkh™wt ™k{ SSC Lke {kfoþex «{kýu W{uËðkhLkwt Lkk{ Ëk¾÷ fhku.
2 Father Name Enter Candidate Father Name. (First Name only)
rÃkíkkLkwt Lkk{ W{uËðkhLkkt rÃkíkkLkwt Lkk{ Ëk¾÷ fhku (Võík «Úk{ Lkk{)
3 Mother Name Enter Candidate Mother Name. (First Name only)
{kíkkLkwt Lkk{ W{uËðkhLkkt {kíkkLkwt Lkk{ Ëk¾÷ fhku (Võík «Úk{ Lkk{)
4 Date of Birth Enter Candidate Date of Birth in the format of Date /
(DD/MM/YYYY) Month / Year as per SSC mark sheet or Leaving
sL{ íkkhe¾ Certificate SSCLke {kfoþex yÚkðk þk¤k AkuzâkLkk «{kýÃkºk {wsçk
W{uËðkhLke sL{íkkhe¾ (íkkhe¾ / {neLkku / ð»ko {wsçk) Ëk¾÷ fhku.
5 Gender Select Candidate Gender from the drop down menu.
òrík zÙkuÃk zkWLk {uLkw{ktÚke W{uËðkhLke òrík ÃkMktË fhku.
6 Nationality Select Candidate Nationality from the list
hk»xÙeÞíkk W{uËðkhLke hk»xÙeÞíkk ÞkËe{ktÚke ÃkMktË fhku.
7 Aadhar Number Enter Candidate Aadhar Number (Without giving any space)
ykÄkh Lktçkh W{uËðkhLkku ykÄkh Lktçkh Ëk¾÷ fhku (fkuEÃký søÞk Akuzâk ðøkh)

 Contact Details (MktÃkfoLke rðøkíkku)

