University Questions and Answers Unit-I Introduction and Survey Part-A
University Questions and Answers Unit-I Introduction and Survey Part-A
University Questions and Answers Unit-I Introduction and Survey Part-A
1. Define transient.(N/Dec-2016,N/Dec-2014,N/D2011)
The power system transient is the outward manifestation of a sudden
change in circuit conditions as when a switch opens or closes or a fault occurs on
a system.
2. What are the causes of transients?(N/D2017,A/M2017,M/J2016,A/M2015,
N/D2015 ,M/J2012)
The various causes of transients can be classified as
Internal causes (device switching and arcing)
External causes (lightning and poor electrical connections)
Internal Causes: External Causes:
Facility load switches Lightning strikes
On/off disconnects Poor or loose connection
Capacitor banks switch Accidents and Human error.
Tap changing (transformers) Weather and animals
3. What are the effects of transients in power systems?(N/D2017,A/M2011)
Under severity, black out of power system will be produced.
Lightning transient produced steep fronted wave on transmission line.
Travelling wave produced due to transient will shutter the insulations and
week poles.
Cause damage to windings of transformer and generators.
4. Write down the importance of transient study in power system planning.
Designing and planning
If severe transients occurred it would end up with partial block-out or total
Switching transients geared to the system voltage cause severe damage.
For economic reason also we have to limit and control the switching surges.
The transients produced in one region travel towards the remote end and
cause difficulties at that region also. Since integrated power system is
Front: The front of the wave is the portion of the wave before crest and is
expressed in time from beginning of the wave to the crest value in ms (or) µs.
Series RLC Voltage source makes an abrupt change from Vi to Vf at t = 0. 96 = Y5 + Y& + Y/ t < 0: i = 0.
vR = 0. vL = 0. vC = Vi. t >> τ: i = 0.
vR = 0. vL = 0. vC = Vf.
An RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C), connected in series
or in parallel. The name of the circuit is derived from the letters that are used to denote the constituent components of this
circuit, where the sequence of the components may vary from RLC.
The circuit forms a harmonic oscillator for current, and resonates in a similar way as an LC circuit. Introducing the
resistor increases the decay of these oscillations, which is also known as damping. The resistor also reduces the peak
resonant frequency. Some resistance is unavoidable in real circuits even if a resistor is not specifically included as a
component. An ideal, pure LC circuit exists only in the domain of superconductivity.
RLC circuits have many applications as oscillator circuits. Radio receivers and television sets use them for tuning to
select a narrow frequency range from ambient radio waves. In this role, the circuit is often referred to as a tuned circuit.
An RLC circuit can be used as a band-pass filter, band-stop filter, low-pass filter or high-pass filter. The tuning
application, for instance, is an example of band-pass filtering. The RLC filter is described as a second-order circuit,
meaning that any voltage or current in the circuit can be described by a second-order differential equation in circuit
The three circuit elements, R, L and C, can be combined in a number of different topologies. All three elements in series
or all three elements in parallel are the simplest in concept and the most straightforward to analyze. There are, however,
other arrangements, some with practical importance in real circuits. One issue often encountered is the need to take into
account inductor resistance. Inductors are typically constructed from coils of wire, the resistance of which is not usually
desirable, but it often has a significant effect on the circuit.
To determine the transient recovery voltage we have to analyze the circuit.The initial voltage capacitor using on
transforming the equations.
4. Describe the broad classifications in power system transients. (N/D2017,A/M-2017)
What are the various types of power system transients and explain any two types of power system transients.
Depending upon the duration of transients they can be broadly classified in to three groups.
a) Ultra-fast transients
b) Medium fast transients
c) Slow transients
Ultra-fast transients: These types of transients are caused either by lightning or by the abrupt but normal network
changes resulting from normal switching operations. These transients are entire electrical in nature and they generally last
only for few milliseconds. Such transients give rise to high voltages.
Power system transients are system problems and it is often of broad band nature. The disturbance that is created in one
portion of power system will permeate throughout its entire length, and after causing difficulties at points will be
reflected back to its origin.
Power system planning is a process in which the aim is in decide on new as well as upgrading existingSystem elements in
a system to adequately satisfy the loads for a free seen future and to work properly in any adverse conditions. The possible
elements in a system are
1. Generation facilities
2. Substations
3. Transmission lines and / or cables
4. Capacitors
5. Reactors
The transients can be studied from the following angles
Recognition * Prediction * Mitigation
The models of the power system equipments can be generated on two percepts.
1. Based on lumped parameters: Motors, Capacitors, inductors and reactors
It is important that transient simulations and models must reproduce frequency variations, non-linearity,
magnetic saturation, surge arresters, characteristics circuit breaker and power line operation.
The transient waveform may contain one or more oscillatory components can be characterized by the natural
of this oscillations which are dependent upon the nature of the power system equipment.
Transients are generated due to phenomena internal to the equipment or of atmospheric region. Therefore
the transients are inherent in the electrical systems mitigation through surge arresters, transient voltage surge
suppressions (TVSS) active and passive filters, chokes, coils, and capacitors, snubber and damping circuits
requires knowledge of characteristics of this devices for appropriate analysis.
