Opinion of Policy Makers Regarding The Need of 'Global Accreditation' of Undergraduate Medical Education in Bangladesh Original Article

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- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education
ISSN: 2306-0654
Original Article
Opinion of policy makers regarding the need of 'global accreditation'
of undergraduate medical education in Bangladesh
Brig. Gen. Suraya Begum1, Professor Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir Talukder2

Accreditation of undergraduate medical education has been practicing worldwide in developed and developing countries.
Fundamental ideas of this program is to ensure incorporation of ongoing global developments, evidence based scientific
study and maintenance of minimum basic standard in education for population health and safety. WHO and WFME have
been addressing for global standards in medical education and global accreditation of medical institutes for long time.
Worldwide many countries have been responded to this call of global accreditation of medical colleges and medical education
with their own context and experiencing benefits
This exploratory cross sectional study has been conducted during the period of july-2014 to june-2015 to explore the
opinion from key informants of medical education and views from young medical graduates. Data were collected from
twenty one in-depth interviewee.
Key informants stressed the necessity of an autonomous constitutional national independent accreditation body, faculty
development and teacher evaluation, basic minimum resources in all listed medical colleges.
Study recommended to accelerate the activities to establish national accreditation body for undergraduate medical
education which will make way to achieve global accreditation in Bangladesh in coming future.

Key Words: Global accreditation of undergraduate medical education in Bangladesh

Introduction not maintaing basic standards of medical education

Accreditation is official approval given by an authorized specially in developing countries7. Basic standards in
organization stating that required standards are achieved in medical education was not maintained in the USA a hundred
an institution1. The term Accreditation has been used in years ago, when Abraham Flxener was appointed by
higher education extensively2. carnegie foundation to standardised the weak medical
education of the USA and Canada8. It is the moral duty of
Undergraduate medical education in many ways is the most the policy makers to make a valid system in medical
important part of the medical education for a country and for education which will provide basic or minimum standards
a physician3. Accreditation of undergraduate medical of education in both govt. & non-gov. medical colleges to
education has been practicing worldwide in developed and produce competent medical graduates.
developing countries4. Fundamental ideas of this program is
to ensure incorporation of ongoing global developments, Methodology
evidence based scientific study and maintenance of basic This exploratory cross sectional study has been conducted
standards in education for population health and safety. during the period of july-2014 to june-2015 to explore the
WHO has been addressing for global standards in medical opinion from key informants of medical education
education and global accreditation of medical institutes for regarding the need of global accreditation of undergraduate
long time5. One incompetent health professional can harm medical education in Bangladesh.
an individul in a community but one incompetent medical
institute can harm thousands in community. Worldwide 30 key informants were contacted by visiting their offices,
many countries have been responded to this call of global email and SMS as applicable and needed. Among them 21
accreditation of medical colleges and medical education in-depth interview could be conducted. In-depth interview
with their own context and experiencing benefit6. were conducted with advisor to former govt., Member of
parliament, Health secretary, Add - health secretary, VC
Worldwide medical institutions are proliferiting. All are Dhaka university, VC BSMMU, President BM & DC,
1 Director General DGHS, Director General medical services
Advisor, Shaheed Ziaur Medical College, Bogra
(Defence), Director medical education, Dean faculty of
Professor, Curriculum development & Evaluation medicine DU, Trustee Gonoshastho, Director CME,
Centre for Medical Education, Dhaka.
National professor, President BMA, Secretary General
Address of correspondence: Brig. Gen. Suraya Begum BMA, President AME, Principles medical colleges, Senior
Advisor, Shaheed Ziaur Medical College, Bogra. faculties, Journalist.
E mail: suraiyabegum@ymail.com

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education 2016;7(2):9-16. © 2016 Begum et al., publisher and licensee Association for Medical Education. This is an
Open Access article which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
Vol.- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

Necessary permission was taken from concerned authority. Quotations of key informants
Participation were voluntary. Confidentiality, and Conversations were compiled and transcribed verbatim as
anonymity of the respondents are maintained. data as below-
Data were collected from key informants with in-depth Issue: need of national accreditation
interview. An in-depth interview schedule was prepared All the key informants stated that it is very much required.
according to the objectives of the research and to maintain
consistency among interviews. With due prior permission Quotations
from interviewees interviews were recorded in writing and “National QAS is doing works with some particular
with voice recorder in most of the cases. objectives, national accreditation body is required for
further improvement of undergraduate medical education”.
In- depth interview data has been analyzed as guide line
given by Pathfinder International guide for qualitative data; “Accreditation will act as oxygen to us to make up the lapses
available in website (Boyce, Neale 2006, Halcomb, and gapes in medical colleges. Ministry and others are
Davidson 2006). Themes were identified and categorized. aware about accreditation of Medical colleges”.
Data are presented in quotation and in summary form. “We want uniformity of all medical colleges”.

