R18 - EDC Lab Manual
R18 - EDC Lab Manual
R18 - EDC Lab Manual
Lab Manual
Name of the Lab Course: Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
Regulations : R18
Prepared by Verified by
To nurture students towards holistic development with leadership skills, life skills and
human values.
To provide quality education to the students with emphasis on training related to latest
technologies as per industrial needs
To impart research culture, professional ethics and moral values to the students by committed
andcompetent faculty striving for excellence.
To inculcate a perceptive alacrity in students to identify real life problems, formulate strategies
andevolve into contextually effective solutions.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
After three to six years of graduation, the graduates of this program will be able to
PSO-1: Provide optimized solutions for digital, signal processing and communication
PSO-2: Develop compact, energy efficient and low cost products to assist the
differently abled people.
Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, andanalyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design / Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as amember or leader
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi disciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women
Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Bachupally, Hyderabad -90
Lab Session – 1
Introduction to various Electronic components like Resistor (Color Coding), Capacitor
(Determining the value of Capacitor), Inductor, Transistor (PNP and NPN), PN
Junction Diode, Zener Diode, FET (MOSFET and JFET), UJT, SCR, Connecting wires,
Bread Board, PCB‟s etc.
Lab Session – 2
Introduction to various Electronic Devices like Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Function
Generator, Regulated Power Supply, Multimeter, Ammeter, Voltmeter (Measurement
of signal parameters like Amplitude, Time and Frequency on CRO)
Do not come late to the lab.
Do not operate equipment unnecessarily.
Do not exceed the voltage / current ratings.
Avoid loose connections and short circuits.
Experiment Observ Record Total Signature
Date of ation
Evaluation Marks Marks of Faculty
S.No Name of the Experiment Expt. Marks
(5M) (5M) (15 M) Member
EDC Lab 1
Specifications of Resistors:
Resistance value: This is the value of the resistance expressed in ohms. Ex:
10Ω, 1MΩ
Power rating: The power rating is very important in the sense that it
determines the maximum current that a resistor can withstand without
being destroyed. The power rating of resistor is specified as so many
watts at a specific temperature.Ex:1/4 W,1/2 W,1W,2 watts at 70
Resistor symbols:
A capacitor (originally known as condenser) is a passive two-terminal
electrical component used to store energy in an electric field. The forms
of practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two electrical
conductors separated by a dielectric (insulator); for example, one
common construction consists of metal foils separated by a thin layer
of insulating film. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical
circuits in many common electrical devices. They are of three types
1. Disk capacitor
2. Fixed capacitor
3. Variable capacitor
Capacitor Symbols:
Capacitor Specifications:
When a capacitor is being discussed, it is referred to with certain
"specifications" or characteristics. Capacitors are usually "specified" in
the following manner-
They are specified by type (tantalum, electrolytic, etc.)
They are specified by package (axial, radial, as discussed
They are specified by how to connect to them, their
Inductor Symbol:
1. Step up transformer
2. Step down transformer
Transformer symbols:
In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component with an
asymmetric transfer characteristic, with low (ideally zero) resistance to
current flow in one direction, and high (ideally infinite) resistance
in the other. A semiconductor diode, the most common type today,
is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p–n junction
connected to two electrical terminals. A vacuum tube diode is a
vacuum tube with two electrodes, a plate (anode) and heated cathode.
In this lab we will find the characteristics of
1. P-N junction diode
2. Zener diode
Diodes symbols:
P N junction diode:
A pn junction is a boundary or interface between two types of
semiconductor material, p-type and n- type, inside a single crystal of
semiconductor. It is created by doping, for example by ion
implantation, diffusion of dopants, or by epitaxy (growing a layer of
crystal doped with one type of dopant on top of a layer of crystal doped
with another type of dopant). If two separate pieces of material were
used, this would introduce a grain boundary between the
semiconductors that severely inhibits its utility by scattering the
electrons and holes.
Zener Diode:
A Zener diode is a diode which allows current to flow in the forward
direction in the same manner as an ideal diode, but will also permit it
to flow in the reverse direction when the voltage is above a certain value
known as the breakdown voltage, "zener knee voltage", and zener
voltage “or” avalanche point. The device was named after Clarence
Zener, who discovered this electrical property. Many diodes described
as "zener" diodes rely instead on avalanche breakdown as the
mechanism. Both types are used. Common applications include
providing a reference voltage for voltage regulators, or to protect other
semiconductor devices from momentary voltage pulses.
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch
electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor
material with at least three terminals for connection to an
external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the
transistor's terminals changes the current through another pair of
terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than
the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today,
some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found
embedded in integrated circuits. The term transistor was coined by
John R. Pierce as a portmanteau of the term "transfer resistor.