Standards establish the surge performance of the electrical equipments by application of a number
Of test wave shapes and rigorous testing, yet to apply proper strategies and devices for a certain
Configuration of a large system This shows that all the three aspects, analysis, recognitions and mitigation
are interdependent. The share of analysis being more than +75% After all, a mitigation strategy must
again be analysed and the effectiveness be prevent by modeling before implementation
Current Chopping is the phenomenon of making the current to zero at regular ... In power lines when surge
occurs due to lightning or switching operation at that time circuit breaker opens (air blast C.B )
and current suddenly ...
When breaking low currents (ie) unloaded transformer or reactor magnetizing current, the powerful
de-ionizing effect of air blast circuit breaker (CB) causes the current abruptly to zero well before the natural
current zero is reached. This phenomenon is called current chopping and it produces high voltage transients
across the breaker contacts, The transient over voltage due to current chopping is prevented by resistance
While interrupting highly inductive current, like no-load current of transformer, the
rapid deionization of contact space and blast effect may cause current interruption
before its natural zero. Such an ‘interruption of current before its natural zero is termed
as “current chopping”.This phenomenon is more pronounced in case of air-blast
circuit breakers which exerts the same deionizing force for all currents within its short-
circuit capacity. Even though, the instantaneous value of current being interrupted may
be less than the normal current rating of the breaker, it is quite dangerous from the
point of view of overvoltages which may result in the system.
L = Inductance of the system
C = Capacitance of the system
i =Instantaneous value of arc current
V = Instantaneous value of capacitor voltage (which appears across the breaker when it
The electromagnetic energy stored in the system at the instant before interruption is
1/2(Li²) As soon as the current is interrupted the value of i becomes zero. But, the
electromagnetic energy stored in the system [1/2(Li²)] cannot become zero
instantaneously and so it is converted into electrostatic energy [1/2(CV²)] as the system
has some capacitance.
According to the principle of energy conversion we have,1/2(Li²)=1/2(CV²)&V=i√(L/C)
In actual proactive the voltage across the breaker does not reach dangerously high
prospective values of voltage. It is due to the fact that as soon as the breaker voltage
increases beyond the gap withstanding voltage, it breaks down and the arc restrikes due
to which the voltage across breaker falls to a very low value of arc voltage which can
also be seen in the figure. Hence, it can be said that the arc is not an undesirable
phenomenon and instead it protects the power system from severe stress on insulation
due to overvoltages.
Current Suppression:
The interruption of small inductive currents can lead to situation that are known as current chopping. If the
current is interrupted at current zero, the interruption is normal and the transient recovery voltages are usually
within the specified values. However, if premature interruption occurs due to current chopping, the interruption
will be abnormal and it can cause high frequency reignitions and over voltages.
When the current across the contact of the circuit breaker is zero, a high-frequency transient voltage
develops in the whole breaker contact and is produced by the sudden distribution of energy between the
electric and magnetic field. This transient voltage is called restriking voltage. The voltage appears across the
breaker contacts at the moment of final current has a serious influence on the arc extinction process. Under the
influence of this voltage, the arc tries to restrike and hence it is named as the restriking voltage.
After the zero current, the arc gets extinguished, if the rate of rising of restriking voltage between the contact
is less than the rate at which the dielectric strength of the medium between the contact gains. Immediately after
the final current interruption, the voltage that appears across the breaker contacts (transient voltage)
superimposed on the power frequency system voltage (recovery voltage).
Considered a simple circuit, having a circuit breaker CB, as shown in the figure below. Let L be the
inductance per phase of the system up to the fault point; R be the resistance per phase of the system up to the
fault point, and C be the capacitance of the circuit.
When the breaker contacts are opened, and the arc certainly quenches at some current zero, a voltage v is
suddenly applied across the capacitor and therefore across the circuit breaker contacts. The current i which
would flow to the fault is not injected in the capacitor and inductor. Thus
The above expression is for restriking voltage where Vmax is the peak value of
recovery voltage (phase -to-neutral) t is time is seconds. L is inductance in Henrys, C is the capacitance in
farads and v is the restriking voltage in volts. The maximum value of restriking voltage is 2Vmax and occurs at
The important characteristic of restriking voltage which affects the performance of the circuit breaker is as
follows –
Amplitude Factor – It is defined as the ratio of the peak of transient voltage to the peak system frequency
The rate of Rising of Restriking Voltage – It is defined as the slope of the steepness tangent of the
restriking voltage curve. It is expressed in kV/µs. RRRV is directly proportional to the natural frequency. The
expression for the restriking voltage is expressed as
The transient voltage vanishes rapidly due to the damping effect of system
resistance, and the normal frequency system voltage is established. This voltage across the breakers contact is
called recovery voltage.
The waveforms of recovery and the restricting voltage are shown in the figure above. After the current zero,
the voltage appearing across the breaker contacts is composed of transient restriking voltage and power
frequency recovery voltage.
The waveforms of recovery and the restricting voltage are shown in the figure above. After the current zero,
the voltage appearing across the breaker contacts is composed of transient restriking voltage and power
frequency recovery voltage.
4. Draw and explain the waveforms for transient voltage across the load under normal and
abnormal switching transients.(N/D-2017)
Resistive switching refers to the physical phenomena where a dielectric suddenly changes its (two terminal)
resistance under the action of a strong electric field or current. The change of resistance is non-volatile and
reversible. Typical resistive switching systems are capacitor like devices, where the electrode is an ordinary
metal and the dielectric a transition metal oxide. An interesting application of resistive switching is the
fabrication of novel non-volatile resistive random-access memories (RRAM). This effect is also at the base of
the behavior of the so called memristor devices and neuromorphic memories.
