Project Description: H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-1

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As mentioned earlier, the objective of the project is to provide a dedicated

pumping main for delivering water from Nyabau Water Pumping Station at Sika
Plant, Bintulu to Kidurong Indusrial Park. The general layout plan for the Project
is as shown in Figure 2.1.


The project site is located in the Bintulu Division. The proposed pipe route is
located within road reserve and passing through Jalan Bukit Nyabau and Jalan
Kidurong. The total length of the pipe route is about 9.71 km. The pipe route
starting point grid reference is at E2379414.2130 and N5355128.3690 (at
Nyabau Water Treatment Plan) and ends at grid reference E2376557.6474 and
N5361971.2679 (near the T-Junction of Jalan Tg. Kidurong with Jalan Similajau-
Bintulu). In terms of accessibility, the pipe route along the road reserve can be
reach using the existing tar-sealed Jalan Tg. Kidurong.


The scope of work for the proposed project comprises:-

(a) Take delivery, Transportation of 800mm ND MSCL pipe, fittings gate

valves and butterfly valves to the project site from designated factory/ JKR
stores as per List attached.
(b) Supply and delivery of 800mm ND MSCL pipes, specials, fittings, all
valves, couplings expansion joints, bolts and nuts, and all required
accessories, etc. which have not been shown on the List and supplied by
Government designated storage yard but are deemed necessary for
completion of the works.
(c) Excavation, Trenching, Backfilling, Slope Protection, etc. including all
sort of detection and temporary protection of existing underground
cables and services, importing soil/sand as specified or shown on drawings.
(d) Laying, fixing, welding, jointing, installation, testing and commissioning
of all MSCL pipes, specials, fittings, all valves, couplings expansion
joints, bolts and nuts, etc. including all associated works which are
deemed necessary for completion of the works. This shall cover to complete
all types of Drain/culvert Crossings, Pipe Bridges, Pipe Jacking under Dual
Carriageway with approximate length of 9.71 km and installation of all
necessary fittings and accessories.
(e) Construction of R.C. chambers, Thrust Blocks, Anchor Blocks, R.C. Pipe
Supports, Drain/culvert Crossings, Pipe Bridges, Pipe Jacking’s related
works, etc. including necessary protection works, etc. for the completion of
(f) Epoxy painting to all exposed pipes as specified or directed by S.O.

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-1

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

(g) Reinstatement of all kind of existing structures, all types of cables, lamp or
telephone posts, roads, driveways, crossovers, fencing, drainage system,
pavement, foot paths, walkways, bus-stops and sheds, fiber-optic cables &
services, etc.


The project has been designed as part of the overall work to upgrade the existing
water supply system within the project area as part of the overall effort to
improve water supply in Bintulu. The physical component of the project consists
the supply, delivery, laying and jointing of the associated pipelines.

At the time of the site visit for the EMP study, the site preparation works for the
pipeline route is already in progress. Plate No.1 – No.6 shows the pictorial work
progress on site during the site visit for the EMP study.

2.3.1 The Pipelines

Pipe mounting and laying process involves construction of support structures

and shallow excavation of road reserve up to 1 m depth, welding of pipe length,
installation of pipe support, construction of anchor and thrust block and
reinstatement works. Chainage alignment of the water supply pipeline is shown
in Appendix 2A.


The overall project is scheduled to be completed within a time frame of eighteen

(18) months. The Implementation Schedule of the Proposed Project is as shown
in Appendix 2B. The amount of the project contact is estimated at RM
9,258,000.00. The Project was commenced on 27th June 2018 and is expected to
be completed by 26th December 2019.


The proposed Project will be managed and monitored by H.K.K & Salem
Construction Sdn. Bhd. The organisation structure for the proposed project is as
shown in Figure 2.2.

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-2

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak


The various activities normally associated with a project of this nature relate to
the different stages of the implementation, namely: -

 Site Investigation.
 Construction Stage.
 Operational/Maintenance Stage.
 Project Abandonment.