The transistor is the fundamental building block of modern electronic
devices, and is ubiquitous in modern electronic systems. Following its
development in the early 1950s, the transistor revolutionized the field
of electronics, and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios,
calculators, and computers, among other things.
Transistors types:
1. Bipolar Ex: Bipolar junction transistor
2. Unipolar Ex: Field effect transistor, Uni junction
Transistor transistor
BJT Symbols:
Unipolar Transistors:
Types of FETs:
N-Channel JFET
P-Channel JFET
Depletion MOSFET
Enhancement MOSFET
Series connection:
Parallel connection:
Function generator:
A function generator is usually a piece of electronic test equipment or
software used to generate different types of electrical waveforms over a
wide range of frequencies. Some of the most common waveforms
produced by the function generator are the sine, square, triangular and
sawtooth shapes. These waveforms can be either repetitive or single-
Designation Specification
Amplitude 0-20V
Designation Specification
Digital Multimeter:
A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter),
is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter would include
basic features such as the ability to measure voltage, current, and
resistance. Analog multimeters use a microammeter whose pointer
moves over a scale calibrated for all the different measurements that
can be made. Digital multimeters (DMM, DVOM) display the measured
value in numerals, and may also display a bar of a length proportional
to the quantity being measured. Digital multimeters have all but
replaced analog moving coil multimeters in most situations. Analog
multimeters are still manufactured but by few manufacturers.
Quantities measured:
Contemporary multimeters can measure many quantities. The
common ones are: Voltage, alternating and direct, in volts.
Inductance in Henrys.
Duty cycle as a percentage. Frequency in Hertz.
Temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, with an
appropriate temperature test probe, often a thermocouple.
Digital multimeters may also include circuits for:
Continuity tester; sounds when a circuit conducts
Diodes (measuring forward drop of diode junctions), and
transistors (measuring current gain and other parameters)
Battery checking for simple 1.5 volt and 9 volt batteries.
This is a current loaded voltage scale which simulates in-
use voltage measurement.
The main parts are:
1. Electron gun: it is used to produce sharply focused
beam of electron accelerated to very high velocity.
2. Deflection system: it deflects the electron both in horizontal
and vertical plan.
3. Florescent screen: the screen which produces, spot of
visible light . when beam of electrons are incident on
it the other side of tube is coated with phosphorus
ON-POWER: toggle switch for switching on power.
INTENCITY: controls trace intensity from zero to maximum.
FOCUS: It controls sharpness of trace a slight adugestement of focus
is done after changing intensity of trace.
It selects coupling of ACDC ground signal to vertical amplifier.
X-MAG: It expands length of time base from 15 times continuously
and to maximum time base to 40 ns/cm.
SQUARE: This provides square wave 2v (pP) amplitude and enables
to check y calibration of scope.
SAWTOOTH WAVE FORM: This provides saw tooth wave form output
coincident to sweep speed with an output of saw tooth wave (pp)
Amplitude = no. of vertical divisions * Volts/div.
Time period = no. of horizontal divisions * Time/div.
Frequency = 1/T
Amplitude taken on vertical section (y).
Time period taken on horizontal section(x)
AIM: 1. To Plot the volt-Ampere Characteristics of PN Junction diode under
forward and reverse bias conditions.
2. To find the following parameters from the Forward & Reverse
a) Cut in voltage-Vb) Static forward resistance RF at If=20mA
c) Reverse saturation current-Ico d) Dynamic forward resistance-rf
e) Dynamic reverse resistance-Rr
Forward Bias:
When P-N junction is forward biased, the holes are repelled from the positive
electrode and the electrons from the negative electrode of the power supply,
and are forced to move towards the junction. Some of the holes and
electrons in the depletion region recombine themselves. This reduces the
width of the depletion layer and the height of the potential barrier. As a
result of this more number of majority charge carriers flow through the P-N
Reverse bias:
Thus the majority carriers are drawn away from the junction. This widens
the depletion layer and increases the height of the potential barrier. Hence
there is no current flow due to majority carriers under reverse bias. A small
amount of current due to diffusion of minority charge carriers across the
junction flows through the reversed biased PN junction. Generation of the
minority carriers is dependent upon the ambient temperature and is
independent of the applied reverse voltage.
1. Ensure that D.C Power supply is switched OFF. Keep the voltage
control knob in the minimum position and current control knob in
maximum position.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig –1 for forward characteristics
making use of silicon diode.
3. Vary the power supply voltage such that the voltage across the diode
is varied 0-1V in steps of 0.1 volts .Note down Vf and If in the table.
