Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

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The owner's manual outlines important safety information for operating the craft properly and adjusting to sea conditions. It emphasizes gaining experience before operating alone and ensuring any crew is able to handle the craft in anticipated conditions.

The manual recommends obtaining operating experience from a sailing school or instructor before operating alone, especially if it is a new type of craft. It also stresses adjusting speed and direction based on sea conditions and only operating in conditions the craft is designed for with a trained, competent crew.

The manual states the craft should have onboard appropriate safety equipment like lifejackets, harness, etc. according to conditions and regulations. The crew should be familiar with using all safety equipment and emergency maneuvers like man overboard recovery.


MC Cruiser

This manual has been complied to help you to operate your craft with safety and pleasure. It contains details of the craft,
the equipment supplied or fitted, its systems and information on its operation. Please read it carefully, and familiarise
yourself with the craft before using it.

This owner’s manual is not a course on boating safety or seamanship. If this is your first craft, or you are changing to a
type of craft you are not familiar with, for your own comfort and safety, please ensure that you obtain handling and
operating experience before “assuming command” of the craft. Your dealer or national sailing federation or yacht club
will be pleased to advice you of local sea schools, or competent instructors.

Ensure that the anticipated wind and sea conditions will correspond to the design category of your craft, and that you
and your crew are able to handle the craft in these conditions.

Even when your boat is categorised for them, the sea and wind conditions corresponding to the design category C, open
to the hazards of a freak wave or gust, are therefore dangerous conditions, where only a competent, fit and trained crew
using a well maintained craft can satisfactorily operate.

This owner’s manual is not a detailed maintenance or trouble shooting guide. In case of difficulty, refer to the boat
builder or his representative. If a maintenance manual is provided, use it for the craft’s maintenance.

Always use trained and competent people for maintenance, fixing or modifications. Modifications that may affect the
safety characteristics of the craft shall be assessed, executed and documented by a competent people. The boat builder
cannot be held responsible for modifications he has not approved.

In some countries a driving license or authorisation is required, or specific regulations are in force.

Always maintain your craft properly and make allowance for the deterioration that will occur in time and as a result of
heavy use or misuse of the craft.

Any craft – no matter how strong it may be, can be severely damaged if not used properly. This is not compatible with
safe boating. Always adjust the speed and direction of the craft to sea conditions.

If your craft is fitted with a life raft, read carefully its operating manual. The craft should have onboard the appropriate
safety equipment (lifejackets, harness, etc.) according to the type of craft, weather conditions, etc., these equipment’s
are mandatory in some countries. The crew should be familiar with the use of all safety equipment and emergency
manoeuvring (man overboard recovery, towing, etc.) sailing schools and clubs regularly organise drill sessions.

All persons should wear a suitable buoyancy aid (life jacket/ Personal Flotation Device) when on deck. Note that in
some countries it is legal requirement to wear a buoyancy aid that complies with their national regulations at all times.



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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Warnings and notes ................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Hull’s marking system ...........................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Builder’s plate ........................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Technical information ............................................................................................................................................4
1.4.1 Manufacturer .......................................................................................................................................................4
1.4.2 Model ..................................................................................................................................................................4
1.4.3 Design category ...................................................................................................................................................4
1.4.4 Main dimensions and -capacities ...........................................................................................................................5
1.5 Man overboard prevention .....................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Visibility in main helm position.............................................................................................................................6
2 INTEGRITY AND STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Draining systems....................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Deck openings and hatches ....................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Loading ..................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Maximum number of persons ................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Securing loose equipment’s ...................................................................................................................................8
2.5 Life raft’s storage ...................................................................................................................................................8
2.5.1 Using life raft .........................................................................................................................................................8
2.6 Anchoring, mooring and towing ............................................................................................................................8
2.6.1 Towing ...................................................................................................................................................................8
2.7 Trailer transportation..............................................................................................................................................9
3 HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................................................9
3.1 Control devices ....................................................................................................................................................10
4 EQUIPMENT’S AND THEIR INSTALLATIONS ...................................................................................................10
4.1 Starting the engine ...............................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Trim and trim tabs................................................................................................................................................10
4.3 The fuel system ....................................................................................................................................................11
4.4 The Electric system..............................................................................................................................................11
4.4.1 The Main switch and -fuses .................................................................................................................................12
4.4.2 The Switch panel..................................................................................................................................................13
4.4.3 The wiring diagram..............................................................................................................................................14
4.5 The general arrangement......................................................................................................................................16
4.6 Other equipment’s................................................................................................................................................17
4.6.1 The Cooker / heater..............................................................................................................................................17
4.7 Fire prevention .....................................................................................................................................................17
4.7.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................17
4.7.2 The engine............................................................................................................................................................17
4.7.3 The cooker / Heater..............................................................................................................................................18
4.7.4 The Cooker / heaters fuel tank .............................................................................................................................18
4.8 Fire fighting equipment........................................................................................................................................18
4.8.1 The portable extinguisher.....................................................................................................................................18
4.8.2 Maintenance of the fire fighting equipment.........................................................................................................18
4.8.3 Crafts owners / users responsibility .....................................................................................................................18
4.9 Discharge prevention ...........................................................................................................................................19
4.9.1 The bilge space.....................................................................................................................................................19
4.9.2 Toilet ....................................................................................................................................................................19
5 Maintenance .........................................................................................................................................................19
6 Warranty...............................................................................................................................................................19
6.1 Warranty terms.....................................................................................................................................................19


Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
1 General
Dear owner of the Finnish FINNMASTER boat! We congratulate you for choosing a FINNMASTER boat and wish you
many pleasant experiences with your boat.