1 Address Enter Candidate Residential Address.
MkhLkk{wt W{uËðkhLkwt hnuXkýLkwt MkhLkk{wt Ëk¾÷ fhku.
2 City Enter Candidate Residential City.
þnuh W{uËðkhLkkt hnuXkýLkwt þnuh Ëk¾÷ fhku.
3 State Enter Candidate Residential State.
hkßÞ W{uËðkhLkk hnuXkýLkwt hkßÞ Ëk¾÷ fhku.
4 District Enter Candidate Residential District.
SÕ÷ku W{uËðkhLkkt hnuXkýLkku SÕ÷ku Ëk¾÷ fhku.
5 Taluka Enter Candidate Residential Taluka.
íkk÷wfku W{uËðkhLkkt hnuXkýLkku íkk÷wfku Ëk¾÷ fhku.
6 Pin Code Enter Candidate Residential Pin Code.
ÃkeLk fkuz W{uËðkhLkkt hnuXkýLkku ÃkeLk fkuz Ëk¾÷ fhku.
7 Mobile Number Enter Candidate Mobile Number. OTP will come on this
{kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh provided Mobile Number
W{uËðkhLkku {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh Ëk¾÷ fhku. OTP yk {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh WÃkh ykðþu.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
8 E-mail Enter Candidate Email id.
E-{u÷ W{uËðkhLkku E-{u÷ Ëk¾÷ fhku.
 PIN Details (ÃkeLkLke rðøkíkku)
1 Pin Serial Number Enter pin serial number which is given on cover that
ÃkeLk ¢{ktf Lktçkh Candidate has purchased from designated
bank branch of diploma admission
W{uËðkhu, «ðuþ ‚r{rŒyu r™oÄkrhŒ fhu÷ ƒutf™e þk¾kyuÚke Ãke™ fðh
{u¤ÔÞk ƒkË, fðh WÃkh ykÃku÷ nkuÞ Œu Ãke™ ¢{ktf Ëk¾÷ fhku.
2 14 Digits Pin No. Enter 14 Digits PIN number which is printed inside the cover
14 yktfzkLkku PIN that Candidate has purchased from designated branch of
diploma admission
W{uËðkhu, «ðuþ ‚r{rŒyu r™oÄkrhŒ fhu÷ ƒutf™e þk¾kyuÚke Ãke™ fðh
{u¤ÔÞk ƒkË, fðh™e ytËh AÃkkÞu÷ Au Œu 14 yktfzk™ku Ãke™ Ëk¾÷
 Choose Password (ÃkkMkðzoLke ÃkMktËøke)
1 Choose candidate Please choose and enter your password. The
password password length must be of 6-12 character and
ÃkkMkðzo ÃkMktËøke combination of alphanumeric with at least one special
(Example:xyz@123) and Please keep candidate password safe
and secure for further logins.
{nuhƒk™e fhe™u Œ{khku Ãkk‚ðzo Ãk‚tË fhe Ëk¾÷ fhku. Ãkk‚ðzo™e ÷tƒkR
6-12 fuhuõxh™e nkuðe skuRyu, su{kt yt„úuS yûkhku y™u yktfzk WÃkhktŒ
Œu{kt ykuAk{kt ykuAk yuf ¾k‚ fuhuõxh ‚kÚku (WËknhý : xyz@123)
Ãkk‚ðzo ŒiÞkh fhe™u Ëk¾÷ fhku. Œ{khku Ãkk‚ðzo ‚whrûkŒ hk¾ku y™u
VheÚke ÷ku„ R™ {kxu ‚÷k{Œ hk¾ku.
2 Security Question Select Security Question from the drop down menu.
ytøkík Mkðk÷ zÙkuÃk zkWLk {uLkw{ktÚke ytøkík Mkðk÷ ÃkMktË fhku.
3 Security Answer Give Any answer related to candidate of selected
ytøkík sðkçk security question and remember it.
W{uËðkh™u ‚tƒtrÄŒ fkuRÃký Ãk‚tË„e™k ‚ðk÷™ku sðkƒ ykÃkku y™u Œu™u
ÞkË hk¾ku.
l After entering above details, check all details entered by you, if it is correct, press submit button.
WÃkh™e rð„Œku Ëk¾÷ fÞko ÃkAe, Œ{khe Ëk¾÷ fhu÷e rð„Œku [fk‚ku, sku ÞkuøÞ nkuÞ Œku su bmit button
l After pressing submit button, One Time Password (OTP) will come on given mobile number.
Submit button ËçkkÔÞk çkkË, One Time Password (OTP) ík{khk ykÃku÷ {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh WÃkh ykðþu.
l After entering OTP one User ID/Log in ID will be generated automatically and it will be sent on
candidate’s mobile number.
OTP Ëk¾÷ fÞko ÃkAe yuf User ID/Log in ID ykÃkkuykÃk çkLkþu yLku íku W{ËðkhLkk {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh WÃkh
{kuf÷ðk{kt ykðþu.
l Candidate’s basic registration process is completed and Candidate Log in Account is now generated.
Remember Candidate User ID/Log in ID. It will be required further for log in during entire online
admission process.
W{uËðkh™e ÃkkÞk™e hSMxÙuþ™ «r¢Þk Ãkqýo ÚkR „R Au, nðu Œ{kÁt ÷ku„ R™ yufkWLx s™hux Úkþu. Œ{khku
Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
User ID/Log in ID ÞkË hk¾ku. su Œ{™u ‚tÃkqýo yku™÷kR™ «ðuþ «r¢Þk ËhBÞk™ VheÚke ÷ku„ R™ Úkðk {kxu
sYhe Úkþu.
 Candidate basic registration process is completed here. To complete registration process,
reservation details and marks details steps must be completed.
ynª Œ{khe yktrþf hSMxÙuþ™™e «r¢Þk Ãkqýo ÚkkÞ Au. ÃkhLŒw ‚tÃkqýo hSMxÙuþ™ «r¢Þk Ãkqýo fhðk y™k{Œ
(fuxu„he)™e rð„Œku y™u „wý™e rð„Œku™k Ãk„rÚkÞk Ãkqýo fhðk sYhe Au.
l Now candidate must enter Reservation details and Mark details.
nðu W{uËðkhu yLkk{ík (fuxuøkhe)Lke rðøkíkku yLku økwýLke rðøkíkku Ëk¾÷ fhðkLke hnuþu.

