Revolutionising Cost Structure For Integrated Project Delivery: A BIM-Based Solution
Revolutionising Cost Structure For Integrated Project Delivery: A BIM-Based Solution
Revolutionising Cost Structure For Integrated Project Delivery: A BIM-Based Solution
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Based Solution
The amalgamation of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Building Information Modelling
(BIM) is highly recommended for successful project delivery. However, IPD lacks an accurate
cost estimation methodology at the ‘front-end’ of projects, when little project information is
available. The current study tackles this issue, through presenting analytical aspects, theoretical
grounds, and practical steps/procedures for integrating Target Value Design (TVD), Activity-
Based Costing (ABC), and Monte Carlo simulation into the IPD cost structure, within a BIM-
enabled platform.
A critical review was conducted to study the status of cost estimation within IPD, as well as,
exploring methods and tools that can enhance the cost estimation process for IPD. Thereafter, a
framework is developed to present the proposed methodology of cost estimation for IPD
throughout its entire stages. A case project is used to validate the practicality of the developed
solution through comparing the profit-at-risk percentage for each party, using both traditional
After applying the proposed IPD’s cost estimation framework, on a real-life case project, the
findings demonstrated significant deviations in the profit-at-risk value for various work
packages of the project (approximately 100% of the finishing package and 22% of openings
package). By providing a precise allocation of overhead costs, the solution can be used in real-
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life projects to change the entire IPD cost structure and ensure a fair sharing of risk –rewards
Practical implications
Using the proposed methodology of cost estimation for IPD can enhance the relationship
amongst IPD's core team members; all revealed financial deficiencies will be considered (i.e.
This paper presents a comprehensive solution for integrating BIM and IPD in terms of cost
estimation, offering three main contributions: (1) an innovate approach to utilise 5D BIM
capabilities with Monte Carlo simulation, hence providing reliable cost estimating during the
conceptual TVD stage; (2) mathematical models that are developed through integrating ABC
into the detailed 5D BIM to determine the three IPD’s cost structure limbs; (3) a novel
mechanism of managing cost saving (rewards) through distinguishing between saved resources
from organisation level, to daily task level, to increase trust among parties.
Integrated project delivery (IPD) is characterised by the early, collaborative and collective
engagement of key stakeholders through all phases of delivering a project (Ashcraft, 2014, Ahmad et
al., 2019). Compared to common methods of project delivery like design-bid-build, construction
management at-risk and design-build, IPD is providing a new procurement style to enhance
performance (Asmar et al., 2016, Manata et al., 2018). Evidence shows that IPD can result in
management and cost performance, among others (Asmar et al., 2016, Ahmad et al., 2019).
Traditional forms of IPD like alliancing and partnering agreement, can be implemented without BIM,
these forms are characterised by early involvement of contractors, sharing risk/reward and the absence
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of tender stage (Durdyev et al., 2019). New styles of IPD are, however, more collaborative in nature.
These modern forms adopt the ‘big room’ concept, as a shared space where team members or
representatives work (Merschbrock et al., 2018). Besides, with the growth of BIM, new forms of IPD
are defined in integration with BIM, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and web-
based management systems (Fischer et al., 2017, Rowlinson, 2017). The new forms target smoothing
data exchange among project’s packages and parties, (Niemann, 2017, AIA, 2007, Elghaish et al.,
2019b). New forms of IPD, in integration with BIM, improve a wide range of likely outcomes of
design and construction including cost/profit, scheduling, return on investment (RoI), safety,
productivity and relationships (Ilozor and Kelly, 2012, Azhar et al., 2015).
Integrated project delivery (IPD) relies on open pricing techniques and fiscal transparency among
participants (Ahmad et al., 2019, Elghaish et al., 2019c). In addition, project stakeholders, such as
designers and contractors, typically assess and determine their profit and shared risks, according to the
deviation between actual and target costs (AIA, 2007). Cost estimation is essential for the
compensation arrangement, which defines accurate risk/reward proportions (Love et al., 2011).
Hence, accurate cost estimation is vital for the successful delivery of the IPD-based projects (Allison
et al., 2017, AIA, 2007, Ebrahimi and Dowlatabadi, 2018). Target value design (TVD) is treated as
part of the IPD approach, with TVD requiring rapid cycles of suggestions and analyses of costs (Alves
et al., 2017). Therefore, continuous estimation feedback is essential for accomplishing the pre-
construction IPD stages and making informed decisions (Allison et al., 2017, Zimina et al., 2012).