1.1 Warnings and notes

The warnings and notes that are used in this manual are defined as follows:

Alerts the user to the presence of danger that will likely lead to loss of human life or serious injury unless precautions are

Alerts the user to the presence of danger that may lead to serious injury or loss of human life unless precautions are made.

Reminds the user of a safe way of use, or discourages from such a way of use that may lead to injuries or damage to the

1.2 Hull’s marking system

Each craft has its own unique identification number which is called HIN-code. This code is marked to the declaration of
conformity by the factory. In the craft this code is marked on the hull, in the right side of the boats rear end. You will
need HIN-code when you are involved with the manufacturer or your dealer. Do not remove, change or cover the crafts

1.3 Builder’s plate

Part of the information is given on the Builder’s

plate affixed under the steering wheel. see
control devices. A full explanation of this
information is given in the relevant sections of
this manual.

1.4 Technical information

1.4.1 Manufacturer Oy Finn-Marin Ltd.

Kölitie 1
Puh: +358-20 198 3838
Fax: +358-20 198 3839


1.4.3 Design category Category C-coast

The dividing to the design categories is based to significant wave height and to wind speed measured in Beaufort scale.
This craft is designed to operate winds up to Beaufort force 6 (14m/s) and the associated wave heights (Occasional
maximum waves of 2,0 m height). Such conditions may be encountered on sheltered inland waters, and in coastal
waters in fine weather. The significant wave height is the mean height of the highest one third of the waves.

Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
1.4.4 Main dimensions and -capacities

Mass in light craft condition: 1450 kg including all navigation and safety

Mass in fully loaded condition: 2180 kg

Length of hull (LH ): 6,01 m

Length (LMAX): 6,40 m

Breadth of hull (BH): 2,40 m

Breadth (BMAX): 2,40 m

Height: 2,40 m

Maximum draft in fully loaded condition: 0,80 m

Type: powerboat

Fuel tank capacity: 120 l

The whole capacity of fuel tank may not be usable according to trim and loading of the craft.

Type of fuel: see engine’s manual

It is important to keep a 20% reserve of fuel at all times.

Position of filling point: see fuel system

Fresh water tanks capacity:: 15 l

The whole capacity of fresh water tank may not be usable according to trim and loading of the craft.

Fresh water tanks filling point: see general arrangement

Fresh water tanks draining point: see general arrangement

Capacity of fuel burning system’s tank*: 10 l

(extra equipment)

Maximum recommended engine power: 120 kW

Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
1.5 Man overboard prevention

Make sure that your craft is always loaded properly and that the recommended maximum number of persons is not
exceeded. More information is in this manual’s section ”loading”. Make sure, that all passengers and crew are seated
when the craft is moving.

Person in the water is best to help back in the craft from the rear end of the craft. If person in the water is a child, one
adult must always jump after child taking some sort of flotation device with him/her for example life-buoy or fender. It
is all so important that someone stays in the boat.


Propeller shaft is lethal for man over board or for a swimmer. Always turn engine of before swimmer or skier
gets on board.

1.6 Visibility in main helm position

Driver’s visibility from main helm position may weaken because of high trim angle and or one of the following reasons:

- Engines trim angle

- Hulls trimline
- Load and distribution of load
- Speed
- Fast acceleration
- Exceeding humpspeed
- Sea conditions
- Rain
- Darknes and fog
- Inn lightning
- Location of curtains
- Personal equipments in drivers field of vision
- Accommodate passengers so that the driver’s field of vision does not narrow
- Do not drive constantly at hump speed where visibility is limited
- In poor visibility aim from sunroof
- Keep a look out all so in astern, particularly in ship fairways.
- Ensure proper lookout at all times
- Use proper navigation light in poor or limited visibility

Be aware of the international regulations for preventing collision at sea (COLREG) and respect them.

2 Integrity and structure

2.1 Draining systems

Your craft is equipped with draining systems that are designed to empty the craft of bilge water that gets in while
driving and storing the craft. Familiarise yourself with these systems, so that you are able to ensure their proper

Self drain system

Your craft is equipped with a self drain system that is meant to drain rainwater when the craft is in the water. Please
ensure and frequently check that the outlet drains are not blocked. The forward cabins selfdrainsystem is equipped with
seacock witch can be closed if nessesary.

Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
Bilge system

Your craft is equipped with an efficient bilge pump, that can be used to remove the bilge water. Check at regular
intervals if there is water in the bilge, and use bilge pump, if necessary, from the switch. Bilge pump can’t pump the
bilge totally empty, it always leaves a little bit of water in the bilge.

