Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients, Type J Thermocouples - Coefficients of Approximate

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ITS-90 Thermocouple Direct &

Inverse Polynomials
Direct Polynomials provide the thermoelectric voltage (µV) from a known temperature (°C); Inverse Polynomials
provide the temperature (°C) from a known thermoelectric voltage (µV).
Type J Thermocouples - coefficients, ci, of reference Type J Thermocouples - coefficients of approximate
equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a inverse functions giving temperature, t90 , as a function of
function of temperature t90, for the indicated temperature the thermoelectric voltage, E, in selected temperature and
ranges. The equations are of the form: voltage ranges. The functions are of the form:
t90 = c0 + c1E + c2 E 2+…ci E i
E = ( ci (t90)i
i=0 where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius. -210 0 760
Temperature to to to
-210 760 Range:
Temperature 0°C 760°C 1,200°C
Range: to to
760°C 1,200°C -8,095 0 42,919
Voltage to to to
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... 2.964 562 568 1 x 105 Range: 0 µV 42,919 µV 69,553 µV
c1 = 5.038 118 781 5 x101 -1.497 612 778 6 x 103
c2 = 3.047 583 693 0 x 10-2 3.178 710 392 4 c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 0.000 000 .... -3.113 581 87 x 103
c3 = -8.568 106 572 0 x 10-5 -3.184 768 670 1 x 10-3 c1 = 1.952 826 8 x 10-2 1.978 425 x 10-2 3.005 436 84 x 10-1
c2 = -1.228 618 5 x 10 -6 -2.001 204 x 10-7 -9.947 732 30 x 10-6
c4 = 1.322 819 529 5 x 10-7 1.572 081 900 4 x 10-6
c5 = -1.705 295 833 7 x 10-10 -3.069 136 905 6 x 10-10 c3 = -1.075 217 8 x 10-9 1.036 969 x 10-11 1.702 766 30 x 10-10
c6 = 2.094 809 069 7 x 10-13 c4 = -5.908 693 3 x 10-13 -2.549 687 x 10-16 -1.430 334 68 x 10-15
c7 = -1.253 839 533 6 x 10-16 c5 = -1.725 671 3 x 10-16 3.585 153 x 10-21 4.738 860 84 x 10-21
c8 = 1.563 172 569 7 x 10-20 c6 = -2.813 151 3 x 10-20 -5.344 285 x 10-26
c7 = -2.396 337 0 x 10-24 5.099 890 x 10-31
c8 = -8.382 332 1 x 10-29

Error 0.03 0.04 0.03

Range: to to to
-0.05°C -0.04°C -0.04°C

Type K Thermocouples - coefficients α0, α1 and αi , of Type K Thermocouples - coefficients of approximate

reference equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as inverse functions giving temperature, t90, as a function of
a function of temperature, t90 for the indicated temperature the thermoelectric voltage, E, in selected temperature and
ranges. The equation below 0°C is of the form: voltage ranges. The functions are of the form:
E = ( c1 (t90) i t90 = co + c1E + c2E2 ciE i
i=0 where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.
the equation above 0°C is of the form: -200 0 500
n Temperature to to to
E =( ci (t90) + i α0e α1 (t90 - 126.9686)2 Range:
0°C 500°C 1,372°C
i=0 -5891 0 20,644
Voltage to to to
where E is the natural logarithm constant, E is in Range: 0 µV 20,644 µV 54,886 µV
microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.
c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 0.000 000 .... -1.318 058 x 102
Temperature Range: Coefficients c1 = 2.517 346 2 x 10-2 2.508 355 x 10-2 4.830 222 x 10-2
c2 = -1.166 287 8 x 10 -6 7.860 106 x 10-8 -1.646 031 x 10-6
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... -9
c1 = 3.945 012 802 5 x 101 c3 = -1.083 363 8 x 10 -2.503 131 x 10-10 5.464 731 x 10-11
c2 = 2.362 237 359 8 x 10-2 c4 = -8.977 354 0 x 10-13 8.315 270 x 10-14 -9.650 715 x 10-16
c3 = -3.285 890 678 4 x 10-4 c5 = -3.734 237 7 x 10-16 -1.228 034 x 10-17 8.802 193 x 10-21
c4 = -4.990 482 877 7 x 10-6 c6 = -8.663 264 3 x 10-20 9.804 036 x 10-22 -3.110 810 x 10-26
270 to 0°C c5 = -6.750 905 917 3 x 10-8 c7 = -1.045 059 8 x 10-23 -4.413 030 x 10-26
c6 = -5.741 032 742 8 x 10-10 c8 = -5.192 057 7 x 10-28 1.057 734 x 10-30
c7 = -3.108 887 289 4 x 10-12 c9 = -1.052 755 x 10-35
c8 = -1.045 160 936 5 x 10-14 0.04°C 0.04°C 0.06°C
c9 = -1.988 926 687 8 x 10-17 Error
Range: to to to
c10 = -1.632 269 748 6 x 10-20 -0.02°C -0.05°C -0.05°C
c0 = 1.760 041 368 6 x 101
c1 = 3.892 120 497 5 x 101
c2 = 1.855 877 003 2 x 10-2
c3 = -9.945 759 287 4 x 10-5
c4 = 3.184 094 571 9 x 10-7
0 to 1372°C c5 = -5.607 284 488 9 x 10-10
c6 = 5.607 505 905 9 x 10-13
c7 = -3.202 072 000 3 x 10-16
c8 = 9.715 114 715 2 x 10-20
c9 = -1.210 472 127 5 x 10-23
α0 = 1.185 976 x 102
α1 = -1.183 432 x 10-4