With these facts in mind, a precise semi-automated, agile estimation technique that is interoperable
Cost estimation practices in IPD are not yet well established (Chen et al., 2012). This warrants
expansion of the capacity of BIM in the form of an innovative cost estimation solution to support the
TVD process (Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013, Hall et al., 2018, Alves et al., 2017), with this being the
This study contributes to the field by addressing the need for a TVD-based solution for IPD, based on
BIM’s capabilities. In broader terms, the study provides a background for addressing the need for
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accurate cost estimation at planning stages of IPD projects, for which little research currently exists
(Andersen et al., 2016, Welde and Odeck, 2017). To make the findings appealing to the world of
practice, the practicality and potential advantages of the proposed solution are evaluated in a case
Meeting the planned cost metrics, although frequently criticised, is still considered the gold standard
for measuring project success (Berssaneti and Carvalho, 2015, Kim et al., 2004). Thus, cost
estimation is an important element of project planning (Torp and Klakegg, 2016). According to the
Project Management Institute (PMI (2017), cost estimation is the iterative process of estimating
project resources, required for project activities; therefore, linking resources and activities is vital for
successful cost estimation. Major cost estimation activities must typically occur early in a project,
when minimal project information is available (Kim et al., 2004, Welde and Odeck, 2017). Therefore,
uncertainty remains a major cause of poor cost estimation across the construction industry (Johansen
et al., 2014, Torp and Klakegg, 2016, Andersen et al., 2016). Uncertainty is identified as “controllable
and non-controllable factors that may occur, and variation and foreseeable events that occur during a
project execution, and that has a significant impact on the project objective.” (Johansen et al., 2014)
The greatest level of uncertainty for cost estimation purposes belongs to the feasibility study stages of
projects, colloquially termed the ‘front-end’ of projects (Andersen et al., 2016, Welde and Odeck,
2017, Caffieri et al., 2018), where uncertainty levels ranging from -30% to +50% can be expected
In IPD, the overall risk is equal to that of traditional methods, and the owner must guarantee the direct
cost of projects (Ghassemi and Becerik-Gerber, 2011). As a result, IPD relies heavily on cost
estimation at the project feasibility study phase, to develop a reliable business case for decision-
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A major hallmark of IPD is its compensation system for allocating gain/pain ratios among project
participants (Ashcraft, 2014, Fischer et al., 2017). This necessitates a cooperative contracting
relationship that ties the individual success of participants to success – in achieving the project
objectives (AIA, 2007, Ahmad et al., 2019, Pishdad-Bozorgi, 2017). All participants must agree upon
a suitable compensation scheme (Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013), with this scheme determining the
proportions of cost overrun, cost underrun and any other fees in the total budget under the agreed cost
(Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013, Fischer et al., 2017). The cost scheme must comprise direct, indirect
and overhead costs and capture the risk/reward proportions based on the degree of achievement
during project delivery (Love et al., 2011, Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013, Zhang and Li, 2014). In IPD,
three components or limbs can be defined: Limb 1, representing the reimbursement of project costs,
which captures all project implementation costs (guaranteed); Limb 2 represents the overhead costs
for all participants in addition to the profit (at-risk); and Limb 3 is the pain or gain ratios (the
contractual agreement) (Raisbeck et al., 2010, Zhang and Li, 2014, Elghaish et al., 2019a). Therefore,
according to Das and Teng (2001), a precise determination of risk is critical; participants who are
exposed to more uncertainty must be compensated for the risks against a higher profit-at-risk
percentage. Target value design (TVD), as described next, is proven to offer a highly reliable route to
successful project cost estimation for IPD arrangements (Zimina et al., 2012, Do et al., 2014).
Target value design (TVD), an emerging practice in the construction industry, is a management
strategy that aims to eliminate waste and deliver value using a ‘design-to-cost’ method (Meijon
Morêda Neto et al., 2019). The thrust of TVD is to position a client’s value (e.g., cost, schedule, etc.)
as the driver of design to reduce waste and satisfy the client’s expectations (Zimina et al., 2012).
Target value design (TVD) thus introduces a philosophy towards design based on budget, in contrast
to the idea of budgeting for design – a traditional design concept – and, therefore, cost estimating
becomes a crucial part of design development (Allison et al., 2017). Empirical research shows that
TVD projects can achieve cost reductions of 15–20% and contingency costs of approximately 3.5%
compared to 7.9% for non-TVD projects (Silveira and Alves, 2018, Meijon Morêda Neto et al., 2019).
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Consequently, TVD is recommended as an effective solution for IPD projects (de Melo et al., 2016,
Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013). Successful TVD requires extensive collaboration among designers,
builders, quantity surveyors and trade partners (Alwisy et al., 2018); all these parties must be at the
table and offer continuous feedback to influence design and achieve owner’s goals, while complying
with the set budget, as argued by Pishdad-Bozorgi et al. (2013) and Allison et al. (2017). This
collaboration is based on multiple interactions and rapid circles of suggestions, analysis and feedback
to allow continuous improvements and to find the solutions that meet the client’s – or multiple
stakeholders’ – definition of value (Alves et al., 2017, Silveira and Alves, 2018). Therefore, TVD is
implemented with the support of lean management tools to facilitate effective collaboration and make
possible these rapid circles of conceptualisation, analysis and estimation (Meijon Morêda Neto et al.,
2019, Alwisy et al., 2018, Alves et al., 2017, Allison et al., 2017) Several of these – lean management
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the primary tool, best suited to facilitate TVD for IPD
projects (Alves et al., 2017, Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013, Allison et al., 2017, Meijon Morêda Neto et
al., 2019). This tool has the potential to enable a comprehensive and accurate design from early stages
of a project (Nassar, 2012, Eastman et al., 2018, Lu et al., 2016). The five-dimensional cost model,
termed ‘5D BIM,’ is promoted as the preferred method for extracting quantities and cost estimations
from 3D models (Zheng et al., 2019, Aibinu and Venkatesh, 2013, Nassar, 2012). Through BIM, the
project team is provided with an enhanced capability to take into account any changes in the design
development process and the resultant impacts on the value (Lu et al., 2018, Nassar, 2012, Hannon,
2007, Zheng et al., 2019, Eastman et al., 2018, Rahimian et al., 2020). This involves developing a