Bilge pump

Manufacturer: Lalizas
Model: 500 GPH
Effect: 31,6 l/min

Check function of bilge pumps at regular intervals. Clear pump inlets from debris.

The bilge pumping system is not designed for damage control.

It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to have at least one bucket / bailer onboard secured against accidental loss.

2.2 Deck openings and hatches

We recommend that the front door is kept close during the voyage, so that unnecessary accidents and water flooding to
the cabin could be avoided.

2.3 Loading

Crew 6 persons á 75 kg 450 kg

provisions and personal effects 150 kg
load according the builder’s plate 600 kg
140 l of fuel 120 kg
Maximum load 720 kg
Crafts weight in unloaded condition 1450 kg
Crafts weight in maximum load 2180 kg

When loading the craft, never exceed the maximum recommended load. Always load the craft carefully and
distribute loads appropriately to maintain design trim (approximately level). Avoid placing heavy weights high


Do not load the craft so that the swimmingplatform is under the water.

2.3.1 Maximum number of persons

Maximum number of persons: 6 person

Do not exceed the maximum recommended number of persons. Regardless of the number of persons on board
the total weight of persons and equipment must never exceed the maximum recommend load. Always use the
seats/seating spaces provided.

Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
2.4 Securing loose equipment’s

Always make sure that all loose equipment is secured so that they will stay on their places in rough sea conditions and
in hard wind. There are lots of lockers for safe storing of loose equipment.

2.5 Life raft’s storage

Your boat is not equipped whit a life raft by the builder. If you install life raft to your craft we recommend that it is
located to the rear end of the craft. That way in emergency situation the loading of the raft can be done using the
swimming level of the craft. In the life raft there should be enough space for at least 6 persons.

2.5.1 Using life raft

When emergency situation occurs we success that life raft is secured in the rear end of the craft and prepared ready for
use. When life raft is prepared for use, and connected to the rear end of the craft, then the loading of the raft can begin
trough swimming deck.

2.6 Anchoring, mooring and towing

Because weather conditions can change quickly, You should always moor your craft carefully even in a sheltered place.
The mooring ropes should be equipped with springs to soften sharp tugs. Use sufficiently large fenders to avoid chafing
of the hull topsides.

We recommend the following mooring rope and anchor sizes for your boat in normal conditions:

Mooring rope ø 12 mm
Anchor rope ø 12 mm

Main anchor 5 kg High holding anchor

6 kg Stock anchor or kedge
Anchor chain ø 8 mm Length 3...5 m

The craft’s manufacturer can not be held responsible of the damage that may occur from the usage of wrong ropes.

When going ashore in a natural harbour check for instance with a depth sounder that the water depth is sufficient and
drop the anchor far enough from the beach.

A reasonable hold can be achieved if the length of the anchor rope is 4...5 times the water depth.

2.6.1 Towing

When towing another boat, use floating rope, which is strong enough, but not stronger than is recommended above.
Begin towing carefully, avoid sudden jerks and do not overload the engine. Ensure all gear is stowed securely.

When you are towing or your craft is being towed attach the towing rope as shown in the picture.

Always tow or be towed at slow speed. Never exceed the hull speed of a displacement craft when being towed.

Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

A tow line should always be made fast in such way that it can be released when under load.

Do not equip your craft with ropes or chain that is stronger than recommended earlier, the manufacturer of the craft
cannot be held responsible of the damage that wrong type of rope or chain can cause.

2.7 Trailer transportation

If you use trailer to transport your craft make sure that the carrying capacity of the trailer is sufficient for your craft. The
keel supports of the trailer should carry the greatest weight of your craft. Adjust the side supports so that the boat cannot
sway sideways.

Your crafts unloaded mass without an engine is 1450 kg.

Use only trailer that’s carrying capacity exceeds the unloaded mass of your craft, and in which your craft can be
firmly attached during the transportation.

2 Handling characteristics
Always adjust your speed to the conditions and to the environment. The running trim affects both the fuel consumption
and the handling characteristics of the craft substantially. You can adjust the running trim by:
- positioning of load

- adjusting drive legs trim

- adjusting the trim tabs

A proper running trim combined with the proper speed will ensure a safe and a comfortable ride all so in a seaway. More on
adjusting trim angle in “Trim and trim levels”.

Craft moving slowly is less stable than in higher speed. Therefore be careful when passing other boats and in narrow

Do not operate this craft with an engine of rated power larger than posted on the capacity label in the craft.

High speed and sudden steering movements in high waves may lead to loosing control of the craft and large
angle of bank.

Do not operate at maximum speed while in congested high traffic waterways or in weather and sea conditions of
reduced visibility high winds or large waves. Reduce speed and wake as a courtesy and as a safety consideration
to yourself and others. Observe and obey speed limit and no wake zones.

Always be certain to have sufficient distance to stop or manoeuvre if required to avoid collisions.

Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
3.1 Control devices

All crafts control devices and switches are located in good places for the operator of the craft. Picture below shows the
arrangement of the control devices.

