Ob4mt Ge Steele
Ob4mt Ge Steele
Ob4mt Ge Steele
Subject: Writing (Language) Activity: Introduction to Opinion Setting: Gen. Ed Classroom- Boyer # of Students: 24
Statement of Objective: I can plan my opinion piece of writing using an introduction, two reasons with examples, and a Accommodations
*Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D) conclusion, shown by a complete graphic organizer.
Materials: Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer
*Prepared and organized Opinion Writing Anchor Chart
*Available for all Writing notebook
Opening: Review the opinion writing anchor chart with students discussing the author’s Seating students near
*Gain attention/motivate purpose of writing opinion pieces the teacher
*Activate prior knowledge If needed, ask students to get out their writer’s notebook and review the mini
~link/relate; assess; prepare for new lesson on opinion and persuasion Uses appropriate wait
learning (e.g. vocabulary) time
*State goals/set purpose
~explain task: why, what, how, and when
for strategies
*Clear directions
Presentation: Introduce the prompt for our opinion writing piece Providing visual aids
Teacher: Prompt: In your opinion, what is the BEST Christmas gift you could receive this when presenting
*Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) year? information
*Organizational framework o Discuss realistic gifts
~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a Introduce opinion writing graphic organizer Recognize and give
meaningful context First step when writing a new piece of writing is to plan. To plan this piece, we are credit for student’s oral
*Present visually, verbally, kinesthetically, going to use a couple different resources. The first we are going to do is a graphic participation in class
real world (e.g. LESH) organizer.
*Model and think aloud to make visible Give appropriate wait
~language practices/processes time
~learning strategies and adaptations (how,
when and why) Check for
~organization, relationships, and clues understanding
*Transfer of control
~students explain, justify, clarify, etc.
*Clear directions
*Check for understanding
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt
probe/question (in ZPD)
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~overt and active
~instructional dialogue, think aloud,
explain, justify, evaluate, etc.
Guided Practice: Model how I would write my opinion piece about my opinion of a best Christmas Repeating directions to
*Activity related to presentation/objectives present. the student after they
*Active student participation Pass out students’ papers to start planning their own piece of writing. have been given to the
~provide rationale for assignment I will explain the expectations of work I expect for the writing time period before class
~multi-sensory and real world letting them go start writing.
~instructional dialogue I do not want to hear that anyone is done in the first 5 minutes of working. I want Recognize and give
*Transfer of control you to take your time on this and really think about your reasons, really think of credit for student’s oral
~students explain, justify, clarify, think good evidence. participation in class
aloud I hope you will continue working throughout the rest of today’s class period. If you
*Check for understanding do think you are finished, come up and I will check it over before I tell you the next
~ensure high success rate steps. Wait time
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt,
probe/question (in ZPD)
Individual Practice:
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise
Closing: Hand up, pair up with another student in class and tell them about your idea, and Give students extra wait
*Adequate time your reasons and evidence behind your opinion time
*Students summarize content and Ask a couple students to share out about their ideas for the BEST Christmas gift
accomplishments Pick 3-5 sticks depending on time to ask students to share. Recognize and give
*Assess/identify new goals credit for student’s oral
*Link to future learning participation in class