A Detailed Lesson Plan in Principles of Marketing ABM Track I. Learning Objectives
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Principles of Marketing ABM Track I. Learning Objectives
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Principles of Marketing ABM Track I. Learning Objectives
ABM Track
I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the 45-minute discussion, the students are expected to achieve 80% proficiency
level on the following:
1. discuss the goals of marketing;
2. produce a creative presentation showing the goals of marketing;
3. appreciate the goals of marketing and its importance to the company.
Instructional Materials: Audiovisual set (laptop, projector and speakers), pictures and envelopes
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Anyone, who can lead the prayer? (A student lead the prayer)
B. Motivation
Class, what is you favorite Fast Food in the (Students will raise their hands)
Philippines? Jollibee
(Pick 3 students to answer) McDonald’s
How about your favorite Fast Food TV (Students will raise their hands)
commercial? Chowking
(Pick 3 students to answer) Jollibee
Thank you class. McDonald’s
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In connection to that, I will be showing you a TV
commercial of a very famous and a Filipino-
owned Fast Food in the Philippines. I want you to
watch the video carefully. After watching the
video, I will ask you a series of questions.
(After watching the video...)
What can you say about the video? Yes Amy. Jollibee aimed to inform and remind its audience
about the celebration of love and about the
unending love of a family sir.
How about another idea? Yes Billy. The commercial showed how resillient the
Filipinos are.
Great! Thank you billy. Are you touched by this Yes sir.
You will be divided into 6 groups. But, we will do (Students start the count off)
the count off first, starting from the first person
here in front at the right corner.
(The count off ends...)
In the count of 10, you should be sitted with your
group. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Everybody (Students will go to their respective places)
settle down.
Each group will be given an envelope. Inside the (Students will open the envelope)
envelope, there are pictures of company brand
logos that you have to answer. All envelopes
contain with similar pictures. All answers must be
written on the spaces provided below the
pictures. Remember, the company name should
be spelled out. Therefore, acronyms and
abbreviations will not be accepted. Wrong
spelling is wrong. Each correct company brand
logo has a corresponding of 2 points. You will be
given 3 minutes to do the task. The group who
will have the highest points will be declared as
(After 2 minutes...)
(After 1 minute...)
Time is up! Raise your paper. Group 1 exchange (All groups will exchange their paper)
your paper with group 2. Group 3 exchange your
paper with group 4. And finally, group 5 exchange
your paper with group 6.
What can you say about the activity? Yes Dan. I really enjoyed the activity sir because I know
most of the company brand logos. I have always
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seen it on TV, in Print Ads and in Social Media.
Thank you Dan. How about another idea? Yes The activity was really fun sir. I have tried or
Elis. visited some of these companies.
Thank you Elis. What else? Yes France It was really a fun activity sir, but it was filled with
pressure. That is why we have forgotten some of
the company brand logos.
Thank you France. How about others? Yes I already played it on my phone, but some are not
Grace. really familiar. I have never seen, tried or visited
these companies yet. On top of that, I really
enjoyed it sir.
What do you think are the goals of marketing?Yes Make you target market know you. Inform them,
Imy persuade them and remind them so your brand
can be among the top.
Considering that the customers are already Make products available according to the
persuaded, What should the company do next? purchase pattern of the target consumers.
Yes Joe?
What else? Yes Kaye. Provide a low risk initial experience to allow
target consumers and customers to form positive
impression. Typically done via sampling.
Very good. An example of this is the new and
improve versions of products, such as Acer
Laptops, are launched regularly as a way to stay
relevant to consumers.
So if these goals will be achieved by the It will lead to a profitable lifetime relationship
company, what will be the end result?Yes Nancy.
E. Application
Listen to the instruction. Each group must create (The students will listen to the instruction
their own live TV commercial. The group is carefully)
allowed only to perform 1 commercial. Each
group shall think of a product brand to advertise.
The product and brand should be existing, but the
advertisement should be original and not copied
from the existing works. The performance must
not show explicit language. The duration of the
presentation must not exceed to 3 minutes,
including the entrance and stage preparation.
Presentation of rubrics
Creativity 10
Content 10
Presentation 10
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Are there any questions?
I think everybody is excited. Now that you already (Student start the brainstorming)
understood the mechanics, you can now start.
(after 14 minutes…)
You have 1 minute left. Finalize your work.
Time is up. All leaders please come forward and
pick your number.
The first group to perform is group number 6, (Students perform the activity)
followed by group 1, 4 ,3, 2, 5 respectively. So
let’s start.
(After performing the activity...)
F. Analysis/Generalization
What have you learned from this today’s What i have learned today sir is that companies
lesson?Yes Hanz. are trying their best to be visible to its customers
or consumers. And these goals will help the
Very well said. The extent of executing these company to outperform other companies and be
goals is dependent on many factors, such as how the best.
ambitious the marketing objectives are, how
much are the available resources as well as how
creative the marketers can be in making things
IV. Evaluation
Direction: On a one fourth (1/4) sheet of paper, answer the questions below with a brief answer.
1-4. What are the goals of marketing?
5-9. What is the importance of goal setting specially to marketing?
10. Name a company logo that you could still remember during the activity earlier.
V. Assignment
Make a research about Marketing Mix. It should be printed. It will be submitted next meeting.
Prepared by:
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