INFRA Master Manual A5 1 8 0 EN
INFRA Master Manual A5 1 8 0 EN
INFRA Master Manual A5 1 8 0 EN
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 3
Document history
4 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
1 INFRA Monitoring system
This manual describes both the Infra Master and the Infra Mini.
Differences between the products are described at respective section.
This system approach look much like your office LAN, where the
sensors are the “work stations” and the Infra Master is the data and
communications “server”.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 5
2 Master unit / Infra Master / Infra Mini
Battery connector:
Amphenol: C16-1 09-4228-00-07, lid: C16-1 08-2302-000-000
Pin 1&2 Battery charger + (Lead-Acid max. 1.5A)
Pin 7 Battery charger -
Infra Mini:
One “terminator” is build- in. Only one bus connector exists on
the enclosure.
No GSM antenna is built-in. The TNC connector and an external
GSM antenna are always used.
Battery connector:
Pin 2 External power + (>12V) (disconnects internal
Pin 7 External power -
6 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
2.2 Keyboard
There are four keyboard buttons to run the system. Their normal
functions are marked on the front panel. They are sometimes used as
“function” buttons. The LCD will show the function of the buttons in
these cases. The system can be roughly rebooted by first pressing all
four buttons, and then, within six seconds, press F1 and F2.
2.3 LCD
Infra Mini:
No GSM antenna is built-in. The TNC connector and an external
GSM antenna are always used.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 7
2.6 SIM card, GSM subscription, Internet access
A SIM card must be inserted into the Infra Master for the GSM
function. The SIM card must have an active GSM subscription,
preferably with GPRS access. If GPRS is not available, the
subscription must have a service active for data communication and
Internet access. Only”terminal-initiated” data communication is
needed. A data server is also needed for data files sent by the Infra
Master. This can be a simple web hosting account, accessed through
the FTP protocol. Read more about this later in this manual.
8 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
2.7 Battery
The battery is placed below the lower part of the front panel.
The lead-acid battery has a capacity of 12 Volts and 10 Ah
The battery can be charged in-place using an external charger,
connected to the 7- pole plastic connector.
The internal battery cabling has two connectors, which admits a
fully charged battery to be connected before the empty battery is
disconnected. This makes it possible to replace the battery
without shutting down the system. Both batteries must have
their own short cable attached to make this possible.
The charger can be attached to the Infra Master while REG is
Low battery indication is set below 11.25V, and reset at 11.80V.
If the SMS-service function is configured through InfraRemote,
a warning SMS is sent on low battery. Registration is stopped at
10.90V, and will not be restarted automatically, after
replacement of the battery.
If an external battery is used, the internal battery must be
When battery is removed from the Infra Master, e.g. for
charging at the office. Do not remove the cable attached to
the battery. The “flat terminals” will be worn-out and affect
system stability. Instead, please buy an extra battery cable
for each extra battery used. (Sigicom 080-01610-0).
The connector of Sigicom battery chargers adapts directly
to the “high quality” connector of the battery cable.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 9
2.7.2 Infra Mini battery
10 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
LCD presentation, vs. alkaline battery voltage.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 11
2.8 Compact Flash
Do not remove the Compact Flash card while the Infra Master is
12 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3 Menu system
Generally, when node data is presented, and the node does not
respond properly, this is presented as “Node problem”.
If the Infra Master is in REG ON, and the node has not responded for
approx. 3 minutes, the node is presented as “Node lost”. It will still
be possible to browse through the other nodes attached to the Infra
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 13
3.1 Startup.
The LCD can be turned ON and OFF using the left button, which is
marked”LCD”. While in REG ON, LCD OFF does not affect the
After LCD ON, this menu will be shown (the lower row shows some
debug information during startup) When REG is OFF, this first start
menu will be shown for 10-30s, depending of nuber of connected
nodes etc.:
Infra Master Startup
Please wait.
When all parts of system have started, a status overview menu will
be shown for some seconds (can be bypassed by pressing F2):
Ver: 0.7.0-0.7.1
Batt: 12.34
14 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.2 Main menu
Thre main menu will show up third after the startup menus.
Upper right at first row shows the Registration status.
Mo 01 Dec 14:57:58
1LCDoff 2Menus
Mo 01 Dec 14:57:58
If the Main menu is setup in “Last Event” mode and the Infra Master
is in REG ON, the main menu will alternate between all connected
nodes to show their last recorded events, if there are any.
N01:GEO V10-01027
LAST Event
No value available
1LCDoff + 2Menus
N01:GEO V10-01027
We 23 May 12:12:23
EVNT 3.4 mm/s
1LCDoff + 2Menus
The normal event menu can be reached by pressing both UP and
DOWN arrows.