STEP 2. Reservation Details (yLkk{ík (fuxuøkhe)Lke rðøkíkku)

 Reservation Details (yLkk{ík (fuxuøkhe)Lke rðøkíkku)

1 Category Select Candidate Category from the drop down
òrík (fuxuøkhe) menu.
(Example : OPEN or SC or ST or SEBC or ESM
zÙkuÃk zkWLk {uLkw{ktÚke W{uËðkhkLkku su òrík (fuxuøkhe){kt Mk{krðü Úkíkku
nkuÞ íku ÃkMktË fhku. (Example : OPEN yÚkðk SC yÚkðk ST yÚkðk
SEBC yÚkðk ESM (In/Ex-Serviceman)
2 Sub Category Select Sub Category which is applicable for the PH
Ãkuxk òrík Candidate only. For all other Candidate, Select Not
(Ãkuxk fuxuøkhe) Applicable
Ãkuxk òrík ÃkMktË fhku. su Võík PH W{uËðkhku {kxu Au. yLÞ W{uËðkhku
{kxu Not Applicable.
3 Category Certi. No. If Candidate is belong to any reservation category
òrík «{kýÃkºk Lkt. then he/she should enter category certificate number.
For all other Candidate, it is not applicable.
sku fkuR W{uËðkh y™k{Œ òrŒ{kt nkuÞ Œku Œuýu/Œuýeyu òrŒ
«{kýÃkºk ™tƒh Ëk¾÷ fhðku. yLÞ Œ{k{ W{uËðkhku™u yk ÷k„w ÃkzŒw
4 Tuition Fee If annual income of whole family is less than 6 lacs
Waiver Scheme and candidate having that valid income certificate
xâwþLk Ve {kVe then select
ÞkusLkk I am Interested otherwise select I am not Interested.
sku W{uËðkh™k ‚{„ú fwxwtƒ™e ðkr»kof ykðf Y. 6 ÷k¾ fu Œu™k
fhŒkt ykuAe nkuÞ y™u W{uËðkh Ãkk‚u yrÄf]Œ yrÄfkheyu fkZe
ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ {kLÞ ykðf™ku Ëk¾÷ku nkuÞ, Œuýu I am Interested
Ãk‚tË fhðwt yLÞÚkk I am not Interested Ãk‚tË fhðwt.
5 Passing SSC Exam If Candidate school is located in Gujarat state then
From Select School located in Gujarat State otherwise
SSC õÞktÚke W¥keýo Select school located outside Gujarat State or
fhu÷ Au? Located in Union Territories of Diu or Daman and Dadra
Nagar Haveli.
òu W{uËðkhLke þk¤k økwshkík hkßÞ{kt nkuÞ íkku íkuýu School located