4. Draw the Vf Vs If characteristics and find out the cut – in voltage Vr
for diode from it. Ensure that the current through the diode does not
exceed 50mA.
5. Repeat the experiment using germanium diode.
6. Present the results at the end of the experiment.
7. Estimate the forward resistance of the diode from the relation=
[Δ Vf / Δ If ].
Reverse Bias Characteristics:
1. What are the cut-in voltages for the two diodes used? Give reasons
why they are different?
2. What is meant by forward and reverse bias?
3. Name the applications of the diodes.
4. What is meant by depletion layer or intrinsic / Space charge region
5. What is meant by recombination?
6. Write examples of N type & P type materials?
7. What is reverse Saturation Current?.
Characteristics of a Zener Diode under Reverse Bias:
Zener as Voltage Regulator:
Voltage Regulator Load Regulation:
AIM: To study the load regulation of Zener diode.
Load Regulation:
1. Connect the circuit as per the Diagram shown in Fig – 1.
2. Ensure that the power supply is switched OFF. Keep the voltage
control knob in the minimum position and current control knob in
maximum position.
3. Adjust the input voltage Vi such that it is greater than the Zener
breakdown voltage by about 10Volts and fix the same.
4. Open the load resistance circuit and note the no-load voltage VnL
corresponding to IL= 0 (zero load current).
5. Now connect RL (DRB) as shown in circuit diagram then vary it such
that load current IL increases from minimum to a maximum of 50 ma
in steps of about 5 mA. Note down the Load resistance (RL),output
voltage(Vo), Load current(IL) and Zener current(IZ) record them as
shown in Table-I
6. Draw the Graph between IL and VL.
7. Calculate the % Regulation with the help of the following relation.
% Regulation =[ (VnL – VL) / VnL ] x 100 = --------------------
8. Draw the graph between IL and % regulation.
RESULT: Studied and plotted the load and line regulation of Zener diode.
AIM: To rectify the signal and then to find ripple factor and percentage of
regulation in full wave rectifier with and without filters.
1. Transformer 230 V/12 V-0-12 V : 1No
2. Diodes IN 4007 : 2No‟s
3. Capacitor 470µf/35V : 1No
4. Decade Resistance Box : 1No
5. Digital Multi meter : 1No
6. DC Digital Ammeters, 0-100 mA : 1No
7. Bread Board : 1No.
8. 30 MHz Dual Trace CRO : 1No.
9. Connecting wires : 1set
Generally, the rectifier is required to produce pure dc supply for using at
various places in electronic circuits. However the output of a rectifier has
pulsating character i.e., it contains ac & dc components. The ac component
is undesirable and must be kept away from load, to do so a filter circuit is
used, which removes (or) filters out ac component that reach the load.
A filter circuit is a device, which removes (or) filters out ac component
of rectifier output but allow the dc component to reach the load. Obviously a
filter circuit should be installed between the rectifier and load as shown.
Generally, it is a combination of an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C). The
filter in action of „L‟ and „C‟ depends upon the basic electrical properties. A
Capacitor passes ac easily but does not pass dc. At ac on the other hand an
inductor opposes ac but allows dc to pass through it.
It then becomes clear that suitable network of „L‟ and „C‟ can
effectively remove the ac component and allows the dc component to reach
the load.
Capacitor filter: It consists of a capacitor „C‟, placed across the rectifier
output, i.e., load RL.As the direction of voltage of the rectifier increases, it
charges the capacitors and also supplies current to the load. At the end of
quarter cycle the capacitor is charged to peak value Vm of the rectifier. Now
the rectifier output starts to decrease as the capacitor discharges through
the load and voltage across it i.e., across parallel combination of RL
decreases. The voltage across the load will decrease only slightly because
immediately the next voltage peak comes and recharge the capacitor. This is
repeated again and again and the output of rectifier waveform becomes
straight. It is commonly used in transistor radio – battery eliminators.
Full wave Rectifier without Filter:
No load Voltage (VDC) =
Load IDC VAC VDC Ripple % of Regulation
S. No. Resistance (mA) (V) (V) factor
𝑉noload − 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
In Ω γ= VAC / = x 100
VDC 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
1 100
2 300
3 500
4 1k
5 2k
6 3k
7 4k
8 5k
Full wave Rectifier with Capacitor Filter:
No load Voltage (VDC) =
Load IDC VAC VDC Ripple % of Regulation
Resistance (mA) (V) factor
S. No. (V)
In Ω γ= VAC / 𝑉noload − 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
= x 100
VDC 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
1 100
2 300
3 500
4 700
5 900
6 1k
7 2k
8 3k
9 4k
10 5k
1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as per the circuit diagram
shown in fig-2.