The use of resistance switching, resistors can be of value in capacitance swiching or line de-energizing. In the
case of resistors being applied, the process of disconnection of the capacitor
Bank or transmission line involves insertion of the resistor or sequential insertion of a number of resistors such
that the actual load becomes a series combination of R and C. If the resistor has a low ohmic value, the main
interrupting duty is transferred from the main break to the resistor break.
6.Describe briefly about characteristics of Ferro resonance. (A/M-2017)
Ferro resonance or nonlinear resonance is a type of resonance in electric circuits which occurs when a
circuit containing a nonlinear inductance is fed from a source that has series capacitance, and the circuit is
subjected to a disturbance such as opening of a switch.[1] It can cause over voltages and over currents in
an electrical power system and can pose to transmission and distribution equipment and to operational
Ferro resonance should not be confused with linear resonance that occurs when inductive and capacitive
reactance of a circuit is equal. In linear resonance the current and voltage are linearly related in a manner
which is frequency dependent. In the case of Ferro resonance it is characterized by a sudden jump of voltage or
current from one stable operating state to another one. The relationship between voltage and current is
dependent not only on frequency but also on a number of other factors such as the system voltage magnitude,
initial magnetic flux condition of transformer iron core, the total loss in the ferro resonant circuit and the point
on wave of initial switching.[2]
Ferro resonant effects were first described in the term "ferro resonance" was apparently coined by French
engineer Paul Boucherot in a paper from 1920, where he analyzed the phenomenon of two stable fundamental
frequency operating points coexisting in a series circuit containing a resistor, nonlinear inductor and capacitor.
Determination of the Characteristics for Ferro resonance Phenomenon in Electric Power Systems. The term
Ferro resonance refers to a special kind of resonance that involves capacitance and iron-core inductance. The
most common condition in which it causes disturbances is when the magnetizing impedance of a transformer is
placed in series with a system capacitor. This happens when there is an open-phase conductor. Under
controlled conditions, ferro resonance can be exploited for useful purpose such as in a constant-voltage
transformer. Ferro resonance is different than resonance in linear system elements. In linear systems, resonance
results in high sinusoidal voltages and currents of the resonant frequency. Linear system resonance is the
phenomenon behind the magnification of harmonics in power systems.
Ferro resonance can also result in high voltages and currents, but the resulting waveforms are usually
irregular and chaotic in shape. The concept of ferro-resonance can be explained in terms of linear-system
resonance as follows.
Consider a simple series RLC circuit as shown in Fig. 3.6. Neglecting the resistance R for the moment, the
current flowing in the circuit can be expressed as follows: E I jX X Where E = driving voltage XL =
reactance of L XC = reactance of C When XL = |XC|, a series-resonant circuit is formed, and the equation
yields an infinitely large current that in reality would be limited by R. Simple series RLC circuit An alternate
solution to the series RLC circuit can be obtained by writing two equations defining the voltage across the
inductor, i.e. v jX L I , v E j XC I Where v is a voltage variable. Figure 3.7 shows the graphical solution
of these two equations for two different reactance’s, XL and XL′. XL′ represents the series-resonant condition.
The intersection point between the capacitive and inductive lines gives the voltage across inductor EL.
The voltage across capacitor EC is determined as shown in element in the circuit has a nonlinear reactance
characteristic like that found in transformer magnetizing reactance. Figure 3.8 illustrates the graphical solution
of the equations following the methodology just presented for linear circuits. Intersection 2 is an unstable
solution, and this operating point gives rise to some of the chaotic behavior of Ferro resonance. Intersections 1
and 3 are stable and will exist in the steady state value.
Intersection 3 results in high voltages and high currents voltages that can result from this simple series circuit.
The same inductive characteristic was assumed for each case. The capacitance was varied to achieve a different
operating point after an initial transient that pushes the system into resonance. The unstable case yields
voltages in excess of 4.0 pu, while the stable case settles in at voltages slightly over 2.0 pu. Either condition
can impose excessive duty on power system elements and load equipment. For a small capacitance, the |XC|
line is very steep, resulting in an inductance.
6.What is called capacitance switching?with necessary sketches, explain the capacitance switching with a
restrike and multiple restrike (A/M-2017,M/J2016)
Capacitor switching is encountered for all load current switching ... Ranges of typical capacitor
switching currents the Effect of Multiple Restrikes,Current.