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
in Gujarat State ÃkMktË fhðwt yLÞÚkk School located outside
Gujarat State or Located in Union Territories of Diu or
Daman and Dadra Nagar Haveli ÃkMktË fhðwt.
6 Board from which Select appropriate board from which qualifying
qualifying exam. examination is passed from drop down menu
is passed? zÙkuÃk zkWLk {uLkw{ktÚke ÷kÞfe Ãkheûkk Q¥keýo fhu÷ ÞkuøÞ çkkuzo
÷kÞfe Ãkheûkk fÞk ÃkMktË fhku.
çkkuzo{ktÚke ÃkkMk fhu÷ Au?
7 SSC seat number Enter SSC seat number as per SSC Mark sheet
SSC çkuXf Lktçkh (latest passing mark sheet). Don’t give any space while
entering seat number
SSC çkuXf Lktçkh SSCLke {kfoþex «{kýu Ëk¾÷ fhku. (AuÕ÷e W¥keýo
{kfoþex yLkwMkkh) Mkex Lktçkh Ëk¾÷ fhíke ð¾íku ðå[u fkuEÃký «fkhLke
søÞk Akuzþku Lknª.
8 Passing Month & Select Appropriate month and year of SSC passing
Year exam.
W¥keýo fÞkoLkku {neLkku If candidate have more than one mark sheet than
yLku ð»ko consider last passing mark sheet.
SSC W¥keýo fÞko™ku {ne™ku y™u ð»ko ÞkuøÞ heŒu Ãk‚tË fhku. sku W{uËðkh
Ãkk‚u yuf fhŒkt ðÄkhu {kfoþex nkuÞ Œku AuÕ÷e W¥keýo {kfoþex «{kýu
{ne™ku y™u ð»ko Ëk¾÷ fhðwt.
l After entering reservation details, check all details entered by you, if it is correct, press submit
button. Now candidate must enter mark details.
y™k{Œ™e rð„Œku Ëk¾÷ fÞko ÃkAe, Œ{khe Ëk¾÷ fhu÷e Œ{k{ rð„Œku [fk‚ku, sku ÞkuøÞ nkuÞ Œku submit
button ˃kðku. nðu W{uËðkhu „wý™e rð„Œku Ëk¾÷ fhðk™e hnu Au.

STEP 3. Marks Details (økwýLke rðøkíkku)

 Enter Mark Details (økwýLke rðøkíkku Ëk¾÷ fhku) :

1 % of Marks up to Enter percentage obtained in SSC Exam.
2 decimal place SSC ÃkheûkkLke {u¤ðu÷ xfkðkhe Ëk¾÷ fhku.
økwý % 2 zuMke{÷ Don’t enter percentile in any case.
søÞk MkwÄe fkuEÃký W{uËðkhu yk søÞkyu ÃkMkoLxkE÷Lke rðøkík Ëk¾÷ fhðe Lknª.
(* If candidate is passed exam at first trial and if percentage is not
mentioned in the mark sheet than calculate the percentage from
formula : (Obtained total marks / Out of total marks) *100 For
example (See sample figure 1) : (288/500)*100 = 57.60%)
òu W{uËðkh «Úk{ «ÞíLku ÃkkMk ÚkÞu÷ nkuÞ yLku {kfoþex{kt xfkðkhe Lk
Ëþkoðu÷ nkuÞ íkku íkuLke økýíkhe Mkqºk {wsçk fhðe :
({u¤ðu÷ fw÷ økwý / fw÷ økwý ) *100
WËknhý íkhefu (swyku sample figure 1) :
(288/500)*100 = 57.60%)
2 Center Number as Enter Center Number as per SSC Mark Sheet. If center
per SSC Mark Sheet number is not appeared in mark sheet than enter 999.
SSCLke {kfoþex «{kýu Except candidates of Gujarat Board, all other candidates