ITS-90 Thermocouple Direct & Inverse
Polynomials Cont’d

Type T Thermocouples - coefficients, ci , of reference Type T Thermocouples - coefficients of approximate

equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a inverse functions giving temperature, t90, as a function
function of temperature, t90, for the indicated of the thermoelectric voltage, E, in selected temperature
temperature ranges. The equations are of the form: and voltage ranges. The functions are of the form:
n t90 = c0 + c1E + c2 E 2+…ciE i
E =( ci (t90)i
i=0 where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.

Temperature -270 0 Temperature -200 0

Range: to to Range: to to
0°C 400° 0°C 400°C
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0.... 0.000 000 000 0.... Voltage: -5,603 0
c1 = 3.874 810 636 4 x101 3.874 810 636 4 x101 Range: to to
c2 = 4.419 443 434 7 x 10-2 3.329 222 788 0 x10-2 0 µV 20,872 µV
c3 = 1.184 432 310 5 x 10-4 2.061 824 340 4 x 10-4 c0 = 0.000 000 0.... 0.000 000 .... -2
c4 = 2.003 297 355 4 x 10-5 -2.188 225 684 6 x 10-6 c1
c5 = 9.013 801 955 9 x 10-7 1.099 688 092 8 x 10-8 = 2.592 919 2 x 10-2 2.592 800 x 10
c6 = 2.265 115 659 3 x 10-8 c2 = -2.131 696 7 x 10-7 -7.602 961 x 10-7
-3.081 575 877 2 x 10-11 c3 = 7.901 869 2 x 10-10 4.637 791 x 10-11
c7 = 3.607 115 420 5 x 10-10 4.547 913 529 0 x 10-14
c8 = 3.849 393 988 3 x 10-12 c4 = 4.252 777 7 x 10-13 -2.165 394 x 10-15
-2.751 290 167 3 x 10-17 c5 = 1.330 447 3 x 10-16 6.048 144 x 10-20
c9 = 2.821 352 192 5 x 10-14
c10 = 1.425 159 477 9 x 10-16 c6 = 2.024 144 6 x 10-20 -7.293 422 x 10-25
c11 = 4.876 866 228 6 x 10-19 c7 = 1.266 817 1 x 10-24
c12 = 1.079 553 927 0 x 10-21 0.04 0.03
c13 = 1.394 502 706 2 x 10-24 Error
Range: to to
c14 = 7.979 515 392 7 x 10-28 -0.02°C -0.03°C

Type E Thermocouples - coefficients, ci, of reference Type E Thermocouples - coefficients of approximate

equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a inverse functions giving temperature, t90, as a function
function of temperature, t90, for the indicated of the thermoelectric voltage, E, in selected temperature
temperature ranges. The equations are of the form: and voltage ranges. The functions are of the form:
n t90 = c0 + c1E + c2E 2+… ciE i
E = ( ci (t90)i where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.

where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius. Temperature -200 0