2. Connect the primary of the transformer to mains supply i.e., 230 V,
50 Hz.
3. Connect decade resistance box and set the RL value to 100 Ω.
4. Connect Multi meter at output terminals and vary the load resistance
in Decade Resistance Box from 100 Ω to 5 kΩ and note down the Vac,
Vdc and IDC in the given tabular form-2.
5. Disconnect load resistance (DRB) and note down No Load voltage Vdc.
6. Connect load resistance at 100 Ω and connect Channel-II of CRO at
output terminals and Channel -I of CRO at secondary terminals of the
transformer observe and note down the Input and output wave forms
and its voltages.
7. Calculate ripple factor = Vrms of ac/Vdc.
1. Input signal time period (t) = _________ & frequency (f) = 1/t ______ at
2. Input signal peak to peak voltage for full wave rectifier at transformer
3. Output signal time period (t) = _________ & frequency (f) = 1/t ______ at
RESULT: Rectified the signal, calculated the ripple factor and percentage of
regulation for with and without filters of full wave rectifier.
AIM: To plot the input and output characteristics of a Transistor connected
in Common Emitter configuration and to find the h-parameters from the
CE Input Characteristics:
These curves give the relationship between the base current (IB) and the
base to emitter voltage (VBE) for a constant collector to emitter voltage
(VCE). As the collector to emitter voltage is increased above 1V, the curves
shifts downwards because as VCE is increased, the depletion width in the
base region increases and this reduces the effective base width, which in
turn reduces the base current.
CE Input Characteristics:
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.3
0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.6 0.6
IB = 10 µA Constant IB = 20 µA Constant
VCE (V) IC (mA) VCE (V) IC (mA)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
CE Output Characteristics:
Output characteristic gives the relationship between the collector to emitter
voltage (VCE) and collector current(IC) for a constant base current (IB) The
curves may be divided into three important regions namely Saturation
region Active region and Cut-off region.
CE Output Characteristics:
1. Indicate the various regions, (Active region, Saturation region and cut
off region) on the output characteristics of the transistor.
2. What are the differences between common emitter and common base
input and output characteristics?
AIM: To study and plot the drain characteristics and Transfer
Characteristics of Field Effect Transistor in common source configuration.
1. FET BFW 11 : 1 No
2. Resistors 470Ω,1KΩ : 1 No each
3. DC Digital Ammeter 0-20 mA : 1 No
4. Digital Multi meter : 1 No
5. Dual channel DC Regulated power supply 0-30 V: 1No
6. Bread board : 1 No
7. Connecting wires : 1 set
Like an ordinary junction transistor, a field effect transistor is also a three
terminal device. It is a unipolar device, because its function depends only up
on one type of carrier. (The ordinary transistor is bipolar, hence it is called
bipolar-junction transistor) Unlike a BJT, a FET has high input impedance.
This is a great advantage.
A field effect transistor can be either a JFET or MOSFET. Again a JFET can
either have N-channel or P-channel. An N-channel JFET has an N type
semiconductor bar. The two ends of which the drain and source terminals
on the two sides of this bar, PN junctions are made. These P regions make
gates. Usually, these two gates are connected together to form a single gate.
The gate is given a negative bias with respect to the source. The drain is
given positive potential with respect to the source. In case of a P channel
JFET, the terminals of all the batteries are reversed.
In this case, PN junction is reversing biased and hence the thickness of the
depletion region increases. As VGS is decreased from zero, drain is positive
with respect to the source with VGS = 0.Now the majority carriers flow
through the N–channel from source to drain. Therefore the conventional
current flows from drain to source. Since the current is controlled by only
majority carriers, FET is called as a unipolar device.
The drain current ID is controlled by the electric field that extends into the
channel due to reverse biased voltage applied to the gate. The drain current
depends on the drain voltage VDS and the gate voltage VGS. Any of these
variables may be fixed and the relation between the other two are
determined when VDS = VP, ID becomes maximum. When VDS is increased
beyond VP, the length of the pinch – off region or saturation region
The important parameters of a JFET are defined below.
1. Drain dynamic resistance, rd =Δ VDS / ID at VGS = constant.
2. Mutual conductance = gm = Δ ID / ΔVGS at VDS = constant.
3. Amplification factor = µ = gm / rd = Δ VDS/Δ VGS at ID = constant.
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
FET Drain (output) Characteristics:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Make VGS= 0 V by adjusting 0-5 V (Channel-I) power supply.