schematic BIM model to organise the schematic design and estimation of value, and linking this BIM
model to various external databases to efficiently extract cost items (Lu et al., 2018, Rahimian et al.,
2008). Other advantages of 5D BIM over traditional methods are also well documented: increased
efficiency, improved visualisation of construction details and earlier risk identification (Stanley and
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Thurnell, 2014a, Lu et al., 2016), thus enabling cost estimates to reach optimum solutions and
According to Alves et al. (2017), BIM is “an important part of the TVD process. BIM allows project
participants to quickly develop solutions, visualise them in three- and four-dimensional (time added)
environments, while also understanding the impact of their decisions on the cost of the project.” And
integrating IPD and BIM is necessary to maximises the full benefits of each one (Lancaster and
Tobin, 2010, Durdyev et al., 2019). Given the affinity between TVD and IPD, as discussed, there is
much potential for having 5D BIM and TVD for IPD project delivery (Zheng et al., 2019, Porwal and
Zhang and Wang (2009) recommended IPD projects to use BIM technologies, to enable collaboration
and sharing risk/reward among project participants. Through analysing the outcome of implementing
BIM in 145 projects, Chang et al. (2017) asserted the ability of BIM to maximise the acceptability of
IPD, particularly, through creating a flexible supply chain and improving communication quality
among project participants. That is, implementing IPD requires a collaboration platform, effective
communication, information sharing and negotiation (Ma and Ma, 2017). BIM can provide all such
demands (Merschbrock et al., 2018, Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013, Rowlinson, 2017, Ahmad et al.,
Moving beyond BIM and IPD, the benefits of coupling of BIM, IPD and lean-based methods is
recognised by researchers like Dossick et al. (2013), who supported that such integration enhances the
quality of design and construction deliverables. Integrating IPD, BIM and other lean techniques such
as Target Value Design (TVD) can result in noticeable improvements, in terms of project scheduling
and cost reduction (Nguyen and Akhavian, 2019). Jang et al. (2019), similarly, assert the importance of
implementing TVD with BIM and IPD, to enable subcontractors involvement in the design process, and
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On the other hand, successful implementation of TVD and meet the set requirements for both schedule
and cost relies on adopting IPD approach, to leverage the full potential of individuals in contributing to
the design process (Laurent and Leicht, 2019, Ebrahimi and Dowlatabadi, 2018) and avoid the
misalignments of commercial incentives among IPD team members (Do et al., 2015). This idea is
Major challenges are lack of collaboration among various stakeholders like designers and quantity
surveyors in developing 5D BIM models (Vigneault et al., 2019, Mayouf et al., 2019). Besides, as
argued by Nassar (2011), linking cost estimation programs and BIM design platforms remains a
challenge. And McCuen et al. (2011) claimed that the information extracted from a BIM model is not
necessarily accurate. On the other hand, transferring data among various platforms causes waste and
reduces accuracy (Azhar et al., 2012). Moreover, quantity surveyors are still responsible to articulate
cost reports semi-manually: linking several models such as 3D design model, 5D platform to extract
quantities and Excel sheet to determine prices, by exporting the derived quantities (Hudson-Smith,
2014). The integration between cost estimation and scheduling remains also a manual activity; this
process is complicated and labour-intensive (Sunil et al., 2017). There is no single/dynamic platform
to proceed the entire cost estimation, independent of other supporting tools (Cho et al., 2012).
There is no balance in the relationship between the amount of information required for cost estimation
and the data added by the designers (Kiviniemi et al., 2007). Moreover, the pricing format is not
considered in BIM models, but it is required by the quantity surveyors to modify the bill of quantity
(BOQ) model, for each project in terms of their breakdown structure (Wu et al., 2014).
The lacuna is caused by the traditional soli-based approach, where each discipline uses a different model
with limited regard for the cost estimating processes (Stanley and Thurnell, 2014b, Boon and Prigg,
2012). Consequently, project core team members usually waste many hours in adapting one model to
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In addition, all estimates and analysis related to IPD are fraught with uncertainty and unknown variables
(Allison et al., 2017, Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013). Using the single point estimates – out of the data
provided by BIM – can result in extra levels of risks for IPD arrangements. There must be a shift from
‘best and worst estimates,’ to a range of outcomes; team members must use a distribution of unknown
variables that control estimates, for which Monte Carlo can be a solution (Loizou and French, 2012).
Monte Carlo is a simulation method, capable of running a large number of trials to analyse the impact
of risk and uncertainty of a probabilistic range of data, so that a probabilistic model can be built,
taking into account unknown variables (Loizou and French, 2012, Alashwal and Chew, 2017). Monte
Carlo simulation provides a range of values against specific degrees of uncertainty, offering great
As for costs estimation prone to uncertainty, Monte Carlo has been described: as the most important
statistical technique utilised for probabilistic cost estimations (Khedr, 2006); the most used technique
in the literature for early cost estimation of construction projects (Alashwal and Chew, 2017); and one
of the convenient methods available for property evaluation purposes (Jahangirian et al., 2010). There
is no shortage of evidence in the literature that acknowledge the suitability of using Monte Carlo for
cost estimation purposes. Zhu et al. (2016) assert that the Monte Carlo simulation is a proven tool to
deal with the high level of uncertainty in the cost estimation with considering multiple variables. It is
an effective tool for cost estimation of for specific products, at the early production stage (Li et al.,
2014). The capabilities of Mont Carlo in cost estimation of probabilistic activities can be enhanced, in
integration with Activity Based Costing (ABC) (Cassettari et al., 2016), a brief description of which
Traditional costing methods, termed resource-based costing (RBC), rely on the cost of the required
resources (Kim and Ballard, 2001). With these methods, however, cost distortion occurs, as the
methods combine and allocate all indirect costs to a single pool of costs, based on the resources
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common to all products of an organisation (Kim et al., 2011, Wang et al., 2010). In other words,
traditional methods fail to find key decision variables that affect the total cost, particularly overhead
costs (Kim et al., 2016). Activity-based costing (ABC) prevents this distortion by allocating costs
through multi-pools; this method determines overhead activities and costs needed to transform
resources into activities that can deliver the final product (Kim and Ballard, 2001, Wang et al., 2010).