Results Issue: need of global accreditation

Most (n=19) of the informants stressed the need of national
Summary report of in-depth interviews
accreditation first then global accreditation . Two key
After transcription, categorization and condensation
informants expressed that there is no need of global
summary report of opinions are as follows-
1. There is a great need of a national accreditation body to
medical colleges for quality medical education, Quotations
competent medical graduate and better health service in “Yes, we need both national and global accreditation. Our
Bangladesh. national accreditation will have the basic standards of
2. National accreditation body must have reflection from international level”.
global standards. International help may be called upon. “We need more development to get international
3. There are some overt gaps and lapses in many medical accreditation”.
colleges, which need correction with long and short “National accreditation body would need approval by
term plans with strong commitment. regional or global organizations”.
4. In this period of globalization medical colleges and “This is a system of capitalism and will impose brain drain
undergraduate medical education of Bangloadesh wuld from Bangladesh”.
need global accreditation in coming future. Many medical graduates are doing odd jobs in abroad”.
5. Establishing a national accreditation body and planning
for global accreditation are direct stimulation for Issue: ‘global standards for undergraduate medical
development of medical colleges in Bangladesh. education’ given by World Health Organization (WHO)
/World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).
6. There are shortage of quality and number of faculty
specially in basic subjects. A long and short term plans majority ( n=12) of the respondents welcomed the guide
for faculty selection, development and teacher line and expressed the need of tailoring of it.
evaluation are very essential.
Issue: enrollment of name of Bangladesh medical
7. There is a need of policy regarding number of medical colleges in WHO Directory of Medical school.
colleges to be established and human resource majority (n=14) of the key informants stated that it is not
development. important now and would be considered in coming future.
8. Significant number of foreign students especially from but one of the quote was-
SAARC countries as well from the UK and the USA “It is important for Bangladesh to enlist name of medical
want to have medical education from Bangladesh. colleges WHO directory. This listing of names need
processing through ministry. It is necessary for coming
9. There are many direct and indirect advantages of global
accreditation. Important one is health service system in
Bangladesh will be scaled up.
Issue: expected benefits having global accreditation.
10. There is no major barrier to work for global most (n=20) of the informants gave statements about many
accreditation. Collaboration, joint action and high benefits.
power committee can overcome any obstacle to achieve
global accreditation in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education 2016;7(2):9-16.

Vol.- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

Quotations Quotations
“There would be many direct and indirect benefits of having “Only merit is considered. District quota and tribal quota
global accreditation in Bangladesh”. are nonfunctional. Attitude, aptitude, capability and
“Medical Graduates will provide service confidently at desirability are important”.
home and in abroad , they will not do odd jobs in abroad”. “For rural retention of doctor we are thinking new ways”.
Issue: anticipated barriers to get Global Accreditation. “We have to maintain the standard of questions, and must
stop the question leaking”.
majority (n=16) of the key informants believed that there
would no barriers, no big challenges if the work is done “We have achieved a good admission system and will
jointly and with 'goodwill'. achieve everything”.

Quotes Issue: students' support systems

“Motivation and understanding might need time”. Majority (n= 14) of the respondents claimed that informally
“We need to have a service mentality. Many are busy with and inadequately students' support system is practiced.
personal development, but national development needs to be Some key informants expected the need of students' loan
highlighted”. system and extended students' support system.