Range: to to
0°C 1,000°C
Temperature -270 0
to to Voltage -8,825 0
Range: to to
0°C 400°C Range:
0 µV 76,373 µV
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... 0.000 000 000 0 ....
c1 = 5.866 550 870 8 x101 5.866 550 871 0 x101 c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 0.000 000 0 ....
c2 = 4.541 097 712 4 x 10-2 4.503 227 558 2 x10-2 c1 = 1.697 728 8 x 10-2 1.705 703 5 x 10-2
c3 = -7.799 804 868 6 x 10-4 2.890 840 721 2 x 10-5 c2 = -4.351 497 0 x 10-7 -2.330 175 9 x 10-7
c4 = -2.580 016 084 3 x 10-5 -3.305 689 665 2 x 10-7 c3 = -1.585 969 7 x 10-10 6.543 558 5 x 10-12
c5 = -5.945 258 305 7 x 10-7 6.502 440 327 0 x 10-10 c4 = -9.250 287 1 x 10-14 -7.356 274 9 x 10-17
c6 = -9.321 405 866 7 x 10-9 -1.919 749 550 4 x 10-1 c5 = -2.608 431 4 x 10-17 -1.789 600 1 x 10-21
c7 = -1.028 760 553 4 x 10-10 -1.253 660 049 7 x 10-15 c6 = -4.136 019 9 x 10-21 8.403 616 5 x 10-26
c8 = -8.037 012 362 1 x 10-13 2.148 921 756 9 x 10-18 c7 = -3.403 403 0 x 10-25 -1.373 587 9 x 10-30
c9 = -4.397 949 739 1 x 10-15 -1.438 804 178 2 x 10-21 c8 = -1.156 489 0 x 10-29 1.062 982 3 x 10-35
c10 = -1.641 477 635 5 x 10-17 3.596 089 948 1 x 10-25 c9 = -3.244 708 7 x 10-41
c11 = -3.967 361 951 6 x 10-20 0.03 0.02
c12 = -5.582 732 872 1 x 10-23 Error
Range: to to
c13 = -3.465 784 201 3 x 10-26 -0.01°C -0.02°C

Type N Thermocouples - coefficients, ci , of reference Temperature -270 0
equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a Range: to to
function of temperature, t90, for the indicated 0°C 1,300°C
temperature ranges. The equations are of the form: c0 = 0.000 000 000 0.... 0.000 000 000 0....
c1 = 2.615 910 596 2 x101 2.592 939 460 1 x 101
n c2 = 1.095 748 422 8 x 10-2 1.571 014 188 0 x 10-2
E = ( ci (t90)i c3 = -9.384 111 155 4 x 10-5 4.382 562 723 7 x 10-5
i=0 c4
-4.641 203 975 9 x 10-8
-2.630 335 771 6 x 10-9
-2.526 116 979 4 x 10-7
6.431 181 933 9 x 10-10 Z
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius. c6 = -2.265 343 800 3 x 10-11 -1.006 347 151 9 x 10-12
c7 = -7.608 930 079 1 x 10-14 9.974 533 899 2 x 10-16
c8 = -9.341 966 783 5 x 10-17 -6.086 324 560 7 x 10-19
c9 = 2.084 922 933 9 x 10-22
c10 = -3.068 219 615 1 x 10-26

Type N Thermocouples - Temperature -200 0 600 0

coefficients of approximate inverse Range: to to to to
functions giving temperature, t90, as 0°C 600°C 1,300°C 1,300°C
a function of the thermoelectric Voltage -3,990 0 20,613 0
voltage, E, in selected temperature Range: to to to
0 µV 20,613 µV 47,513 µV 47,513 µV
and voltage ranges. The functions
are of the form: c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 0.000 00 .... 1.972 485 x 101 0.000 000 0 ....
c1 = 3.843 684 7 x 10-2 3.868 96 x 10-2 3.300 943 x 10-2 3.878 327 7 x 10-2
t90 = c0 + c1E + c2E 2+… ci E i c2 = 1.101 048 5 x 10-6 -1.082 67 x 10 -6
-3.915 159 x 10-7
-1.161 234 4 x 10-6
c3 = 5.222 931 2 x 10-9 4.702 05 x 10-11 9.855 391 x 10-12 6.952 565 5 x 10-11
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in c4 = 7.206 052 5 x 10-12 -2.121 69 x 10-18 -1.274 371 x 10-16 -3.009 007 7 x 10-15
c5 = 5.848 858 6 x 10-15 -1.172 72 x 10-19 7.767 022 x 10-22 8.831 158 4 x 10-20
degrees Celsius. c6 = 2.775 491 6 x 10-18 5.392 80 x 10-24 -1.621 383 9 x 10-24
c7 = 7.707.516 6 x 10-22 -7.981 56 x 10-29 1.669 336 2 x 10-29
c8 = 1.158 266 5 x 10-25 -7.311 754 0 x 10-35
c9 = 7.313 886 8 x 10-30
Error 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06
Range: to to to to
-0.02°C -0.02°C -0.04°C -0.06°C