1. Gauges
2. Throtle/ gear shift
3. Switch panel
4. Builder’s plate 2

Gauge arrangements vary depending on the make of engine. Information about your gauges is provided in engines

3 Equipment’s and their installations

4.1 Starting the engine

To start the engine operate as follows:

1.Turn the power on from main switch.

2.Lower the drive leg in driving position by pushing the button on the throttle/gear shift down.
3.Check that the throttle/gear shift is in neutral position.
4.Use the engine space fan for 4 minute period. The switch is in the switch panel. (only petrol models)
6.Start the engine by turning the ignition key to clockwise.
7.When engine is running, let it run on idle for few minutes before starting to drive.

See engines manual for more detailed instructions.

4.2 Trim and trim tabs

Your craft is equipped with trim tabs that will stable your crafts movements and make your craft much safer. Familiarise
carefully to the trim tabs own instruction manual where the proper use of trim tabs is described.

Basic rules when trimming the angle of the drive leg are:
- When getting onto plane, trim the drive leg down to “bow down”

- When the boat is planning and if the sea is not too rough, lift the bow down slightly so that the boat feels stable. You can -
optimise the rig angle with the aid of the speedometer.

- In a head sea, trim the bow down to obtain a smoother ride. In following seas, the bow is lifted to avoid submerging.

See the engines manual for more detailed instructions.

Do not use negative trim angles at high speeds.

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

4.3 The fuel system

The fuel tanks used in Finnmaster boats are manufactured from marine grade-aluminium, they are safe and reliable to
use. From the diagram you can see the locations of different components of the fuel system.

1. Fuel filling connection

2. Fuel tank
3. Fuel tank vent pipe
4. Fuel filter

If your boat is equipped with cooker/heater system, which is extra equipment, your boat all so includes

5. Fuel tank
6. Cooker’s air intake Fuel tank
7. Cooker/ heater

3.4 The Electric system

Your craft is equipped with 12 volts electrical DC system. You can see the location of battery from “general

When removing the battery, first detach the negative pole which is marked with – and ensure, that there are no sources
of open flame near, and that no sparks are able to be formed, because of the danger of explosion.

When recharging the battery, detach it from the crafts electrical system.

11 FIN
Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
Your craft is equipped with circuit brakers to protect the electric system in case of overcurrent. These automatic fuses
can be re-connected after overloading by pushing the button that has sprang up.

Before re-connecting the circuit, make sure that no equipment on that circuit is damaged in a way that it ,when re-
connected, could cause a fire.

Do not charge the battery in the craft.

Remove the battery from the craft for winter storage.


Never modify the craft’s electrical system or relevant drawings; installation, alterations and maintenance
should be performed by a competent marine electrical technician.


Never alter or modify the rated current amperage of over current protective devices.


Never install or replace electrical appliances or devices with components exceeding the rated current amperage
of the circuit.

4.4.1 The Main switch and -fuses

When leaving the craft for longer period turn the power off from the main switch

Main switch (1) operates as follows:

- position ”OFF”: battery switched off

- position ”ON”: battery switched on

2 3

Main fuses are as follows::

2: Cooker/heater*

3: Switchpanel 1

4: Trim tabs

5: Switchpanel

*extra equipment
4 5


Never switch off the current when the engine is running, because this may cause damage to the generator.

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

4.4.2 The Switch panel

On switch panels there are several switches that are important for the safe use of the craft. Under the switches or beside
them are located automatic fuses of that specific electric circuit. The marking on the switch here corresponds to the
marking of the electric circuit in “wiring diagram”.


F1:Navigation lights
F2:Anchor light
F3:Engine space fan (only petrol model)
F5:Bilge pump



F8:Port side windshield wiper
F9:Starboard side windshield wiper

F11: Socket for 12 V. DC power

1. Automatic fuse for 12 V. socket
2. Extra fuses

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
4.4.3 The wiring diagram

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

Never work on the electrical installation while the system is energised.

Never leave the craft unattended with the electrical system energised, except automatic bilge pump, fire
protection and alarm circuits.

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
4.5 The general arrangement

Selfdrainsystem a parts are: Fresh water system c parts:

a1: Selfdrainsystems discharge overboard c1: Fresh water tank
a2: Selfdrainsystems hose c2: Mixer for washstand
a3: Selfdrainsystems chainpipe c3: Fresh water systems discharge overboard
c4: Fresh water pump
Bilge system b parts are:
P: Main switch
b1: Bilge pump
S: Portable fire extinguisher
b2: Bilge waters discharge overboard
A: Battery

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

4.6 Other equipment’s

4.6.1 The Cooker / heater

Your craft can as extra equipment have cooker / heater system.

When using the cooker / heater follow instructions that are given in its own manual. From the section fuel system you
can see the components of the cooker / heater and their locations in your craft.

To ensure proper and safe usage of the device it is important that you familiarise yourself with the devices manual.

4.7 Fire prevention

4.7.1 General

If there is a fire in your craft it usually starts with explosion. The most common fire sources are the engine and cooker.
The fire usually proceeds very quickly so actions in case of a fire must be very fast. The fire must be tried to choke, by
preventing it to get air. You can do this by using the portable fire extinguisher which location you can see from section
general arrangement.
Water does not help when fire is fuel based.

