BC Assignment 2
BC Assignment 2
BC Assignment 2
and outside the company. According to Dr.Amy M .Corey (1987) Business communication is the
process of expression, channeling, receiving and interchanging of ideas in commerce and
industry. In simple words, Business communication is the process of sharing information
between people within and outside a company in order to promote an organization’s goals,
objectives, aims, and activities, as well as increase profits. ’ The term ‘Business Communication’
is derived from general communication which is associated with business activities. In other
terms, communication between business parties or people for business-related tasks is
considered as ‘Business Communication’. Business communication may make relations or may
break relations. Business communication asserts, sustains and animates business relations.
Moreover, it involves a regular flow of information and feedback is considered as a crucial and
important aspect of business communication. Due to different levels of hierarchy and
involvement of a huge number of people, business communication plays an important role in
different management functions i.e. planning, coordinating, organizing, directing, and
Every type of organization whether small or big, public or private, communication plays a
vital role. It is said that “good communication is good business.” The efficient performance of
employees of an organization depends on effective communication within the organization.
Communication also facilitates effective planning According to Koontz and O’Donnell (19
90)“Effective planning occurs when everyone responsible for it has access to complete
information affecting areas of planning.” Thus, communication is required not only for effective
planning but also to ensure its better implementation. In an organization where various
employees are working at different level, the conflicts arise due to one or more reasons. Proper
communication reduces the conflict by developing understanding. Communication helps them
to know the views, problems, and thoughts of others.“ most of the conflicts in a business are
not basic but are caused by misunderstanding and ignorance of the facts, proper
communication between the interested parties reduce the point of friction and minimize those
that inevitably arise”. Communication is a vital force, it is an important aspect of effective
business organization. Modern business organization are following democratic system of
management. It requires good channels of communication so that employees, consumers and
other stakeholders share information and participate in discussion, consultation and decision
making. According to Dale Yoder(18 79) “Communication is at the very heart of the process of
organizing.” Thus, communication is important for effective organization as success or failure of
organization depends on it.
Communication helps in enhancing morale of the employees, because they are aware of
their role in business firm. It awakens a sense of security and encourages them to work. Effective
communication plays critical role in enhancing the motivation and morale of employees. Robert
D. Berth(19 86) states “It is impossible to have human relations without communication.” The
basic reason of disputes between the labour and management is communication gap. With the
help of effective communication sound relations can be maintained as it promotes mutual
understanding, cooperation and goodwill. Communicate what you are working on and what is
going well and not as well. Your peers may not report to you, but they can render valued
assistance and expertise. Inquire if there is anything you or your team is doing to keep them
back. If one department is doing well at the expense of others, the organization cannot improve
and loses traction. With this question about feedback, your peers may also ask you what they are
doing to hold you back. This criss-cross communication will assure you both have the
information needed to improve yourselves and your teams. Communication With Your Boss.
Determine what communication techniques your boss finds effective. Are they a reader or
a listener? Do they value verbal communication or hardcopy communication? Sending weekly
reports to a boss that understands more verbally will be ineffective for the both of you, as you’ll
keep writing and he’ll keep on deleting not knowing what to look for. Invite feedbacks: Discover
what you or your team could work on, what the priorities are and if there is any news that can
affect you or your team. For without direction, you will be mistaken. Your boss will most likely
ask the same question with feedback, part your insights and ask for possible answers for the
future. Once there is an understanding of what you and your manager need or do not require to
perform on key targets, the question that follows is always: “Why didn’t we share each other’s
feedback before?”. Success in an organization depends on all three spheres of communication:
your directs, your peers and your boss. Drawing these spheres closer to the Centre so they
overlap more and more with uninterrupted communication and improvement will result not only
in you being successful, but everybody around you.
There are 4 main types of business communication in any organization or business these
are Internal(upward), External, Internal (downward) and Horizontal/Lateral communication.
Internal Business Communication means communication that occurs within the members of the
organization. This communication includes both formal and informal communication. Also,
different departments that transmit communication by different means to employees come under
internal communication. Internal communication should be effective as it is a vital source of
viewing and representing organizational issues. Effective internal business communication may
increase job satisfaction level, productivity, the efficiency of employees by decreasing their
turnover and grievances and helps in increasing profits. This type of internal communication
involves the bottom to the top management approach. Here, the information flows from
subordinates to managers or any person that is up in the hierarchy level. Transmitting the
information from employees to top management also comes under this. In the absence of upward
communication, the management work system is void as they are unable to know if there is a
smooth flow of information or message throughout the organization or not. Upward
Communication acts as a source of communication to internal employees for: Exchange of
information, Presenting ideas or suggestions, Attaining job satisfaction level, Communicating
feedback. Most of the upward communication includes different forms, reports, written
documents, templates, etc. to facilitate employees in gaining required and detailed information
Increases brand value and customer satisfaction: Through internal communication with
frontline employees, organizations ensure to keep promises as expected by customers. This
results in better customer satisfaction and thus increases brand value. Goals that are
communicated and employees having up-to-date information result in brand loyalty. This
ultimately enhances revenue. Crisis management: Organizations can deal effectively with crisis
situations in both internal and external environment by timely and careful internal
communication. It helps in both short-term and long-term management of the crisis.