3. Adjust the 0-15 V (Channel-II) power supply and note the values of ID
and VDS with the variation of VDS in steps of 1V and note down in the
given tabular form-1.
4. Repeat the above procedure for VGS = -0.5 V and -1 V.
5. Plot the output characteristics by taking ID on Y-axis and VDS on
X-axis for constant values of VGS.
6. Calculate the drain resistance rd from the graph in the linear
region of the characteristics by
rd = [V ds /Id] at V gs = constant.
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
-1.0 -1.0
-1.2 -1.2
-1.4 -1.4
-1.6 -1.6
-1.8 -1.8
-2.0 -2.0
2. Tran conductance gm =
3. Amplification factor = rd . gm
AIM: To measure the voltage gain and plot the frequency response of
Transistor CE amplifier.
1. Transistor BC 107 (Si) : 1 No.
2. Capacitors 10 µF : 3 Nos.
3. Resistors 1 kΩ : 2 Nos.
2.2 kΩ, 10kΩ, 33kΩ : 1 No each
4. 30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope : 1 No.
5. DC Regulated power supply 0-30V : 1 No.
6. Function generator : 1 No.
7. Bread board : 1 No.
8. Connecting wires : 1 set
Common Emitter amplifier has the emitter terminal as the common terminal
between input and output. The emitter base junction is forward biased and
collector base junction is reverse biased, so that transistor remains in active
region throughout the operation. When a sinusoidal AC signal is applied at
input terminals of circuit during positive half cycle the forward bias of base
emitter junction VBE is increased resulting in an increase in IB, The
collector current IC is increased by β times the increase in IB, VCE is
correspondingly decreased. i.e., output voltage gets decreased. Thus in a CE
amplifier a positive going signal is converted into a negative going output
signal i.e., 180o phase shift is introduced between output and input signal
and it is an amplified version of input signal.
Characteristics of CE amplifier:
Vin=50 mV Constant.
Maximum gain in dB (AV max) = ----------------
Maximum Voltage gain ( Av max )
3dB Gain= = ----------------
Lower half power frequency (f1) = ----------------
Upper half power frequency (f2) = ----------------
Band width (B.W) = (f2 – f1) = ----------------
Gain bandwidth product = AV (B.W) = ----------------
GRAPH: Draw the graph frequency verses gain (dB) on a semi log graph
1. What are the characteristics of CE amplifier?
2. What is the main application of CE amplifier?
3. What is meant by Bandwidth of an amplifier?
4. Find the phase relation between input and output.
5. What is an Amplifier?
6. How many types of an Amplifiers?
7. What is meant Band width, Lower cut-off and Upper cut-off
8. How much phase shift for CE Amplifier?
9. What are the applications?
10. Draw the Equivalent circuit for low frequencies?
AIM: To measure the voltage gain and plot the frequency response of
Transistor CB amplifier.
1. Transistor BC 107 (Si) : 1 No.
2. Capacitors 10 µF : 2 Nos.
3. Resistors 220Ω, 470 Ω, 10kΩ, 22kΩ : 1 No each
4. 30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope : 1 No.
5. DC dual Regulated power supply 0-30V : 1 No.
6. Function generator : 1 No.
7. Bread board : 1 No.
8. Connecting wires : 1 set
In Common Base Amplifier Circuit Base terminal is common to both the
input and output terminals. In this Circuit input is applied between emitter
and base and the output is taken from collector and the base. As we know,
the emitter current is greater than any other current in the transistor, being
the sum of base and collector currents i.e. IE= IB+ IC In the CE and CC
amplifier configurations, the signal source was connected to the base lead of
the transistor, thus handling the least current possible. Because the input
current exceeds all other currents in the circuit, including the output
current, the current gain of this amplifier is actually less than 1 (notice how
R load is connected to the collector, thus carrying slightly less current than
the signal source). In other words, it attenuates current rather than
amplifying it. With common-emitter and common-collector amplifier
configurations, the transistor parameter most closely associated with gain
was β. In the common-base circuit, we follow another basic transistor
parameter: the ratio between collector current and emitter current, which is
a fraction always less than 1. This fractional value for any transistor is
called the alpha ratio, or α ratio.( α= IC/IE) Since it obviously can't boost
signal current, it only seems reasonable to expect it to boost signal voltage.