The ABC approach can measure costs based on activities and link the cost drivers to the impact
measures of a certain product or service (Tsai and Hung, 2009). The ABC method therefore can
improve the efficiency and accuracy of cost-related information and further monitor and control
project costs (Tsai et al., 2014). This becomes particularly relevant in a collaborative working
environment – like IPD – in which multiple stakeholders, beyond the control of a single company, can
The review of the literature reveals that a major part of now-available research studies on the topic
aims at informing practitioners of the potential of existing tools and techniques like TVD and BIM
and describing how they contribute to the development of better IPD solutions. Pishdad-Bozorgi et al.
(2013) discussed the potential of integration between TVD, BIM and IPD cost estimation, while
Alves et al. (2017) presented various techniques commonly used for TVD and applicable to the IPD
context. Zimina et al. (2012) and later de Melo et al. (2016) showed how systematic TVD can result in
noticeable enhancement of project performance. Several studies have also mentioned the potential of
BIM to add value to a project’s objectives through IPD implementation (c.f.Ahmad et al., 2019,
Chang et al., 2017, Succar, 2009, Fischer et al., 2017, Hosseini et al., 2018, Azhar et al., 2015).
Another stream of studies discusses the challenges and barriers of using TVD or BIM for IPD cost
estimation tasks. For example, Ghassemi and Becerik-Gerber (2011), Manata et al. (2018), Pishdad-
Bozorgi (2017) and Kahvandi et al. (2018) focused on various key critical success factors, largely
Tillmann et al. (2017) discussed the underlying mechanisms of TVD cost estimation within IPD-
oriented projects, exploring the factors that influence success when TVD is applied to these projects.
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Despite their study’s contributions, it does not focus on the tactics of allocating overhead resources.
Earlier, Ballard et al. (2015) explored the relationship between IPD and TVD, and recommended a set
of procedures to enhance the chance of success in applying TVD to IPD cost estimation processes.
Although the authors acknowledged that following TVD principles is a critical success factor, no
explicit technique or procedure was recommended to make the recommendations useful in practical
terms. Roy et al. (2018a) identified the challenges and cost structure of implementing IPD: profit
pooling, misunderstandings in risk contingency accounting and hard pricing are presented as critical
barriers to IPD implementation. No workable solution was provided by these authors to address these
Some researchers have attempted to provide models and frameworks to address IPD cost estimation
issues. As an example, Zhang and Li (2014) combined risk perception and Nash bargaining solution
(NBS) techniques to formulate a risk–reward compensation model. However, the model was not
sufficiently comprehensive to cover all possible types of engineering data, lacked empirical validity
and, hence, required empirical studies. In addition, Pishdad-Bozorgi and Srivastava (2018) developed
a model to share risks and rewards using a game theory approach, particularly for cases in which
project cost exceed the profit-at-risk percentage. Their study only provided an overview of the model
with future empirical research needed to assess its practicality and quantify its impacts.
In summary, the review of the literature reveals that integrating IPD, TVD and BIM is regarded as a
winning combination for improving project delivery success (Pishdad-Bozorgi et al., 2013). However,
limited research is available to validate the expected positive outcomes by providing workable
solutions (Azhar et al., 2015, Kahvandi et al., 2017). The need to conduct the current study is thus
Research methods
The objective of the current study is to present a workable solution and explore its practicality in a real-
life setting. This trial, in a real-life case, would be affected by many factors and mediated through
various procedures. Context is hence an essential part of this study, that is, many variables from the
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setting can affect the outcome and interfere with the causes and effects of procedures. As argued by Yin
(1981), exploratory case study is the most applicable method for conducting such context-dependent
studies. In that sense case study is like simulation and experiment. The distinction is that case study
tests a phenomenon in its real-life setting, where an experiment deliberately divorces a phenomenon
from its context (Yin, 1981). Case study was thus selected as the primary method of this study, in testing
the practicality of the solution in the construction context, the reason being: according to Fellows and
Liu (2015), case study can be a suitable method for providing ideas and feedback about a construction
management system. The illustrative case study is selected here to conduct the validation of the
proposed solution due to it can bridge the gap between the researcher understanding and the target
audience and inform potential users about a topic of which it was previously presented—or widely
The study commences with a critical review of available IPD best practices, to identify any existing
gap in the IPD cost structure. Given their recognised affinity (Ahmad et al., 2019), the correlation
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As discussed, integrating BIM tools into Monte Carlo Simulation can provide precise cost estimation
throughout IPD pre-construction stages. This also supports parties involved in IPD in making
informed decisions. To achieve the optimal IPD cost structure in the current study, ABC is used to
appropriately allocate costs to each activity and justify that the right package price is obtained. The
illustrative case study is next conducted to compare the case project results, using the traditional
costing method – Resource Based Costing (RBC) – and the proposed framework – the solution – to
highlight deviations (if any). This is to compare the two methods in terms of the monetary value of the
profit-at-risk percentage for each trade’s package, using the same case project data. This is discussed
Case project
A Medium size property development company with a long experience to build compounds decides to
build a compound of 100 identical houses. For the first time, the company decided to deliver this
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project using BIM to prepare all the project documents including design, cost estimation and project
schedule. The specification of each house is as follows: (1) the gross floor area is about 192 m2; (2)
the house has a single floor; (3) from reviewing the Revit architectural plan, the spaces are a master
bedroom with its own facilities of a bathroom and a robe room, three bedrooms, large living room,
kitchen, dining room, another bathroom, family room and utility room.
The project works are categorised into five trade packages (general works, and ceiling, lighting
fixture, finishing, and doors and windows packages). All trade contractors have experience with the
same clients, that’s why they all accepted to participate in such new procurement route with accepting
the potential risks, all works have been conducted by those trade contractors and there were no any
subcontractors participated in the project. The client intends to use IPD for delivering the project due
to it is highly recommended since this approach has been successful in delivering similar projects and
achieved acceptable performances regarding cost and schedule (Mesa et al., 2016, Trach et al., 2019).