While talking about present activities of medical education Quotation

key informants stated following views- “In the context of Bangladesh where gross national income
is low, for many student it is difficult to carry on the expenses
Issue: general perception about 'standards' of of medical education. In Dhaka medical college there are
undergraduate medical education in Bangladesh. many poor students”.
majority (n=16) of the respondents stated, though some of “They need direct and indirect guide, supports other than
medical colleges are doing well, but in general standards organized classes”.
are not satisfactory in many aspects. Many medical colleges
are lacking basic requirements. There are gross variation “There are absolute free quota for meritorious students in
amongst government, non-government, old and new non-govt. medical colleges”.
medical colleges in Bangladesh.
Issue: teaching and learning activities.
Quotes are as follows- majority (n=15) of the key informants claimed that teaching
“In general we cannot say standards are good. There are and learning activities are not satisfactory in all medical
wide gaps between Dhaka medical college and Pabna colleges.
medical college. There is no basic uniformity amongst
medical colleges”. Quotations
“Teaching must be objective based. It is not possible for
Issue: dissemination of mission and outcomes of medical students to learn everything what a teacher knows”.
“In government sector many teachers do not go to posting
Majority (n=12) of the key informants stated that in new place. More over private practice is a major factor for it.
curriculum mission and outcomes of medical colleges and Community based teaching has become paper work not real”.
graduates are expressed in formal way.
“Evening clinical teaching, supervision of clinical teaching,
Quotations bedside teaching, ethics are not practicing properly in many
“It is practiced in informal way and BM&DC needs to stress cases. Resources for bed side teaching are poor in many
on it and instructs on it”. situations”.
“There are some non-academic mission like social, pride, “Only bookish knowledge is not sufficient; social science,
prestige, commercial in establishing a medical college”. behavioral science, mentality, ethics, doctor patient
relationship, empathy, communication are very important
“In a low income country here everybody is working for self and to be taught and learnt in medical colleges”.
sufficiency or well off”.
“Scientific teacher student ratio is essential”.
“In Armed Forces Medical College ( AFMC); course starts
one month before government schedule to provide Issue: assessment and students' performance.
orientation about the course including ethics and english.
Guardian are also called to know and to give opinions”. few (n=7) of the key informants claimed that in general
students' assessment is rightly measuring students'
Issue: students selection criteria performances though there are some lapses and gapes.
Majority of the key informants (n=17) appreciated the
present qualifying marks in written admission test and stated Quotations
that it is a milestone in undergraduate medical education in “Assessment tools have been developed structured and
Bangladesh. Key informants expected to have test for organized in last many years. But practical uses of those
attitude, aptitude, capability and desirability of candidates to tools in assessment are not up to the expectation”.
carry out the very stress full and complex medical learning.
“Biased scoring in written and oral assessment are observed

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education 2016;7(2):9-16.

Vol.- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

and more in non- government medical colleges. In some cases publications only.
'pass' is graced by the teachers, not earned by the students”.
Quotations are as follows -
“There should be fifty percent marks in formative
“Medical colleges should be made autonomous for posting
of teachers. Political factor plays a good role.”
Quotations “Research fund is low in comparison to neighboring
“Assessment tools have been developed structured and countries”.
organized in last many years. But practical uses of those
tools in assessment are not up to the expectation”. Issue: monitoring, evaluation and implementation of
educational program.
“Biased scoring in written and oral assessment are
observed and more in non- government medical colleges. In Most (n=16) of the key informants expressed that in
some cases 'pass' is graced by the teachers, not earned by the undergraduate medical education monitoring, evaluation
students”. and implementation of educational program have not been
adequate nor timely.
“There should be fifty percent marks in formative
assessment”. Quotations
“Quality Assurance Scheme does not work regularly and
Issue: teacher selection/ intake & faculty development. does not report all facts. Reports are in paper not in sprit.
majority (n=14) key informants mentioned that faculty Pair medical colleges are not working formally in many
selection and development are not going on rightly. Most of situations”.
the informants repeatedly stressed the need of CME
“Only financial monitoring is functional”.
program like, workshop, training, medical education course,
seminar, research, scientific paper presentation, for all “Data collection system is weak, corrections and
teachers. Teachers must read latest books and must not go for implementations are weaker”.
any obsolete question.
Issue: administration and management of medical
“Large number of faculty are young lecturers. Students
spend a lot of time with them. Lecturers need to know the art To run a medical college administration and management
of teaching. Teachers' teaching quality, making understood has a great role, emphasized by majority ( n=16) of the key
to students, dedication to teaching are important”. informants and which is not satisfactory in many medical
colleges at present.
“Weakness in teachers will produce weak graduates.
Teacher evaluation system is needed” Quotations
“Teacher selection should follow the criteria of BUET and “There are organized courses for management and
University. In whole world teacher selection is done by administration”.
University”. “Administration in many cases are not interested in
educational activities. They are interested in 'result' only.
Issue: adequacy of resources in medical colleges. Qualified staff sometimes does not get proper posting”.
Some (n=4) of the key informants claimed resources are
adequate eve\ Issue: renewal and updating of educational program.
in the context of Bangladesh. most (n=19) of the respondents expressed that renewal and
updating in educational program are neither adequate nor
Quotations are as follows - timely even in the context of Bangladesh.
“In many places medical college is made over old small
clinic in a market, no separate building for hospital”. Quotes
“Patients are scarce for bed side teaching and learning”. “There is need of more renewal and updating about national
and international health problems, management of climate
“There are lack of modern instructional material, and lack change, management of rapid urbanization, natural
of information technology for teachers and students. disaster, and mass casualties”.
Issue: use of available resources in best possible way. Others: additional quotes are as follows -
All (n=21) the key informants commented that available One of the important key informants advised to quote the
resources are not used in best possible way. Many costly following statements:
equipments are not used, repaired and maintained properly. “Primary and secondary education have great role in
Teacher distribution and ranking are biased and defective. higher education In many developed countries primary and
Somewhere justice is lacking. Research and publications in secondary education are conducted by PhD holder”.
clinical side are limited. There are some personal

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education 2016;7(2):9-16.