S.No frequency(Hz) Output Voltage(Vo) Gain Av=Vo/Vi Gain in dB
In volts =20logAv
1 50
2 100
3 200
4 300
5 400
6 500
7 600
8 700
9 800
10 900
11 1k
12 2k
13 5k
14 8k
15 10k
16 20k
17 50k
18 100k
19 200k
20 300k
21 400k
22 500k
23 600k
24 700k
25 800k
26 900k
27 1M
Maximum gain in dB (AV max) = ----------------
Maximum Voltage gain ( Av max )
3dB Gain= = ----------------
Lower half power frequency (f1) = ----------------
Upper half power frequency (f2) = ----------------
Band width (B.W) = (f2 – f1) = ----------------
Gain bandwidth product = AV (B.W) = ----------------
GRAPH: Draw the graph frequency verses gain (dB) on a semi log graph
1. What are the characteristics of CB amplifier?
2. What is the main application of CB amplifier?
3. What is meant by Bandwidth of an amplifier?
4. Find the phase relation between input and output.
1. FET BF245 : 1 No
2. Capacitors: 0.1 µF : 2 Nos.
47 µF : 1 No.
3. Resistors: 1.5 kΩ,4.7 kΩ,1MΩ : 1 No each
4. 30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope : 1 No.
5. DC Regulated power supply 0-30V : 1 No.
6. Function generator : 1 No.
7. Bread board : 1 No.
8. Connecting wires : 1 set
Input Gain Gain in dB
S. No. Voltage
Frequency (Hz) AV=Vo/Vi 20 log Av
1 50
2 100
3 200
4 500
5 1k
6 5k
7 10 k
8 20 k
9 30 k
10 40 k
11 50 k
12 60 k
13 70 k
14 80 k
15 90 k
16 100 k
17 200 k
18 300 k
19 400 k
20 500 k
21 1M
Maximum gain in dB (AV max) = ----------------
Maximum Voltage gain ( Av max )
3dB Gain= = ----------------
Lower half power frequency (f1) = ----------------
Upper half power frequency (f2) = ----------------
Band width (B.W) = (f2 – f1) = ----------------
Gain bandwidth product = AV (B.W) = ----------------
GRAPH: Draw the graph frequency verses gain (dB) on a semi log graph
1. What are the advantages of JFET over BJT?
2. Why input resistance in FET amplifier is more than BJT amplifier
3. What is a Uni-polar Device?
4. What is Pinch off Voltage?
5. What are the various FETs?
6. What is Enhancement mode and depletion mode?
AIM: To plot the input and output characteristics of a Transistor connected
in Common Base configuration and to find the h-parameters from the
1. Transistor CL 100/BC107 : 1 No
2. Resistor 1kΩ : 2 Nos
3. DC Digital Ammeters, 0-100 mA : 2 Nos
4. Digital Multi meter : 1 No
5. Dual channel DC Regulated power supply 0-30 V : 1No
6. Bread board : 1 No
7. Connecting wires : 1 set
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.3
0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.6 0.6
0.7 0.7
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
CB Input Characteristics:
CB Output Characteristics:
a) CB Input Characteristics:
To obtain input resistance, find VBE and IE for a constant VCB on
one of the input characteristics.
b) CB Output Characteristics:
To obtain output admittance find IC and VCB at a constant IE on
one of the output characteristics.
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.3
0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.6 0.6
IB = 10 µA Constant IB = 20 µA Constant
VCE (V) IC (mA) VCE (V) IC (mA)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
CE Input Characteristics:
CE Output Characteristics:
a) CE Input Characteristics:
To obtain input resistance, find VBE and IB for a constant VCE on
one of the input characteristics.
b) CE Output Characteristics:
To obtain output admittance find IC and VCE at a constant IB on
one of the output characteristics.
AIM: To design a switch using transistor and study the Switching
characteristics of a transistor.
A transistor may be operated as an electronic switch. In the switch mode
operation the transistor functions as a SPST (Single pole single through)
switch. The level of the control signal on the base terminal of a transistor
turns it ON and OFF. Turning ON means making the resistant between the
collector and emitter to zero i.e. to operate the transistor in its saturation
region. Transistor OFF means making the resistor in its cut-off region.
When emitter-base and collector-base are reverse biased, the transistor
operates in cutoff region and acts as an open switch. Then the transistor is
OFF. When the emitter-base is forward biased and collector-base is reversed
biased, it is in active region and acts as an amplifier. When emitter-base and
collector-base are forward biased, the transistor operates in saturation
region and acts as a closed switch. Then the transistor is ON.
