Topic Purpose Writer-Reader Relationship: A. Text Title: Fear 1. Context
Topic Purpose Writer-Reader Relationship: A. Text Title: Fear 1. Context
Topic Purpose Writer-Reader Relationship: A. Text Title: Fear 1. Context
Information Report
Factual recount “Fear” is an example of a Fable and can be classified as a Literary type of text in the form of a Narrative. When we say
narrative, it tells a story using a series of events. The scene is set in a time and place and characters are introduced.
Literary Usually, there has a problem that is addressed and may contain a message for the reader.
Personal recount
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Information Report
“An Honest Review of My Perfect You” is an example of a commentary and review on a film or movie and can also
Factual recount
be classified as a Literary type of text in the form of a Review. When we say review, it summarizes, analyzes, and
assesses the appeal of a novel, play or film, to a broader audience. It describes how features (e.g., characters, plot,
language features, humour etc.) may or may not appeal.
Personal recount
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