To get into “settings” menu from the “Main” menu, F2 must be held
pressed for some seconds.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 15
3.3 Event menu
N01:GEO V10-01027
LAST Event
No value available
1Back + 2Read
N01:GEO V10-01027
We 23 May 12:12:23 *
EVNT 3.4 mm/s
1Back + 2Read
16 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.4 Last value
This menu shows the last “Interval” value from the nodes, even if it
is below the threshold setting of the node. “No value…” is shown if
no value has been stored after last REG start.
N01:GEO V10-01027
LAST Value
No value available
1Back + 2Read
N01:GEO V10-01027
We 23 May 12:12:20
LAST 0.3 mm/s
1Back + 2Read
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 17
3.5 Live
N01:GEO V10-01027
We 23 May 12:12:28
LIVE 0.1 mm/s
1Back + 2Read
18 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.6 Settings password menu
Normally, before the settings menus will appear, the “Password”
menu must be passed, though it can be bypassed by enabling the
“Quick Reg.” mode.
1Back 2Enter
1Back 2Enter
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 19
3.7 Settings category menu
There are 5 setting categories:
Master Unit
Master unit
1Back 2Sel
Use the arrows to browse the through the setting categories. Press F2
(Sel) to select category.
When all settings are checked under a category, the menu returns to
the settings category menu. F1 can always be used to return to the
settings category menu if the sub-menu is not in change mode.
20 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.8 Master unit
1Back 2Edit
The green LED on the front panel is lit (not flashing) while transients
are being transferred from the nodes to the Infra Master. Do not
switch REG OFF during this. It will lead to loss of transient files.
This behavior is programmed, to enable to turning REG OFF even if
a node is trigging continuously.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 21
3.8.2 Master unit – Manual trig
If the password is given and REG is ON, the manual trig menu is
Manual trig:
Manual trig:
UP + DOWN to trig
22 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.8.3 Master unit - Server connection schedule
Automatic data server connection can be selected for each hour of
the day. When the connection is done, all new data is sent to the data
server. If there are connection problems (GSM/ISP/Server/FTP etc.),
three connection retries is done. Observe that all data are also stored
on the Compact Flash card for data security.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 23
3.8.4 Master unit – Forced server connection
Data Server Connect
1Back 2Now
24 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.8.5 Master unit – Customer text (project ID)
1Back 2Edit
The customer text is stored in all data files. It can be used to identify
the project, and is 8 characters maximum.
1Back 2Next
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 25
3.8.6 Master unit – Battery voltage
Infra Master:
Main Battery:
12.42 V
Infra mini:
System voltage:
12.42 V
1Back 2More
Please read point 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 about battery levels etc.
Backup battery:
3.12 V
The backup battery supplies the RTC (real-time clock) and the Infra
Master parameter memory while the main battery is disconnected.
Data files and node parameters are not dependent of this battery.
Nornally the voltage is above 3.0 Volts. Below 2.70 Volts, the
battery needs to be replaced.
26 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.8.8 Master Unit – Real Time Clock
Date: 2003 Nov 19 We
Time: 09:24:06+2
1Back 2Edit
Menu shows: year, month, date and day of week for “Date”, and
hour, minute and second for the “Time”. When using time
synchronication through the Internet, the time zone is shown after
the “Time” fields.
The clock can only be set in REG OFF mode.
In change mode, the date/time values are flashing
indicate which value the arrows will affect. Use F2
(Next) to select the next value to change. The new
date/time can only be saved when the minute unit is
selected. The second-value is always set to “zero” when
saving new date/time.
S/N: INFRA-00138
Ver: 1.3.3-1.5.1
Rev: 3L
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 27
3.8.10 Master unit - Contrast
1Back 2Edit
1Back 2Edit
1Back 2Edit
If enabled, REG mode can be toggled more easily. From main menu,
just press both F1 and F2 for 10 seconds to toggle REG mode.
Also, no password is needed to change settings.
28 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.9 Communication
Type of communication is presented with communication category.
F2 to Stop
1Back 2Stop
This menu presents the mode of the connection. If needed, an on-
going connection can be stopped by pressing F2.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 29
3.10 Node / Sensors
The nodes can be of the type “dynamic”(vibration, air blast etc.),
which record both interval-maximum and transients, or “static”
(temperature, water level etc.) which only record samples at selected
All node settings are saved in the node. The settings will not be lost
when the node is disconnected from the network.