whenever possible, by means of comparisons with reliable experimental results, a scale model system was
developed and implemented with this purpose [5]-[8]. This unique facility enabled tests to be performed under
controlled conditions; data obtained from the simulation of a wide variety of situations were used to confirm
the validity of the Agrawal et al. model [1] and the Extended Rusck Model (ERM) [8], [9], as well as for the
analysis of the lightning electromagnetic pulse response of complex electric power networks [6], [10], [11]. For
illustration, comparisons between measured and calculated induced voltage waveforms on a three-phase line
with either a shield wire 1 m below the phase conductors (h = 10 m; hg = 9 m) and grounded every 450 m
(ground resistance Rg equal to zero) or surge arresters installed on all phases every 450 m (Rg = 200 Ω) are
presented in Fig. 1. The detailed simulation 1
Modelling of Restriking and Reignition Phenomena in Three-phase Capacitor and Shunt Reactor
Switching Capacitor banks and shunt reactors are frequently switched by circuit-breakers in medium voltage
(MV)and high voltage (HV) electricity networks. In receyears there have been explosive failures due to circuit-
breaker restriking and reignition consequently there is a need for monitoring techniques that will facilitate the
identification and quantification of the onset of more severe restriking. Whilst there has been detailed analyses
of single-phase shunt reactor and capacitor bank switching there is a paucity of information about restriking
phenomena and reignition in three-phase circuits for the correlation of system problems with
specific waveform characteristics to develop the necessary identification algorithms for proactive monitoring
of circuit-breakers’ condition. This paper describes the modelling restriking and reignition occurring during
three-phase capacitor bank and shunt reactor switching using the Alternative transient Information from the
ATP models and data resulting from the simulations are examined with a view to developing an intelligent
diagnostic system with logging and alarm features. This modelling method can be easily applied with different
data from the different methods
Electric curves, circuit breakers and networks. Capacitor banks and shunt reactors are frequently networks,
since their connection to the networks is essential for reactive compensation reasons, switched in medium
voltage (MV) and high voltage (HV) electricity improving the power quality locally. The term “restrike” is
defined as a re-establishment of the current, one-quarter cycle or longer, following interruption of a capacitive
current at a normal current zero [1]. A resignation occurs when a current is at current zero and then re-
establishesitself within one-eight of a power frequency cycle [2]. When there has been detailed analyses of
single-phase .
As an electrical storm builds, various mechanisms create a stratified charge within the storm cloud, with an
electrical charge at the base of the cloud. Since we are mostly concerned with cloud-to-ground lightning,
we are concerned primarily with the charge on the base on the storm, as that charge induces a “shadow” of
opposite charge on the surface of the earth beneath it.
As the storm charge builds, so does the cloud base charge. Since like charges repel, and opposite charges
attract, the cloud base charge induces an opposite charge on the surface of the earth beneath it – it pushes
away the same charge and pulls in the opposite charge. The cloud base charge attracts, or pulls, on the
ground charge, trying to pull it off the surface of the earth. It is this tendency for the storm base charge and
the ground charge to equalize through the intervening air which causes cloud-to-ground lightning.
As the storm cloud travels over the earth’s surface, it drags this ground charge along beneath it. When the
ground charge reaches your facility, the storm cloud charge pulls it up on, and begins concentrating ground
potential on your facility. If, before the storm cloud travels away, it manages to concentrate enough ground
potential on your facility so that the difference in potential between the storm cloud base charge and the
charge on your facility exceeds the dielectric strength, or resistance, of the intervening air, the air breaks
down electrically, and a potential equalizing arc occurs; a lightning strike.
Since we are concerned with lightning strikes to objects and structures on the surface of the earth, and some
95% of all ground strikes are negative cloud-to ground lightning, for the purpose of this discussion we will
describe negative cloud-to-ground lightning.
When a lightning strikes a power line, a current is injected into the power system.
• What voltages this current will give rise to, depend upon its wave shape and the impedance through
which it flows.
• According to this concept, current coming into a line by lightning stroke from a cloud disappears into the
ground either by flashover of line insulators, or by operation of a protective device or through the ground
wires giving an induced path to the ground.
• On the ground or objects on the ground such as transmission line, charge is induced by charges in the
cloud & are bound by it.
• Whenever the charges in the cloud move due to motion of the cloud or redistribute due to cloud flashes,
the induced the induced charges on the ground or the lines also move and redistribute.
Introduction :
Lighting is an essential service in all the industries. The power consumption by the industrial lighting varies
between 2 to 10% of the total power depending on the type of industry. Innovation and continuous improvement in
the field of lighting, has given rise to tremendous energy saving opportunities in this area. Lighting is an area, which
provides a major scope to achieve energy efficiency at the design stage, by incorporation of modern energy efficient
lamps, luminaries and gears, apart from good operational practices. 8.2 Basic Terms in Lighting System and Features
Lamps Lamp is equipment, which produces light. The most commonly used lamps are described briefly as follows:
• Incandescent lamps: Incandescent lamps produce light by means of a filament heated to incandescence by the flow
of electric current through it. The principal parts of an incandescent lamp, also known as GLS (General Lighting
Service) lamp include the filament, the bulb, the fill gas and the cap.
• Reflector lamps: Reflector lamps are basically incandescent, provided with a high quality internal mirror, which
follows exactly the parabolic shape of the lamp. The reflector is resistant to corrosion, thus making the lamp
maintenance free and output efficient.
• Gas discharge lamps: The light from a gas discharge lamp is produced by the excitation of gas contained in either a
tubular or elliptical outer bulb. The most commonly used discharge lamps are as follows
• Fluorescent tube lamps (FTL)
• Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)
• Mercury Vapour Lamps
• Sodium Vapour Lamps
• Metal Halide Lamps Luminaire
Luminaire is a device that distributes, filters or transforms the light emitted from one or more lamps. The luminaire
includes, all the parts necessary for fixing and protecting the lamps, except the lamps themselves. In some cases,
luminaires also include the necessary circuit auxiliaries, together with the means for connecting them to the electric
supply. The basic physical principles used in optical luminaire are reflection, absorption, transmission and refraction.