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
fuLÿ Lktçkh also have to enter 999 SSCLke {kfoþex «{kýu fuLÿ ™tƒh
(See sample figure-1). Ëk¾÷ fhku. sku fuLÿ ™tƒh {kõþeox{kt Ëþkoðu÷ ™ nkuÞ Œku 999 Ëk¾÷ fhku.
„wshkŒ ƒkuzo r‚ðkÞ™k Œ{k{ W{uËðkhkuyu Ãký 999 Ëk¾÷ fhðw.
3 School Index Enter School Index Number as per SSC Mark Sheet. If
Number as per school index number is not appeared in mark sheet
SSC Mark Sheet than enter 99.999 Except candidates of Gujarat Board,
SSCLke {kfoþex «{kýu all other candidates also have to enter 99.999.
þk¤k ELzuûk Lktçkh SSCLke {kfoþex «{kýu þk¤k RLzuûk ™tƒh Ëk¾÷ fhku. sku þk¤k
(See sample figure 1) RLzuûk ™tƒh {kõþeox{kt Ëþkoðu÷ ™ nkuÞ Œku 99.999 Ëk¾÷ fhku. „wshkŒ
ƒkuzo r‚ðkÞ™k Œ{k{ W{uËðkhkuyu Ãký 99.999 Ëk¾÷ fhðw.
4 Have candidate If candidate passed technical subjects in SSC, select Yes
Passed Technical otherwise select No. (See Annexure – I for Technical
Subject Subjects).
W{uËðkhu xufLkef÷ sku W{uËðkhu SSC {kt xuf™ef÷ rð»kÞ Ãkk‚ fhu÷ nkuÞ Œku nk yLÞÚkk
rð»kÞ ÃkkMk fhu÷ Au? ™k Ãk‚tË fhku. (xuf™ef÷ rð»kÞ {kxu yu™uûkh – 1 swyku.)
5 SSC Mark details.
SSC økwýLke rðøkíkku
(See sample figure 1)
Maths Enter Maths Marks Obtained and Out-of as per SSC
økrýík Mark Sheet
SSC Lke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh økrýík{kt {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
Science Enter Science Marks Obtained and Out-of as per SSC
rð¿kkLk Mark Sheet
SSCLke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh rð¿kkLk{kt {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
English Enter English Marks Obtained and Out-of as per SSC
ytøkúuS Mark Sheet
SSCLke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh ytøkúuS{kt {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
Total Marks Enter Total Marks Obtained and Out-of as per SSC Mark
Obtained Sheet
SSC Lke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh {u¤ðu÷ fw÷ økwý yLku fw÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku. {u¤ðu÷
fw÷ økwý WËknhý íkhefu : 288 yLku 500
(See sample figure 1).
• Details of Marks of ITI/TEB (ITI/TEBLkkt økwýLke rðøkíkku) :
– If candidate is passed valid ITI course:
òu W{uËðkhu {kLÞ ITI yÇÞkMk¢{ W¥keýo fhu÷ nkuÞ íkku :
• Details of Marks of ITI: (Enter ITI Details if candidate have passed valid ITI Course. List of Valid ITI
Courses is given in the Information Booklet.)
ITI Lkk økwýLke rðøkíkku: (òu W{uËðkhu {kLÞ ITI yÇÞkMk¢{ W¥keýo fhu÷ nkuÞ, íkku ITI Lke rðøkíkku Ëk¾÷ fhku.
{kLÞ ITI yÇÞkMk¢{kuLke ÞkËe {krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk{kt ykÃku÷ Au.)
1 Course Select appropriate ITI course name (ITI Course Names
yÇÞkMk¢{ are listed in Information Booklet) from drop down menu.
zÙkuÃkzkWLk {uLkw{ktÚke ÞkuøÞ ITI yÇÞkMk¢{Lkwt Lkk{ ({kLÞ ITI yÇÞkMk¢{Lkk
Lkk{ {krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk{kt ykðu÷ Au) ÃkMktË fhku.
2 Registration Enter Registration Number as per ITI Mark Sheet.
Number ITI {kfoþex «{kýu hSMxÙuþLk Lktçkh Ëk¾÷ fhku.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
hSMxÙuþLk Lktçkh
3 Month and year Enter Month and year of passing as per ITI Mark Sheet.
of passing W¥keýo fÞkoLkku {neLkku yLku ð»ko ITI {kfoþex «{kýu Ëk¾÷ fhku.
W¥keýo fÞkoLkku {neLkku
yLku ð»ko
4 ITI Mark Details (See Sample Fig 2,3,4)
ITI økwýLke rðøkíkku
Trade Theory Marks Enter Final year Trade Theory Marks and Out-of as per
xÙuz rÚkÞhe økwý ITI Mark Sheet.
ITI Lkk ytrík{ ð»koLke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh xÙuz rÚkÞheLkkt fw÷ økwý{ktÚke xÙuz
rÚkÞheLkk {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
Trade Practical Marks Enter Final year Trade Practical Marks and Out-of as per
xÙuz «kÞkurøkf økwý ITI Mark Sheet.
ITI Lkk ytrík{ ð»koLke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh xÙuz «kÞkurøkfLkkt fw÷ økwý{ktÚke xÙuz
«kÞkurøkfLkk {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
Workshop calculation Enter Final year Workshop calculation and Science
and Science Marks and Out-off as per ITI Mark Sheet.
ðfoþkuÃk fu÷õÞw÷uþLk ITI Lkk ytrík{ ð»koLke {kfoþex yLkwMkkh ðfoþkuÃk fu÷õÞw÷uþ™ yLku
yLku rð¿kkLk rð¿kkLkLkk fw÷ økwý{ktÚke ðfoþkuÃk fu÷õÞw÷uþLk yLku rð¿kkLkLkkt
Total Marks {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
fw÷ økwý Enter Obtained Total Marks and Out-of as per ITI Mark Sheet. ITI
{kfoþex yLkwMkkh fw÷ økwý{ktÚke {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.