In forming the core project team, an architectural firm and five trade contractors are appointed to
build the project’s core group, as well as involving trade contractors to obtain the required
previous experience with many trade contractors, therefore, all participated trade contractors have
been selected according to their previous performances. As discussed, the IPD approach relies on
sharing the benefits and risks; hence, it is important to determine all expenses and costs and assign
them to specific activities. The team has utilised the traditional cost estimation way with BIM to
conduct their estimation tasks in their project, however, the significant fluctuations of the achieved
risk/reward among trade packages under similar construction environment generated a question
regarding the cost estimation/allocation for project packages. Accordingly, in this research, the
proposed framework will be applied to enable all parties gather in one cost pool under a cooperative
joint venture, and the costs, from conceptualisation stage to buyout stage, can be determined, as
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Integrated project delivery (IPD) has five pre-construction stages: conceptualisation, outline design,
detailed design, documentation and buyout (AIA, 2007). The proposed framework therefore involves
The conceptualisation and outline design stages begin by forming the core project team: the owner,
the architect, the main contractor and trade contractors. Given that TVD relies on developing the
design according to a restricted budget, any change or new added element triggers a round of
estimation for predicting the total cost. Key decisions about the project reflect owner’s requirements,
as well as, any design criteria at hand. Therefore, a conceptual BIM model – architectural and
engineering intentions – is created, using an authoring tool (i.e. Autodesk Revit or Graphisoft
ArchiCAD). This BIM model is used to obtain indications of the proposed quantities and identities. At
this stage, project information includes much uncertainty: consequently, the cost estimation model is
presented in the form of a range of total costs against the degree of certainty through Monte Carlo
Simulation (due to its ability to deal with different types of cost data distribution). Once the architect
has developed the BIM conceptual model, the quantity surveyor must begin to extract the quantities
and type of the proposed materials/components. A BIM tool, such as Autodesk Navisworks, can be
• Navisworks in XML format, extracts quantities to build the pricing sheet (using Microsoft
[MS] Excel) and prepare the proposed initial price sheet of materials. Given that TVD requires
continuous cost estimation feedback, therefore, BoQ will be extracted from the BIM model
• The quantity surveyor collects the required cost data from the main contractor and trade
contractors to build statistical samples of the labour and equipment required to perform the
proposed design elements. These data include the range of material prices to draw reliable
samples for each BIM design element, and allowances of labour and equipment that will be
required to execute BIM design elements (preferred using analogous estimation (Amos, 2004),
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as most of project parties in IPD join the conceptualisation stage, therefore, the data should be
easily accessible);
• The quantity surveyor explores the type of statistical distribution that will be compatible with
• The quantity surveyor identifies each proposed cost element to estimate the total value of all
• When the simulation starts to run, the extracted graphs show the total costs for the project,
Formulation of statistical model: to determine the proposed total cost, following equations are applied.
Equation (1) represents the total cost that must be collected for each design element D to assign the
where 𝑃𝐶𝐷𝑗 is the proposed cost for the design element D that is proposed to be assigned to
contractor j; 𝐼𝑄𝑃 is the initial quantity prices for Dj; 𝐿𝐵𝑀 &𝐸𝐵𝑀 are the labour and equipment price for
The statistical model requires a wide range of proposed values to enable a reliable total cost to be
obtained. Equations (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3) therefore show how BIM data are integrated into Monte
Carlo Simulation. These equations rely on using beta distribution, however, if a wider range of prices
is used, these equations are extended to provide a more accurate material cost:
where 𝐼𝑄𝑃 represents the initial quantity prices for average, optimistic and pessimistic values; 𝐼𝑄 is
the initial quantities extracted using BIM tools; while 𝑅𝑃𝑀 is the recent price for material M; 𝑂𝑃𝑀 is
the optimistic price for material M; and 𝑃𝑃𝑀 is the pessimistic price for material M. Other costs such
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as labour and equipment can be easily collected using IPD core team members, drawing upon their
where 𝐿𝐵𝑀 &𝐸𝐵𝑀 are the labour and equipment price for the best scenario B for specific material M;
𝑈𝑃𝑀 is the unit price for material M; and 𝑇𝑈𝑀 is the total units for material M. Equation (2.5) is
another version of Equation (2.4) to capture the worst case scenario, as follows:
where 𝐿𝑊𝑀 &𝐸𝑊𝑀 are the labour and equipment price for the worst case scenario W for specific
material M. To complete the beta distribution, the average value is determined as in Equation (2.6):
Figure 2 shows the interoperability and the process of integrating BIM data into Monte Carlo
Simulation to obtain the proposed material cost. Based on the data and using analogous cost
estimation or expert judgement from core team members, the cost range of the statistical model is
determined. For example, if core team members agree that three values for each cost element are
reliable, the distribution is loaded for three probable costs. Based on the pre-identified range of costs,
the distribution system is selected. The three values mentioned above are consistent with the beta and
normal distributions.
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Obtaining proposed entire cost against certainty percentages: at this stage, the model is ready to run.
Monte Carlo Simulation has two important features, the first of which is the total cost, corresponding
to the degree of certainty. This cost range is necessary for developing the business case for the client,
based on the TVD system, before moving to the detailed design stage, as recommended by Allison et
al. (2017). The second feature is the sensitivity analysis chart that presents the degree of importance
of each project design element. This is vital for supporting decisions regarding the use of sensitive
elements in the design. Through these features, the necessary data are available for making the right
decision; therefore, the client can decide whether the proposed whole cost is located within the
allowable budget. Once the client has approved the proposed cost, the project moves to the detailed
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If the client does not approve the proposed cost, an ongoing negotiation is necessary to fulfil any
client’s requirements. The sensitivity analysis chart plays a key role here, identifying the elements that
are sensitive in increasing the cost, and seeking to minimise the cost by targeting these elements.