3. What are the factors contributing to good line design.(N/D-2017)
In order to reduce the hazard that lightning poses to power systems, certain factors that determine the line
performance must be understood.
The objective of good line design is to reduce the number of outages caused by lightning.
First we try to keep the incidence of stokes to the system to a minimum
Then we try to minimize the effects of those strokes that do terminate on the system.
Lightning problems can be eliminated if all transmission was through tunnels atleast 20ft under the
Tall towers are more vulnerable than low goal post- like structures. In order to prevent the lightning,
some adequate clearances must be provided.
High ground impedance or tower footing resistance are to be avoided.
High surge impedance in ground wires, tower structures are to be avoided.
Tower footing resistance is the resistance offered by tower footing to the dissipation of current. The
effective of a ground wire depends to a large extend on the tower footing resistance. The tower top potential depends
on this resistance.
According to the Simpson’s theory, there are there are three essential regions in the cloud to be considered
for charge formation. Below region A, air currents travel ground cloud motion field gradient at ground above 800
cm/, and no rain drops fall through. In region A air velocity is high enough to break the falling rain drops causing a
positive charge spray in the cloud and negative charge in the air.The spray is blown upwards, but as the velocity of
air decreases., the positively charged water becomes predominantly positively charged.
While region B above it, becomes negatively charged by air currents. In the upper region in the cloud, the
temperature is low and only ice crystals exist. The impact of air on these crystals make them negatively charged, thus
the distribution of charge within the cloud becomes as shown.
At Pt surface, the electron number of BH4- oxidation increases with the increased potential polarization, while the
actual electron number of BH4- oxidation on Ni electrode is 4 at most due to the poor electro catalytic activity of the
oxidized Ni surface and the strong catalytic activity of metallic Ni for chemical recombination of the adsorbed H
intermediate. On the hydrolytic−inactive Au surface, the anodic reaction of BH 4- can proceed predominately through
direct electrochemical oxidation, delivering a near 8e discharge capacity.
Industrial ozone generation uses a special high pressure, low temperature electrical discharge which is referred to as
the dielectric barrier discharge or silent discharge. The filamentary structure of this discharge and the properties of
individual micro discharges are discussed. The main reaction paths for the excited atomic and molecular species in
oxygen and air are identified. Possible approaches to obtain high power densities, high ozone generating efficiencies
or high ozone concentrations are discussed.
8. With a neat diagram, explain the protection offered by the ground wires. (A/M-2017)
The solid grounding wire is covered with a heavy wall thermoplastic material to enhance public safety by
providing mechanical protection for the pole ground wire. South wire Protected Ground Wire is designed to
eliminate the need for additional protection such as conduit or oak molding. This product is also suitable
for use as a covered overhead transformer leads.
Approaching surge protection with tiers serves to create layers of filtering . ANSI and IEEE acknowledge
3 tiers, A, B and C. Each level is recognized to provide protection for a defined application. Look at the
following drawing to visualize the different tiers and location of the protection device. Class C is located at
the service entrance or meter, Class B serves sub-panels and points of distribution (power strips), and Class
A provides protection at the source or point of use (POU).
When a line is shielded, the lightning strikes either the tower or the ground wire. The path for drainage of the charge
and lightning current is
A lightning strike is an electric discharge between the atmosphere and an Earth-bound object. They mostly
originate in a cumulonimbus cloud and terminate on the ground, called cloud to ground (CG) lightning.
Upward streamers.
Observational variations.
A lightning stroke is defined as a direct stroke if it hits either tower or the shield wire or the phase conductor. This is
illustrated in fig. The tower flashes over by direct hit either to the tower or shield wire along the span it is called
backlash.If the insulator string over by a strike to the phase conductor, it is called a shielding failure for a line
shielded by shield wires.
Of course, for an unshielded wire, insulator flashover it caused by backflash when the stroke hits the tower or by
direct contact with the phase conductor.It varies according to the type of the applied voltage, eg DC,AC, Lightning or
switching surgesFor the purpose of lightning performance, insulation strength has been defined.
The voltage induced on a line by an indirect lightning stroke has four components.
The charged cloud above the line induces bound charges on the line, while the line itself it held electro
The charges lowered by the stepped leader further further induce charges on the line.
The residual charges in the return stroke induce the electrostatic field in the vicinity of the line and hence
induced voltage on it.
The rate of change of current in the return stroke produces a magnetically induced voltage on the line.
1. Explain in detail about line dropping and load rejection.(N/D-2017)
Load Rejection:
When the line is connected to a major load on a generating station, sudden load rejection
will result in over speeding of the machines and rise in voltage until such times as this can be
checked by the governors and exciters.The amplitude of the over voltage can be evaluated
approximately as specified.
V = E Xc / Xc - Xs
Where E is the voltage behind the transient reactance, which is assumed to be constant over the
sub transient period and its value before the incident, Xs is the transient reactance of the
generator in series with the transformer reactance, and Xc the equivalent capacitive input
reactance of the system.
Sudden load rejection:
The power frequency over voltages occur in a large power systems.EHV systems of
400KV and above. The main causes for power frequency and its harmonic over voltages are;
(1− fof ) xs
v= E' ¿
f - Normal frequency
The voltange at the sending end is affected by line length short circuit MVA at sending end bus
and reactive power generator of the line.shunt reactors may reduce the voltage to 1.2 to 1.4 p.u.