• If candidate is passed valid TEB course (òu W{uËðkhu {kLÞ TEB yÇÞkMk¢{ W¥keýo fhu÷ nkuÞ íkku)
• Details of Marks of TEB (Enter TEB Details if candidate have passed valid TEB Course. List of Valid
TEB Courses is given in the Information Booklet.)
TEB Lkk økwýLke rðøkíkku (W{uËðkhu {kLÞ TEB yÇÞkMk¢{ W¥keýo fhu÷ nkuÞ íkku, TEB Lke rðøkíkku Ëk¾÷ fhku. {kLÞ
TEB yÇÞkMk¢{kuLke ÞkËe {krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk{kt ykÃku÷ Au.)
1 Course Select appropriate TEB course name (TEB Course Names
yÇÞkMk¢{ are listed in Information Booklet) from drop down menu.
zÙkuÃk zkWLk {uLkw{ktÚke ÞkuøÞ TEB yÇÞkMk¢{Lkwt Lkk{ ({kLÞ TEB yÇÞkMk¢{ Lkk
Lkk{ {krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk{kt ykÃku÷ Au) ÃkMktË fhku.
2 Registration Number Enter Registration Number as per TEB Mark Sheet.
hSMxÙuþLk Lktçkh TEB {kfoþex «{kýu hSMxÙuþLk Lktçkh Ëk¾÷ fhku.
3 Month and year Enter Month and year of passing as per TEB Mark Sheet.
of passing TEB {kfoþex «{kýu W¥keýo fÞkoLkku {rnLkku yLku ð»ko Ëk¾÷ fhku.
W¥keýo fÞkoLkku {rnLkku
yLku ð»ko
4 TEB Mark Details (See Sample Fig 5,6)
TEB økwýLke rðøkíkku
Theory Marks Enter Final year Theory Marks and Out-of as per TEB
ÚkeÞhe økwý Mark Sheet TEB {kfoþex yLkwMkkh ÚkeÞheLkk fw÷ økwý{ktÚke ÚkeÞheLkk {u¤ðu÷
økwý Ëk¾÷

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Practical Marks Enter Final year Practical Marks and Out-of as per TEB
«kÞkurøkf økwý Mark Sheet TEB {kfoþex yLkwMkkh «kÞkurøkfLkk fw÷ økwý{ktÚke «kÞkurøkfLkk
{u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
Total Marks Enter Obtained Total Marks and Out-of as per TEB Mark
fw÷ økwý Sheet TEB {kfoþex yLkwMkkh fw÷ økwý{ktÚke {u¤ðu÷ økwý Ëk¾÷ fhku.
• After entering Marks details, check all details entered by you, if it is correct, press submit button.
økwýLke rðøkíkku Ëk¾÷ fÞko ÃkAe ík{khe Ëk¾÷ fhu÷ rðøkíkku òu Mkk[e nkuÞ íkku submit button Ëçkkðku.