Detailed design, in which the most significant part of the project information is formulated, is the
most vital stage of IPD (Allison et al., 2017). In this stage, the 3D BIM model is enhanced by adding
other dimensions: scheduling (4D BIM) and cost (5D BIM). The precise bills of quantities (BoQs) are
then extracted using Navisworks in XML, with these including data of various natures for each
element, such as geometry, dimensions, the model hierarchy, etc. The quantity surveyor next collects
the corresponding unit price of each element used, in order to move to the documentation stage – with
As discussed, IPD cost structure relies on distinguishing all cost elements, such as direct, indirect and
overhead costs, given that any risk/rewards is determined based on the rate of achievement of each
individual element. To extend this, according to AIA (2007), the overhead cost represents a separate
limb after the direct and indirect limbs, and the final limb is the profit-at-risk percentage. The
risks/rewards are determined based on the progress of each individual limb (i.e. whether the progress
indicates a cost saving or is located as a profit-at-risk percentage). However, if progress indicates that
the expanded cost exceeds three limbs, client is responsible only for the direct cost. Therefore, as
discussed, having a scrutinising costing system is vital for successful IPD delivery.
Here, adopting the ABC approach provides a solution, with each stakeholder involved from the
conceptualisation stage. Moreover, throughout the first three IPD stages, all stakeholders, even trade
contractors, participate in determining the cost of the project. The overhead costs represent a
significant proportion of the whole project cost, with these costs for each construction package able to
be obtained from the activities required to proceed with that package. Therefore, the ABC system can
allocate overhead costs to relevant activities to determine the overhead resources for each package.
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Figure 3 illustrates the comparison between the traditional ABC hierarchy levels and the proposed
IPD based on ABC adapted levels to follow overhead resources within the defined and specific levels.
Overhead costs, such as inspection and quality control as well as cost control reports, should be
converted into a unit that can be allocated as per its proportion of the cost driver. This process can
generate an accurate cost estimation value for each trade package (i.e. civil package, mechanical
package, electrical package, etc.). The target cost in the IPD payment method is fair for each
package/party in the IPD project as some packages require a low consumption rate of overhead
resources, while for others, a high consumption rate of overhead resources is required regardless of
their proportion of the entire project. Nevertheless, the consumption of this significant proportion of
overhead costs is needed; thus, it is imperative that these costs be allocated to overhead activity
Activity-based costing (ABC) estimation sheet: the proposed coding system is developed to work as a
bridge between ABC and BIM tools. The data is semi-automated moved from 4/5D BIM models to the
developed ABC sheets through exporting the activities with the corresponding costs as XML format
and subsequently importing these activities to the ABC sheet that has been developed using MS Access.
It includes digital numbers as well as alphabetical letters. According to the adapted ABC based IPD
levels presented in the figure 4, there are four levels will be presented as 010 for daily task level, 020
for the package level, 030 for the project stage level, and 040 for the IPD core team member. The project
package will be identified using the initials of its names, for example the daily task level for the general
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package is 010G. The presented data entry form in the figure 4 enables the cost estimator to enter the
data using the developed lookup field that is designed based on ABC based IPD hierarchy levels.
Formulation of the IPD-based ABC model: during the buyout stage, each party needs to know the cost
structure of the proposed works, with Equations (3), (4) and (5) able to be used to determine the total
cost of each limb. Extracting BoQs using Navisworks is followed by pricing the extracted quantities
and adding productivity allowances (labour and equipment) to complete the project pricing.
Equations (3), (4) and (5) are used to categorise the estimated costs into three limbs for each package
Equation (3) shows the structure of Limb 1, including direct and indirect costs, with these two terms
able to be automatically estimated for each package (participant) through extracting costs using the
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where 𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐵1𝑖𝑗 represents the direct and indirect costs for trade contractor i to perform trade
package j; 𝐶𝑜𝐷𝐴𝐾𝑗 represents the cost of direct activity for design element k and trade package j;
and 𝐶𝑜𝐼𝐴𝐾𝑗 represents the cost of indirect activity for design element k and trade package j.
Equation (4) shows the structure of Limb 2, representing overhead costs as the summation of the
number of overhead activities for each package multiplied by the cost driver’s estimated costs. For the
purpose of automation, all costs can be automatically extracted from the ABC sheet (see Appendix).
where 𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐵2𝑂𝐴 represents the overhead costs of specific operation O, such as cost control to perform
overhead activity A; 𝑁𝑂𝐴𝑂𝐴 represents the summation of the number of operations O needs to
perform in overhead activity A; and 𝑀𝑉𝑜𝐶𝐷𝐷𝐴 reflects the monetary value of cost driver D
Equation (5) represents the structure of Limb 3, which can be estimated by adding the profit-at-risk
where 𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐵3𝑖𝑗 is the profit-at-risk percentage for trade contractor i to implement specific trade
package j; 𝐿𝑀𝐵2&3𝑖𝑗 reflects the total costs for each package assigned to a specific party in the
buyout stage; and 𝑃@𝑅 %𝑖𝑗 represents the profit-at-risk percentage for trade contractor i to
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According to Allison et al. (2017), splitting all overhead resources in a single pool can help to avoid
waste when some project members implement more work than is required. On the other hand,
determining overhead resources for a separate limb minimises the opportunity to hide a proportion of
profit in the overhead percentage (Allison et al., 2017). As all non-owner parties carry the same level
of responsibility, the relationships between contractors and other parties are at the same level of
inference. Therefore, as illustrated in Figure 5, the estimation for each party is individually delivered.