If the fire is in engine space there is no need to open the engine cover. Just direct the extinguishers nozzle to engine
space true engine spaces fire port, and extinguish the fire in that way. The engine spaces fire port is a hole located in
engine spaces wall.

If the fire is starting to get out of hand, it is necessary for personal safety to abandon the craft, because when the fire
reaches the fuel tanks, there may be an explosion that causes that a large area of water around the craft is starting to

Keep the bilge’s clean and check for fuel and gas vapours or fuel leaks at regular intervals.

Do not fit free hanging curtains or other fabrics in the vicinity of or above cookers or other open flame devices.

Do not stow combustible material in the engine space.

Never fill any fuel tank or replace gas bottles when machinery is running or when cooking/heating appliances
are in use.

Never smoke while handling fuel or gas.

4.7.2 The engine

(only petrol)

Your craft is equipped with an engine space fan, which is operated from the switch. Do not try to prevent the ventilation
or try to modify the ventilation.


Keep the engine fan on for at least 4 minutes period before starting the engine.

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

4.7.3 The cooker / Heater

(Extra equipment)

When using the cooker/heater, follow the instructions given in it’s own user’s manual.
Familiarise your self with the cooker/heaters user’s manual before using the device.
When you are filling the fuel tank of the cooker/heater, make sure, that there is no open flame source near, or any
source that could cause sparks. Do not store fuel cans in unventilated space or loose. When you use cooker/heater
ensure proper ventilation.


Fuel burning open flame appliances consume cabin oxygen and release products of combustion into the graft.
Ventilation is required when appliances are in use. Never obstruct ventilation openings and ensure that fluid
appliances are operating correctly.

Never leave the craft unattended when cooking/heating appliance is in use.

4.7.4 The Cooker / heaters fuel tank

Cooker / heaters fuel tank is designed to be removable, so that filling it can be safely. We recommend that you fill the
tank outside the craft. When you are filling the tank make sure that there are no sources of open flame near or any
source that could cause sparks. Do not store the fuel canisters in unventilated space, or loose. When you use
cooker/heater take care of proper ventilation.

4.8 Fire fighting equipment

4.8.1 The portable extinguisher

This craft is equipped with portable fire extinguisher which size is 2 Kg. Fire extinguisher is located in the right side of
the steering desk, see general arrangement.
Do not replace the fire extinguisher with another one that is smaller than 8A/68B

Never obstruct portable fire extinguishers stowed in lockers.

4.8.2 Maintenance of the fire fighting equipment

Ensure that the fire extinguisher maintained and checked at regular intervals in appropriate shop. Replace the fire
extinguisher only with similar or with a more effective model.

4.8.3 Crafts owners / users responsibility

Always ensure clear access to the fire extinguisher when the boat is occupied.

Inform members of the crew and all persons onboard about the:
-location of the portable extinguisher
-location of the engine space fire ports

Never obstruct safety controls, e.g. fuel valves, gas valves, switches of the electrical system.

Never obstruct passage ways to exits and hatches.

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Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser

Never use gas lights in the craft.

4.9 Discharge prevention

The oceans, coasts and lakes of the world are unique and saving their nature is every sailors matter of honour. Avoid
- fuel and oil leaks
- emptying trash and waste into the water or on the shore
- letting detergents and solvents get into the water
- noise both on the shore and on the water
- producing big waves in narrow passages and in shallow water

Service the engine well and run it at an economical speed so that the exhausts wastes are low.
Respect the local environment laws, and the codes of good practice. Do not discharge toilets or holding tanks close to shore
ore in any prohibited zone. Use harbour or marina pump-out facilities to empty the holding tank before leaving the harbour.

Be aware of the international regulations against marine pollution (MARPOL) and respect it as much as possible.

4.9.1 The bilge space

All though your craft is built in a way that polluting fluids such as fuel or oil can not get to bilge water, for some reason
can some part of the craft be damaged and for this reason the bilge water can be mixed with fluids that are harmful for
the nature. For this reason it is very important that the bilge space is checked at regular intervals in case of fuel fumes
and fuel and oil leaks. Do not let harmful fluids to nature.

4.9.2 Toilet
(Extra equipment)

It is in the best interest of every one on the sea that toilet waists don’t spoil our waters. For this reason do not empty the
toilet in the sea. There are well marked places to empty toilet wastes in all most every harbour, use these places.
You can empty all so chemical toilets with an holding tank pump, if a proper nozzle is changed in the end of suction

Read carefully the operation instructions of the toilet on its own user’s manual and follow them.

4 Maintenance

Keep the boat clean and tidy. It will increase the comfort and safety as well as the second-hand value of the boat. Keep
the stainless steel rails clean and waxed. These components should be cleaned and waxed at least twice in a summer.
Washing and waxing is normally sufficient maintenance to the hull topsides and the deck surfaces. A special
boatcleaning detergent is best for the job. Do not use strong solvents as they may damage the gloss of the gelcoat
surface. You can use mild polishing compounds to treat chafed spots and remove dirt. We do not recommend silicon
based waxes as they will decrease the adhesion of resin or paint and therefore make the repair of possible damage more

5 Warranty

The boat and the equipment installed by the yard are given a 1 year warranty according to the term of guarantee which
follow. The devices installed are quarantined directly by the suppliers themselves. The separate certificates of quarantine for
these devices and the suppliers addresses are enclosed. In other warranty related issues, you are advised to contact the yard
or the dealer.