Line dropping:
If a source is stiff, a high percentage of the of the source voltage is impressed across
the line at the time breaker closes to energies a transmission line. If the line is open at the far
end ,or terminated in load such as an unloaded transformer, the voltage wave will double at the
remote end
Sometimes a line switched with the transformer at the remote end still connected. the
line has a path through the magnetizing impedance of the transformer, by which it can discharge.
However, as long as the transformer core is unsaturated, this represents a high impedance and the
discharge is very slow. But the transformer core runs in to saturation the impedance drops
abruptly and the discharge is very rapid. Once again, as the core comes out of saturation, the
voltage will level out.
During the restrike, the voltage across the switch will be divided in to the source side and to the
line based on their respective surge impedance. The wave level up and down the line
corresponding to the oscillatory of the bank in thecase of lumped capacitance.
Sometimes a line is switched with transformer at line end, In this case, the Itrapped charge
dissipate through the magnetizing impedance of the transformer. Until saturation of transformer
core, transformer offers high impedance and the discharge is slow. But the impedance drops
abruptly when the core runs in to saturation.
2.Explain about the voltage transients on closing and reclosing lines. (N/D-2017)
V =R /¿ 1+
appear across
Z 1 ( S)
Case;1 when a switch is closed R+ Z 1 ( S ) (v/s) the line.
This voltage will travel down the line as a wave and be reflected from its remote end returning
to the source.
To reduce the closing voltage transients the resistance is pre-inserted.the pre-insertion share the
voltage. When a switch is closed immediately prior to the circuit being completed a certain
voltage exists across the switch contacts.
At the moment the contacts made by pre striking discharge, this voltage disappears, If the
instantaneous voltage is V,a fraction of Vl, will momentarily appears across the line,
case;2 Reclosing lines
When the lightning strikes one conductor line, then the waves will be developed. there are
two pair of waves in either direction on both lines, due to these waves, the current injected into
the line by lighting stroke get dispersed. The surges on the adjacent conductor were including by
electromagnetic coupling.
The overvoltage are induced when ground fault occurs on one of he conductor Due to the
occurrence of ground fault,instead of a current being injected,a voltage is suddenly applied. The
voltage due to fault is equal and opposite to that of existing voltage on the conductor at that time
For the protection of circuits from overvoltage caused by faults, the circuit breakers must be
carefully designed
A line to ground fault can produce an overvoltage on an unfaulted phase as high as2.1time
the normal line to natural voltage on a three phase line. The oscillogram of line-to- ground
voltage obtained on TNA(Transient Network Analyser) at midpoint of 180mile,three phase line
for single line-to-ground fault at that point.
From the oscillogram,it is observed that the maximum overvoltage occurs at the midpoint of
the line .The overvoltage decreases slowly as fault location changes, but the maximum remains
above 1.75 pu for location over about 67% of the line length.
The disturbance produced by the switching operation in a system spreads through out the
integrated system by setting up travelling waves.They travel along the connected lines and reflect
to and fro as discontinuities are encountered.
There are buses at 138 KV and 345KV interconnected by auto transformer.The 138KV bus is
fed through the genetor transformer.There are line and/or ies connected to both buses The circuit
in can be redrawn using a single phase respresentation and the significantcapacitances are
included as If one of the CB, in 345KV is opened to clear a fault on its line, the switching
operation will evoke a response from both the line and the systemIf the impedance are reduced
to acommon voltage base,then the circuit becomes as in.In this circuit the lines the lines are
respresented by the resistor R1and R2.The resistance R1 effectively suppresses all oscillations.
The following values which are referred to 345KV are typical.
C2=0.32µf L2=0.11H
The 80Ω of 345KV lines is much lower than this value,it will over damp the circuit.
The source circuit can be replaced with little error by a parallel load resistance circuit in which
L=L1+L2+L3 and R=R1
The response of a parallel RL circuit to ramp I0(t) is given by
V ( S )=
( RL )
S S+ in operational form
V ( t )=LI 1−e ⌃−
l)as a time function
L 22
=0. =2.75∗10 ⌃−3
Here the time constant, R 80 se
Hence V(t)=Vp(1-e⌃-364t).A voltage of this form will travel down each of the connected lines
If the capacitances is included then there is a delay τ is introduced in this lines
If the C is increases then the delay also increases.In most cases delay will be quite short.
5.Explain in detail how EMTP is used for the computation of transients in power system. (N/D-
The EMTP is a comprehensive computer program designed to solve electrical problems
in lumpy circuits, distributed circuits. this program is capable of solving steady state circuit
problems .transient analysis can be carried out in circuits with any arbitrary configuration of
lumped parameter(R,L,C).Transmission lines with distributed parameters transported or
untransformed can be included in the network. In order to perform transient analysis, it is often
to a good idea obtain a steady state solution first to check on the validity of the network
representation and also obtain initial conditions for the transient study.
Formulation and method of solution for the EMTP
Lossless line The wave equation of a single phase line using.
5.Write short note on the following:
(i) Kilometric fault
Faults occurring between a few kilometers to some hundreds of kilometers from the breaker
are termed ‘Short Line faults (SLF) or ‘Kilometric faults’. For such faults, the line impedance
limits the current and consequently, supports some of the system voltage. The generated voltage
is divided on either side of the breaker in proportion to the impedance of the line and the source.