Type B Thermocouples - coefficients, ci , of reference Type B Thermocouples - coefficients of approximate

equations giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as a inverse functions giving temperature, t90, as a function
function of temperature, t90, for the indicated of the thermoelectric voltage, E, in selected temperature
temperature ranges. The equations are of the form: and voltage ranges. The functions are of the form:
n t90 = c0 + c1E + c2E 2+… ci E i
E = ( ci (t90)i
i=0 where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius.
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in degrees Celsius. Temperature 250 700
Range: to to
0 630.615 700°C 1,820°C
Range: to to Voltage 291 2,431
630.615°C 1,820°C Range: to to
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... -3.893 816 862 1 x 103 2,431 µV 13,820 µV
c1 = -2.465 081 834 6 x10-1 2.857 174 747 0 x 101 c0 = 9.842 332 1 x 101 -2.131 507 1 x 102
c2 = 5.904 042 117 1 x 10-3 -8.488 510 478 5 x 10-2 c1 = 6.997 150 0 x 10-1 2.851 050 4 x 10-1
c3 = -1.325 793 163 6 x 10-6 1.578 528 016 4 x 10-4 c2 = -8.476 530 4 x 10-4 -5.274 288 7 x 10-5
c4 = 1.566 829 190 1 x 10-9 -1.683 534 486 4 x 10-7 c3 = 1.005 264 4 x 10-6 9.916 080 4 x 10-9
c5 = -1.694 452 924 0 x 10-12 1.110 979 401 3 x 10-10 c4 = -8.334 595 2 x 10-10 -1.296 530 3 x 10-12
c6 = 6.229 034 709 4 x 10-16 -4.451 543 103 3 x 10-14 c5 = 4.550 854 2 x 10-13 1.119 587 0 x 10-16
c7 = 9.897 564 082 1 x 10-18 c6 = -1.552 303 7 x 10-16 -6.062 519 9 x 10-21
c8 = -9.379 133 028 9 x 10-22 c7 = 2.988 675 0 x 10-20 1.866 169 6 x 10-25
c8 = -2.474 286 0 x 10-24 -2.487 858 5 x 10-30

Error 0.03 0.02

Range: to to
-0.02°C -0.01°C

ITS-90 Thermocouple Direct & Inverse
Polynomials Cont’d

Type R Thermocouples - Temperature -50 1,064.18 1,664.5

coefficients, ci , of reference equations Range: to to to
1,064.18°C 1,664.5°C 1,768.1°C
giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... 2.951 579 253 16 x 103 1.522 321 182 09 x 105
a function of temperature, t90, for the c1 = 5.289 617 297 65 .... -2.520 612 513 32 .... -2.688 198 885 45 x 102
indicated temperature ranges. The c2 = 1.391 665 897 82 x 10-2 1.595 645 018 65 x 10-2 1.712 802 804 71 x 10-1
equations are of the for: c3 = -2.388 556 930 17 x 10-5 -7.640 859 475 76 x 10-6 -3.458 957 064 53 x 10-5
c4 = 3.569 160 010 63 x 10-8 2.053 052 910 24 x 10-9 -9.346 339 710 46 x 10-12
c5 = -4.623 476 662 98 x 10-11 -2.933 596 681 73 x 10-13
E = ( ci (t90)i c6 = 5.007 774 410 34 x 10-14
i=0 c7 = -3.731 058 861 91 x 10-17
c8 = 1.577 164 823 67 x 10-20
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in c9 = -2.810 386 252 51 x 10-24
degrees Celsius.