STEP 4. Confirmation of Registration (hSMxÙuþLk fkÞ{ (fLV{o) fhðwt)

• Now candidate can confirm candidate registration details.

nðu W{uËðkh íkuLkwt hSMxÙuþLk fkÞ{ (fLV{o) fhe þfþu.
• Before confirming registration, if candidate want to edit registration details, reservation details
and marks details, then from main menu bar and clicking Registration Details, candidate can Edit
Registration Details, Reservation Details and Marks Details. After checking of all details, candidate
can confirm registration details. No changes in registration details will be allowed after this.
hSMxÙuþ™ fkÞ{ fÞko Ãknu÷k, sku W{uËðkh hSMxÙuþ™™e rð„Œku, y™k{Œ™e rð„Œku y™u „wý ™e rð„Œku
‚wÄkhðk {kt„Œk nkuÞ, Œku Main menu bar {kt Registration Details Ãkh õ÷ef fhe, W{uËðkh hSMxÙuþ™™e
rð„Œku, y™k{Œ™e rð„Œku y™u „wý ™e rð„Œku ‚wÄkhe þfu Au. ƒÄe rð„Œku™e [fk‚ýe fÞko ÃkAe, W{uËðkh
hSMxÙuþ™ fkÞ{ fhe þfu Au. íÞkhƒkË hSMxÙuþ™™e rð„Œku{kt fkuR Ãký «fkh™ku ‚wÄkhku ÚkR þfþu ™ne.
• Press confirm registration button. After confirming registration details, candidate can download
registration details. Download that PDF file and it is compulsory to take print out of Registration
details. Submit Registration Details to nearest designated help center (List of help centers is given
in information booklet) with self attested copies documents which are listed at end of Printed
Registration Details and get registration slip. This printed Registration Details is Registration Form.
Confirm Registration button Ëçkkðku. W{uËðkh Registration Details Confirmed fÞko çkkË Registration
DetailLku Download fhe þfu Au. PDF VkE÷Lku Download fhe, Registration Details Lke r«Lx ykWx ÷E
÷uðe yíÞtík sYhe Au. Registration Details Lku LkSfLkk rLkÞwõík fhu÷ nuÕÃk MkuLxh ¾kíku (nuÕÃk MkuLxhkuLke ÞkËe
{krníke ÃkwÂMíkfk{kt ykÃku÷ Au) hSMxÙuþLk Vku{oLke Lke[u AkÃku÷ nkuÞ íkuLke ík{k{ Mð«{krýík Lkf÷ku MkkÚku s{k
fhkðe yLku hSMxÙuþLk M÷eÃk {u¤ðe ÷uðe VhSÞkík Au. yk r«Lxuz Registration Details yu s Registration
Form Au.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Annexure - 1
Sr. Subject Code No.
(1) Engineering Sketching, Drawing and Drafting (Paper 1 and 2) 90 and 91
(2) Basic workshop practice (Paper 1and 2) 92 and 93
(3) Electrical Motors Service and Repair (Paper 1 and 2) 94 and 95
(4) Home Electrical Appliances and Wiring, Service and Repair 96 and 97
(Paper 1and 2)
(5) Electronics Appliances Service and Repair (Paper 1and 2) 98 and 99
(6) Auto Vehicle Two Wheelers Service and Repair (Paper 1and 2) 100 and 101
(7) Engineering Drawing 63/85
(8) Basic Principles of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 64/86
(9) Workshop Technology 65
(10) Basic Electronics 66
(11) Elements of Engineering 28/54
(12) Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 31/55
(13) Basics of Engineering Process, Maintenance and Safety 32/56

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Sample Mark Sheet

Sample Figure 1 : SSC Mark Sheet (Sample Copy)

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Sample Mark Sheet

Sample Figure 2. ITI Mark sheets. (Sem – III and Sem – IV)

Sample Figure 4. Final ITI Mark Sheet

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018
Sample Mark Sheet

Sample Figure 5. Final TEB Mark sheet

Sample Figure 6. Final TEB Mark sheet of Computer Aided civil & Arch. Draft.

Certificate to Diploma Admission 2018

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