Short circuit faults or kilometric faults occurring on a transmission line length between0.5
to 5 km are termed as short line faults or kilometric faults. A fault of this type imposes a highly
heavy duty on the circuit breaker, there by affecting its interrupting ability.
When the lightning strikes one conductor line, then the waves will be developed. there are two
pair of waves in either direction on both lines, due to these waves, the current injected into the
line by lighting stroke get dispersed. The surges on the adjacent conductor were including by
electromagnetic coupling.
A line to ground fault can produce an overvoltage on an unfaulted phase as high as2.1time
the normal line to natural voltage on a three phase line. The oscillogram of line-to- ground
voltage obtained on TNA(Transient Network Analyser) at midpoint of 180mile,three phase line
for single line-to-ground fault at that point.From the oscillogram,it is Over voltage due to
ground fault
The overvoltage are induced when ground fault occurs on one of the conductor Due to the
occurrence of ground fault, instead of a current being injected, a voltage is suddenly applied. The
voltage due to fault is equal and opposite to that of existing voltage on the conductor at that time
For the protection of circuits from overvoltage caused by faults, the circuit breakers must be
carefully designed
observed that the maximum overvoltage occurs at the midpoint of the line .The overvoltage
decreases slowly as fault location changes, but the maximum remains above 1.75 pu for location
over about 67% of the line length.
6.Describe in detail about the causes of over voltages due to various faults occurring in
power system.(N/D-2016)
I A fault clearing surge is generated by clearing fault by a circuit breaker. Generally, its over
voltage is lesser than a closing surge over voltage and larger than a fault initiation surge over
voltage. The maximum overvoltage is observed to 1.5pu, which is greater than that of the
fault surge. The overvoltage increases to about 1.6pu in the two- phase-to-ground fault case
and to about 2.0pu in the three –phase-to-ground case.
Shows the effect of line transposition on the fault clearing over voltage. It is observed in
both un-transposed and transposed lines that the maximum overvoltage reaches higher than
2pu, which is larger by about 0.6pu than the fault initiation over voltages. The line
transposition does not significantly affect the over voltage but affects the wave shape
noticeably bas is clear. The reason for this is that the velocity is lower in a transposed line
than in an un-transposed line. As a result, the wavwform is more distorted as time increases
in the transposed line case.
Over voltages are caused on power systems due to external and internal influencing factors. The
voltage stress caused by over voltage can damage the lines and equipment’s connected to the
system. Over voltages arising on a system can be generally classified into two main categories
as below.
This type of over voltages originates from atmospheric disturbances, mainly due to lightning.
This takes the form of a surge and has no direct relationship with the operating voltage of the
line. It may be due to any of the following causes: ow:
These over voltages are caused by changes in the operating conditions of the power system.
These can be divided into two groups as below:
This is caused when switching operation is carried out under normal conditions or when fault
occurs in the network. When an unloaded long line is charged, due to Ferranti Effect the
receiving end voltage is increased considerably resulting in over voltage in the system. Similarly
when the primary side of the transformers or reactors is switched on, over voltage of transient
nature occurs.
These are caused when some major load gets disconnected from the long line under normal or
steady state condition.
Over voltage tends to stress the insulation of the electrical equipment’s and likely to cause
damage to them when it frequently occurs. Over voltage caused by surges can result in spark
over and flash over between phase and ground at the weakest point in the network, breakdown of
gaseous/solid/ liquid insulation, failure of transformers and rotating machines.
V = E Xc / Xc - Xs
Where E is the voltage behind the transient reactance, which is assumed to be constant over the sub transient
period and its value before the incident, Xs is the transient reactance of the generator in series with the
transformer reactance, and Xc the equivalent capacitive input reactance of the system.
Sudden load rejection:
The power frequency over voltages occur in a large power systems.EHV systems of 400KV and
above. The main causes for power frequency and its harmonic over voltages are;
(1− fof ) xs
v= E' ¿
f - Normal frequency
The voltage at the sending end is affected by line length short circuit MVA at sending end bus and reactive
power generator of the line shunt reactors may reduce the voltage to 1.2 to 1.4 p.u.
Line dropping:
If a source is stiff, a high percentage of the of the source voltage is impressed across the line at the
time breaker closes to energies a transmission line. If the line is open at the far end ,or terminated in load such
as an unloaded transformer, the voltage wave will double at the remote end
Sometimes a line switched with the transformer at the remote end still connected. the line has a path
through the magnetizing impedance of the transformer, by which it can discharge. However, as long as the
transformer core is unsaturated, this represents a high impedance and the discharge is very slow. But the
transformer core runs in to saturation the impedance drops abruptly and the discharge is very rapid. Once
again, as the core comes out of saturation, the voltage will level out.
During the restrike, the voltage across the switch will be divided in to the source side and to the line based on
their respective surge impedance. The wave level up and down the line corresponding to the oscillatory of the
bank in the case of lumped capacitance.
Sometimes a line is switched with transformer at line end, In this case, the It rapped charge dissipate through
the magnetizing impedance of the transformer. Until saturation of transformer core, transformer offers high
impedance and the discharge is slow. But the impedance drops abruptly when the core runs in to saturation.