N01:GEO? V10-01053
1Back 2Sel
Shows full identity of the node (customer text, type and serial
number). Change using the arrows and select using F2 (Sel)
30 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.10.2 Standard selection
N01:GEO? V10-01053
S01:SS4604866 Spräng
250 mm/s 5-300
1Back 2Sel
All nodes have at least one standard (see datasheet of the sensor for
description of the standards). Use the arrows to change the standard
and F2 (Sel) to select standard and go to the next menu.
All standards have their own settings for threshold, interval time,
transient record time and customer text. This means that it is
important to check all these parameters after changing the standard
to eliminate the risk of starting REG using incorrect settings.
N01:GEO? V10-01053
1Back 2Sel
Use F2 (Sel) to go to the channel selection mode. The “quantity text”
(e.g. Velocity) of the channel will flash to point out that it’s possible
to browse through the channels (most standards only has one
channel). To select channel, press F2 (Sel) again. This will change
menu to the channel specific parameters of the selected standard (e.g.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 31
3.10.4 Threshold settings
N01:GEO? V10-01053
Upper Threshold:
ON 5.0 mm/s
1Back 2Edit
Is a threshold set to OFF, it will not be used by the node. The node
can still be triggered by other “dynamic” nodes, or be manually
triggered through the menu system.
32 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.10.6 Interval time setting
N01:GEO? V10-01053
Interval Time:
00:02:00 h:m:s
1Back 2Edit
This menu set the interval time period, which is how often an
interval value, will be is stored. “Dynamic” nodes store the
maximum value during the interval time period and “static” nodes
normally stores snap shots taken in the end of every interval time
period. Some “static” nodes/standards stores min/max/ave values,
samples at a low rate.
It is recommended to use the same interval value for all nodes in the
system, but it can be individually set for all nodes. When REG starts,
the system synchronizes the start time of all nodes to a suitable
N01:GEO? V10-01053
Record Time:
00:04 m:s
1Back 2Edit
This menu sets the post-trig recording time for the transients of
“dynamic” nodes. Pre-trig recording time is always one second.
Different node types have different maxumum values for the record
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 33
3.10.8 Customer text (point of measurement)
N01:GEO? V10-01053
Node Customer String
1Back 2Edit
The node customer text is stored in all data files. It can be used to
identify the point of measurement, and is 4 characters maximum.
The method for changing is the same as the Master unit – Customer
text, mentioned earlier in this manual.
N01:GEO? V10-01053
Calibration Date:
2003-11-19 y-m-d
34 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.11 Network
X-Sent Recivd Except
BusErr TraErr IntvEr
Use DOWN and F2 to generate duplex traffic (100 bus frames) to the
selected node. The node will respond to these frames. Is also reads
and presents frame and error counters after the traffic generation.
X-Sent(X) number of bus frames sent from the Infra Master into the
Recivd(R ) number of bus frames received from the network
Except(E) number of frames resent in the network
BusErr(B) number of more severe bus master errors
TraErr(T) number of resent transient files
IntvEr(I) number of lost intervals
The E parameter will count up sometimes, but more than 0.2% of the
X and R counters, is an indicator of problems.
36 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
3.12 Memory
Memory Status
1Back 2Read
Memory Size [MB]
1Back 2Read
Shows size of the memory and the amount of free space (in MBytes).
If free memory is less than 10MBytes, this will be shown as a
progress message at LCD startup and in the log files. If less than 2
MBytes of free memory, the system will go into REG OFF and shut
down the LCD. Also, a SMS message will be sent to all selected
All data files are stored both in the “spool” directory, which is sent to
the data server, and in a backup structure. Note! The backup files are
not automatically deleted, which means the memory will become full
after some weeks, months or years, depending of memory size,
number of nodes, transients and interval settings.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 37
4. Cabling system
38 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
5. Data files
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 39
5.1 File types
This methode minimizes the amount of data that is sent to the data
server (over GSM/GPRS), because no data is sent more than once to
the server.
40 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
5.2 Data storage on Compact Flash
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 41
5.3 Handling of Compact Flash (CF)
Stationary PCs:
Most modern PCs have a memory card reader built-in, but some
PCs need an external memory card reader.
Laptop PCs:
Most laptops have at least one PC-card slot (PCMCIA/Cardbus).
In this case, a PC-card to CompactFlash adapter can be used.
An external card reader connected to an USB-port is also
possible to use.
42 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
5.4 Event files (.log)
Node events:
Reg Start
“Dynamic” node trig or “static” node value outside threshold.
Node lost
Errors during file transfer
Master events:
Reg On
Reg Off
GSM connection information (SIM ID, signal strength, errors
Low battery voltage
Low on free memory
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 43
5.5 Transient files
The transient file data is stored in a binary format. The file header
includes full information about the sensor element, internal
electronics, standard used etc. This method enables more advanced
post processing.