Vol.- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

“Bangladesh needs a licensing examination for medical The core of the undergraduate medical curriculum consist of
graduates before starting independent clinical practice”. the fundamental theories and practices of medicine,
specifically basic bio-medical, behavioural and social
“Medical college should be established according plan,
sciences, general clinical skill, clinical decision skill,
because teachers are not purchasable overnight”.
communication skill and medical ethics, which must be
addressed by all medical institutions aiming to produce safe
Discussion and quality medical graduate3. These elements have an
Present trends in higher education are standardization, quality important bearing on the concept of international standards
assurance, internationalization, virtualization, privatization in medical education6. The task of medical education is to
and accreditation9. provide health care18. Though worldwide there are some
difference in socio- economic, cultural, health and disease
Well known medical education quality assurance and
spectrum but there are many similarities in structure,
quality control took place during in the year of 1910. World-
wide known and reliable medical accreditation systems are process and product of medical institutes also.
General Medical Council (GMC); UK10, Liaison Committee Violations of standards or absence of standards in medical
on Medical Education (LCME) ; USA11. They are working education are identified worldwide and such evidence are
for many years in their countries and proved to be essential also stated by key informants of this study.
for medical education.
In-depth interview (IDI) result of this study highly stressed
WHO has intensified its efforts in basic medical education the very need of human factors like- behavioural science,
and has collaborated with a number of organizations at both social science, serving attitude ethics, clinical skill and
global and regional levels to carry out activities aimed at leadership in medical education and in Bangladesh.
improving human resources for health through better quality
education3. The key component of this global collaboration Sweart who worked for FIMC project in Bangladesh states
was the adoption of 'international standards' in basic medical quality doctors deliver quality health care, thus the focus
education and global accreditation of medical schools12. should be on both the process of the undergraduate medical
education and the product of the undergraduate medical
In Bangladesh quality assurance of MBBS course is education . Accreditation and quality assurance scheme of
contributing by BM&DC, National Quality Assurance medical institute ensure quality medical graduates19.
Body, Deans of faculty of medicine of universities, Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare, Institutional Quality Majumder states higher authority in Bangladesh is always
Assurance13. No formal accreditation body, yet. Ministry of concerned about physicians and their service and not about
Health and Family Welfare has been proposing for an the availability of standards medical education. Lack of
national accreditation body which is under way for qualified teaching staff and resources are important
development and implementation14. identified problems in undergraduate medical education of
Results of this study showed that key informants highly Bangladesh20.
stressed the need of an independent, fair, effective national Amin, Burdick report there are challenges, opportunity and
accreditation body to maintain the quality of all medical diversity in medical education in South Asia. Weak
colleges and medical education in Bangladesh. They also regulation, growth of medical colleges, ineffectual
stressed that national accreditation body must have accreditation process, admission practice, stagnant
reflection of global accreditation to maintain the basic curricula, antiquated emphasis on rote learning method,
global standards in medical education in Bangladesh. It is
inadequate clinical exposure specially in new medical
high time to give emphasis to achieve national, regional and
colleges, dubious assessment practice, shortage of qualified
international accreditation of each and individual medical
faculty, national corruption, historical past socio-political
colleges of Bangladesh.
structure, economic advancement are the studied challenges
The concept of quality medical education and global in medical education in South Asia20.
accreditation of medical college started in Bangladesh in
early 1980's. That time Dhaka medical college applied for There are many essential factors needed to make the medical
accreditation from GMC of UK and Dhaka medical college education successful; absence of those factors will lead to
attained that accreditation in15. Such activities give evidence failure of educational program even in the presence of
that need of global accreditation of medical education of meritorious students.
Bangladesh had been felt since long time. Cueto J J, Burch V C, Adnan N A state 'Accreditation of
Prihatiningsih describes, Further Improvement of Medical undergraduate medical training programs: practices in nine
Colleges (FIMC) project in Bangladesh recognized that developing countries are similar that is present in the United
Quality Assurance Scheme was required for achievement States'. Argentina, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mongolia,
and sustainability of desired standards of medical education. Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and South Africa were the
International organizations played a great role in it's studied countries4.