The IPD approach requires the completion of several tasks prior to the construction stage. Figure 6
illustrates these tasks: the cost estimation process within conceptualisation, outline and detailed
design, and documentation stages; methods and tools to deal with various types of data; the amount of
cost data to be analysed; the input and output of each stage; and the proposed tool to analyse the
available data.
The cost estimator can adopt the below flowchart as a map to direct the estimation process during the
pre-construction stage. Given that the IPD relies on the TVD technique to manage the design process,
therefore, during the conceptualisation stage, the conceptual 3D BIM model should be built and a
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continuous cost estimation feedback is needed. That’s why, the Monte Carlo simulation based BIM as
developed in the framework (Conceptualisation and outline design stages) should be followed.
Afterwards, the detailed 3D BIM design will be accomplished and the cost estimator should begin
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The case study
The graphs in Figure 7 illustrate the total material and labour costs and were prepared by a Monte
Carlo simulation after the cost data were collected by the IPD core team’s quantity surveyor, with beta
distribution used to distribute these cost elements. The output from this process is the total costs
graph, showing how the total cost corresponds to a specific certainty percentage. Moreover, the
sensitivity analysis charts reveal the impacts of each cost element in the project, thus determining
each element’s importance in the detailed design stage and the execution process. The client makes
decisions based on these outputs and, if the client accepts the solution, the project progresses to the
detailed design stage. If the client does not accept the solution, the client/quantity surveyor can alter
the requirements by changing the cost elements and repeating the process.
In the case project, the decision-making scope reveals that the cost will be almost £103,000, while the
actual case study states that the direct and indirect costs total £118,484. The deviation between the
decision-making scope and the precise cost estimation is about 12%: this level of deviation is more
acceptable at the feasibility study and budget authorisation stages, in accordance with class 3 of the
cost estimate classification matrix developed by Amos (2004), with this class accepting a deviation
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Figure 7. Total material and labour costs prepared by Monte Carlo simulation
After finalising the 3D BIM model, the estimator begins to use this model for detailed cost estimation
by importing it to a 5D BIM platform to extract the quantities and move to the pricing stage. Based on
the agreed-upon length of the contract, the overhead resources are determined to enable the costing
process. The proposed resources and those resources needed to perform each activity are presented in
figure 8.
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Therefore, the cost drivers can be determined as the total cost of each operation is divided by the
number of operations (activities) in the project (see figure 9 below for details).
The inspection process requires a quality control engineer, quality assurance engineer, supervisor and
a project manager. In total, 13 inspection activities are needed during the project. The mobilisation
process occurs six times during the project, with the warehouse manager assigned this responsibility.
Cost control needs a quantity surveyor and an accountant and is run six times during project
execution. Setting out is run six times during the project, with the site engineer having responsibility
With the extracted quantities priced, material costs are ready and the summary of each trade
package’s materials are presented, as illustrated in Table 1. Moreover, other labour and equipment
resources are determined using the same MS Excel spreadsheet, as summarised in Table 1. Limb 1 is
thus ready and the estimator should move to Limb 2 which pertains to overhead costs. Table 1
summarises both the cost estimation approaches, namely, the traditional costing system and the use of
ABC estimation to validate the significance of the developed framework in presenting reliable cost
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Table 1. Compensation structure components
Total material
proposed estimation methods
Total equipment
366.8 0 0 0 0
Total direct and
indirect costs 59,724.7 3,855.2 17,334.4 4,888.3 32,682.2
(Limb 1)
Proportion of 0.533 0.031 0.138 0.039 0.260
traditional cost estimation
overhead costs
Limbs 2 and 3 for
(Limb 2)
estimation method
proposed ABC
costs represent about 37.8% of the total costs: this requires a very precise allocation so the actual
target cost for each package can be determined and the package can be sold to the buyer at a fair price.
Moreover, when the project is completed, the project parties need to know whether each package has
achieved cost savings or not, and to be able to determine the percentage of cost savings so the rewards
can be allocated fairly between the project parties. Each package includes various activities which
have different expenditure on overhead costs from one package to the next. For instance, the concrete
package needs to be inspected three times: after the formwork, the rebar and the concreting. In
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contrast, the doors and windows package only needs one inspection to ensure that the installation is
according to the requirements and so the package can be delivered to the main contractor. Moreover,
if any other package depends on the completion of this specific package, a delivery inspection is also
Given that the researcher has presented the outcome of the estimation using the proposed framework
against the existing cost estimation values for the same design (3D BIM model), therefore, this
enables the company practitioners to measure the significance of the proposed cost estimation
approach. Moreover, the researcher presented the framework in applicable tools, therefore, this will
Figure 10 shows a snapshot of the developed cost estimation tools based the framework. It includes
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As can be seen in Figure 11, Limb 1 is similar in both the traditional method and ABC estimation.
However, the overhead cost differs between these two methods. The fluctuation percentage between
ABC estimation and traditional cost estimation is higher than 100% in the finishing package, given
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that the case study project is relatively small with a limited number of activities, with the lowest level
Figure 12 illustrates all deviations between using ABC estimation and traditional cost estimation for
each package. To validate the significance of integrating ABC into IPD using BIM capabilities,
Figure 12 reveals that the deviation for Limb 3 values (the profit-at-risk percentage) has been elevated
by £2521.42 for the finishing package, which is more than twice the value in the traditional method.
However, other packages have decreased in value, such as the doors and windows package which is
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Finishing Package
Doors and
Windows Package Lighting Fixture
Ceiling Package
General package
Figure 12. Deviations between ABC estimation and traditional estimation for each package
In their study,Ballard et al. (2015) set out to identify the factors leading to the failure of risks/rewards
sharing, with this research undertaken as a case study that comprised a 250,000 ft2 patient care
pavilion. The findings referred to cost overrun as the main reason, with the completed project having
a cost overrun of almost 6.4% more than what had been planned; subsequently, the risk pool firms did
not receive any profit. To reflect that case study’s conclusion in the findings of the current research,
the scrutiny of continuous cost estimation is vital to reveal any potential cost overrun at an early stage.