6.1 Warranty terms

These warranty provisions shall apply when selling new, series-produced boats with hull registration numbers to
consumers and other purchasers. The warranty shall also cover equipment and fittings which are permanently installed
in the boat as an integral part of the delivery, but shall not cover equipment and fittings acquired by the purchaser.
Under the terms of these warranty provisions, the vendor shall be considered as provider of the warranty. The vendor is

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responsible for ensuring that the merchandise remains serviceable and that other features associated with the
merchandise function normally during the period covered by the warranty. If such is not the case, the merchandise is
defective under the terms of the warranty.

The vendor is liable to repair defects that occur during the warranty period at his (the vendor's) expense.
The warranty period for the boat complete with fittings shall be for 1 (one) year beginning from the date of delivery of
the boat.

The warranty is valid within the European Union.

In the event that after the warranty period a defect occurs in the boat, but excluding permanently installed equipment
and fittings, the purchaser shall in the first place approach the vendor in order to establish liability for the defect. The
purchaser has a right also to submit his demands concerning the defect to any trader or agent who at an earlier stage in
the sales distribution channel surrendered the boat for retail or who has acted on behalf of the vendor
The purchaser must inform the vendor of the defect within a reasonable time from first observing it, or from the time
when he should have observed the defect. Notification of the defect may nevertheless be made by the purchaser within
two (2) months of its observance. The purchaser is obliged to act in such a way as not to give rise to further damages.

The vendor is committed to carry out repairs within a reasonable time from the date when the purchaser has demanded
repair of the defect and delivered the merchandise for repair.
If, in spite of exhortation, the vendor does not discharge his obligation to repair a defect or to furnish a defect-free
replacement within a reasonable time, the purchaser shall have the right to demand either a discount commensurate with
the defect, or a reasonable compensation for its repair elsewhere.

In the event of a serious defect, the purchaser has a right to void the sale and demand damages.
In accordance with section 5 of Finland's Consumer Protection Act, the vendor shall be liable for damages incurred by
the consumer.

The right of another purchaser to compensation for damages shall be determined in accordance with Finland's Trade

The vendor shall not be liable, however, for damages which may have been incurred indirectly by a purchaser other
than the consumer.
If, following the sale and during the warranty period, and without the agreement of the vendor, the merchandise has
been fundamentally altered by or for the purchaser, or special equipment has been installed therein or thereon, the
reduction in value that may originate from that alteration or installation shall be taken into account if the sale is voided
in accordance with paragraph 5 above.
Any defect that arises during the warranty period shall be repaired without cost to the purchaser wherever it is most
appropriate to do so from the standpoint of the purchaser and the vendor.

If the defect is repaired on the purchaser's premises, the vendor shall pay for travel by his personnel within his country
of domicile to a reasonable extent considering the significance of the defect, transport connections, the seaworthiness of
the boat, and the nature of access to the boat.

If the vendor repairs the boat in a place which he, the vendor, designates, the purchaser shall deliver the defective
merchandise to that place at his own liability and expense. However, should the defect notified by the purchaser be
covered by the warranty conditions, the vendor shall reimburse the purchaser with reasonable direct costs of
transporting the boat within its country of domicile.

The vendor is bound to return the repaired merchandise, at his own liability and expense, to the post office or goods
station closest to the purchaser, or to another place agreed upon with the purchaser.

FIN 20
Finnmaster 6400 MC Cruiser
Defects shall be considered as construction, manufacturing or structural flaws that affect the normal operation or quality
of the merchandise and which become apparent during the warranty period.

Deficiencies or defects in those parts or components which, according to the service manual, require maintenance or
adjustment following delivery shall not be considered defects unless the deficiency or defect recurs after the adjustment
or maintenance.

Minor surface defects which do not affect the structural integrity or usability of the merchandise, as well as minor
irregularities in the painting, varnishing, woodworking or chrome work, as well as surface defects that originate from
changes in the weather shall not be considered defects covered by the warranty.

Defects that arise from actions which deviate from normally acceptable usage shall not be considered defects covered
by the warranty.
The vendor shall be liable only for defects that arise from proper use of the merchandise. The vendor shall not be liable
for a defect that likely resulted from deficient maintenance or faulty installation carried out by the purchaser, from
modifications made without the vendor's approval, from repairs improperly performed by the purchaser, or from normal
wear and tear.
The provisions of these warranty conditions do not limit the purchaser's right to appeal under the Consumer Protection
Act concerning the defect associated with the transaction.
If any provision under this warranty is found to be null and void by virtue of an imperative provision of law applicable
to the warranty, the other provisions of the warranty shall nevertheless remain valid.