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education 2016;7(2):9-16.

Vol.- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

Yahya (2013 ) states; medical education in South-East Asia selection and faculty development, better students selection
has also experienced many changes and challenges over the at admission, better student assessment in course, better
last few years. WFME global standards can be used to utilization of available resources. Use of global standards
compare the standards of any medical college for will ensure responsibility and accountability of teachers;
development; specially in South-East Asia21. students; and staff. Use of global standards will save money
and time to making a new standards, it's use will earn fund
Ahmed, Elzien ( 2007) studied the use of WFME standards. from donor for institution. Use of global standard will
Study states : WFME standards are considered an essential provide qualified health workforce to community, better
mean for assessing and developing undergraduate medical health in a country. It will ensure patient safety, will decrease
education in developing countries . abroad treatment of patient and will save money. It will
increase foreign students study in a country and many more.
These two studies give evidence that Bangladesh can pilot As this is an exploratory study with small sample size
the WFME global standards in undergraduate medical numerical result is not highlighted.
Key informants mentioned there would be many direct and
Van Zanten M, McKinley D and et al (2012a) studied the indirect benefits of global accreditation in medical
value of medical school accreditation on students' outcomes, education in Bangladesh. Important one is, population of
in the countries of Mexico and the Philippines medical Bangladesh will get better health service. Patient safety will
graduates who voluntarily take part in the United States increase; complaints against doctors will decrease and less
Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Result showed people will go abroad for treatment. This will decrease the
better performance of students form accredited schools23. expenses on health. Medical graduates will get value, honor
and job in the world, even in the developed countries.
In British colonial time Calcutta Medical College and Dhaka Medical graduates from accredited institution will improve
Medical College were established to serve the military health indicators to make Bangladesh a developed country.
people (WHO 2012). Now medical colleges in Bangladesh
are established to serve the population in Bangladesh. Use of This study has also looked for probable barrier to
global accreditation in undergraduate medical education implement global standards in undergraduate medical
will benefit the people of Bangladesh. education in Bangladesh. Key informants also stressed that
there is no major barrier to work for global accreditation in
Alexner Flexner visited 155 medical schools of the USA Bangladesh. Collaboration, joint action and high power
and Canada himself and published his report in 2 years committee can overcome any obstacle to achieving global
(1908-1910) in 1910flexner report1910. That 2 years investment has accreditation in Bangladesh.
given a world class standardization of medical education in
the USA and Canada for the next 100 years and more. It is IMED in September 2014, states that there are 2,409
possible that proposed national accreditation body of recognized and operating medical schools in 180 countries
undergraduate medical education in Bangladesh would or territories listed in the International Medical Education
give same result for about 98 medical colleges of Directory (IMED). The medical schools listed in IMED are
Bangladesh. It is an opportunity to improve the quality of recognized by the appropriate government agencies in the
undergraduate medical education by using this instrument, countries where the schools are located.
'Global Standards'.
World Bank states that there are four identified broad
WFME states it is working for the whole world; for those factors for success in any project24. They are-
who already have and do not have own standards in medical l consistent commitment
education. Any country can use WFME global standards.
WFME basic medical education standards was first l consideration underlying constraints
suggested in 1998, then they were piloted in a number of l flexibility in the implementation of the project,
medical schools in all 6 WHO regions18. l encouragement and support for institutional

WFME has mentioned there are many advantages global

For planning and implementation of national and global
standards of undergraduate medical education6. It is a accreditation in medical education in Bangladesh World
template, a guide, a lever, blue print to develop and to Bank design would be appropriate and a good guide.
improve undergraduate medical education worldwide.
Since 1998 to 2012 this global standards has been prepared
and revised by many experts from six regional areas of Conclusion
WHO covering the whole world; with evaluation and WHO has given a definition of human Health , call for health
adjustment of standards. Use of WFME global standards for all. WHO and other medical educational organizations
will give overall view about development and continuous have evidences that global standards and global accreditation
improvement of undergraduate medical education. WFME are essential for consistence in medical education world wide
global standards has given guide lines for better planning to achieve peoples' health. This study results showed there is
and better organization for medical colleges, better teacher a great need of a national accreditation are essential for

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education 2016;7(2):9-16.

Vol.- 07, Issue- 02, 2016

consistence in medical education world wide to achieve Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie Foundation: New
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