Device ratings:
IC (max) = 0 – 20 max Vcc = 12v
Design Equations:
Select IC (sat) = 2mA, VCE(sat) = 0.3v
RC = (VCC - VCE ) / IC (sat) , RC = (12-0.3) /2ma = 5.8K
Select proper value Vi (5V) and IB= 0.5ma for which the transistor IB is > IC
(sat) RB = ( Vi - VBE ) / IB RB = ( 5-0.7) / 0.5 = 8.6K.
select higher value as 10K By selecting RB = 10K
Design for IC(Sat) = 0.35mA. Calculate RC and RB
RB = 10KΩ, RC = 5.8KΩ
TABULAR FORM-1: DC Voltage Input:
S.No DC Input Voltage(V) DC Output Voltage
1 0
2 0.1
3 0.2
4 0.3
5 0.4
6 0.5
7 0.6
8 0.7
9 0.8
10 0.9
11 1.0
12 1.1
13 1.2
14 1.3
15 1.4
16 1.5
1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in fig-1 and apply
VCC 12V from channel-I of dual channel regulated DC power supply.
2. Disconnect channe-2 DC power supply from the input terminals of the
3. Take function generator and set 5V P-P square wave at 1KHz
frequency, connect to input terminals of the circuit and channel-1 of
Dual channel CRO.
4. Connect circuit output terminals to the channel-2 of Dual channel
5. Note down the output voltage, phase shift and Vce sat in the given
tabular form-2.
6. Draw the input and output wave forms on the graph sheet as shown
in fig-4.
RESULT: From the above experiment it has been observed that the
transistor acts as a switch if it is operated in saturation and cut off region.
This Transistor switch operation is equivalent to an inverter gate.
1. Ensure that the connections are made without any loose contact.
2. Care should be taken while biasing the circuit.
1. Differentiate between diode and transistor as a switch.
2. Define ON time, OFF time of a transistor.
3. In which regions transistor acts as a switch?
AIM: To find the latching current and holding current of a given SCR and to
Plot the V-I Characteristics of the Silicon Controlled Rectifier.
1. SCR TYN 612 :1No
2. Resistors 1kΩ,1Watt :2No‟s
3. Ammeters 0-20mA,0-100mA :1No Each
4. Voltmeter 0-30V :1No
5. 0-30V Dual channel power supply :1No
6. Bread board :1No
7. Connecting wires :1set
The silicon control rectifier (SCR) consists of four layers of semiconductors,
which form NPNP or PNPN structures have three P-N junctions labeled J1,
J2 and J3, and three terminals. The anode terminal of an SCR is connected
to the p-type material of a PNPN structure, and the cathode terminal is
connected to the n-type layer, while the gate of the SCR is connected to the
p-type material nearest to the cathode.
Today, the term "thyristor" applies to the larger family of multilayer
devices that exhibit bistable state-change behaviour, that is, switching
either on or off.
The operation of an SCR and other thyristors can be understood in
terms of a pair of tightly coupled bipolar junction transistors, arranged to
cause the self-latching action.
There are three modes of operation for an SCR depending upon the biasing
given to it.
1. Forward blocking mode (off state)
2. Forward conduction mode (on state)
3. Reverse blocking mode (off state)
SCRs are mainly used in devices where the control of high power, ossibly
coupled with high voltage, is demanded. Their operation makes them
suitable for use in medium- to high-voltage AC power control applications,
such as lamp dimming, power regulators and motor control.
SCRs and similar devices are used for rectification of high-power AC in high-
voltage direct-current power transmission. They are also used in the control
of welding machines, mainly MTAW (metal tungsten arc welding) and GTAW
(gas tungsten arc welding) processes similar.
RESULT: Observed the latching current and holding current of a given SCR
and Plotted the V-I Characteristics.
1. What is an SCR?
2. What is the difference between SCR and TRIAC?
3. What are the applications of SCR?
4. Why is Peak Reverse Voltage Important?
Theoretical calculations:
Positive peak clipper with reference voltage, V=2V, Vr=2V, Vγ=0.6V
When the diode is forward biased Vo =Vr+ Vγ ; =2V+0.6V = 2.6V.
When the diode is reverse biased then Vo =Vi.
Practical output_______
Positive Base Clipper:
AIM: To study the various Clipper circuits and also observe transfer
Theoretical calculations:
Positive Base Clipper with Reference Voltage Vr=2V, Vγ=0.6V.
When the diode is forward biased Vo=Vr –Vγ = 2V-0.6V = 1.4V.
When the diode is reverse biased then Vo =Vi.
Practical output_______
Negative peak clipper:
Theoretical calculations:
Negative peak clipper with reference voltage, Vr=-2V, Vγ=0.6V
When the diode is forward biased Vo= -(Vr+ Vγ) = -(2+0.6)V =-2.6V.
When the diode is reverse biased Vo=Vi
Practical output_______
Negative Base clipper:.
Theoretical calculations:
Negative Base Clipper with Reference Voltage, Vr =-2V, Vγ=0.6V.