21 FIN
Recreational Craft
Directive 94/25/EC
Försäkran om överensstämmelse • Fritidsbåtsdirektiv 94/25/EG
Konformitätserklärung • Sportboote Richtlinie 94/25/EG

Name of the manufacturer: Oy Finn-Marin Ltd._______________________________________________

Valmistajan nimi • Tillverkarens namn • Hersteller
Addres: Kölitie 1
Osoite • Address • Strasse
Post code: 67900 _Place: KOKKOLA KARLEBY
Postimumero • Postnummer • PLZ Paikka • Ort • Stadt
Country: (code) FI (printed) SUOMI FINLAND ____
Maa • Land • Land (kirjoitettuna) • (utskrivet) • (Druckschrift)

Module(s) used: A Aa B+C B+D B+F G H

Käytetty moduuli • Använd modul • Zertifiziert nach modul



Hull Identification Number (HIN): -

Rungon tunnistenumero (HIN)
Skrovbeteckningsnummer (HIN)
Schiffskörperidentifikationsnummer (HIN)
Brand name of the craft: FinnMaster
Huviveneen merkki • Fritidsbåtens märke • Modellbezeichnung
Type or number: 6400 MC Cruiser
Malli tai numero • Typ eller nummer • Typ oder Nummer
Design category...........................................................................................................................................................................: C
Suunnittelukategoria • Designkategori • Entwurfskategorie
Type of craft*..............................................................................................................................................................................: 01
Venetyyppi • Båttyp • Bootstyp
Type of hull* ...............................................................................................................................................................................: 01
Runkotyyppi • Skrovtyp • Rumpftyp
Deck* ...........................................................................................................................................................................................: 01
Kansi • Däckning • Deck
Construction material* ..............................................................................................................................................................: 01
Rakennusmateriaali • Konstruktionsmaterial • Baumaterial
Motors manufacturer, model and Propulsion* .......................................................................................................................…………………
Moottorin valmistaja, malli ja propulsio • Motorns tilverkare, modell och framdrivning • Motor, Hersteller, Model
Serialnumber- and type of engine* ..........................................................................................................................................…………………
Moottorin sarjanumero ja -tyyppi • Motorns serienummer och -typ • Motorenserienummer und Antrieb
Serial number of drive ...............................................................................................................................................................…………………
Vetolaitteen sarjanumero • Drevs serienummer • Zugserienummer
Serial number of transom plate: ...............................................................................................................................................…………………
Kilven sarjanumero • Skölds serienummer • Schildserienummer
Maximum recommended engine power (kW) .........................................................................................................................: 120
Suurin sallittu koneteho • Maximal rekommenderad motorstyrka • max.Motorleistung
Length and beam of hull (m) ........................................................................................................................ : 6,01 / 2,30
Rungon pituus ja leveys • Skovets längd och bredd • Länge und Breite
Draught (m).................................................................................................................................................................................: 0,80
Syväys • Djupgående • Tiefgang
*See codes on opposite side ,(ks. koodit kääntöpuolella), (Se koder på nästa sida), (Siehe Codes auf der nächsten Seite)
I declare at my own and sole responsability that the craft mentioned above complies with all applicable essential
requirements in the way specified

Vakuutan, että yllä mainittu huvivene täyttää kaikki soveltuvat olennaiset turvallisuusvaatimukset kääntöpuolella olevan erittelyn
Jag försäkrar på eget ansvar att ovan nämnda fritidsbåt uppfyller alla tillämpliga väsentliga säkerhetskrav på det sätt som redovisas på
dokumentets baksida.
Ich erkläre und versichere hiermit, dass das oben bezeichnete Boot alle umseitig aufgefürten Anfordenrungen erfüllt und – sofern eine CE-
Baumusterprüfbescheiningung ausgestellt worden ist – mit dem Modell übereinstimmt, für das eine CE-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung
ausgestellt worden ist.

Signature: _______________________________________ Name and title: Osmo Roukala____________________

(Identification of the person empowered to sign on Managing Director / Toimitusjohtaja / verkställande direktor_
behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative) Nimikirjoitus ja titteli tai vastaava
Nimi (Valmistajan tai valtuutetun edustajan valtuuttaman Namnteckning och titel eller en motsvarande
Nimenkirjoittaja) Unterschrift
Namn (Identifiering av den person som är bemyndigad att skriva
på för tillverkaren eller hans auktoriserade representants räknig)
Unterschrift (Für den hersteller bzw. Den Bewollmächtigten) Date (yr/mon/day): / / _______
Päiväys, Datum, Datum
Type of craft • Venetyyppi Propulsion • Propulsio • Framdrivning • Antrieb
Båttyp • Bootstyp:
01 petrol engine / bensiinimoottori / bensinmotor / benzinmotor
01 onboard boat / sisämoottorivene / 02 diesel engine / dieselmoottori / dieselmotor / dieselmotor
inombordare båt /
Type of engine • Moottorityyppi • Motortyp •
Type of hull • Runkotyyppi
Skrovtyp • Rumftyp: 01 sterndrive / perävetolaite / aquadrev / heckantrieb

