Pre-Test Direction: Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer

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Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which among the choices gives an overall review of the paper, but does address a
few slightly different issues from the abstract?

a. Hypothesis
b. Significance of the Study
c. Introduction
d. Scope and Delimitation

2. The research introduction does not have a strict word limit, but it should be as concise
as possible. The following are possible inclusions of every introduction except

a. Rationale
b. Purpose
c. Thesis Statement
d. Local Perspective only

3. The purpose of writing the introduction will lead the reader from a general subject area
to a particular field of research. Which of the following is the NOT considered as way in
constructing a research introduction?

a. Introduce your topic and rationale without citation.

b. Create some context and background.
c. Tell your reader about the research you plan to carry out.
d. Explain why your research is important

4. Writing research introduction is not an easy task. Thus, what do you call an approach
is applied specifically to a methodology that is used to analyze texts in terms of the
functional/communicative structures that typically make up texts in a genre?

a. Content-Analysis
b. Move-Analysis
c. Textual-Analysis
d. Graphical-Analysis

5. CARS Model is employed as conceptual framework for understanding of profession-

based academic writing upon examining the rhetorical moves employed. CARS mean

a. Create a Research Space

b. Creation of Rationale Space
c. Create a Real Scenario
d. Creation of Relevant Scenario
6. He is a linguist best known for his work on genre analysis, particularly with regard to
its application to the fields of rhetoric, discourse analysis, English for Academic purposes
and, more recently, information science. He was also the pioneer of Cars Model in
analyzing and evaluating research introductions

a. John Swales
b. John Sales
c. Smith Swales
d. Smith Sales

7. In 2004, modified CARS model in was introduce as response to the different research
introduction. The following are moves for analysis except

a. Establishing a territory (citations required) via topic generalizations of

increasing specificity
b. Establishing a niche (citations possible)
c. Establishing the abstract and draw a conclusion
d. Presenting the present work

8. In scientific papers, you have to start with the broadest material, before zooming in on
the specifics. What do you call the figure below that can be used as pattern in writing
research introduction?

a. pyramid b. inverted triangle c. triangle d. trapezoid

9. Which of the following steps is obligatory as part of research introduction, though

many research stop after the said steps?

a. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 1: Claiming Centrality

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article

10. The following techniques can be observed or to be considered in citing the research
of others except __________________.

a. integral citation
b. verb tenses
c. exclamatory sentences
d. non-integral citation
Direction: Identify what move/step have been used or manifested on the
following information. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Note: Falling to give credits to others can kill any academic document. Hence, for ethical
consideration, the following statement in every succeeding item is properly cited by the

11. The present work pretends to measure the levels of financial literacy of the students
of the University of Porto, identifying financial behavior and attitudes patterns and more
critical areas of knowledge. We intend to do this trough self-completion and paper based
questionnaires, based on the recommendations and research developed by reference
entities at the national and international level, as the OECD and the Portuguese Central
Bank. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 1: Claiming Centrality

b. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 2: Making Topic Generalizations
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 1: Counter Claiming
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article

12. Since then, the issue of financial literacy has raised a growing concern by
governments and financial system regulatory authorities. It is globally recognized that
more skilled consumers will demand for better, cheaper and more appropriated products
and services, therefore contributing to more effective regulation and hence to greater
financial markets’ efficiency. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Step 2: Announcing Principal Finding
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
d. Move 1: Establishing Territory - Step 2: Making Topic Generalizations

13. The results of the investigation show that the students’ financial literacy levels differ
according the area and cycle of studies, as well as with age, gender, area of studies in
the high school and the years of professional experience. Researchers also found
evidence of a positive correlation between the financial inclusion of the students and
their levels of financial literacy, proving that more financial literate individuals tend to be
more integrated in the financial system, and vice-versa. The financial knowledge,
attitudes and behaviors are also positively correlated, thus, students with better financial
knowledge tend to adopt more appropriate financial attitudes and behaviors. (Mendes,

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article
b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 3: Question-raising
d. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 3: Reviewing Previous Items of Research
14. Then, besides compare the results with the national scene; researchers are going to
identify the existent relationships between the financial literacy levels and some social,
demographic and economic factors of the individuals. In addition, it’s important to see to
what extent the financial literacy level is influenced by the gender, age, familiar financial
situation or the education base of the students. Moreover, it aims to analyze the possible
existence of areas of major concern, within the overall financial knowledge and skills.
(Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 3: Reviewing Previous Items of Research

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 3: Question-raising
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap

15. Proponents believe that this type of research could be useful in terms of defining
future policies, both in terms of regulation and educational programs, either at university
or at pre-university level. It will not only help to perceive which aspects of financial
literacy require greater attention from these programs, but also may be useful in defining
their content. Moreover, it will help to define and highlight the role of the universities and
high schools with regard to this subject. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings

16. By an individual perspective, some academics argue that individuals with higher
levels of financial education tend to have a more responsible financial behavior, with less
likelihood of debt default and a more responsible and conscious use of credit cards.
Moreover, they also tend to transact in low-cost manners, incurring lower fees and using
low-cost borrowing. There is also empiric evidence that individuals with a higher level of
financial literacy tend to earn more income from their savings and invest in a more varied
set of financial instruments. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 1: Counter Claiming

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 3: Question-raising
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition

17. Because of the inadequacy of principles and claimed, it is also important to analyze
the demand side, the role of consumers of financial products and services. Some
authors suggest that the low levels of financial literacy of the population may have
favored the subprime mortgage crisis started in the late 2000s. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 1: Counter Claiming
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
18. The knowledge that could be gained in this investigation would guide public
administrators to plan, design and initiate initiatives, programs, and policies relative to
dengue prevention which could be used to address the ever growing problems on
dengue fever infections. Thus, this investigation was undertaken to evaluate the
knowledge and practices regarding dengue infections among rural residents in Samar
Province, Philippines. (Yboa and Labrague, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition

19. As a result, students learning achievement with the instructional management

between STEM education method is designed of the innovative lesson plan. Thus, the
model of STEM Education teaching and learning was integrated into the model of
science experiment of the upper secondary students at the 9th grade level at
Watsratong Municipal School under Roi-Et Municipality, and Ministry of the Interior in
Thailand is the context of research limitation in this study. (Rakrai, 2017)

a. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

20. We evaluate the quality and depth to which faculty apply diverse teaching strategies
for statics courses. It is our goal to increase the adoption of research-based instructional
strategies in statics courses, which will increase the success of students in earning
engineering degrees. We plan to motivate this change by providing information on the
effectiveness of innovative teaching methods in statics courses, data on effective
methods and environments that facilitate faculty adopting these methods and applying
them effectively, and by providing data on the importance of statics instruction to
students’ satisfaction and knowledge of statics. (Komarek, 2015)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which among the choices gives an overall review of the paper, but does address a
few slightly different issues from the abstract?

e. Hypothesis
f. Significance of the Study
g. Introduction
h. Scope and Delimitation

2. The research introduction does not have a strict word limit, but it should be as concise
as possible. The following are possible inclusions of every introduction except

e. Rationale
f. Purpose
g. Thesis Statement
h. Local Perspective only

3. The purpose of writing the introduction will lead the reader from a general subject area
to a particular field of research. Which of the following is the NOT considered as way in
constructing a research introduction?

e. Introduce your topic and rationale without citation.

f. Create some context and background.
g. Tell your reader about the research you plan to carry out.
h. Explain why your research is important

4. Writing research introduction is not an easy task. Thus, what do you call an approach
is applied specifically to a methodology that is used to analyze texts in terms of the
functional/communicative structures that typically make up texts in a genre?

e. Content-Analysis
f. Move-Analysis
g. Textual-Analysis
h. Graphical-Analysis

5. CARS Model is employed as conceptual framework for understanding of profession-

based academic writing upon examining the rhetorical moves employed. CARS mean

e. Create a Research Space

f. Creation of Rationale Space
g. Create a Real Scenario
h. Creation of Relevant Scenario
6. He is a linguist best known for his work on genre analysis, particularly with regard to
its application to the fields of rhetoric, discourse analysis, English for Academic purposes
and, more recently, information science. He was also the pioneer of Cars Model in
analyzing and evaluating research introductions

e. John Swales
f. John Sales
g. Smith Swales
h. Smith Sales

7. In 2004, modified CARS model in was introduce as response to the different research
introduction. The following are moves for analysis except

e. Establishing a territory (citations required) via topic generalizations of

increasing specificity
f. Establishing a niche (citations possible)
g. Establishing the abstract and draw a conclusion
h. Presenting the present work

8. In scientific papers, you have to start with the broadest material, before zooming in on
the specifics. What do you call the figure below that can be used as pattern in writing
research introduction?

a. pyramid b. inverted triangle c. triangle d. trapezoid

9. Which of the following steps is obligatory as part of research introduction, though

many research stop after the said steps?

a. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 1: Claiming Centrality

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article

10. The following techniques can be observed or to be considered in citing the research
of others except __________________.

a. integral citation
b. verb tenses
c. exclamatory sentences
d. non-integral citation
Direction: Identify what move/step have been used or manifested on the
following information. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Note: Falling to give credits to others can kill any academic document. Hence, for ethical
consideration, the following statement in every succeeding item is properly cited by the