The file from a geophone node always has an unprocessed frequency
range of 0.5-500Hz. During normal presentation, the post processing
software applicate the same standard filtering which was used for the
interval values and the trig detector at the recording time. But, if
wanted, the operator can override the default setting and apply other
standard’s filtering. The post processing software includes the all the
same standard alogrithms as the node uses, but can also include
“virtual” standards, which don’t exist in the node or standards under
44 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
5.6 Interval files
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 45
6. Automatic data transfer through GSM/Internet
All files, which are stored on the memory card (Compact Flash), can
also be sent to data server through GSM/Internet when:
GSM modem is activated
A transient file is crrated form a “dynamic” node
A “static” node has seen a value outside its thresholds
Low battery or network problems are discovered
Manually forced by the operator
REG is turned ON or OFF
Time has reached a scheduled time
The files are sent to a data server available through the Internet,
where the system operator or post-processing application easily can
access them.
The Infra system uses the Internet protocols PPP and TCP/IP for the
access to the Internet, and FTP to transfer files to the data server.
These protocols are industry standard and supported worldwide.
Check that the FTP server supports passive FTP mode and has a
public and static IP address.
The first two alternatives need special knowledge and are not
discussed here.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 47
6.3 Web hosting account
48 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
6.4 Preparation of the data server (FTP/Web server)
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 49
6.5 GSM service subscription
50 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
6.6 Access to the Internet
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 51
6.7 Parameters for GSM connection
On the Compact Flash card, a number of config files have to be
setup to get the GSM function to work. These files must be
stored in the “\config” subdirectory
There is one file for each parameter. Only the first row in the
files is used. It’s recommended to start all comments with a “#”
Note! Some parameters, e.g. passwords are case sensitive
The file”dialcmd.txt” defines the dialing command and phone
number to the Internet operator.
“atdi074567678” #GSM data using “V110”
”atd074567890” #GSM data without “V110”
”at+cgdcont=1,"IP","APN";d*99**PPP*1#” # GPRS
connection, Swedish Telia uses APN=””
APN = ”Access Point Name”
The file ”ppplogin.txt” defines the PPP user name to the Internet
operator. Can be left empty for many operators when using
GPRS (no file needed for those cases).
The file ”ppppasswd.txt” defines the PPP password to the
Internet operator. Can be left empty for many operators when
using GPRS (no file needed for those cases).
The file”ftpserver.txt” defines the IP -address or host name of
the data server (FTP server).
Example: ”” alt. ””
The file ”ftplogin.txt” defines the user name to the FTP server
Example ”sigicom32”
The file ”ftppasswd.txt” defines the password to the FTP server.
Example: ”sigi43265”
The file ”ftpdir.txt” defines the subdirectory where to put the
files on the FTP server. Note! If no subdirectory is used, set to
“.”. Example: “public_html/infra_files”
The Infra Master also keeps some internal files in the config
directory. Their names start with an underscore character (“_”).
Please, do not remove these files.
52 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
6.8 Running system without data transfer
To disable the GSM function, just rename the config file
“dialcmd.txt”. Recommended name is “_dialcmd.txt”. During system
start-up, the text”Setup file missing” will be shown to indicate the
non-standard setting. It’s also recommended is to mark the Infra
Master for the non-standard setting.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 53
6.10 SMS directly to customers
After a trig event has happened a SMS message can be sent
directly to up to 16 recipients.
A message includes project name, week of day, time, point of
measurement and values for up to four nodes. If more than four
nodes are triggered, multiple messages are sent after each trig
To activate the SMS function a config file named “smsdest.txt”
is needed. This file defines the SMS recipients by one row per
A recipient can be setup to receive data messages and/or service
messages using different prefixes in front of the phone numbers.
“/” - Unactivated receiver
“S” - Service messages only
“A” - Both data and service messages
No pre-fix – Data messages only
After the phone number, a note of the recipient’s name can be
All SMS settings, including the receiver’s name, can be altered
using the Infra Remote application.
The SMS function does not work if the GSM function is turned
070545262626 #Henry(data)
A+467021343556 # Mary(all)
S0479003030303 # Petter(service)
/070135565335 # John(off)
54 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
7. Manual data handling on the PC
Manual fetching of data files from the data server can be performed
in the following ways:
By using a FTP client (see preparation of data server)
If there is a web running on the FTP server machine, it may be
possible to use the web browser to list and fetch data files.
Note! Normally there are no ways to delete files through the
web browser.
