Uts C-1 - 4
Uts C-1 - 4
Uts C-1 - 4
Lesson Objectives:
Different cultures and varying environment tend to
create different perceptions of the "self" and one of the most
common distinctions between cultures and people is the Eastern-vs-Western
dichotomy wherein Eastern represents Asia and Western represents Europe and
Northern America. It must be understood that this distinction and the countries
included was politically colored at the time that aforementioned concepts were
accepted and used in the social sciences.
Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the
East? Where can you find the Philippines in the distinction? What are the factors that
make the Philippines similar or different from its Asian neighbours? Is there also a
difference between regions or ethno linguistics group in the Philippines?
Around the world there are lots of sources where you can
analyse the perspective of culture, and country on concept
about the self. You can see it on their literature on how culture depict it form their
heroes and villains in their social order how they value their boss and their
subordinate even on food clothing dances and artworks may show you clues about
the self.
In this lesson we will be able to look different perspective of the self across the
countries, cultures and even religion including the eastern scientific researches and
western’s view and outlook about the self.
State of Nirvana
The eastern view about the self is way different on the western point of view.
Western perspective views the world in dualities wherein you are distinct from the
other the creator is separated from the object he created (Wolter 2012).
AMERICANS for example talk more about their personal attributes when
describing themselves unlike Asians that it’s the community, the religion and even
the culture are more likely invoke certain traits s to how they define the self.
Americans would highlight their achievements while Asian would rather keep low
profile as promoting the self may be seen as boastfulness that disrupt social relations
(Gleitman, Gross and Reisberg 2011).
However as of today these traits are merely observed and seen cause either of
the western and eastern cultures may have this traits because of the dynamism o
culture brought about by several factors such as influence from colonizers,
geographical condition. Social media immigration and inter racial marriages may also
be considered.
Create a concept map of the SELF according to Filipino culture. Provide a brief
explanation of your output. You can cite books and researches about the Filipino
culture, self and Identity to further elaborate your topic.
Canada: WW Norton and Company Ho, David. 1995. "Selfhood and Identity in
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrast with the West." Journal
for the Theory of Social Behavior 25: 2 Accessed October 14, 2017.
httpwwwisco.org/sites default/files/ho_1995_0.pdf.