2.6.1 Site Investigation

A number of site investigation studies were conducted to determine the

suitability of the site. These studies include the perimeter and topographical
surveys, detailed soil investigation and an Environmental Management Plan

Topographical and Perimeter Survey

A topographical survey of the proposed site is essential to confirm the existing
ground elevation and to ascertain if any fill-material be needed to achieve the
final elevation for the booster stations.

The perimeter survey is essential to ensure the exact boundary for the
designated pipeline route and booster station site, so as not to encroach onto the
adjacent land lot(s) or properties. As such, the establishment of the external
boundary of the proposed project necessary not only to avoid unnecessary
encroachment into other people’s property during project implementation but
also for settling land claims and acquisition(if any) . Since land acquisition and
crop compensation has always been a potentially contentious issue, it is essential
that it be done with the consent of all interested parties to avert unnecessary
conflicts or claims that could potentially delay project implementation.

Soil or Geo-technical Investigation

Soil or geo-technical investigations to determine the characteristic of the soil at
the project site is essential to determine the suitability of the site and type of
foundation works appropriate for the establishment of the proposed Project.

EMP Study
An EMP study was conducted to assess the potential impact of the project on the
environment as well as to explore the various options available to ensure that
the project can be implemented with minimal impact on the environment.

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-3

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

2.6.2 Construction Stage

The various activities normally associated with the construction stage includes:

 Mobilisation.
 Establishment of Base Camp (Site office, Stockpile site, workers camp and
 Site clearing and earthworks.
 Civil works
 Pipeline Mounting/Laying
 Construction of Infrastructures.
 General construction.
 Disposal of Construction Waste.
 Landscaping.

A brief outline of the activities mentioned above is given as follows:

a) Mobilisation
Mobilisation refers to the bringing in of the manpower, machinery and plants
together with raw materials which will be used for the development of the
proposed project.

The manpower requirement shall comprise of skilled, unskilled, technical and

management level. The requirement of construction workers will vary with the
project stages. Listed below is part of the manpower record for the proposed
project at the time of report writing:-

 Project Manager
 Safety Officer
 Site Agent
 Quantity Surveyor
 Foreman
 Carpenter
 Mechanic
 Security Guard
 Truck Driver
 Machinery Operator

The mobilisation exercise will involve the transport of heavy earth-moving

machinery, such as excavators and bulldozers, to the site. Being aware that the
machinery and heavy equipment mobilisation will be bulky and slow moving
relative to other road users, the mobilisation will be during off-peak hours to
avoid long queues and reduce risk of accident due to overtaking. In addition to
that, supplies such as fuel, lubricants, building materials, parts, etc. will be
brought into the construction site. The mobilisation activities will use the main
road namely Jalan Nyabau and Jalan Tanjung Kidurong to reach the project site.
After the construction works are totally completed, these heavy machinery and

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-4

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

equipment would be manoeuvred out the site. A list of machinery and plant
stationed at the project site at the time of report writing is as shown in below:-

 Excavator
 Bulldozer
 Trailer
 Concrete Mixer truck
 Cargo Crane
 Dump Truck
 Bar Cutter
 Pump
 Mobile Crane

As in any construction work, most of the raw materials to be used and

source/supplier will be stated in the construction drawings and the contractor
should use raw materials as per the specifications. Generally for this project, the
main raw materials used are for concrete work, road works, pipe works, piling
works, R.C structure works, steel structure works and roof truss.

Before any of the materials is delivered into construction site, the contractor
must submit source and supplier from which the materials are to be obtained to
the engineer for testing and approval.

The main raw material required in the construction of the project will be
transported using the following roads namely Jalan Nyabau and Jalan Tanjung
Kidurong. The raw material will be transported by trucks or lorries. Most of the
raw materials will be expected to be sourced from suppliers in nearby Bintulu

b) Establishment of Base Camp

As most of the workforce used is local workforce, most of the construction

workers reside in their own home or nearby shophouses rented by the
respective sub-contractor for the project. The appointed sub-contractor, Nguan
Jin Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. have their facility in Kidurong Industrial area which can
serves as stockpile site and workshop. As for the site office, official meetings will
be held at the shophouse premise at Bintulu Sentral Commercial Centre.

c) Site Clearing
Site clearing is the removal of the existing vegetation cover on the proposed
project site using excavator or bulldozer. At the time of the report writing, site
clearing has already started. In order to minimise soil erosion due to the direct
impact of surface runoff on disturbed and exposed soil, the project site will be
cleared in phases.