Type R Thermocouples - Temperature -50°C 2,500 1,064 1,664.5

coefficients of approximate Range: to to to to
250°C 1,200°C 1,664.5°C 1,768.1°C
inverse functions giving -226 1,923 11,361 19,739
temperature, t90 , as a Voltage to to to to
Range: 1,923 µV 13,228 µV 19,739 µV 21,103 µV
function of the
thermoelectric voltage, E, in c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 1.334 584 505 x 101 -8.199 599 416 x 101 3.406 177 836 x 104
selected temperature and c1 = 1.889 138 0 x 10-1 1.472 644 573 x 10-1 1.553 962 042 x 10-1 -7.023 729 171 ....
c3 = 1.306 861 9 x 10-7 4.031 129 x 726 10-9 4.279 433 549 x 10-10 -5.582 903 813 x 10-4
voltage ranges. The c4 = -2.270 358 0 x 10-10 -6.249 428 360 x 10-13 -1.191 577 910 x 10-14 -1.952 394 635 x 10-8
functions are of the form: c5 = 3.514 565 9 x 10-13 6.468 412 046 x 10-17 1.492 290 091 x 10-19 2.560 740 231 x 10-13
c6 = -3.895 390 0 x 10-16 -4.458 750 426 x 10-21
t90 = c0 + c1E + c2E2+…ciEi c7 = 2.823.947 1 x 10-19 1.994 710 146 x 10-25
c8 = -1.260 728 1 x 10-22 -5.313 401 790 x 10-30
where E is in microvolts and c9 = 3.135 361 1 x 10-26 6.481 976 217 x 10-35
t90 is in degrees Celsius. c10 = -3.318 776 9 x 10-30
Error 0.02 0.005 0.001 0.002
Range: to to to to
-0.02°C -0.005°C -0.0005°C -0.001°C

Type S Thermocouples - Temperature -50 1,064.18 1,664.5

coefficients, ci , of reference equations Range: to to to
1,064.18°C 1,664.5°C 1,768.1°C
giving the thermoelectric voltage, E, as
c0 = 0.000 000 000 0 .... 1.329 004 450 85 x 103 1.466 282 326 36 x 105
a function of temperature, t90, for the c1 = 5.403 133 086 31.... 3.345 093 113 44 .... -2.584 305 167 52 x 102
indicated temperature ranges. The c2 = 1.259 342 897 40 x 10-2 6.548 051 928 18 x 10-3 1.636 935 746 41 x 10-1
equations are of the for: c3 = -2.324 779 686 89 x 10-5 -1.648 562 592 09 x 10-6 -3.304 390 469 87 x 10-5
c4 = 3.220 288 230 36 x 10-8 1.299 896 051 74 x 10-11 -9.432 236 906 12 x 10-12
n c5 = -3.314 651 963 89 x 10-11
E = ( ci (t90)i c6 = 2.557 442 517 86 x 10-14
c7 = -1.250 688 713 93 x 10-17
c8 = 2.714 431 761 45 x 10-21
where E is in microvolts and t90 is in
degrees Celsius.

Type S Thermocouples - Temperature -50 250 1,064 1,664.5

coefficients of approximate Range: to to to to
250°C 1,200°C 1,664.5°C 1,768.1°C
inverse functions giving
Voltage -235 1,874 10,332 17,536
temperature, t90 , as a Range: to to to to
function of the 1,874 µV 11,950 µV 17,536 µV 18,693 µV
thermoelectric voltage, E, in c0 = 0.000 000 0 .... 1.291 507 177 x 101 -8.087 801 117 x 101 5.333 875 126 x 104
selected temperature and c1 = 1.849 494 60 x 10-1 1.466 298 863 x 10-1 1.621 573 104 x 10-1 -1.235 892 298 x 101
c2 = -8.005 040 62 x 10-5 -1.534 713 402 x 10-5 -8.536 869 453 x 10-6 1.092 657 613 x 10-3
voltage ranges. The c3 = 1.022 374 30 x 10-7 3.145 945 973 x 10-9 4.719 686 976 x 10-10 -4.265 693 686 x 10-8
functions are of the form: c4 = -1.522 485 92 x 10-10 -4.163 257 839 x 10-13 -1.441 693 666 x 10-14 6.247 205 420 x 10-13
c5 = 1.888 213 43 x 10-13 3.187 963 771 x 10-17 2.081 618 890 x 10-19
t90 = c0 + c1E + c2E 2+…ci E i c6 = -1.590 859 41 x 10-16 -1.291 637 500 x 10-21
c7 = 8.230 278 80 x 10-20 2.183 475 087 x 10-26
c8 = -2.341 819 44 x 10-23 -1.447 379 511 x 10-31
where E is in microvolts and c9 = 2.797 862 60 x 10-27 8.211 272 125 x 10-36
t90 is in degrees Celsius. 0.02 0.01 0.0002 0.002
Error to to to to
Range: -0.02°C -0.01°C -0.0002°C -0.002°C


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