2.Explain about the voltage transients on closing and reclosing lines. (N/D-2017)
When a switch is closed immediately prior to the circuit being completed a certain voltage exixts across
the switch contacts.
At the moment the contacts made by pre striking discharge, this voltage disappears, If the instantaneous
voltage is V,a fraction of Vl, will momentarily appears across the line,
V =R /¿ 1+
Z 1( S)
V =Z 1/(R+Z1) V ( S )=
R+ Z 1 ( S ) (v/s)
This voltage will travel down the line as a wave and be reflected from its remote end returning to the source.
To reduce the closing voltage transients the resistance is pre-inserted.the pre-insertion share the voltage.
In an utility system a breaker is reclosed as rapidly as possible, after it fault is of a transient nature. It
improves the overall stability of the system.
When the lightning strikes one conductor line, then the waves will be developed. there are two pair of
waves in either direction on both lines, due to these waves, the current injected into the line by lighting stroke
get dispersed. The surges on the adjacent conductor were including by electromagnetic coupling.
The overvoltage are induced when ground fault occurs on one of he conductor Due to the occurrence of
ground fault, instead of a current being injected, a voltage is suddenly applied. The voltage due to fault is equal
and opposite to that of existing voltage on the conductor at that time
For the protection of circuits from overvoltage caused by faults, the circuit breakers must be carefully
A line to ground fault can produce an overvoltage on an un-faulted phase as high as2.1time the normal
line to natural voltage on a three phase line. The oscillogram of line-to- ground voltage obtained on
TNA(Transient Network Analyzer) at midpoint of 180mile,three phase line for single line-to-ground fault at
that point.
From the oscillogram,it is observed that the maximum overvoltage occurs at the midpoint of the line .The
overvoltage decreases slowly as fault location changes, but the maximum remains above 1.75 pu for location
over about 67% of the line length
The disturbance produced by the switching operation in a system spreads through out the integrated
system by setting up travelling waves. They travel along the connected lines and reflect to and fro as
discontinuities are encountered.
There are buses at 138 KV and 345KV interconnected by auto transformer.The 138KV bus is fed through the
genetor transformer.There are line and/or ies connected to both buses
The circuit in can be redrawn using a single phase respresentation and the significantcapacitances are included
If one of the CB, in 345KV is opened to clear a fault on its line, the switching operation will evoke a
response from both the line and the system
If the impedance are reduced to a common voltage base, then the circuit becomes as in.In this circuit the lines
the lines are represented by the resistor R1and R2.The resistance R1 effectively suppresses all oscillations. The
following values which are referred to 345KV are typical.
C2=0.32µf L2=0.11H
V ( S )=
( RL )
S S+ in operational form
V ( t )=LI 1−e ⌃−
l )
as a time function
L 22
=0. =2.75∗10 ⌃−3
R 80 sec
Hence V(t)=Vp(1-e⌃-364t).A voltage of this form will travel down each of the connected lines
If the capacitances is included then there is a delay τ is introduced in this lines
If the C is increases then the delay also increases.In most cases delay will be quite short.
5.Explain in detail how EMTP is used for the computation of transients in power system. (N/D-2016,
The EMTP is a comprehensive computer program designed to solve electrical problems in lumpy
circuits, distributed circuits. this program is capable of solving steady state circuit problems .transient analysis
can be carried out in circuits with any arbitrary configuration of lumped parameter(R,L,C).Transmission lines
with distributed parameters transported or untransformed can be included in the network. In order to perform
transient analysis, it is often to a good idea obtain a steady state solution first to check on the validity of the
network representation and also obtain initial conditions for the transient study.
Formulation and method of solution for the EMTP
Lossless line
The wave equation of a single phase line,
When the lightning strikes one conductor line, then the waves will be developed. there are two pair of waves
in either direction on both lines, due to these waves, the current injected into the line by lighting stroke get
dispersed. The surges on the adjacent conductor were including by electromagnetic coupling.
A line to ground fault can produce an overvoltage on an unfaulted phase as high as2.1time the normal
line to natural voltage on a three phase line. The oscillogram of line-to- ground voltage obtained on
TNA(Transient Network Analyser) at midpoint of 180mile,three phase line for single line-to-ground fault at
that point.From the oscillogram,it is observed that the maximum overvoltage occurs at the midpoint of the
line .The overvoltage decreases slowly as fault location changes, but the maximum remains above 1.75 pu for
location over about 67% of the line length.
7.Describe in detail about the causes of over voltages due to various faults occurring in a power system.
IA fault clearing surge is generated by clearing fault by a circuit breaker. Generally, its over
voltage is lesser than a closing surge over voltage and larger than a fault initiation surge over
The maximum overvoltage is observed to 1.5pu, which is greater than that of the fault surge.
The overvoltage increases to about 1.6pu in the two- phase-to-ground fault case and to about
2.0pu in the three –phase-to-ground case.
Shows the effect of line transposition on the fault clearing over voltage. It is observed in both
un-transposed and transposed lines that the maximum overvoltage reaches higher than 2pu,
which is larger by about 0.6pu than the fault initiation over voltages. The line transposition does
not significantly affect the over voltage but affects the wave shape noticeablybas is clear. The
reason for this is that the velocity is lower in a transposed line than in an un-transposed line. As
a result, the wavwform is more distorted as time increases in the transposed line case.