11. The present work pretends to measure the levels of financial literacy of the students
of the University of Porto, identifying financial behavior and attitudes patterns and more
critical areas of knowledge. We intend to do this trough self-completion and paper based
questionnaires, based on the recommendations and research developed by reference
entities at the national and international level, as the OECD and the Portuguese Central
Bank. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 1: Claiming Centrality

b. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 2: Making Topic Generalizations
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 1: Counter Claiming
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article

12. Since then, the issue of financial literacy has raised a growing concern by
governments and financial system regulatory authorities. It is globally recognized that
more skilled consumers will demand for better, cheaper and more appropriated products
and services, therefore contributing to more effective regulation and hence to greater
financial markets’ efficiency. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Step 2: Announcing Principal Finding
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
d. Move 1: Establishing Territory - Step 2: Making Topic Generalizations

13. The results of the investigation show that the students’ financial literacy levels differ
according the area and cycle of studies, as well as with age, gender, area of studies in
the high school and the years of professional experience. Researchers also found
evidence of a positive correlation between the financial inclusion of the students and
their levels of financial literacy, proving that more financial literate individuals tend to be
more integrated in the financial system, and vice-versa. The financial knowledge,
attitudes and behaviors are also positively correlated, thus, students with better financial
knowledge tend to adopt more appropriate financial attitudes and behaviors. (Mendes,

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article
b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 3: Question-raising
d. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 3: Reviewing Previous Items of Research
14. Then, besides compare the results with the national scene; researchers are going to
identify the existent relationships between the financial literacy levels and some social,
demographic and economic factors of the individuals. In addition, it’s important to see to
what extent the financial literacy level is influenced by the gender, age, familiar financial
situation or the education base of the students. Moreover, it aims to analyze the possible
existence of areas of major concern, within the overall financial knowledge and skills.
(Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 1: Establishing a Territory - Step 3: Reviewing Previous Items of Research

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 3: Question-raising
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap

15. Proponents believe that this type of research could be useful in terms of defining
future policies, both in terms of regulation and educational programs, either at university
or at pre-university level. It will not only help to perceive which aspects of financial
literacy require greater attention from these programs, but also may be useful in defining
their content. Moreover, it will help to define and highlight the role of the universities and
high schools with regard to this subject. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings

16. By an individual perspective, some academics argue that individuals with higher
levels of financial education tend to have a more responsible financial behavior, with less
likelihood of debt default and a more responsible and conscious use of credit cards.
Moreover, they also tend to transact in low-cost manners, incurring lower fees and using
low-cost borrowing. There is also empiric evidence that individuals with a higher level of
financial literacy tend to earn more income from their savings and invest in a more varied
set of financial instruments. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 1: Counter Claiming

b. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 3: Question-raising
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition

17. Because of the inadequacy of principles and claimed, it is also important to analyze
the demand side, the role of consumers of financial products and services. Some
authors suggest that the low levels of financial literacy of the population may have
favored the subprime mortgage crisis started in the late 2000s. (Mendes, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 1: Counter Claiming
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
18. The knowledge that could be gained in this investigation would guide public
administrators to plan, design and initiate initiatives, programs, and policies relative to
dengue prevention which could be used to address the ever growing problems on
dengue fever infections. Thus, this investigation was undertaken to evaluate the
knowledge and practices regarding dengue infections among rural residents in Samar
Province, Philippines. (Yboa and Labrague, 2013)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
c. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 2: Indicating a Gap
d. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition

19. As a result, students learning achievement with the instructional management

between STEM education method is designed of the innovative lesson plan. Thus, the
model of STEM Education teaching and learning was integrated into the model of
science experiment of the upper secondary students at the 9th grade level at
Watsratong Municipal School under Roi-Et Municipality, and Ministry of the Interior in
Thailand is the context of research limitation in this study. (Rakrai, 2017)

a. Move 2: Establishing a Niche - Step 4: Continuing a Tradition

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

20. We evaluate the quality and depth to which faculty apply diverse teaching strategies
for statics courses. It is our goal to increase the adoption of research-based instructional
strategies in statics courses, which will increase the success of students in earning
engineering degrees. We plan to motivate this change by providing information on the
effectiveness of innovative teaching methods in statics courses, data on effective
methods and environments that facilitate faculty adopting these methods and applying
them effectively, and by providing data on the importance of statics instruction to
students’ satisfaction and knowledge of statics. (Komarek, 2015)

a. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1A: Outlining Purposes

b. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 1B: Announcing Present Research
c. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 2: Announcing Principal Findings
d. Move 3: Occupying a Niche - Step 3: Indicating the Structure of the Research Article

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