01 monohull / yksirunko Deck • Kansi • Däckning • Deck

enkelskrov / einrümpfer
01 decked / katettu / däckad / geschlossen
Construction material • Rakennusmateriaali •
Konstruktionsmaterial • Baumaterial:

01 plastic, fiber reinforced plastic / muovi, lujitemuovi /

plast, fiberarmerad plast / GFK, Kunststoff

Essential requirements

Annat normgivande dokument som använts

(reference to relevant articles in Annex 1 of the

Harmoniserade standarder som använts


Angewandte harmonisiertrte Normen

Käytetyt harmonisoidut standardit

Se den tekniska dokumentationen

Olennaiset turvallisuusvaatimukset

Other normative documents used

ISO - standarder som använts
(liite 1)

Gemäβ technischer unterlagen

Andere technische regelungen
Harmonised standards used
Väsentliga säkerhetskrav

Angewandte ISO-Normen
(Bilaga 1)

Käytetyt ISO - standardit

Muu käytetty normitus

Katso tekniset asiakirjat

Grundlegende Siecherheitsanforderungen

See the technical file

ISO-standards used
(gemäβ Anhang 1)

Sertified, sertifioitu, sertifierad, sertifierung: 12.10.2002

Hull Identification Number • Rungon merkintä • Skrovidentitetsbeteckning – HIN • EN ISO
Kennzeichnung des bootskörpers (2.1) 10087
Builder’s Plate • Valmistajan kilpi • Tillverkarskylt • Herstellerplakette (2.2) FDIS14945
Protection from falling overboard…• Laidan yli putoamisen ehkäiseminen... • Skydd mot
att falla över bord… • Schutz vor Überbordfallen…(2.3)
Visibility from the main steering position • Näkyvyys ohjailupaikalta • Sikt från EN ISO
huvudstyrplatsen • Sicht vom steuerstand(2.4) 11591
Owner’s manual • Käyttäjän käsikirja • Ägarhandboken • handbuch für eigner (2.5) EN ISO RSG Guide 2002
Structure • Rakenne • Struktur • Bauweise (3.1) EN ISO 12215.1-4 RSG Guide 2002
Stability and freeboard • Vakavuus ja varalaita • Stabilitet och fribord • Stabilität und EN ISO
freibord (3.2) 12217.1
Buoyancy and floatation • Kelluvuus • Reservdeplacement och flytmedel • Uftrieb und EN ISO
freibord 12217
Openings in hull, deck and superstructure • Rungon, kannen ja kansirakenteiden aukot • EN ISO FDIS
Öppningar i skrov, däck och överbyggnad • Öffnungen im bootskörper, im deck und in den 9093 12216
aufbauten (3.4)
Flooding • Vedellä täyttyminen • Inträngande vatten • Überflutung (3.5) FDIS15083
Manufacturer’s maximum recommended load • Suurin sallittu kuormitus • Tillverkarens EN ISO
rekommenderade • Vom hersteller empfohlene Höchstlast (3.6) 14946
Liferaft stowage • Pelastuslautan säilytys • Stuvningsutrymme för livbåt • Stauplatz für RSG Guide 2002
rettungsmittel (3.7)
Escape • Varauloskäynti • Utrymning • Notausstieg (3.8) FDIS 9094
Anchoring, mooring and towing • Ankkurointi, kiinnittäminen ja hinaaminen • Ankring, FDIS15084
förtöjning och bogsering • Ankern, Vertäuen und Schleppen (3.9)
Handling characteristics • Ohjailuominaisuudet • Manöveregenskaper • EN ISO
Bedienungseigenschaufen 11592
Engines and engine spaces • Koneet ja moottoritilat • Motor och motorutrymmen• Motoren
und motorenräume (5.1)
Inboard engine • Sisämoottorit • Inombordsmotor • Innenbordmotoren (5.1.1) EN ISO
Exposed parts • Suojaamattomat osat • Utsatta delar • Freiliegende teile (5.1.3)
Fuel system • Polttoainejärjestelmä • Bränslesystem • Kraftstoffsystem (5.2) EN ISO

General – fuel system • Yleistä polttoainejärjestelmästä • Allmänt om bränslesystem • EN ISO

Allgemeines (5.2.1) 7840
Fuel tanks • Polttoainetankit • Bränsletankar • Kraftstoffbehälter (5.2.2)
Electrical systems • Sähköjärjestelmä • Elektriska system • Elektrisches system (5.3) EN ISO 8846,
EN ISO 10133,
Steering systems • Ohjausjärjestelmä • Styrsystem • Steuerungssystem (5.4) EN ISO
Fire protection • Palontorjunta • Brandskydd • Brandbekämpfung (5.6)
General – fire protection • Yleistä palontorjunnasta • Allmänt om brandskydd •
Fire-fighting equipment • Palontorjuntavälineet • Brandskyddsutrustning • FDIS 9094
Navigation lights • Kulkuvalot • Navigationsljus • Navigationslichter (5.7) COLREG
Discharge prevention • Päästöjentorjunta • Förebyggande av utsläpp • Schutz gegen
Gewässerverschmutzung (5.8)
Oy Finn-Marin Ltd.
Kölitie 1

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