Group6 Module4 Lesson19 LA
Group6 Module4 Lesson19 LA
Group6 Module4 Lesson19 LA
Magalang, Pampanga
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Arceo, Sunshine C.
Soliman, Debbie E.
Tuazon, Jocelyn G.
Vidal, Erika May O.
Prof. Angelina P. Lumanlan
Learning Activities
Activity A. 1.
What are the top three types of assessment your science teachers utilized in theclassroom? Circle
all those that apply.
1. Observation
2. Interview
3. Group/Peer assessment
6. Quiz bee
7. Self-assessment
10. Rubrics/Checklists
Which of these assessment strategies did you find effective? Explain your answer.
Most of the presented assessment strategies are actually all plausible to administer in the
teaching and learning process it just need an effective and keen teachers to make it more
effective knowing our students well can greatly help us to determine what assessment
strategies is most effective. However, I must say that the performance task or students
demonstration is the one that is very effective for a reason that this allows students to
apply knowledge to solve a problem or demonstrate a skill. This also provides an authentic
output of what students have learned from the class.
Authentic assessment is the idea of using creative learning experiences to test students'
skills and knowledge in realistic situations. Authentic assessment measures students'
success in a way that's relevant to the skills required of them once they've finished your
course or degree program. Authentic forms of assessment are performance task/Students
demonstration, Laboratory Report, Research Report, Portfolio, Oral Recitation, Rubrics,
Computer game based or instruction, Interview, Observation, Self- assessment, Quiz bee.
B. Activity
B. 1.
Read carefully the statements below on preparing different assessment strategiesin science.
assessment looks at
higher-order thinking
skills and problem-
solving abilities.
assessments measure
whether students can
apply the knowledge
appropriately in
various contexts.
assessments go hand-
in-hand with modern
teaching strategies like
active learning and
critical thinking.
End of quarter paper-and-
pen test
Quiz bee
Performance task/Student Can be used to A performance task can be
assess from multiple developed and scored by an
perspective individual teacher, a subject
Engages student in department, an external assess
active learning learning targets or objectives that
Can promote student are specified in curriculum
creativity documents. The final stage in
Oral recitation
Computer-assisted games
or Instruction
Activity D. 1.
Identify effective and engaging assessment forms for the following target
competencies in earth science and physics.
Lesson Synthesis
Assessment is a part of learning process used to understand better the students’ current knowledge
through a process of identifying, gathering and interpreting data on their performances and
progress. Assessment is most effective when students’ confidence in the marker (assessor) is high
which reinforces the vital requirements to access accurately and consistently, as well as the
importance of providing useful and understandable feedback to the student.