Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients, Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients of Approximate
Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients, Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients of Approximate
Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients, Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients of Approximate
Inverse Polynomials
Direct Polynomials provide the thermoelectric voltage (µV) from a known temperature (°C); Inverse Polynomials
provide the temperature (°C) from a known thermoelectric voltage (µV).
Type J Thermocouples - coefficients, ci, of reference Type J Thermocouples - coefficients of approximate
equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a inverse functions giving temperature, t90 , as a function of
function of temperature t90, for the indicated temperature the thermoelectric voltage, E, in selected temperature and
ranges. The equations are of the form: voltage ranges. The functions are of the form:
t90 = c0 + c1E + c2 E 2+…ci E i
E = ( ci (t90)i
i=0 where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius. -210 0 760
Temperature to to to
-210 760 Range:
Temperature 0°C 760°C 1,200°C
Range: to to
760°C 1,200°C -8,095 0 42,919
Voltage to to to
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... 2.964 562 568 1 x 105 Range: 0 µV 42,919 µV 69,553 µV
c1 = 5.038 118 781 5 x101 -1.497 612 778 6 x 103
c2 = 3.047 583 693 0 x 10-2 3.178 710 392 4 c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 0.000 000 .... -3.113 581 87 x 103
c3 = -8.568 106 572 0 x 10-5 -3.184 768 670 1 x 10-3 c1 = 1.952 826 8 x 10-2 1.978 425 x 10-2 3.005 436 84 x 10-1
c2 = -1.228 618 5 x 10 -6 -2.001 204 x 10-7 -9.947 732 30 x 10-6
c4 = 1.322 819 529 5 x 10-7 1.572 081 900 4 x 10-6
c5 = -1.705 295 833 7 x 10-10 -3.069 136 905 6 x 10-10 c3 = -1.075 217 8 x 10-9 1.036 969 x 10-11 1.702 766 30 x 10-10
c6 = 2.094 809 069 7 x 10-13 c4 = -5.908 693 3 x 10-13 -2.549 687 x 10-16 -1.430 334 68 x 10-15
c7 = -1.253 839 533 6 x 10-16 c5 = -1.725 671 3 x 10-16 3.585 153 x 10-21 4.738 860 84 x 10-21
c8 = 1.563 172 569 7 x 10-20 c6 = -2.813 151 3 x 10-20 -5.344 285 x 10-26
c7 = -2.396 337 0 x 10-24 5.099 890 x 10-31
c8 = -8.382 332 1 x 10-29
ITS-90 Thermocouple Direct & Inverse
Polynomials Cont’d
Type N Thermocouples - coefficients, ci , of reference Temperature -270 0
equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a Range: to to
function of temperature, t90, for the indicated 0°C 1,300°C
temperature ranges. The equations are of the form: c0 = 0.000 000 000 0.... 0.000 000 000 0....
c1 = 2.615 910 596 2 x101 2.592 939 460 1 x 101
n c2 = 1.095 748 422 8 x 10-2 1.571 014 188 0 x 10-2
E = ( ci (t90)i c3 = -9.384 111 155 4 x 10-5 4.382 562 723 7 x 10-5
i=0 c4
-4.641 203 975 9 x 10-8
-2.630 335 771 6 x 10-9
-2.526 116 979 4 x 10-7
6.431 181 933 9 x 10-10 Z
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius. c6 = -2.265 343 800 3 x 10-11 -1.006 347 151 9 x 10-12
c7 = -7.608 930 079 1 x 10-14 9.974 533 899 2 x 10-16
c8 = -9.341 966 783 5 x 10-17 -6.086 324 560 7 x 10-19
c9 = 2.084 922 933 9 x 10-22
c10 = -3.068 219 615 1 x 10-26
ITS-90 Thermocouple Direct & Inverse
Polynomials Cont’d