Most web browsers are able to list/fetch files through FTP. Use
an URL formatted as:
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 55
7.2 File converting program, InfraConv.exe
Sigicom offers different solutions to present and report Infra data.
If only convertion of the binary Infra files to text files is needed, the
unsupported version of InfraConv.exe can be requested from No special signal processing is possible in
the free version.
56 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
8. Battery handling and security
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 57
9. Technical specifications
Backup: CR2032
Expected life >5 years
Voltage can be read in the LCD
58 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
10. Other functions
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 59
10.4 PSTN modem option
PSTN Notes!
The SMS function is inhibited when PSTN is enabled
A subscription at an Internet operator (ISP) is needed
60 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
10.5 Remote control by using InfraRemote
Note! For full functionality of the Remote system, the Infra Master
must be in REG ON. This is because the Infra Master does not
communicate automatically then in REG OFF:
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 61
To change most of the parameters programmed by the files
in the “config” directory, Sigicom support must be
The “remote” directory must exist before the Remote
system can be used.
Remote control
Please wait…
timeout in 3560 s
Long 1&2 to reboot
Remote control
Ready, please wait
14 s
62 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
10.6 Clock/Time synchronization through the Internet
The Infra Master can be setup to synchronize its clock to a NTP
server on the Internet (Network Time Protocol). SNTP according to
RFC 4330 is used. The config file “ntpserver.txt” defines the IP
address or the host name of the NTP server.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 63
10.7 Automatic transition to and from daylight saving
Function is new in software revision 1.6.0-1.6.0, and is the
recommended way to control the time of the Master. It can be used
without the NTP system described in point 10.6, but this is not
If “daylight saving time” are not used at your location, the function
released in revision 1.5.0, using the file “tzoffset.txt” can still be
used to define the local time in the Infra Master, relative to UTC
time (given by the NTP server).
“+1:00” #Swedish normal time
To setup the automatic function, two new files have to be set up:
“tz.txt”, points out the file name of the “time zone” rules file
The “time zone” rules file, normally named like
The file “tzoffset.txt” are not needed after this:
64 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
To minimize problems during migration into the automatic DST
mode, please follow this schedule and set all configurations through
Install InfraRemote 1.6.0 (or higher).
Turn OFF registration.
Upgrade the Master to 1.6.0-1.6.0 (or higher).
If the Master was set to run using the “tzoffset.txt” file, check
the time and time zone parameter. If the time zone parameter
seems to be OK, set the time to your local time. If the time zone
parameter seems to be wrong, set the time to compensate for the
error. E.g. if time zone is “+2”, which is daylight saving time in
your location, and the time zone should have been “+1” for
standard time, set the time to “local time, +1” (add 1 hour to
your local time). If there are any problem with this, it can be
solved using InfraRemote.
If the Master was set to run without the NTP function, just set
the time to your “local time”.
Set the “Data server schedule” to make data connections every
hour (optional).
Turn ON registration.
Wait until the Master has completed the GSM connection.
Start InfraRemote, configure the NTP server and the time zone
parameters for all FTP accounts used.
Select the Master, and create a control file to setup the NTP
functions of the Master.
Force the Master to make a “Data server connection”, where the
Master will fetch the new NTP parameters.
Wait until the Master has processed the new parameters,
restarted and sent new status files.
Use InfraRemote to check the Master. If the NTP
synchronization fails because of too large time difference, a
message will be shown. This can be fixed by clicking the button
beside the message and creating a new control file including a
request to adjust the clock of the Master.
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 65
10.8 Skip file achive to prevent CF from getting full
This is only recommended for experienced users who have
implemented robust and documented backup routines of files fetched
from the data server and post processing software. Also, the data
server (FTP) needs to be fully backuped and equipped with a
redundant disk system (RAID) to prevent data loss in case of disk
Note! All nodes must have firmware of 1.2.0 or later, otherwise the
network will fail.
66 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
10.10 Configuration files on the Compact Flash card
3.8.3 “schedule.txt”
3.8.5 “project.txt”
6.7 ”dialcmd.txt”
6.7 ”ppplogin.txt”
6.7 ”ppppasswd.txt”
6.7 ”ftpserver.txt”
6.7 ”ftplogin.txt”
6.7 ”ftppasswd.txt”
6.7 ”ftpdir.txt”
6.10 “smsdest.txt”
10.1 “bustrig.txt”
10.2 “transientmode.txt”
10.3 “masterlog.txt”
10.4 “conntype.txt”
10.4 “telecmd.txt”
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 67
11. Accessories
12. Maintenance
68 Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009
13. Contact and support
Copyright ©Sigicom AB 2003-2009 69