Short-term crisis management is related to a particular incident and addressing that but
long-term crisis management is more based on maintaining an organization’s reputation or brand
value and to take corrective measures for non-repetition of negative situations. Internal
communication facilitates this by making a balance in organizational structure, policies, etc.
before a crisis situation arises. Increases employee engagement: Effective internal
communication gives regular feedback that creates a healthy work environment and results in a
more engaged workforce.
This ultimately reduces employee turnover and also attracts better talent in an organization.
To be at a competitive market place, a well-organized internal communications system is
required by the organization to create an open environment and satisfied employees as it
increases brand value. Increases innovation: An internal communication system that is open,
smooth, and effective, creates a comfort zone in employees. When employees feel comfortable,
they can use their creativity and innovative ideas up to a maximum extent to achieve common
goals of the organization as dedicated resources. Also, through effective and well-managed
internal communication, employees can convey their suggestions or ideas for the organization’s
benefit. In the absence of effective internal communication, the potential of employees is not
completely utilized.
Efficient team building: Open and smooth internal communication results in a well-
integrated and efficient team by boosting employee morale. Once employees feel a sense of
belongingness because of proper information or communication about the organization’s values
and objectives, they tend to perform in a much better way. Moreover, they also feel job security
and overall there is an improvement in work ethics as well. Boosts transparent environment:
Organizations having an effective internal communication system experience more transparency
that results in increasing brand value through building trust in the brand and its product or
services. Also, smooth internal communication helps in implementing different new policies
easily. Effective employee management: Through internal communication, the employees are
well informed about their work areas and tasks to be done. It also helps in exchanging feedback
among employees and their superiors. Feedback is required for any improvements or changes in
the work culture of the whole organization ..Business communications can be internal, such as
when dealing with employees individually, in meetings or through written messages like emails
and memos. It can also be external in nature, such as when communicating with customers,
suppliers or other business owners. There are a number of important aspects to effective external
communication. These include the level of the communication's persuasiveness and the ability to
relate to customers.
Content of website and blogging: Different advertising strategies like developing useful
website content, Search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, etc. are also beneficial in
providing crucial information about the organization or brand. Websites play a great role in
building strategies of external communication as these act as a hub for a business’s other
activities related to building its brand. Similarly, through content marketing, organizations can
ensure the increasing visibility of their website on search engines. Moreover, by inviting
comments and people to contact businesses through the comment section and contact page,
organizations ensure two-way communication.
Effective external communication can persuade customers to take a certain desired action.
Your marketing strategy, for example, can influence customers to buy your products or visit your
place of business. An effective public relations campaign can make use of media to build the
image of your business in the local community. If your business is expanding and you’re in need
of additional employees, your recruitment efforts can persuade potential employees to consider
working for your company.
Conferences and live consorts: Different conferences or seminars and live events are
considered as one of the important types of factors to boost external communication in business.
Email and newsletters: One another type of external business communication is an email system.
It is used for both purposes i.e. to demonstrate new offers to customers, to increase sales and also
to build a long-term relationship with different stakeholders that are external to an organization.
Social media: Social media is considered as an advanced and the latest external communication
medium. Different social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. are
very much beneficial in interacting with external people of an organization. Press releases: Press
releases and press coverage also play a vital role in external communication as organizations can
improve their brand image and credibility through media outlets and press releases. Also,
connecting with different potential customers is possible through these. External communication
is not just about spreading your message or reaching out to others. Effective communication also
involves taking the time to listen to any feedback you receive.
A customer service survey gives customers the opportunity to tell you what is good and
bad about your business and lets them know that you care about what they think. Feedback from
other companies you do business with can indicate your company’s reputation in the business
Informal External business communication: It is the one that is not in direct control of an
organization. For example, employees absorb and strengthen their knowledge about their work
and organization daily and when they discuss the same in the external environment of the
organization then it’s considered informal external business communication.
Product Training and Support. Companies present their products at trade shows and
events to demonstrate their personal or business use. They conduct training courses to show
people how to use product functions and certify personnel in product usage. Companies offer
instructor-led training, virtual events using Web conferencing software and self-paced courses to
meet the needs of busy professionals. During training events, instructors and company
representatives give presentations and communicate with participants to learn about individual
needs. Additionally, companies conduct surveys using online questionnaires to get feedback on
product usage and requirements for new product development. Promotional and Marketing
Companies promote their products by communicating the benefits and features in printed
product or service literature. Functional specifications, reference manuals and other product
documentation enable customers to decide if the product meets their needs. Literature also
convinces potential customers that products provide a return on investment and an affordable
total cost of ownership. Promotional literature tends to include attractive photos, text and
descriptive language to describe product or service details. Using logos and slogans to build up
their brand recognition, companies develop a market presence.