If this is done, the source of the overrun can be defined with appropriate corrective action taken.
Accurate cost estimation, as well as better allocation of resources among core project team members,
can improve project implementation, thus preparing high-level evidence to prove any increase or
reduction in cost. This requires a cost estimation method that can distinguish between all the different
elements in the cost structure (i.e. direct, indirect and overhead costs).
The high degree of clarity in the proposed cost estimation could encourage contractors to take a part
in the IPD projects. The proposed automated way of determining/allocating the overhead cost based
on ABC could enhance the trust among the project parties. This study as it is presented as a
quantitative comparison between two different estimation approaches provided a piece of evidence to
the cost estimation practitioners, clients and contractors in terms of the importance of implementing
such proposed framework to ensure the fair allocation of cost and developing a reliable compensation
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Practical implications
The study findings will be appealing to the world of practice in several ways:
• The proposed framework provides a workable solution for BIM–IPD integration, producing
reliable cost data from different sources that are applicable to various project delivery modes.
Using BIM to develop a conceptual model that addresses client criteria enables the estimator
who is building the statistical models to obtain a range of proposed costs against a degree of
certainty. These can all be translated into the innovative practices in real-life projects.
• The case study provides evidence of the viability of using a Monte Carlo Simulation
integrated with BIM to develop a conceptual cost estimation: the deviation between the
conceptual and detailed cost estimation did not exceed 12% which is considered acceptable at
an early design stage. This will contribute to the conceptual cost estimation in general since
the presented conceptual cost estimation approach is linked mainly with BIM, therefore, this
• The case study reveals that using ABC provides a better IPD cost structure and that the total
prices of all packages fluctuate due to better overhead cost allocation after avoiding the
traditional (proportional) method. This will encourage clients to use IPD to deliver their
projects, as well as, the trade contractors will be more comfortable with IPD since the
presented case study will raise their awareness about the importance of a fair cost allocation
• This research presented a comprehensive solution for several practical issues that revealed
while implementing it in several studies such as Roy et al. (2018b) who identified the main
cost estimation challenges as the difference in the accounting of cost and profit among IPD
core team members, therefore, this study responded to this point by proposing an integrated
cost estimation tool that can be adopted by all team members, the proposed cost estimation
tool is user-friendly since it is designed based ABC method and a smart ABC sheet is
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• Given that all calculations are executed automatically using the proposed database system,
this system offers a data entry forms that enables cost estimation practitioners to enter only
the required inputs, accordingly, the cost estimation of every package will be determined
automatically. This system has been developed to facilitate implementing such sophisticated
estimation approach since ABC is not widely used in the construction industry and such
automation tool will foster the adoption process into the industry. In order to ensure the
applicability of the proposed cost estimation mathematical models based ABC, the authors
have developed all tools in the reality and the case study has applied using these tools—ABC
sheets and its relevant calculation sheets as presented in figures 4, 9 and 10. The accuracy of
the results proves the applicability of the developed framework and its tools.
Exploiting the full potential of BIM, IPD and non-traditional cost estimation approaches, such as
TVD, requires solutions that draw upon each approach’s capabilities and advantages and benefit from
the synergy of their combined use. With research in this field still in its infancy, this paper contributes
in several ways. Firstly, the theoretical foundations and details of an innovative framework, along
with analytical considerations for integrating these methodologies, are discussed in detail, extending
Secondly, the study moves one step ahead, progressing from promoting the integration of various
solutions as proposed in previous studies, to providing a workable, practical solution based on the
integration of Monte Carlo simulation, TVD and ABC with BIM-enabled integrated project delivery
(IPD). This provides researchers with a sound foundation for exploring the potential for such
As well as its research-focused contributions, the study’s findings are also deemed invaluable for the
world of practice, as discussed. Despite its contributions, this study is, in fact, a small part of an
ongoing research project to develop an automated cost system for IPD projects based on BIM.
Therefore, there is room and need for considerable further research in progress to develop this type of
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project budgeting system. The focus for future studies must be on developing several proposals at the
buyout stage to enable participants to make the right decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the
offer. Moreover, proposing innovative ways for cost control using earned value management (EVM),
preferably supported by a web system, is another area in which to extend the current study’s findings.
The chief limitation of this research concerns the use of different platforms to implement the proposed
framework, thus exposing the study to issues of interoperability. However, in the current study, all the
proposed platforms are interoperable, such as Revit, Navisworks and Excel. Future studies can
overcome this by defining the development of Navisworks plug-ins to develop a cost management
system within IPD, using the application programming interface (API), coded by C#.NET.
Another limitation is that cost estimation in this research is about the expected cost; therefore, the
market and allowable cost were not considered due to the need for application in a real-life case
project. Moreover, the objective of the research was to prepare a detailed and continuous estimation
technique for IPD, with the contingency and risk factors having been considered as part of the profit-
at-risk percentage without providing a detailed mechanism regarding the cost estimation of design
contingencies. Even though the proposed BIM-based Monte Carlo Simulation tool can provide
continuous cost estimation feedback, however, an automated tool is still needed to provide immediate
cost estimation for any changes in the design to enable the designer to choose between different
alternatives. All these limitations provide fertile grounds for research to improve the proposed
framework and develop an automated cost management system for IPD projects using BIM.
Additionally, the method used for this study focused on improving cost estimation prior to the
construction stage, therefore, the variance between the two estimation methods was calculated based
on planned values, rather than comparing with actual costs. Future studies on the topic can compare
the outcome of estimation by the proposed solution against actual cost, to address this limitation.
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