Site clearing for pipeline laying is expected to be minimal in nature as the

clearing is conducted along the designated road reserve. Based on the tender
drawings, the minimum site clearing for pipeline laying is 5-meter from the

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-5

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

existing carriageway. The estimated area for pipeline clearing is about 48.55

d) Earthworks and Establishment of platform

Earthworks activities include the excavation works to facilitate the construction
of the foundation works, road cutting and temporary diversion and site drains.

At the time of report writing, the earthwork activities is on-going which include
the cutting, filling and levelling of the existing terrain and the digging of a
network of temporary drains to facilitate the drainage of surface run off at the
project site. The project is expected to incur minor excavation and reinstatement
work confined along the designated road reserve for pipeline laying.

e) Pipeline Laying

Pipeworks involves the removal of the vegetation cover and excavation within
the designated road reserve. This is normally done by using machinery for
example excavators. Laying of the Mild Steel Cement Lined (MSCL) pipes then
follows. Pipelines are preferably be laid adjacent to roads and opposite to the
electricity lines to provide easy access and maintenance. Pipe laying usually
involves shallow excavation of road reserve up to 1m depth, welding of pipe
length, installation of pipe support, construction of anchor and thrust block and
reinstatement works. Alignment of the proposed pipeline is as shown in Figure

The pipeworks details for proposed project is as summarised in Table 2.3


Table 2.3: Pipework Details

Pipe Type Diameter Size (mm) Length (km)
Mild Steel Cement Lined (MSCL) 800 9.71

f) General Construction
Activities normally associated with general construction include piling, laying of
steel bars and BRC mesh, concreting, hoisting of construction materials and
laying of bricks. Heavy equipment and machinery, such as piling rigs, are utilised
at this stage.

g) Disposal of Construction Waste

Project implementation involves the utilisation of construction raw material,
which inevitably results in the generation of construction waste such as disused
materials, wrappings and containers. The construction waste normally
associated with this type of project includes broken bits and pieces of
construction materials, BRC mesh, steel bars, cement spills and concrete
chipping, piping, bricks, glass, plastic sheets, empty cans, wooden crates …etc.

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-6

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

h) Landscaping
This involves the final phase of the project development whereby turfing of
designated open spaces and exposed areas are undertaken.

2.6.3 Operational/Maintenance Stage

When the Project is completed and in operation, regular service and

maintenance will be carried out by the relevant contractors to ensure the
components of the project such as the reticulation pipeline in good condition.

The various activities normally associated with the operational stage of a

proposed project relates to maintenance of utilities, amenities and services.

Maintenance of Utilities, Amenities and Services

The various utilities, amenities and services provided within the project need
regular maintenance if they are to continue to function efficiently. The relevant
agencies/authorities or their appointed contractors will undertake the
maintenance of these facilities to ensure the components are in good condition.

2.6.4 Project Abandonment

Project abandonment may occur at any stage during project implementation.

The possible causes of project abandonment are the downturn of the national
economy, unlikely rejection of the project by the affected local communities,
unforeseen technical or management problems and changes in government
policy for the area. Thus the relevant activities associated with project
abandonment will be determined by the stage at which it occurs.

Abandonment during the planning stage will not result in any significant
financial losses other than the costs incurred for undertaking the various studies,
planning and re-designing activities. However, abandonment during the later
part of the construction stage requires the project proponent to consider plans
for the removal or disposal of temporary structures and facilities and
appropriate restoration works at the site.

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-7

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

Relevant Plates

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-8

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

Figure 2.1:

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-9

EMP for the Construction & Completion of the Proposed 800mm ND CHAPTER 2
MSCL Pipeline from Nyabau Water Treatment Plant to Kidurong PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Industrial Estate, Bintulu Division, Sarawak

Figure 2.2

H.K.K & Salem Construction Sdn. Bhd. C2-10

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