When the diode is forward biased Vo = -Vr+ Vγ =-2V+0.6V =-1.4V.
When the diode is reverse biased Vo=Vi.
Practical output_______
Theoretical calculations:
When the diode D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased Vo= Vr+ Vγ
When the diode D2 is forward biased and D1 is reverse biased Vo=-(Vr+ Vγ)
= -(2+0.6)v= -2.6V. When the diodes D1 &D2 are reverse biased Vo=Vi.
Practical output_______
Negative Peak clipper With Bias Vo= -(Vr+ Vγ) = - (2+0.6)V =-2.6V.
1. Ensure that the connections are made without any loose contact.
2. Care should be taken while biasing the circuit.
1. Define clipping.
2. Define peak inverse voltage of diode.
3. Explain the clipping process.
AIM: To Study various biased and unbiased clamper circuits & verify the
clamping Circuit theorem.
1. Diode 1N4007 (Si) : 1 No
2. Resistor 1 KΩ : 1 No.
3. Capacitor 100µf/16V : 1 No
4. Regulated DC power supply : 1 No
5. Function Generator : 1 No
6. 30 MHZ Cathode ray oscilloscope : 1 No
7. Bread board : 1 No.
8. Connecting wires : 1 set
Clamping circuits are circuits, which are used to clamp or fix the extremity
of a periodic waveform to some constant reference level. Clamping circuits
may be one way clamps or two way clamps.
The clamping circuits only change the DC level of the input signal. It does
not affect its shape. Clamping circuits may be positive voltage clamping
circuits or negative voltage clamping circuits. In positive clamping, the
negative extremity of the waveform is at the reference level and the entire
wave form appears above the reference level. i.e. the output wave form is
positively clamped with reference to the reference level. In negative clamping
the positive extremity of the waveform is appears below the reference
voltage. i.e., the output waveform is negatively clamped with reference to
the reference level.
The capacitors are essential in the clamping circuits. The difference between
the clipping and clamping circuits is that while the clipper clips off an
unwanted portion of the input waveform, the clamper simply clamps the
maximum positive or negative peak of the waveform to a desired level.
RESULT: Studied various Clamper circuits and observed its Wave forms.
1. Ensure that the connections are made without any loose contact.
2. Care should be taken while biasing the circuit.
1. Define clamping.
2. What are the other names for the clamper?
3. What are the applications of clampers?
AIM: To study the steady state output wave forms of a different clamper
circuits for square wave input.
1. Diode 1N4007 (Si) : 1 No
2. Resistor 1 MΩ : 1 No.
3. Capacitor 0.1µf/100V : 1 No
4. Regulated DC power supply : 1 No
5. Function Generator : 1 No
6. 30 MHZ Cathode ray oscilloscope : 1 No
7. Bread board : 1 No.
8. Connecting wires : 1 set
Clamping circuits are circuits, which are used to clamp or fix the extremity
of a periodic waveform to some constant reference level. Clamping circuits
may be one way clamps or two way clamps.
The clamping circuits only change the DC level of the input signal. It does
not affect its shape. Clamping circuits may be positive voltage clamping
circuits or negative voltage clamping circuits. In positive clamping, the
negative extremity of the waveform is at the reference level and the entire
wave form appears above the reference level. i.e. the output wave form is
positively clamped with reference to the reference level. In negative clamping
the positive extremity of the waveform is appears below the reference
voltage. i.e., the output waveform is negatively clamped with reference to
the reference level.
The capacitors are essential in the clamping circuits. The difference between
the clipping and clamping circuits is that while the clipper clips off an
unwanted portion of the input waveform, the clamper simply clamps the
maximum positive or negative peak of the waveform to a desired level.
1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as per the circuit diagram.
2. Switch ON the DC power supply and set the reference voltage to
2 V and connect it to the circuit for biasing circuits.
3. Apply input signal square wave at 1 kHz 10 𝑉𝑝−𝑝 from the
function generator and connect to the circuit and channel - I of CRO.
4. Keep the channel – 2 of CRO AC/DC push button switch in DC mode.
5. Observe the output waveforms in channel – 2 of the CRO.
6. Measure the clamping levels in the output waveform and compare
them with the theoretical value.
7. Note down all observations in the given tabular form.
8. Sketch the waveforms on a graph sheet.
RESULT: studied the steady state output wave forms of a different clamper
circuits for square wave input.
1. Ensure that the connections are made without any loose contact.
2. Care should be taken while biasing the circuit.
1. Define clamping.
2. What are the other names for the clamper?
3. What are the applications of clampers?